l Its " M ..-l I tltil,'lf. L4h I .'t 1 t l?e f r. I. I.H Mr I ' ' ' . . ..1.1 ... 1 N Uf'l A A i Afl j a mm ' "ww - j - . 4 -a. Aiiiat.HtA 1 Ull f .! r.r be ;M Tvi t 1 M i4 1 WwM st eve7 tn- 4 a v .v. m. Ll W.l U a aW4 ae fo tbe Bsaa J . I Mi a iba mm T ri TZJ7uL war. TV .A iTrr.r.r. ;.,rt (mi wn . OB "ff . ta U - - - ' Cak il kTZswa. , eiaruB fi rTrTt ate wi -n ft. . Tihj- n m t 1 I i 1 ID rtikit lnf V4 fcr ! , !1 Jmw Urn m4 I VI a. - . . ( kU w (ki memory IM r r . .1 MineiBU of evr id . - ' ' . .t." dTctt of Ion rtTpoa nd .U ka i . lit ttrtWfc lW M of tS rWnf (tamtiaS M diOTwl. liar r.k wlM(t. CkOT. tbc Mkbrt4 vnlor, tott- ontMivd of Cr. t m feirutced pnxl e U, ihibitt X ppwbrk Uu M .ctnd to m Imim iLm Mfiilaf tUmtm ki hrt thtil rvfv m M. thia rtii. Haft- plavr, km I I fctl 57 oo Mr. Mutt Lrrnktvrr, Wb WiW Md Chrb tiais vrvif ten mUtUinmunts M dettntctiirt at k " - Lini i ami bMftrllf. tin Am. d atb lot Ibcif wi)prtMioili Th united Uali. Immt of JrvWii and ChnKiu rtmrches to tfMMtk. TW drtbertU acta of fiftf-four kMf sadara rtaeral prorincbJ coMAeib kd ijriiedi tha eowWonuktanr aentanca of Tl adrnt fclUta, id J ajodem papob aAd Moteataat author arf alnt H. A a attend ac upon auch pkfea, la a oooaumpiioa ofpra doua time of that tim which the author of oar niateacaa fWta to La pt in better crk pkjTWPWta.- K WW Ua owe Miura i icht ia turned Into day, d day inta algfct Thr cipcua.br as altendaac apon aach tik. la m justifiable, it nr e aaMi, UtoM .. ha attend, arc bla to bear the cipente. If tVr have aMitM-v to expend, tbey arc bound to dipoa of M auch vart.tbat k .'dt ba iwefUt, - either k Ihaaaaleaa or tbcif. fclUrv -creature. Keery maa will bare to ri a account to hit ' Judre, for the way m wuca do eipemu h (ooda- Let it bo renembered, tne rajttbbnr Uiira w irv mi wMaaoo iivm www It haa often been allc red, that th Ufe hai amoral reforming" Influence. Theae effect - bare aerer ret been aaoa i but n ' well kaowa, that k baa itad aa awfully demuralixinr Inflo. .t t. . I 1-4-1 1 I front the Bund all rercrenco tor tbe Supreme ' Cta-inr. TU utco wdted. ae J wM rofsMiea, and Interlarded wiUi blaaphemy. Caa a penon wnoreeerea nia muct do a compla cent apectator to auch an exhibition f It u not Uta inimical to male and female chastity. How many impure and lactvioua allusions, bow many loeejntnguee. These are directly calculated to Inflame tha patient, and prepare the female apectator to fall a victim to the mid-night take. Can female modesty witness such a acene, without blushing t It can be said, with truth, whererer the stage bai prevailed, it hai Invariably produced a depravation of manners and morals. A poet, who made no great pre t cations to feliirion. haa said, of the stare i . osrSMrti latankn km ilii, eaOiM ( CU3f .' 