,v,.tc1 irt I. 'Me I t,r cMt J ti.Ura. M. Otofge, t Wettern M.64 Wine el tnd 3J.t3J.IW f,tHoM the cUti f mlMUMHl terted U lay one tor, pm i tRt ft 1131, f,kta 4J41JI3 r.i'.Jca.aU'Ul mr tiiuk f tbe whole, Ujofn4j end the amaUaal quantity l U Ut 7 4l.,4)f gaJUx.1 wire iraponc 8. a e.M.f toKavbef. I thk 4 7h fcK. I .kirk -oWnred WUtorf. Mb kwMg . a. af-...r4 litora'are Letter K "LfWifchehv Ike Ifi h-fU-t p'. n eJa-U kt.erve i tW kheat rf A, f M toil u ujr.t, m k to t jewg tk-rlfj Xew.Twkl tbe eW te a aM k pWaftkMpaW. We Red f milk, whom we Keled tee weak ikce, had hee cm(M eed lodged k I.yachhitrg (Ya.)J.l. Were h P wn tf tW town, kae broken Ml u4 m-4 kk aarape tgak. TV f0 effertd 14 aherif af Hekes eawa kthal Kate, win, we bp M anftckwt taadimwet for mmm TetorprUig t-maa aple to tpptkd hi. v Oiy. k tkk eta, foe IMUk, free the Vre Uhe pafe Uberia, the eeloary rf Ate blacks k Arke. , rm,oWy, (4uriff th fcMM)40 U4kft t:kUtkdt;,fof the M4iHibt Mklnr, kt) turn mnmtf k tU ut.., Tk trtf tViM tk toU rJMrfikkiMrrflkABeHcaCk Iarto focWtgr, ; If iW i UMkk mi ii j tkUf 6 nrrp rf pMtjT kw oar pM to U4oe tW ( k U rtll m i "VW'ddtmfMdo k & M 4 , If lk7 cm Wttrr tMr cmJUSm tWbfti 4 iVu , Ikelf &tr Md tki k of Ox'tr ktxfal. w lllnk U )7ttf1MHlKM kxw, two Imm to tiotf, btn Mdc if kit imb, vbow cbtr Ktcr for konar m4 tendtj b 1 kiiCckM vtr. Ttsy 'tMWi dcerpdMVM vtQ U Mlr from tMegTMatk4fiMhfuf1yiicaKMtrtf. Wl CMMN b bMUlm k tk bKC Ikat Ika ftmt of Mrlf kit tk mmmC kwbordiM tio and bwmcli moaf ir rfm tprinf ftB acwk mn If ikt ftM ' '"T MKNif tk In Mfct rftk MrUwt fc m 'Ie, iJW b kM pthmd from irr ftnkw Um prwkol t tb Kim, to puO wj vd ckmf . pff frow tlx toU, all rwu mJ kw icfc f twdi Md M14PM pkm tkt tk Mdb wkick "ftmju44 lkl Mck tad Vdatloui krrtuff, - ntkick ckp P kdu tkc frowtk rf ikon mkat teftULIca m tttawj for ctilovy furpcwt, mtj m dcabvytdi kovU it b MMng Ik rkwrr kUct rf tk )hilatkro te vtAtewMn, tcndcVor kUkeovrr Md tnid- feat froea tba kod politic, ti w rf a9 kucbk( kefor Ike akoot furtk Into a mora aouona atatc of rxkte ace, . 6 tkk Ink rf rta - ; imtnf;vk Woald appear la U im W of thota fnok;aeM to vkoai w UeknU tba - -Mtkont lo-kfkku &t a, not oal to escoar. - -ae ty preeejj tut ty hrjal $ctmeit -the frea kkcXf -of evr counfi lo aaltTal M Africa, r akekereTkelf.'lnlprtfdl : nDJ, ;i8b 'aura, ktaen the actual population rf fha eoun 171 bnt it DI tiot.diniliflfh oar wealth, nor leaaea our reaourcei for i t beKert that that that of oor population ttutmi more tha they fM&t-that tba production of their honest la bor arc Rot adequate lo Ifctlr mairtte Dance 1 and, of eourterwat fneinaef depreiFen'lIia" "lIir. r,X.ZL.l.W-' A- -i I a. f I - - iuicii m 10m wim w mu up inai portion of their ubaUtoea