f i in It J. r ,tt I t tit Nr; ''1 t SI tf. Ut fit! ei ' '. la it M m r Ihiwp, kf r I !o !4 tn tlif e;d 14 IM t-lmUIHfttM of The 4tn M Ut tftav In tM ftirra, end rnmh i'-um M bae Mn'iW 1. A Mr. pttmft tootf tour, tl ft ltd la uvrd lb MWtftf f i( ordi t Mr, RJph,en rpo.iton M4he4 Mt lanr.e tU ln-Hi, ,rv1 tcaodstoil ,,! 4tmmk liri, io4 tf, l Me ,(lMll , , rniiit 'a mW," fco fa. . '. . . ....I.. L...IIU k LmXHA la tat- lM.f f I XnifMr- Kentro, It ComSerUne1 flip, estimates (be value of U IWk MBl I'tM ItkjtSUIft InrogRri nisitjn.pia rtft, during iH 11 wtwwt, tflt0i.i9I. !.' 0:9 iiart-sf fttk, e:6ijio j l.lovt'aJr, at t 1.393 Caul, M Ct.14-1 44 1.1) J 41, W fOJJrTJ TU na-wUf of Hvff diirf it to market bf ib Krnbtwa roairt it lniiud HMO fa vbol imownt of t kit apt clti of Stock, iftclgdutg lb ahiprntnti of pork to Ncv Urkat l trrla, H H appoard, duti iwt fll tbort of or mtU Ion of uuiart. Tko Slif from tho Weat lately rrlf d at Cauitnawar. K. Y. and lb pat- Miiftrt trt tor? patlerslly l'if for tbo drtrtr to wtn tbo d"r. - A tKoro vtrtj oo lodiratiifii of tuck Mrp, tM DatfrCRitrt bclprd lhnarrt out, and Ttrt attonithed in fitd lafy bad no drlrr r. OUl ibat Ibo bo bad HrtHJjb op frftl Urlr at tbt ttne.Kj. Prrn'lr ' fsan'rvdo up," tN IftfUmed tttir Ire bad found lb driver In tkt roJ. inrtt miirt Uck, ith both bit U brokrn ind tblr k. II not beard to Ml on, per apt ooinf to lb boitf of lb X en tbo fro ten road. - It loo appear tbat tbo " bona krpf tbt rod lor three mile in dark )x and tt their utnal pare' Tilt rrcotery of the driret It comidercd OOUWIUI. A Ctntl Jaaaaf A few week atnre Mr.Abrabam P. Miller, the bead botch or of Walnut township, made Huuge for Abraham Miller. Eq. liiina; On the Canal Line in Walnut lownaKip, which tneaturod 19 tarda la IrnRik. ogiof one auaWt) tuft withmit a atwgl tM or bole In It. except at the end, and weighed 3i poondt! Beit ihio re FakBeld batchert ! - f. - -.r. - Jicnet D. Gardiner, recenllt eipeltcd from the Letitlatvre of Obto. for ptomia " ingi when a candidate, to pay hair hit comDeDtaUon at'e fneranerr into the county treaauTt, vat injmrdiately re el ccted and returned br bit ronililuenit.-J The Iloote of Repretrnittitet. howe ver, decided on the 6tn inunt, by a tnte of 43 to SS.lhat the provMnn oftha con liirullori" under which be" wit preiouly expelled diiqaaliicdJ.imJ'fotn Jhohfinf: the time office for the ipace of (wo yeart. - The HnRliah Governmrnt hat offered loan of HOfiOO lo miit in opening a ca nal In Canada, from the Ottawa Hirer to Kingiton. . The following i the retoluilon naised . hjibt IIqujc otJRepTeenttireti, calling lion relative lo the minion lo Panama ! ' Fetotved, That the Present be re S tested to cauie to be laid before thi oute, to much of the correspondence between the Government of the United . State, and the new State ol America, or their Minister, retpectin ihe