ehr ittusr. jut. it,ui, nr. L'nriv nvuisu. v r- IN M ,-. to Air Atom. mii sua. C4t tlepsa he WwaW Oh,Ux W l U ki ewre, T My n7 eil-tli tWd - - , timwO SW1 rw a mm w-m tms. (A, cm ay Wart t-r WW la thy We U Am. . Ve aat, mj a-, f cm Tt Wa my baa eJ iW i TVik M4 ary bear ft ha ef peat UksiWWUWyi AW! rbate cIowOcm Ur P TV4 UV;mi lmn in 14 1 Aad m the acwlVi uU Urt aluae ' pillow Mt mj UJ, (mil va (imrrr sn ) T- cUn4-4jt briftu 14 last At ia GaJi borUoa aa he edfe T4afsakf Ik xvWkkwkiMpvn A ter aa wftft shrrrd 0e wake cjaas Of parity pr(Hf threat Ut tM T five prryavf hk M this ad wotSd. C t H, and lad that all U Um, tu ftorWe r hat r.f-aJ it ttiti km Is fj4 a- aasaiaf lUJrtywU , . Tie r's tie wUd, t Cftfale, Us l&r!r ramf if the t rtf tr a natlo;;! rf lr 1 9 h f U Sat btirl Mtikft. Gas hot MfVtlnad' ft fc .; fuL Case at the !, itttuh etf.iuflfi, H CrtJi UaJ tKc t! kth of moft il.f t miUloai tf chiSnSifti. TbjplfCiH 4 iti pr f Oj I'oj, tut dl eittnd Kt Coroin'toij cf ihi AtU ! thfthirUrutH ucftihft turici, tht diKf Jt of thf cbu(h oJ I Ufbtrout niuUttu$ pt tUc t tb rtformrrt, la lU'CfiffftiH nl itifffttk ttn. iafrf ll tirUtIn fiib tu f ifrlrj, tf Svoih AmcfltiT r m!cr h. btoscr of ihf Crw, it t, iy a Jl - mnficcJ. IC wm not i)k cpcl trice iJxf CarrWd wiib ih. Tfctw irtrou ccrf)4crori hJ Kfttlj ever looktd ieu li la ih IfirreiH cet"ry, tta dicof- err iH it f iotin it lo ih mrtaiftf riuadinf the ft try of Mac !a the liiuroth tod icvrr trreth cf torici, the cootruvenira od ctigW wtrt. which we lrp ut l tricue tod political iottm't, cod ocrant of ttood to Bow, The drMO rable Kroea, however, cootiibuta) to ditartaintte the icrifxorta, v& their Ulnr itudlfd la a vat tamhr of familiti, hitherto tJungcd ?o froaa imuranrr. and havinr DOtaior of ch'itjrstirr but mere exterior aTf!. l wn tua iroorarce which, ta tfve courae of the aeteniarmh aw! elth- teentb cectoriei, gie ao great in ad vantage to the attack of i falaa philo sophy utoa chiiaiiuitj aod ocil or Sit.'' - mt 4 ia 1 1 1 m a ti tie d KtfUe if i rtiJior lathet'-M whtt Uitjr wire lur'.tJ t0b f'it (nil U tv tfil iuc'f I llQ'llaitt'ttd lh Caae f B who friril H frU an itcblrg U Ml Ur taJautoali aCraUHd tl. l Ittmn fti the apj lime ffux't udrro are thr feci ai It ia if cetiarr, theo. V bring back the txrotjle to the pure and aacrrd text of the got pIf and to carry It let J err rra Tia riC atria rraa. , ;'irjtQQ3 or CMMUTLirrrr. L-rfih. rf;Mu,BW AW!-' kI r d. I ry familr. that ita divine maxima roar CmmiI m rlonur-jt duroufw. !m AtmL luila become the Kid and iromoveallt ba. k-iowaaMiafMrTUUiUuBe.J.o-ca. i of educitKo. Such at the oMrct fbrwrrlv ef the aecrrtariea T the M6t (of etUbiiaWot of .bible tocictitlj art Furtir Dibla kocirtr. TUiatfwn uim lie Pf ginning or me niacirrnin rro afiaraU priottd. rroa IV oc pfd tury. 1 he auccua ct their rtiurta tie toit,aaeIact the foHoaing rapkl autre; oftfulcUrri In the world tha' thf Creator of fnfTtmctclri'taijt the umvene extend hit support to The alowneii of the croerrai of them. chriitianity ia wonderful, and ahowa The following it a tiMe .oirg the haw tmcompetent human rcaaoa ia ta number of chriitiani in the world, in joiae of the wudotn af the eternal everr age, iroro the hrttoihe eigh decreet. iiecnia ccaiurica inclusive ,it moiitu kgi 14 af)a