" 7 1 ' ' , ' .' : f -t 1 !' -'i lit j v; HlimUAUV 21, 1820. K ru . . 7.7, ... i j .n t-4. fJrrr- MiWN 4 B jW4 IW Ul U i .' a-iki tarn ! rrvjir. 1 I"! ' "e.aa.af SLK. Convinced ef tb UpoUitr ' revlJ isfthetwlowa ?kh Ihtlr fouaj.lioiria nature, u i j a. f wry I . . .l. ,tlM. .f te-hr ,Uht aJ JTI. Hfi. 'M je'wi,! .Vich hut Ut ttfftd j!JrTlS3 iHt Wctim of our Pr.Jct.t - - IkN LI I I , MfduMvr. JK'I iU .k - tofTUDlloii. Iwofiocf. Sfur JwXfSp drt.. J ,h. Ho Seo.u ,o Oct.. UiWmiU:I im?Cril Uitoiry. aoj tbil of ih ottn if PC,K CLrVillfi 5en.t to :i ; I FTr i O'MoTU i g g of hl the Mfflt imiuTiiiA favour, re cn tomwu Tit nf fl V C VKON. 4iwrificr - o' lh Mr rilOMAH . V,.wf ...noort.d br ofinhr ol e- 1 rrtrwrd t- f iu o.L. gy or appluibilit to ibe Hire of ih JTVr C V ot the touotry 1. dull mw wi war. L!.ki:.a Tti ekarrc of irM iectrimtMW rBct co hart no fouixUiio amobg T. T. C. W ir -H fcf , "f Sr' . piiie with whom iheulwtof re. in KUmf f mhs i ,. ..j i--elrU universal i ii AnT pA-- " hof iatclligwce fa kept up to ibe M iu rbiUWipUi. aVU-M, tin w n pfogrtU ef lbe ,gf f by themoJupUca taiiiuwt . . j:ffai;oa of Dcwipaocrai lZ-Z ; : ti - .ho dailr occopuoo, aa cmz? oi, "Tnjir lAatherr Nrw Faiiiontj !t B y fmprovemoi of that men. nut fcita m loufvJaiil la acrici"! .aiL la f wwlvA tU Idea' ...If i IA.Li.la .! i(tf II it cuaiiwu v comaiMa worM col imw. otf (w if oothiaf tf Vor pm.) r,. tk moJociIca of tUlwr. m!iKh ef W4ti cm tiiH lUf Pra. . - r. r.,i, trm ir rr iw in , " - ,, '. ft .1. Htoa,frt Hi mm awj a wr kinru tut iwnrr turn , i . .. - , - , . , itinera aortco rienca , u ..,. r a f Asia CootuLiof Paa H"N WW w. Klag, of f of 1 wterru Fctff tub inUfouftd w vUlM w ! rrrat citwa of r.i, ami m otbera cm bt aJJuccd h which the Af'tAtlblcaof Klioa 4a awl ckUu Compart oot c4 iHfit fttW, that a a lUfflia Cotau). a tlx fair tM tad moat ppOtHc, frfih fV f Uc- lor vna nwH" whxb the comaahtefctutBOwi, a ebacrve Ko coaaplcjcf) om iftclutfci, .At iK fithr iitLidri.lhc two treat cauiet of e witctBctfrfloied, wd th4r cTatK Tlf eAwUaU; fo ft funoaa. la tVtt cirir tr of tbt lie puUW, and y a laaj h tbe later, to appraf la pnraooaoi otu for tbe cfiLe. face to fate, will H iie ?oura. Trtiu trvd toteruinneata were ooi ooIt. allowed, but ityttui ! tj. ntiirtd. J ... " t,K..n iV T1rit' r!atca to the form and tbe market, be booad, it urtiia tetrnrala. lO tlrcaaaaabttUU the city, in all the forwe of repilM - - i r . . . nf ihia il'unliv were ecaioeBUV caiCttla- i-.l a iirvM ihW imtarirAtioei tod m inflame the caiitofil ol e pevpic Every eircumatance, caicuuieo w pro duce effect, aa tarefuHy aclecteJ, nd IBtVMM D!CMO!iJi.1UnBiiB- u f4CUJtic a Uh wboen be in . ' .LkLjUJAnB U f nrimir !6lieT. IB J tltt C inititu- .eTlitWMa-Jrmaa, firima7 fblicy. aid tne eauca- rit4auipiuva . . ; .. uion t ineir cnuarro cnniw G,tnht nf Tsnthrr. I endowment-raor rrttlooa tban the .ml mw Z-w, kiwi at 7w, :. win - richeit inheritance. Upoo auch a peo- . . . . . . f ,i f.l... aU.iVUikiiii I ..f imiamnA is n id tl. .mpk,ymrMof th unfounded aipmioo, and will be an uIm. in mki ud mend ereft deacripuoa of r - aiperaioo auu more umounutu m l00ft ana SnOto, v . appHc-tion to their poatcrity. But the mt m rood nutrrUU, m fwh'ionW HtJe, tnnt,t:0 not Onlf Uofounded, but woriminrike .. -t i r.-fsrnifidietorv Id lb tnouthi of t&uSO thoae who utter it, feveotheiemlt KMt aiiretb Tixht bo( "d Pump for eU- lnat tj,e people are lufficiently Jntelli paa, Jl ttn'tftlTyaila V-rv.cr 0t to choae electori, md thittbeae ; :Ar. SffSl,.