m I - . t, Ui Mr, 41 Wf-, 4 f -v 4 14 O ee.lr ht At mm-M aaai- 4 tit " iuy emw" u the x M It klif, ami Wn beard Vft aWm- , tWy MnW4 WttJ be WttHf own, bat bw wnr4 b" .fcM ami, Bel at lh M h "Amt T!4 'rUf UiW ; Wfwvt W Ue Um la rWw hie MtkkwWf elfim tameOa. BWai at awimg eB1 dyi Vat w km! sl"r bafcrve-J i1 alumefj baswnmr alS rig Vu f tha ppk, a m pW U, ed e4.d l the wale at Kfw.tert, the aWocrvcy af the mm bea away t we bare, Bwtef. been eUaukeB U thie Ut b ra aw prWipW, (whki. k the bw he tU " hm V)" f"?) ilmjlo the mtmmr rkukmJ gwryrw of Ewewd, M wB M U (whel the rarf tnra eB) ih rrnlktm ; ramani Hew. Yerl. a th jQu leg fit rati Awe M EafOaO paper will ehw I sew ve (ltd asm eiirrrt. M I he lee tl.lmcd bv the difT'fenl affc et on ihe petting of bill ibioogh Parliament art rtlly eoormosja Wr fc.re bem Infortred ihtt tmi HorounK f - ruScrt It IhU tf full n inw 4fi fttmnJ; n grutf lh bill pt tut ImrotlnK ibr o( D lti.'4 RAXKMUrt LI IT. r liiwh, ihm of tK lMior la CoMfrtaa froai Ui (w koa wc Ukt thm tttvlom i rnotMl( MtnrH-r Mrtr4 for mbj dnU. brrfor) rtkieop? bAl to erbnb4 t'rutrJ ftutr." h'cb ru rt ported to tb , 21 h. Tke bin W ery wnpW i (Auk! Mppoc. from t httfv prl o it, lKl TM V'if C mn'l Hff , it puu f: 4 (lib k luiif wuH turf Iml-Ki iitf M IM fib. Ka lUt it M4 In ilktnt ( M fcftll Uvl 1 ptviltmtiUmtt ,S'Kbo( tmprr ct mbf tib. r ikm iv.m-, pt,. bd pU, h iim l nmU ibM ib f irritc a4 lbbUlAti iaomM be put iKt lf rrb, u4 b4 M4 txpr4UA t HK1 SL, CUll lUM6flbt Utf At, tmrti H po1 br t4Ti lfinf Utttinnntt rmM tbt Mem ttbf lt of Det tf, II tuu ibi UU IrMttM "til DftjtioMjJ grwl nrtjm H bf iOOO CoiocMtodl ib 4000 is MtiiilMil Mmbtr t ub Tlpoi: l wk4t 3QfQ Tsrbli troop r liootJ. Th MCCMIfll of lb iblfnUb b ! ib0rtfbrv4 furklih it, tad lb rtirtM ol tlx lurmtrt U tat&m4- tKt0rtk 8mI( lb InrtMr cnliln ttl 14 bfljct BlHl Klxofvr, of friHW 10 lo tO Knl lb Unr of 10 ml U wtr ff prreirtaf ! fpitl lolol lb Iff diiot ditlloaof 4i (Mhr and KboofMr. carrririf from (OioSO usn B4r K comnwnd oi MiwiU rw larn i frf bailrt to tbr Tark; b r ia two tfl tUlonit on of fD ( Patia. arwl tk otber tbou 40 mIU ( ih wrtiern tnd r ibf tlf of Pain. 1hr orrt to all 14 firoihij ltcKd (o lh Orb Bert. A fibrr b bef n ei.WIbf d In Phlla. I dttibU (or fftefa finfilt, for Ibf m of wkkb ibtf ff oa rmi par ottk. Mrt tyinning, ct ibe town bf Cifo, prcMMd Kr kuKiwt buly hb aar du(jhtert at Wrtb, thrta of Hia ar doln -well.- f bii ir- tedowrioui - and thrifty tpioning. Mr. A- U Va4U, of BoMmb on of tH four turrrxful Candidalra wbo oh all fruJ, or criion, by tbna oba inijfel ap. I tiod prlu efft rd b? b editor of l y1t for lb bcncSl of ilt prurlWoo. aa well I Arv fart Afirror. The piia awarded rut-d- d apin. Dut ao full of auMihT, am o '0 ibli lady vil E ?0i fur tha KCOod beat ajBedieat m aua. that it rtuuJrra in rba I I oea 'ikknea of prej(lon, ami lbnk prtowoa, of leanwH ia tha bv, lo inteal check aad fjrd ia a bkrupl ka, lo prrvaal a iwol. veal frumtaiinf 0eiMf hom the wreck ofllho 13th day of Octoher. 