0..1 .ib nmn. A if t lit ... t . ! i I f . In " ' rrl t-'jo.l.tr r.f a .1. . ....II. .' n'r. 'I I r ( '"" " i.m of wr-Un ' l ,ifr4 I f ' io ef ibe (mmiiici of iht l(.MJi n l..iL- t,f its trmv. A rafigke 1.14 eo thi t.U.by Mr. t'Uili tf . tttdr. to tbt ml tct t t & Ewwtrn tt5t MceiMif to be pet n r - a a f a. . ail j . CM final Jwo,1b?t Of IMV won m pi tUr cm. A rttoluilua "?0?,f mi mod on of Mr, Nto, of MfglnU ..t,t.. IftfVl rot,. of IftttrtbUo A Is.Ll.rrvl Li Ik BU of tht ItOUM. - Jmmi, of K.ar. buiunf lU -Committee tk Ju2klrr la ttw fclfi ftportflf toy to of tbw United bum oleutaud to tonf.f ofl lb Covrts of tbe Vnbed ftiet, UglsUtlte power. n ' rtl rraolttitoiit wire" kin lomxJttCcd 00 ibe tuticct of publk Undt. ' ' irr . Tb following reaohi lion, euVrd ttrdy by Mr. Aco f ff. Caroline, wit ukto op od tjrted to I' . " rW. Th.t tlx Comrautct to wHofn lTt WtartHmtdibetevfrtlm e.bjto io amend tb CNsMilruttoa of Ihe Tolled 8it, be Inttrvcttd totoqu.ro Io- I t to IM ciudtrnrr or tfimmjariin or ni Ulior Iht ji(fofj; of too oncuUfO of fht United 't UAItmio report tii f othcrwtM. ' On tool loo of Mr. Ilolmtt, of N. C. b nW, Tfctt Cemml'ie on Com tnrrct be letinMct to Irwiulro Into tb ip(flnrf r4 tfvtkHi(lf f retnlcr Inw K thipnl of Ctpo Fear !Ucr oatl tMe fmm hr bf of mU rirrr, to joo loiTOf UTfrliftoV lor tMMU lUt CQ Crt ft MM bfr t Inw ebbtide ; tod the prftbiblr om of monrf thit ntdbo rt ;tiWrd to carry into effect tbli dctUcbJe ' " ; "JtETra. ' ' Tbe Meewpi of Present Vktcnlato - too Omni Cmirrcf Meilco ot tbo ODonliitf of too SUoa of tbe Itftf Jn "try, Rfrei I jriUfflnf; t!ew of tht itito J et tre country, nif n it repewmea protperint; under Its prr Knt contl:atlon tKjtmdj eBpeeltilon. Tbe oiectidoo of . tb law bd prodocedtbo bppleWelTrrtt la tbo interior :he finance ere fullf ' idcqtnto to tbe wtnte of the ctemraent, tnd tbo coranierce of tht country tn o flouriiMnif ttate. Io elludina; to' our rouotrri tbo President rtmailt io tub- taoco at follow l On qm1pk our eyet to thi nitloD wbo Inhibit thji bappy beroitpbero, jo tict and Kntltodo ob.iRO v to mcntioo Irtt of all l H mow arrant of Imarlca, tod tbe firtt of tht rWilltod wW thai ac lnoIe(!;td our itbi aod the first of the American ttate that olcmnlf 'pro claimed and .ucreedd in estibliihinj ler Independence." Tbe"United Futea of AmeVkt. model of pIhlcal irtoe tnd moral t-V 'ItoJe. prosper urder tbe trttam of tttderatirt Rf public, which r -bn. tdapted here with 'entbuiiatm oy the pontsfleoti olce of. the country. Tbli form of internment tuturally title i to ond bioda firmer our nnion with the country of Wairhtnifton Tbe ?3Iin!ter f tbat nation It" corti fuUJonei to form i11"' r:s''i .11.' - v n ir - rt.v'fc - iraiicsi nu mi nine win qo ii in un twining . aucb rrD?ementt H ihall be iRreeU upon to tbe tlelibcriUon of Con frtit. 