4 if 1 V V t 4 ::).. i f " ' :ir . hkfc-.-y? y , . V SI . f, " 1 v ! A ' If- k leaoasititaaltiMtfiar. tontia. U ie If f H,-tMMi F.nf.'f. fir. If'wJ.h' . f Ttta, mJ TN ff kJuiIohi tlfi' Di1h of )liui 4 !. rkcrfi, cf Mir rtpofi m irl f C.pulA la tMfafKr;Yt. W.r.NUiIA.-Jr total NtramWrfll.M lM 04 im uu. f r. w. ,wwiifMlw. 7""" 'ri;!!?." Vr" (HiC.ioilM,MUof kfonMtefrm ow vcfiMuu mwi MJiuiw.iiw 'vn V iiVv T .i.ii.. j IU UpU.d 5UUM Niulmi lo tt '"WriosJ. Ji. ! iKt 8ett , irf report of th Com- mltuo cm NiU AfJr, lAlrf to U tflv Nrifton U loitNr conWer4tlon f IN ionuBiikc f Com. D.tU Po tr, Mkbf for th ipfeiloo of ejHn km bdoo tb chireti of Thomi Rtfiditl bJ ohn Mountiln, ci!l4ii(i, and fter oovWcrMf db?tf It n rcotn- unita tA ktrika act ivu bart fcf iN! MMrt LWk bronootM-tt tN ctu of Com. forUf-lo.U of the Miurtf ji wlprfect!oo 00 tN tti of Octobtt. ; TM from tbo Court of Eialr.. " " JUoMOTOiiMwortdtmibo Atfw. Mr. r.Lh. ct QcorsU. la tho Hoii of . RtDrtMoudvck TtitrtJr rtporttd $tlll from IN Commhuo m fortifii R; 'liiUat. l'ftfAttda tar thm irmrchentlofi cumI dellwr of dtMrtm. tbt rtportt -"-rtoioJf mJ ht 'Xhe Commftiet E!(tloait oa ih lubicctof iNMlcb!nalr. . H u Mid tbt 100)00. penoti "Eleciion; wVi recommJtud. on motion of ih Cbilrn.D, Mr. SImm, of Ohio. 8mt diicuMloa took plac on tbe ubject of Ur.Domt'i rowlotloa. rclatlf tolho Cidwt it AVtit Point, whkh t M- tnti!f irted tof triih modiBeitloo. A Tnemri wi recclrtd from tbo PrttUent ' of ibe United Stitei. cooteiobc tht in- ttrmulan oiled Car b ft resolution ftfftr - od b Mr. Stom. of New York. In ftl - tioo to the tnooeyi receifrlbr tho litilD. oleM bo k Blodlcd bur yetra Id PreUdeotof tho Uoiied Stuei. A reo- luOoo ii Ild 00 the table bj Mr. lIapt, of GeorjtU. uUlajj for Inforroa- tbo from tbe Wax Department, ai to the ; aorrer of tbe water or Nonb Carolina ajul Vlrtlhiai and the other b Mr. " Moore, of Alabama, retainer from the ' TreatnfV Information aa to 'the'Drki ori(lni!lT obu'mwl for public Undt whkkifccted dlrtrktuVTha Cithonca of Dublin 'bitc been relinqulaned ta IN .United 'Stateif and the -medium priee of anj poae 01. taking into cooaida ration the ad hlch hate been re-aotd.' Mr. Bergeaa,dreta from the. Catbolica oLNwYrk of Rhode Ialaod, made an eloquent epeech agatnat the Jodicwl Bill aa reported, and in Uroat of the reaolutloa to recommit the tiU with inatructioni. . . .. . .: TifTfiTT' riyirrrvn.r avw ----r-r , .jraer.TOic.llir. ll..:! " Tbe ''petcVe'ranlp' BrlebtonrCaptal n Secor, arrired thia morninr from Lon - don. Bj this arrival London paper and hipping lists to the 8 lb of December, one dsf later tban before, hare been re- (two., the Pre, there are four divieion the On the morninp of December Sd, atsur nr th P..fh !.ls-r, nf is. - Mancbeate elgbieeA Jouea :o4i ,4b aiiora creaceni, gare way, ana icu into t&e Hiter irweii, wUft e mot iremenuoua tninr.uwiaj (a u.. jKnir u4i.go.ou. " atate they trad been in during tbe last two dare, the Inhabitant of thfcm, andjhree -vimuMiK v.., .vu t tncir.mott f aiuawe etircta, ana tnu pre- " . -"',wi" wouw nate oeen attendant.