1126 he tbc M rfr, for hi own or bla raaiihr! benefit. b!o of Uod. aM pat IB. Inch jrenilrmea have aot are, but wtay d rr to , the Bankrupt Bill, can ba tha Loff iperrbea, taeiMr Nilea.ar ro riiWrr of eiamlntnr h at oor ( fflca. feo lt of ri,twn. rc ie kiu iu tirae j-:etirt ea" be formed, aa to ha probable I ' h membera of cnnRrett cannot U(e in Cnnrreaa, 3f, trvfaWt If.t;:' Util t.) ho 13 III JUr, 1) lofi iV ta, (mftrU'J) If I If. r TV bal t'j t wa M; a tw tMi f iva , m . rfc al CfJe, a4 al tea. tamUf, iVa 44 oa aW awpJe, i L4fw atMtaI wmmIJ ha a4 la4. a rjnnrrtiui 0t, 19 I 101 1 tMTb Is . I awfrert tl oWL Rl I I 1 ky Mia 471 aa Wlr. M i tW V J A0 aeJU ,0Q) ha". 7 1 TH ,Wl, t9npf wmI, "t'H'J ' t T aaww f 9 , petal ro W Tl, W ojtafcif.tf alalia, baam. 11 74 1 i iM4,r7) ItBar, ma II eeatT30 k JJi rV4 15 W 4 M iroa, S I f.nt'i9 f.l niaa; toouctaraO, JifJ " Otawaar.- Coita, I. WaL 49 Mi H W4 aV II Ma.a Md iaaaea, )0 a I aha4 aUfh, 1 1 1 Ui aeau i WMtr Jl a oj arjf i f i Hm i04 to ll Hfi UerH,'- daa oad.lmeeoMa, ( hb,) 34 1 Ca. rMata Cr.lll 9 W. K. lo 1 ota. rwM A Ue boea baa boao d k VpWkda. oeMfipaDr mhio ra rv af ae oMtaiiaoa. okkB artM aa aa t al'lM( auaaa tWao beoa av4a a W aa 1 1. ad otban aa hU aa 3 cant. Tha al ml thm lw( oWata a al awirt la m; Phvitm baril held back their rM fce hrVr raiea, Tha al tiio af t'ptamU, op to the .at kn. la iM balea. arii rU bale ha tha aa f nd of kai'. - VW the eitMrt af UWo aatavM' la hri libelee. trMt 7TH U lb aM peW f Ua) yr, Jaar-lieot. Wfc T. mr$. af tha U. I. MnM torn, atatloaed gCftJi. VM kltird a iWtl o'rth LW. CtmtbLi laakh, ak of tha aaarUea. oo the Ihh kL " I tVtad bad ta bled brtweea the partiea V aae liaaai aad oo lha aaoraiftf of tha ? I ah auoo after day Bftit, rhey went it tfetT, ad (oofht hh pMqja, at ee ra oW) ham ca aiker, WrUaT mvwMf Booroo pwamrt a bia hrft beeaat, ad died inataatlr aotlowch. ad. Boora vaa lha ahJhf tHidtb led. ml had aot haaa Uieo at the let kcuU fruaa NorUk.' At a eooeeation of drlrple, fleeted by tha fnfk of rimjjrleam fee tha-tjireM JMrpnar of iMMwinatitif a candWUle for Uernoe of thai .LWRZ-trBefW CO.V.rTTfJTfaV. About twmif propoaitlont hire been offered in 'he llouae of Krprcteatatitci, to amend the Conatiiul'mn, in relation lo the F.lrclmn if Pre. eiler.t and Vice Freaklent. What thia poKt'tcal tinkerinr of that InMniBteM will erentuata in, we are unable to divine , but fear it a ill "throw real imptoeemenl'' further ia lha back (round than eeerr' There 4a no creation with ua, and f beReee with a preat majority of the people. Adam Pay, preacher of lie Ooapel, n, ((ha true reOOaVao am J noounat'n) VI preacfc in SaJiabury, on Thuradaa, Mm Arm Huh, (ha prr- Gat. oaaom- ajiianoutly aotninatad for reflection, The Conrentioo then paaxd the foIWirt; reaohitioo in fa roc of Can. Jackaao, by M of 9i to t Hrtotvti. Thai our eem(lenct in the patriot rtm, lateit-a aim maVuuMt iwic;my of CrneraV jtndrrw Jack.i Bnimpir d..nd IM Mi rontttirt ro4a: the pen dtney of ind titer the Me elrcllun of Preaidenl of the Unit, d State, it dcayra in)c the unqualified approbation of the American People ta nut t'rfni n tt a-.'ii. h t . lha ll-af ,f,r,wh,..i.U:S. l. F " e'atTL repoeiad bill twilled, A act 14 tit-' U lU i tk, Ui e t Um, f J, foonea tcl1tUe. ll ftt VhIu Ike I W. f,a, jl. u.a. J. C. tl if B ( . a in i4 if ni ia e'mint Awnt comptienl ptrvi, it toperiAitndtnt of