-- - - . . - t . I ' mmmn inin "' "" tt-taw w tar1- I 'i; ,i i 0 v v VOL VJ......NU. aul. i it, i y U wmmrnm iiiw ii ii II II Wli W TV UnM wf A V Cr"''' &J M MM U-.a-d.lV--t at u f lU L-Uat) fcW M inwv ' I a i--- k,.'! k tmt4 M r rM UtfiN twe-fy-i ve (ftt uf ajgaw-.---. . , . i. -- tails tV'-. Witt tu a a a"k fW.. at kN tao WW, act7-4 " faw a the b 1 wtaVf paper, t4U f-evwy" Marshal! Dkkeftsoo, aw fUaafr lo l4Wf. sec?te wr Complainant 19 U P14 f ? A yrfflftl wat confessed hy Joel DWi oases, to Drferwtant fee Urge sura, and If pt M to eovtr the property m '' from craiiof i tooPMuin f n.Hy ikti tl Isdrtaroi N Ion U pojwt4 lM o4(tmni Hcndrofl M4 Bffti . wairli from w.v. Dcrt ua tM mi tsutt m . Vbeibr ikt Mrctim mooer ftmita lor unpid Ii I tlm or ol poi old inr conwif we it u cinwnif a Ik attrc B4t Bud it looked to. or utk JU m Wca corCaMO WircUwi tl ttltlt tad C eoHfiKi m to b cscuu4 hea t&s lit oprT the (( for tH (HirrluM tfc frmUt to 00 8T Moor, bi M, Mf tof pJl ifct porchiif tnooty, hIJ,thert Ibret lkat h might tack tN motvef pW to the tura advanced upon !k tnonjij mmJor ttve tMrmrBt ! tor Utuo'i bent ti H It xHMr4 4 he leU d enabled Lim to call for the JrrM title. Urv'er oHirry circomettnr et the pur chmr from enoHtrtce mutt sund la b$ placet' tod totmiit to i rederoptloo upon the tame 'crm, for rhotiRh he mtf Durchaae Cor ltrt mm, tod though be a the Uvl Utk, ret t t not equal aelrr ith the mortnujer, for he taji rUb ootke. 'For ear thing which put pertf opoa enquiry U notke. . ClOcfeni rule prcvuai aa wncre m pur chaier tdfancci the money end take i conveyance tor the benefit of the raort fpger er his helra? end for hl ova bene fit. But in this case, the defendant har Jng taken en edeAtf rsmwyeurr from the morf fragee and by bta anaeer dtnitd the DliloiifTs riehl f rrietm. Held, that he " inuat aiaiid as a mereaaienee rthe meftrref nd roust submit to a Jempt'xn on the same" terms, and was not entitled to the sum actual) advanced $yMw .t,,-;t, '- Arrtnton i- Jordan frotn Paiqootank, : - JodgmeBt of the Soperior Court revert ed, and that of the vounty Court affirm d. A iherilT man but he Is not houni to. inaht uton 3 securities in a bil bond. If at bond be taken with one only and that one it njicttnt, the plainuff mtj eicept. The bond, however with one securitt Is sj.iekhetiMi "Ktrrarfetioraniction of debt. An assignment of the bait bond is not required when the suit is In the County Court t the-17ih section of the Court law (1777) being confined to the Superior It is not necessary in sci la. igsinii . bail, to state the issuing and return of a ca. sa. against the principal t though the want of such ca. sa. would be a defence lor tho bail. -: v.--- . . Fordham v. Miller, from Lenoir. Bill - dismissed at Complainant's cost,,. , A father by deed, gave a negro to his daughter, and provided that if she died without children, the slae should return 10 the family. -The deed waa put Inthe -ftther'i peissessidtff . afterwards the daughter, by fiaril, re nounced all claim under the deed, and exonerated her father from all obligation to have It registered, and authorised him . to destroy, it. ShoUfterwiirdf married "and died. Her ' fiushahtT filed this bill to . aet up thie conveyance. ; ..jaeJd. 1st. That after this voluntary reminrlatinn:.. tKA.AUpfiter'1 DUld - not hav been entitled' to the aid of a tourf Equity, to setupihe conveyance,:;-;: . 