I IriuiWa, It It ca tha !i fat wit a palitfil'i limU ;ffttJfto( ihtf cfua fancy oofii ia tact toei aad rtri, ilihout lhi ban ai re xaor4,.5 if ,. J, uinri, inai wi arv aawtuva ina liinU ia t-f aanH they bare occala Gf glvtl ibeaa by ihe re rnotaJ uf tb age iWaihelr f). , fioanj, wkttcvcr ""Jf,! oof thoMt, our ward, our writingt of turciiooa, let then) aQ be lubMrvteet lathe bromotlea of aclcncc and the sotperitr cf our couoiry. flettura shadow j wealth la vanity, and power a pr?ant but knowledge is e italic io fcj.itmenf, txrtniial, unlim ited la space, and laboite ia duratioo. Io the performance of it sacred offices it f'are ao danger, spirts oo expeese, omitteoexenioo. It a airs the cnouo- uio, look a into thrvolcano, dives into the mean, aeffuratrs the earth, wiof its flijht Into the ak'ira, encircles the globe, explores era and land, raotem plates Qe dituct, exam lacs the anieute, comprtrrodi the grti and.sceoda to the auUitir. fto place too rematc lr li gray, no beavejji too txalird for ita react It seat is the bosom of Cod, its tiiea the harmony of the world. Ashmpia heaven atd earth do it boma, th very lettt n feeling it care, an the grcatett as not exempt froa iu potr Doth snfels and men, matures aft what cooJiuoA SOCTcr, tlugH eadia diflicrcnt acrt and min rer, yet alleiih uniform conentf ad raittioj; it a 'the partot of peace and najjmeai,j TivUfiT.r.ra TIIOMAH V. CIANOV, nnrr.crrtf j.t i-i i m w ( v t 0 f, t fl h m t -.', !,'-. r V 4 ( 4 a M , M fmmm4 lilU Wr S4 ka a . 4 ka kf 4 r 4 M -x-v. l ty4 la aaMwu t. UtcU aM na i)rMM at Ukfcr, J r4a ia a Wf 0a IM m V WtV mW M H ' . ta M ' aiJ a ffl a4 U 34 T. V. C, bcl - W4 rvUil4 lif Mr4f S WW I ftUtt fTrtMt V.t.U Inn. ni:HM M'Aiirn I t'ol tj f "I) fl - 1 l 4 r- i' I ' t ti V, tk4t k Ut U (U wr( Mf'; accNNtl HMlMlf Vt.Wfc k 114 as La aiifp- a fy. Wf la it w rtf t mmmkIiii tj v auf aim Jj a 3. IU tki aa rj '4 !'! jU mn,M ay 1 4 Ua4 aoW, Cfk,Ul ItA Xnj tm, A y i i a U4f la a AttXti u d rvJ-JUi pUm If aU c tmrj, a, ju. sd, ir. , : 7 a-l w iha W at ai ao a s, ir t4U, aa Uwa atau rt U, U4 aM i4 Mr. 7W t, Cmm, a Cm. 04. CaWm caatTt ft. C cM4oia, arWiM a4'e w r - - - - Lik - " - . . . . a4 aal ui f'.la ta acW, ta aa UM ihr. I fcT, TtvUcrrkx Silas TrMnnTor;., r. f - . f . ' larla iva liTJy. M WJa av.U tie w.Uaaiia) lr- Um fmaatfy arwt4 If lr. K;W w4 a4 4 M,tt ta a !. WiM lir rU wr nv eJ rx OSUe ixl Hr. o. w. arw loi, U all dM aiafM ia v Wrw eaixia aa rypiaM f akl Aha WaH TataM rrour 7, . k b .fU's t aWi J ra-WMf. la U .mmf , U-a. Ur J ta a ;W ao IrftrW. a rrv4a Arv ' rrVlV e4 U-a. I. a tM e ia .o rawy.tCSd. 99 ALLCt WAXIi,(i) ItVaar lU aJnwe HitWht mi Mi4 Aa lau tW4a (aa) M. A0 WtM. U UW CVy a rWWk acMM af infi. plvfa, a4 li-nraa. JS ,3 ta aOe m i4 vnca raw4. la frala aaaurM aa m a iita.ia u a .a U?" ' .l u "ZJI UaWaUa4tUlaeilWrai laUon tr wwip! U aubarnt?. ba b will to. ia lk HMai tri'. tmHm amI AWU atW P ajfcaa a a M aawkl b.taltW.arM(. Um Um J aa I a rt" l r oJcte.1 14 ii (! k, Mf Ikon, ,- '. ' v tu bm iu k IMfcr tiu I ilUSOlUUOn. ! t'. r,,r'W V.r-. It auWb Bfcw tU Cm c.a ji r. aw it. tit fTurivi w nt fK at u I Tit liUi m Uia 4y aHi4 U - i aw i w vaj hi t j ww awif eaftrrpe r aa.a iaa wj a a amm . 