Vtlmtlu, bo atiwM retire lliher U tM ty of New Yoek. PhitadalU or Radinaaeo Tht) eoptrUUndeoj It rraWd lo keep t (ontttnt tajpply ol ttcttA tlmt, and fr niah) lha aanat tWAeof ri"fe to lh Bar roni of IM Army Hy tod tter PhttltiaB M foae Mlt In rlUe foe k. lie It lo rel on annual taUrt of tr faaoeooaT dWiar, and atiooed lha Fertile: of Weokanaj lattefi oo iM aob (ext of lectlnatioo. Rilummt f,i, Tb4 U.' B. Shin. Uo Jiaaat. allla lo a ffvdtTt fro) ryk Col -. WW ! of Tenneeaet, t hai et d'ATalrea to Utitemal, will .kt bit paataft M her. 4t1 TBI CCLUMJItJ) AMrmcxv in uon Vlzarro. IITHJ. Kami lha emmif aeeo ( H eff oa Um IHU alaeOa. o4 emtmr 10th a a l r m "7 ( lot Iowa af kUxti Jhl If. TM ,f rriME hVoavat ondee ar r.ooaal b hr a by aedeeW U parade bt battabuoe. at the tMaJ tmr and plaeee, (eceb4 lk4 imt hwef UtiaJio wdl awel mm the leld M apeed uo be riairt axriial.) eHtipo4 at he Uo dee. W0 Ceaetal aauiter. A I ewwmianiard nwrra. el ao two oowraimma mm 4 ulUt.m and tfce maaitmaa f'om ewh cmapant, win patada. aa mmm, it ine porpaae af dnuwiff i lo apoeer. taca oy, at iu wc. a. a. m. rr.M.B lloKf, Cai r'jk. AfreA M. 110 7t'j ! ..RXMOTOS, .CA0U?1A.. Illtf. MiWriheee hatine; ei lertd into eopart. erakis, ia tKe M'feaMiU (mainr, uav- der the tno af awwo JrW ia lha fawa f Leiimxto. Dar'alan cmtr, revpeetnitle in. farm tha puhW, tht the aa nao opeolae a thotce atlrcitfnpf Dry Goodt Hardwatr, Groctritt, fjc. WKich thee hrtead arltinr al a amB proAt. frraona 'wltiafto purriaarj a til pVaf call, eta mine price, am! he ta.rKea, " V WICIMI t. PHtlWN, Mmriim,lX -AMIMF.MT Ml NT. MltTIX y nmiLu UrrrrTrtiJ.T l-a the .i-a A.f-Wf ami t kimt, liat ho k m4 la oa J kmie f ' ' Tailoring lm iho omat neat. fat4mmUe and aW4 atl. .pwppnnipiH, no aaMwaa oul b hrd ha lha ol kat ao tbv oo Mma ateeet, mmj eeeeatiy aN,4 U j,.f UTrmfHm. tie ha K hwo ! at tw ad tWw '' JmJ il fiimtitao lo reaeno f. X. Ath rra'rM f lhple a rUf amrl of im a-uy, Um. 1U4 Mweal taaaajujj. w ha if miaii aawe iWm. b-a tbet bate ml r, We, ae . e-0 lo oNhdar Ihcir pe'r; rw af dManea aBke peoewpti 4rmWd to. ra4y pemiaea M lake U patammd heawl. . HalaAaea. a II ily. Ttitttir.tAK. filfoAH TKMPI.KT0V. Rf affi tpt U.t Mnrma V , the imbta al larew. iVat b ha d tha Tailoring Duvhrit, HI the larwa l.ehJr. ao ia rtrret. la rM har fa'mertf aepi.d be Meow Kttr a4 leemwi aa a wtoee aatmedaele betaeea tbo Cm I HRce and Mr. tm. W. Brawa'a U.. ami err ewnemnt lo all the rner ia Iowa i ahero he ia prepared la eieeMe all drarriptimei tf oaeh In ho hne of WaaiA. am the eWleai ao. tare, and In a K jU mn ixtrrmr, a reraHa 0ira. bbt aad tate. I ant lha! can be f lerae-l lo thia oe the adjmm; eere. Haete h re. reed IM lairat (mm Mr. A lira H r.L I He DtT af fttiMrlDh. arewaemaU I b-e e ' m it tht-f reient tnnmtrt, do rrriter rr flee to the coit-iuti than ry tettlnit their ftcri at once t(rlnt cai'om more honored in the breach thin iM a bar re nce.M of protrtctinp; drbatrt to n un , warrantable lenflh, cooauminf Ibe lime which ibotitd be well hutbamted for the important auhjcrta wh'u-h are waiting their tirdj moremrnti, and which claim al thia moment, their tpecial obMmhce mocbess nhriLLiiyr. ft it ttttedln tbe EdtardaTttte (Itllnoli) tpee