i V v V : ' 8AM.SMUUY. N. CJrur.SIIMjFKUUUAHY H, I82d. VOL YI.NO. 297. t M a? HI a J - - t : . , : ., . - - r : r rzj mf ll-m tA.lt) mA n mar PL A4iwU i3 M kfii ItN I)MLNTaA CONSTITUTION. 7rf. Thai i u&if election. If duuicts. r r w Uitottoa of Mr, B f" iVa MWrl Cm'tt kL. . A tka k..l ratokitaM M f Pu CM Sr lfi i I PtUf S Jiata'J U U CUlHaB Cf U4 jaM i1 , r-r- --ir ' - i . . iiWe i$ I z. Tkirfy, That Veeotve tkcVJo, to tithed. SftinJ.'j, Tlit the cUciori ahail.be elxdlahl. tid' tb PrlVtBt ad Vke Pr sUuWreaf. t BC! of 3 U eeul trlnj thM i-i r low propotltloci, th pt T1-.!I .'iVmnlrfonl iVZw!" tAJtClloo, Art mac u hNs "- Mloor Oofffsmftf. Uiftpr to ihi oNltxri for thr itnr nct, ua o ttjuwu .a turWuihitT cbierei. tit commlttel would TpdeuIIf thitUf lUctloafHri of ih Tcoplf. I s4ac. and rcfoM to aurrmdir their r jti f iW4r7u4iBrif. u &-yrt d(cn it ati oowl urrtodcr of aalirt ai Uistb. U tbt ficiolatiool 1h mood leadiaf fcatort U ttxiMlfcrtaud wtuailoaa, Tka ISIISmf right, tq tha (xiiiiof ata. herewith fubouud ad b bri-tiog I Coaitte,i of mndmcet U th I of Intrlfya and anifit ukl ad? mtift TIU UUf la Ju!f tha Uit, tyt of Ubr, art Uut dMijtroui, tKy an aU atiQ alv), tha en wKkb U avw U forti U luCcicotJ ao, ta oiiirjttil&a roca a mtlofi of U State, aad tha tx a wrUt whkh tcry individual tour kith B)ajroOri would lad1adjptt it coanpauai le jrfora Id Kit vft If all othcra could U taada to do ao at pmoa.- - la the irtt fUtr , wbtoerrr ile m lima, (i (a, UilJo. tite ileevilaaf tbegiarral tidttart avol anode of eiectloa Ja vkkbf ddt tbf cl tvpoiit tba . ilcctora laif be wit or direct voce acttr 1 eocnunttrcd, la uc ftuhlradt glrei by tbe Feotli f wbile the fMf of ekctoral'ci&dklatre kkb offer il tkiet led the If tUtatlet ballot ibeaauUta" iU " pttt.bt the wt-j: cetaerilr etilwde the direct otef aad peraoa tbhae ftbo tffrt Irtt art rc.V n quire the ajrixt af tboal btenaed qutntty the rnoet safit (a the district ate ekctora which ll la tart of the but, bavin put forth their tasai object of thia report, to prort to beltbeT cooaWtr thtomlrti aa tcrttd" M a - . a wlib a i boaS oaetcia aad daAfcroue to the I aortof rffbt to th latta awe a)bru4 atxrpa N M.erauoat to rcfuit lo to ike an rcforaal forward pus ao eaaeouaU fliucrteg njaajtauoo 01 outct rocr, lor tneiot tau aute 01 tntun, a no, worn eg w fct M Um) to ajnlr, Cii 1 1 .t. Pm fVmii!ftrtSft. whtrh IfrAM that f if nraBt CofiitltutlaeilLfidi'tct aa which die ficoDla atow I ltDM tha taohr aad batloaev of ari MMkMiaMa'b.iM. it ' . : : i : z. t ,. .5 ai:. .:j... daraMfof viiit a ra , fftrinKt DM profto to M tea totamittee. Utieta it to m uietr aiea ta iaa cucuob 01 rrcaiac&i aaa oui raaaiaairf. eoninTca 10 prpiez( ' cmnirj aJ4 J a rirH Up; occtiury. fou&ded lo the rlghu of datv to the 8Batr, to aobtak, at the Vice Prrildrot. It la la thU part of dUtract, dltlde, ard diiruit the pea. e rt tfoM ta tKk wSop, m tk ftying m$Bt rf t0 ieaproee or aoclal lime time, a brief cipoaltioo of the the CooititutioB, that tha laUadoe) of pie with thtlr Irrrconciublc prttta jKea, bc aMlaNa)atth e,aiuw) hat been acktowleded atd retaowa which hart lafloeoced their thia fpatrooifet hu moat cflBpUttlj liona. At latt. when reduced to tho itw a lfi tWw fifce1 Etenr adraataga ctpecud to proper Bomber, and oac for each Pre tUaka t al Hmm tumdi ttwlr ajd that It waa ttot Intended aa a bar Tha firat fVatort which preaenu Ju have beeo derived from the lottltutloo ala'cotla! caadidate la fairly put Won KB!LiaWt ' reajwlvikf,tUarMrtlecoi.itnj. aelfbtht Cwraaaltt-fa pUaof,elre. of eleceora baa failed la practice, iad the people, It may Kappea that the) A wfUaUNclr-WV.aiWtl-f 4 law mark f Irrcvereace toward Una. la tha uniformity tf tktfytm a aaultitude of cvila, act foeeaeea, coo&deece of mbd aoura will be dc emy p M eipiMMM Ullr m mit aacratpra, waa anfficiently ahova which- la peopoaed ta be aubuituted have a prune, up U place of the act lei etrojed la the caadidate of thjr owa - ibiiiTa-i lTiti!rt K Can-tltotUwi ftaelf, la the do, far the diacordaoi aad arhrf anodea paled goad. It waa tha lateatloa of pany,' by (aaidtoai or bold attaela IbrvwdLir crkt a4 iltir cZu tteana.wblch It pmided for effeo. of eUrtioo, which oow prtjw la dif. the Conatitatioa that theae clectara opoa the btegrity of bla loteatoi. ftlaat lk I0tt turr Mtt. eatri ary, Iht, BO, IK J. M twr ita ova tmmdAtmt. Br tbeae fertat Sratee. and'evea iaftle aaose I ahauld be aa laaepeodeot bodf 01 avca. I fJou eurpotioe tnit oaater to oe avo eana, the ritht nf ameodment la M.J State, at different tlaea. Taanonjer.lchaara by the people from aaaooglded. aad a faithul caadidite beliercd cured to the 0nrtu and the Statei. ate theae earioua. taodei. la'i taai tbcmaclvca, oa account of their auperi-lto be found, binlneerity placed aboea conjointly, and to the Statea tbenafilelaipraciiBW aad WaU fairly pitted eelvea independent of Conereti. Tnlil for they chance with a aldJevoeailiioo 1 and that thia aelect body ahoaldagatni( i rival candidate In the oppo. J II 1 iJ . I l ' 1 I r . -; ;.all.. .L- .L. t.!. It I.'... ...L. . Vfta Is. Am mm . Mwuu4ci;apiciij m receive amcnamcamwnicn ocnea ciaaaiacauoDB to wmi u ku w mjh iKiuuaiuiuiniiiw . Tailor. tiiV momn v. canon, Tiurr.cTrtLty bWt the unoaaiuj La irT.-.w;., i.'u.c. tk. KIaa coaaiderrdbr ita ableat aupDort-lout the cvila of auch dlKaVane aad I to their owa wUL aithout the ilirhtcatl jury to tha purity of the election by f thm.pttWaaMct practlcei, la oatfteaaary leoatal from the body of the ccople.l bringing bla owa exertloei, aad tbs . ln hre e baa alooe of the beat eaturt r la the Coo- for the wfcIe eootbeat haJ laat area That thia Intentloa baa failed of ita ob. weirht of bii owa character, giiod or SbwSSaTaSaJ privilege aecurcd toland drprecated their cioul "ef.Jecf la every election, la fact of each bwd, ea ealt la the Preaidetuolcaa. Vbka, M point of ekfutM aa4 dnrmbiiit eonprtM waa any tnioa? of tlx and to .kftitv toarfirj,' TrmHcrv et bts ' aJouiaa aada at abort vtnHn&caa M I feted witk a auH auk la M aoun. T. T. C b anal for A. WanJ of rnlelah. ? TT T? "r??.1 I menr.? waaa oarticularl- reLed udo. Ublle enrtatmn uat . Ar a de of the oeonle. That it waa. ia fKt. a pledrea which had been ui to from W aiwafMat.beeoMaabacrb perae-tchlroencal aad impracticable idea in I him. The CTiaae la eaaily cooamltud, .. m.ilA-t.i ;a nl.. ... L I ' .t I . . - - r... k. mm y.viilitne ;utee to demand from ungreaa iretat I o argue la faror afl uni- untveraai ooxricty, taai no one caaivaaa, ana w inaocBtc m rnuii, 11 TlKlHe conwocartion of a INfattonal Coowtre-form mod 01 ctcCko9- la eiareaaed o-leliaputc it That it ought to bare elected, the people who toted for hira. laauadmcBU. Indepeadeot of the will aally admitted a the demand for uni- inch independence lo the electora waa tnay fe ar aett hie voUio the ai. Inf inv Hranrh ef ika P.4.r1 Cnwrm-1 forUm l.'kaa.J U ati A:l. . aa4 larhnllw i mromnaiihl writh the aafptvl verma candidate, ia vlolitioa