3. That the husband succeeding to Iter rights, could claim . nothing more than she could hate claimed. Quert. Independently of this objection if the Court would be justified in setting up this eonveysnco for the benefit of the hut&and, thus giving it a different opera tion from that which the partiea intended ? Goodman v. Ar mislead, from Chowan. Judgment of the Court below affirmedi - , the cra!iJ $t tlti star ct wt Ltd I the tt(t a lulptMfl, the year of U crpcmUoce UUf tentk4M4, la Imnute rlJ The ktur date If tuHkMMly cer UU wltfeewf the uxmtt. i , piltf UitiUst 9t A. ft Beweil, frwta The . f atud of a tsewtry agabst Qtmikm ii ,, Ml evwcpttejC,,f vldeec aiaa U U M ectioa brewf t trm Miti'lUaa re ertject thtaa tp the rvtrdla bofcd of the default U lael principal. :, r "" The Oeveraor v. Ifetrshai aad other. ffoo tksufft Javdmeai alStased. Aa acUoa poo a aHertfa boevd i plea the tttt Urtiflg actions no auth bunda after alt fears ifpikaiiueH a prteaJa vUhb three years. INId tho Nplicatiua is a tWoanure from the dtcW ton the promlM, though u may aa.se l&e oartv tuJe i an actlun founded ums It, Jut not restore the right ef etloa ii W foe tM, the Upe of Uasel,by the statute, a positive br. Dee on 4m, of I stem and Batter v. PLne and Stwyer( from PeaqouUitk iatdrmeot aiSrmed- . - II Ui are tho termini ebounorar sol e Orant or Died Is matter of law If AWtv these boanoatlsi er termini are. Is mat irr of fact. It la the orovlnce of the Court t declare the Erst, that of the Jury ta atceruli the ueoftd. Where sottif af tjee ere tailed 6f a4 erae-4 flUace given, tao former are toe wr mini, and the Utter are mere pointers or guides to the fwrmer. Hence, wheo tbf mturai eoject ni kw is wniqet or has Drotxrtici peculiar to Jiseit, course and distswe csa have no effect But, where there ere aeveral nstiral oUiects snivcriog (Nf OearriptioOt course aoo diatanci may be adverted to, to asrertsin which it the object designed In which case they do not control a natural bound ry, but merely serve to explain the latent ambigttUyf.. ....- . . WiIon w. Myers, from Beaufort. Judgment affirmed. A Peiition was filed for an injur to land by I mill pond, against several de fendants trial was had and verdict ta ken for the pbuntiff, and judgment agaiaat II the defendants. One of the defend ants was then dead, and a writ ef error was brought' for thie error in fact. On the return of the' writ a motion w.a msl io Jhe Court bejow toanvndhy e wr ring a nolle protcqul es tw the Oetendam w'k) was dead, aa of the term at which the trial was had. The motion wss allowed oo payment of costs, and the writ of error dismissed Un appeal to tnis lour. held, that the Court below were right in allowing the amendment, for i would hive been at the trial e matter of cturir. The Injury for which the action is brought Is still a forr, though the set of Assembly haf iven a-different remedy rom (Ml f UiimK ii wmmgn uv. , -HacklaU and wife v. Powel. from Bcr. tleT Pecrtee in thf Court below revert ed, and cau remanded for further pro ceedinsrs. The set eivioe power to iourtt of Eouitr to order vies of real esne for the purpose of pahiuofV directs the proceeds to which infants are,entnicd to be secured to such infanCer hlara representativea. Hence, fuch'ahare'of -the pweeds is to he con awe red, realestatt, and i if the infanta cne brfore niing at age) the helf at law will succeed to It, and not the personal- representattve-Dut if the in ants ?aTHve --itJull. age and tbeo die. whrthel' tie fceir at law will bo entitled, Ellison's Ex'rs