f fni VM'ndit, Ve Ju '.il.f L wit rt b; ihi Comml'in ik V.it tnt Willful atil !ntnt, Sd ibt t.'oinnil M 1V.11 M parti 4 I Uli l" Iht iWthal It 111 f of prtbeMt ...Ui l.fc.U. AUjuI two botirtwtre tt m4, iii Um4 oW. la tbt cUafa 14 if ClMIilt UiUmi. U Iht HotH of Rtpttttntltlvei tf tarda?, l r tohitWwt popnU r ffcf ant tmiidmtatlttthCewUti&e) tr lot rod mid. by Mr. lfMfif Maryland. tad Mr. Bocbtfta. tf rirf Jtinu.-. . Ul3k It CrnUl a,tia;ia rnitvbi tteClor Volt Wt-t Y' tM It tUtt M 4 cbolct la ibt primary coMtgtt lo tci w electors, wbo thin ckoott tut of tbt iwokllMttlttHJUet... Tht iimmiimbi of Mr. DikUui U i restart tha oHglt 1 convituiloa m fir m relates te ihli ub Uct.t.ceottbt part wakhrtftrt tht ttcc Una 19 tbt HoUat f KepffMbttllvtl I Dfovldlni, in (iM of M .Uctlon. that ibt Mates ihtU chooat Prtsldant tad VUt President from tbt U bight en Ibt II It. aortas!, w WMUllflM, fib. 21. la tbt Senatt yesterday Bill wet r terted lo ttieUitb to uniform item of ISsekruptcy . trI UUl granting oust tit 7 of public land io eld ib 8-t of Is diens In auklng Canal between tbt ri ter Webatb end Ltkt Elt. Mr. Merkt f; noilci thai At ihould aik kravt lo ntrodtct t bill to lay out end mskt Co nl through lot ynlted 8tatetMicJ jtoubo nrsr toe IMF ei rmwurf . In ibt Hojf of Re prt tentative, t erf Import am bill witftDorteil roote Con wiittef on loTla Aflairs, entitled M bill for ibc preservation mm) elf iliuikm of iht Indian Trihat wiikin Ibt Ualttd States." TbU bill UI bo found In oar rrporr of rtport from ibt War Detriment hl-h occompanled Iht bill. topiei crt ordered lo bt printed. Mr. Whipple, of lie 1 um Dt hire. Introduced rttoluiloa ctHbi; for InfornuUoo rcUtitt totbt le tinj of Ud M inte Mr. Powell, of Vir Kim. Uld on the Ublt propoeltion lo .mend Iht CofliUtuilon, to lo provide lbt mhtn t be election of Preidot comet to the llouit of Reprceenteiirett no member oho votti on the occiiioo ihll t eligible to tnjr odke for tbrrc yeart 'tbcrener. Oo motion t( Mr. Mitchell, of Maryland, tho Military Commillee were infracted to inquirt into tht pro priety of publiahing t tyaiem of Cavalry ornnluilon. Un rooiton of Mr. Lrer etttof Matt, the Library Committee were Jlrecurio lnqulrt Into tht propriety oi purtbatiog tome copict of Strickland'! Reporti on tbe mbject f lot emir m pmtmeot. - Tbt Bill rtiatire to a aurrey of t route for i tblp canal tcrott tho peniotula oi Florida wai finally patted, and a number of prlratt bill went through Coromittte, tho diKutiwn on Ibt amendment of tht Conititution having given way for that purpott, with tht content of tht gentle nan who bad poateaaioa of the floor.. .- un.?. is f r- to f ita :. ': f "( 4 4 lit irg4Sfr.l t ,'fi!w'i"l a'fi"l lr J i'.,t Jl rt utiu 1 1. ar t-f t!j ,uittti. t Wtfcrj Fb, J! It ibt ftfltft ttidf, i fettk at tffired InttntctUf tbi Nval Ctt mlttet U totiWtr beiker ibt toppfW tie ibt Kaif mttUttof mot ttor wkaJif enadt by prtbit of by tooimi Tbt Navf ppretirUtb W wai ptd, hMr, irxi me KtMH 4 "T " r I III" Ibt UUery, t tbt rtlief of tbt bain ffi.iif-t' bt ti' V tll I Ibt tfvder tl la M ike rt b IAygtat I mimttri f