of all tha t tka riuiadclplua UAium, A pie to call reaott of the Statea, wbt never Coo. vering exeniooa are oot aude at the aay community, cicept among a pro- fur be votee by ballot f dctecDoo ditS 1 ri ynt aTTiii H fw. Ul im." ' Te" neglect or refuae to pro- prevent aettioo to accoapIUh aa ob- pic etink ia that apathy which precedea cult, became he doea not aigo it prt- ' ' P"e the' amendment! which the peo. ject of ioeb pemding Inttrtit, - the death of liberty, la a propoeiiioa veotioa la impoaaible, for hi cannot b "lVcW licatbrr, New' Ftabioni ) pl daalrrd. " .A reference to the pro- ' The plaa of tmlfrrmirtf which bat too clear to aeVd ffluatratloa. The eaercedi .-tha ijry IrreparaUe, ft . Tfttxilt LiciioN.fJfltrtHJmbUaiw ceedirtgi of the ratifying coorentiona, received tha pprabaiioa of . the Coo- failure, then, wai, aa it ought to bare the rote eaaoot be vacated legal pua- tlltJ!!L!lrr.v,!!r viT.lb5m I the frieada of the CooaUtutioa. oa thia lit ia believed to be the nlia which, in I tic te from the eery Irtt bttitutie- of badeduatei and thua,.the defrauded ww-c(w avaia-.ua aAaaaa aaaj aaaw raaai fvjaraTarta. irwan a ar w a :faJaalpkk double capacity ofjh instrutnrtti to addltba to perfect aaUoraity, will electora. Ia the firat election held na-1 roten, after ell their care aod toil, re a m . n . v t'.aricw Buppiu Of ljCttllltT-lWiX-n,uuineni j ana inc iuruicri give eo erery otate, ana to tne acrenu jaer uc cowuiuiiud, locpppio wom mu wiww ! aadaaw ail J 7t ; rhkh will en. mat, out tor tne exiatenee of thia aectioaa or the State, aad," aa far aa bcyoad theae ageota, txeo upon toeir aecumy ior m iuiu. iwo VWkiaa.krb.oalaithfaUtteatWatotuabop, capacity, and a belief in the greater poaaible, to eeeiy Indie Wuaicltiaeo of owa candidatea for Preaident aad miechiefe have oot vet happened, it idJ??0S?3!d facili7 of praeuring aubaeguent than the whole Uotan, their legitimate Vice Preaident, aad took pledgee ao aaawer ta aa objection that they c-, oa c ri7acnpuoaoi- previoua amendmenu. that Conatitu. ahare and due Weirht ta the rWicm of from the electoral candidatea to obey tnay happen. The bfaocy and conae- wTfi a are liOOXB Unu ouOtS . Ition- mh'f I. nnm A,m,A k i.k. v:.r.c..M .k.t. ... nrv. I.v.:. .;n r ... .iik..nti-nt I nunt ouritv of the RetNjblie. la oat rJ JZTLJrr thediitricti;the.auaJifi. tioo. the aame thing haabeea dooe. the age to expect tneta. ineyaeionf; -B nrm v v a a . a . a m at a a . - a - - --a.- a. a . aB 1 a . . lhVC obtltlaPiJ ihaa ritiRrafSnn ftf aa alii f-I a ar tt-ai aI etta .Aaa a.aa1 ffVaa enataaaa PUrAn fK-rafnre. flalVa Wknt intr?rltO ihit flOef DCrKKla CO WhlCD tiiO laa a aw aw irvrirr-i ai aopniy cjf girff TVag -r-.w v w wa a - vi aaaa vvii lay aaaaw aaaav laaaaaawva uiavavi a-y iMi-.vit " - a a . M . iW.t)mwkWat.tbauk Ecitit number of. Sutc. to putit into qf conductfng the electioni, being left ed the deaigo of their inautution. creailng wealth and population af th6 S!!ttl-l'H?"w U op'ratioat:;"I'"r to'the State UgUrararearaAelmpor.' Theware not the independent, bodjf country ia rapidly wrrying u-.to aa V, ITEqually ftjecting, on one hand, that tant pera-are plac"ed ia theiafe and ahd. auperiar.,cbaractcra which ey are not far dnuot, in which; the hiit . . .r. . ,,.f7-i: aitflrm-n ia in..:..,t:nn. .w;k m L.j.. - a,..