proposed Uongres. or meeting of Diplomatic A genti at Panama, and sch" information respecting the grneral character of the expected Cong rets, at mat, be in ill pot tetsion, and at may, in hit opinion, be communicated without prejudice to the f ublic intereitj and alto to inform the loose, to far is In his opinion the public jnteiett may allow,. in regard lo what ob iectt the Agentt-of the United State tie exDeciea 10 taae pan. in me eciioemionr of that Congreit. .. . . .. . ' "The vole upon it wat Yeae , 124, Najrt40 - -. .. ... . - Lat -Tuesday tn unruly . horse broke -loose in Essex ttreet, and in full efareer ran againtt a watchjnsker'a bow window, at which niany watchet were hanging, and smasJied tLTbi literally .ran nirtg acunst Time. Salem Gaz.' There H t) ; Jo. Enfelaadiirno it & iid hpt .worn the aaroe pair of leather breeches every day for . tixty-five yean ! If every ' body wore leather breeches, what would the tailors, asd manufac turert do f '" ; The atate of Ohio wai'admitled into the Un ion in 1803, at which lime Ha population wai lets than 50,001) 6ul i it nw (23 yean aiuce) con 4aiiiia im'ttoaof inliabitaiitBi - f ft jpOrach, tl nnrtttf :i. H;'.. W Sr 'JU J to l lkt l-4 y"f C! af ItUUrf b U .jui tad J rfW, m f riLy tegU af ll4 aval. lb Cmjf af "fa V-m Urn al tk tAepWaf "71 Ar a ar Wkir? Tk rn4 Jt tk lUa at Aa U A'kUvf, U rk tM ktfmtrty evpW4 by iU TWpvu fwtlrty, TW cbarwctrra, al ottor prtkWs flflb lUad I U&iK , that lb tasrUft af Cel. TV C Putt, I .. .' . i L i . nipiij m Mra err f ft siMMn muta tnm fMl lrM ti frfH ti Mtf b4t W ftoW to mic, m4 tWjr - 7 mt loo. t m4 i tb Wmnl cwUi la lk fctttttft, k. rr cTi4 oW iVi Mr in. f OW,t JQtKCtVrjUL MOCttTT. At i fWkr. V)V1 hi Dm lkM m IU Lil H. tMt Civ S fttitmViJ. inf. Vwb( to (W ttmtj cf U rnkf. A hocwft hmttt m trmti i mJ MWfdw MUn tfsMK)J, MX Ik Cul!oSf Df. JU toatl, ADmiwtllH, jt. M.nia. TVa CUlKTt im ifto, CW. vrrt fp4iu commJ'tM frrtpowlre lit. fUAt, Mmmm, to. Dr. t. L. Fm4i If. C. Ml kt f pNBMttM IW tik Mlt MMUl John BfL Jr. fL inpnJnifJ to df (w public ulijltw kl lb Mil kMUll mtt A Irtwr fro! Crorr Ads Em. I U kxWtj, r t iMlonMiioa, iW K WrJ of Wntielt Wbilt flu WkctL tn4 a cftia qourtitf jof Gni ;td for tf Cwrtjr focM-'r, ia d pvrcMca mi im mvwi at i noru, w) tiMpfwd M ilifTcraat part af lh ato. 1 hipowal fee tV tncWtki of lV)Wicni coun ties will madt to WJmiBfloa, and Wt mdi Ur m"fi, of PTttctR i frrxw wVnca lb tritMrtiN wiTI W Mla to afl Ik CoaMira ll IK Wrf la ale) Arrirnliaft oriicf Into be arpnireiL - fMnai(ATta A eommJtU ttaa Wa tppointrd lwii lrfi. Iaturif Mais, to eontnet ilh KKa ukbW penona to draA b!Qa and rcaotrea, and aopjr pi. part fcr neaibcn! Vrrily.th'tt ia a irjlnrmtni apoa kixurj aadlmloleacc, aitherto aakaova la our RpvbRcaa couatry. Wa ara cariam to know vhat plea the kgiakUaro eoatd bwomt. la favor of tb trpfJbntj of Uu aovel procoodinr, obthrr, from