'h.-rr, ii n i r ','.-, U tVe l.-t rtiin, ty CSU'ittry, If KrH tJ.ticitilt 11 j ly ,!, f f it- tf.f rml I, .il fari.l H fttt it!" l-f t ohm tf tnn.Jjtl whUV, irt private, I "Jth W'lull Muffl 0buia. IMavrnif the grrof corruption in the ItcuitufiUp rn-ntnivri wit lii alarming Uj lis mjniiuJr, end U i certain ii in f ,rtn e.t a l m O.eldijr t.'.n tn r: H I i i i . . , i . i . it,,,.,. i . Utvca the rrtii!(MuI-cn ...litr. ion; :-c witf, n a.;.-, m-i rr. hi, u y" '" V.I, ictoh-l C!...iet lye-.mU!y, iUd I f rilVi' J I.,! I llcl, tl.cr tI-CUr. h U !,in!t.. electa, i. hniuUff iw.jiir, r.f imiy bs unVi!:" J ll jiff St tip, with. 4 rtili-; t?ie fftu.ts a I'conJ OtO I Utf tljt;if(Cl'iA"t ' t '! fCfci.i ttl LrncM fom too. lime t' lr. I'rctlJcM cT I 3;nilf, lJuroii,Uimf r4Ufq-tMtlfciii. ceitwa from th?ltrgr ones, litre, lKft months womII tt.'J rtraiin, at To Un' Uicrt, tWl ti U et Intl f ibm, l r If omprbmiiti the the new of!.ten wouM not be wanted ..Ik.). A I)-. Wbl thdl mit the ircwJ Irctta- (! uW 0,ai for - of those mutually until tr.e fourtn W jurtn, (Di latt . . . .1 t I' ...... flat,.. ...... ....t I la la la Wt Mt SfM lhl thl,IIOUie ',1I.IP0 fcJ 'IWBi oy Btipol i vvnis wwut, w, , .i,., bkhlbtLaiUtulMja lrloitt inaiomn i .urcr men uiun in every I'm ll an i.ftf.l r.lir. IKil.lbie II' TV V . i t 1 Mi "W . A I tai tlaa Ak&.l i V . i, a.T1 I Mi-).ti1 nil I r Ihi TltiIfl Al I n 1 1 r .1 1 fl thr.ttr Uh ct Ut Lcs lUturt tad Uf pri'bl lonuuuon oi eitcior. oa ie -r w.n i -- uwx.Mcuurr.ion w ijwwr" - ' V .'I , ; . 7 ,. ... . it ..i,- t i I,, la ib ftutl.e coflEJeoct ind thai imrwH. la JcBctof a ot. wr micij m iraiu ouui viu r"BB' .1' i" r.M """ I - - - . I . ... m k. I .t . . i I... aia.,1 a.r xaolnl kin 1. Hi) lilt If I wi.t bu Ul wiHiuwii uaw cotnt loo short (or at tCorpIfimnt Iht Lutlntti to hand, wni two buodrcd trJm tf the day oreillj rt tlHTUKi Waj tl I U III l W" Wf- -fl- - f " r W ' , "" .. - t ft f J I I" I a a - Jal luplcloa, f cousuy I.ki U, iaorcgtf, ublccttoibt tptrtiw Suteiio oooliJw Ihclr ntt, U, ) miinlirj tndrdded ttblnthof J iKi. tvcrid by PuUic opinio, It U of all tht oodut iof ucacti which might rt.fitf , tbf oiurptd powtr of kbi lo Uiif 1om, o4 th tlmt asd .f,fth UttPwi-ittba thMi who kf bfouht to Uir upoa the Houm of dildui!i of ihi Sux LcgUUturci ubor lot which ltd Uca tiptt-Jd . a, f " .' I. .. ' lIlA A , ff 4al uaa -lm a.1al 1. HfUaal f Flat M . a th Uwi, and who moil ilviri gat U-t iirat preumloni to hljjh chirKUr juit ihi utn$ m if th rci MTtrtlp toot to bur Niiitoid chtnet, ihould hhI public coefidenct. Then thcrt U JT of tht Suu tud clirtctrd hi frct opow tha. Tot 7leoIoUo9 trabalttrd' bf th Com mi tit would, they confidently believe, cBurcif effect the trctt oi-ci of to clcctioQ if the qoilibeJ voter f a4 ft ! .'.a, ka I At "r. J, , I, a , ' I'. ', w " 1 !. MM I'll', MiM ltn It., ( k f,t (J a.j , . r4 fxal eLMfiMtt, m a Mt fnMolM J fa, 4!hi CMU tatMM, T.'ii innl cf loj frtnci kit it ril Uto euUcrltif 4 U ff bebeUt f Ike (jnilf f (;n. i'oj, ltltr decf iwd nd in ljwi ll w bean J. cM4 tbit t M in 4 p'enuid QI ihcwlj be ertcltd lr Ihclf relJfiK. The mkoritf It flonrn bevinf (A., ita Ibf IpftltfllJ'WI .Of Cieff cilj- cd The Urixv.fli-, m eliiofl of tHe pUf' M)i.aM4,-it pote,tWe..cHf Two roes ekfird I he oflke of Iff. ot'ph, lo the rUli Hot it, in emlnM t L .