f tr.r Tu r tr. n .r cr; nrrn:fii t I ; r- ! I .r t -ft: a - it '3; 1 1 I: I:- rati! it. vtsti. VUn A. m Hit f r V; IM Wfai f t l ft VUfMS f ' Uf U-i tj U b -e IV mm4 M T HM iilett'lU Mbf I AM U -Jt f fcf t r Ik Oa. V krt sf ik fW 04 14 hf. ' - Af '-h Uf iali,'4 t 4 iVn ;, W , hy t,riru af U4nn kW. tW JLhLahl ewy M alia 1 k t U rr. 44. I wf Witf at lte il A if l it b film- 1 i" my - 14 I i I I'. I ! ),, Na) ,, "It It I t'iff l f.t'.ff J ifitl'li it ! gritt n'ijriii thuuij Luft Lift lir-Wtdt in J t?a harJtil lite fUa diwa lt i!t ,U rarliej tluhf" New Tt It'rti irfKt! trjr in. low! to K5 eff Mi Uf')f'rf.fi iV.ui ve!can't hjtthUirroi- ef wv fat),. af tt a lis , lUrt t toaarnNI a- - - tt ., " ; MM f"'w tmrt. Tha fVtht CfW, Wk traaaaart l kit 14,1 Taa, T MMf . kf tt Mrtf Ml A gftni pm aWl ba, tWite I J n . fk Mf Ts tlttf-lad, etl eda,' ' tr. erWd tie eejat- at tke fot, Ad k ftlUl tS fUf tkooklrf kMf. lrEM 7enrf f4iw4 fi J & tmn4 !HupHrt M tVt Nwb 1 L4 pap, fV Vtl, u2 I rkU, u A. I kt of 4 to U lf !, ra tu ! m m rtiur f Kcrv jro lf Cfk,M totiiorMS - JIU bMig cmJS U la IgtiL . . . . . n count, ;ck ! omm Imm wr m (m n UrrilW prv&ct'xM U si - 'I i;;-iU1 Jtl!l Uncir'CtrJ) fit tnfj up, Ii-cltJ it 0i jitfjff. iKf UoVd H ht ptuntf KtlrJ full rouri.1 tt4 TtK)fr J " m'x ftlif f, iitH sir bick 11)4 In f3t tf Mm id, UmUm U.1,'.m1 tuiUiotocftl tins. frtf iny itH cH tthmkeMr, thf my fnhtr Qvtd tck tevcnl itrp. tad ito4 lookier g him r uh voir. trt too bvtjr for twmtitfw," "Twa in ipoilwf totir lolif bit Tern o! txn thi huirr, Ia ei fn, or k-ij,", ni J my falhri a4 M left bin, liutil far m tht eppef ojU iftop, m wt turrd the tonxr, vi fccirt! Ion bcitlor tih tl hit might, ! aiktif mori aotM .ihta tajr bod; u im . i r : h w r. NdM'f.jfw,, J. ft P'W, rfWfMS, 1 1 11 y mr4l ! imimmt IVu A Uit'.M J- a A ibju , A44 i W. Mm J K, A, KrjM tot. t!rvU AaM a4 . III Jif ', J - ? 4, !' .ra i I A. Ut AU tJdMf A f!.r I . ' : -.. I It . f ttr- IICLLUNEOL'H.' 4fkiH TUa feOavtef rtkla lua.1 b. tata, W pwUvhad la Nnnl ratctoUa f . . pfn natLwvm m U tr cafMa. w aftAaa to aaj. d 'Mr THcmla iM anbacrt- arv . 4 taTAf kitaia, V A Trkt wJih thli till hii Urn rt ccutly publUhcd la Entlinal. It ii JeilTird to counteract the mitchicT cui Tofioeoce of cliti of men. bo A tnalaiaar Udtr i'icontti br qmthr ef tirr a rt ioHki tf ib trth, about II kirucl from ComdnhA. CoIonWa, South Amtrki) whkfc Mi laa Id i rartMr lUTti'lratloft. la rttah or Mck li ibi dtKOftr offmr or fv m tv mlMi, Lk promlU l U Jo 1 - a - . . tinaqaiibM. un or tbrt Klna M tfUKar4 kr Mr. PanUl W. IW n AtncrkaV toartbant NatJlQf'arCuquIm bo, ko vtl tiiilf to obtaia- (raot M vork k fbr ! ova m. Tki raul clear, a u a poor eua, aai btta offer! Mr tj thoauod doQan lor U allrtr aJtacor red aim, at It Uj on tka Ttun4 Piopla win ilocklni 'frVm Cuirolo ta truat (or aiJftr.and U otber buatnau wit catirelf af;!icu4. - -1 - - , , vr omjk era or scrr. ' It an been nkataied, that objtett ir UIMr "Th