which fiwl of tnduatrr &lk rf galninf them. Moreovei in tba abaence of tba free kkeka, oar alarea vUl become more eon. tented, Bora lhdutriotH, nd, of coneqttenee, knore profitabk to their maatera t - 80 that the tmiaTatkm of ever free negro In the country, Vwjld not oolj im diminiah our wealth and re xmroea. but would actual mdi tt (hem. . ttt M -r Ji' f vf Mf. J .ta Mi (Is ! laMil.W t).a a ik. W tr4l tW fwl U b f lli'i-'ar al ka k af .fJ Uk iW nrL' mittki;4 JUt tt k IkM rurt, B (M I al btraja44ka Tk aXur af U Ctaba Jawm J f M U h krtt iU4f tU "ra okk tlkk V kar Wa kt W 1 W k Dxra k an lrvk k IM all fit uh or wartk kMW rfaVa lH " fntk H k thk kaaUi la tfewk tk4 ataf rf kk oaalaraikt. M Wk taUamkrataod, tkai, LlMaf,kb " -t ' pmI aaaMaiy'r ' ' mm mm a ? ,.""", T TT V( (r'fx aylaka a4 paJa4ea rf ata. kkd, aotila m ak aa frauAJ U awl awa, thai aaan yaraaaia oarJra- IM aJia rf lk imnai k aa aaaaJi a atokkM U k a4rr kd.ffftajt atmM lk IU4 roeam. Imm it aa owml! kikr44 k It ka Vma(,lk4arwartk (rk4 tU te kk apk Jf k4 Im art f;?:r;M'.?r-'f.ii U. M ih, ; i , , ', 1. 1 a II r' 1 n i. a, ii a Ji ' J art IJalli lka l?i n.fi " (A4 aw ta lMrlfia fta Itii4 lU r af I'a tl to mt ap 1 1 N awi aw Hum a4 liriaaf aa'i at M fw"" TV rM i"w"'J fw iVet- "ta ! I rvbtwkM k Ika avitkaaa a I'jtWW W arWi4 ato ik( tk w Vf a al t( u. 1 w fit a tba Dama-raw krak ft kU a Mk aWa Cmm raV. ,Tkk axirk i!l toarttowaa to al t eaaaH taa fruM TirfiaU wa toU to aMe akru tOaMia. TV aiatk 4 ka4kaaak tJ4, aod aetoM kka M lap a. ffr aaka of Oaii U kaaa mU Mm k ifi xmA Li tsm. raaaaadaWarr MhM4 Um aktof Ikk el-U.alrn a U ta 19 Wftrf k t awk P"! toto. agv e4 G MM aaaW! Uto o aa ow4 N e kA aMaMaa kM akalkoli' a aak rf kMa. CtU, wt tooda al aartaj , AS Ika L"ra4 Coaraa 4l atuaf m ail at r oiavaw R ia a MU at toa Ika tat rf Uk k leti 'kraMy t4L . CMZJUIT MIMtCTi, 4Vt. !. ., Caeotu f, , M Ufidr, :ppl 4J kaaaauep. Ipaaca I kfzb 20 lo 341 Mlif II rrj I 10 coBM p"t fte. 2 J a ) ox . 'I. 1 1 t a . . u a a 1 i a - nmw ywHf """ " " I Mm mf. A . if . . . Li.l-!..' t- .l i nKnaaaea aa iw kr Hba at rk tker f AU k ika g fc f gf f ItUftd yj prawn niw, w oafMaT a ... iu. iwim i,.. ..... 1 - - - m . . ri.- .1 . .1 L - I I "- ...... -"r 1 -CM in oral au., ,riiu.,.c,w,., . . . ..... -y t , . iaafarMaaiaaf-i.waMwora,-waai4 . k a0 m At. ... Ctr. cortatol a4 akpnea kki ti I taaciad rajo. rroraW ata. tra trrr raa, and a. I a a - a" - . ' t . am ta k. f 1 orar ftra ia a ooa aowr w amp aa ka4 of prodwea U M aou. ' -XJTnYJL 1040. Ctof. Povvtit) and Ltani, TrimllelU. 