tKc aatihipRcltT of tbeir offieul duties St wai laiportaM tber aboold b diihuv. dnl of all the VWry of offic or wbrtbrr. (u m tb caw ia " WrUUimr) (rooj a lack ofbuatnraMalant unon tcbibirn.il bcm ac Cfmry fur tbem to ItftaUt. for tbeir conjUtuciitf bjprxfl. Aahlaknovntbat maRTof ourler. Ulatire rmnubTe beta id lb prictko "of birinf olhcn to Wr iprrcbt for tbcm, wt ' may ncit look for tha rwploymcut of oounael la Ibcir oVovrry Tbu convrrtina; lb rrprcaeo tattT of tb peoplo into mcra automaton. DlLITn tf lit rJUFEROM t RUSSIA, -It wiBbettritiby nftrence to the foreign u.'. tlvJ n.Mr ,h.t r. ror of all tb fttiijfdead.: : Tb potentate i - j jl- - . hihiuuvcui7 fnBiMi.ii, n wrr fri poleon, more mind and more reniuathan any ,mMA In rx,m rv . k- wiekiei a power coanpateat to carry Into execu tion any gigantic acheme of eonnurtt and ag- grandiienenl, which bit ambition might aug grtt. tf ia dominion extended from the front- iara ef Ctnaaajr ia lha.EaJtern.tath Straiu of , Bhering in the Weatera bemitphero t hi itond- img army wu upwarda of 650100 men, betide innumerable horde of aerfa aad vaamla, who rtood rely at hk back, to spread devartation j over the erth. What will be the coiiaeauence. upon the condition of chriat mlom, of the death of Alexander, it it impotaible to foreaeei hi in- fluence an felt and feared in all the court of the eartern bemianhere. The death of auch a! man muat materially affect the policy of tSi the ciyifizejj government of the globe. He I in the prime of hf I IU brother, thel .. i died Grand Duke Canttantine, (rather a weak prince) succeed to the throne of the Csara. We" again ak an indulgence from corretpon- denta i their favora ahall he attended to, aa aoon aa our limit will warrant- any of thetr COOC nuiuicationa we never publish i and we will take thi occasion to remark, that it it not a natural inference, where we decline publithing a com munication, that we are therefore diplatd with it far from, it, ; Many pi ce which we ex elude from our columns beoaat they" require labor and .'ime (hat we cannot spare, iV tran cribtng and re-modeling, contain many uteful hint and new Mleat, which we often avail our- telvet oft.: .... ;.V . ; . Z'L rst'-xit,.:,m,it.iTM.x.. "fPtJaaw We stated, in our last, (and accompanied the statement with , some casual obierrttiqnt) that the bill which had been brought forward in the Virginia Howe of Delegates, authorising the people of that state to vote, at thalr next elec tion, on the propriety of calling a Convention to. amend their Constitution, had been rejected by msjonty of te rfei .' we perceive, by The . (V avj " . ti h mi it 14 mi. g. r,.i a f a !.'