tnr.j.rf ti L (LJ In f,i- trb ' Un, ?,. t'S4t a i!f(-c' in mp!y a!l rlimthi'i ti; llert neoit Mtteittrtrt M MieUt r mini tt fit. tpe&eft tbt) tiplul tt Vtfflttol bet b fitltb tlnct tbt I lib of Mt ticept tl UCiMh i&4 tf 4 Ibt teKiUatart wb4 ubm ll Nteertber. - t tit tf rttnirlitbatlii Crtat tterg y lakt ta ftctlvt pert ts Cf. C. ' il I il f M tW. ni kl rtnrtatntatittt of Ltlt Crt' I irtkuliuU irarruvimiit. and thtt ikai John A, Webber, ertoedert4 In U .HtnaiiuwriiatWe. Tbtr Ibtt Eiettilt botbttt. 1 ft t Avert frott Wi cAtlal tUtamtBt Tbt CktrliKoO CtDrUr ki'il 14 BC eooiii of t treit race, ru it ibn thy mi ibt 1Kb olilpb, Nrwi C-l. peno'i tltrtrwwt, hit. Divert port I tr4 Mr, Harriton't ftt$ wbitb rolitd It fan of tbt feer Vorat. Kait a whbirtot tt ibt tort beat, tr4 Bar (rand tt4 Arettit wtrt left to deift lb CMMtt tbgby bao4e4. Araiot bt4 Utt ftvt4 tt locctlaivt Matt, tiwf PtrtrtM ba4 nut lint tocctIt lettt under At Kanhf , Aral u a ti veMertf ol bit re U, t " I took lit leotf. Ikrtmid tt0n trpoa Wi btonebtw l tbt tocoM rouMt Per I. a . . . Rtveral roftliloM wer mtdt yta-,Ul loill brwU of fiour were Ira fx- Pfr? f w,P!r, i.. .k.'irMU i n.f.,.,l... .1, . . ..ikxaat wh Artiat tor eta bji tnut. j tw. r.itfniUA. t iik.rL I J tA i' itvipftlaUoo) wat o) in ' " w..... . I D( Kb 11(111 i wwi) wr I r klft ..J TL..MM. f Primulit. 1 I' 1.. J O. ... "Til. . .1.. Minvaiu w wi i inn LiiuacufL mi bbuuiii ... . . .. . . .1. if mu. WmLk M I j iJ.i.. comptiitt to ton til learwa io? ut land, tb4 UvItgatoiJ, of UmWant. boibtod. 1 I 7 i b - Ti j iul Miner, of P.oofvI.anU, UJ4t nvoJu. I Tn la. J, f N.. Yk rrrt. I lkVMroV B'n h h .l- ..M- .r : jir. .k.i. . ' r ..l." ' J .i ... Wfti m toccetow w pttaing me ao- aiHww,iH , iBieini i ii Mrvonv curing itt pomi . .a itrylt.obttiNl0fltmib.LMl. 0f tbeotlll m meo, K wo-1 ttn m bVt barbae tm HI tia l.J Cootiltuilon in It. prtKnt form. Tbt m9, tjrJi, !!l?JI?LK Ifoutt Ibeo ment Into wwmluet of ibt nn- a.if rt,J ISy"r '" .Kot. Miiba tiita of ibt Union. hto Mr. 1 1.. .t.- i...i.L. u ,v- M. w made, tw lot oeai wa woo y eti uiufivr. ... . I nomaer. v wtiruaj ne oiriroi ioei. . . . ., , . ilk .f V1,.UI. iK. rnmmliix iKn mu. i.Ji. i . t ,.. I Bart, am. mm . w nt am ...k. i.M.u'M..M.lilii Hl... l.tn 1 1 : n . i1 1. : " II a. lboar? muee wat run in jj 1MW Ml "'w ' w- c. It la eW, oeivcen too n peraoni preaenl al iraiLkrto. Fab, 83. It Ibt Scnatti Ibt deatb of tbt Hon. v".r. r.v."r .7" r ;i: ca. btr, a pi-oi m. ii . V- .. m. nuk..ik. t"Wioblttcnuliultf-lJibt fUML "k" pr? k, and wearing crtpti al t mtik of rttpect T.f r kU .J, r r end Ihrtt or nit memory. n t ik. ir. Arn.MMMt.it... .... B'r. norr l.r.t.. kr. ... fw Kouru I WC nnf , JO " "wwwwvfvww jrwmiwrvww wtne -tww MW7 I t S MM ik.H Um ik. t.n... I tnenl lllM tVWt1WJ H Wl IV fHOIW tMiirvuiiv I A f U. ik. ..ik ,A , n.itu.. .4 AdaqJtf lo ik. it..... i. .n.i ki. rUKi ..I truly. la I day at 1 1 o'clock. Tbt Ifoute then ad journed. tt I n if'. 