Willi r If I 'It . t i 1 1 ) I 1 I at. 1 T . I I twUAU, h rttLo wen PA HAMHllUtV, N. CTUltHIIAV MAIICII ai, 130. VOL VI.....M. iaa. ill V .. tW ' , -l fit tfiUwinf U Mil, taitlrt ff'niffiif tiU-'lfll tft t Mr tfettfar?, w? j - .1.1 r.ai a iW MUai rJ Utf rnmi sf, (Mtil MH(i,in tf IM .tmniff MtMiif lb IS M r)wJO r-l I should ftiflif MvriU fx let. Tka4pfcl f IWh iUottl l Arrra.f tUI U tfii ,Jkf Mtt ttatftrjatiy fUd, lb i ll ikltta, tinder JJ tut cHtMirxyt. Htn-vtt'"1: MfUautf t.f aiy Ut tot MfUtttt4 C.UuJ.Ud U iffHl f .rrr c aaa. Ira, ink lu MwM I l.t. .i r i.a. - i. . ill . .. I A . A ilLi..l1iL a 4tl i kirn Ait4 f t j 1 .Ifttr, K JUr rottUniMi la dirtdlpfr will lk. ffjri P4 ih ixuur couacIIh tff lump nM A t'ftJ Hi iiMi'f li tM iwlMof uiMfi riii4iU ! ihii U fctfr lulHond of iMiUn ttiMni. idrp.n iM IfKoc rtti'v of iKt mitrri I mrnl ii conifoll pw4 ifpti hit MirMitd. and IM au 61 Ikttlr foil likiA. frfm ISrw im to Arkn in fklihiH Ikflr fnirvi4a. t imiulu IKm I illiii An unn i:ii llcrBtd Is olu J of ubjtcl. TM Wtof of lk PiW(t M paUw- itoilat. ff ik htfnw- f of nl if ifl.cvm dfe nwiif ftfewnu but llltlt on oftUft lot rrcolj' , ,Krir ,.,.,. TIU Kara Imb Ua tha n.n Ajnu MijI nrM lloo i:nftr lik Miifcilon. Tbi l LnuJii lo Uiw!on ! ch. o ow .nmiX io okwUit ..lwitrJ lartlieoi mort cketiinc. nlf rctn ihMwlri. aiwl Kiia ul it tin I iib umb.id inntmnin . Th atiin U Pt4itf had 10 OlMr COOOClIt lHoLf,k. tnllW.Umrr.i. t.f hui'kndn. I r nl lK liullna. .flnir from IM if tf Ktma. Fom lH IrM JtKOrf ol Mhle(j ,Hm, tBj t ,h ihinf hor ih, fuU rn.l ikMi of ir rk l IKt pf cmaI tint, ont mUr (Jo(f ccompld i-h prvfcUMi n iu p'orui iWii lftl lr.c r. wnrrwon, tS hhc tn.a on the fmfl.r, ,U 'omt of lh,m h.,. rrflJed ihr U o Jcr.bU, if .Vkw. cU to (I t. Tbt l.nrr ftlocuntlf tkMinj lo fof lofft pUnfe1 ,hfr j,,,, tM tlt( fruiiful ooortr of roll.J- tit could oo rtJl Km rfired frvm ihf ,etJ j,,, onf fur lhf ,f BfloJit j tm ,tfOMta ,0 ,upv. for I (tut II Jl frtt from ill W'jrl'.fi if ine iir t? tulTerincv "nd bf warvL,. a. ..i i . ..u .k.... I ;. ..i ... . ! 4 .i. .k reitlOMlliienIot,UJJrfiched rraf ,h,T mil,f ,0fttlMjer Brjf coumrf ,0 ibc rr cir mpi, aiibf ukjf i mcofiTiMf A out Kordetonct lnbab!ib( ihli eounlrf , ,,tw i,,,,- r.bcf m. kXt . fimhtil io . iJflklifV, both in a twin I Ii. r om pair w ppftMcbbS etUttropht of Tk te 0 our .tj.e t.ftd U ImpUntf d parivm I am aU6rd iH. my fbm lbairim)mliftKUm. bmom. htlbrr brlfai) aolicil nt-fettnit. I ubmil thr Ii rrt oo an unprofitable ink to in ,k- .iij-M,.... , i. r.M l. m. l,-i,,. f ,k. k;ii k. ,lr.l, ..I quirt, on .h.l p ntlpl il.t n.noni or hiRhr ,air of ti.ilix4ii n Thi.aith Uhkh ire ihr foljo.lnfi Europt vie juailfied in upMJiijt w j.i.k ik, r.,.. Tk. u .t ,.f .k. Mi. Ibe orinl propmior of hU birth riKhl toun(rr, ,nd W(W , .hc, heM jjppi. itefonl (he trr incr ortHJKm -in u.rmuit.r o-n mil ,orBf0,,. ... Ihf frtiil. of r-,r o.o rSloti,.. .n.l v m..rk n, E .tt ii. fwit fl Ihi a4tiflrgrtft lo d bf Ogfwltm W, bf lb far ft nviirUd hl Ibf rf , al Ua4, Kr !) t'lMttd ld. ri,Cf;u,il tar. rxi ibU ur-lr ft I birr (off titer) Ibt m fx.ii prr,ii,m rtfrrrtd ii ii ibt of fiinr bir rrnvrttlbr onlfit l(M lb wSott 1Mb. Hi K Mf f it mpfVUJAr of ib irtWt. i It In'rfrti! d, htf rlwrtd a Itrrt Inm hkb reroKnucl po.er it iht or.lt ,,on w hfe n,p4r1e(i hl fetjn , Mit.ilrpi , Ik W tv ( L.kr