'At!' U.U (!. f ; j 1 kM4 1 w U m'U( ewi' y t- W a! y'rW j 7,- m.;:.t U Lm.H a-j f U-a f.3 ft a ! et-p44 lWi Jr -mm aMffnU4MM a iM aukj Tie frl aaJxrt lUl Jifcld iVe U4. m ewr iU, M at ' ta M ( sttUo ta U m aMioe4v4 M U 9 k aea ISM. U aeotUo of ton rr d tkg m anwf aMtre) WtrfiiW!, al aw, e); 1m nr0i, Um4 for); i Itota llko oMeeo IM sVew tie togatber. saber & tao aao1 eWgJ Jeafeft of fUv. mm, ar vMr4a fVe aae of kirn, tW alremry af a boa bfb4; tbrj b4 asAled W a SW SHfc MM, mt but wa lwULclose thic Bic5fi3ran extract from Hawkins' life of Jnhnftom " Altho' H it said, of plays, that they teach morality i and of the , stage, that H k the mirror of human life these . assertion hare no foundation in truth, but are mere .declamation i on the contrary, the play. . m ... t -I . 1. . L 1 a aouse, ana roe region eooui k, mre tnc uawtcas of vice. Row eke comes it to pass that no aooner ia a theatre opened in any part of the of ill-fame ! Of this truth, the neighbourhood I rn'Tww vpeaamg or, nas nu eapencwe i uuc . - fiaruh alone. Hiurnt ihereuntn. havlnp. br mv lrnnwUitira iuiult K arm nf in T"Tg tV lHM,JWf'7 .V, - - ' 'MMMlluM, )tl AllMUU M III fllfi II tf HintlM " Inhabitantawhom, for TnsfWCtiOil 1tl the;idence of human life, the play-house had drawn hither. : :u , IPX OK OF SOBRIETY. From the above, it Will be seen that ourselves, - and he : ekiaena of Salisbury gtnenttfi have ' been pretty severely chidden for our late cele bration of Washington's Birth Day. But It may b that we merit -it i and if our correspondent ill give Ul credit for inlemin,ht we CMOaa sa saAUfe af a6U ta in samiagti togtdicf, w "rtV a I tpnH fftoVKfaa) fv 7UI S(U4 iT lam.7 -amarrar , aUb atifti la a rrrowref ka 4ft ia avty wsjaiiy, ad wbkb aSrUaa momij bn tk asa. a4 aot aafreoati; la fsrMa, Vsa, a ibia awaaioo. SMtfd a Ua store twy aoLla a4 pouWat (mUt, tu.b aaimaUa ovary 4-wis who b aocb U pfiacipla aad attaalt. aaeV, wkb a cWeira to bMsse tba aoaaa aad psvpetoaM tba saemorj af tba UtteVwue fa tber of oar leooblc Aad skatMgt. tae mmmm af tba cakbraiioo d4 m4 aiadly xjun Hb tba bUaa af saoral rocttd eaerta.e4 by snaay of our im 4 yt( tba okktb ktdxcod k, was cordtalr af proved by (sa br sa oar aUarvstioa asu 4 adj alt IIJ ay o-tber saodo of cekbrattag tba day-W imuw, by subnaa rr( acr-vkov-bsea adopt Bamaud .a say kf oar citijwM would a. a uaiud with m muca sortLaLiy as ibey dd on tba late octetMO, M a know k was from aefroUaooM propeoaity ia aa, tb4 we were iadKed to take aa activa part ia (be boaacae, lur sucb amusMaU fumtm ao atlactMina (at asi' aaxToa fs! twai Chat a great aMjorlty of tboaa who were trnxmo sa gauiag ap tba cckbratioa, were actuated froaa a tka saodre. We do A wish to becocaa the dearaderaf Balk aad Ibratrical AmwseaMatai aa tba cootrarj.ac Louvhal aa artrt( ln dulgrac m tbeaa, Ims a deawrai-a.f teadcacy 1 but tbala be mtuki are sokly ianeaded Aa Oefeaaira, ageliwt tba oocbtioa atweb we Con ceive our eorreapondent abora ba frronrouaJy drawn, that UUara k sa incrting propenwiy ta be utiicaa of aalubury to indulge ia v,o amuaementa. Ibould tbe above