Uuvtan ftuv trior Court. Vll. prraon hirj( hwanea In Iranaact in - ttowen mtpetW Omtet. aa imLrwud that he Court will b held on tWe rrn4 MwmJmm ia nr. cm (T. April neat. rm'f. IKM 5t'4. XFJV STORE. GEORGE W. BROWN, TlF.HPECTrt'U.T Worm hie rnemk, and 1 1 tk rMm m a" ttMt K M mmw ccirinf, from New Yeeh and Philadelphia, a caotoc antj oanOaume amoetmcnt of Dm Good lgrdtvartt lct Wh he mtetxli arilinf at B aroafl profit. tOR C.i SB aLT. Perron wiabinr to piirchaae, wiQ plee caJL ctamine, and jiMljre lor thrmaclrc. SaAaeary, A tr I ft, 875. orta. pbn-m, A H m naw m ira repreaemVd. ha (rem amttrwd bo wdl a able to mil tWa 'aMa atd faacr aay rrarflroiamr -1 ammatriMmi rd lha tmhne i . epeeinjR; ardkitej ihoac who hate herrlnftieaj eaciur7rt the Oihareiker, br fcnfM w ill rm timie their faoe ami mM who wian anLa'anlUl amlfaaiiHinahta work done, are iarhad to tiro him t'ial. IHnftolutlon. . Tho eo-prnnmrrantp berrlUee etMrine; bo lame U aumamBeei, amie tmr Anw mt Kra) . mi IcfftpletOft, at thia da d lrl tt nMitual conaent MIRTI1 F. Hr.vr.1.1, HII.Aa TEtll'I.KION, " &.. ;v ?o. inyi. K.i ikt lli Pjuiat itntinn nurlil Ia h amMutwt an u to Inaurt 1 more direct arrrcy of tho Ceti. " T , , rTT . .i -i i e ." ". . "Idaitore hate rot into circulation in that aetrtiow pic in the election of their chief Ma(rltrae t And we had hoped that the euhjrct or amend.' merit would be offered to take a Jttd orurae of leeialation in Conjrrcei but the pro. oeedinra of the Senate, a hlch were comanenced with due dtTihenttion, and proceeded in with all fairnrM and impartiality, we are afraid will brMha erted by the political empiriciero of the II j:ae of Reprctentativra. A M New Comedy, In one ad, called PunUh. mrtit before Trial or, the Heir at Law treated Oihera laethan at the law directa," in anrwerto the commttnie atinn which appeared in our lat ''teo apread the infection of counterfeiting t jot of cwintrjj aome of them ao well eiecuted, that the renerality of people ma? eerr eaailr be de ceieed by them. Now although lllirvoi m y wine in year, yet aome of her citiietu may be old in iniquity, and may hare hanurctured theae dot. Ian amonr themaeleet i but aa vine ia rather an I epidemic, thaij an endrmk, complaint, h wtnee than rwobahle that some Btember.or oieov bertjof the money-makinjr fraternity in aa adjoin. mr county in thia ttate, fimlinp; that Pantlot' oceupation'i rone" here, bare mirreted to I Hi a a not,, ana eautcr eet up ousineaa. uiere. or paper, over the tirnatttre of Prof, of Sobriety," h been received, and ihall be published in our nert. H would have appeared in thia week' paper, had tint a pi eta cf job-work, and of mat ter for the paper, rendered it eitremely incon venient to pet it in. - i amonr the inhabitant t or it may be that the peci'e ipoken of by the llliooii editor, waa coin rd at the mint of Collin It Co. ia Lincoln, and taken to IDinoia for a market, Tbe N..T. Mercantile Adeertiaer, aaya, that a Treaty ha been concluded at Waahinrtbn be twren our puvernment and that of Central In ipeakinp; of the debate in Cortpr is, America, and aijrned on the part of the latter by Bn Mr, JU uuttie a . reaoiOtlona to tmeno I ir. uana,ine Minwerrromme