4i-ii. imui tm mull w rm in i US" ILP!5Bi,,,.i!:Wbkf,0r -but.a.UtecorHl.. Tbt great EcUpat " r ,bf " rott, bl-eet Ib.l bono and Henry Ibt toamate, wbp.rtb.te4 ibt tkUt May, IJ mJU. UlWro. SO.. MaUgh Smmr. VAVrr.TbwCbwreea Mer cury tf Ibt .fib ell comelna to odver- ilacment under ibt abovt bead, whkb reafi thuit The LADY wbo took Urn a k.L.lnra in Oilrn Stft. M Sat- bf llm Fthij on Monday Qrd4. WwlTiD - jlt., mUtike r wkar Bt.Io tbt Ufay tut circus Ultt, a pair of PANTALOONS, ii rt Tht ipl;lt of improve - Iqocttedto rtlurnlbt a-mt,o ab will I tpoo Ibt land," aaid Ibt tipoted ) ibt bating e right lo wtar 4 Mr'lbrotcbei."' Tbt tdvertiwi makea a tteeugt And bt ipokt taatrtioo wbeo kt aava, aht baa open Irora lot iat tod M t..t t wAt kwMkik" Sb ma the South, caSji and rill roada art tbt k... ,k A.kt. tmi In iba rjonulout euodiot; f4dlng topka of diacottloo. ci(T Of Cbirletton, and In aomt -ktfrr And not wlihainding tbt canal fcwln tht piM ihtt9 trf mMf WBO upon IB1, atate of N.lVkant RAIL-DO AD aye- Drt,u.,. mnA rnalnuln lbelr r round bv . J i.f r a rf pprWK kW. 4 foftt tf tTTH. 4 M4KCJI ti. It:. Waibinron.feK2J. , In the Senate. Mr. Chamber, pf Ma ryland, appeareo and arts qualified. Al- . tcr tht pretentilioQ tf a few petitiona, tht Senate went into eiecutivt buiinett. " In the House of Repretentativet, a bill waa reported concerning the Staff of tht army of tht United Statei and, alto, a bill to eatablisb an armory en the wettern wateri. Mr. Boon, of Indiana, and Mr. JHaynetof Georgia, laid on the table rea otuttoha to araentf the'conatituiioB of iht United Statei, the former giving to the qualified voten of tbe moat numerout branchea of the State Legislature, the right of directly voting for Pretident and. Tice Pretident j and the blber, making tho voting to be by general ticket in the aeveral atatet, and in caae of no choice, to return the two biheat candidates to the people, to be m chosen in tbe tame manner. Mr. Barney offered a resolu tion) asking for information from the Jf avy Department, at to the adequacy of our vessels in commission to protect our commerce to Brazil and Buenos Ay re s The Judiciary Committee were instruc ted. on motion of Mr. Wright, of Ohio, to inquire into the expediency of equahf . . . .... . .", mc salaries oi we wmrici uages. Most of the bills which were ordered to a third rending: on the preceding day were pasted ; but a discussion arising on the bill relative to the importation of gin and brandy in casks of not less capacity than fifteen gallons, the House adjourned belort too question on that bill waa taken Washington, Feb. 2tV In the Senate yesterday, a bill .was In .Iinraliluk tit Jt.a . . i u vv va tv viiwbjwir'f y iwtii-iw ta lands in ibt State of Misaiuippu and no tice waa Riven by Mr. Cobb, of his inten tion to introrluce a bill for the payment of the ueorgia Militia Claims. In the House of Representatives, two bills were reported by Mr. Wood of New Torkion the subject of Military Pensions and Pensioners ; and tho resolution offer ed by "Mr. Barney, of Maryland, on the 'jprl&f ivta'dvv' feHbwprwtectJeii. of our irsde-wlth. Brazil and Buenos Ayres, was adopted. Mr Areher ihen re York, 8250.000 in Btltimore, gJJ.OOO. . Tbe fl, Tfl twainf T flU.tt btf frtsC4, NVUUfclU V,l.yp M It tbt Miff tMwa, a4f 4.