-' elector are bound to vpte,ai the people '7ZW dect them. Here,' thetj, thr theory M, l,r?rr-. of e'jSM of the popular -election '"'"ed I - ft.i:iinr. n c anil to denv the oractice while admit- 35. w ,mir the iheorv. to reluie a vote to tne I .-J lv 11s. o If in La'.wKn? 8tn. c;r- r- ; ; aoelcctor. io. A LL per on. indebted to the eHit. of the Wt -v " .1,:,- Jt u..k.A P vtduL iml dec 1M IktUDtaiTViyn v.ifjir VrM.KaMl. The which dcfelU to make pyM 4thot dcy i ml ir per. the objection, and cxpoaea tne elector ora'bivine cWim irmlnit the eue, will pre- je ,USpJci00 0f beingp wanted for t ent tham mlthin the time preeebr hwe K5rK K.. not been ditcover- tl... Mike in be piea la mt war rrcorr7 - y -u. i. .J at f lo-ine their id-1 ed. After . all.- admittine - that - tne . f. aat civw a " w mioUtrition Mioon a powihlej therPre all roMlfJf the people may not.be BO well pertont concerned woukl do well to pay imme- . f j upoohe quilific.tiona of diate attention to th notice. . . . jj . . . i M!cTnfts . Preaidential candidatea. aa smaller VCSIIACK PINKSTON," '- ,nd more aclect body might be, yet 'fit. qO. 182J. 92 . this diaadvaotago ia more than com. ai T A..l Demated bv. the Jtrcater disintereated- miiB MbKribar havine qualified., execu- nea. of their condition, and their aio I a k. I.. , , ll...mUa fnnff mr Hantra. CrrnWintT l)Ut OI Xmit 03 late of Bowah county,' decM." at the court of v,OU9 intereat, to get the beat man for pleaa and quarter Kwion. fur tbe aaid county, 1 The mass of the 6eople Lli - ih. third Mondar of November but.-1 1"re8ldent. I ne mass oi in, pwu c ""T . . . .1.. .ii l : I .1..,..,. r,, fnr their fftiintrA' 4 DOllll- notiCC I. lereT Ken, uw i pcrwn uimg in.. r demand, irainit the Jd ettlte, are required to I f 5ons. too often for themirtlvea and pretentihem fot'jrgf nj, within the time pre-1 (f ,nat4atlff et - aenbed bf law; - ' ""1" "Z. " " 2j "T tfceTe"u feaa danirer to be apprehend- Dee. 24, 1824. S ed from tie boneav tniatakea of the wW-i ei it) uftafl people, than from the criminal design EBUtt 3ou V. Uoagena. j;iJhiooi pOrafcia0. But the ob- "tlodreni. dec. dejire. R penwn. Indebted to can Govehllftentt. For, U the pto- aalu enaie, to come nrwru n-v pig are wcFpaoie oi ricciinguicir wwu anentand Bll thb bavin, claim. agalnat Mid . . f m8itiilFate jf they are too igno- ertite, will present them for aettlement, proper, e""1 n" "V 6 Dlead in bar of theif recovery. this choice for thcmielvea. It results. ;T.J;L lu an ineviuoie conaequenc,ci..utiu X'ftttrft. . Itake refutre! under that "Providence w - r. . " . . e .". j .f inenua oi F . . . day waa chosen with careful regard to tk ,.r rf thc-weaioer ana mic venienceofthe pubnt:. On tbe morn- in m I 11.1 14 V A U .M.MMWW w w ...K1rrt at the house of the'eaodi A.,0 made their ailutnionl. and con .....1 Kim tn the CiDitol. amidit the loudest acdamatiooa. There the pro- ceaiioo waa formed, and ihe canvais regularly opened. The candidate, on r . .r.dinthe Tera Candidate, Commenced-hit drcumambulatioo of the city, followed by bis Sntatortt, rBm.rLtiare. Inter firtttu D'mmtti ----. i .. .. . Secvc$ter$1 and all tbe ctowa oesiaes whtrn innrrii inu uii iviii r . in the "mVtrotKJia of lbe World. a - nnf him tor dunliv tro arare nf wound, which he had-re ceived in battle j tie manner of the age permitted him jo recount tne ex- Iploits which bimseii aaa nu