. a4 ili 4fn It a f "2y Uf.f l a faf tf ll U Uu k nUt iU It 04 drtU4 AU fMMJ. TUm ft Ulmauaf tVu to S4tt,l l vfUra ttvrUvCaiai Uy t!n cvcf U oWkmi, IM U imM IW yb aWtj V . Ua OiqIUmm ke U4 aMtaiwttf kw 4 to krUf to twactoal atxNiii-a kt Ut t fttrart, it gt rs k art af lit prUv-k aMNaf i lr(4i prtgrlrwrw atr tnart4 M rill waub tb awaaMauaf iba l0gbn af VV. rV ww4 aMf ab4i taut tf avwpoNuow wmoct imc-mui i abowM ibr axJ dic'Joa b to ftar at Uto f(riu af tb t-KfU, ar MatfAke aai- oiie, tbal lb Urvkawre of awr, fraila frce a ettarptw, f gt a4 at lk.U-, , We ate atiUd In tb CWiinu Co'Wr, Ibat Mr. 'I&aat ftrabkl W-.i-l d-d at It Jeiw (aWkaly a Ike ltb L-d Ik waday fuOtwlAf, bit body waa 4wf U a iroa talis fwntm4 k tkt ervM, kt tt rr l0J! tbmL -A yaof aM od la aVw-Ywk o Twrwlay, the Xh alt waa VrWd m Wtd Ovaday, the 31at a4 a) the talwky tifbl ful tvwbtf, tbo grave vm tfaiard, ad tb cAa tied of hi totdu, (k prrpctratur of t aamlrft bad hot, at lutjaorwita, bta datx tadL -wt CUitV. Afrtaad la lb aonk a kart of fiurke oewnty, ttfm a to aaaka a4o. tbi aa iaaaa woajue It waaxWrin iki la tk' ktuM af eooairj ak tajt bcr aaaM at f riwilla Hbirt- r, (or Wbioly, a avnbif iw k) aad ibal bar mmimm Kt oa Tal409' Creak, Fairtld diatriet, I. C. tl e b abl 23 a 30 yeai tt age. Ibt It ala04 desthiti of cknk tnr aad at eb wiO nof atay conlrwad at ' any tW, aVaja oAM la) daagar 4 twnatoag with cold, lie frlenda tna fiat' krr by in- ijuinfif of Mi.j. CTmU rAatilkrfUfkeewaAty, nr nurtfti . rATiTTiTn.il rnicr. fy. . Cotton, It a llji Roer. fe, acarc. 51. superfine abrat, t 13 1 . wkikry, 40 to 43) i peach brandy, 50 a appl do. 60 1 com, 80 to 90, bacon, TJ i K Turk U- aut,na eu awr o 0.1-w.ui ci. jjaot aurti BMiacovado. 11 a I2i coOra, fcri'M rrn. 30 tl i 3d and 3d quallli 17 a 18 tea, bytoa. M I Mi nasaeec, yui taOow. m t bewav30 1 33t new J io to 4 per 100 Iba. iron, a 0.pr,iuu n, f toacao, rt it( aBaaufactured, 5 a 30 pr. eat. ' Oarir. ctLiraESToy rniczx Ft. 6. Ootton, ft Itlaanl, 40 a 50 1 atained da. 33 a 55 Maine and Santec, 33 a 35cu. abort itaple, a 13 cent Wbiakey, 30 a 33 cent i Uacon. 6 a 7 1 Harna, 10 a i 1 1 UnL9 a 19 Bapnjr, DundM and Uvemeaa, (43 Inch,) 32 a 24 Coflc. Prime Grea,18 a 18) Nf. to good. 14 to ir cent. i NonKSroTna bank bilk, 1 lo 1 1 pr otnt. couU-lKOrgia, J Ip I pertent. l (. i ne recent mieo rence mm r.u ik, baWof lioUxi.. W tba baldcraaMMr 4. J !i . a i' '.- oy ihi mrana orapfMoq 10 iiw uj any rMUCtion on ue rate tb precrimg week we Uiert 'ore repeat um quoutiont in oar an. VAMDE.Y Mites, FEB. 4. Cotton, II all 5 8;corn, gl lo I IS j bacon, 10 lo 1 1 1 wbitifey, 43 to 45 bran dy, peach 50 to 55, ajple 45 to 50; til !.w- I I 1 flouf, 5 5 to f tobae cch (manufactured If to 1? Cotton went off briskly at our quotations tbo,,?h ""f wetk wer not ex - w j fl t JclMnL CHtiaw, rti. 7. Cotton it telling freely at II 50 a 13 ; extra prime hat told during tke last week at 13 .14; Corn it uncommonly acarce U command one dollar per buHel ; m f4 oemana, r tour hmui J" FodderHOato 130f" lk-rttollart, T A ai f r I . . . t Beef I a 6, scarce ; Groceriet, at usual, are plenty. Cer. Jjverpt, Dei. 21. To consequence of the numerous failures Ih Ixmdon, and ;he general pecuniary diatrcM,a wish you to ctncel!! our orue rs not eHf4 on reowpt of .liia. neu we can tee our way aomewbat beteryou hear from ua'agifln. We do no ttink Upland ale coating more than a 70, per Liverpool, "good." ... - . i- . . .. . ; C'rfcirnn'ia tf Ifuthimthm'l Birth Day. Jfllittl Ihi a, u,aMraii I MMwr.iW M tt Mnurrl ut Ut Oa tataaw. tk hlwv,UM ltttte Uj ttM will mtU at.lrVlMkMlbktwi m0iOo nil U sHTtrH at flw CHftlMH at SlltaV, ll a. W, Mt.U. aatl Mimarr aan all) c 1n MU rrUi ' utwrlrttMi tt valet Bark VmuW at CL TaiV Bffl, na aack Urain a, awf vM tt mUiIII.i vaa wn art rwawiraii, w Waa aMa Cat a.iit, aaWn,ll, tt.WT af Ui, Wf.- J.i:... In -Rowan county, on tie llth inrt. Mr. Wil, fiam H. Bradshawson of Bpbert Bmdthavr, Esq. in the 27th year of his eef.y; "At the residence of biSfatber, in ItopewcH conmgation, Mecklenburg county, N. C. on tae oin irai. aner a piracicu mn, Robert Kearns aeed 26 yebr Mr. Keams wai aoutig man cf jrreproa?lable character, and was highly esteemed by all wlrn Itfiew Anf. ' f? .''.tUUtj'l jlUd. jm,. f Ui to f m . 1 ' asaaaaaWjtJWaatBB 14 w.o Tl. a l CV U. tW Ct4l j M I ) to 1 1 mm. rUrjr IUaUUM af & lk M wt4fatM llrrw. y tint arM at 4w.teh 4 0 UU, 14 data U tbe 3Tll 1X. btt beat) if t4v4. Tb f tparor AWtwWr afire a (Bar aw Jae iiiv. If d.a a Uw h u4 ff, 1 AhUmU Umumim kJ to atMa4 AMatral af l Ub tl,p.i -. to fa-, a rtwotfwf to rrp-f to iU mat tb dMAkMi tf tbe tMy AlW,aM4 lb ewMM44 -f a aw ra.ai alr M bwl I ait r4Mt4. Hkfl l iMlulM adapt tka puy U U UviWr, UnU tW fan f J k a4 raikar tJUm Ika buUa a tk aWaa p4a. U ara y m aiiulv U hnraitd to rk mm af lk Crif w j k a4 darr to eatk iu awtki kctU.a tVi lka4WaVibirf WikrWWM ffri of k Imim (, aad a akr to awib a Ciiiaapia f tt .0 k a a J to fuK.1 tiWiiTf Ifiarata'tUarMMMt, rk aWvattoa f Vtuiu will to rk vrMi of a tti ir l rrwtwtKW to Kurapa, lb coat, oi af Wb are UrkUU. Tk a r af Carta! baa ptmi4 tkt H iU Ham. 5ta lfii rwqaly. Ub Cavwr Tun- rdiaary aad f kraipaCwakry to tk Vaad rrvu--t af Ik IU 4 k I Ul t aad At under Tatk Urn, I'wi. to b Cavot taira. arAtarya.44r Hi xpotewUry to Iba IU- CaptaU i'. armed at Mew-Tort fraj t. Inavng. wrfarwie that a, order of tk lv. eraaMrM atM a( optraUa m lb lit of but wiwsrauuutnr. lurci.tMkliinkiW and Ukaag ia lLr caqpir Ika caaAa, a fur. tny. fapuin ktryer, of lb Craf ZtmaVf. arv red ai Caartortuw, a I be if im. rut thM it bat no rawMd m t aara (North Coarf af rWi4) fWtUUattVwraryiiieaaiiijaiiiMf akk, rb inbabttanu wrr rrthcd to I he ncowtjr of dVpeadiag taUnljr upon iLrir bia aUck for Mlkaiatewc. ft ia Mated fra Roaw, ikaLat tk iawtiratia t a urir rvrnMrl, ibt nnrr t J ttoowapate bad bm artard m kia chart m wn tb abom of tb Adriatic Me. Mural bail atk. rd pemnaiua to rciida al Boayr, bvi wa