coetmurtlKia caO aXb'a ' reply, we must ak for cteoorou Unguage.aad a temperate etrbvcke aa iball be autlcr tbe disagreeable aeceoahy of rcjectuig it. aa. ciaa. lis I n 'lj - eVf m t'rU4 -l U 4 U U--a bt4 UriMa Ma aaa aW bs a e U iva p4 1 im .f-wkt bUf al 11 to i;t al.i nh ; t0.immt4 IM arnMa fr iVe sm, 4 p ek 11 J 1 1 1 . ' .r ctUa oa sa 'is ls afMf afiVa a a f, I- at Uxy Wave m g sa w MtJ,Ma4 91 taota, at t axe at a uta tae ankia, J , l04t, a 10 1 HrAtdfi appl 41, pax II I lcili to f 14. Umr If 0 1 toff'a, tirimo ttiln, K II 1 ftK Ion 10 II 19 1 roe 1 fliitaed Id II i 0ur m' flte 10 ft ! 1 Oen) rttgl a I )i i f 1 Isrd f lu I J 10 a 10 ( aursr, ptlmt II to le.totane yn Ml eiit, Uttrpe4 to 11. T-'t'.H4 k; f J a I1K to 16 f tea, todr aad iraMrUl 1 10 to B17U a We at tl vblskay 40 to 41. . Oyrr Cettoa k aaiftg ta saraC la Km 4 Ooirika -aod sis ! ready sak ) a llieea'aacaatcowi aoaaai !' PhJv iUIW fAIIUcms trasi f so l-,t k very ararae, a4 p-l raavaaad 1) potaliea, sraraa, at IJ0 per WabU-0ef JLu. saaad al 7 tot. CAMDL FtlQIX. tZB. U r-.. in . 11 . 1 . 1 1 OMvnt iv iii ivmii o bacon. 1 1 to 1 1 1 vbkkry, 41 10 41 1 brsn dy, pewb JO to II, spplr 41 to 0j tsl low 10 M flour, 4 11 to f l totac r: (maimfaftureal It to II. fie enttaa saartet, aiato tba Wot advice IVera Uvetpooi, baa aslnsui a aoiisi lirabk ciaare. rncea ave iroro-M rroai to sa a arm ae low or rWaaer quotailoai bol are vet aabvora- bk as (be stale of f saarins csa kwbly Ml. t, fUvmr, rn-"f ? L'-s "") ta tte U,Wuif Svl--.'7. k4 riai-ufcif, U TetMirs riA. ua, ! a,r be t.t Uf- a- U bnr. M ra. 1fcif' Nihhi ti. lUa.;,a.y iiM, twM s taa 'Ue af ia-o aba anf kej bis arvtoa, atb a tbe te a a ry, JU-r, 11,4. 114 Ysullin Kmlgation Comimiir. AtM-rUaHeiiiiUtwlUU.n4iW taatMri oil! be bW at lie Uie af wuLm 11 ta U4 tea a af MMparn aa tba tberJ.r af tuM sfrtae taws avaag tae oa f aa A(j aeit, A. U. sH, riltT,WV(. f nttKsWrrrt bsig rutrrd kHocmaui. - a..j. to iW yn.a,k am-. . aaoa 1 B7XD, At fawmelne, (Hinrekk eouair. Ceaerml Bealamia Wiia, Ujrmy Gnrror rbk Bute Al tVsaLgta cat. a (Ha rt Juaau, Mr. Wvyer, ask of tbe Mosvl vr.a sUe aeoUlive la Congrees ffom lU IU. Oa the lt at Kaai.IW. enaeeee, ia tbe TTtb year bb are. t Wtvl C. fir, Kao,. o af fha ba. II. L WV. eae afibe Ikaalurs la C'ongrasa from thai tsar. 1)9 Aaturt 15' iaX Tbe tubject of tha mliwrto pstierae, sraa atllf aodeckkd in the) I S. Ktuta. at our tatt dates from WaahigtoBt to tbe 4th Inst. aJ cVr tba I of fl'twn u ni L IL. r J y-uiMm t.mwj, reopaetAinv la form tae pu.U, ilul Ibey are bow apeaUg a cak atU'to " !)r (ItMtJi, Hard art, Isrofrricse. Wbkb tt.e kad ar3. ,1 . -.H PsrsnM m4ut l hUHt,M . m.a ..n eiaauae akea, aad jif lue IH kiriltlL HknerH Ufrtft,i:, AMmr.tr iK Mr ' " VftTTlUIf ttUt laTtt.aa JOB Mir. , In rl are W..l,d.li,b4. mU 1 Mtbecnbrr, m ll Lie of Cbere. a C rf. s. J. r f.Dir . I0J Uovfan ftuprrlor uurt. 4 IX prros k..b.g bo4.ra ir,, j a nvt aa "unmur ('n..ri . :r.. . ., be C,r . J be htld aa K .VA:, ' pnf. a.W.Ur a-r.n Mii bt IU.I. L t ae i,f II 4uru 14 FMr,4 aa ae 4 nmmi al irw ia1 11 a-4 miw. te b lot mi n ( jjwJ af sa,g ue k of UtimwVU' ae ay a u 14 aH rV(Ua TW kads la Ceatre, kewa by rU aaa af iba i4 nai tra, 04 Ur.ti 14 IbttMsiMlMKr.. AK y kveet ssvrra! raf vativ afl jia tbe weu. A tM mmmkm WWrf Ut af aa kw M a-rT,fv,4 ri4 tMiwMi tlno, A lfc4 xamW a my Mriws ? to BwmW, W a be rrHr4 Vm tbe t bUa prw f k ,1,rN-, aillMmberpaai,, wbesW 4 af at aaa, 04 ifcre fixe h W ake4 aeakaa otae mi saerv pvnuWty, , is p-.UMr, j tU M f W P fFfT aW ,aV 7 I krinyair Mtmu. f tlilC auUra baiUf pnbeW afm la I IrwaVI aaay, offr IU kb fae tr I list vuv sroim. RFaORnc W. BROWN, J B at aa a aa aa ' ..r. M.iiiai af.inas bia fronds, sad e ue pufW in grarfsl, that be k now re. ee,.,g. from S,. Tort and rbikdlphk, s .hi?lVr.IM?'-m,M iOry fJ i, hurdivarti&c. aki. h . inirwU Srllng l j,,, -0i c.fr uvir. - Perwiav wrcbiag ta perrtMer. w ill pkao tall. etaW, sa-f judge for tt.ra.Klrn. . Rott-an Vriniltural Hocierr. Oar cotton market cootinuet depress ed, and (ha article may now be quoted at I a 13 cents lorn, It a 4 30. Peteriiurg Rffiui. Uth ult. . --.jsxaAWJsjswww jwxx, Mr. ITiyoe af South CaroCas has reported the Baakruptcy bill in tha Senate of tbe I'niied tatea. We have peee aa conjecture of its prob able lata an coogresa Mr. Southard. K ramor hat gone the rounds of tha newspapeta, thai tha Sec re ttrj of the Navy was to leave I ho Cabin el. We have seen a Utter from a grn tic man at Washington, upon whose In for nation relUace may I placed, tutlng that the rumor I entirelr without Ioud dadon, and that Mr. Sou1 hard eniovi the cuire confidence pf the .President, and the other member of the Cahinet - Kithmtnd Enyttirrr, Tbe Wahmgton City Gaiettr ha not only Changed ownera, but names. Jonathan t.lliut baa relinquchetl the pmprtetorshia of it, and the paper made its appearance yesterday iuulrr the title Of tbe " United bUtea'Telrgraph," of which Mr. Jobn S. Mrr ban u tbe printer and publisher, Tbe auurcas or tne pubuaiicr discloses ven frankfy,' that the conductors of If wit! "feel bouniL st the oroptr time, to oppose tbe re-elec tion ot nr. aoa.ns 10 me rresutcaey, diaciMm- ing, at the same time, anv intention to oppose the measure of the administration, merely on the ground of disapprobation " of the means b ahicb the administration came into power.1 If our neighbor succeeds in opposing the mn ot me auiDimairaiion, si toe ame ume ne sup ports their meanrtt, he will accomplish a dim- cult enterprise, to say tbe least of it. Ao. hi. We regret to ttate that the Secretary of the Navy has been confined to his bed for the last eight days, he a erere, but, tt it hoped, temporary eickuess A.ow. iThr Jttartftfl. FATETTEVILLE PRICES, March 1. I Cotton, IOt-w-1 tr' flour, fine;carec; Sfy superfine 0 wheat, gl a 1 ZJ whiskey, 40 to 42 t peach brandy, 50 a 60) apple do. 60 1 corn, 95 to 100 j bacon, 7 1 salt, l urks Is land, TO a 75 per bush. 1 molasses, 35 4 0 sugar, muecovado. 