-J .....i.lll.. k!. 1- l-i a"v.ip an at v "" n w mis tniancr, locceeocd m miklac eicepe TfcH ct vm cotmui4 la it enea (tire of df , n1 dttriaf iho mi hotiaeM perl of It. JUghwif rnbUrfci. cow.il.we the cofifukace of the Pro-loo Utter courie, than to ocml It okI iploit then. Ittui altoUro ibowa ile. or it Itait wod before them ttiw u the people, wit the eUnte haiiu tht toll euppoted bower f the imaU mooched t That 1 aucceuful ciodU of cemfieier their choice to the Sutri to balaoce the frcaUnci lathe . . . . . 1 1 . . . ...,..- III - w 11.- I. f date, exattedtothe a.lef Matutmv Kiamr caoaiaaiei, hwhw mprKB.iHuiaii,wn, by the Member, of Conrmi, ihoutd Clear m the prepfiety of thUcoune ihemcmberilaCoomii a.r ..a.v a lAMa.Ji i ii ia in! an l n n fsi in pnmm itfp. tr it iivwv w4i-v a a mikv i "ii - r - t . .U,.,l: ! ..lHr ,.. r tk. of.tkm. Tl.r.i..litpUJ.V' lFOr.lU..Su.. II.,,, ..'"" ' " trihutioo of the Bumerouiofl.ee with, coocera lor, the rigM oi we tmam" v ., w "" . . ' 7 , " I per, that baron KotkeehlW, cia harifr .t . . - . h . r " : - .7 '" oi ui itrti, upoa we eecooni at au i afrocioo munfert, ib4 illiinf cr UJ dti evrati, If aot upoa the firt trial. Dur, I eritxiom, flogriih to aa lUrrelnr deerca I. .'a.. I a. I . w ma a . a it la withia the nop of mere poelfrMj(fcout trance, ruauojifMt u itilitr. that more than two Mraool plrJUBee of the d'armti of wbkti ' ' . ... ' aa a l In bii rift. It would be lopotiihle for ttatti, a material portion oj whot P-TV' utP"' " r-"- , ' write Mi ova aame.. Ill uDtur i0 M 10 to let otherwlae than to . power, it la anpreheoded, wUlbeloat daircl ceoceuloa from the would not be conflrtf, uu eia aome tUtk canorJr be decyphered bf ikon elude altogtiher from iheranre of hii by talinf from them their cenml other, th Urge Suua have Bothlug to provWoa waf made for thla remote ac1in:d-iniiacereelfed,a.p.fiDf choice, mea la all rcipect. Qualified for AAy of electing the Preiideat, by dobut U give op aa ebuie, ud the "0,'ffB7 Vi 5rf P"7J her mirrUp floo from blm. a mUlin the hirteat oSUei, to auMect him. State.' ia the Ilouae of Itepreaeota- odci to aurreadcr to idea, be Committee Uv e therefore agreed, of ( pound. aiarUar. with two milUoo. to .B&tiyfimvau: tori - Mart thl. ckctJoJTc be JOjT f&JJ ,! 'UC j , i a ? 10 uCihulL tJ UU, LtU-i V f---d J-iu.d. Ii oogbt to te ihewa that terffief eUct,oa by the Teopler(up.- Hit eilatiaj peovUio.1 . At Ccm. JJSKiluS aad unworthy motif e. ihi. privflegt i.Wyeaaria by po-iog the Cn: teheve :bet. adopted,) ttitoi lea, coo.iienog M aperfluoe. Uat,ifth. election 1. the Houu of .m.nrr, .under the pmen, wbich have cvme to the Ug. of "rtwjij "V" f f Jf! tWlh '2 i"ichuW .-! : i:.kia. r mtcm. The eommirtee Uneve that we Committet. are few in aamBer wo for III te Which will almoat ten '.t - LU i '.v.- uJ ..,!... hM;l.-.t;i! -,K ;terTW. u B6t I for they ctnoot admit that a l 7 o The apprtheo. tir never occur, and which may , - bkh c ni whh tncoin moolr l?!Sn -i.vM frmVMW-rX'Ut:t .ionof vitke iBboch.rt.ewed ad theref,c, wfcly .undergo. a. ncmJn.l uKbt e,ebrow, h.n"5 .r ,be u wm give to we caum a -Trgujar e0 be treated aa the priviU protracted someet, te expmied by rtference lo the lime body which, at nie bf.mbti 11 voice ii hoarve .nd " progreiior legtalBtioa, wouldj itielf, . 