rfa led. ' r . TUaTLonJon Morninr Port. tvt that iaurwik ttow ha brea recie.i, wkirb rrc ao rfoubt of the fact Ibal tba tUaparor Alexander u itangled. It ia sUtcd in tbc Prrnrb prr thai Ar Grrrar MuiCrrpr, Ctin tf Ptfmt, abil bu)ing liimtclf to raiting recruit for bi ling, doai in South aawnc waa lake ap by tba police of Pari, and committed to priao. - Tb RratSka friral PiraNga,Capt. ftairtaa, aaUedfroai rorUoioutb, rr,tand,otb Ittb of December, fur II io Janeiro. It wa repnnrd tbat Lord Cocbraa bad pro ceeded fur Greece. The Ut! commercial adiffroro fjtgland, to tli 27tb December, reprearnt Ibe cotton market at rather drprea-ed. I'pland told at from 61 to i pence tterbng. Frtn Mtsict.lhe editor of the New York Mercantile Adertier, hv been favored whb the loan of a file of Mexican piper to the I5tb ult. brought by the arhr. lion. Tbi veatrf left Vera Cruk cm the tfth, wbea it aaa aij lltal a rendetvou wu cUbuhed'iit Campcachy. and aeveaal Veueh bad been chartered to- carry tronprto tut place, destined lor tb expedition igaia't Cuba. - - . (mr couotrvman. t,enerai nnkinaan, uieo the litter part of Prceniber. Hit funeral took place in the city of Mexico on the lit of January Rowan A gricultural Society. TlT"Thei rorrtthnrtow of the aorielyi lta eem. M.M annual or rpmig meetiRr, takea place on the hut Tbiinday of March, aUicn the JUth day of tbat month. The meeting will b held in the Court-HiHise, precisely at tl.e boor of II o'clock. It i earnertly hoped, thjt all the members who have the wicceat of the society at heart, will punctuallv attend. The Farmer of Row an. are renerallyinvited to come forward on tne occasion, ana join an wuuiion, wiucn r ...... ... . . ! t hat in view the improvement or the tanning ut' terett. - JNO, HEARD, juiw Setry. VA'ry. lf. 1816. ' 6tai Etucalion. rflHE aibacribert having engaged Mr. Jl, (Rale to take charre of a SCHOOL, heir leave to inform those lio mar be diapoaed to educate their children, that the school will be apened on the lit of March. Boarding can be bad on reasonable terms and a few acboUr ta- JkeiiLlnrillrtOTteileT fr hirMr teommnWd f for moral character, and a being kW uiTificdT to leach the Knglistvutm, and dree It Langua ge ; ami we feel confident will give aatiafaction to tuch at may. entrust their children to hit ct.arre. The tituation is healthy, being within one mile and a half of Beattiea Ford, and within three miles of the Catawba Springs, in Lincoln county. K011KBT AOtKNATIir, ... A. St. HUKItM, KOBE It T tl. BURTON.' . Feh. H.1826. 