v. Jai. Ellison, from Oranse. The Testator executed a paper writing in form of a Trut Deed, and on the same day made a Will referring to the former paper. The purpose of which was clear ly a dMpoaition,J)t.,nia estate aer :eatn. D. Y. was one of the Trustees and ETx'ra, and also one of the only two subscribing witnessses. The Trustees were directed lo retain out of tho -funds which they shraldTeetTercompensitIor .JoMbeit- trouble. Tho testator had both real and personal estate, all which hit Trustees and Ex'rs were directed to sell After the death of Ellison, D. Y. released, Ice. all his claim kc. ..... .,;y..;. ; The presiding Judge in the court be low -held tho two papers to- make one will, and to be well executed to paaa real estate.- " On appeal to tnw couttynew txy two ludges, that tho two papera are both I testamentary t and' maktvono disposition 1, One Judge contra. But held by all that IbvwBI if not well ;oxecujted. . That D. Y. the Witness, bad such an interest in the lands devised at waa contemplated, by the act of 1784, and that when euch in terest exists at the time of subscribing) no subsequent release will avail. Matlock v. ram' Adnrrs, irom Koce ngham. Judgment affirmed. The administrate ot rarw recorerea 1 . A la 4he haais U pUr.t lt Hhtrl7. k vied M properly and aJtrtli (of sale. then by afffmM trff tid's vtre soipevtded and the Irvyj retorj-d 9pem theXe. Tho dsff'is 4 the ixscwtl'jai lhs fiid the plainlif il8CUlnOi urtarat rltfro lantl tht f fit 44. Till action hftMhi Sgaini V Ctodaa's e srttlr.Urt.1, N rwiowl u toaoil mm fifid is. ma esfr The Stf L res, im oeria is saiium to 'm eew oUt4ona .iHoucw nos)af ire Mc, the servko required by t4 act bfi a au ataatiaUy per fee mad mi aeU t tht the aalou cannot be abst the dtW ante w tnetr repei seowtive cnsrsir And bald further thai the prrW aastndaent giei to thit Letrt does itrnd to emer$ igfhe procevdiriga, s st lo make then agtdoat the defendant In their oa riht, ( tho pewtr extendi only to sock emeodeatMt as roll have bren md bv the Coort below after final judgment. But to tubitiml mfod ment. (it sfcmtl sHtiuW be allow ea In thk Court, for every such amend rtnt should be accooipenltd with leave if d feodat to vary U a.Jlogs, snJ Ihttt are the new Ueuts to be triad 1 Thl Court It eirktly a Caurt of Equhvi ai4 such amendments presenting a new r -arvd reqiii-ing new plradsngs, sJiaulJ it A be anowed her. Brad- w. WUaoru from Jw-V swsMa hflss wtt'sia.jj fc 1 - To chares a msa with bitwt an oui- house not pstclof the dellf boute, Is not etionJ4e. Sumps . Grarta, from Ci Judg turn! rtvtrKdi and jtw.lris: forded. A variance between the n and de claration, the fitt being In deb- he latter in assumdtt Is fatal even af" verdict. A note rwt asweruhle within statute cannot be declared on, the iliaiiou mus: bo set not and the note in be onU evidroci' to the jury. W.t the ton tlngtny oq which the psyttirrjf prora ted is of such a kind as shoe no benrbt or hjury to the parties the Me U of it self no evldenre 0f a coosM ration, hu' proof must be given of It ei'r he ne. J mU and others w. Wlattind others. frm Perquirttons. - Uevia to far life, and ait r bis oestn to the heirs of hh body lawfu.vlbegottca, to ha eauallr divided mutf them and their heirs forever. The weds heirs of the body art words of desnjprm and not Dcvereux v. Cape Fcvr Kaak, from W.he. Thia was an intuortit bill and the answer having come in, and being very lone, there was not time to hear the UH antwer in the Court heloe. B c.m.