Tflirinrr. cf "J,8t!mti tlcir diamitert If Urd b? jr perfect It OrtatJiad. and thraurh tha rnmmon tnec'iuilj of commott dttHit eauallrtll Xavifrf tU VA vtt 1 t:Li tliir it IM I itaaj A t-jcumr f , rvanU 1 , t " diureaM SalA'i aiUatKa l tUoarti aa Carut frtfldl Wl tool lUrdW fnrt.,KJ ' Ftl tatfftcti I Vcaea'i report, I ji tw toll CU4 oa tilt I Uorir'i tuU i Tot w " ler oa nacatUaif taai k LafretH cvkaa rrporti 8tej.hwa oa rtiadlof iWe KjtJj fitaekitoaai A4iai oa lUcimeati aio L Z t: Uoofiai dofcmkri fiiAaaaraooljuMt bfaaf Maottfoa on Uaai I toa. caciaa) ti I IM r.U B(iin JwUt C'tBctf ! laa u'MMaar aoy atjur . 4 te.tr!4, 1 it-iwl ar iutr.To. , wriLAT lUlSuCt;!. , ' ' TVa aWlr UUf tWI .ij UitM aa iVa Ut tn af Wtikf U;tiy k L4l ntmri kt imtrt lUka i ika k.i t. M ft - a4 rrw a4 ktjrl Wait U ka. Ua ft UW it i3 a rtfu ji- MTtrnivnttfL aa fe-tt. u. , iv aaa i - -- V -saa.; , - wr.tJtT mt4-Di. .mXfl.r?.U:J. .ljr. rAa Mora " t"4rUt - - t on iildanca I BatCArla oa crimei i I oca I Jh rtra. Ha'l M.I I Pal. 00 ( PvaatJ oM'1 iFLiL eoolractii lUkmwe oa )arr lier- T.'ryj aoiridifewi MuO'iff oo pntthpt ryii NevlalMl (aotroctlt tfd 0 tX. K. fWt Tattntoa'i repru ttmOof d id teiaot Je tHl DfUaaaai0'ilV Ixrac ooaakltla af ika'ifcd carrier .fkU'l reaueiii I1 pim la equity t ArcUotd'a rocika doi j tiui in pletdbf da. ka crlmUil pteadiagi rut rummi rkla oteadlrif HatMocri tbancery j TVoawa frlpa rtuJiipo ivucacci iiofftoaA'a pmtka UUknoof .t klur'itrimlaJU.iMftort , tr?.f?!,i ' lodf a I StKaerd,i toocavoDa i Salki Id'a lITrlr . ttportil CoDtxri JutiknUat.JUoar oa jrm r.m tefacioii SupaeaiOnpleadiAg. Mr. Uk " TaabiiaaWrJ4ra 'iL itroog oo (avert ftinttr oo the bJoodjtrkt'fi Mumt'i tcuuria nodical Baldet nor l-h lunk bid aaatotat k 0U ba alcan l flaieroao'a KWUil llarrie yoopali tkacroA oo (cm Arerin'i ', .j racttcc Uaac oa tka ckit Oopr'ajj- m t(tnU torrrrt t BtbarrTi pbrtlolotT I Hmoot'i m. iw ttnr dJcUooarj i frJuraucopiA of laa V. Sute a 4 A Mt?. PhilBp! irjlryi SvfdUni oa phlUlat a ,wtUa -llamlltooiottrtatlmi BeU't aoatom JJI'i -BlakUooliopalti Parit pbarrnacopta a;,. 1111 oa diattSen r AmerlcBa a'hpetniTo t m 4MCrL RCRVCI, M. 0a Hatw4ai aX. oKara akaaao A oljax. araam a Wa I aasaBraaaaaaa-MB-Mai i iar ma i laaiiiaM-aa-MaajBTararaa-ajafM . , , ...jmw,,, tier til t vriTvit IUI1 mi n4rrU I K.u mi ft Tin r I a iniuti datHHil aauAlla l(..inhiMnM, n,,.,. . . I II T.M AlIU m tka roaMimcc Btweaw, diffawd frrrn ik. , . d' . J.I. nl.?. ill" .T"l . Xl J.ta-, laa III aeaary, I - - - j aavati i i u VII I or viva a WI lUNViMlli a - a . auaeerhat ftoraeroua in Great bot in PP0".100 " lhi comparaUa de aaaa aau -a Britilo. oad we oot wholly oniuowa "I" ? J" t .V - .a tbta tha ej i. tha power of teehr tt at io thia couutry-wa moo mca .ho, , bti aiunttti 7i:f 'f ponioo ai it U let., h oill U tborteiel loir. Hate becotne lohdelt. Im Htl. v tUk . ktir.Ur t Uki lie it coo frfr It one of thla Clael. m 'M At . I 1 f . 