1 1 ! . i' i fi ; i. t it. tit. r t. CU. 1 Ur , U lU lUf'ioflitf' Ct rUnU U tk t0rj, it t!i4 o1 Uii avJi a4 U wmmIM f M It k''4 iWy ltt Hm 7&) fvUt. A f7 all ypktH, kuly pLMwkI oa $ abjc, ek m trtiiMU, 04, fa tna Ui Utl.) oiU t fnecwiUt4 by bat. Mklredajiii to Uwwfxwt 100 tot 1W aWW by Woooiiv rWajawrW, m r9 f, J Ibw wMC1 bi el tM iaiftat aaaoaf th cJJ trbn a CArUal al etary tKi- Mto and oVaw4rttoa, tteaw Io rrJI ta bv ( bnf 0 aahjaot to lb aUk 1 tr fwadm, cawtw we iv nil-way a wtn tod to aait tbe total tWwwwiawaae af VorUV CaraM. Tbe ftoar af ewr M aw, ft era. ty.ttawaoeytibtotfbHi rtodmd wai pXU, to aiy twM axiant, tof euaavw Aad aU twwaiJiraU wbkb MtunAy rt. pniwn th twtarpriae af owe &aM to raaw tbe obatfwctioM to tbe awripitoa of aw rifff,kUl aaaay T tbe lead wut a U ittA. umI canff tb.r tribwut to aorkb aar wticiW-n. Ikit wrt ta r4wJ -V-p 14, owf ewawawfee a4 Uada weU M eaMca traiwd at part'tcwW point ebble ear et bmtt and tbe prowu rataintd at bow. roe etaa pie i A n3-ewid froaa W3krocb, by lata. brr. to ryei urine, with awe UUrng in I'i LiKolntoe aad Cbarlott, ad amxUf Irom CmiMUrtitirb. wouVl ewKtMfata tbe wkote traJa of Hit Weaiatw Cwtttla at TijrUt' fo I fid aoiw ereata. In tbe bnaoa of war etata, iBriacMawwrdaltowii. Wbttiyfjr tn tbe date of tblnp aa ev iWr. attU UbrwarbtaW. fto kaji wouU be fioaVed, 4blVtIrTirr nAA. rtntrnrtk wwnld etup, and Kortb. CmU would be niaed to a faadine; aa re MctaLla aa tbat of ny of tbe Atlanta aiatea la our buajlto optnion, t wen flenaed lywea w nt3-roada,oiU eoatnbute taofa tba any Uunf be to brifHUo the prwpeda ef KofthaB. aa. ' Vbrn we owwUee tba mfhtj prof re the itrtttn of IUjI Itaadi h making tlaewhcre, we are ImwaUblr led to betere tW, la a few year aaar, WortbCaeobaa wUt realist aoaae of it benefit. M irt ' f it I' tli- ! J - '...J f.: L f ." I ti t ii!iiln t-i fcf U f.. !.U i t ' 1 U I tl n b a ii.uM 1,4 p. t a; bi avi U.ti lwk fw it lU MtMiU af rywiMtf ' li a4 tJ Lit, Wf vL aa K.f m t4.C,rile U art U -1 towafbi V i,ibry ta m tba (U Mr f 4a4 W M rM af f.at.UaMri u ftet. aaj aa oVaanUf f fwmJmrmL a f mo at It tbe W I ; V U f tie fU Daaawi at VtffUU, a l KiinV-CanXaa, to aar, t r7.K2,,b5l.,, r'i,tfc ,l -7uVuha;.7i,5 ,jajjNf i,,,,!, ,4a.Ws3ijl, f JI, ,,r r Tnlliirlflrt LI a I so, ... t, ;j, ww, iwlUnvMi,('i.'