(4 at ike U tf Itmmp ft BukUf tMiU a Ibt tar bt Cmfi. H. mjt tUl MkMawtft. h be, aWf d WJt by tt a4 hd-bae Tw- bvtliaootro U.iklni h, Mb at) wattt 1 14 Ibai, kbw4 tent npat IAWtWMklbttVtabwia leVaUoytd.et oH imMlf Omtr mmmtji fc. UI awt bee af t peact tf tono-tVeuytw h tin h t ttry vM 9ww t. U ! It bawat It Ibkb y ' w , , ' riawtt Uwe bewlc, bwl aVrntod ffU, tVy twagkadetd. paanml a IptHat ftaalwde, , bUJ tut afii4 aucb terrUU 4gt. A Sow tf MtJ. TlMratet, af rdvavd,Q, rj, mi, mif ebewt lbtt yrait old, ftl Im a ) i0 It Ibat lawa, duriftg but tMMtb i an4 M sao4 provUcalkSy aatad, by out bavmg bi, ad Ibt wall ae bt teat oV4t,bt4 uffinf .t,t. f We tbe water, ( bkb waa pvuy 4t) i4 ae bt roe tt Ibe eurfu, by cbfic Uirwi, aW ba&raUf liS kit awtbee tad ttbert cum w bk awfauwet. aJ aoecdd bt rtattaag tU llUt lacUM 6at bit perikiua ailuaUwi, tk.4 bit atrtftflb yet eaalk 4 him to bttid tut to Iba rock. TWie art welS it aut kawtf( Umiinj ey-ta la ibia toww, wbkb, if at mm It, eHber by tbe twset or occupMU, er tbe lw p becooM tbt gmt wf acat betpleaa vktira. Tbt ffmfitMrt mi tbt AlAfkt poW tr ly tanned bv btbalf of Ibt euffthftf Greek t, la tbeir atnifftt tot Cberty egaiM ie baibanma Tarkij aad mtnbuuefia, ka mmtj. clotbiaf , aiwM, kt. bare CMMttqvcwUy beea mU . bt tbe Grkj horn tbie OBWitry,aid, It amny teertd tbeir frrwuU emieea, t 6 hi the btt le of ibW beroie DoW i but PewMwrvama Km eapp'd tbt efhrtas. In ber derotedneai far fJWto ty and tbe rig bl of mm. m m abumlanily above by Ibt WWing order foe t wUU rrgimrnl m wtarcb to Ibt aniaACt of tbe Creak. T Ma XmmfiU, Mam tf tht m JSttuHwn 10a Mrn t. I'm. Mn. ?lirYeraart rerebr iwiiled, agrtea- MUXSJSULTLT. M ' at "a'-a f ueiween lour ana ore nurwrtd Doqmi i. k.u. ik. iLi.i..nH rtk.i .1.1.. K. . . t t . . i .... v. ... wert outii in rnuaocipnia laal year. In- r. .k' r . ciuuiog aeven oi an aiontl, an. a Hotel ,n Dnttrurt .-.H ro-d between ibt chlea wbkh coat 40 or 8 SOW). I r . f o,k j. rYk. au. Tba annual auction duties bald in Phil "Tl.i ... I .17.1.7-. t. It,., i ,n . Ten,n 1 . vu.ramooor' A JH7T, Cat 1064 JJref. i. AT. adelnhU are above 9. 1 30.OOO , l N'- . "7 "e. ' T.w V'",' " il -ot yet determine.!! enter re. . IRo. w - i in. nn.irfi Mfltr.i inf.inir.nr p ni 1 1 . i ..? " - - -- - - - - w - i inm in. .n w m mr , kl. In (I.ii.nl P.lrkall'iMniud I. kU -,r . a.j.i. t .... J...k. I ve BW in, HNtgwini nw uuum I , k.m.II In r..H.. rn. . .,,k - . . . . .a ivmi srm w9wvtw i wuiv. ivi tt ihbi v v iroin miDuuun rwinw uv iu .uiuwi- J.r,. .r ,k.Orfc.. ity, in an tventng paper i -vommwoni ...air. rrti. I . m . . . r t ... I .u.. ., . nn.M.r.k-l . . . T . " . I ti-"tid, uniuiui. in conie- r co. i-vi o v. . f .jj- c. na, ne oea on a vi there aatataa it a . . . n a. n ''"'T i ibaniuia ni at inKii. w oatii a. ni & . - wrwwjwww wrw wv-w "et flVI 111 ordtrcd to bold themIri In reidintim i . ' - ' tea Joence of tht above requisition of Col. 'uff, Ibt enrolled MilitU iVU (W. k ( .k. k ... I I m .ki..- .Tli-...L1T . n:.:"C V inhabtiaoit tJthst city art sic. ur the .s. Mesle0 u9 .baence, .""'