- ; rancr. ran ppcr w iKmgcrt ftad beeneceired. I lie irencn lundslof 810,945, appeara to favor of the inati were improving. notion. Intelligence from Rome mentiona the execution of eercTal Carbonari, and tbe : punishments inflicted upon others .. .. . J . Tbe proceeding, against the JCourlcr I FrancHis hud been brought to. a close, TlifrCrt--letiddrbsUNrwerettOt auBirierit ground to auspend that Jour- na ; ordered the process to be dismissed without costs; and enjoined the editor end conductors of the papeir, to be more circumipect in future. M. Daumec, Senator of Hayti,end one! of the three Commissiohera sent to Pari to negotiate tne lean for that Republic, died on Sunday morning, Dec. 4. . . ' Sfiain.-Accounts from Madrid are to r November 24. Whtfx the Courier left, m a 5w nmww ; w, .mwnwKV ot -urn total I estruction, toeether with the valuable! --colleikrf pamtmgrHl tb 01 an, conuineo wunin us wans. 1 here ia but little carpentry in the buttdlng ; but loero are uui lew innaou&ms in tne vii- laiye, and a great want of water. The palace and monastery of the Escurlal wa buirby -Phiiltt tt. la the iitange fbrnSf grid-Iron, the instrument of the martyr- dom of Saint Lawrence, upon the enniver sary the Spaniarda gained tbe victory of ?M c-tint !l fet If It'', ! I) f i!.' lufrr, l? t rhl aM g'nftiuij I w " aril IN tuU touLirj t of Uf, It t ri(v4 end IfTinrtitiv. Anon IN eifeta e!tr if IN Cvorkr, U dtf rtta of IN klnf of 5ptfti far rtiuUtinr the lasncei 01 bit king tforn. The decrtt i te UN eftt fft the Crtl J Mil JA. Ill fKhUrjr ll cms hit tUfnWis, and tNel'a think LUikU)f , WtU. WUI OMtOMM But UIU lru n ; lf lU unf Port,,,!, Leu from Rle Janeiro tute, that Motion h4tA opened., concert ru ttr,MbUtt to i commercial tmty -Utwee. Pertug.1 end Bnill, .... .4... . n,i fcicn ai eowpittt lftttciec irwMpc Tfc,, j,, yif,M Brittlfl tN UftltcUwJnt4ofli jr ifllt i Mf Wrlio j, bwf IfiMflOO i r oBOo.nf, ! uin duiUi UU4 eo BrfUU Wl Io4U Mpr.thi coniom? of Mck li forced, kit tnim lh Cott Ioni tad if BpiaW im Trtort We IrwfUi, ikoaU to IN BriiUH UUmJitobo iUBdoMfli IN? N, If 1 frto udt to r At Omtt ttcir OrUim U FnBt I Ncwd crop of eMrrlet wi tttktrt d to I Tbt Irtt bUMtooii In April. M ontU. ! "A woteta, It Suffordihlm, w UMrtd of Mr Twtnt; I third tklW ' Oownl toy fo&ert! obwrrolet wtn Botleorttd m Prk m tN30ih orea inenWtd to How or otnad U fuatr- CA. lubtcrlptloa Ui been opol to run tnooument ortr bit tombwttb tht urploi Unded eue litobo boutbt for bi ldon4. tbIMren. -.H7)00 frnci wr tubicrlbed in two dj t . tVWwrWf Edtnturt 4 1 b pro fettort of tbli Inttltulion bit com 10 1 diurmlnilion. tblt betKtfonb. DO Ctndi 1 dit hIl be tdmitted to tbt drrrco of M eollete, lniied of tbrt, formerlf apd that during that time, ke matt attaod to thrto new branchea of medical acieoca id iddition to the nine hitherto taught, on laU 01. vbicb be taqit : be turn una pno to rradoatioii I '" "faweV Bomlnrit' and eccMbna' I marde ra, ttill conriooe anionr the diif in are neiq a great meeting, lor tnd pur I Many Bne apeeehea were made, and I rtaolution of gratitode pasted, kc I r : DOMESTIC vastrvrniujt.---- We ritract tbe Mkwinr items of inUllirenee 1 iron we rfuiMipiua eawwuy itwin ko wtke.tiu occasion to mt, that the abote- esentioBed- pjw k publUbed waklr Jsi the eitr of PhildelphUbofalarrf,hnemJaiis and is dm of. the beat conducted, and anest ui. terwtinr mUcelUneous papers in the U. States, ft ha been remarked that, In regard to p, e (be UcenUoutneu of tbe Pre in(j tbe T.raDn of the Prea. Aerf large, jury waa latelf aaaembled if, owe of tbe ceentkor New-York. Tbe -Wregae weight of-tbe 34 gentlemen .a.e lb.