.w..ldtrt.W w.u. aaa 1 & Hi I Li i. 1 . . I ft . I I .a at . . - . . a . " -w w- a at e I a- w eT' 1 t r It a 1 1 1 1 r,, tt.f.. f i I U-t. ill it .t 5-1 j . I a la 1 1. a. jtjrrrvrAL Mam. It appear from tbe report of tbe Secretary of War, and of Ctn. McComk, tbat tba rrcoa aoMawoe of tba routea be t National Road from WaaUnirtoe City to TlewjUrlcaoa, wiB be con. pleted la time to tubmlt the nih to Congraje at iu preetnl araloaV ' Tb twato tkffw tba aeata of pearnmen and tbat imaaedlately eaat WJSBWTfLrr IMT9 HAT. U puaac4 af pmiwtit mpaMNti Ik tU af fabwy (Ual Wadaewity.') wa a4ad. la t weey baaaralle an ari If tba eaua 'of tbi Uc, ad tbaae aitaaduii t court from tba a-ljoiaiaf eswwfy, CpC Um&ft ay of L4nrj Vtfd fnAWry BWa, pv aded about ewe a clxk, aad End e eaJulra. ' Tbey iUt oartbd iaia tb cowrtbawaa, wbaw t krn aoWiot of tilt. tea aod eraft bad 4a.bVd i tbe emkte tbatw werw oprwid by t bmal a ad aoWaat prayer, by tbe IH. t raeiaaai aIff obkb, Tm If. Matwtll, rJ. dSared a abort, but eb oaaat ajad pwtrSotl ad-Jrte. la tba ttf, wJIiury Ball wa fata at Capt rnJu1!, ,Uk ww tba Baoet Mawratnly atuaded a aay tbat baa Uka pUct k baUwry ht a oaabrr of yeanr-wbm al t aad til tgr roav iaftad, to t trah reubikM opIrH, wrtl buoy aot aad grateful fcibaga, to bono? ibe Me, aal aerpetuatt tbe avaaory, of Vm wbwwa 4 Am hi War, fm it peace, tad Irat In tba btartt of kla ooaMryaaaa." A a aalr to tba aaxmowmu of tbe wrrk. tba yoanf Caatlraica of ttlmborj bad gvtiaw ep t flay, conpoaad tf.tbt CaWy of tba lUrl avow,- tad Uaa ram -TU Wmr maawaryr vwicb wore wwitwoid Frida Eaewlnf , tbe 3tb M. A aery Urge atkCaae attawdod anora tuiaaerowa, ptri-M, ba M aiauUr ooeaaioa It tbi towa. aad it W da to tbnat gtatkaaa trbo tok paAaUbe, aace, to aay, tbat Jtba tdaasce vr agreeably diaappofntad--tbepubEe etpectdot wa aawv tbtn rea&ked. It wa WA erpntad tbat titoa who were tbe biafioqie rwr i w i . Uf 4, III") . rat. t44r0f. "-l'-,'4 ia ita 3 lv Uts (-l attvai, t. ftjr or.:4d b U Jf;, l( Ut-I.'. iU tnbra ( .lUa, a. uiil c.. t,Ue Um la tt?t ir rrlte '', M. f. 4 bat fvaKtJI MlU ftt !.. Mft Of U t.lt. far lb .l.i ta4wa baiioaoT at baas JJto3J caa.aMa( ' bw ptearMe awf Oaii aa4a t itotiae, la anwat InataftmalbaJfa al I Mr, IM a..irM..p, (VVn totbaiMMuad. W quote tUat al U tot Jta.aaf aVaia .A U prt. .cuUl i A tov ft t UiW bitVe. - -- - . I iM.y prbK .4 U t.Ua to t'-J lam ffiteia It, rnM..4i taa.a U.4 bW( af 4M Ct4 oere lU4 4u'Uf iH Wr,k, mm wa btta uwra Me M m abt. THK l J.Ni: YOLSO IIOIWK fc . I rA 1 1 WWDWI rro ibe aL T-"J " i I KJY M L .. Ilorr mt br4 la t U4 i arjtwu , , , raaaiaf mum at Wf at (hie. la Rw aa L'ouotr. tT.IM IV T)rr MOLT I barrb fa f.at a64wrt, al tw Tbe br Kaaarra, arrmd rb.W,Wh4bU MlabaV lb aro, parabia by aiawa f fMila, fia Jaawara, abeae aba taUaJ I pa4 wllbMl lb ar aVV (caab) tb lb Ab tc. to togif full eeaAfMiaaa af tbe I brap i aad li JUn to lewraaj BMff to rwaaar Ibal war ba4 arluaO r uuj4 bo I h abb toW peoaitod tba pfert a lb aao taeea tbe BruO aaapoe 4 cba rtpuilat Wl " eltan(Mt-torl U.kWy ft acJwe ttoaaaa Arraa. a VUri U oar baU bM I aa N aliitt.. by bia DruiJUe avW. wnlwi a ib I win b le yrar aid mh rpriAr i it mLm a lb Kavwr. A