, 1 1: to t 1 1 , I I f ,(,...! i 11 1 ti . 1 . i h l .!! -1 I f I' f ' " 'L, 1 t f - 1 ! 41 f 4 "f ! , J Iff V I ! t ' r t f f i f f f if lf firt( nt, 1 til li . .'f ti-. ' I - 1 If ,'.,-, . ?. I ' '-' . 1 1 t . i Uf, 1 : I.. (. 1 1 wr ( r n 1 wf.il f 'f 1- ! " i I I If 4 r .. 11 S. I U U ! It .. , - 1 1 i i4 I ,: . - i ' '. t-! t " . fwj. M ft kf ?. iL aj .'1 M I M-ii)t'lHI t -.Vr ','! ra as ntiWf - ' ItiM -a4 fJt-l M t, A t WiM N 1 Htl4 At tr f4 W a MkU4 1 t ' M I' f M f H 'g. - S, ! v. f , U n i 4 : .. Ill l 1 J tea Hi rtttifij up I'if 11 Lt.it It .1 1 ... I '! I t 1 ft d 1 (llfllll i ki rn'mrnlui i t ntairt iLcrt trf t'4 cn ! mt l I i .'' I ,! r, U it. .. 0J 1 11 f;rrn i rarur', crt mount tlofio'Ali ruifJ. (t v'tUi k Wf' ' !' h K p-e.l.l h V ' I !" -44t tie ; U a4 ik. 4 l ), r fcfUi kM L.S -ar:f lV Ml '"-". J ,a t.iu. u u iiui us Ufii k tun u " t ' ..! sr rad U i4 P"W W V Mt4 lf J J M "'S lot! t h ttty pfik I !, i t It if 4 tut Tiv t nU btM4 J"S from um I Jl girt 1 ' ! i U W Ul M itMl MJC4 t4 Cam4 N mmt U,t, H IK1 J j. Dal llfi B'f, gtotli rrnJcf I ikejr irt not J ctil mirrlcd ( nJ the fllVkMf, g IM btt mft lVrbl mig Ihiw, Ho Uru tfl iM4, I U tola, U Ml Bif. rrri Lkt 'P CrK fp- fi. ... ,j , , A J4 aat. k..ika a ' - wf;m .i II a 4, A I la-la a la nWwl It i-4 m ww .iwi m g toast. 'rr rrtvut vr tuwtM. TBS LltrrtM JLV) VUZXT. ,'t "' wifi 1 ...!!?yr- ' - ikit MM U f Sat l ! Mil M kWMBMMM ; f"' FSZTfT T Tt " v' -r-r J-JT' " . f7T::.. C03131UX1CAT10N.: aa ti WMtiat rutiiiui. k I'll AA th rulm. rtt k!i iK. oarmtha auaauf Cuta.aaJ cwoMtthcm .rieuiMo. af ta r-ui aud aata Um mWr of tba ncaclr. fbetaiipea(tttMttob.fbryaartbrihrii. !Tr?ZL ? lhm' r .'. ? ;rOTTBlSifr Aad taa pcepb f ta Cut aaidoM io aooOer, - tiiatt&be will tredoLprMlrenture our brethret tatba BuilKarMr-for k rriered (beat to tea . WaJ rwvR,iia 7. " tht CuthStr from amonf tu 10 th Und of their . uum. out 1 p?i or in aHiia mhi auto . theaw ahrt act do thi. U.inf , fi i, doinf Tt would dVpnt tu of our vefl-eanMd runt 1 , Vin t wait of our nm hevera of wood and tiller of tut fround aod or our daughtera, frr?rrjrr1,,f,,,'w' oMrruleWdonefooritisinMaiucb lery of . their charmi were brought to country cnus 4 atjhe ball and it waa , aa they he jihamtMfy entmteil the meven. jJay ijoint ""blahi "I U the besru tf the Mttl a miih after be waa married i -7- jn-our iiP1jibutif va i DroVe t) mien.- caiiimrre unroentioDibleir and daffr eye oh I not nanat -: - 7- and theywill not .betr , thea fhall we.be 'I. I a .1 . I . -lit , guinicrn, norcvrcr ncj mm, w wui invite ail -; r th nooortbw and firtuou to aet toreuier and - - eounatl our rulera for tb good of th land, evea . tL whole knd of rredonia. . . , Now it came W paa, in th &n year of th ' pretiJeneyof Joba the GootLoaih twrinhdar i .vs.