-a,,a.a ka , tkw it. tint of nower in aur. own cmzenk and the - www weaa ayawcar m auui arar aWzaaL. a - v --aT--A -.wv av idea of Can at tha algn of tho r HOOT, oppotlta rtJc, re7 improvement, right to hold "them. ':7ThelwrYebf ilefTto the exerciirnf their awa jodg.1 crimiaal- deaigna.of foreign . aatioaa. Will gITC UUUUKU. V vium IIM liona of money for aa many vote! at ta."' J he laccorotne to tne wiu oi meir coaaiiiu! womu u vw a .v..uvH tN flkMiH Ihava riMfnllW Mi.it.Ml k.'....ll.nL...r.l.. J!.J. 1. .jj. J. I .... Tka lt. rt annar.lart Infn I fWriOO- TheO WfiT DreaeTVe 8B 10- itnnll-rWroDrlat upon the aame principle which mere agenta, in a caie which requirea atitutioo which nq longer anawera the Ilia Bamn1.nl... ..4 u !" I.I t 1 1 M . I . -. i ....... r. . . , . . I -v . !.,v " r-x- . . m--- t- .l . . fnm uklK I. Ma. r..t.f4 .All .ur rmiiMcn im mem oy me oraer or toe denate. and. now eieteiminea the number of elee. na arencv. ana wnere xneaaTnTtnoaiiPurm . . . . . . . . . - - - i . '... . .....w . . 1-L-- . I :o:. : ..-.li- after comparing them ing proviaiona of the the aame pointa. thev Mr. 8lao(tera booae of entertainment, kUia d, on the other, that tpirit of inno- holding the electiooa being icceaiary meat j oo the conuary, they give their wi euanahoiw; H. TTZSZ'S alioo which would leave nothrag ata- to the tatreranty of tha ayatefiiafix- vote, or bind themielvea to giye it, lio ' 88 ble b the Constitution, the committee ed In the plan of amendmeDtl" The according to the will of their coaatitu- wc S flutliorifp. have carefully' conaidere'd the" several number of the districta ia vaadeto de. eota. They have degenerated Into ele United Statea. U mocttd by thi Penult and Haute i Xtfirntntaitvti . lAf United Statet Jlmertca inCoTigrcit tfembted, That the following soma be, and they are hereby, the conclusion, that the with the exist- torai and, by asaigoing to each dia- be useless, if he it laithiui, and dan- wnose tenacwy w iuuui itp.uw institution on trict one vote for President, and one jrerous. if he ia oot. Instead of being mischief, ta not counterbalanced by have come to for Vice Preaident. the relative weieht chaaen for the noble qualittea aet forth the alightest capactty to do any good r nlan of. that Inf th ftf.t.a In tkta immrtuil .l.runn I in the Federalist.' candidates for An mstiuiUon which must impose I . ' . B a a a ' a I . . I . BS 1 1 I . at. a. aa a aM Vak Aaavaa - -reapectivelyappropriatedtowardatharnil- n" lmeni n n the execution, remaina precisely as fixed in the pre- electors are now moat uauauy aeieciea upon Y" " nary aervlca ol the year one thonaandeiehtr" """ wuu.un.fMn ot au eiec. sens constitution, t ne vntjtrmtty oi ior men uctmu w f, hkh v....... - bundrad and twenty six; and for the ob- t,ve governmenta the choice af the shis system of election is perfect, and. popular manners, and a aopposed tai. the canvass, or distract their attention jeeta following, that ia to aay - chief magtstratei j and that it ia no less therefore, one of the main objects of ent at electioneering, which the fra- by a multitude of pretenaers, wnicn a.. a B Arm M I ..aaflaaailH BapnaBaa a) WVWW nFfll a VliniVat ay I IMaB Vaaa aaiivvwv iaiaaa the election j and af ects the whole body Far-taa panaiona t6tbaRevoIui!onarla richt than a dutv. in the exlatinff I amendment will k a-iMnnl'i.kat kv i mm of the Conatitution would have I necessarily briogt aa . " -a. I W T" r-s, r.