c f ihf trot m', f f tT.ltiij i . IS. A 1 ift-.e j uiit i a r ay (J am , m t - - w . n , . w. w w - ' n a) a r " -at - - J M , - fl i ,1 U tl!, W&J I SHI f, ..9 i. r.jft ( t I'.f Me i j rt i St Uar.k ty Lour! ihiil fifi tcj Id tlif tkttiua f hf!f !f Sll'ls' !.J tlttl larf nlJ, the l!i hr,tf ml ir Ciihi Lrr.ih wl.rn luth tleimii of iKfi(f li , tnJryshsll UliaMe o lh lam r iti. n.t-J aWtnid cut of ihr r ova Itvptfty in J it ihi'J le the duty df tht State' Auoraey fr ihtisld aouo. ty, to (nnrntKi suit ajraiaat tslj jus ., licci, rctutoUf to tht then ntit 5 jp. Har Court for my adjacent county. lcd aU auU aluU U Uulia xaJ Ud at tht return Iffm, ttiri the tald ,-,tourt proceed! to any thf feoaiatii to tha "docket, AM no tviutece SlOlk llin,;ir)g t the I'wU.f, tad ! !iiff lithe IrHfil Mtigttba torn, r-snlr i,"s)m of which, it It undrr. itroift art about h ttomt projjc ir.Mli i " l (VV U S-fi J.Ai.tud,f U k.4l a. Inc. then punctuality wo-iU tit loiur. fr JUwIt. Jif.i.i.t l. D. K.tk. f J, itid th ibOVI IUgtliO0l aupcrSf iffd. Which If fcaptctfuIJy submit join inn tatLqb, -; r. eaowxr, - - . , jot. cAtJiwrttt w. i i in, n c a m r boh, la mm ta m Lr'jf Lit tU rn'1 4 (La M'ui.Uii, Im'te !, If fa aomi v.. , . . 4 S mljtl fcirt UifiJ tkaf am!l U'j. T s4 U it, fJfs tUt TtnjTiM hUi a fff JUai UU jW. U m wg if tUr. fficia la ay lAtjr f tJoiic w IjU. ia Ua tnff r -- i ( , - - 4 av fLU Ut JMi au4 Iff. Mt 8. Taf, of lftclft.tyr lUl Va Ihr,f . u C,t m Iba k.UtyifivM tkUi Oa tl'n'ri N Uli a J ACT mf M a HikftJ UtikuA M aa a af 4ilgtJt-4 ttanr i(mudfs aJ aa VfvV j-tUJiror, tar,M tJT ftf gtiV 1 mtrfk4 ca!Ug af Nav-Tet k accUri- m imM, tmk aa aa ftwfcj aMiit a nrtJyfaet, la Uii tlx ft Wt Laa Wf 4wUt4 a iU 'r-iitf (. "00 tM'docnt, Anf t?iaeacilia jmiprtwiiw aa wum r n tba anr. r r . i - , . . I .. f . ; t wTrT " I r:-TAii!l M UuJuid oa the trhlef laclihH)r-i U kaaU.rftWlitUa.L M ,f t r . f r : Ml9 r"rViln!!lH!jJ Wikal tht dffroJU arrn on the rfaf AtilM.-c H; alon cf it. iw if UU. . malauba tM Ua JZjmUUi-. - as na tt i nrH i a air aainv nai wmw aar - w w " - ii iim a i a a t w m ai v t ma w - -m w- t - - w - i - . . , v.(o i. um, , M.xko, ColomUa, OotiaauU, k. . I HJa tat ia 0 a t.!W aU. f n " rr-'" ' j - - "" alun pau tgJft.t th dcfeodanT, the .Ka 2 a.m. Sail r fiiul to .11 iatu aod Tfj! KiL'f K ! eUdtr tt Pkuio to aaka 7 furpoiti, UHut Ixlnf qoeitioaed or I quctuooaaie is aoyoinrr coua voauimi cr. ABditih.UWtha dutycftSthu clerk of U)t Superior Court, rm&edMand wktck bata ot fcaratarora bet plarfr ulf after tht termloAtloo of tate4 and Ml apart for bttroaliroprottpiaT; . l.a Mia a If . aj L il.k. tera, to Utat tod dtllfrr of i b ddimed. to tht ihertff eooDty wbeN tfit dereduti rti.de, ae rZZ 7JV.I. i' KS It vaieontUftrt da it 1 1 ir.' i r .v. I Mini f from (ha dow Mid, 4 kka f f M,f; " ' rf f w ' lU,lI,t0 U 10 k a aha aa KraLsc y Urtafter ba actj!rtd bf lb. Suit to "lo.r "KT? ,1 U' C8kUUaf 01 fwd iba Uiur HT? M kiTrW a fB.ak, of N.