-The-heaFieit treighid 303, and the newest ITS lb. a0 officja Report on tbe aubject of the virgtnupeniienUary,8tatea,thaf, bythe manufiuTtng-iperatienfrfnhe-yeir l eiroinej on in 9oiB..ecpemoer a balance I Governor Lincoln, - of Massachusetts, mentiona in his Message, dated 4th Inst. that the receipts from the labor of the con vkta in the JUaisachuieU Sute Pri on, have yielded S 10, lo.bevond all ex faenuta fnr tN year ending 3Qtb) gyptt last. " . ' 1 A petition I before the Maasachusetta Legislature,' to incorporate company, for the purpose of building a granite Railway from Quincy to Boston 1 5 A band of music, comnobed of etrhtin " o - ' dividuals, was organized ' at Hartford, Conn. In the year 1777, and attached to the regiment commanded by "Col. Webb, which waa attached to the regular army. Within a few months past, intelligence tllU sWIPSJtwwy The house of representatives of 1 Ten their metnbera, at Tour dollar per day six dollars perdsy for tbe clerks, and four for tne door keepers ' Don Manuel Simon de Escudero, a De puty. of tbe Provincial Congress of Chi- huahua,' is at present M the Seat of Gov ernment, brought hither by patriotic de- aire to Instruct himaelf In the I natitutions and Improvement of tb Voited Statei. tUf tUTra t ef MiryUrj J t.9 V f f F in! . ' J. I t,( V( - r;,Uf Ut, RffSOl TN L(?tU4f of PtUvsr cofltiasd o IN 3J ln(, CN. Pi,l kss Wtse 1 f led Pptiler tf iN riiarvl A mo! J NU'lln, f-M. Spttkt' cf tht The sitcitUff drttset tooUm of 5tml ryir, woerorlUery M. IlWjtlv, Seretsff of Suto-aoi VU C.rn IT. flrtD, Trttturtr. - Th imtlp nrtiat New Orkaoi tdh rtAvUsrsU ikXcnce. At all vei4a cecabg (rem there are qr aannod.' - 1 : The PmL'ist li vtl84 Ike treaty Sulal atvl th4 ladUnl. fi; tbli UHif (is k'tam kave edd u tk Usi ui StaUsi eJ ike iWa a MUaoeri 14 wkkk thty thi f Ukey besides the land ft log WtK of the! state wkkk tktf oceepled., " " Twsntr three jnllHoea wortk of DTO rty wa e sported from New OrUae, la 1 he ytar eexllof 'on tkeSOtk September totf, more tBsa irieeai nuuoQe of thkft was Ui cettow. - Salt besf Is retalSng la Kew Orkint, tt the eoertnou prkt of If cents per pound. Qtner jnkles of Nccnliy to Use properuont, end yet moeer waa be ver before eo scarce oot trie when the city rs besieged by OcMral Packen- Jsremlab A. Finoer, En. of Sdtutte, H. T. puile4 oe his farm a few ecks since, a torn moo found turnip, wttfhlog f Ibe. fern, and measuring ill toe he 1 round. BroaSiackIbetg,MinJstarof Sweden to this goTern.ro, ka arrived at this pt, U the Up Manka troa SiockboJra. , It kss been HepsJned that the whole umber of lerunenu tUsiroytdyJht bte Ire at Aftriburr, V. Is oioatf eieht. The Kew Qrka'na'ttors" abtklpate that the evenucf the ensuing jsr,wUJ cau4 the Jilanfcr of Cuba to emigrate id ike Unit i Spates 1 end the are begin ning to adrtcstt' the granting tkcm per mission to f ring their alavca. ' Captaia CrocNr, of Kew York, has crossed lb Atlantic to England 130 lime without Meeting with aoy terlou acci dent. I A man f y the name of William Pat-1 terun, stepped into a Oroeory store In ' Rochester, U. Y ost tbe 37th olt. to get a j dram, and aion after drinking It fetl dead upon the for J The pbytklan of the place were ttasmedhitely called in, and the cause pronoenced Apoplexy. Messrs. Json Parker bt Co have lost, within e fortnight east, 3S arare horKi, 00 the roete betvecB) Utki aod Manilas, N. Y. The berths were all valuable, and evtdcbtlyTvert puaooed by tome aban doned perns.'