-T - . .T "jSjBJ ' . H WVVVkllUliailVM T " a enatonersafthe United States, one mill- generation, to provide another plan, its adoption.' That it ia the best sys- beetS ashamed to poaaeaa. -In the aleo encpa to, govern tt nJ h?n, J,0 ojhouaandlmore capable of a ateady, equal, and tem which can be adopted, ia conn- tion by general ticket, the candidatea ter it ia over, sub, eenhunarea end nihil-IoIIrir" t r. r r;. r r . j - . .. . .. " j .l i. : r k. vm-fb to he , For th. invalid and half p., pensioner TZZa' .CV ' ... " Tt!" k. Jpmm i -in addition to an unexpended Ulance of .l .11" j' T ir l ' . cowing . ant hundred and- fifty uaandidollai yey lfcirn p.n.een ble Wd uncontrolable agencr,in .W For pensions to f he widows sndorphana, " 8re,t to admit all these to be their service, puts it bto the power of ble power, priated, and aent fortKTo whlchqutrct oaageatf Vtoy-avo- iw-elve.ihomand dollars. - changed whenever the State Legisla. a few to govern the election, and ena- the people to be voted for by many recourse to an i agent whoae treachery x See. S. And be ll further enacted.' That tnree please, the Committee would in. blea the nannlnut State, tn enmoLdate who know not. but who are required may ruin, and whose Sdelity cannot the said soma, respectively, ihjll be paid dicate two irreat leadinir featurea in their vote, and to nerh,lm tke email to vield imolicit confidence both in the aid youf Why employ another tft 'ny-anon-y . ihe, aecond takea xht ttrf6n a Otberwiae ahnronriaieft. - : ki. .u-t, r t.j . I . .. . . . . r . . ..! iteiet itaelf. and the unaeen aodvioo a inmg wh.uiwi ui.,.. 1 -1 . -.4. . j . . . rt'...:.i!. . I An -ailv for himaelf f In tho i ; -fr-r wuu jiaa w hoi iy iaiica ije insmuuon idobi enureiv out oi tne nancie -oi tne w men prtpwcu h. nu.hu.- - 4 . i ::'JPln. I' EbctoraV and the ultimate tlectitn People, leave it" ta a prexiatiog management most usually eneuree sue general ticket and legislative nodes k Sei in thi iiRetn lmtfJ, c. to thia tito , Md thu. a .tring of of.o, I'fj?:. ... ; ;3-tatc)f;tliin;Ui electora become possssed of the votca be made to act apart. ineyDecome, 'toavellr the want of Owformitv; Legislature, to bestow the voti of the of a State, without being auflicienily ,n auch snam A::abilty pCtbe ; resen SIWril knowntomosi of, tha voters. to tner t tnW . . -of-election.e nearly'left us publid duty or wlvate bterestr-Doth ibeirnfidenci . effect their viewa , bunJn tbed athct J!iSlate 01 JoVinr.Iloagenai withoutTBn ticular f aod-oftenlesa known to them jreni.ih?yre rpHE wWribar kav!nj qH,r,fi.d choice of the two first officers of the objections, and are juetly condemned than the Preaidential candidatea them- being need lor thia purpose t and, it (I -- trator oBtheauta . th. - u. ar-vk"t - p.ji r ... . ' ..... . ... . ' -r.u- i : trk. .k.. i, t UUtiv lent tin. can be aeen-in no other il ewSee whichompela them furAerremoved , . the sameayetem inapme aad conrroui oi in pn. , 'l'"" .fc, real. f I While tha district system, j part etill more auoouea w tne pux. " r,v" ' "7,.": rJT Vr 7 s. w u rk- -n-a ell the. jionunal rieht, to elect thent and all thuse barina; elaima agminat (aid ''i11, ,he dvantagea of Uniformity, of the necessity -IraVth;' equality, would be ac- to counteract , plead.ia lrfthefrWr;... WESIIACK ejlESTON,adWV. e to the-people, and favorable lother State .k. ... Ill .L : :' ... .1 w ui iuc qi iiocny, inc ommittee l wnicn me committee recomnienu, poacw w p-" .... i- - j v:,., p..,via e.r have rcaolred to pr'opoac : Ipasse-srs not only the atJvtttage of itrict mouVof election, where eleotora Ithe President and Vice President Of t i 1 ( i

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