-bam .J Cap Fear, ?'J" TJ FW tKfIaia ltbb k llarfl fa tar nutb a BUlltr.cf katil I WkUa w Jf wuj i im tmmmymi mtgrt aarwf, M a M 471 iftoy oat rtrmi ra olikaut It U aJbier. fn,0,w ,T PMflloUliif otbtra carar itmKlti vlcb li tbt wkjt I frit lUta, tad Urgt titct of bar terrf-l It AMiTal am a 1 iif a uwt AVyklVt4 WIS ftJIV JUULUKUI I afl thin to tba duty of inch aheriff. with. I ZZriliJlITrZImriJiZJZ dtbllkaOof . Via x- . - j..'.r... .,. r. ,:ii- fj " - -" tu, .u.rr.-MlBr i. tk. Ut IU rroattM trktartctlbt MartU- Atrr tba moat dua on auch t utat on . nv; i .1. 1 ttolBiJoo at loo buit animal beat, or o I itr Uu la CompUla afi la iba couMa-1 w and car It ottr 10 the ch.irmia of iba f-rui. -Mh. k. tK. Jld al iKrf lttl AatfiU of M o;Ubt body, a aad Drotattloa) nutif Mtroea Urmt cooatr acbool coam!iaioer; under U dlroctad to be paid hiio Iba PubUe UI f ,nr' the tAaJtT of daflArt 1 tftd Trt.iorr t .U mmU raid to tbo Butt f0,f W V.'!11 ..h.nU. In ana InW. Ml af ..: "n fa 1tbtuMcnn...ilinippWlbiold w..eo money U.arda defraying the .cho.I ""o- 1 f-vt U.:. ja,Mflvll4 ifeB M.rrh. .coll. ,.rW af P,an..!..hU. U .k. M5ur ipia . r ? s - m .a - m . 1 111 ni 1111 muM u a rm 1 uwi m w w iim-m . , . rrrrl rX. V'-r UU br tUa f utt 10 certain Chen,ka !. ' knbeo tne ra Peciioo. foftoMtt gl l0 WCOf ef Mn inio wi.,w.. wDl dUot fo. rtrt.tjona U laad creJ loI"X". tkait aI T aaal . . ' . . ....I ml.1 A IiVav aa 1 J, The. chairman kchool commnKf ra( taay at i- . . ; Ume tialt at d.atnct achoal within bi ttctUti from tba United Statca by ibla tt. I . ; .; :' -hittowty, arMl malttayr order;. Wtta tva' of U tka'twant aad uoara- "."i" ckaoUdfament ioe t - "fuleorrtgulauoo forW itpttrBrpi prUtadS.m?landAUlbliSutekto5eth.. jf I ' HfcSSi Vi About thirty ar forty yrara tory bordering ao tbt tutt of KaryUod, Tkf ,tmlT,mrT lU f Net .1 I Orleani f iba lib of Jantrarr) aa eaUbra. ,1. 1. . fvvsnmm w turn mm iw ivumiNiini " . w I Ult aotne Mt wrHtra eoodnj, . . . . . . . - ' e ftTaitafUle. In tbla W.Tfci - otlart It dl 11. ' - "u" o-ora. . tJ ' w - " 'i - mmurj vui. a aa papcra 01 apeak to tba moat' tnraptart & . boawty and brLTlatcy of tbt tbt rom to tbtrt.M tbt Ball aa bcli Tbo mpletely coooptad Jtb tbt gled U&ber tfettaofied wb " military cap, fc albert, Ice. tod atoddad. : jokb brigbU'tliitetibf tnUt,'rofd, be. ' Tbt cc&,'do doubt, vat yiry prt( ly cannot olibatead J I aneo, ara Alrofc j eaaei la I o chdol.ouiter or fxptll ..tchcW, in .JUJtrtntitt iMtamoma -uuL .......,k.,kJj M..u. of monor wblcb batt accrued aioct ba n una lut khvw yuiiti h iwiVli ... . a . t . I . .1 1 1 i - 1 nrat oar 01 jvoTaraocr ia, ar w may 1 r, or toy cd. on thr bchilf, may Uereaftir accrue .1 -Jbrculd. ab.U u Wt k.T, mum I . . ' . ... .. . .. I etna lit a Iftera or traaif. nen tnt aw aum aneiir . . T -----a 1-, - rrr.r.TJaiT. WAT. rt ti-... .i-fi..l... 1.:.