9 a 10.i. coffee, prime rreen, 20 71 1 3d and 3d quality, 15 a lit 1 tea, hvson, n An aajh aa aa. . t - Bi w n) flaxseed, rs 1 tallow, iW a 11 1 beeawax, 30 a 32 5 rice 3 50 to 4 per 100 lbs. iron, 4 a $. pn 100 lb, 1 tobacco, leaf, 5 a 6 1 manufactured, 5 a 20 pr. cwt. Otoenxr. :tmtn 40" XH aiaiwd. .dov t r hafamehand 8antee,30e37tev short sUoJc 1U. a JJ cents j Whiskey, 31 a 33 cents 1 Bacon,. atu Hams, it a 11 j Lard, 9 a 1U Bagging, Dundee and Inverness, (42 inch,) 24 a 24 1 Coffee, Prime Green, 18 a 18Inf. to good, 14 to 17 eentt, -. Cm. We bare heard of no transactions in Sea Islands, during the week, and Kantees are rather neglected. A few Mainea'for the. French-market, have been sold at 35 and-374 cent. The-Race, week ia not one ia wbieh muck I It., -m at Pkilolalnk fivkm P.nl . M;Jkrint.rrailu k..r- i..it-Artllv ,u b the aurreuder of tha Sp,oh Cattle of I the kai ihutxUr of stsreb. 'bcb kih 3uh C.llso, to the patriot Oen ixlill which took place 00 the I Sh of lee tatt. ItLTlKOIl MAICI 1. ABD1CJTIQX or COWiVt Tbe bHg Commodore (aire. TuUbt. IJth January, arrived at P.iWelphii on Tuetday. By thit arrivf re lesrn thai the trcb luke Constanjjff tfsd rttijjrd the empire ol Kjs.u 10 laror 01 hit brother' Nicboltt. This newt ws con firmed br ofulaj rlrspatcbea to the Ruttisn minister in London. We donot learn, i(be U.S. Catrtte, wht It tbe cimfientau made to Con aisntine (or hit roluom resignation Poland and Turkey err a the hands of Ruttia, and either of thos would furniih 1 t .u- ! - r t 4inpl spate wr tne savcisv of aucn talcntt aa Constantine joaijssct. ' Fat. The Congreaa at -Pa'ams" f probably in are- uon. tireat Brrtain ana wne? European row ert btreThelr Agmts tbep, ntirrimt, to walch over beir interest ejd advance their arrangement. Chir eount.ryiue, of all the world, the Umtrd Slates, va) invited to send Ucpresrntatives to that vxiatliportant aacm- bly. The invitation was accttrd by tlie Ki- ccutive Govtmment. Ielcgaj were appoint- d 1 immediately on the aaenif ng of Conrres, their name were aihmifted tibe Senate, ami now, st the. end of three tbnths, with the knowtfdgethat rne-whoh?eary are m hronr- the measure, the senate rut Inot paainl uixm the DomlTmiioiw ,wur delegtirrBiain si hoaie, our intercsta are sacrificed. ,.0ea, i'rtt: The Committee of tke Setateof the State of New York, to a horn had been referred tho application, ol Gen Juthtr Ward, for an inquiry intu hit cotduct in relation to two bills which bad patted the Legislature at a prerlous session, incor porating two companict in New-York, has made a rejiorts which concludes with submitting two rcsolutiont. The first declare ibe conduct of Gen. Ward dis honourable to him at a Senator ; and the second .recommend, bit axpul'uon.Jfrom the Senate. a- 1 day 4 1ht month, tin aireting aill be brkl la