3f0 , . .AKlt STQUi:. .. - r rnri frrc v fin ftWNV HESPfcdtptLT Jnformt W fritttds, ami the pubhe In general, that he bow re ceiving, from New iorK um rdiwutijiuia, choice and hatvWme asortmcnt of . - Dru Good. Hardware, sV. which heJntend aettng at a mll profit, I OR Q.1SH ovir. Penont winbiiir to norchtte, will please CH, examine, and juilge. for themaelv?i. - . StitUtvlr.Yov. Irfj te,- o. Vt-r.Vafi f niirtr.a I. Hirt.r. ,4 u '.i. m '. tk t tf -4tt, n4. M 4 U4 M IVH -f. -3 iwim ,Uf tm !t 04 al la -1. I' l.m vf f. '. .M f ) a. Ui - $4 llas I'11. M'TN 1 I'fr'ia, tti J t-S 4 41 kW W f ,,a, 4r tV.t f I s td OM. 4'; Uf arirtWs kmh i aavaiMt, Al tit a tin, ttfl b k.,J, I afw. 14 Irt af immtfj aad. 1 1 to a t.4 W I J awatstk ym kl'.f f, to! ah) iVfv . tol" IM ft-t mi 4 to. r4. Wto toa u4aa 4 r,,, by Ik AitkMMtrrf.jr. taa"""-iaiaa waaBBaaBBawaBjatawriaW ajMBtaaBaaaBBWaaaptSraKjnaaiBB litllihoro iXcmaKcrninafj, ftWf. aa4 a-ai af tkH aa. 1. aaaaoH at tb l to- aM ito aaftrto. toala Ulr pU'.ira to 4 Wi aa G4.Ba"at e d.r. tbtt b af .rrarwt aaaUad to a I !, d lJr 1 iU a4 aatjWd nnl-t.". I to lUrWr, Mb Mat In lit, rr 'itaaa'aj tkaatkaad to Ika) atuatHi af tb ftU, aad tbat a a a tioa Wt a atrrd to gt to a a panaaaeia. aa waifui caaraatrr WM. M. CRCITt, aJa, JUwy ?tv r.tt HiAouUnu. f I lltC rorlant b-rrtti4r ttUiaf . 1 aVr lb Inaaf Wtat A firwae. i tL i. eaauhrd br aMrtaal aaaarat. .S'nUi firwwm bavlff takr lk aiad Ulrr aoraawj aadaf tk Ana af M vwac rrtora ka) atocer Ikaati to tk iwbri ia trt,fur Itout UMralaCaMrg,NMH ad toft lr to lhwt tlrai I Lai k atiQ cwImmm la Wot and rrfkair, a ika aktrrtrat aatie, aad to lb Mnt aarfcaaaaLka mwar. til knvk af awl bts by auicl iieaoi la bMs tU to amt a 4hm t tmbtic baanaara. a-i.to... AW. mt.'i. f .VoWte. . IParvaani aav prraua lrdiag fur aot af band, flrculrd bt Im- wtbatrtUr, lo ivb UugVt.iMf.tbe turn iainctr ftt oVtr. df4 w a Um to kwl lkrarir,tk4 daie no! re4 krdediaa Ik ai4 at lax&tMd frwadwUatfjr, i am ouerwMMa aot io pay iu ae. JUII.-t arCAW. tawtry ?H. IrTW. 4IV9 Orttkl VnTfcan$ flMtr. MiWnbcr often Ux aale bt JUntn avd J Im ia Htrvt ilk. eh ber Hb or without bi AWdiliar and wbrrlhmaibold Fumitarv, and riti or atiboul aO h flubaa fmt. terrr- I iractt of limJ, ile whole aun'ir la' b. Ua I JOQ aad Stfxj acres adjaiar tow laifcl. Mirivifi or rt tlrrof, to aad MjrtLaacra. 1 to land in Centre, known by tke nam of the W hite liuute tract, and IIm idjniningi ia lb hole tMit I'M) tcret, Abo, my intrrrar in Nrrrl cIk-t trvt-, ail j'Miirr Ibr former. A irrtal number ut oder Iractt nf btnd, ly ing ia different parts of tl county of IredrH. All tbo remainder of my negroes '17 in number. Caabj wdl be reqiirrd fur Ihe abuie prw of lb) Megmrti all ito other property illbdi,po. ard of al one, tao, bihI tlire )' credit. It deemed oarlr lo drcribt lb property more pirtir-iilarly. a tke porcbaarra a 111 a ub t view it bclura tbey buy. 67 July 13, lfZ. ItOHEUT WOKKC RANaWaV from tb autorrUi, a lb aifttif Of tb nttb day of November bait, bi uegro man, known by lb aaoat of BILL tgrd shout 4) yean, and near about ail feat hijrh i no narticuUr marks recollected baa rather a yeikrwonrlrtioar-auund leatb, lb fureteetb ratber inclined lo be black, occaaioe rd