-. .t..ltv and imMaJfiv a but a anahaet If la la fffQf I lal IV1 ICUmuiluiKHfllllTIi iuii ' - " ' rt plant Twat tonrunawty oav tbt noortat t5.dia.ns cftirma of ut fair daojhtert I - a.l.. M . &.aAA f I AT ff m aa. a ' thereof, and every order, rule or rtro. tr whb inch tumi of money at tbt Ua- B," Wfflamjr ; tuwumtta,! ortKinerritoryTfrota tkk 1 vox 0Ftf a ww uaa m UKir. lation ao made abaJI be 6nil iod con- tort may nareaiter noa 11 coortnicoi 10 ' I .aaWrr t wrrrnti L u tnaouracturtt, rbat'tnakta ticeUeot ..ws. v. w.r, - clttiite.Treltti where he diamiatet ppptoJmitofttotoe. f.Awr, iimttw.- . -JUnuno.PtnaJ i I madoiiSotiMnment.ajMaaEedaJlnbo "'r1 tbo ayettarUIo piper. baro vltnctaed it, tbat tbaro la no dootu ".- 1." ' ttii-i- aaaarv a " winwiw( sailor oa aa mocja aatlaCactlon tt u comet our frrfffot, u It apparently dote bin) to detect na b to error, to re tard to tbtdecltnaturof tbo Iter, Mr. lendartd COLD MVfZ.1 Ule an appeal to tbo county. Khool Mdlk Mmiihm otniny fimUbed, by M. tut tbo wai will anawer ttery parpoM .. . .. - . a i. .nrtt. Ljt.l . . .. ... . .. r i toat it aoorua commiaaiooera whoae dectiion ahaUl.rTwsrr.K. K,.,..iK.fUf JnwU.r.f .h.lfro ilrx a., c.i , a .j .v. .k.!.... .L.nl. .1 . ... m . li. . . . -..Itoea. w auai nsu hiu man iuaa auan i uproraa vOUH, trie pf lier 01 int OCDaiO, i nf cwspai ia anx mnuy. wr toa pvpw nut by wail tJoreaajcl to tha clerk and tbt Treawrtr of tbo State, for tbt , a aw" .t.-.. u .v. . tv. i. . ... .k- .,,.jv Co, of tbt dtrrtt of - D. D fcbmo wMan m a wnaiaaaan aa mm a a aav aa am aa j wi fywaaa) ai a r . , 4 -. : i - i I .t .-!! ... a .l.i I uopt of a wKrr nan a r 'Andlfitihail.bedeemeJ neceV carporatt and ponUc, under tbt narw of . , - 6 - jOrtU.- from .rryln,f tho t4er of Wa decaaaed "em inen.wo wcr..wicf tnp. -ro ony auchV.sitat!ao.tJTi meetiot ! Preaulefil ami Dweioraof Ibo Uter- -xt i jihhoat t hara aot tb kotr U bei.r nifet tbla U it aoema, ia raVraarto Wfl.wMM Ret. Spencer II. Cono cf Moanry..chl.commU.b0er,: Jt fSPT of the Wnd-bd Unt. of tbu gtU to eunuoo any w.tne.t oath, con- ri0()l pAndto aell.di.poae wtbdat. take, tboi Battty to .daW atatej wboaa affectlona cannot bo oren ;edB "m b;?eBd . cera.ng oojr matter then ind there on- impro;e.tbe aame.lo effect tb jX.aT?., Ill rfrhrSI fcfd to tmel beyond tbt limlu of tbi CoHejt tbt Ret. Wf . Car, to tbt derxooMdcTitioo, tocb chairtnao aba!) BnrooV!t er DmmoUnr learning, and iha iT '-w o.'.. . 7 'T. jTVr,"? n.:M.tAn -f.l.k .... Km k1 man I And wo art gUd h baa tamed oat aw.unuisi.cr iuuioiui, iuuiiiu(nwii inatnicuon ot youin. i na uofcrnoranau bya hna a pieca of waa round, about beta knowingly' tod wilulty ant were be praala'ent of tba Board, and. any. three twaaty year ag tbat weirWd 28 poand inlacly to n material oueation, he or of tbt Director aballconatUutt a quorum wbkbwae aald at tba nunt, Mutadelpbia-jand - htr.Ki1I gullrf of pfrjurt nnd, lia. ? V Uti'' .l0 SfbSIM'. - We to all the peoaitiea thereof. , " I 'a n noaenceoi tna 00t iipglavwbal pwt of tba atate of li: F.r Caanta'Cnnrt tnivr-ai.lWBfwr ncr fuuwuiy w,fir ionn uroUM ae nat ba iocaita, I am in iKTSf the bigiaiftg or end of thefear, P,n,. R"1-1 l6e fi!?? f"f ' .v t 7 .1. -lacnjce-.Tbef thallcaDse toboleptby tbt m-jynty l the Juatwca being on the .f .k. c....