Hum. UiMlard of ruhi. .nd fraud and forte m.B, 0f Ihe Iribei bt our oo mea.urtt. and Mi, hk ,n. U lo be aup.n for n.n t prrf-rlly Irtfiumala h the acquiunofl r.n it h m.iirr ftf rfl.. ik.i.ik. ..,IhJ.. .14. . r . : l. k.. i. J . . J .T I - r ' - " j r fc heir, wiih u.m.ued indin.iion, of hill Srcon!. Their romovi hT IrKlivi.lu bat toriBrmed Ihe act. wm io them our rufhlcti purpme of alt. In ronr.di.ii,. turn t .ib t lil r ""u'",,"" h-tpflli them from Ihrir coumre, ihu.J fhirdlf. A lerji.ori.l ! i.r.nmmi io r.4 I ! k. ... ditrtKarded. Bui lhat con'ett hat 'I""!, ,on pre iniMCriht our p-otnixtl Furth. If. irumsi .r, Vi ball r'eni ln- ceitfd. etpecuH; in the vniteih,e been Imm ; Ibit ibc hjpplneM nffualtt 'iuttifr it. the mrtfon of-trtV- State., oner, on the one thle, are teen a ,)Jia jt . thr,p Mcrifice , he ,c rre.t-M"Plc. miliar with art t and armt. I ttnA.t . -k-n ... whote tnrRtt art increaacd bf ution. mpied to I toothed b an at-iuranee nd direct, d by an effi icnt jroternment ; lht, ,be coun,rf ,0 .blch We propot to on mt otner, iew unorani ana om.irn ,fmJ thtm dfi,rab!e, (her emphaticalle tribtW barbariant. It ii rveccmry only i ut, .hal new pledirM cn ou ie for the former to eipreit iit will, lo re u, ,h we ,h,u ,Riin t)t)d mUtn ceite or enforct immediate tubfiation it j, your wi,h lo pse Mt in(jtf from the Utter. The tujriccttiont cf , j, ealier lo Wt ,h,n , wcr ,hi, fpolicf - or. neewtitf thould no lontrei qgejon. reK,rtj ,Q Conitenc, apart tint in cuima or jutiico anu ouroanin . rof, rw Ober eonideration, requirtri It w now, therefore, thatl mnrwnienmi c7,Bn:e0f mcaturr Kirtter I et1iiirTr- quetiion auuretKS nirn io two .tmeucar, un ,n(j f njoy hj, h0fm., 0r, ir he it lo be people, n4 tnawerTa Tuaor re. rirj,rn from it, ahat.in from Theritbinir pontibim. Shtll tt fo on quietly in ji:usion,,-we mean, to dttappoint, and courte, which, juf?(inr from the pait, ,hrrrbr make him to feel more lentiblr threaten! their extinction, whHe -their ibf rxtenf of hl Ipn. pan autTerinjrt and future protpertt, to Hainjr pointed out the inroncruitiea of pathetically appeal lo our compatMon t lhit tlen,t unhappilr oreanued, lhat Jhe retpontibiiity lo which i reter, i it conini within itself the came of itt what nation owe to ittelf, to its futun own abortion, I proceed to retiew the character in an time lo come, for, next mnA.rn n.n. f ,,-,.!., .k rfif Uk.ibe roe. .ot, a! defence,. nd the fereot iribea fropi tbe Eu to the WcU blettlnut of free goternment, ttandi, m of MiUlnnl. Fb.t tkia' nlan" ori point of importance, the character of akj,,,, ln beoetolence for which itt nauon, ut oi.inKuininK cnaracirnuM i aolhor j, M ditlinKuithed, it cheerfullv houin or, jutuce ano matrration. i o I .dntittcd j but that iV, too, it obnoi .us to pate tbe wea ia ita origniett ..rnament.i objectiont, I fear, it no lett true It it. therefore, a aource ol the Highest rhe firIt objection is the irapractkabiiuy gratification, that an opportunity it now of j esee0,iOn, if that is to depend on oiiereu mo v.mcu oiaic i Fr-"-"lc treatiea lone. Some of the tribes in thete maxims, and give n example ol hose removal we are most deeply con ine inumim oi nocrai principle, "cMccn)ed, have peremptorily refuted to that aordid teibshneas which hat been the wm , jr na,ive Und. 1 hoae who rrmtiul apitng or human calamity. j ,, DP persuaded to emigrate," will carry - It ia lht province of hiatory to. commit with them the tame internal feuds whi.h to ita pages the transaction of nations- are ao destructive to their kind, and' for Posterity look to. this depository, with the which no remedy it proposed. Different most intense interest. The fair fame of tribes are to be placed in j jxtapoiition their ancestor, most precious inherit without t tontrwling power, between ipe, it to them equalla a " tort ret" of pridcJ wlucberxdharrnmplaiyejiotjili i r a : I j .i.-l . i-i i ... tnd motive of continued good action. I ties hate raged, and which are not likely But he perform her province with im-l to be- appeased, till the one or the other partiality, l he authority she exercii.es j is exterminated. But these difficulties in the absence of others, is check oo I surmounted, in what relation are they to bad rule. 1 he tyrant and the oppressor stand to the United States f The history see, in the character of their prototypes, of every . ge teaches us how diffirult it the aen'e nee DOSteritv is DreDarintr for haa bran to maintain truhnuilitv briweeu them. Which Vide of th,c picture shall J conterminous and independent atate we eiecii lor me ucciaiun i ic m uurimoujn ciinzeo. now must inai aim - selves. Shall' her record trantmit thelculty be increased, whin one of the par Wttlttrt. ;tw;;SaVigf;eftndm standing by, insensible to "he progress of and numberless i'wtii'sis'of'dikord,' must the desolation which tbrateirt-thA.rem: lmlltfi! friendly characters tive place to a gener- And the same propensity which has cbn- but effort which shall have been made to ducted the white population to the remote .f!rA.UbAOijL,from destruction. While regions they now occupy, will continue to deliberating on tnfs'solerhh'quesTWtrr I prope,i;tteJ.idft iiHir by would appeal to that high Province, the distant shores of the" Palrl fief Before" whose delirht is Justice and mercv, and this reiistlest current, the Indian must take councii from the oracTe 6r hi w11l, felire till hit; name -will be no more- It r.BTVBicu u mail, 111 ins icrrpic ucuuijcia-i wouiu uc, uuwerer, worse man uscica w . Jfion against the oppressor. I waste your time in multiplying objections and their ra jljm4'i n ino one itim'. and a-dittrttHitiuti of prny ami.n tlic inditidual. Fifthly. It Iravet thr condi inn i,f ihotc ihat remain unaltered In nlTrrinif a few trDarkt upon thric '!ifT rent hedi. I beg n'cll the at'emi' of the rnmmittee lo lb' leading prim i r of the bill. nmely : Tm nothing n - posed. to b.' 4nne, in nfrrrnre to llr In rJUnt w'Ul ihfir m tonttnt In ttnking.'b pielimii-rMaoUr atllnJ I hr been ii.Qu n edraiher by a drMie to telice Ihe nropotel plo from ubirr tir, than from any idled tnnic'im ut ita necesaiiy. The reitlont betwrrn the Uni'ed Stares and the fidbns, are so en tirely peculiar, that lift exiremel dim cult to refer to any we I settled principle by which to ascertain the extrm of our authority over them. Our ancenor. well at etery Curopea nation that riztl upon, ih' ir country, frnoonced ihem .s iirMinens, uuent ouiui me Dale Ol uvii society, apd as a coi k cjuence, dipotcl of them acrording tc thrir will nd leo sure, from the ad ition of the Federal Government, howevfr. they were re garded to .some ext nt, as an-.indrpen dent people. Hence