4J he rrprc,cnU, .ome. BoB-lf the Committee have i real electoral college, bit received buiky; he bii rot.hoU5r like manner, ao enl of l ooit abmtog ta. Nqw t e,. aucceJrJl la" .bowing that ootK- their decided UiMpprobatioa. , .: MrcaaUc.Tev.fl.bU.., . . . tureeoit.ogupofpartjfeel.eg, j ,f 0f theVpi-e- ingoltbialjod ll to W dreaded In the ' ' " jr07mrv;; - tie Driol market a ladrjiringker. peronal animonuei, and local later. ri KJarI V.rf .0rflr- kl, rr election the onlr orooer laouirv rropoO-f .!rx to the Cor.tuCx hand upon a joint of veal, ad, ! tbink em, withrrdinary'acuoflcgi.lation. "JL , 1 L r.lfZ . ? i . wtStJJ 'S.e2f . ti-ntba eWe,ioa Mf. r. iM. -eU 1. not quite M whl:ei. would,twuue.uoibly,be ooe of ihi l?,,,d r u P. d"v ,B S tVa.fc'Sr if jr- v uaoaL- -Put oa rourlclore, mad.m,- grcateitcafamitictohiehiheoun- lh. t'l h ..ffc L'h hi IHl S, MaW e. replied tb. de.Ier, - and yoo will thiok Try could beexpoaed. Ue. thoie ,V,T! 'T?"8 l h d oHhufc, ;3 .72: vJ??JZ!Z direr.mly.--Ji m.f be aeedle.. to re. 4.V k-V.-. t:ia tatea of their own fcehnc and judi. t ve 0f thla Iropoiitioo, and appeal to JU kLa nv-w-r. mirk, that the veU wa ordered home "" v' 'k '""' J-V6"l,. In tk'i. tkau kaM. k.U lihat mt lanMA lam in r,kv.iftlnfrv lL 1 1.. .k- JtJt.-.-l .atVa ' . .L f I a-waaaa aw imii tvuiaii uwvv litnj I ----- T eW '"Tat w-w ww awaivwvii-t w vr v-"w i WIlivvUI WlVlWr W WUlU VVJCVilVne - who expound them, are fftm preju dice end pinion they can lulbl I them, are frtm preju- UienneUea juitifird no the ground, which maVct, apithv aucceed tn vio ion, It ia impoaaible that hlf( io ,?nf Tote,t tbey ic,cd C0Ce the moment the cri.i of excite il their high dune with in'thetharacur of rcren under the ment hai pasud away and to the fact, puri .uu wum. - au.u.r ri- CoKitituticn, end oot in their repreten. wat the number of candidatea being roonioui ftel.ngt, and bitter nitoau latkt tntcUj. It ia alw certaio, reduced in. the accood conteit, the -"P! ' coateited clecuori. In tkit . no me,ni ife pr0vlded for k Peculiar cauiea of euitement, ari.ing ,.thJlooaepnirpreaeowUfel, of the from peraoMl acquaiotance ind local not aubilde at It cloae, but would, for ,a upof, tne ,ubject,- f ai betweeo Ktereata, wiU alio oe reduced ia exact o ; : itne canciidaica wtoo- may finally be I proportion io iota jcaucuon ia ine coce oo the dellberauoni, and perhapt broo ht bt0 comietitiot).)'h la manl. Ddmber of candidatea. v. laitead of control we clecuionitof the Lcgula- fe.t tblUhe nepre.ent.tive may not ?Klence, indifTerence and oeglect of tare, bv dittutbinff the' tranomllitv oil l. . i.l e v:. i-..:n - , -4 . . - " . i mow. or anowinr. mar ieiirn icnor.i" wiuib. irinuiiis n mors to f ,tkhtni awa laaHala- I ' . . . v . w ..la a.. . . . ita i courae, and tingiog-every legiila tive act with party viewa and feelbgt ia too certain to admit of a doubt. We ry epila-1 ftr iU ,v- wkt,k I h &T.lteA 1m lh aronrl than in lk tive act with party viewa and fcelbg., k. renrf.ent.. even ifhearkno-l.dir-. firat election. In..k W. J.. . ' " . 0--I .. .. . .. I he delay of a aecond election ia the last of the objectiuoe - which -tin com to the knewKdgew-TOur Coot- nay,, indeed, tremble the country, when Coopjre ibuouw. re obligation to conform to it, when ;of known. . In manyeatea he' certainly jrreiaahall be bft , , ef u a.mogt;he tniea of partwani of the Admini.tra- js claimed and exercised by the n- mittee on thia -point.