nepuDiic. no the , conMiiution, the Nulontir Jourbtlfjr;.' to fomc4 upon Jbe mot ii If . :.,j- r ,l- inoerai principle, ana wiu annoui oouoi oe ttva we mar judKe from the nam- n..R r . L F0Vnm.n,. ber-aFHidoioUtba candidateaJoiLihe J)oorf whenerer a ipeeker cloaca hi ob- Mrrationa, we may fairly antiripntelnal the discussion on tbit subject ia only 1ut opened, and that il will occupt (he Iouie for the next two or three week M jnf . A-barn belonginr to' Mr. Cbarle VjlIama,of Chathani county, in thii rtate, M Btruck by lijfhtning on the 2&th alt. and entirely Oonaqined I damaoe. frMOtK',-independent of a I quantity, of-ht)W al hajr'6ic.. and a. yclnae CTnage and rir, with tbe Juune, btca were in tbe barn. Within a abort time terertl peraom in Breton bae been o poisoned by eating Jiatridgrt, that their lire were despaired of for tome time ; and had not medical aid have been applied very early the most fa tal consequence must have ensued. Knoan in the Southern etatea bv tbe name of -Ifkeummtv,. or- Mountain Partridge. 1 he 'artridgeaof th Souih tut ,oI,lel . JCk. Bllbe. . -orth. ffhr JHarltfMi. . CBT.RAW MARKETS, March f. . Bkcon, 10 ; Brandv, apple 45, peach 5$; haeginK 20 to 34; huller 15 a 20; coffee, prime Rreen, 20 a S3 ; cotton 10 30 a 1 1 63 : corn acrirre SI 15 a" I 25 ; 9aXred 80 a 85 , flour f 8 lard f to 8 ; molaise 50 to 62 ; oats 50 a 80 ; liear, prime 12 to J 4, common to 1 1 ; salt, a 85 1 tallow 8 !o 10 4 teat gunpowder arid imperial I 50 to Rl 75; wheal gl a I 35 ; whiskey 40 a 43. Gazette. We quote Cotton at 10 50a 11 62a consid erable sale were made during the last week, at the?e prices Comls still in demand at l 15 a t. 25 Beef in Market, 7 a 8 eery scarce, Flour 8 to 8 50. CAMDEN PRICES, March 4. Cotton, 10 a II; torn, SI -1 13; baionVlTIW 12 J Whtaiiy , 41 l(r4$7 braiP .1 CttTd. "If R. F. RAMSAY, reapectfufly temlera hi ivj. acrvire to the inltabttanUof .Hahabury, We hare been fcroeed. by the Hon. R. M. Saunders, with a email pan pk let, containing a speech derrmed by bin in rr Houae of Repre. aentatlrca of the IT. 8. oh thf 4th oh. oo Mrr' tnd ila vicinity, in Tuninr or Itepairine PIAN McPuffie'a reaolutiona fee th BatendmeM of the OS. and may be found, during hi Hay . Conatitution, regard to tW tlrctioo of Pre: .7 "..T? A"'" VTt" . . . - . riL rr " 'I wiB. at any. Ume, atu-nd at th residence dent ml Vice Prrmdrnt if Be U, 1. The sen- hft . reoiilr hm serviced ekbee ia tltnenu of Mr. 8aunde t. a mil aubjeet, very the town or country. Warry oeeord with otira j nd we would ot &Tawry, ,rrA I UKIUL- 2t3 - williarly ptihliah the ape eel" did our limits ad- r . n i , Jl W. may make etract. from k, aVltlOn Ompanj. m jk Cneril meeting w the artocihfilnorthi wm m a. . - Xm. trom a letter irom vitninrton. puo- liahed In (he Providence Journal, we ae lectlhe following partenpht Afr. Vbrer'e Gw Thii gentle man's, claitn bat rat .hetmitt'l, probaMrv ' L f iJ I .1.? f " ! Ill not oc (.onaifjrrcu ibis session, ins Tnllorlnx. THOMAS V. CANON, TBF.tPr.CIFl'U.Y inform tbe faliKnaila) II part T the cor.om , and all aurl, at ieh to hare buaine. done in hi tite, tUt, Ami. ing the vilUge of t am-eraf a more eenlral ntiia tioo, he haa remoeed thither