1 1 V v t v. ' I rTre. 30,130. paw ww w WW w v aawaiaa y' ruwav aw w (rvil Pali- 1 I aVSnrf rba . I ' " paid witkJa tyrfr S!imin$--Tht Doaton Pi -a'ii'n cijtaina a communication, yT a a a .a Uunng tne ant two ages ai-tne rhnrrb. id the midit of the rxtren. tioos the endured, the apoalUa andLk ditciplis or thntt timed tnegntpei 5th only into Judex, the nearest parts of &h Aim, some countries u( Greece, ta gjj Alalu, Rome, Arabia, tgypt, and lyth tome parts of the coast of Africa. Ill Taking tha whole popuUwon of ihc tnU, t nrf.rhcd mnonir the GauN. and 1.000.0CO.O0, the rvbtire ftuaWcra, witb re hi, tea uu fiwa w. wa i - - - , 400.000 1000,1100 ttjoQo,m 3000,00-1 40,cy.,ooj 10th III lith Uh 16th irh 13th acting that r - writer has in his pos aenioniomei fc'meosof brown wrap ping and tx ichfd pod unbleached writing pape. hich he saw taanufac tbrrd in Knind a few months ago, f mm nlnp Kl inirt on!v. The tVtnr w z:a w-fc-A. .k' .K.. ::::: 7US)j0iju manufjctiirei from the ordinarr ma rvwoow leriais. rti dlicovtry' wax patented iSSSS i0 ES' Jwe Uit. ij'Jooo,'ojo i . iyuxjo,uu) la the utraio, when a youor wo- fviArvwnl r ti i.T '.L- i i mao' rails in iotc win i man, ana is not the least uhamed to go to his fa ther a house, and, reveal her passion in the most tender, lad pathetic Dsaoncr, iecondcento1jr.'-- 4fte Itonurempirt Chn-ilaaicripurT M.wo.M and to prorraie ihe moat submissive then link tndcT ttf own weighr,-aad 'tuhonvtartij :rfUorurj, or ratter obcdicDcr. f hf wilr accept her for i Parana or Khr model of worship tlecttuing Total, by approximation Roman Catholic trimmtoat the disardrra of its government. In the third century, the year's! 7 of tha Se ptuacint, whkhfhxd been loat, m Wa W . Waa recovered, ine jews a ere al most the onlypersot.s w ha preferred the books of the Old Testament. It 'Was 10 the midst of those persecutions Greek or Oriental church Which the church suffered, that the Cbu.-r.he. di-entin? from the Ho. . ' .,. I nuui and Creek church lira I cnriauari icuiuica wrc I'uiu, Diocleilari aod'Atxiitntlian Tormbrev them. In their reign, the era of the martyrs commented. These enope- d a. a - a a Kile, onotid tne insensible swain - 6i?Jfju,Qra I pretend any excise, xVe teDs him that the is resolved not to Quit the house til l.WO.WW.OW L IJ. n.ini. nrt -rrrllno.! taring cp hf lodging, remaina there, oo,ooox)0 till in the ea he either consents, how W,ooo,ooo ever unwilllgly, to be wooed, or be. 75,000-0 tales himtejf to flight. LDXCtflTT. The last Aixnual Obituary of 'the Since 1800, the nomber of christians I Itussiaa Enpfe, published at St. i'-i J. r ll 1 Jt . r n . i ) t .1 i .1 r rors ordered tnr aeeirucuon or trie nas increasen rapiaiy in an pans oi I retertDurg records tne aeatn oi a aacred bookai which they aouglit ai- the glohe. Nearly one thousand bible I man at therar advanced ape of 168, ter. ssvs Bossuer, with extraordinary societies are circulating the scriptures I near to the frontier of Li- care, for Ihe purpose of destroying all within the circle of their influence, J vonia. ft had seen seven Sovereigna memory of them. and those societies are increasing eve-1 on the Throne of Russia, and remetn- Durinff the first three centuries, and ry day. In 1800, the evangelical bered the death of Gustavua Adol- vp to the commencement of the fourth, missionaries had not more thatv onelphus. At the age of 93, he married the church sustained ten successive hundred and fifty-seven stations i the I his third wife, with whom he lived persecutions, each of which was com- various parts of the globe. Tiey 150 years t the two youngest sons of tnenced with increasing. vigour. jnave now increased to two nuodrtd this marriage were 86 and 62 respect- At tha commencement of the fourth and fmy-two, and must still further ively ici the year 1796 jj the oldest of ceniurv.