- It provides, tioo. . But thia is not all. The Feo- h(r 09 an' tlrtor under the Cotutitu. that the first election aball be held on pie themselves, in .such a sute of H6t nM a representative from the fint Thursday' and Frld-y in hU tlale if the member, -and not the I August, 1 828, and on the same days ntate, exercises volition upon this I in every fourth year thereafter j that pomtj if he denies the right of the Congress shall be in session on the .i.i. I.:. l ji.i".ti J-Tiei J.i vri.i.t.aa -.ei i ui il uici-cbuuu iuwnuaj iu vbiuucr ui uicbc on i and, years, to receive and count the votea i time nor I md that the second .election j when thidgi, will be tempted to contribute to this evil, by aendiog men to re pre sent them, on the eve of every Preii ucniiai election, noi oecaose oi we I depth of their kDOwledge,the sound- L; htf and oids-the oolI V "JFMBLV has neither liar niDcss lor levisiawnn, out onac-i TYi .n In" m.Mir.al kaa M T f .nu. am 1 fs I K 4 M L. aia.....M....L.11 lal. mI. ... . I v uiuuiini n,i win, wi uvvri Mwini tu uc ucwiiinr tuiii hh viw, count or their political opinions, in r :l. :r.. L-.l. n.!lL- . ' i iu uiuilc i n, me riirnr ni warifinv on ine nrii i nnnnir'in urrpmnrr ral candidatea for lhe vole ifler js giveni thin, this following. These hrovisiona remove ven alter we eiec- kn-..,i h.;..;i.M - r:.i.. ... .11 . pint 01 we downtfi belonging, practically, to tlie want of timti. '-The firtt election will relation to the seve the Presidency." Ev tion was over, the evil 1 1 men mlrnf rr.nM n i tn 1 M,,67 ,T . 7 .V, " fr, and .not to the flfe from take place at the period when the peo lodemand cbe election of candidatea wbich he comei. The question which pie ire leaat. ngage'd.at h.meand Who mouidU particdarly. devoted io then presentr itwlf, is ooc of conflict- will h.vc the further recommcodaiion a i ; , M, iog claima to power, between ari of uking place on the aame, day on Administration .tself . should be insen- tfcfW .B 0 ide ,nd ahe . e which aeveral of the Sutea now hold aible to the success of these candidates, wh!ch he T.presCDtS( on the otber their ka- nw Ae tim. ,s not expected from human na- tweea , member of Congr in bl at wbfch maay oihtn hold h wd SiCJSr MtrnAnhtr forty-thousand -pereoas the one to which all the States would, thenowUuIge, f,f trTr iminrton ftf wlueeoMiJher lOQBbibl these wishe, would bring an ardent to be the only question presented by interval of .bou? sixty d.rarould and concentrated force to the support ,k. fth;-,tIAn nA, m-.lL-o.Un ,ki ,k. ,,mv. t...-vn.'..il .ti U.-. ; of ihe presumed favorite: on the oth- committee feel no difficulty io assign. tbeJdilTerent districts, and certifyiug er hand, all the element, of opposition ing thc privilege to the party whkh, the results to the President! of' th? ifT1 ? T t oWn-poiuopr lillarUveatre. Senate a.periolimbl.u0icien ta would be out T the Question t the ' .j r. " ...j. i j L r '.til.. - .u. iiiitcuu in uie rciurns irom mo moil ic- L t1 ' j J r. " ... '. .M"VV IIUIII UI1UUC lUUUCUtl ' uy pu"iitKuuuiu.uiri:t,aaeKrauiDKfW .,k.r. ,Uffi,l. k. - a r... L.. -r ,1 ' I , tl I M.. i" liiinipiiuivun WUf VIIl'IIUU MMUI. O'lHIIIICI IIIICITSI VI r'rH"7C au T recommcDaa- ted i which, individually, his as much, about aixtydayiWdold be allowed fof tionsof worthand talents f and even and,. aRoreeately, infinitely more in- jrivinir notice ' o. and holdinir . the L'i..t if.... .r . .: . . v. i -..: :. and Wh WH, 'V''ili'Vj-- " '? "ropty compensated, by the disinter, municate to the people the airople lact country, and to tonor degradation to estcduess; of their motives t; and in that a aecond election was ordered j the voters and the cdidate.-this trahferJof Dower fro-the mem- therdav itself bein -fixed beforehand. v In a government professedljr fonn beU of Congress at Washington, , to and the minds of-tht-voters made up ded upon the will of the people, that the whole, body of their constituenta at about i the , candidate,? and- the fact mitt - urtlAtt tnnufn - akn1r1 ' al i-ra ka .!.!.'