7. Engineer, rrletf al I Untint 00 lb JOtH V.Tkcf txttnlnrd Ika Wcttcrn loci. Daailnr throurn'AMnrdm, Inoi- ilia, CantarrUIa, (AUbama.) raftivm, Mtoiipf.l,) erotajnr lh lUroleu and Ta ktre ieiedtLaraTTIOBibrTf "the North-Carolina TeWjrapi," a PeEpoua Newt paper, publiahed in the towa of Fayatterille, b tba Rer. Robert n, Uorrbon. , It U publiahed weekly, in an octar'o rorm, 11 pa-taaack nunC ker,at g3 50 per annum la aJyance, or at -tha and of the-year TwnLJhcyeil-koqTn aturacter of the Editor, for talent and enter prize, and from the (krortble rpecimen wa bare k the fin puwber , the pubDc, bare an atour. anca that, the NorthCarofina TekeTaph? will be a Tety raluatle and interertirp ReTigioiu ublicationj one'trbich bya claim to a liberal patronage from the eitiiena of Nortb-Carou'na. -:.-4To. Uv pit) rWwl ka An number of the " Carolina. Patriot," published In the town of 8retnboro Guilford co.,N. C. by Wm. Poller. Srtfrt'tf m Uutr m tU Alftf a tit MtrTtrk Advfrtittr. itlti Ak " Tnf M crop tAtdfftt If toYnJn; lo madl. eotl oarlU be err brtr tad rarr Cot 1 aoae el tba ban ktt Vote ftold r v vai ia Baarw aaiwviw avivao . . CkefMtetewr. Tba d-aunc 0 ika tood 810 r, qutwai, tna inienor ia propor ikar trartlkd la atid lo bate keen about I E!Mf lo ,w . I f T fr 1 - 1 11 1 11 - akaaoallA .m.A 1110 mllet, pminff ore f an itcillitl 'Kini 1 " .. nLSTTTtrr. . I ktte apwarad, and aold it i- pf erre- riMr4M .K.fa t -.. f 4.1.7" I ka-Tkara are aboot 200 of ke eld ttvo Kentockf Gocmor Driha li fepreenud on Iwoi bfeilof, tl '0 lo kata ttken kit itmd In front ef ikt ' n orewni, ana i ao i w 9pakert chain tnd wblla Mr. Torntr I wbltet. wai ipttklnr, ttired kirn lo the fei with I . . , ; the moat eipretalre loekt ef lntImldtW,n, CaWrwifaB tf WmUs-fi Br Dtp. IbrtaUobia; Mm Mtenl timet by nodi of iZZm,? m7uj tba bead. Mr. Tamer, Indignant at aoch aiiMMrairMMMbMMai conduct. It tald to hart oWrred we do etaeaii-a,Ti.te. no dot cannot know bow far theie joonr I JCJSaiatTtllCi men night go (a cow pan of Infantry with 1 ati , a ton of tha gotcmor itlbeir bead.) urged ; fnirrfrn h - on hf tho coonttntnee and approbaUon ' " . j i' i t 1 of our n.H tout Hhifft lauM appoan io d raao. .,di gortn-or I a,. f th utr m.HHt, Mr. remained In the boote daring tha whoJi I Dune Setick to MMa ratluifBe'Iriicri time ol the debate. A rrintron rperr AhMtbaaaMe.bTiaB rmtrktMThii Ittht firearat fallen con I Mf.'Akx. f tnhk to Miaa Ka-cy,MrtM4 Al whopelthcr rcprdt hit own dignity, the la 1.,,,' county. oehTlM. eh. ky Abel Chancier of the ttlte, the reipect duo 10 Shnfoed, Rao. Mr. Pater WaHick Mlai Calha. tho bouie'i or lb obligation of the ltw. trine Shuford. - tf' - Our torernor'a ton, twice tonvkted of Burke coewty.eo tka 15th at Mr.WUIiaai mnrdef. ind itfl In Unrand another under CrV zJ,t' BMiM to 1 I I l"v Jf I tilut i'. t ', ti a i f4t mttt W'- r, i tt t t ';. Mf.iis aivl U. a I'jirt Im Ma r.l m ; t t . ! ka U4 ia a ! J .r'r U i IhV.7 e 1 tll 1V I-J fw-ej.. aU Ui M J ' to 1 ) awtr ("'Uih -1 ay k a4 to 1W k.d ksrf !