- uua.uu?iuus juwicrauic mns. jnis oiner tons in me same vcar were - '-' - ... . m 1 . ' . redoubled the zeal of the- brst chris - .lo tnese increasing.means oi pro. tiRn9TheblMdf,thcartirsex-l pa gating the christian faith, it isneces tended more widehthe sacred ger,mssary to add, the xeafonhe raissidna- of Christianity. The conversion of fries oi the Korean Catholic church, Conauntine nroclaimed the eospel in land . the numerous editions of the the Roman empire, and in many of sacred writings which have been prin its vast provinces. Julian, the Apos- teal for them- during the present cen tate, about the close of this -century, tunr. ' rebuilt the temple of Jupiter, and the christian faith was subjected to new I TAjXITT. trials. I A mm who is proud of his proper Ml - tl If 1 ,fAft:tcmeBCjemj .XCIlfirvj many orine-ironheni'iiatiensftbat tradictmg hiitr."- A great beauty, like- Wfsey- will pretend to believe that ahe makes an ordinary appearance r andy - In hope of contradiction, oft .will lay. . - Jlethinx I look most horribly to-day ," The most effectual way to mortify such persons, is to pretend to believe them, and to acknowledge that there is sake . -i- i . vrum in mcir assertions. , English Magazine. rectived the goipcl. ;A Cvis jwaTbap- tixed in 486. :''"ZT During the sixth century, it spread with rapidity into many parts of Eu rope' "7""' - In the seventh and eighth centuries, the religion of Mahomet arrested trie . progress of Christianity, More than ten millions of christian were massa cred. 1 ' . . J, and 92 respectively. The entire mily of this patriarch comprises 138 scendaht7 w hrralr" lived- together village ai Pellatzka, which the EnWress Catharine the Second caused to ba. built for them, granting at the same imeu a considerable tract of land fo their support. Cato, t&e Roman Censor said, there Were but wee actions in his life that he reg-etted"! one was, the- having ra thatJSeMdlcWe) ! set when he might have, gone by jlandi the otKeT, the hav ing: spent one'dayWithout doing;, any thine."""- - ' .my jixp uriGirr. . A fellow found guilty of burglary before justice DaT, in Ireland, ob served, M that his fate Was singular, as he lost bj Dag what be got by nAf." Ojvairy prLj .n U ukta prmM J flOVKT at tfuitji fr-rpk frtntrA Jtmr fcr vert, JtMir. '. 21, I J Kerr, A art4 D. Kerr aJ WIKmi Km uviiau ipannr W to) aaiMfeeiN M iu nvrl, tha l K IWIV , tiny WilTaiaa Ketr, aa af Ik dHUid in U 1 1 '""ttTfara roeraetwy ta cwtrt, tkat fobbm. mom rfMwluk ol,, mk0 tut waU nxwdfty im tU aaa Ainanea, via ami w wxm k, .nn u ... w4 rMH i. v. "'"C at aijr ajaoiA ui Itoiraa Wuwj, rhe MMf of rUn, U tha own 4km ft a. ! l Sk - S M . mm Iu l" , L . . l - - - I. ... . -"77; "v " TrJm SittemU o tka ank SUckUf alrr the trMv prrmf 7 " fbnh MkUf -a aOfch aaxt. lUa aad thara a. - . r r aBki - Mo! mmmr-mmui n I Bu,L iwnf. a Amir. wlwrvU 1,1,1-. and fjUrr tn lo mjr a aw i I :ti i. i.v.. M m. .. i hiurvL-4mt ao 6hiliy fct acciderR 603 JOtW ft. fliBT. . . e. . raa r aomiuad. i . A'smmnt will h Rf a rear oU aeit fprinr I M I Simit fAVtaXV), Wffffi rnailr impeoml ic the kat mrmvux, in -U , I rOt'BT of Pleu and Quart rr Btaio. Xmw. rruvtetir," tr max try and Wrc, UUf aowl J term, 1521 1 Moar imuc Bien Mttaeaband hirh, tcmwkabh avarr aMtU,! tWken ort(iMlalLichmeat,Ntanied levied oai and rtt ao coru(ructd aa to exhibit the finett buid. It apoeanrr tn. itva aatlifactMM pf the actio. Hi contUtutMM ta aut onlr oind, but I couH.that wa derrikuat, narvtll Oarket.ia not of tha nrt heakhy, t .rweoua aid durable caat,! aa InbahiUH of uu Mat, it w therrfora ordered cakuUted to rndura tha frtatejt cserewa ith. j that ruibfication ba aaada fit three monthl ta out tailuiw. He la a Ina mahnrvn bar. thai tha Weatetn Cvounian, ttt enlea the defnd- conr mom. nirnif CKeemea dt ii'w irrnn m imir t im atuiierra of mncnun.UM judge on the auhjC and free frota all bleMuab I held at tho eonH-hoaae ia Xuvavillr, cm the of imperfection. . I Uura Nona V of fonurT rat and repier? w iErooout ru gotten bj the celebrated Im. property levied oo, and plead, the plaintiff 111 ported bom Ejg'e i n dam by tha Imported 1 1 beard ei parte and ha judgment pre eoo hore IHoni rranthm by r.xnecUUon, one o4IIcm. ret I K. BJMU.vrnN. CZ. the beat ann of the iaapcrted hoeae Diotnede. I Prist ad. jU SmtOI out of a Mrdlev Ripection wa the . , 1 ';t. oTki. ,U U KarfkTaroCio. h. rtMar, MM i haie. BuLiron. Mors Ionr le. Le. Ita af ORT of Pleae and Quarter Reaaionc Pee, Irbraffithnw VW.ndll rhflteJ-.clrjir. term, BU Joha WabO, W. LUmOfvI Iad, were both bia rat-rrandMre i and lha Dalvi r rnal attJiraent, returned levied on Cuaoua llarae Hyr.r VhiHera, nmWred th trand tow Jmfa4 and eawrty -eixtt fleete horn ever known In rnHand, or per. J iffaranliiatta. r a laeae. bap. la tha world. alhe grandaire of Eclip rr1 Je court, that PbfcatMn ba Arrtmaut m ba hon it tha Urmi of the h. Carohna, a..M r-.w u ii.i; ct.M:ru ultlial onleaa thadefeadaRt appear at the next lxinton , where rentlemen dioed to view foort of Pleaa and Quarter Beaaionr, to b held him, can decide for themteWe whether he a not tba fiaett tounir hor ever produced In thi atate. He will be found regularly at hi ttation, except when taken to be aliown at pub He place. Hia pediirree and reputation, will be further illustrated in handbill, at the com mencement of the aeason. 99 iYe.231826. . ROBERT MOORE. Suit t AartA Canlina. Iredell ctuntv .- atOURT of plea and quarter aeationa. No J vember Una, liU) i Junn Stewart rt. im heir at Law of William Stewart, dec'di Kire facia, to thew cause why the land of the dee'd. ahould not be aold, to aatiafy tha plaint ifT judg ment. It appearing; to the aatikfaction of Uie court, that iibaro Vyke and hia wife Matilda, defendant in thi writ, are not inhabitants of thi Stat, it ia therefore ordered, that publica tion be made for three month in the Weatern Carolinian, that unlet the defendant appear tt the next terra of thi court, to be held at the court-house in Statesville, on the third Monday of February next, the court will proceed to judg ment, aa to mem, eapanc. , ' ' l v a rt ,fwa-v,W afwta l - -j - Teat. i 1C oinuatuiM. v Price adv, g4 3rotoa lor the county of Stoke, at the court -hoc e h Gcrwatatan, on tba 2nd Monday of March next, replevy Um property levied on, and plead, tha plaintiiT will ba beard ex parte, and live judp. ment rendered in hi fkvor, pra eonfeato. Ct03 Teat . MATT. R. MOORE, a. e. Stau ef Nurtk-CanUna. Cabamu rran'jr . ANUARYjLeHont. 