.!.. .L. ... !. If .flT U 1 : L f .f. . ,: " , " ".ra v I uuu,r ii ms hjwuiwi m nic tuuiiDiii iucu unvnxiauy . Known, oeiorc, nic Mittttiea ef the United iulr. be Droixi-eil t the LertJtret of Ue Nttn Suut, hick, vbca nttficd bj the LrgviUUnY. of three louiiht of Uie BUIti aaall be cboMB bf U People or the reepccU'Ta . Butes la the vieimef WW in-1 rich H.u th.ll be divkkd, by the LegitUture lhereC bxo diatricti. equal la number te the vhotV auniber of tenetore ead Reereeeatelivca. ! vhtch mtck etaU aey be entitled U the Coa- rr-a. er the V4ie4 tuieei the mm dtnct U be conipoeed of eontifno terrltort, ami te contain, a aetrfr ee awy be, an eUal iramber ef penows eatiUed to be rrpreemteJ, under the ConUitotion, and to be lead off foe ma fir time, immediate! after the ntiftcatkw of tliij erwmtment, an;! aftenrarde at the tf-Won of the Irg-ialatuPe aeiteMiunirUio apportioameat of Beprcwotauve. by the Cong1 tb 1 " Rtetrsi or eAener, if deeeied nececary, by the LtfUtature of the State i but no alteralien, af Iff the firat, or after frb dectnaiil formation of dlitrkta, ahaH lake' effect, at the next eneuinu elecUon. after auch alteration ia made. That. ok theiirat TycivU- nieeeedinj FriiUy, in the month of Aujruwt. of the jear ooe thouiand'tTttit hundred srtd "trentyeietit.- and o the aame Uyi U every IWth fear lLereaIU.lL dllzent of each Statr, vbo poMe the niiaSnca'.iona re qutaite fur clectora of the moat nuucroui sraacn . . a mm . .m .a The Lacedemonlani applied their miodi to no lesrning but wbat wss uieful i snd would not suffer the profciaors of sny spccutaUr sciences to lira In their gov crnment, lest, bf tbelr di.mitatloas and empty. notions Ihef should deprave the true excellency of virtae. 1. rat urr trjVK'Moatcxs'k W This lonff-espectcd work of the great American Noreliit.biist length appeared t all fear for. Ita author's renown . hm fled. The renias that Ertt exhibited Itielf la tbe Spy, hi re-appeared wiib renewed bnlluncv ia the work now pre sented to tbe nubile . We sbiU hereafter expect to see no more Jtart yxprtttri that tbe'satbor of the'Spy had written hit best work. . cw- Ttrt Courier. .aiJ W-T.TlBWaia - j- - -t . " VXJTTJ) STJTES AJtMr. J.?hef ecretaryof ;Var ha.Maid beiure conceal, return of tbe oomberof desfTi and Detertiona that hart occurred lnihe of tbe State Ijrielature, aball meet within their army of the . United States during jbs mpeetire dtrict, and eotefor a rreident three yearsi ending on the Oth f J?ept. and Vice Prcaideni : of the United Sutea, one of uu th U ,ppeari. Ih Jn vboouatkaitiriiallnotbeaainbabiuntor tbe . . 2oa Jt..u nune atate with himaelf i and tbe pereon receir. T t! 30 ,l J ..t., ...aWrmtM ft Ptw.Un. and 126 deiertiom i In Ine year 183. ui the one receh ine the peateat number of j ? 10 deaths, snd 834 desertions and ia otei for Vice PiaWent'tn eacllffifrKir. ahall be f M enr 1873V lS deathavend 881 deter?., bolden to hare received one tote i which fact hall be immediately certified to the Governor of the SUtfl, to each of the !entor in Uonmn from uch itate, and to the Preaident of the Senate. The rirlit of affixlnr the place in the district at which the election dial! be held, the manner of holding the aame, and of canvaeaing the votea, and certifying the return, ia reaerv ed, exclutively, to the Ipalaturea of the State. The Conrrea of the United State ahalt be in eiion on the 2d Uonday in October, in the year one