--. la ra iWk lU mU k k a. I, M .J bm1 . h a Utmmrt. Vya ftitM, (Maw avl WtnX aUiia 0aia, a" M ! af or4tof M to a Ikrtf rWf i a4 Mw. AW ( an. C-mt, rlvaU, tjg, Mft, M'.!!, tao eart, a4 tai , fw(4 to tiii tkatato. tf kto orrlral at e Yek Itoaw t( AaMto,awakMkwe aai4 ffcaf rfct fat Mfae of PraaU Ma avaltaaU IM m4lf4 tt r CM fir a tuaart, raa Kik totoirfaf, to ta. rMneU4 Ika 4tiTrrere kritrta pJiaa tM Btaoa Arrae, rttaijta la tM kU reto(Ua k Ika 9U OrkataL a preetore ekkwad kf tX Ike Jpw.MMy JrV ttotewar rHMl ltom Aftta, We aiJj aJ MMikg ika kkakiiae af ika lUU rwatall to tWW waBl mjrlmmm km. paralkaa) tkal klcale warlk apiraU a to uW THOMAS V. CANON, UrirrrtrtiiT u f-i.Va $4 iw t-r , , iM a v aa to Ma U- ,a I.W. b Uf I La tj ( MikJ , art irJ tlH.k , k tn.mn aVn It I tfM attwp, avl ka toMt4 'M tMU-4f a aM eft-taw. al ia ta . t VkV.to f 4 tW aaJ JifUi. a J , tmu-nt m a af IM U4 14 ki arte to rt fMMry, Tr'W a k". VM mm4 at Vi wartMng, rat ka awatowa arft4iktMMkljltoin, t T. V. C. b af a- M A. It v4 4 fk U.Utpl k a peuMa, a-l f i4tg toainKttoae to . f tA4f la ifri pl pfMmtaf )a lta. A ay iUi to t mt tmbr to ika rwl. k4 raw, J pka te aJ alktoeaa.L , K , I, CUt 1 1, 4 Vkptf .MUia&C. f0 aJa, fka r-A Jaaar ttttat vt? rt" JL arraa af Iam eae MJI a4 awl mgtx I k cb4 rapvrt fhit wkk allaual llekeaakW eaa. I 4 ffree aanVrl If fifty a IM W . m a ft k eke eetakd eai4. rial If ike Reaper daae romaiiaia war oe Bitaai Ayrta, Pre. aat 0ar wfl go u ike aHaaca tf Ika bi-1 tor, k tM ike (urce ka aa t0rt. A ktJtg tretkt wJl Im gitt a for lo4Uk rf tataa. an aepretaJ tmtmr. Par torato, eov al Ike PaaUOo k Vakat, I a. jive GKORCK W.-DROW.V. Ur irrXTnXLT Wunra U frka.1, aad tka pukik k trnataL Ikal ka k ao re- Haw Tart al P.Ui1ik, eritirg, lr Or tat liwrtran. fTWE kmbr ketUg prtkaiel t Urm ia 1 Iradrl eaatmy, tAtn for aaia Ike aary I T)' j1 w Htn unwmmw ihhhiii'IIT ftiviril ... . r . ' ' Mockatilk and lloet wiik, k tka aoaiK r af Row. t " anf a aa-JI prwM, TO an, caOra) the fto-drtog Ctwre, caWakkr u,:, . - . JOU acreage wkkkaW 2Mb new cUre kgie pwkaar. w.8 pktoe CalJ, uJUkiMi. TV. UmA U m Uf.w . I fiatoUa. a4 katlft for tkenmltot. any klhaceeetyi k rwtakttaa aona. cottoa. to. I f' acce, a tnaul g?aa to aneadaace i w or el I acrr. b aaaat aiovBatil low rra.b r ikara b 21 liUtTUT' eVotVtt. Mill etwd a-B-atat. M eaerOml 4 flr fTl'lC wietot eraM of Ike ,4mt Car to Mr airieaafy Jaa. ewkr Ike koaa kal liiaaWL awl to Mr aaeraaafr aut.l A mm, eoaneirnced 2nd aauna Tkrrr will kt toU, akoukl It axil tka tkr f aabtrrinrr. MMrMarr, 300 cm aMr, adowg tka akore, Tataw of lu'rfk i Par reanf, wrbtog, a4 about W acm ekarad, ooJ etcaPrwt water aa PIHf. P ateaVtoi ariikewtia, graaaaaar, k. bm! aml to at ktxlU IM Wata. - Balk ed Kaoftabhr. fji Latin tad fmk kwr. trarta are w& Walerwd. 