ancetor I nma periwrwcu, p f-1". - leriictB ..woitu . the Sute. In tbia form, eve atreei, nn amaiaPa. An d aVibnrb of the City. waa visited t every citizen waa ealuted by name, and every one numoiy ao ,U.A. fne' Ma vote. The Seetatont extended the length, andawelled the rank', of the prbcesaion the Jfomen cbtorcn whispered , in the candidate a - . e .!.!.. .Va mwmm ear the name or eyeiyiw .V. Vh' Tnterbreiea "made" barcaioB for votea i the i)ipMor diatributod the price and the Seque$tre$ received the portions of-thoae wboietenaibility ihrunx imm tne puouc fcccjuwu -bribe". The candidate who did all thiawaateSenatorcf pr incely irovtue iJHHE aubecriber having; obtained letter, of which 18 supposed, by the friei !l"m-y adminiMration on Eatate of Da'el Sharp, the hereditary principle, to p -W KSntra for badoeoDle Heir. at. law of , Mid Sharp, v jipply to the .ud- i t"T o , ' ..!.! jji....?r" 17 i.-...- I TViir fhrre ia an reason to aoore crioer Hiriwcir uiiiriuuw6nare oi wuu c.;iiuc, - .. r rr, within -the time prescribed by law, or.thii no- hend violence in the popular' election ? fe nltm?VH arp of Pr"Went cnnot be "d'Wed- The i ?d,182ff. V Vv " j example quoted: from foreign couo- rr,t4iitVeT"'nrMaaedHff all the tarollfw auence which hereditary wealth con fers j but more frequently vicwnou. General, loaded with the tpoil of plun. dered provincea ana conquercu Antrim . The voters to whom he d- dressed; himself, were warlike young men, veteran soldiers, and the drega of an overgrown, end corrupted city. . a'. 4 t1.. C All day of election,- te the puce, oi others, best calcuutea to. prooucc citement, with tbe meaoe in mr handa of shedding blood, -'and an am ple field for action j jhey met in the r1 i.m RiAmiim armen aa ii iui .1. .4 ;ntn rvliniia and rival divisions of cfate and centurtet, and free from all eontruol frcm the civil a a irittf.ua. A sinrt teat caetwaea tht tsodl Jurs a4 ire juJf,ii taat LtU hU the assemllee), amid. sad igUsw4 BBu1ni4. That tio Wale aa4 UodbJ hou!J ittetHl .ocfc tUctloni, waie.tural and ttt. But what rit of rtKt. laixe cm be fuuo4 Utvcew those d u;i t ,Tie candidate Ur lbe AtnerU can Prokifory it destitote rf berrJU tary wtalib, saJ frequently Upovtr. iihed by prtrloui sertke te tbe pub lic af. in 1 he It unsUe, If be bould ... a iff. be wWIer, to enaMuh penoiui i. a a A t . . . tmourte will the vours, or unum. inUiliUB the teriitot lea of ibe Ue iooothiC but oil rtpt.Uoo U rtly upow tbe mode of extlog tipoe the puUU anted fevera y m pow. . J the bftn. which Ktvet to Ul tiled - r , - ... , ih.t range over rauo, waito, i the flotmao liases, wai COffiasd to the city t the txevU to be acted po, a tort, scattered over aa immense ir. f. and vodavlo aoaaU bodies, 10 the .mm r.f eai'idates. without BBSI or odkxis di.tioctiaei, d at aeveral ihAuaand d.fcrcot places. The means of prtservieg tranquility lo these elec- tioas, are ju.i v. ,tw fnr rteodurinr violence Wftt censio of tbeira in the election of the Caoauls. There ts tvoihioa in ooc which cm aerve for aa eiample in the o6eri and, accordingly, our eiet- tiooa have been as marked lor wroer sod tranquility those ef the Romrai fnr inb-nee and Diooo.nca. The We of violence, in a popular U,,Am for. Pr evident. 11 COOliaered by the committee as an apprebensioo ilhont looooaiiow iitaw, - m,a hw evimrJes from abroad, and r'l v . . 