1 A. IM KHUnOfl Aocura acjtiaon poitooa. BJua AWWer I MUCopi. , Tob p-a . Bock'itteolotcic! dictionary Coopcri Charlca Bktekvtkkr aemoai Era-lla yi do. Uanao&t of tka i BUcktkkr Taagelu:i,Broem,i biUa dictJonary h"tl..'- tawiru ov. meciwqj. rorojcf a r"c. Omit Ctratni moni r Dclfrtj'a addnatci i Proudfit'a ) wium VwTurd vorkt Saxoia reit t ria and proerrett t Moor Cockrao Otlrrim't arorreil i coortrtitkrat m the Ktaahuk (3uarta tint 001 buodred timet at far aa can tier-'udjitherakilrul in ditputatloo j aea tho aaroaxoal cailoct bf.daiUxbtt bar if at aor time the argurornt U like. I tod - the diff,ereoca: It proponlooattly Jy t j ro igaioit him, bit way li to I gte hetoeea looking out of in abtcora bible j chnttUa monli Wbiu'i reraaint, -"nry ,vwl befio hammefiof a ahoe-ooJe, trtift nwin opoa oojeeti in wnawne,taa tool- Enkio'tMrmortattairrowoftaacbarcbi 21 "TV r." . iuch lodoitry and uoite.tbt all fur- Ir rrom Iio object! la aa ob- ehriatlta world Boaton'i fourfold ttatei IbrahU r , ther reatoobi li ia ain," r66ra, ' BrownV eat Liana t PaJtr't 4heolop;y c. JoU ciflea 1 l Trart. thla infidel eohbJcr ia ' .' " . " ' DoddHga on rettaertlioa f Jeok'i deo- IL jfaka II. Uardj contraated with reipccuble Weaver, ,A tTO'r10Mf,'to,eD!e, ,B.e,r ,lo,,., Blenell Buck ajrorki , t b. ;Bf..rmI J,00l?l which, although drawn br a aia- nWi acrtnooij Brovo'i dintolty Bltir'i U V.VJX gla hor.pruceVroir furrooi. The aermboii Jotephui' Wotli Bibleif fit- lioo.kod Ir a piow mtn. wecopya agricultural locUtf of tha counlrt hu pre- ttmenti Wnt'i not prayer booki, .part of the account or a toorerntion atii blra oWafiold medr wd varlooi other work. A - Ut wren -.Tom and the -WeaTer, io ';l--:rTr.-i--'-'"L- rAirtm whichthe former, tttacki the uiblc. - ft it mrntioned in a lata Lorxion piper, ButleVi Hudibm i .Elf lynopili beouie the mlraciei which it reeorde that Waahiegton IrVine it in Patia, wr. Carpehter-t guide r tennera aoUquitici j are; he' eiprettei it, contrary to Hng-acolfiaionof 6toriea, which art ata. artiol waricUatlcattiictioDiry iCibton4! the eitabliibed ordeir ' of nature." M by i cotrefcpiohcleBr,- who hta ptrtiied aurteylrig, MiTton'ihbrkl ) wirrligace- 5ew.Tork Obaenrer. I tome oi ttem, to oe much mora raurett- remoniet Pluttrcbh uveti Cook'a ore- For rov cart. I think the lawi of DC thaB D7 7et pubhthed by blra. r cleUarwitritooOonf Cba!mertorki; iamre .re fixed and determined i we fc ... . ' . H-'k'I economy qnt'dkUooary j Ot " a MJL. J I la a ra mm.. w f w a . a a a . . . r.t i I. ..j vrorriVi iOltlt a BOW in. iareir lalana natmmt Hrrt -.MVer..new any oi inero a.rc , a.u , ' . . . . - ; r - -. - - ) nwy, iwd. it ia more 'probilte ihat"men"ahould t inftntry Rcida, J. WUSaat Jmt ioLm Jakaatoo Kt Richard ting , . lanrKaatfc M. Vobcrt MaiWy lob Miarahlaaer , Caariea UcTtMf . WitTkMO Ue'CWir. WiUiaat I. M Kta 4 Pater B. MaCachraa Dr. McXtt Jmaa McCalcba ' Ilagh i;McCalebe -Y P. haSHid Pharr I'riah Page Daid ParrJaaa ' kobert T. PkinkrtJ B. Ana . Ham 8. fcWurd