-,i re case was Transmitted n this CouM. Iedvthat-tho.Cwurt ha kwiadkiion of' the CMUse. . .. . ... S'edman v. Ruldick.. from Cates odrmrnt affirmed. - s i ... . A fltrbf to e slave ad'rtiHr held bv aDoiher.caihor.b;asslimed:oM to pw the legal title to. the avifJieeC; It U a mere chose In action, and is, at law, in capable of assignment. State v. Alexander, fam Wilkes. Judgment affirmed. The.aruiusljrirginiB atxlNortb Csroj ifna Confcrence of tKe Mcttldist Church I convrnOd at Portsmouth, Vajon the 15th, and adjourned on the S 34 ihumo, Biab ops M'Kendree and.Soulo presiding. During the session, arrancemeats were made to establish a College within the bounds of the Conference, for tho instruc tion of youth io those branches of scien tific learning usually taught in Universi ties, by the appointment of a committee to draft a constitution, and rirculate pro posals for the erection of suitable build ings, by ' subscriptions, to be solicited from those .disposed to patronize the un dertaking. V YADKIN DISTRICT. P. Dwb, P. E. Granville, George W. Nolly and John Franklin, William II. Starr rerfin, William Holmea Iredell, Jesse tee , Salitbury, Christopher Tbomaa and Benjamin Edge.;.,; ,..,...,',...,.,, ' Guilford, Thos; Mann, (superndmera ry) and Jacob Hill. f i; - CanoeU, ueorge atepnena y - IftUaborouth, Joshua Leigh Baniitrr Rfch'd P'MerriwetUf,::.::. 7 . TJKavKlSITT tAKDJ. W ha 'mat learned from D. Ora tarn' Secretary of State, (saya the Mur- freesboro 1 en. Courier,) Wat he ftas re ceived officie I information of the assent of the Trustees of the University of North Carolina, to the law passed by the Gener al Assembly of this State, tt its late ses sion, on tho'tubjeci of thef University Land WArrtntti !gmat itna! set r!rT.sc ftMih tu' Ha m wainsa taaautfas, . htr. ftltfrt The 8pffn Com I ha Urn o rft.tly eiMihd Uti.ia w.u fr lit uiiUiy to be (I'arlr raatjCrri mt p-J i4kn etlat against N, wklck time alone can remove. Bu I caatoo douht lis final triers ah. AnoiMr r which lajWeihathlaCafttriM-feM as . we W great imtim,i iUf part, liMok if raiy bt malt mate eiierNveif smful. Matit Utottta eim Mitidual from its arrttM cceMiraKiino. In the U'tstern ouni!ti many questlene of much ImtxHiasre to thewe cotMcmed have alreadr Uen rtferred le lUs fin Cuurt uj firim the nature of our Lint. many o'her uussiiorts for lis declaim may be cspocsd ysariy to arise i But fe of the attrrilct that practiae In, our Mrt, are willing to i-ikw a suu in nt as a alcU'H and of tore. In a majority of . ne allornUa muU m miilnal ItX n-it the etprriae of tlilaamnrnvni h.f-m the greatest nr ht j ill heW.jf rtlng of oauea to count! uv quaiKd uiib mikf of the tyws with hi,l m attorney who travels wh the uit ImSji 1i earBmenrenieai, ia faiulUar I suVmi', alw, whether a n ortalaa .lrm tif thU r ouru.br whU-h it thouid huM a tu lwi ht i he neiicrn ail of lb stale, and another in flit t i, If r 'OuirH, wuvld e enable Hm tte , r I ami iuri4k liwH U al . mmt it ui fwlfl li.