-- ..i..!..'.' .... herkh,-raake aame reaaonablo allow. of, luch-,uroi 6f moMy M mj. beon one.- to iu chairman of tbt county , ,ha ua fond, iht manner Inwbkbibe achool rorniiia:oncra. I aama baa been aDDlied and vested.4 and i"5. "T&? rlerl oFthe County" Court they ahall make an annual report thereof thail act as clerk and keep the account to the LeeUIatare,' with aucb recommen of the county acbool commiisionert dation for the improvement of tbt una, "Tor MaTounry f and eterrahcrinhall aball-acem orpodienU. j promptly aer all ,. oatkea, br the r - t.itwrlktr aaaM, 1 bat tha Tree- ;,1 1 chairman of the school coramiisionera ldent ,nd P"10? ? th,fool he "rriTrtTK-kt ' ---....4. - created ara authonaed to teat any part or . ue u""r ner,n " any of the Banka of thia State, or of the any iwywfmniwiw Bucn UPited.Sute,or in tht PtOC pf tbt Got- 'Lf nervicea ; but they shall be conaidered ernment of tha United States, and at a11 ;ns pan of the extra sefyices for which times to chanRo, alter and disposa of tbt County Courts usually make an allow same, and of any real and personal estate ance. "!" belonging to tbe aald fund, in-auch man aessment and coUection of a tax for the proTe ,he Vilu, ,hereor. , f . piupvilttidtfraxingthe expense of i. Be it further enacted. That the fund ; t ., . . . v by . iUe underaignd. . under a - belief. Hmction of such cbilrlren ar it may here' a .'! a a aa- 4 Ia . . ' r . . a, . ' duced Xi'trt'ibW ywr witk-thia aamauaica. uoa. aa I t'xtit tbat a dirctim le tM actuia; aMfatrata ot uoncenL-er lkDarru, wothl nvt a . at af a .a, o ar ject of tbem i a bill bis, to consequence, M wr Wi WW,J' M ,Da m nm' been Introduced Into tbt Legislature of fr Utter opinion cf Mr. Ciie,tbsn tbe that state, to remote tbe obnoxious pro- " declinator" Mr. Or la calculated to klixiw " r- r. Jnipirtr- Bat tbo H itrtctitmr, Jesvea tbo Troitea of Williams College to as on- Jimfs C Spean, of Cabarrus county, lentiablo a dilemma as eter j-.tbe indir. Nato W. Ate n nier of do. and TbosT T, tiduals on 'whom they wonid fain confer oaiy rtach tke reniUman to boa 1 am wiV DaVis,' of - Wilmineton, baa been' admit- their corporateborJort Itbr 'deem ibo ur, nui i tw nonra uh n vguu int r--- . .. o ' . i.... .w iv. . .......... hroodoeaa toacqoalnt i Mr. ft4 of the followinr rea 10 PrClt law in me cuperior vouna vun -.i w. matter, ai it cuit U creatuaOy beacficiaJ ta of tbis ttste and Washington Morrison, I themKlTt justly oeemea oyibo puoue nrTt .l.1?'0 of Mklenh-ur. A. H Ebrlnehaua. B. L. aa unworthy to wear them.' . ? oeuroua --.. - i - aa well u Mr. RckL if tber were hafUif tha foU isinea of theu country explored 1 Ridley, I- N. Bennett and W. B Street, of M Cato" abaQ g la aeit week. ' t a l mi i . . . ' I in cepw ot adenine mtnara. at ma eiuenae ot .. . . . i. a. I Emri aaaWaJEataUl