rrwl MtaaWr orv I tojfwed aine Ibe laat ar. Wl ir. ton were m tba eaaH a ma4 fraai Vm,. I vrtoilrur, armmtrr t4 Ie aar, bttrg Atre, jl UJ mU arvtrU eapiurea. I atitotw ba4a bi, rtmatbably bar a4. rMarrirJuXew.urb.rfTeadriato l"?! b-f lb 4tb Jaaoary bar beea raoeiaaJ. afinaoal hMithy, eieoeoirt aaa iHiti,i t, IV K7 aaarkrl wa Ueoaaiar. be. Ofl f"M''".',J ''r'? "f ffr"T tltrr" about imwr bktog UUbr. to r.of h'' ."t V "JT My,,b bad.fr. bJ.oruaadprwar f0 "..VLI i74 '.fT"? lato abanbhad eitaZicd la IrtlUd. aber an. -J' free from all bWa erl lOirra had aromd. ot tmptrirtm. Tbe etb of aibykoe I Caatii. tbe J!.Tt,,, ry be eekbraia,! ew ttm, of luka. ... aJiaiotoefoJ la lb P1"1- r-'U ' h" b' 1 V Pi T tba toUo kniMLwttto on. " Ciwcru b CJH loanao hUtm to uldoix ' ' VT?, Ptcd bea MH4e. . -", Ve. JlHy Intrt of tb 1 Wi fmoj P . " 7" Jl1:, , " Wwi, U waa U.i Hat tbe rmt,r W rw I f''1 h" tw.Ua waa atiOiaVhat ci. L'pna, lrrni WT I T w r TTrTrv tbe w. of bia kmtWi oV.tb. bi. H)r M tIHrtoi but Wb-up U bia apart. Mj refuJ ii k- M t" J ta i' to:rL, lailOrinC. lArroaaul aill b tbaaa at be term, rf ih Clf AC f rMIf PTnV I taper Ourt to Paliibwr, KUae,.lU, uiuau iiii'ii unt vt . . . i . . . fceeweed end M to nmHllViZZ Z Trie.K aad KTST lbr K MO art, could ban aMaioad tbeir 1 ! (he pt4U a( bwrr, tUt b baa coounca- n aot lb Rarvt ymjnr bor-r rrrr projiwaj La parta with aa thing bke juaticato be tatbort, I cl Ute I ihW oat. II be loitml rrruUrt.r al l.i arcretbttotbemKlreai bwt oc4 waa tbe eaerii i UllOnnZ JllttlTWU, l-w,er, l ainm lake I b riniwa at pub. of tbe performance, that tbe fleece were to- in tbe to. a cf Ury. blai tr-. i. tb Sf & !SVf i . .. . 1 1. r ..L.n.u r.i jI" .... ia. TOtumaroy inuuceaio pronoun e it among tbe -; - -t ;aw Mn((nrM nfaj ((UMI. teat tetine; tbat rrrr. took JaceJt. aU. L, n- u. r u- i, ' ... ... . . bory.- Wber aJ Cd wWT, it wJd be bwidJoua try cwneoient to all tbe Coin U toa t wbm to jr tbat particular caaracteri were better tua-1 be n prepared to cieout all deacritiiiona of tained tbaw otbertj but w H In W. work line of bnamna, oa Ut ahorlrat no- ao one, by etpreaaing bBef, that aome of tbe uroBier. wer oiMaiiaed to a oaaaaor tbl tbi or tb adjoinu ataira. Havinr . CI, IH.M. Nnnmr Moour. Ucc, aad in a at) le aot infertcw, t rrranlt dura-1 I 1 I biHty and tatte. to any that can b iccoi4 ial Fi Wf.W IIIItAM M'ADAMS T1F.TUK nfrin.l tlianli to iTtj XV bi frUtnl. ami cmomrr for niK r.p, and aobciu a coatinaanc nf their would not bar derogated from tb reputation eeired tbe lateat faatuon. from Mr. A lira Ward, plMN,af' oftbtWiaabkHubto board. of taerJ0 'h IibMUIpbia, amtpamed by J pWla . T drafla, plate, and 61 re a, w 4b all tbe colon " a a inetbod of inliirminr tb pgk. r,Mfi la) tbai .ataU Ima Crttoa. ' I v "..l t. . . I kaiaa. at IK wwnr tJ ttrtmA aa Vat . . I a itBiuKu, Ha i anjnnj vc i - .v. ,.