-.:'?. y" ; It Is whispered that conskjartblt bus! nest in the line hT smuggling, bs( been done at NerOrIfos during tbe late Au tumb. ' . . , ' r t A well lo obtain salt water, Is boring near Wheeling, Vv the present depth of which h more than Nine tlnndred feet. The chisel ia bow actlnr bdoq r rock al meet hard a JlKlft and tbo pcogrea is very Idw. Tbe bone of t Whale havt been die- covered on the - top of the Appenine mountains, iq Italy. Tbey were Imbed dedinclar. t r . A' tavern keeper Jo Petersburg,- (Ya-l elves notice that to addition to divera thing, the best of their kind always, his bed are good and clean enough for the President or ibe '.'United "States weleep in 1 and hit table is as good as-any bo dy's tab e. It haa been calculated that from 600 te fOOnew aoitf'a'r vtarlv instituted in the Federal Court of Kentucky and about 40010 Ohio. " 1 - A Ocologjcai Sarvey of tbe State of Pennijljai)iaJciledjoLbyLthe frienda It a r f'Of 1 1? i t luff r t,l i! Wi!it . .Me,PW:1 B e1M?.rZ according to k litieral estiraati, would not exceed three thousand dollars.--" Tbo last letter from London stste that sales of U. SI Bank shares had been made at 31, 10, with dir. from 1st July being m.m a a a v aa r, i oeiow psr ain eo. - The new novel of VFeederer'f, Tor HTale of. the loftr Parliament? by the GreaTlJ&kTidwrjriridvvTtised itr London to appear on the 35tb of last month. - -1 JUr.'HOJB aJ th JZTTS. :; ' , A letter baa been transmitted to the Editor of tho Journal de Debates In Pari by the Jewish Grand Hsbl Do Cologna, ori the subjccl or Mr. Noah's proclamation idt mo gnncnogiDtne triocsot wnicn ow ireaia toe picasoro iu hiv iect of a vlsknarT and on behalf of Mes srs. Hierscfierr an! M eldona, chief, Rab- on in Lonaon,as wu aa uiuiscu, vwins the appointments tendered to them by the proclamation. 1 staihigt that .tbejr regard tbe attempt itaeir.Mfeaisembre" f itk ahf poUuco-national design! A' an act of ft ' eww a . . a UT? ugo 4 reason agaipst tne aivme bjc The Bank of Newbern has declared a dividend of bur per cent, on the Capital Stock of that institution, for tbe half year nding tho 5 1st Vec JWagh star. Ties i.f .''vrth C'i,:.nitsis! ; ?J l? ct.'y tJ.;M (a diurfhttr) ef llt l l.ktlf, S thlun tf lti sU'i. loe Vfsicry aJJrd te iN bwut tWalasd by our cofaminira le IN U't sf ivl in UIUature kss dirccltd tkl ex pnMt of her ealnttnsce and tducatbe to be dtfrir d from the treasury. The f eUJK tdy retlkf lo Missackusetm tin- dtrtke tare of the rUtlt of her o iber, and til keodrtd dollsfs per senem sr pU U kar support. & f all. .1.1. k . I. A ttn,KrtilMjl la.l.l.. i. it. r . I . m. kundrtd and Brty owtlsr par annum for tke edeeaUoo, and sepport of the too of C4oei Fersyth, okaAU jm the Coda fresHkr U Ike lato war. . Colonel i . Vl c 4 seated at the ixptwie of tht ratnl gomomeati kt the uu, kew ver, tm- willing to recti lis boeety, ka ordered Ike turn ef K710, to be iavesttd U stock, and the prlnclpU aod bterrvt to be paid Mr. Fentth it bis arriving at age. . ; . Crvrrr Altkeu r rtceel account s ars aomtwba: eocirtdlctory on the sSTalrt of artecttyctilUobvbiuttthal the Oreeli bom iMir own, aim 00 not appear te onna from tew cool a it or be alarmed it oee ttBjpalgBt, The rgvptlani are almost worried out, and he, loot their bstKlps