-i.'j . iih tHir r4i jcs in "ni i r cimirli iriorint, ihtl Irs ni. fj tsc liive VV'ein tcunti. the uuiiixtt!) of 1 1 Superior Coursa lo hold C-un of ri .in, is almost a nulU AL'i-J ifimjeutttJOa) be disstOyed. hut a to A.snnjr a rc, ii wuld alrnou amguti lo 4 miraclr 1 I had rather Wail f r a- tl E'iir of the aun. ' Now I for vn, u ipinia,i that It would not imitate too mmh the Uirdcna of our eff.l'i u !j;r of the Supreme Court, if ti c st'c lu k authoriaed lo extend their ju'ivhuion and their lalours. in the ." I h'ist Indicated. T hope, sir. you ill (ell them so, and thereby oblige many A faansa- TBR RhtJe Ithud haa n written coo stitution, and diflcre in thia resprct from all the at. tea. Shr is g'tvrrned by the Chartrr vl Charles 2d, the pro viaions of which are bo librral, that little imonv-nicner has been hitherto eiprirOCea mua tnc .u. f atitutton. All the exrcutive i Biters are anual!j elected. From the year 177J, to the present year, a perido( SO years, she haa had but 10 different dovcrnur, one of whom was annually re-elected hr sixteen vears. ih preVent Ifduae'of Rcprese ntttrves con- siata of ra mtmbers, of which six are new ones. ...... - The population in 1 7 J 5. was about 40,000 1 - the i preser.f population is about ,&5fi(iO haVJng little more ujan doubled in 70 yeai a. Prrmont The tract of country now Called Vermont was settled at a much la ter period than any of the eaatern states The HUtory of the disputes between thia atate and Iew llampsire and Mew York is one of considerable Interest The nuestiow was in reUlioo to tho clakna of a . New York to the whole territory wnicn being referred to the English Crown, was decided HI rsvour or new ima, ana me officers of Justice were ordered to enforce the claims. The settlers opposed the of firera with violence, and every man's arm being nerved for resistance, they as .nriurd together in their towns in de fence of esch other. The militia of the neighbouring, part of New. York were called oat to enforce the laws but such was tte resolute character of the inhabit ants, that nothintr effectual wss done. ftremost amone the -Vernionters, atcod Ethan Allen, one of the most extra odinary characters of the age, a bold and ,eterrnined man, without moral cultiva cion but with great natural-powers. - Un er his cuidance and counselTheyresoTv ed to maintain what they conceived to be their rights, at tho risk of being treated as outlaws, i his state of things conun ued until the battle of Lexington New York endeavoring to enfore its jurisdic tion, and Vermont strenuously resist ing it. - '- '-r-:.r- 3)uring the whole Revolutionary war, the people of Vermont, though coatend- ing:icitforM,the ;m&s&m? placed, reprded lhe4a id ffovcrn . ment, in an embarrassing: aitoation j and when the peace of 1783 took place, she was completely o aovertitfn and Inde pendent atate. Io ,1789, after a dispute of 26 years, an amicable arrangement was effected and In '.If I- Vermont became one of tne United States.' ,, - Aaro&nrfMaryland was so named in J hbnor' or Henrietta Maria, the wife, oj Charles I. Il w the thir4 cany plan Ud h lll tourrTy. Tbt paol ''tAl. lutldt was frsmed In 17ft hut, laaur a ho entrtd In tM general (aeie, fHirs&a I hf rvvviuilonary war, la Ikt tbMe1 o frytdoan, with great teat. kt ttiuard I ratify the enkUstf rat.l4rk-t SKXil I7tl le lt aa3tf t. WfaHa wrt " bektg rem4ifif ky Is teaainw.id faeaf . wtarroliOJt tolbefemrrMHifundfiai tw4l k well adapted f 0e cauro of to bseeo tod wheat. Two enkke arw al to be perulisr io tee stale 4he gen In w4f weat, which gro an JCani. Qusen Ann's and I albns countk. tnd e bright lii't W toWiro, hlth to proltted m some pans f the wtxtrei shore south of iUliimore. lUila.. la Iflf. had a population of 300 in I7f0, IJOJ,loU.JJ,j4iw,04ffl and In 1120. 