a Bktoa Samutl ltrn Catharfda Sklaa Hrary floutw - ""Joaruh Wgl John C. Hajrr Faml "bmn . tfuha Itunvnr .. -t NalhaaWI aima Dr..JoU P. JUmW.JI-rh Wallace . ' a a 1 tt' - Taiibaatu. Harm uhtmu-i n uiiua . J. Oflrtf Johnatoe iohn Toman..:,: ; -; D ATTD TOltK E, P. WV M. B. All trxwa iadaUad to ihia cCcc for ftewt-peper and trtWr atag plaa to mata par-nant. w. w r. w M ilHaa lUtkr Jonattan FUnuhu 'iHaaoluUcm v r IfpfU enrtTtA'a lrtef ti'r M I dr IMlmaf Wrtl fc Brara, U lii dr kr fetxtital ea. - " ' KiUm kHr takaaj tie taJ karW aaatd M4t tM im af WaH K fryt. rata kit are ikaala to tka k r. araMtwtiMtawvtmftftMaii kj L, batt to kafrrf-at tWat rWl ka wwtiara aa h Md triai-i aw tU tUrlaat oatk, aad ka UW aaaat VwkraaUkl aattfi a3 kia a CanUftl, C't jt, Suliryi, tfe, aad Ut Vf mnrt atU aa U4aa aO ta avr4 a avLa patrgf. . iii.taixw.atr. . IfextorAgt and CommUilou MVlLVtJLt. . X af COHLU t IaV CMtVJT, at aw 4 aa baft; ami roT 1 oo OWaca a Ika kWrd atart ttrra aaa kM. uAaw kad fraaa tktir mutn Irtattda. Tb av ry aaaai vm atkaa- axuu a-4 aa. toair te tktrr taiaa; Modcraia ta4 adcaA. a Jl Wa aaada a a ?pitU. acfa UaVaLaiLjif fbrPraduf alio ad to Hair tdJrrwr"" - , Allhoaaokaara kadektad to theeaAaaiiJwfa. er toaaajaaa JUaraava, are espectod to arake aajaarat the ewaiae; aaaon. - . - rta4a, Arcy. in - J. TaaWa . IfflllB aub-rriher twxrfutiy bfartm kit . W. WVTi II triraK and aU a?, tiial k baa uUta 0 afcofi IraxTj eccopkd by Mr. prtrr Kridrr, -w Uia tirtti, a fcw d.wn aor-b et tat CeerU Haaa tirtf ba haa aiaad a ihos fur thw uawlaeturiiir f 00n .MT) oiTOCi af M kUda. HaiRf Juat racattad a atw Stock ef the hot rbiMth'KTa tAar, and ai tha aaaa aanr Trimaaifira. ha (rb aarraawdia aaxtriaar tha TMhka, tbat k oiB ha abla to da ifl kindt a? vark ka bit Km af Wain la the aaaat aaew atantUl auancr. lad after the awe appwttl baliioaa a tka day. AO eadan tW watk, ehbar froaa iba atlfiiWWd, or frwa I dufaaca, atuS ba atactd tk aWtcat adica.aad -r hberal tcnua. The mblie are itM-ad to rrvw hwMWafcoaabirtml - UCXRT aMtTU XiSUvf, tan far, 1821 . 2aat91 KkWktaaawavbto atadita 'A he CBtoaJaJ to rrapowaible eaaUxnara. . w ; . JSVTIC& .UL; OTt the Taaaday af the Court ef Iredell eaantv ia Ptbfwary a at, efl tha icWoioa; moU ka U tbe town at atateariDa, wiQ b told at tha court -booat ia StafrtriQ Pcnona ciainv. inr lots for hkh tka dctU bat a not beca re corded and rrritcrr ara aotiftcj, ibt eatret tbry produce tbclr tiUca on or before that day, tha feu clalavd by them wOl alto h told. 8a montht credit win he girca oa t Q parchaara tmttrr one handrcd dollar 1 tad twalve aaaa4ke for aD pRTcfcaaet abore that anxxint. Piirchaa am muit give bond trwf appro? ed mciirUY. ... AUlAIm K. KIONTO atn.tt.Bf,-' mcKAim -- 1 WCSTtKT EVN0L05t - ROftEHT iroKKR, -. . - oun tuutsvenus, '" Stptnttr&i iS2y, ' ' CtiaairiafinMt? ' A0 , KM Mtait t - tfiiba MMre " U. p. K. Ma&r4 4rf Kkfeaj HmX PrW . - ta KarW riaator Attdr. Pwval , A am frafV . JW. Pu t m w