1 w.fl lake, k part SlMe wna the kkVr kraiwtraaf btk. pa.arrrralUaly NrgroCirk. Ptoritoe f. awalK), tM IM iricnrn U rrtwral, X Pre fa Mil foO. etoatiia tad e half ramau'toe t aWa i m U- lf tka akof a propettf ' b not eVpnaH af at icuoe aaaue rnvm kat pjf im toaetoa, wirr prhau aalc, wHkc aoU to tka kW ikkr, I eat ranre. . oe Ike let day t sVptraaber, 1638. ItrrMl eiertowa w.H Ue waetirg. on ine part ej audatoauH prckaarri. It kdeentod ear.the Ttkrr,to protMrfa tka alnx.w. ial aar. to r ra aT f-rUf drKpUoe tf ta prop. I to arrira tka href rat of the popib cmm mr.utlMMOroarftMrclMaii-r. windooU ltodUi h-eato imJk I I.R, my, to tMM IM tayeontraet JOIIM Jwe, 234, ta7, kefore ckoinr a. tuArn.N, ..... iV- a, ifta, ir.M. 3Tr Aalr AankeraOae, frrJtQ m' eMOL'ST rf Pku al Uuartrr at, .Vkr. ' J irraa, 1S2J: Moaea aniot ra. Itorrtlt barker i otifSaal artacbmmt, rrtamrJ Wt0 oa kaL II appearing la tka eatpfaetioe of tke oonn, I Sat tba oVfcmUnl, BunrtD Darker, b not an Inkatoiaa4 af (Jib Uia, ia UmwCm-O ordered that pubricalion be atoda f"t tkree Nwntba la In Marion Inatrict, S 0. oe thalfttb uh. by bit own ee.reMl to Imbrue hi. hand, h Iba Hood of fiewrimee,andnee Mai atokratParettwine.kthlMUte.irH MlW ifi 100 DoWtiTft lUwntAl THE eukacribrr aofictta tkataaiaiance of aul .pcrtone, wka kaa ly ergard or wiah tol anppraao ka and kwpreve aaoralty, k detatlngj Baa a ko. wbila to wir eraokiv. and for. aoane I time befoto wluk in thk tianity, pated ky the Ike Wratem Carol.aan. that unbat tha defend. MM of M. X Strlnmrgk. He ia about f fort tm appear ai im nen tone wteean,M or 10 inckea kk. bbek kair. dark erra and keM al tke eoertouaa k taarin, oe tke l i Ja- mmm kimair mmmr I third Moodar of Fcbmanr neit. and rrokrr I be agenetnyieforeixl7 kirik,kol whetk property let ted on, and plead, the pkm'ut eiH. er Prenck or Unau I a at enabk to aar, ta ha ?e beard ri parte and bate Hfrnant pro coo. rpeaka both langwagea waR i ke ake writea an fee. Teat i K. il wUXTON. C. eiceJWot Eegftab k-nd, but apeaka it only tolara, PrW tJr. i ZmiOS bk l he r well dreaaed, all in bba broxi-ciob. I 7ZL vJ.lTm.u. W. wkk e raJat collar to kk atr1ghl eoal aup-l tot'RT of tvy'y, MWr trm, isii: Ra. don him to be ebowt 30 reara of age i be te very II i,kl iui,. ...I inks kVnt . V, r UXW. ampiidrttndllkaOfhrek wraji taiikl kff IkUrr WUlimt, Jeaa Crabtrea and flSa eeawaaoaakty rf aaen, but qurfa the referee j cal La mU i Ptlitkm fof tale of the kndf rf atok from ato aianto aaoney, II or 50 penny- Mu,r.cfioa of rka court (bat YtrUm WhluhfTa weighta af rirria gold, a amaJI piece of fine