1826 Jojiartt. Hauler, Charlea Hatter, John TlairlerTJohntorir and Barbary hia wite, Wilnam Annenon ana llarv his wife, Jacob Dey andChftthanneliMWile, F.lixabeth and Peter Hag-ler, v. Henry File and llollv hia wife Petition for Partition. It ap- neannar to the satisfaction of the court, that the . i . jut. .... . .. . :ni,.L.:.n. ueiauQanif in inn wc rc nu imwra.ui. v. this state, ordered, tberelore, mat pubncation ba made (ix weeks in the Western Carolinian, giving notice to said defendants to appear at our next court ot piea son quarter sessions io oe held lor tne county ot uaDarrus, at uie court house in Concord, on the 3d.Honday .pf April next, theii'and tTre"re"t8'pKad, ttrer,tr demtrrif or mepeimon win uc ueara ex pane, ana judg ment awaraca accordingly, Ctncord, Jcmy, DANIEL COLEMAN, e.c. 23f, f825; A ' 6101'' StaU A.-A-CarWiiwt, Doridnn rny GOURT of Eqtlitr, October term, iS2Si Ra chel Batcl and Joha Cant, w. Xtalrtam Whit- aker. Betsey WilCame, Jea Crab tree and UeaJf hat wife i rethioa WJ of Oa land of John Kent, wa. deceased. It appearing; to tba satisfaction of the court, that Manaat Tfhitaker, Betsey Wniama, ease Crabtree and Cealy hia wife. Dart of tba heir at law of John Kent. Sen. dee'd. do not lire within the limit of thi atate i it ia therafora ordered. Unit publication be made in the Western Carolinian, printed at SaEeburr. for six week aueeeasiveJy, that they appear at the next Superior Court of Law and Equity, tu be holden tor the county of Davidson, at the court-house in Lexington, on the second Mon day after the fourth Monday in March next, and shew cause, if any they bare, why the land men tioned in the petition' should not be aold, td their and the petitioner's benefit otherwise the petition will he taken pro eonfeasn. and the. cause heard ex parte. . Witnese Edwin Pa challe. Clerk and Master In Equity, for David son contrry; at office, the 9nd Monday after tLa: ttn Monday in September, lew. OtUl EDWIN fASUHAl-LK, 6 W.I, Stat AtrthJCprwUna, Mtntpmery rtvnty i COURT of Pleaa and Quarter 8eiona, Jsn. term, 1826 1 John B.& F. Uartla tt. Mo ses Gibson and Dison Gibson attachment levied on land. Ordered by the court, that publica tion be made in tha Western Carolinian for six wVa. ih.t nnleaa the defendant annear at the . next county court, to be held fof the county of ilonttroroerv. at the court house in lwTence rnim the first Itondsr in April next, replevy or plead, jiidgment'wtl 'te-fcr-tlW'' anVount Bte,pIntifTdenw of condemnation made, . , v , , 4t0aT J.llAirTll!- . .. ALL person indebted to the firm of Wett U irmm, are invited to come forward and make settlement with them, as they wish to close their books. ' , ' WEST k BROWN. aWttarj, Jm'j 12, 1825. 94 llotise to Uetit. i lately occupied by Mr.-Georgw Lockft -and formerly by Alexander Frohock, decU i . j nnw to rent. Annlv. in Salisbury, to r. oj " rr ... . . .Atr.l4ll2. ; :