thomand eirht hundred and twenty. tions mslinc a 'grand aggrejate for three years of $13 destbs, and 3441 do aertlon. .inrimr.?r.a5, - a r CONGRESSIONAL SU31MART. , ' VTa-hineton, Febmary f. In the Senate, there were reported by different Committees a bill for the re liefer James Dixon snd Co. of Savsnnsb ( eihtwand on the aame day in every 4th there, 1 a Jj aulhorizlng tb? re opening of King after- and the President of the Senate, in the New-Smrrna. in the Tenrltorf of cnuiiecj to ine(mosi respectiui consia- tee that-the Mate would be a gainer, people would require no further oo ratr6n, Now,as far as thej)6blic will instead of ta lo8CTi;l;. Stlll,bl cotlig- tice than that which , would enable can be ascertained, it is decidedly Op- gent vote for President, in thellouse ihenvtogHoft p9ed to -the-House oC Repreienta-of RcprescnUtivesris-tbeHcherishedlpose, the time allowed Hl be twenty pretence of the Senate and Ilouae of Repreaen tativea. ahall onen all the certificate, and the votes shall then be counUd. The peraon hav. inj the f-reateit number of jroteafor Pretident, shall be President, if inch number be equal to a itiainrltv of the whole number of rote, riven i but if no weiaoii bate aiir.h majority, then a eond election ihall be bcliL ta the first Tbunu dav. and ueceedine Friday, in the month or December, the neat en-uimr, between the peN on havinfr the two highet numbers, fur the office of President: which second election (hall be conducted, the result certified, and the vote counted, In the aame manner as in the fir-t, and the person havinr the ereatest number 'of votea for President, bball be the President,' Hut, If two or more persons shall nave received the greatest, and equal number of votes, at the te. cond election, the House of Representatives ahalt aAooc;pfi;oiF. -theniT.fiwPaaidwtr4a,4.. ion havinir the: itreatcst Vice President, at the first election, shall 'be tbe Vice-President, if ?ucl. number be equal to a imaiority of the . whole number of rotes given, and, if no person hare such majority, then a se cond election hn take place, between the per son. bavin the two highest numbers, on' the same day that the second election U field for President i and the person having the tughett number of rote for Vice President, -hall be tbe Vico Presidenl But, if. two : .JTnQre jrsens shall have received the greatest, and aiVeous! number ff votes, in the second 'election then Florida t a hill mikinjr an approprUtlon ofg I SflQO for repairs on thtf road betefeen Jefferson and, Columbus in tbe State of Mississippi i and a bill for tbe relief of the inrvivine offkera of ihe rerplutiOnary jfe nrti A-Tesoiuiton otoo -rfsu.-asHiu of Marylnd, recommehdinj Annapolis nW .Kta nlar.e far thn establishment of a Narsl Academy! was presented be Mr. Smith. And two resolutions' were offer ed, one bf Mr. King, relatireio an lnquirr into th-s i expedience of making an spprd priation for removin-r the obstructions to the navigation of Mobile Harbor and the .h.r h. nir: F.lii. oroboslnL' an inquiry id. vn,lin nf ettinyiiishinir In the: greatest - SdmBfir.1Srea"flttrfWl - The general appropriation went tnrouRn the Committee of the whole in the Hojtse of -.Representative yeiterday." vir .f Lknei of Dela. mrnle an importanr report on the subject of FinancesVo(wbkh SiWO addltrbnalcopies were ordered to be pn- iA t aa well a another renort in relation to the Africen Settlement, which will b found tabur -tegular proceedingt?! Hemphill,, of Pennsylvunbi: reported