1 , contradicted ny bu wbi .n ue "" .t hine. For fcltv veara tne peopte of the United Statea have been en- j l. ,Wt'toni. They vote, ia every Sute, for Kepreseniativea la f in tnanv mr uwu w- w- .t u all for a leu or rreatcr number ef the civil and military o(h- cera. The danger of bloodihea is much greater io theie elecviooe where au tne eanowmcs r - tntetrourte with the Toiera. and are fFequeotly present with their friera and relatiooii than lo aa elec tion for President, where the aeveral i: j.... kw .vir remoteness I rum taiiuiuaita, .. the scene, and geaeral want oi person al acquainunce, amount to little more ahatrwet contemplation. luau uyi"-'" - - " . , . .-4 Cats Ir- Yet id these aomcsuc .v- tioos, no acenea of bloodshed nave i .d na recourse to arma UCCU W IU""" . . haa-ever entued the most animated contests". So far from dreading Vio lence at our Presidential elections, the .-.r. of that danger, in the opinioo of the committee, is the one to be ap -.l..,i.4 anath ! indiaerence i a L..t.r f the elective franchise, ol UW KlVfc. " " . " ! ,n ih. railae more, portcoious - ... .1 a.rliul of siberiy.taa ac of violence ! Already we have cauie A r.l alarm at the Droereis ol this - t,nrnerted dlPffer. which IS making its silent and fatal approaches ,A while we are discussing uwn wmv , --- .v. ..SK'.iirv nf its aDDroachins upon IUE 1 , , T , r another j and, upoo every puiH-i. k.i. art inn. thia oreaent danger II U III aw-w p aj ahould be repelled before an abaent onria bunted op. -To Itrace tbi new evil to ita aource, to dieplay its present . a . .1 1 a NAIM magnitude, and to caicuiaw i table effect, would be matter of useful ....:Aiia'neeiiiation. wortnv oi m public, attention, but not coming with in the rmge of a report, drawn up 5Boalfiensuntraodrwanted. for-an . ' ! rti.t without intmrniiie, occmun. , going further- back than to the list .t...:vn K mot amnle oroof of the ci(iuuii ------ - r . , main proposition can be readily found : ri -- A- m;npnilY -calculated to excite the feelings and to bring forth the passions of the people, a nc .... J-J-..- mmr(illB. DODUUr. OCT gonallr k.nOt u nwny, through lain? . . . -rf-H-'. -';-,.-- ---..-.j Ia Thr three knownv.to.au. mhbjwbi. "rTvi.- great sections Ql.the country, -uK mined partizans,- opposed by othera -.ia andl nersevenne. and the canvass prolohgedjthrough the on exampled period of four years. Yet, was the reiuit an eiecuu . .1 -4-u-i finlihe contrary, no aUrmrng oeglcct of the elective f ran-j tKUe! 1 Ve pernle wiib d.tu!r were (4 1)4 pofls! ! fw 3tHl here rhf twit tn raat.t, aUut ee half tit a Vw tWaW U ayt kci f.nh la a-, ne, pot aa f iehib ! . .a Such was the touciciu.a I in tuitmt la wblch u muth vioUtxe had beta -.kaa.Jf. and lit which S4 Bimr j'i'l . - - - , nlrrd to prodece l. N called tipa lf Set Out the caaie cf , ihia amitlny'aClLir. It W&uU shews to eiHe from lbe lfiUrpUn f elcciora betweea the people and tbe oHrtt of theif hWe. Thia leuraaee j . . . . .... -i diste laiutouoa. leteaard to wcai lam force, and id aoftea tbe actio of the democratic elemeot, hilbeeo luaeu ful ie the first forty rears of Ita exia teoce ta oVstToyiei the life of the elec tloo It it H thai adding aaoiner to tna many proofs already eiiitlnr, of the Wulh rf the great maxim, ' I bat lib erty ii ruined by providing any lied of aubatitute ' for popular electiooa." The machinery I etetton, piaceo tween tbe people aed tbe Prnident, and, above all, the imposhlva f the general ticket, has paraijsed tne apirif of the voters, ad anBde