k. otTrta(L4a aa UUAliL5",e"' J" . .IH ,e u'TO Jtcu t Mn Raws, air; So take bla Cobl'kflna- to ti- flcenkf d tt practise in the county cMrts,"p"ftfr ta plore, oa a leaaa of aioetyuna yearaj and to . -,)j.nJ t ,h,B heretofcrA named in r,w' Of CwfaAaaaiathaartaf thaUr allow kiaa a leaaooable dthe. ar a artain per ,n fMiUon 10 thwc Mxa W rf ,h,u diaidinf the atale bate dia. centaira, out oilha CoLL or any other raetal our paper u-icta for tba cleattoa of members of Congrtaa. .L- rl . . . . " 'i?T- .": 'r' ' Tl - . 1 11- I.J !.. k. .m.. t ..m.TI. t.n.l. r ti w wrrm mw u j. w;j a trareller say tbe Gov. had refuaed bia tignv tura to the law and we were (as we thought ). . V that anifhtba fouad,uaa aoaohjir.eiit to liimaelT lor an wofiune oa ba KTOuad. similar to a ra- cent enfagemeat that aome Mexican f et.tkmen nave entered into wit- edguatenea-t-ntef' priae..for workiaj-.tkrir mint. And if Mr. keioYoF aapetkar-aaAleaMa iayour.coiuiti7 who bate dweovared Cold on their Landa, will oe aa libera) to me aa toe Mexican genuemen have lately keen to Ensrliah caDiUUfta. for work- wr; " miaea oa their hade, I will therefore un dertake to ba the tneana of foraunr an exten- aiva Slininr rrVabllahinent in your countrv. at thep.n,pf,Engr.ah eapiul, which .will' not "n" PeoJ"" rr"v7 w'm inner in which thia discotery wax first voewe.Aeaaaoj matungtnat par, as isonn- cajangojconyenuon.-w kKm.m. aauiri, known, ratnot novel, andamackX tBnuinri Vatm niMinstnanaw nmiuirv. ot ine srresii . .a .r.av. a. ..a. r- ai i . - apr a m n ... v- ,h... if l ..a4.i.,,i. atiniiM -A .fi.. K- .r,;.n h. tha it.i.. .;M..T " ' " .k. " Z .ill'J SII k.T. Uon to use in sense oi ino irvc on me I a uttie oi oinoaoism.- A person pwugo- -v-- aaaaaai a a.,.a ,ui Kivaatitaa y jyiiivwv fivav y - - r i ' w h" T " VI Dlfjnvj iUv lltAB sail aaaavc au i . ; . .. . a, , a j .a a ' aa j . I. j . aeaw, by tVealern ;orin-srouna out,-";-? r: - . ceaanaaieato ntia to nr.neio, anoto ouargeivi ica . tUM. . v. ,vR rt0B,nmellt tbat the : loadstone bad I wwen WUO Raj JUITC ItlUIMl gVH.l wtu . aietara. W Philadelphia. mreonnexloa in tha West of ErkUnd. Corroab Miner by prefeeeion, and have Taluablo ar. fn.. our leof esentstif e in Con- CCWEXTJOy -- ThecommitWof the Virginia Legis-1 ftrensnhened to our belief; by seeing tba (act lature, who were directed to inquire into auted la tha JUlcJgh ywesv tbeexpediency of calling V Cwentioii' to V, , ,4liTT rut. a.rrrr 'eiae the constitution of that state, have We have been informed that Soadttone made their reportf-concluding-witb-o possessing all- the common magnetic res'oiuTion; tolskt Xbt mjatotoa, to.ftaundio great abundance to , . - ... r ivocainroam couniy ni inia oiaic a utmost enraeouence ta the auceeaa of plea-of reading, writing and arithmetic : the tj 'item, that the pecformance of the ?d whenever, to the opinion of the Lb duttMaaigned to the jualices, ahnuld PuUur tba h"7e.v.Mffi' lion, b;nce ihe neglect of those dtittes Csinttenari ptoportlon