blue W.mama, Jetaa Crabtrre and Tealy hie broatUlotk, (3 or 4 yank) a gray mare 3 or 6 p. the heira at kw of John Kent, em, year eld, ketweaa 14 or 13 bendi ktgk, e nalav ier R wUbi. the Emit of thb atatr 1 ral trotter, hod oefore, and quite thin la neah, k j, therefore ordered, that pubricatioe ka made had the marU of tba collar and trace oe-keri j ifc, Weatent Carolinkn, nrmtrd at Palieburr. took witk her, t taiWJe and bridle, the eaddrel werU tucceaairrly. thai tbrr an near if Atottioni ! Put whit it there to prevent I Arm Khackkford. ihecomrohitoaof crtmetln the tooi when I " In Marlborough Dktrict, IGeeiha iudffet can bo nrotritated for hi tcouil. IP ThomtoP- Powe. of Cbertw, eavaf ajaiw atw " nwiwa v ava w lva , don wllhout the pride of character, aente A k..t u annaltv rukMat tttf. Thl riltllJI . u-:. 1.11.1..11 a,Li via a""'.'" ..' . . . ... , wan ui;nuiii,u uimu y pn niV .made lUeCKape Ofl tM Bigfn Of IM ISIB ineT. about half wore, the etirruaa of which were once the neit Superior Court of law and Equity, lo t . t Kuatt, n..LU J axaT filial 4lf.a.aa 1 . ... 1 m ' ,(.,,. ,, tad what eourae ke haa taken. I am enahta to .fu, ua fourth Monday in March neit, ind l- J?t, bwt wrM,t rU i-i CIarlorv .ho.xnttae. if any they hare, whrtbeknd men. MiajChar. Coy wtyofC1enwiw Wdmingr N.C.fcy X't In the pethion ahould not ht feoM, lo nothing. daughter of Mr. Jonathu Wcbetd, rf Maury county, Teae, , ,T We ire htppr to percelro that n Ae-1 - count of the Life, Writings, and Speech- be holdea for the county of. Daridaon, at the eourt-houe In Leilngton, on the eecotid Morw W.aati.vill. 1 frnm rilhar of tha blarM. I .1 1 .1 .-.i 1. 1 a. . . .1 On the 17h January, by the KeiBobt liar. , fcf- tAmil for Kaw-Tork or I'blUdel-1 :n V. t.v.. -.-V.-. .a .1- !tnnf f!nl,m,kU. T.u TLJahmh T.f. nf ' .V w.? ' BOral oblljatToo ? Tbert 1. Burk. county. N. C. to Mka MtryrWebater,: r jj ri te Wd 0 ,ny perton S2. n't, S to l.' who wiO apprehend the aaid R. A. Steinburirh, M eoumy, at office, the 2nd Monday after the In Lincoln county, on the 3d Mr. rhilip 10 D puWUhed by Henry Wbetton, (iq I ... At Warranto, inthie etate,M tke ih ulu The work will include tome of the toeech- m the 59tk year of hit ere, Kemn Pbamcr, ten. e of Mr. Piokney in Congrett and at the I highly reapectabk man,ad liatinguiahed Bar, which bar. nerer before been pub- Ku L1L.P -wa e waar winaaa asaeaewawf aaa seje; a mao www VI taaw aK and aecure him in Jail ao that I may hare en op. 4,b Nmi.. j r, ptrmber, 1K3. portunityefbnnegntmtojuKiceiaJtaayiiuii ,6t01 EDWIN PASCHALLP- meana, roar, pcrhs prevent him rrom ever t. w. a. -' T IHW-T0RR, JAV 19.