63,877. r-a" Ii the year ITtO.a am.n -olor. of H,4il 40 lamiJWs, umlrr the j. rerikn of James lUSartaof,, croseed the mountains, and ping 'hrouf H viMer rwss rf Jno mile, art'kd OO CuinS'rt.K.I rie f i f i, t 'cmodd the town el N n in I fa. I he li-i.l.iara NoiiliC,--. Ii appointed o-nmltonra la rnlr the weaiam pn of tho Siaie, tfj ,0 r. pift to the sococeding-LoitrsIatiirf hka part was mi axluUi for ih anoMt landa ptplJ -aawi aha hI.. inrT-rcommendarSun, the Ugl-iamrV, In I7IJ,' laid off a tract of lrt . ... . . . " " V1 !.". JM Cumberland river, for the dlatharge of the military bounties. ThJ fi,rkt 0. d Jhejnfini f ojooy at Nahville a - -small tract hating be-n allowed to tach ol the tettlers. la I79. ll.e rnh.Mtar.ti of this district, frellrg vo.ibh ih, irKoo venknee of a goternmem remote aa thai in the capital ol North Croiha. ea deaoied io Imm an independent ne, lo which ihey in ended io gita the namr of me tate or funklio;' but dlffrrin among lhemelv, the arhrme Waa abarl. Oo-ieH for a lime. In IfiTik. I.:.i. lure ol ,orth Carolina pcd an act ce om "arrorT m lhc United Statea, uncertain condition. Cnn6re accpi fd ihe i-ion, nJ protided for it Ror. ernnienl, U an an un!ir the of ih Uirliora of ih IJnutd hi ! South -.f ihe Ohio. On the n -.t i.,ni ,r9 H Pre i'lent spp4nled Willum 'li,.iul Governor bf vhe territory, whtrb offico lll-k.M llil.kil nl f . k. . ici.h.,1.1 rr.Ma4u,' ?rr toart afrer" wards. Tennetaee was sdmhted as aoy errign State No the Union. Lwota Urge extent of rountry in thaw nate ia annually oerflard by the Kf.aippi. The whole fUmtol lands thua inundated is ft,30 tquare miles and if to 'hie be added I jso square mlTtt for the inundated lands on Red rirer; iho w)o!e amount in the State will he 10,899 iquare miles. It must not be suppo-ed thai this extensive tract is An continued sheet of water It is intersected by. in - - niim..i.ni. iih.ii mi.v l: r . locking in a thousand msr.es, chequarthO " whole face of the country. The wholo area actually aubmerged is about four thousand square miles. The extrosive prairie lands in tho south-west part of the state, ernhn clng the county of Opelousst, ind the greater part of Attakapaa, are most admirably ad mod to the 'rearing of caitterand havo hitherto been used almost exclusively for that purpose. Alsny of the rkher plan ten on the Theche and Vermillion, havo stock farms established on Mermentau and Calcasu rirers, and count their csttlo by the thousand. ooaroLg, rift If. 4rieao Coimv. -The ship Indian Chief, Captain Cochran, chartered by the American Coloniiation Society Bail ed from this port on the I Sib Inst, for bepoctety t aettiement at, Cape .JHont serado, on the coast of Africa. She takes one hundred and fifty lour free people of colour, with supplies for the Colony, tho frames bl five Ism bulldlngt which the GovernmentnntcTid to provide 1 for1 tho- accommodation of a number of captured Africans who will be sent out heretfter in anofher vessel: the frames of two lonr boats for the trade of the rivers, and oth er things. Sbe takes out also Dr. Pasco, surgeon of tho nayy, a gentlemen of professional skill, who acta in the double character of an agent of the Government, and a physician to tho people. , JlmexxcavL iitMtm, . ,w An organ ted conapiracy among a num ber of negro boya of. Norfolk. Va. to rob plunder Stores, Dwellings, ho. has just been- discovered. Their schemes were so adroitly concerted by private signal, and other devices, as to throw storekee pers and others off their guard while they bore off articles of Merchandise from the eotorafA, doors, fce.