by chewing iobaocoi ba a vary bruea raiicv countenance i a hea spoken Us tpcaktia a Very impolite, abrupt manner i very aba Irg, and king hallow feel for the color. II carried off four full auiu, two hats too pair of aboea, one auperfme black broad-eliith coat one great coatx the very beat qu tli ty, fined with new red flannel i between 40 and 5w dollars aLut f30 apec'ie. I expeal that be ha aimed for Trance. ree atate, Carroll county, it ia highly piwbabl be baa obUhft'd. a free pas from aome penow or penoiM, and intend paaang as a free tun. I will five he above reaard if he ia lakea Out of th't etalc and confined in ,0me jail, o that I get him again. - - PiCHCMIAH If EARN. JlvHtftmery ctwtiy, V. t'. jun'-y. 18. JmtOo SUttt rtkU urtbif, Jfmtjftmtrj rtunlgr ClOl'RT of Plea and Quarter SeaMona, Jaa. i-Urm,lS6 JolulB.vr. MUa 14. Mo-. aes nilmm and Dio Uibaow , attachment levied on Urxl. Ordered by the court, that publica tion be made in the Wcatern Carolinian for ait eeks.that unleas the defendant appear at tb next county court, to be held for th county of Montgomery, at the court now in Lawrenoe ville, on the firat Monday in April next, replevy or plead, judrment will be entered for tha amount of the plaintiff's demand, and a decfea of condemnation made, 6t03 Test: J. B. MAUTlN, Clk. Slntt f yrlh.('uTHna, Irtdrll ttuniy : (lOL'Iir of ffluityi Joaeph llyaraand Jamet Kerf; t. Alfred I). Krr aivi Wiliiani Kerr original bill, for the conveyance of land. It ap pearing lo the (Atisfiction of the court, that William " Kerr, one of Ihe defendant in thi can at. livet beynnu me umiit oi inia auie, it i therefore ordered, by the court, that public, linn be .made for six weekt mccetaivelv In tha WaalriilCaxoJinian." tlilt tmlew he'the-aaid -William' Keit appear at our next roun to ba held for the county of Iredell, al the court-house in Stxtctville, on the fifth Monday after tha fourth Monday in March next, then and thera lo plead, answer, or demur, otlierw'ne judg ment will be taken, pro confetso, u to him, and the Ce beard parte, . 6t02 JOIf.V N. HAKT, e. w.4e.t. State tf M'trlffrCartlitirt, Slthtl nimty : (lUURT of Pleas and Quarter Hesaions nee. J term, 1825 1 John Webb, ft. Kdmond IW-azly i original attachment, returned levied on two iWa WX1tt. xi$Wiimruk to thi eaaej !;..'(::. .i,.. k-. -. .. made for lis weei iin the WeUrn CaroliiiianV . -that unlet tbe defendant appear at the next court of I'lcaf and Quarter Sessions to be held fur the county of 8tokes at the court-house. in Ucrmanton, on the 2nd Monday of March next, replevy the property kviitd oih and plead, the nlaintiff will be heard eX pHe, and have judg- ment rendered hi hit favor, pro cQnfctsn, 1W I Vli . i a. in .iiv-.n. . v. t t U m t "t !l f 0 ll 5 r : r 7 t T'7 -'. ::iri: --"I-v.K.-r. ,i4 --Wa.t'. nWl-- iyrrat.,w-''

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