the touit llme, prrcwcli at the hour of II o'clock li is rarnrl- hoped, thai k the mrmbt r who lur tbr 'uctras of tbr swietr at heart, will puncUuHy sttrn.1. tlie Farmer of R'sii, are ! rtly iniitrd lo come furaard oa ibe oecaaMM, shd jna an inatrtution, which takabk ad wsS kaaaa I ml tmd wWra be aw bHL akMst Uan ttl.t a4.... tantk sm4 tlilD. M Ike oai J Mm. sa, cik4 tae taai.prg tve, eaaii.g fU aerea, af abkb aUai it m at tktr and la cufcrrauaa. 1 be ll k a4 laf-rW u ay Utbe t,mj, k p,W n rare, attea, to baaea, ad saksD grtin U aja.UM 1 Kl a O) Krva, esaa asceneM We fr,!,, M ea l, a rd 4a, sa ascetkia 4tU.g bma tmJi. Sl xUr arrowy aol. amiara, TVrv ai l b a4.1, aW kl n m iba puicbaarr, WJ eee awife, o-liwaiae ia S.. abowi arTs cWa.l, mn se0rat eee i, aal r(ual aT kndia ta llMk Iran are wrtl watrrvd. I U hb, hi part par.wvtralt.krry fitgtt trW. Piaa64 iv. rm iwtl fsll If the a bote svrr k an dpoaH of t pntale ak, alii be 4. la (be lueWal MUr, na tbe I day of IwpueiWr, 1r-a aiadr lo suit rHirrUarrs. i is deraied aaaaca ') 10 fx ait fiflhr tinmpimm of ka prop, rrt'. aa "axr ilrwrrmi i4 rrlaaif , Vtfl iitH. Ira '.ta (Uau lae rntt brf-tf (lng itj from Liverpool, whence ah tailed cm the rbu In k tbr imprwrmmt of the fs ming io- trreit. JNO. BLAUD. lun. Seen. New leather, Nt-w Faliiorn ! 1,1 ni-At.r.K DK ItO.H .giiailrr, fc-Btj. i frignrd ll.t'.k lo tboac wh hstr ptiw. is4 ium, aad beg ksa lo tnfnraa 0m awt a'l m UH w rrj, ibai ae ba m irt4, fmas m.iaru rpTi n, a Vrrr Supply nf leather. and aaa 1u and -w Ttnt , al.kfc aJl eaa. bk aua,by bw aaa (aHLAJ ailrm ttfl.ia aKoo, and the eatpWaval of Ike brat e4 w,hare be idea, to make aad snrad rvrry itsi rtptioa of Uutttft una Hotit, of at rl matrnak. ia as faabiooal.lf a si!r. anj wikmanrikr mannrr, at any in Cartr aiairs. lie ba received a uhnlr , lw rata Xl-iihne 1 f.om which he will be able to eiaka smjM auKrrb l.idi Hums ami Pumps for geaUa rm. na rriyrtiiuin aaa Ar f'aafaaan I, try ktm, JU OH aw la Mre H At. Call at th s en of the .f BOOT, nnpoata sir. hlattghtrr's hmiae of entertainment, Maia strert, alisiNiry, M. C. Kutatc of Dr. J.- !fa!l, dee'd. ALL persons LadebUid la Iba aXai mt f, . . Mall, of Kowaa aouatr, dre'd. are drsirrl M al. A' ttu&b t riaulalion . FOR S.1I.Z. rpilF. ibsrnb,-r orTcr for sale tbe aknta- J mkc laynr", witbmit drky, to tba sdmia. I. tmn whrreon Tboa Mnody. fsq. firmrrtr ; ktraior, as ao lurtbes-iadulgrnre can be givea 1 Bird, in the county of Iretkll, N. C. Iirmg uo ,nd ", h Person ss hate demands tin4 ssh! Klk HhoaM'reek. containing sum. hingotrrTUO Mc ,r refuelled to prrarnf ihrir accounts, acres, of is good s quality aa sny. without eirep. PT"' autbci.ticelrd, for arMkment. As tbe tion, in the nnprr part of sid rounty. Ilirre is adnumsirator wibe to make a arttkntenl of on it, a good da tiling -houae and Kitchrn, a larre ' ' apcrdily si poaaiblr, it is hopad all new oam, wun otner necriaanr Duikunra. I br ""w'" aiira'ioa purcltaacr may have a rraNisbk? credit, bv riv ' 1 r..