where ha baa a apecrmn ahop. ami bs inrreavd th mimSrr of bt workmen, ami 4 prepared to eierute work, which. in pomt of elegance and durability, il compete with any thing of the k imt la be are, Inferi country. Travcllert or others wishing tlvthee made al ahort warning, eaa be accon.avo Vud wiUtruD uit iaMlMiMrvf ' 1 . V. C. i agent fW A Hard of Ph.ladelphU. ia selling patent, and giving Instructions in cut ting according to Ward's patent protrartor aa Iran. Any pemon a Uhine to become euhcri'Me to the Philadelphia faahkone, a ill pleaar to aaljf at hia atand. 95tf ( eaeerat, CHmm ea. Am. 23d, 1128. Tmttt$ nAm lAeae preaeax $kmS Crw. 8a il knowtt,arU';Wrw Tfawst'of Pblfmlel. phi, in the atale of PmmMrfranta, bava imwwwo. ted and appointed Mr. TW r. ( a.n. of Con cord, Cabarru avxintye N. C and 6o hereby . cootiw'e( authoeiae ail-empower lha hik! . 1 ha Cannon, with full authontr to teach and sell patent rirhta to other, to war the aJoeav aakl Allt n Ward's Patent Protracter System of 7atrra. In tetttmooy whereof. I hare here. be held at the house of unto bandand aeal ihi. Hth day .Feb. ; in the town of ..H.bury, ruary.l. 99 AI.I.EN WABD,trW. compan)i will WiIKam H. Slaughter, on the Thursday of fiowan Superior Court, being tho 13th day of April neit. A. D. MURPHEY, "re", fire 7rA, 4t'4 RoWflri ttrncuTfura! Socief w friend COmoln thai hi bethionbal been TWV iK. rnnatiiulion of the aoeietv. ita aemi. treated neithe,' with c urtey nor fairness.! 1 J annual or spring meeting, takes place on In the mein time, hit aiiuatloo bat he- he kat Thursday of March, which it i the 30th - . . . 1 A.- rt ih.l mnnlh The rnrrtiiiir w ill ba hekl IB rome alatmiigiv err.narrtaeti. l oun ".' lLTi" . ."k. k .j ., a t a - .Ilia? fOUriIl'WIBrB urtvisri? B IHv ttaTea v BS nta were nt long arr, erved upon'.,'. w ,, t. M,.,itf knnA ih.. .n the Mr. Jeff- rorta affair , member who have the success of the society at heart, will punctually attend. The Farmer of Rowan, are generally invited to come forward . i !-:- : :....: .k:i. . vMnM m inn in nrrmaiun. anu loin an ifwiiiuiiun. wuitu .ai r.w T-H.r.1 i . ...... After.hr rine huMnes, of the ATSr . i u e ...ear i... : ' autwinuucuiui. Avrrni vi miwiiu-i f.i i. 1R2S. OtOJ .1 him in one aw. have reached it lame crii. tettt, took the floor, end spoke three hour, in Opposition tt the retolu lonrof Mr. NrDitflie lor the amend mentof the Capstiiutlon. lITie expec ' I ..mar 1 kw - k tationol the tpierh of Mr Lverett had filled tbe gallerbti "and while we can tav, on the one hind, tht akore flinFl univerial attention wat never ing ' and paid to a young tnkmber. oiJhi first ae- riout effort, we msv be alldVed, on the other hand, to observe, that never wes attention better comperaiated-hian on thi occasion, l aKen aa a whole, the epeecn waa aa great an effort of thekttman mind- aa we bave witnessed on thejfloor of Con rrei: and the effect whiclit produced appe'arod- to .iia. to, be : iiittfcm. and une , tUIVUbai, ro. vuiiinu, ivm ,,. Id the New-York House T Assembly, on Thursday laatr a petition Waa presen ted from Joseph B. VarnumlC. C. pam brelengr nd othets, for the ijcorporation of tbe United States Americab Compsny , for mining purposes