-: Cartm. There hu been a .rraduaj decline in nrteeer and the ranee of uouuKk mar now be conthlered 12) to 134 Cta. extra One, might per . . I f . a .. m a lr Crwaip haa been elected a RepreeentatWe ia'Congrea from Iba diatrict in Tirginu lately A 1 J ' t. aai ' Wa 1 t W. JL ! of the new crop Akbamt. jiiat trrived, have been TVTmm-'9u-ll made tt 131 to 141 ctt. The wbok butineaa et WE B. diet 336-Cnunp'a vuar,ui.croi air. lunorr, living near Kirkaville, 'UilVTf igf iuBiatf VUI aHIUV aL yean of tge, committed tuicide, a few day wjj tMHing neraeii. ne had never f x fcibited tny rymptom of laaanity, of grief, or of melancholy j and the Incentive to the commit, tion of ae unnatural nd ahocking t deeicV'ie one rtf tboae mfteriout predence wyeli ere in eBttakk to hitman penctrationr - . aince our kt, may be put doan tt about 1300 J majority, thirty-three. In pubfiabiiig thk reaalt, balei.. Account from fjvernool. ner Packet I tha ctrkau. iai,:-.w. . . 1 .. . . maioritr of thiiir three in the whole Dit I FATZTTETtLlE PRJCtSToXTXSr tricta rwult htmoTiraWe-torvXeoip Cotton, 11 a Hit flour. fine,actrce, II. Ulttinil auch ao antagonitt aaWr. Cilet, ruperfine 6 1 , wheat, a 1 33, wkkkey, tnd honoertble to Mr. Gileija. non reii- 10 Li21 k Jl "il T d.0' dnt f Be dittrlct, Thue honourabk lo miiatovado, 11 a 13 eoflee, prime greeiv 30 .hIcb h" "l "n leKepretentatif e, lr.Sd aiid 3d quality, 17 1 18 teavaon, without deparung fronj cibMhtd UUge, 1 20 1 20 1 fltxaeed, 90 1 tallow, 10 and we think aacred pri.ncple,,,, - eewax, 30 a 3?, rice4 50 to 4 per 100 lb. ( .. - -- . ' l-r ll !Tm' 1? 5iJ";102ih tolbi , We undcratand : frorn' Washington, iiumiilctured;3a20pr.cwt . Warmr. ... Ih(t o.t. ..i.t-a h,.n a .r ...ii. .H.iv.lliva V (waaa- I. -!! . J!.....J - L. ' . " 1 '.-d- Mi. IILL. t a iniuinir au uuiui vt a iinrin wuiui Arrt tteafajfeti I lh jCreek : Indiana hiVo" cecid U their Steam-Boat North Carotin, with 94 hhd. Milbndt; id lhlt :'ie;-itt:,tb0;aicneF6 Uar24 bhlv and 3 bbda. Sugar, 152 bare and I ernment WeV 4ftrfr the rwchblirrgt-of w u.a. rotaroea, 71 oezea ana the Georgians wH thui Too stopped by toS:?'- &futHiEiVt Tow Boat Com. Perry, with 2629 buaheb humtnity. Fi(AmcnJ nhtf I ivM-HAitl flalt aJ trVakkl. 'W.k ' . a. ' - . . mm. "" Departed, en Saturday ktt, Steam Boat Kortk I Samuel Jonea, Em. a dittinguiihed member of uaromia wnn toy muea cmton, W bhda. Tobac-1 the Bar In Ue city ot Wew-Tork, tiu been eiee-1 Co, tuoilr other flrtiolei, Itkl tight Paaaenrer. ( ted Chancellor of that attfe, k place of Tattirrl committing tny more depredation on thoeel . CmrttiM, Irtittt emmty t who MV,uWigb charity, take him under tbeirl "'OUKT rf pkaa anl ouarUr ataaiona. No britectJor6Tl wiMrgto inK- B,,r,?.!l- nabU charrea, for tbe delivery of the mare, J"'. f r "nimam atewin, irec-e teoro -aaoMI and bntBe, or for auch information aa will faciae, to ahew cue why the land of the. dre'd. enabk me to get them train. ebouldnot be old, to ttify theplainiifTa j.idff- If tny one ihouto be ao fortunate a to oe ena-1 auom. ppnnB; o u wuajacnon m me rd to forward me any correct information to-1 . that taham I))ke and hi wife Matilda, LU a . . a I 4.1 I A 1 aB t at M . 