Jm Peace . "." " Jotrtl PtMaaaf Tmaaa Prkd ' r Thaaaat Pawd , . iaaae Pattfa Henry t. PtUtraoCj iUaj. hiichaal iabwt i. ktrrta Anaatad ttkkardaoej iaba ara4Ja B. H. etabarde - i,aa Botaad -. ' Bkbad Miatat ' Jafow aaWtb dam ItaMi ' v i1 w. fbthoa Caikartae ftoMth - WUIUai itakrt DatWJ liavait 'JCaiaj P. etodttoa ' . Jana tiLMida Bc-j. Taaaiaoa ' .ineh.Trtt Pmtent Ba tuu."inrkcaoa Jaaata Walla u Jerry. Ttrbro,: LIST OF.LK'ITERS Tl EMALMNO ia tha PoaUfflca ai Ltirnt A X. ton. North Carolina, oa tha lat day of Jan. Mama !mnri. tn ahm... I... m k.'Tll II J ii 1. I f'i-' t7-t- . fiwk V " ' a 1 1 t 1 . 1 Ifl M miw . & V WWW VW I . . I IS 1 1 1 MllllllliT VI W IIIUI. UVKnmr W . - ... . impoae upon ot tniucna) jnmg 1 c ftr rt,hep hv ruiiia rT w ,nk- . . - y i -n'. " ! 1 . r " 1 v.u w . ..... , ti; r.m cei a rich 1 Creecej Haya political ecooomr; Kolhu'a I xir C-IVC -----y rTT.Tn. 1. : . 1 r anould DC. ..rrOOaQliuj ia againai 11, flrioui .mMnwr.. 1. rtrodueea , - a t I " r - w - W w 1 wa vvv 1 a- i-VNivt -v ivir. momnioo it ia uuuc unpuu 1 rancty oitMdetwaich Doing. placed al- ancient hittorvr Lacoai 0iri ,mett' aophicalj -1. never can 1 . believe ony j ternately in batto or alto relievo, bit almorphoteii Stoitb4! wealth of oationt thing contrary to experience. The j moifatriklng "end lingularly pleaiinjTef- j Tbompaon'l teion7 IfaiTa cammonfon 1 feet. FederIiit Junjua lettert 1 NegotUtloi.a between Spain -aod the United Stirea; Clarke on ilavery riire at Cowper ow perTworki rPfctdat-k worki ; Tlewa of Louisiana t Ittlrhy lady Morgan i France by do.; United Skttel and Great Britain ; curopai aucr me yoapciie his a nt nature, mv cood friend, what -k:. tKt loo,. f ntnrr ln 1 1 . ' MOSAIC COLD. -i-V 7J-Vth.V- lwllw An Englith paper iveri -tni! a moit think' (i-.d jny by fcf dTiC bu recently been tvho.e boundleta power theie laws m(Je n .jon, in lhf production of a were framed, cao alter them at tin eofnpoBi.ign roeU, or ,1-. wblch equal, will." " There'a your ,aaof , itio w the rlchnesi .of te colorand itr f oiiijury tflctiahjrf cobbler, hactily it ia four-pencr . applicability to articlei of plate and orni- j Contrreit of Aix; It It I . 1 - L. 1. ..A kwaa ..Ifl I An AMl.l .Bkv.A ll .1. a k.lla Lk K . . I I " ii useu io oe uui uiiisvhiv. . rav f-thcr. "But I cannot .k.. Mor M .a!rt Tnm! leather (Lr rl V,,,f .rrmerl In. N which it termeOlouic UoIdTaave tB JZ??i,IU5t1 r . l.- r . iw.U itirir. eh. been banded about in tbe higher circlet, .. . EZKA. AIJLKMOWlr, J K clined to have a IitUe more ftHtBd w- Remand that orderi to an im-j el-o" ,h.ud.;aneralt-sortmentef afl vvnat is mat picture -you nave g menM wmA hm retei?. up in the corner, Mr. Robertii It it edw Lmdtn jtaier, Jl oont Vetuviui," laid Tom a 4i Jt .... . , .