to the free white ,Ha..x wiw wuuiy.wouiu atpnea parai; popolation of each, to be managed and iZc f vii y movement a and eojointog lb ppHed to auch way ia .tbe Legislature perffrriKttneef --publie duty -at the- shall hereafter authorise arid direct. - .aHaMaaaaawaaM' perif uf private reipohsibiKty."Tra4but 'vt , ibUvijnffitifi spiriui lawa alreadv in V i bkk: sjrrsnff. - dft&o'&W session of , rcmi uy aaaivncu iu ine scneoi-mastcrs, I ine ueorgia acgiawure, a resolution waa rMiHi4ns prc&umuuon iriat tney I lniroaucco, picuiuB; me loiw oi nm trouin lor tne most part be dependent l-' in layoror weucTar aCTaow-r-ane tin on tbtiraalarieal aolt-lv. fnr rh next Presidential election, : . A substitute tual mears of subsistence, and that to this resolution waa offered pled .nv rielav.'to the avr-nt of Aem f"h of thatatate to soppjrta Jeffersonian -..t : I candidate" at the next election, An am tathiatoMr.Beid. and to other gen- less iiocrai loao . w. ..., ,it0B,ihmeJrt that tht loadstone bad ardefc K?aMeSuA lsb,ure Pcrtin'lc5o,ii,, efu, t0 clTe th" '"ken possession of It, and embraced It ao Wa,liTeaomakwwledfcme,and SancUon. : . . ; ' ' Wrongly as to require considerable tXtT aioninthe Wat of Ertand. lama ;; t-; - ," 1'. v tion-tOtXtn H ' 1. i1" '. ' ZtLCar. -rnicKt pr y ruinous. i ".'If l;cever the-wisdom of tht Le- mated.discussion . ensued, when the time for tbe legislature f 6 adjourn ne tfiV bav- gisl.tmsah.ouW adopt other way and ,$. aiapBed, the legisIatureTadjbiirtied mear s for defrajring "the expenses, without indiciting-its opinion on the sub sach as creating ajpermament fund, jeet. ; ttlllU. im III. .imi.Ii munrwimm . . . .. T . . I 1... .... : .1 W 1 ... I k I . i 1 aaratoa aoAOt to br your mobtr kimkm i gr iwB ... ..... iujtu. Ar tnat. . 1 La had heen detnined till that I . In a late case, at rbilaoeipnta, one oi the jurynren died after agreeing to a ver MATTHEW THOMAS... P. 8. Should you or iny.othpr gentleman fee ind!gD05ition. : In a late case, at Pbiladi fnclined to write me en toMorth.Clina,baveibe aodneaato djrect to aaoca.toOooartfatbew bya Ouildinga, Old Street, St. ufte'S, Lonaott. 4 aWvOAava avia-iM w vvia i aa - that tbe .Legislature of. that state wiirnot ... adloutn mut h! be fore the 1st of March, j TboPensacola (FloridaV Gazette, Xtates 1 Should it not, the aeswolf wilfKIve Be Carolina tk.t lh. J!rf im HW, wklch 1 Indi- rtoullhre. mown long. BurvKjuu n rem - gnoul to tb.( TerrilorjPi eq.li la ieiuly . trt I " J h tubjecti which lii- j J( the finest impprfai Bf shogany. A Mr. nually come befort.her,representatives, eTerT veise havingsueh person on board, tt . ' " s m a. i . Maa sTawmt-sn i r - - . i a i.xaa araae-ata nea ... . - ... aa - 01 liickerj of ensacolabaa manutacturea a in -arDerB nncmuij hiu.., ... mg$t jie oH; mt ieas- ,5W jmi v 7 number of arUdes of household furniture cowequencef be weighty -and important, whawVand' toad and onload IreM from tbia wood, among which is a large andjejmnifcndW 'A "