-a0e-w UmUabbi toeuittbt Uat nd fancy ff any I foeaurljr aocopied aa en laa by W,Wb k "trith. Jre Ar A friead of oun. la tba aortb I rrtxVtnan. 1 be patronare of tbe poLnaiare-I .rn IjouaeHa omletT- a thorwt rator , The Pari Courier Trancait caknlate - that' the reln of Conttantlne will, be .benefit to Europe, Th tccondtry Slate of Cermtnf will be tbb? to breathe 1 1 beb ybbe will be lightened. Auttria ia now confined to her own resource j ibe can - - ao longer make Rutsu teennd her !ew j the cannot arm ajciiiut tbe Ctiotinent the influence the had acquired orer Alexan der. , .ai . , , Mtt.iEFFEPS0y. . - Although we knew, thai.Mr, Jeficrson kid expended both bit time tnd fonuua $n promotion eyery met are calculated to otleance the, Interest or honor of hi coun tryyet, we were nnt aware, that hit dis interested patriotism nd brought him to the verRt I insolrcncy. r rom the pro ceeding; howcrer, of the Virginia LegU- lature, tbi tppeart to be the caie. A bill ba been introduced into that bodr, to tl Jowhiepoltttoaiatriarchhetrrivtlew 01 disposing 01 nis eaiaie 07 loiiory, at t fair valuation, that tn cquivajent may be procured Jorthar which, if told by the ordinary , process, would pie tacrificed. We .presume.no objection will be urged tgaintt this Application, but the establish ment of 1 precedent. Butthi can be no teriout obstacle surely, for it in the case of Lafayette ' tbe 1 "character find ericei of Mr'. JefTeraonj preclude th? 0Per,ir!!L of the pfecerJentc:.AVjB sincerely-bope, wuit conceae tnis poor ooni TO" on'Ot wnom, wun trutn, it mty be wid, tie lits lieed but few yeirV for himself ni life Ittt been devoted to hi country. M, MM pirwci Hi whwi."i .vi yw MMcwoin, am mam Wiemioa tneir ' . . ., , . . I arka f.vna aiaa alik 1 MH . . - -. ... . lencouraredlb auLocrder. b bone will eoe I .y raaw mimwYTmw"mL'm w aai aavaaraai mr - auuaaj m i a nwv aw lawwar wawawarm aiiafo via iaitu.f a. . -. . 1 waj iiwrtiwwwvu- ... .j - " 1 ' wrw wwao waav H tMUUU;iXU 1 ff)Q oectfultr auTicited 1 tboa a bo bare berrtoror I ' ready to accommodat all thairfaror. and mil ba anbalanlUll Ki (table, are Wrll upplid with PWemloT- mer 1 and twaoBcfnof tb aorp 01 iurer, pig, eigHteea month, old, which weighed, wbea and fkalikmable work done, are iarited to giv I WKl ndd ay earemi ami bcmat oat Jar, hat Ju-t completed teiew of the Weteni dreaaed, 558 pouada. himatrbd. - 1 i'aim Aia. 8, t8.g. - . I.. ... . .. T 1 il route. Great aofiotudt at felt in Tenncme oa I Aad wa win take tbi. oacaatot to remark. I lllRROlUllOU. -.4 -. .11. 