them look with Indifference upa e arence is bleb they can act no really tficleat or independeat pert. Of tbe few voice .. . .L- -I 1 (-.A acjuBny sive"i iw ;v v to, a large proportn-a came from tho least eiumable deuriptlati of roters the interested and unproductive claiiee while the real people, tney wnose iodu.try coostitutes tbe we.kh of tho country, whoee puma pay the taiee 6f the fjowmment, and wnoae anna 6ght U battles, took lese iniereat ia the result of this great election thia they would have frit 1a an ordinary 1 canvais for county ofEcers. Seeing M. I, K the itate nf thinra at pre- - sent', and aupposiog the evil cf U to go on increasmK, the real people, Decern- j'lr . . W .I.m!m nf ine more iotHerew w ,ivmw . ' 0) . . . . i i - President, ao tne murtsieo cua-ew more animated, as tbe gsme is more) and more abandoned to their pursuit. what else can be the reeuit out mat mo election of this officer, who wields tho - eficieot power of the Federal Oovern ment, must eventualhr fall into tho hands of those who want that power wielded to the ewgle object i person al promotion end ifldividual aggran dizement r , n..t fhit la thia obirctioo. this cry of violence whirh is raised sgsinst the . a a .A . people f IB it any thing more man heated discussioo, boldness in apeak- ingand writing, and aome casual ai frays between Individual!, audi w every other election produces I la not hi. the idea of nooular violence among us t And ahall this wholesome aaimcV- i'"be"eleeKaond.er, tne noiton ol prerenting civil wan and popular aedi tions ? Is excitement of thii kind dao- gerous to Republics f On the contrary ia it nec.ssary to their existence r Aro not talents developed, new ideas atrucfc out, useful designs conceived, great enterpmee achiedrand liberty Itielf. pVervea," by ine agititioirv the colli--sion, tbe active rivalry, and animated competitiona or the citizena i nw sleep "of the" spirit la aa dangerou to ItepuDiica as n i. up.iuua w archiei, and it is only in the latter that it ahould be the pvliey of the Govern- nie to. the ouie- tude of machines. Jnatead, then, of yielding to the force of this objection, this auppoaed' 'excitement of the peo ple, it ahould e hailed as one ot the rhief advantaeea to be derived from the exercise of the direct jote It ahould be looked to aa the identical circumstance which is to infuse new lifeJntoclcctionrcanimatetna. voters, and encourage the real people to attend the polls, and to discharge, with becoming pride, 4hat ex-lied privilege of freemen, which is. now io miH-Ji negiecteu. v Finally, who are tKh ptofilt yio are not to be trusted with a direct. vote i whoae ignorance, violence, and corruption, are o much dreadeo t 1?. v-.t1,T. t....3,(f:; -r,nm"thft vnerej Hey- Sfmarthtrbbfettioni-'A'Te'thry' not of the aame order, of being, pos sessed ol the same cpK" or quite aa well informed, more deeply f a a a I f . 4" Va.aae aWiaf. interested in tne wcwarc v. try, and inGnitely further removed from the operation of indirect caoses f Are they not, in. fact, the identical per looa haare greeted by the apoeUauoa J r w -'."ji ;. j " I'm i 1 M.a 1 j i if ? .... . j) .. : ' - . ' ' , . - - . . ' fc " . ' i . " S - : ..;.. .. . Si -i-r - . . - a " ' ..-ft ' ' ' '". ' ' 'W.'" J--- - .jet-,-. - ,.-.. V . . . -.. . . , - "i , .. . v ; - . .' , ' v- - - . , . ' -J: ' . " ' v .. .... :. .. ,3- 3k " ' " "' i )i.

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