wthewdtest. Iflt be true, that iN Em- peror Akxandcr bat resolved epee peace. the pont mutt ackoowledge t Nlr Inde- pendenceorpreptre fee new wsrt, wbki st this time they are too treble to letr f rev ArcerOr. We an sorry to announce the death of tke Hon. Aric err ,Uu, one of tke rep- rcMDUUvei la Cower, hmm PooMtt - vanl... Jle w.i a geotlem of airong U- tellect, and ekaak attalomeM mock es- teemed by tbo who bet knew kirn, and rtspected by 0 with whom kewtssMo- elated to tht Important trusts of rcpreseo- taiive kgik4ljO."Aa IrUhraaatUrtk, hla feellnr partook of all that warmth and oukkoea wLkbl peculiar to his M-Iha rilve Uod. , . Hat. Journal. Mr. Xein made hk appearance on the I Ith ott. at the New TNatre to Phiidn- pbU, in the character of Kkhard III. .The house was crowded, and a multitude as sembled and remained daring the evening before the doors, expecting some tumult. m av a . a f . a aome wigoi attempt were maoe wiiwn, w e wloai rfaaU tw ti kw to Interrupt the performance, but tbeylj humt ir.tNrta. k.v N. were apeedily .upprtaaed, and lean ntrAepurfutyrftWBWmp.ww inrvwKH vain wvawwuau 7 swv4seAevBM iv ieti ei swviit, Ue h not. likely jo be further molested On Sunday tie tth olt. a gentkmsn from JUauachuaetts attempted to crosi the Hudsoo river at Albany, with a drove f 0 in .Kn. tahn k tern ml wa antl am f them drowned. Tbe carcaaea of J AA ..aaa eAw7 a wA lka awf AnBfrl tin I ww WVII OVVVwl Vf siw awwwvw der the ke. ; Wl ari SrmTy'scrsuaded 1haf neither General Lafatette nor Us family, have tediU.X k raor U Coofw from tbu aute. any Ideaforrembvlng loTAmerlca j "ahd hrptace of Bnfu King, appointed wwriaterto- -the event l rendered atUrmorelinTnteTjr, Knriand. fwr reader wuTtecolkct what a should M.' G. W. Lafayette assume the j title relinquished by bit father,' he wiUj teceive the amount ofajundaoroe estate, PhiL Aurtra. OPrOSmOXti COrEXyMVtT. Kxrraeu of a ktter from a member of pongress to me o. . - I have.ob.erved, that many person at a distance.from.Yahingtonf bellere that a trong parly ha been organixed here, to aaaail the administration, whenever the op- L.M... -I-.. Nf Bin. U f,.r. pOIC 11 BHCr llltj IU.HIHI wi turn uniixi v- ntt oii!,l recoil unon anr nartv o would make it ; and by the JnUyence of an enliehtened and generoua sympathy, so powerful in tne puouc opinion 01 ims - . . . .li.i country, jwhen either men or meaaures are supposed to be. unjustly sssajieq, wpqiq fit tbe administration upon secure found- atjonsi snd place Mr. Adams entirely be yond the reach of his adversaries. 1 ne friends of Gen. Jackson and Mr. Craw ford, protest against such, or any opposi tion; and will doubtless givi the adminia- tration i fair and honest support. f .t.. D.U.n,. T Kai,u ... that J have the confidence in -the purity Snd integrity of hi public and private character, and :M'ots'1tibn-:fb:idmIhl- irr the government faithfully and impar-1 tially.. ' V . To close my remarks on this snbiect, 1 1 can" again leisure yooahafto-ippohiot) to the admbistration is in contemplation; or:'will be-madei further than what is- in trict ' accordance with an honourable course, and the spirit of our governmental Tho Vermont Journal states that eight hundred tons of copperas have been man- ufactured at the mines in Stafford, In Xhat 1 stste, the past year yielding net pWitl of 2 ,000 dollars. 11 nuL'AHV r, 1. 