treaties were made with them for a surre idrr of the usufruct of tlieirUnds. On pe other hand, the r wete deiied the exerise of this right as it respeclt other natbns. and were even restrained from Sfllirig (heir lands to our own ritians. And beside regulating their trad,X(ngretirVeht'i so" far as to punish, by the decititns of our own courts," for ffencet comW'ted within or wit bout t.he'f qwn tertitoriet. In for bearing to gc further, it s left to conjec ture, whether it arose ft (in a wanTof"SBT thority, or the expedient of exercising it. To avoid, therefon any difficulty hich different opinions might produce on this point, tkeir enjsent has been made necessary by tbe bp, as a requisite to its operation. .' The first provisionlooks to the pro curement of a countrj for. future reti dence beyond the sttlements of the wyteaw&tfuiaatcjtu easilf effected.- It aAnting tbt iimu ptescriberl in the bill. Ibave pursued iht plan neretoiore propoc. ii incraomn the larids a a part lyU between Lakes Michigan and Huron, i)d the River Mis sissippi, I have been gderoed as well by the above consideralionlas the fact that it H now; in be upan , M jhe Indians, andufrom ita natural features', is not cesf" rable-at . present for .the abitation of our citizens. The principal recommendation of jhis t irmia.iii km, ,i eathaAft ol nir 1 1 ii. Tin tbffi. ul'y it Mid io ar f Intm ill. ml I'M-e f lhrf r ift. Ho he . p""p' i - Ibt nwtl frrtlle l.n'l, ii hm.vrt. and b berorne e.ltbt. T'i corvM-ni lo remrv( can nl b i iitr 1 1 Ihi I be maj'iii y, tr l'te iK'i'n nf tbe mii who ke no u. b irvl-Kr 'in nl to remin. it it atarel iba who know, or v'tiend to kno heir i-hc, my bt perMdrd lo einl ne H, t'.e j.rupoed plan !ha fri 'i be atc naitd, and wbaietrr porikn mt .x wiiiimr to co. win, unner thu 'ofl.ion. te re moved. r mt,T frilrrrflf tba litTTTi, tka KI hi.iet.1 ttf m rrrli-.l C mr.. nl i( ihr U led UiCt fue ihrir bloerikon krwl tbrir (iiii(.tiM The ti II p-jp.e (irriin, Hire Judges, and a fecreu ft, lo be appointed by the l'rri'1eni. wuh the a!vie nd c-iriii of ibe Sent, nd ueh rnoibratroii in .lti.il 4 ibe Prei dri tb.ll ordain, u!)c! io lb oppru S-tlon of Cigret I h.ve already Intimate d,in a former part of ti.i repinV ihe conv rjurm r nt ei.ding 'l.e urtrttln IHernuairr dr'in rd for brr fiiul abode, rhmt' owe nt'oIiftt 4iiinori'. it hfMii ihi, hc ill'M! c ijwmr? lo ctidle mt birf. It i. not nerrr lo prry;r1e pini'ulirlv i'. i'.e bill iti ir ovrrnmei.t. It t jiiis. iiMi iy jfrl lied. jMrtiteil in the hamU th- Pir.i.lrtit, ku jfd to the i out rol of Cottar i I ill, iii .crthclov kugi(et. i t. a, h.ii 4 trie iilittion rf the lo I .us wnub 'Imit of it, I would fir ifm a lr((ilaiive ImmU, compoed ol In .tun to h vlertttl in Ihe early tage b thr Prtni.li nt, nn eveniuiM tone rlec rd Wf HwieUe-a wU foe ibt pue l oe of enacting ub Uwt at would be agreeable to thrmtelvc, at, for the pur po'.ciif exciting theirami'ition. Divine, tion being iheohjeri of univers.l pursuit nth nun, whether barb.t out or civi'ized, it it pretentrd to the lndiant in thi Scheme. They will be taught, that there it another rnd o i' than thiouh blood and tlangh'rr Thr objection on the part nf ihe most intf indent, to an amal ..'jmau'nn with. the whiiea is, that they ran never rt,e lo. lTicei of iiust and prof it. Here tbit dilliruliy will be