-J--. . . a - Volcano, -v.; vv oat ia a volcano i rjr,!rni. :fa cfimnl.lriad ta him that -UilLKenlf. Cdward ftt-fpe ce, aatd mental purpotet h lUo retltti toe icdon w& . nerl aiWment of acnool hooka, do it f r of the atmosprterei not tarmthing nor px-, Greek, Latin and IngHih j.aJargt variety of her ia too bluing eren wheo'e Spoted out of doort other booktt the Ute noveb, lie. tU af which Now.mw father knew very Wei! about be w .wyt reading, and took Jittie no-jVcraiirriw- d le,oaa, WTT ha Jtit. f her, al finiahe'd her rmrk with kind of C-wt eelectcd with care, and bud in at price! that U1 enable him to tell very low. Hia cua'omera aqd tot puniie in general are invited to call, examine and Judjre for jhenwehrea. , JV. C. Jo; 18, 1825. . - '4C w$be,t0,Mptt bookf andiberr I iaifn.;vidcan a mnunuin lw hicn'burnV like - a5 irTaldWWdear," -aid theTtv iirith 1 , furnace throwipg.out red-hot ashes, j fou were a trofc-rjut an alii ... if .t,.,, .ut year. ' . . .. - Tiinpai mrw aiinaria. at-a a a a.aaa. w wva-ai. uiik a - Tc!n, and run down' the side of the jl'untiin -id a stream like, boiling pitch. Did you ever see itj said my. father? " Na,7 answered Tom ; "thfrr nrentWrjf them 111 thi COUD- ... L.' ....... V. n . a m r it l- iry l . uui , irpivc.ci : av .vh - Almavac ott every But vbu don't believe it.-replied my father Why not,w said Tom.,! rare ia the lahd . PROVERBS. ' Get but a good name, and you mty lie in bed.: r..,-. ......:l;.:.';.'.Li' :.' ''' The hole in the will invites the thief.' Smoke, r.inibg ihfo Ihe'hotrsea and a talking wife, make a man run out Of doors. l he foot of theiirner is the belt mei- Satitiury, . COVHT Of pleat PcMU-r mmrnxmrn, iw aember teaaion 18A Daniel Heifer, dm'r. -wr Be HalfarraM iiAewt the real eatate-of iWwl Halfer, deo'L- lt ap. petting "id the 0tctbn' of e' isoatfi that Henry Heller, one ot tia aeienaawiia mm -o Infiabitaut of tbil ttate. tt l llrer-Jbrt ordered, thaifrobliea liman. printea in sauati iry, aucseaaiYciy umu next court, that the de :ndant appear at our next court of pleat and i iuuier aetaiona to ba held for the eountj of .Bc tan, at tha Court4oue in Salitbury, on thethl MomlajUJeh-,'-' next, then and thereto hew cauae, jf any ha bat, why the land afores id thould not be told j or the petition will he t ken pro confeaw, and Jieard exparte ai tojum.t- Teat i fat wvt.n, Price savv8$ 2J, t : . .-" Joel Cooper Mack. Crump. William Darr, . 1 ho. Dv. Will. A. Fcrabee .II. rort Catv f'onta Philip Frank. Pbebe Hood -llcnry prub. Cynthia E. Hunt 3 Zbulon Jlunt. Francit PhiEpa. Joel Wrjrhw k tAlfrey Icatl Margaret Roberta. IhovPtwer ' .... Tbotna 8eachrut , John Bcachriat - J Mary Smith . Anna Tack er Lewit Tucker. Vm.WaUwOrtk Tavld vrajronet. 8am1. Walk." V Tl.nt: Wthrm. , Tboat M.Jamet UBIUVKU aw.a.a .... . . 3t9J B. D. R0UNSAY11AB, P.M. Xlaf mtJtmrtkJ artliriA. RnHM Cunt t fOTJltTTif pleaa --and- quarter--aeaNeiuy Na- v7vTfiber aeMion.-iBi5i Alexander Miller; original attachment, levi A on l.nd. flic. It anneaniir to the aatwrac. lion of tbe court, that the otemJnt la not an inhabitant of tu' "ate, it m therefbra ordered by the court, that . publication' be made ix wreka auccea-ivclv In the Veatern Carolinian, printed hi KaliabHry, that tfie defendant tppear at Mir rte.t court of pleat and quarter teiaions to be held for the countr of ftoa an at the crw?