4, Lnk 1 ai imM a r M'ii U Cgt rfti tN tit U MiIm, N M.Mt4 ; a tiN N-UUirtvf iM Mt, MtU Mil Cwtraof. Vft 1Jml44 U WU f IN n4 Uwm af Mai. attiai kNf ke If xp a a a kaU. tN 4 tN ims af aL wt kat a4 TkektUtalttrtlkani klif NhaiaMrirvrWUrrWIaU. tN proiTmd U,'frmm m (. Irjw, Umxm trim Ttrwoi. U4 tN gaagssWeAf teW a tWHar mMm n a tN Ur UU I , ni'? rf.f t ki ln omu r eav so rTI " TN Itaie of ftordaraJUa, rtk ej c. tlr af a pepUiioe about UtiflOO I aa NC atrre eiawi&al fUasi wule tN bo I state f kUde hUd. wkk betaawailnaed mU iW 7&00Q kNbitaaea, WAaVwht. r)nrai4 kaatt a4 pttkkM are Nfor tN Ugkjre tfim were. Here a fws) Mi.nn. ir. M. M u.v .tal Ui prUuLU rpWrwa4 vkila U.t M jj-w fli4 m, rf IJ4JK, M !;"T JTv . . ww ,V7T; TTLVT VTT r' T"." " lU IP P"? I -- ""H"8 " auru snare or CM ctrceiaeiif Sfteeives tt. kv fcmL rZZlLZ l rT? r TfTZZl'Jzl tTITZaad "P ttrt k vake, k aw-y. It U a hard awl. u w tcrt -cwiVkec h. a Uok.tNt kt Sctd go br4 Uakerrwer f ka peraekhbWpeaa I of tN btW at NO, it cum( k7M Ut paper NU deMackte aheessf.., Of4kaeo (acta, iN citiMm f VoroVCswoN arpear aa NduIyafMaik. - TN fulbviag kysMaeal Botiee b pabllaked k a PesMMrtraak paper. " W kave read of I bbJlasopber of 4d. who. br bitesM ancCcatiaa 1 1 V atwlira, Nfr-H so ahaorbed bs tkca. I w I . k..l UL.U .1... i.t. ptmoicpbw? a oweaUes) Bad aw ,sreajaw a me as some of the persons iBewtlowed baloV, war doubts would be very Brack abalca r-- ? Marrkd, at UtttnraUrt (FaWMrkaaM by tN IUe. Dktrick Ixbkkhwekkr, Mr, Peter ckilderkaccht, te Mia Chrktkae Schkcht. wohL Croomamaa, Mr. Charles Hoeflldijrrav j M BridesnwJd, kla Dorothy !lo5 fa - A Via &Mri Otanoellor of tbt state of Mw-Yerk, lm Ne aW Biiaiuioood..e!ee. kH year,' b a fruitless attempt to elect a sena. tort from thia eircunMtsace, many pervone bmv marvel at tN Meaning Bsaolmity k that eme k. ihU ar i (mMm fittb.eafiaiU. wd will explain tbe whole matter Cam k tbe mairie arent by whkh this enanlmity ht been Uourt about i,Ur. gaoford received ryten . eautWt hkh was a majority ofiW liol lfnAj nuloritr nf tbe Leriibture t ' 9ammLatti tt accorduwe with tN rule of non knocked under to the . Uk SuSatd w tUttei, m h.Jk ."w-n of very revpectk taket, of "nfc" ,mC8T17' OTUWUU rePUUUtM P" . .. . . j .t . it? ! - m our natknal councila f and altbourh he has re--Hesav?'i"w- means, yet, in AU k, w are willing IW end aiwroid justly tneineane.- PranV 'ihT following artlcls:;.to''.u& Katloll ! I Journal, some evtimate may be made of the ; qiitn'ies pf wi ade ne of in the United : State. By a calculation we had tbe curiosity ! to make from this statement, it appear that bt one year, (180J) npwarda of tveht miMim of dollari. worth of wine, went down the ' netk of Itheneook of the U. 8.1 more than a dollar a head to every soul, young and old, Mac ana white. Not more thsn one4enth of the people . irink wlneVsa that the average amount te es individual who is in the bnit oruvng it, wm w at least ten HoHan per annum! 80 mucn kw r-utoftin the use rfkiwka. . .. . otrt sv WpomnSitJy Congress, it appesrs that tho quantity of -ir. iabiecttodurTf imputed into the fTnlterf Stales, from 1801. to IB34 hotn yeara iDCluive, a period of 34 years? amounted to 63,832,483 gallons, vi these, 5,545,690 gallons were W Madeira, and London i-arucuiar 688,067 gallon Jf otner " IWTTZi paign, nncruja miu w mil:

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