removed. In time, let us indulge Ihe hope, that tl ey till be rompctrol to self Vovernmti.l. nance to laborrtbcir wandering prrnr- wiienthry mny be left entirely lo them Inet. and fhe"unrertHimy" of the lu u e- I selves, and when, in couvquence, thrir would endeavor- to., oterctime I hew by mM'ion will find its pro)er theatre, and schools i by nut' ibtinon ol m.l in indi- i. ratified ; then none will have any ad i vidutl riht; lv a pet nunrnt m etljb- equate motive to rcnuin among tne liihmrnt whirn notni r, qmrr the per- kces. lor m nice of toci.il dutiri, (, ti t)r A fouith ohjrrl of Ihe bill it. Ihe divi- tt.em coiintrv of wlm Ii thry art iirvef sionof .heir landsin kui'h mannt r. ntul at to be brreavrd. ami clicr uMn Hum wiib stlrh t?mer as the" President may think.rparriMai kind!... .. ,i.hl.l r. proper. The object of i hit provision ia. In lookfm? to the possilile rebuilt of to give the power to Ihr President, when, this plan, I am che. ted with the hope, that minh good may ur cfTc'tid wi'.it romparativeli little injury. Our itifTi ul ties in their present form, will lr riimin islied, or entirely removed., . f he desiro to arquire Indian lands will reasr. ami no longer produce collisi'n.s. The Indians will at last know their lot with rrrt.iinty. That many will avail themselves of this arrangement, so as toariive at ;he bles sings of civilization, I think there can bo. no reasonable doubt that all will no:,. I . readily admit. The' imprudent of our own people are equally beyond the reacb of legislative protection. To thit may be added the consolation furnished by the recolleclion, lhat. in iht efTorts we hd mlr,-wuhad acqtiitted ourselves of a debt of justice jnd human ity ; and it they should even fall by the overruling influence of an .tnsrrutnblo destiny, fulfilment reowlres thrir extinc tion, however It truy fill us with' t-orrovy, we sh.ill be rtrtlved from remorse. " KeifCctfully submitted. JAME-S BARDOUB. ry to ea-lt lki4 frftt.ly sre4 it lb, If m fw.4'lo.-.ln)fiUT.rr1 f KlMry,nitrbaiit f t yrpinnat Ihean d.imet'U nmU, arj t.,f fn vf l -d fly direction p,ri i( ik f.iult.at pre nl paUf frfMiMiHm, intiw iu.i,ly . tin e'er ftrofief Kt'h'u m I M4Me4 tf laaL'w.'aJil'iiM.jli iji I g . t rV I f ?l f feemeeif ft,He I , rn fr,ykl la b.Mf kl. - by tlfffffa, r.f iUjad Lk,k4 , W reronriM It ibt (rMt i t 't dwiiet. W alih'MtA'h lk fi.HUuiiy bf ndt'lna? Mm loU', it duly P,tf ied, yyi, when its benefitt art onre re-lnal it be Individuality of its pfrwtuf M-.. and bv Jnere ating bit (Am fori, ibe l..,pe cat e,rrer bt detmed drtperaie wbirh pla ces blm under tbt time l fluem s a tbt hilt mn I reft r to lbadutr-iM 11 a dltrlosiflf irterevtine information on bit borwh of the tabjerl. Tbt ptn.d pit Rted, Ibe lime of itt applicant n different tribes mlhl bt Irfi in ibt discretion of ibt Peideni. wb, i. lis scrrisa), wrtild reifem lo flruman- ft. foinmrncmg l'k those ron. venien and most rivibfed. and CaUMouy sttrrifing lis applicUun till the h embraced. Ibt monty wy anu-llf spend on our I'ulian relaij' iis. nt fry ieny not very pr fnU loihrrn, fn.m be manner of thrjr appeopri.iing it. ajM furnlth an ample- fond to meet tor - 1'Hi.ll. r.Kv .