."uV ' influenu 7Mi dltetae assumes a more I Uj...m .ka. U tw . ,n,T"M f --j-., - "": , " advisable for Mm to accept or decline oers, onct a lortntrtil. l kubd to lunr fevers and nleu it.i. ...-.- .. . A bullock raised by Christopher Eren- rfj., x bw ai wtsent it frequently ter T'aV' Zx a V'T 1 . to iritrrA at a moment't warobf, in de- oer of Lancaster count,. P.. ... aUugb- S",!, b ttMrndS XlTnt oT tbt 'i" ' - " the Greeks, tered a few day. 2nd weightd nine- P f ,ted ,h Mk.n government. XH0IIA8 9Am.LK, i... knuiM it.jn. am inroai. Tbt Commodore is eipected to sail from Feb. T, 1826. U IWL I06tb Ree F M. teen hundred and thirty one pounds. Jrrlands-k numerous and respectable ww York for M,v traTln tha eourao of v .1. f ' Ir. Amu. of the V rrtn . Ur .1.- r rj.-j. .r -i.si ,i. Wew ,orh ,or. WIKO, 10 tbt Course 01 .fa . . . . .. I mecunK oi iac miiiwi "i nni m i.ii - ...i . r..ik..t " I f lure, wbo wat in tbe bouat till four -4..., ... held In B.llimort on o'clock, end apparently well, died auilden- Wednesdav bit Vt which an addreii to ly on the I Ilk ult. This is the third oc lh. .j. 0r i-i,nd was adooied. ei- currence of tht kind Ibis seaaion. FkilaJtlpM SatM-Jof Ex. Ft. ClARlttTOB-t MAtei 3, aaper ward, a aenator in ti e Leiil ture of Kew.Tork, wbo vu charged with bri. bery and corruption, in bit official rapacity, re. eigned h'w vest hv that body on Ibe let. 1M. k.a.a. Im. 1 t Ik-k BlalBAtal-OomfMlhl lot I V. t I A A L l! Broom com it rttsed In Morrii coun.v, tllu ' " nn.i .nrA .;. ""7 1 ' 7Z.T"1 "1 '"f bit ei- N. j: in largt qu.nli.iei, and 50000 IT.T;.; "I V i ,b. aeoate. wbitk wiaU torn broomi ire. annually Jmade. wbiqfi nen ioia ai &j,pr nunareo. view a clear' profit on the labour bestowed,' of L8.0 per.acre, to thqao who art thui em ploved. r orty bushels of seed is tbe sv trage produce of an acre i tht blades af ford good fodder for cattle or horses. The London Courier of the 4th of Jao uary publishes Ibe whole message of Mr .Ceu..Lfme. , of Norfolk. Xngv bU V.Mexfcan Bik l td'tnin whicbi a f- land, enKmedfo-ta bet of 20 sovereign, person arrived, lo ibis city a.ftw days VJ" ;ywtlB the chamber) to rWe his boar iff. from AViabeacb lo ince,- to: enlist isailora. Tht British h,.'rl President of that bodv hia own bouse id tr hour. Ht accora Consul, wt trt lold, has, in consequence, T,,u we how frtb. i bold rvCef, plithed the dtCgiul task in SO minutei. MRt to Bermuda for a man of war, lo bt P'i PMcoHntfgrit3 of tbe members The bill to amind the Conititution of despatched lo the mouth of the River, to w,t LegUUture which we hart to oftea MaryUnd. to aato give ibt tUttion of taRe out every Britiab tubjecl, who hai beard extolled by the oana of the caucui, in Governor to tht peohlr, and to abolish deserted from the shbs of that nation, tbia atate, and throuebout tht Union, for hrr K r.vvriiti. f 'iincll. hat nataed hoth I k. k. .J r.mi I nnlWUI ..ic v ... f ... Adams, and make, -omo compUmenUry bncbet oflhe iTglJ.iure of that State. Loth, the tuck, by tbe arUtoctatk and reprobate icmar.i. 1 1, .......... L,..Hr. thai it ihould irvrnrv tnoiri'tTt'o tt cinrrr 1. , .. . . . .. AeM-tankkk -wvalMia to mmwmm! U J V' " , . J . T . ' pfoposeo tit be ignclione. alwbv tbe next Lerisle-F ir. .. W tb tJn n wurTtv ArricuL I r Virginia i Ii provides for l went v iudees The misfortune io Virginia hai appear ed to be tbai-lheir judges were not Indus trious,... If. this bat been owing; to the lowness of salaries, they ought to be rait ed and fines exacted for neglect of durv. . Timothy Jove, aged between 1 0 and 60. was lately frozen to death, a short dis tance from hia own dwelling, in tho town of Milo, N. Y. He had in his hand a whiakey bottle, which be had drained to tht last drop. Tht cotton and woollen manufacture. of the United Stataa are already anima ted at I .,000,000 dollars per annum. ture, before it takea effect. Bat- Star fetanrin? to' Mr; Can ner, of Charleston, ba been eonricjed of 1?$ itev'" ' the charge of aeline fir. to bit matter'. r?"? tural Society, at Linoolnton, Tuaiday evening,! Mail Pt&btry.On tht arrival of the first ult. it vu discovered to have been robbed. The Measrt. Aliens bad remitted a large amount of with hia usual promptnesa, despatched expreaws .1 tasuL I . . im k la I 1 L.a aL. - if ui mroj, i.-'u, n - rewiTw, uw ... U'uhion dir. on tha 28lll t . u .k. 1 1. For the bet Plourh. drawn bv'two horsea. a nuuw, ana aenicaccaiouo uujk vu ,iii . . - a 1 1 K tk.s m.;i Tt. pwm..u. n.n.r.l. . ar . t m . .t , -a I , HMSIISS it r I Wiiki' A bill authorising the sale of tickets in the Virginia Lottery, for enaulmg Mr. Jefferson io dispote of hit property at its value, in the state of Maryland has pass- . o rn i . l M .i. j I - ... - i me uuiict cunuunca in uie mail wai louna on ed the House of Delegate, of Marylandja., For the best pksctof plain domeatic. Cloth, .w.;f-. , without a division ib. mixed of cotton and wool, not leu than five n.l-nd ,t wu also atcertained; that a Urge yiKli, x I aniuuiu vi uic un naa oeen aoiu io a Droaer in t. For the best piece of twUTd mixed, aa above, Philadelphia. There is poor encouragement vr.Wm' the mU W r when, by tht -wit AnA forth beat cotton Cowtet'-i11hBe rgy of the preaent Peat Master 8. For the best piece ot domestic Flannel, not I General, the punishment of this Specie! of 8. The best one horse Plough, 3 a in. i . 1a L I . . j I . ine new vuii. ui lire uurie or muic hhi, ..j ok:i..i.ik:. j e .u. n U. th.n ft iwwrmor. ,k. IB month, old. w ' ' ' each a premium of 5 roooera were apprenenoea, one in Philadelphia 4. For the best bull or heifer Calf, not leaa than I and one in New-York, and a considerable sum of 6 nor more than 18 months old, each the monev contained in the mail wu found on MLMBEtS mf CWGtESS. A correipordent of the N. Y Com- The Colombian Secretary for Foreign mercial, Says fte leadinc ie'mber. maf lIT.ipi m.kiU.1. 