-.L ' ? 1 inj spproved obbgations lor the pat menu It ta am xkrmnl .ntw aarr to iriti- ant further ilea. eriptioa of the knd, as the purclia-' would, no doubt, wiah to view it bcAwe butine. Foe fur. tber Mriiculari, apply to the auiiacr'dtcr. at the' rwt-offire at "Wilt6nge milk, fincoln county. IS. U. JUIfW VTU.rU!StL .Va. - Frh. S,m. - 1-211 to ihi notice. Apply to the mi Use nber, 9 mtm north of SsHsburj, ofl i the outh Vad.ia rher "SWH IIAI.I, ,Wp Tr. 25. 1375. - -3102 VBt(it of M. VinkaUm, tn. AH, persons indebted to (be estate of ihe'kto Mcaliack Pinkaton, en. dec are a.ifir.1 i to make payment wltlinut 4elay ; and all per. ' son hating rlaimi arainst the eat at r. will ore- arm them within fhe time preerribtd by kw, of 100 1)6. tars UtNaTd. 1ITII.L be given for the spprebemion and ,hi"oti: iU be plead in bsf of their recovery. 1 1 drhterv lo tlie subscriber, of JOSt PH he executors sre dtsirou of do-ine iheir sd. MEI1 'AU E, wbobroke and racaped from tbe-a as noaamie jau ui iiuiuenoru count) , on me nigni 01 Uc 14th mat Jofih alctcalte is about 71 year therefore all persom concerned would do well to pay imme diate attention 1 6 this notice. jE.isF. vismrns. r , . i- urHACK MNKSTOI, J" Det. V. 1825. - -92 )otrs .evfard. RANAWAV from the aibacribrr, on tho night of the 28th day of Notan.k.. I... negro man, known by the name of HILT .1 t a Mr I . a senate, is ascertained to be in favor othe anama mission. JUs. Herid. The subject, however, hat cause much hot workr- which it likely to rat Mill warmer.- For, it it also eald.afev'dayi since, cdrnmunScAlion . was tent to the executive, irom tQe tenftCi, ate tiring mai ha would explain what pa-rts'of his met- W tOSJ SJfibif? .cpTisWerpfji public and what of-wreteBrer-XTTr'I : dent and he tartly returned for answer thai the whole mesage was before the senate, which ought to answer for itself. A part of tne senate tool this in high dudgeon and it has been distracted with warm dispute upen tbe propriety of considering tbe reply at treating the csll witl indecoron, old, five feet nine ot tea inches high, tolerably well made, dark complexion, dark cu. limr bair, wliirh incline to friizle, and U rather thin 1 when aaaited. ae wkm laorhiiig, which k rrequaai aad j loud, bis noin is orawa 10 iiie Me or bis raca, ! (the left side, a well as recollected 1) he k fop. niah. vain, and boa-tful : sneak Quick teaeral. Iv t ami a lien excited, so much ao that some hi word sre sesreely intelligible'i baa rather a f d about 4i yearn, ami near about nil fat dnwnkok. The phrases, I ipeak of it," and bigh 1 no particular marks recolledrdi hsa " yery clear of it, are current with him. He rather a yelMr compkiion 1 sound teeth, tho aomctmet drinks to excess, pkys cards, and foreteeth rather inclined to be hkek, oerxsion. cursai profuvly. lie was committed on ad by chewing tobacco 1 baa a very brazen; chafe of having stolen a krge sum of money 1 saucy countenance) when spoken to, ipeski In A aiiich, u well u several petty thefts since ! Trry impolite, sbrupt manner 1 very slim Irrw. . . - I J ... 