in Sou h Ametica, with a capital of one million If dolUrl. The Lerlslature of Virginia adjourned on the JHh'imV all" a teVald Well tm. HIRAM M'ADAMS - TJ ETL'KNS his unfeigned thanes to '(RirV IV hia Mend and 01 litem era for past jiri'M faron. and solicits a continuance of their paicoua l.ce. P . .a . a ,. , He takea thit method of informing me, pui be, that he ha removed to that well known house, at the corner of Broad and York street, formerly occupied a an Inn by Welsh fc Sniitn. His houae bas undergone a tnorougn repair, where he ia now ready to accommodate an who may favor him with a ealL ' Hi rtables are well supplied with provender, and attended by careful and honest ostlera. Camtien, Jan 28, 100. 'vi-i Estate 6f Dr. J. HaR, ilcc'cl. JX -ilall.f JtewaA.etrunt.jr, decu flo to make payment without -delay, to tne"t" , r,irthr 'nvtiilvence can be riven i wniiu'l ipj iiv -- n , . . and inch person at have demands sgwmt aajd estate, are requested to present their accounts, properly authenticated, for eetttement. A the administrator wehea to mske aeuieauenv the estate, at tpeedily a possible, it is hoped all person concerned will py aw9atentioB to thia notice. Apply lo the subscriber, 9 mile north of Salisbury, on the South Ys.lk in river. JOSEPH HA1.I, Admr Srw Leather t New Fnhiont I EfiEN'EZFR IHCRSON again tender his Ba feigned thanks to those who haw patron iaed him, and begs leave lo inform them and all . others conctrnca, that he bat joat received, from v Philadelphia, a New Sutblu of Leather. and new and Sai 7Vea which will ena. ble him, by his own faithfiil attention to hia shop, and the emnlnrnv nt of the beat of workmen be ides, to make and mend every description of BOOTS eW 8II0ES, ' of aa good materials, in aa fashionable a ttykk and workmanlike manner, aa any in the United Ntatea. II ha received a sunnlv of first rat Seat-Skin from which he wi llbe able to maka' ' mot superb Gght Boots and Pump for gentle, men. ...JJe respectfidly aaki ... Vw Cuittmen It try him, Jtni OU tne If tttrk 1 him. Call at the sign of the BIG BWlTi opposite Mr. Hlaughter's houae of entertainment, MaiB street, Salisbury, N. C. - .. . -. lire. 1823. 88 V - 4 M A f-M V tAt atnn.aan. ALL perani indebted to the estate of the lata Mcehack Pinkston, sen. dec. are notified to make payment without delayi and all per. tons having claim against the estate, will pre sent them whliin the lime nreeoribed bv kw, or thia notice will be plead in par of their recovrrv. The executor sra desirous of clonog their sj. niinistratmn a soon aa poanlrie t therefore iui nerson concerned would do well to pay imme diate attention to thia notice,.. JES8K PIVKSTON, ' UPCtJ Al IT DIKiTBTflV C rrw fherlOtmSr - .J' Viale 3on 1. HoAens, THE tubacriher having quslified as admini 'trator on the eatateof the late John P. Hodrena. dec. desire all persons indebted to aakl eatate, to eqnie forwanl and make settle, oient and'U thie having claime against' aif etate,will present tliem lor settlement, proper ly authenticated, otherwise till notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Mej9l1Awa l ua0 1 W mam r. . ..Vea..21Ji$.5i .

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