0. a Jb elaam - WW t t t ' ' . " l " ' ' a A f ' M I ma -uDjecx ot uu. a m -,u rr aw. mc, TCT7 umaoant. and or an '"'irT'P lili ,La 'r uTill rTTHERB will b aold, on Monday, tbe 13ib T wgtMaiur! ioa mv.m uonf mcaaiwn iHtum qnainj, uia aruawi w&ihB ram la I . " , ; ,7" . . "7", " . . . I A Marcb well, and, if not all aold on tbat tbe enrineer taed along, appointed t pereot acrce and biffb, aad kD ia tbi town, readily, at !. : w u' "T .VJT. r. i ' f Jay to day omil all J jfe' through the ttate witb tbero, tnd point J from 63 J Io 75 cent, per btnbel. It la tba opia j mCXj i TEMPLlTtw: g,- TJTZTaill out an the eonaemeocea fee a road in tUat aeo- j ion, bowerer, of thoae who may bo allowed to j SaStiyty, f'et. 20, 1826. I 2 Slijs wirwl ami ri,. 3 llptipf.cOTt UCj IBlkU, bat there ia aot a. great I 1 VAt-. G 1" I buihel bfCarrS, nine bale of Cotton, and nn. ara ara SnrKnMl ta tbinb. OB tb nart of TetUiCa. I a Kirtttv of llul iKa.. 1 a- UUUU OttlCI e. rrawaraicAria.l i1. Ad. The Duke of Saxe Weimtrf. returned to Mobile on. the 17;b ulu from Pensaco li am titled next day for NerOrlttnv Tb report, from tbe engineer department. plainly intimate, tbat, in coming to t deciaton li IwlUa ,ka ana.1. tti a.ttranlarM oTl . . r " " " T TV: aucbimtoceiheautodoaa. ine serenw rouie. wm oe ootwiacrcu, jai, m a corwncrciaJ point of view j 2d, (or wiilitary pur. poaeat 5d, tor tbe tranvporUtiowof tbe public rw r.m kt tW. aa.Ll -. . - . . , 1 ' . . . ... ', Tbe adrantagea of rJ.rtf rooraa' ar ao pie. a-jumed loth memonal from thia place, I nerally undentoL tbai 4er ar but fe ar preciaely tb "aame a. tboie tm which the I place In tht United State, of tba'aii of Salia. imnortantdeciaion win b made. And we will I DU,7 whicB nave Uem tot. Some of tbeae ad. her -.mark, which we are much gratified to IT' arb Mh l. .tl. Jl .v.. n I I. "... . "". vii ucma; aum iu uu wuu iruui, uia wen. ncnuHu, wt w rre tl of many Nawtpaper aad pe. Col. Shriver, and their aaociatei, apoke of the riodical work. For example : 8uppaae thrr memorial (brwanled to Waahlngton by the citi. "iber . ?5 eacb th wnoe on ,en.of Salary, in the mtat flattering Urmfc ttZJZ lAHnuicuuauuiu iruui iuui a.auurbs a. v wn vm i ai can DO prOCUrea 10 fyJoU. - .t . v. flattering .to. Jut.. .feeling, but, plainly .evince 1 1 tn ,re?li,!a ..rppma, the paper, are all care? tbat tbe memorialist have retted their claim on ,u"' n,ca ,na PreKr''eu' nd "t the end of Uie Principle, that wUl govern ia the decoion . of ffkS tTnS ATll thi important aubject. book.. . nuMl.li. MllVil that a treat ffa. I id. TbO reauinir rvKMn hronmpa tba rrntral o I . r i 7. . ... tionai lk.ad will be mad from Washington City V02 t t comaiumtn to TJew43rlean, we trust Ibat the inenmm uongfWTronTortn-CTroiinaiil tor oneet reeimg antt rnridty-intercmir.e. -v. unite, and endeavor to give tome of tbe benefit J . 