1 . . f 1 . ,. 1 -MM l.ll . . I 1 ... I atcm rrrti, no uuuui remains in ins gum, 1 '""a """" cuivr. lie earned 1 ne aDove rewara win oe given 10 any per- on who will apprehend ana confine' the above kteliiKiucnt in sny jail so that I get bun again and all reasonable expenses paid, if dcliyercd lo me m Kumenoraton 0. DICKERSON, Jailer, r a-a . a s. n aa. a a rr " - - - a aa sii nam ssxa'siisna Ma at iniau .a r-U V e hear that maionty of four, InJ?T 1 ' ;'1: Estate of JtAm W Uodsens. rltHB aubscriber having qualified as admini- X. trator on the estate ol the late John P. HodgCHS, dec. desires all persons indebted to said estate, to come forward and make settle ment 1 and all those having, claims against mid estate, will present them foe settlement, proper ly authenticated, otherwise .tbia notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. MESHACtL PLNKSTON, odbV. -iV9w.21.1825, ; . 9i -"" rjnHB subscriber havlng"qualijied sis tiecu X tor of the last will of Alexander Long, kte of Rowan county, dee'd. at the court of pleas ami quarter sessions for the said county, held on tlie third Mondsy of November lasV notice is hereby g'sven, itiar all persoiwJiavingi demands against the said esUte, are required to present them for payment, within the time pre scribed by kw, . JA51KS I. LONG, Ex'r, Bet. 24, 1824. 41 ! off four full suits, two hats, two pair of shoei. onestmertina bbck broad-cloth coat t one great cost of the very best quality, lined with new red flannel 1 between 40 awl dollar, about JJ30 specie. I expect that he ha simed for Tennes see state, Carroll county. It i highly ptobabla bcaoiLainedaJejafrooijomt or persons and intcmk passing as a free man. I will give 'In- above reward-tf he k taken out of this state and confined in aome jail, o that I get hin) again. NFJIEIUAIl IIEABN, Mvntpimtry county, ,Y. CV jan'-g. 18, 826. ' 3mt0ff A"rth Cartlina, Gvtlford nuntg 1 SureiiKiK uourt ot Law, October term, 18J5 1 --ttebcoea Ckrk, James Ckrk- petition for m'twree. it appearing to the satis, faction of tbe Court, that the defendant in thia case, Jankt Clarke, is not an inhabitant of thia "sttfie, H jl ordered, thlt puficafj bemaaftfc;, threeinonjhs in the Western CarrIlhian fndi HH1i.b"orou(;huiecorte'n be aiid aftneae ; before bia honor the judire "-of the Hunerior Court of li w, to be held for Guilford county, ia me town 01 urcenDoroitgii, on tne rourth Uon day after the fourth Monday of March next, to answer or plead to this petition, or judgment will be taken pro confesao against him, and set down for hearing ex parte. True Cbpy , THO. CALDWKLI., r. . c.' PricesJv'r.gt. 3mt'L2 -l! 1 1 i I I 4 :-.y-- J:-r-

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