(-n tnmm . k mm m oii'iei nf lbl plan. Ilr if frrrnrt to ilo ument A. it will t wrn tki t ,rr . hate had lo py for ttiia object 27SI, t:r 14 To ltur drant;e may br a-nl tbt rotnide ra'jn, irwi. af er an irdiidu mMrlU'lofSnbe effort of u.e whfrt to di,MMes l htm of ilieir ints (hut held mutt eae. Ibe iiMlividual appu.pria tion nf land, gtet a t.miiif in the iitl which inspire tesprtt in nations tht most barbarous -II would rrptct. with us, any ibuuht of dUtuil.it'K j'. When this is rffertrd, their distinttiori of iribet may eu oe aiM.iisiud. and Hie auulo ronoli la'e d into one i;rel lamily. sml ut,tlie bill leaves those tha rtm -io 10) the wisdom and jtistue of pnirin. If, a is ielieved, the numtitr ui(Msd to rmirite is rnrnparai'urlv Rrr.i, hirt that rcm,in till le so few ih,t ttr rnn dllion may be rrolatrd without ronin.it ting violence on thrir wilns oi tkrir ir terrstt.aiid vet it oritilkn ihnr rtaidi rxa witb I ha prosperity oi tbe w ltt:c li.if obviout, from rauiet lhat need not be en umerated, they mutt soon surretidet their distinction of rice for the retenrblariVe of the white man, and accept, as an equiv alent, the blessiriics which that renin bUnre cannot fail lo bringwith i a peareful bu sure remedy, which may be ad-1 1 left to time alone lo prodore I will add, that the end proposed is the happiness of Ihe Indian, the ins'rument of iit a romjlihmcnt ihtir progres sive, and fin illy, thtir complete livllitj ion- "The oBtaMerro locceii are then" ignorance, iheir prejudices, thiicrepug- in hi judgment, circumstances will justi fv it, to distribute the land among the in dividual! bv metes and bounds, in contra distinction to its being held TOTommon by a tribe. Nothing, it it believed, has bud a more injurious influence on our ef fort to improve the condcion of the Indi aH, than holding their land in common, Whether auch s ivMem may succeed on a very limited scale, when under a bene ficient-patriarrbal authority, is yet to be ascertained. Past experience has left the strongest evhle-nct against ita practicabll itv under less favorable auspices. The attempt of that kind In the first settle mentrfTVrrgtrMTnr-lieveUnllit early settlements elsewhere, conducted the colonist to the very brink of ruin, from which they were rescued only by aban dorime it. The distribution of the soil, nd the individuality imparted to the avails of its cultivation, history informs ut, instantly gave a new and favorable as pect to their condition. How ? far the strong motives of human aeiion may be modified by education and h!it, may be ieftRlinW ihropist-, !.hejttniy uieuie wr gorprw ments it, to aaoa.bumutC 'at.itJ and conform its-changes' Tpoicy to new. but well ascertained, dcvelopeinents. If, therefore, the poaition be a just one, that every attempt at a community .of proper ty has everituafed uutuctessfully, even Whh-cifHieetf .mao.it. fo-MJP j wonder that it should have been eqt'riuT sd with the savage., -To the lands 4lur btanted, add liberally all that is necessa now4iing in the wTt4f (4 in Sara . . , toga : tpunty f at i he adyanceai a ge of 01. years, and who still retaina lier p' wers both; of body arid iniind to an irttontshittg degree, siatea thnt the never drunk tea, nor saw any, until she was JJ .yf a't rdd the '-women -men ud to w.tlk .tl tre nnd lour miles to riiink ten, aitd aty thetr ncver saw! a potato uni.il the was 30 ears " ""' old. . , . aV. r. Oburvtr. n - f i . -- r .I

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