1.1. .R.1.1 -fl h plaa.H aa fbnp mn. nr lniinea men Janu.n, last, that thm ..h,Kli.hm.nTnf . the rest are .lent voters The nromi-lTf:- ,.zcz-- crime is.rn.de to follow so closely upon tbe - ---- v, .i - . i y. ror tne dch piece oi oianacunr, nv ,CM k..i. .r .... r m Innt floor . ar Wher. Llvlno-aton. I .1 . f. .t ...5L.:j- o neeu of its commission. ivuiuiuii ....cm vi nnj.ii iucaaurc i ...... j - - . n n I nan 3 yarui, nor ma man wnc anj wiuc, and Coins, for the New American States. M'Duffie, Bchan.n, Surrs, Forsyth, ho. For the best piece of Carpeting, not leaa than is one of the objecla of the Congrea. of M'Lane, Merer, HamiltWrFloyd, Wil- 10 yards, nor leas than one yard wide, 2 Mn J?anvfoJU-Tho National Journal of the Panama. ... U-ms, Wangua, Wright, Mallary, Arch- r ne e ou.m.y v. v., u u contini a ,peeCh of John Bph, in "The Colonist,", paper printed at De- Sietenao-(of V.J .Burgess.Cook VtSijt- of Corn, taiaed'on the S. aenate, on . resolution wbmitted by merara, has been suppressed by tbe Gov- Wood, -vertlt, 1 suppose, ought to one ,cre of " 5 himself to tha senate, callimr on the Pretident ernment. A body of amed men enter- belong to this, Class, bill bt has not yet 13, For the greatest quantity of Wheat, same r k. sr. o. rOIi innsrm,ttim tirr tn the itr. ed the office, and carriedoff the i?or of opened his lipsbut onto, and then only 'kind ofland, ; ; 5 . . CMnM ,t Panama, .tmuddnir for a detail of acta. 'I ho leading busi- lit., ror tne greatest quantity 01 itye.same amu '7 " " . syW.M?,m. :h oManrt. " ,3 ihequcstbu of negro tlavery. Ihiiapeechia ness.men are jcine mow panai ino .the Press, and took tbe Editor to the nar of the Court ... A ship of the Jirje, to be called tbe Al. nWia is now buildintr at Portsmouth; n. a. The Lenislsture of South Carolina has authorised a lottery, somewhat peculiar in its character, being without blanks Every ticket wiltdraw .prize of five dol lars or upwards ; tickets 89 each. Prize The New-York National Advo- cate of. Fridy;;1asl ilapupwarotdf nve Hundred thousand dollar, were Daid dosing the week for prizes by Messrs. oftend.' ' 3 Ltbe qucstiou ol, negro tlsvery. ."itS. For the greatest -quantity of Barley, same U full ot gM knd"wortnwood as anr we bead of commute. 1 M Lane, William., k;ndf UniL. w,,, I - fiu.n ft... Mf iu. iVki,i.:. ..rf. ' r 'V. ' . ? saw from tbe same aourcei-it evmcei evinces tut jr. ' . ' ( ' 'i-' .... ' Cocke. Newton Tomlineon. Van Renser IT. Kor the best conitructedCotton-Harrow. 2 ple"tJC, singular, and miaanthrop.c d.s- laer. Whinnle. Vriohl. M'Cov.HemohilK 18. For the best Ploueh for openinir water-fur. petition, which has alwaye charactemed in au- Stewartr Condia and Cambrelebg may be f "J0 r Arowsfor oVpositiiigmanure; S j thor. r He-denounces Bolivr and the wholo ttrr.nMd!w,ki..i... Tk. itmnwitm.h 4-p 4uanijrnu or H""" "7 Smith. American ferolv. wh te, red. vel ow.aiul ODthefioor U Vebster.- . " 20. For the best Ewe and Ram tamb . black deals Gen. Lafayette a left-handed blow 1 21. For the best Whetstone to whet English or and beards the Executive, and, in a menaces The, postmaxer at Atlas, Indiana, has 00Ge". -c? 1 'ac'1 Pr,um t 3 ,aya,"Jrtbim act-let him acfon h own re- recently,. secreting 3t dollar.. Wltk Cost.. I . t2 VARDRY MqBEE, oc'e. kn. kufictedJotSjdetaWng, ..iutne-mene pwaf---- a letter, found EBilty nd fined bv Dtier 0. the Society. wfiataetneffepiittef wnntnnwarrwweanw. ; hr tt receive in return front Sooth America, i .