'bere ar atll other advantage!, which, un of thia national work to tbeir own itate. , fZIX .1 fo"ow the t,Ub liut env im rcaMiiiK na,iiaH " - ' I - 1'h obieet of tlieaa remarba la tn rail, in a CaVFAVTOLV AVV VIRGIb'tJI.---- I more oartieular manner, lha ationt'ina of tha T,'aM.'r; ;' . r .1 . . .1 Oil t n t- . . .1 .. . .1 : tircinia tious 01 icicgaica, on 1110 ovu 1 ciuaena or sainoury k in wiDtecr. - in ine inat refined, by a vote of 1U to 97, to re-con-town o( Burubnry, there are a number of UV. aider their vot. rejecting the bin to permit tbe SKZ people of that auto to vote, at tbe next election; bta mechanic, who read . paneri and book. be- on the propriety of calling a Convention. Thut .id., a .till larger number of merctuinu, and ipiuije!. t acarciry of tbtt graia a. the pietmt bjgk price : - rr-.x utiiiXJ-OttiCt dry-benulMeCtor imwrtfaif ' 1w 'metrtton.'- would aecm ta IiwHrat.. - .K-k fc--aL iw- IU'1-1' be aol.1, t public eato, on the lOlb At tb pama time, wf b hired, .negro, to wouw teem to Indicate. IT auch be tbe fcet, y nd jnb rf extt"the fttt 0f Jary neit An to be at t treVlil of J abebooYetUuMofourtormerewbobaveconi crwneA tm occupied by the late Alexander montha. tbe purchaaer or birrr riint Immi.1 with to tell, to Tiait our market, aiile it offer, them I Smoot, Otc'd. in the Porka of tbe Yadkin, How-1 approved aecurity, befiirw the properly ia dr Ev- vanoui article of Farming I errd. H here lu attendanc will fie girei, an cuntn N. C. utenaila, atock, ex. aome part of wbich coneiaUl by tht AdnnnUtrator. of Uort$, cow$ sheep, hogtf Ako, a Still aad Tab. . . Abjo, Kveral N'crroes will be hired out on tbe tara dare, Uu neat Chriatma. Term of aale. Ice, will b mad known on that day, by ALEXANDER 8 MOOT, StO .Idm'r. viiJk UiU ennertd. N. D. All neraons havinr claim, aninat aaid estate, are reiirted to bring forward tbeir ac N. 0. All pcraon. Iiavmff claim irint nul eat.t, ere requeated to prrarnt tbem on the daw of tale i alao, all pcraon indebted to the etat at eameallf rctoaid mkepayataiao tb day of .ale, otberwit give bond, with approved aecurity. PETEtt KERN, AJm'r. M.J1.18M. 3tW Rowan Agricultural Society. TIT the constitution of the aoCiety, its actii. .. . w m .., . a M. w annua, w aLini.ir iBfrcuiiK, imc. iia'T. aw a a. I t. .. .1 -.ll-.l.a. no au pen. wieoeu, w. P P-7M ,., roonln. ne mccUng aiU be held i ment, without deUy. ALX SMOOT, Jr. . ' rrt ,lnu nfl-.iv rf Tha hour if o clpck. It U earnestly lioped, that atl tbo member who bare the nicer of the auciety at heartrwill-ptiBotwalry atten4r-. Tbo Farmer of llowan, are jrenerally invitod to come forward rinia. aa la Kortbamlina. kn tbwarta. iwiwio4iM,7 ,M.-jvwMfei..eeMatir.w .