1 I t. a A . a 10 neienaanu in im put, arw aoi innaouanr ot ic. tion ke made for three month in the. Wratern Carolinkn, that unlet tba defendant appear at I bled via Tfaar w uw mv. , . - , .l.. I a4ar.ftilai.ra in Ihia ai l aral mm .h.h l..h He wu one of the earbeat and met iwtpectabk ipecting tne 'h-1" ZLu t. 'ZLZZ-'Za," ''I inhabitants, of that diatrict . mare, they will pieaae u.recx uieir aaaer v. ; - - - "k. J7" 3mt08 Vbtiec. eorit Cabarnia countr, N. C. r. , Ur . P. RARR1NCER. TTlZ ,.. . . .r..ik. ! the next term of tiii conrt, to ba held at the JF-SET Statille, on the tUrd Monday r-?" k Jlv !3 1. to Vmu. aa Taill bad of February next, the court will proceed lo judg. Ukeeuch-wtaCecttm; their Ppwe ae wUI lead ik tk.m. Mn.n.: r --' to the detection of toid Steinburgn, t ert , . SIM0NT0N. tlugJm.ooly: " "'""au " . , jj4 Siatt f fftrih-CartKna, Cnlitfi-it entity TANUAHY tea-ion, 1826: Ionard Hauler, l.xeutbytHjubbrr, to John 6 . -5 Hughr for the aurn ofn v..ara,da ea '"TI Trjhatharineh aomc time in last Becemoer, ine oau nv ixcoi- - - - . , , I am determined not to pay it ejc. " pMrfn(. t0 llie Mii.fivction of the court, that the no ana atOO defendant in thi ce ire not inhabitant of JMuarf .8, inzn. t) i ordem therefore, that publiciion I DO hereby revoke all power and authority be made iix week in tbe Wertern Carolinian, nwnted to John Huggine, of Iredelt county, giving notice to wid dfCndaiiti to appear at tr toreroecttthe receiving tlie balance rf klfacie next court of pttae and quarter teH.on to he .....ri. MnntfortStoCea.adminisrrttorTtbe held for the county of Cabtrro. at the court. LUferfAkxanderWorke,to theheirrf John Ibouae in Concord, on the 3d Monday-of Aril Brandon, and the ncott family, and tne neira w nexi, inen nu u.cr w y , T ' IOr ine pctuinn win vriirini,. jnnwi J t meat awarded tccordingly. DANIEL COLEMAJ, t.. Cn-4,Ja9.Md,mS. 6t01 auvanrtar Lnrke. of Tenbesaee. ALEX ANDEtt W. BltANDON. Wadehtmijk, ff. C. .- an. 23, IB20. - v ... ' 2tS7... . VoUce; THE "IwWriber hwinglibtaTned' Tefletrtif j tdminiatratiofl on Eatate of Paniel Sharp, I - A -N- e4d -Md nwweco. pocketbook...h9t .hceit IV. toft with the editor of thi paper, to deliver aitia.n fha time nrefcrioea or ih.whwiwi .t -. Ike will be pkad in bar Ot recovery. aff.0HAIIA .ntr takers' -wftrranU, -I -I 't ! r 5 t

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