- kn..a. in s.lUhrv. on the third Monday in reb. mrtnev tleiThirc;7to, teplcvyXiutd 'a - a . Ill ' a J l!a- - DTCaoTOr" nnijniMrnt wm awieiwwcuiBE;ui TeU JNO. GILES, Ca. Price adv. R . , 6wt94 ... ........ rpH auhacriber having qualified at execu X. tor of the last will of Alexander Long, late of ltowan county, -dee'd It the." court of! Eleaa and quarter aeasiana tor toe una county, eld on the.-thitd Monday of November hst, notice ia herebv iriven. that all penont having detnamhi Bgiunst the aaid eatate, are required to preacnt them for pytnent,whbin the time pre. v ..JAMK? I, wkvi, r,T r. rrottct UVW, for Went. TUTS valuable plantation, the reakteac of i. the lata Cot Rithmtnd Ptwrtm, Jna. ia offered rorveai the enauingyear.- Thii tract of had kt In the Forki of the Yadkin, oppoaite to the fto-atiev tittu p ar tka aitk.a-U-trteb-ac.'a creek. Jt containa about 600 acre i nearly one half la cleared, and hi good odr fbf culiirationi about one .hundred acre ia rvrer and creek bottom, and the remainder of cleared land well adapted to the culture of cotton, com. and amall grain. r The darclling.lioue U equal to anv in that aection of country i the other W Srovementi convenient and romfortable."Th velling4oue and about 100 acrei of cleared land, marl had teparafelv, aa a tenant or tea- anta may prefer, t For termi, Ippryjlojllr. Hen ry c. rareer, ageoi iot , Pet. IT,U15: ; ; tj ; , ' n i i .ii l I I I li I I I I I I I I Ull I I dtrd.'andiaothertctmctrrtrdt AT November term of Itowan county court;- 1825. the rniMMpaiive will of.Jcsae Sper- . err, dee.U wa filed in the Clerk' office of laid eourity-aaid will having been'duTy aatablldicd ; bv rejucinir the atte TO wriiinr. and htvinr it . Iroven witfrin ten day after tlie death of aaid' ee Spencer, hefitre Jacob March JEaq.'of aaid county. 'Notice ia therefore hereby given to the heir. fC of the aid,Jeate fineneer, dee'd. that I shall aftnly to the wonhinfid court of aaid county of UowAu, at Feb'y. term, 1826, to have the aforeaaid Will duly recorded and etablibed. jaawflT? ot toyv-; ' ' bw , . . rt vv k moH Court of Lav. rait term, u Cthitfoe:todniaw tcribed by law. n-titwiit for divitfce. -It appearing 16 tfifjaatif ' faction of the court, tbat the defendant ianot te . inbablUnt of thi lt, Mm that publication be made for three ,encUiaJa.thoW1eja.(tnil4, Knian and Catawba Journal, notifying aaid de. . fendant; that unleat he appear at tne ei Superior Court of Law to he held for m eoun. y of Cabtmia, at the' Court Houe in Co-coiV on the 6th Monday after the 4th In March next, .n.t uUA . tnmcr. or tt-mur to aaid 'petition, jutlgment pro eonfeaM will be taken againrt him ' and it wOl he heard exparte. I ' JAS.A1. SPKAits, i ray

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