-Hatamua.agitwsiHSa.oaxi who voted atraimt the bill can aatiafr their con-1 very twooble. reauinir-raom to lur 'toWm tUtuento tbatther have acted 1-ke republican Betides the advanlate. mly mentioned, It ryjJfwenarftieaineir t brg majontrof tbeir j we d,OTi1d ht auch an ert.Wib. conitituenu are tqr a convention, ia, to oa, to. ment Let it, therefore , b hoped, that in a tally inexplicable. Jo fact, we cannot conceive ftbrt time, we will liarejn our town a repecU- how they can leconcUe their failhtosaaea to bJ reioMjaaa,oCnewirfcrn : ' - - .j twn of the Vnion, and of tbe beat penodieal the people, tot ene of mtrol mtegnty. Id wotti !n fjm cotintry. 1 ' fte wmflieneoneernt w .1 Valuable TlanlaUou fHHR aubacriber ofTer. for aal the plant. 4L tion whereon 1 ho. Snody, F-q. formerly I on the occaaion, and join an institution, wliicb livpd, in the county of Iredell, N. C. living on ha. in view the improvement of the farming in- Elk Shoal Creek, containing something over 700 terert. JNO. ilLAUD, jun. .Vrrrjf. arret, of a. goal t quality a. any, without eicep. feb'r. j$t. 1816. 6tQ3 tion, in the npper part of aaid county. Thar i. VI' II- i'TlF? nnk. a mort tlwr!lim4wHia and Kitchen. larte WT tt IV.. o iVt DCgbanuwith other ncceaaary buibring. Tbel , fiFORfiE W. RROWNV wiiv vtuti4 uj l?lVMlntltJfSTll!r f V laaawaar k'. tJL-mA- ..Jl It a' A -aL a, ji I bSr bVl T t III IHHHIHv MV ir;iiUa mills not deemed eary give any furthn From New York and rbiltdelpbuu a er,ptmnoftlan..th doubt, with to view it before btirintr.' For fur tbr particulars, apply to the aubacriber, at the poi-t-oftiw at Wilfong'.' mill, Lincoln county, N.C. . joun wiLro.vfi. fV4.ll.T826. , t21l Dry Gwdsi-IfardTtMircy &V. --. wliicb he iirtetidl telling tt a : small profit, FOJt CAsn oxi.r. ' : . Per-on wishing to purrhue. will plca.e call, ' . n.t i..,(. r.L k.,...v... Estate of-Dr. J. Hall, dec tl, I mm, w. H,ms. ... 82 r. i. I tl.lluLnA' T..inln UnlnlliAau llafe.ncBryeaw; mill-1 ' 1111V eOTm B"-iin ui uin iii'uiiuhmj ci;in A LL peraonr indebted to tbe etate.of Dr. J. A: Ilsir nf Rnwin ciiire. ik-c'it are ilcaired to make 'payment wiUiimt delay, Io .tbe admin- J fF uoiuHuetSdulc 4i..person a. have demand agairot aaul JteiJaninaKftnmtlTniorfrr tsUaior, mmA auch nrrannt r.. iut ,A"r,knr ihMr distance, tli.it. lie ia at nreaent Broherlv autltoatkateiL for ettlement. A the Usiited 'by. a ntTeirian "and Ldy of theTmw administrator wfchc to make a sottlement of I unloupted qualiBCation. lie can, incrctnrr. tb estate, at'apeedily ta powible, it ia hoped all witlFCOHtidence, rerommena we cioii to tno person eoncerlted will pay immeJUue attention attention of the public, and engage that no ei- to tbi noticei Apply to tbe wbscriber, 9 mile, ertion 'ahall be .pared to give toft a permanent north of Salisbury, on tbe South Yadkin river, and useful character , ' . ,r0bll 1. n . I . i it January 25, --.r 5