-ifctt 4f the anatb month, r ibo ato&iiv 8fUAaet - that many or tha peoDi met togtmer, to com. , ' - laan of lb Biattera that moat interest the pco. tic of rreuonia. And a certun man named !ordecai,o4 up In th tnidat of the congrrea - . uon, ana octsoninn wuu uu omu, mki, " Nrn ' . in4 brethren, y know that our fathera were r-'-oppread ia th land of their anccatora, even - the country Albion 1 and when they cried to - God, he heard their roice, and appointed them another place, eren the country of Fredoma, , - gpjjg kicked man, and men of Belial, aaid " . unto tha rulera of Albion, ye do foolwhly, In .:Hi&.kthatyeacnd the men awar empty into me.wU . '"'. ; derneaa, toper'uh of wild beuia or the foreata in , v - . aitranirejand. -. But if ye will hear our roice, .. w will gtuntethe land of Cuah, and we will ; kidnap of the aona and daughter of Cuab. not a few. ' And it anaii oe ao, mat wnen we hare loJed all our aVrs," we carry the neoDle. bound hand and foot, to our brethren in the wil- "derneia, and they shall nuk ilareaof them and of their children. And .the rulera of Albion " hearkened Unto themen of Belial, and aaid unto ' them, be it according to the word. Howbeit, ; many thousand! of the captire periihed of their ' Irons, of their atnpea. and their cruel bondage. ;.;:. -Hut th reiidue of the capiivei who died no th men of Albioo brought, bound with fetter ana ciirnna, unto una tana ana our laiuers i brought of them for man-aervanta, for maid eer . tanta, for hewer of wood and drawers of water. j lltfwbeit, In. proeeaa of time, the children of i;iisn grewui muiupuea exceeuingiy, as at 2S'Jto..lW' onciencef many of th uie men oi rredonia smote tnem '"fOii account of the cruel bondage-ol th people. X. i ,of Cuhfc Andmany'of the rulers of the people . ':7iidVwe will wwh our hands of the Iniquity, of our miners, in tnai we win not oppress the son rVLXr"', of th ttrange'K neither will weny longer hold X them in bondage. But certain rulera of the :1 ; v peonta aaid, we fear, not God, neither do we re .pta man t we eat our breadln idleneaa, and we V- 'f mink our wine without fatigue 1 our anna and our ..:..,-.0aiigbters are clothed in purple and line linen, -without defiling their handa with lubort there. ' fore . the Vnshitea shall not go free. : Now ' brethren, if it aeemeth you good, we will.no longer hold the stirrups tor these wicked men to mount their horses t but we will .elect tnxvt mon - and ifiae, wHo, when tbey shsU sit ia the as - . Wxriar )'. 3 i it. ton ! dik f 4 iMlp M itk f)MMf l) itmrf 1 M UI w M.t?ffrj,OJn MAIL - TU IMewmr plc . buwof f, KmL'i Kt-Tor AlctftKtak wlMamlra Afew vraret amcriler vaicalUl - f led of D(hdrt frUmlhr to gitiog an UotoI ball at a kind of commutation - iw an oaioui ui aoouio dc impoiro. aod bj rjr tf kirplnjj in the food I grcti of the. lair.. Cootrarjr to iUj calnj!ttionftf full Tlitlat wii t1tiritfrti tn ptwttrtf cnmlht !onjf tome Touoz 1 iomt llittlt in tht tatci " m "i(b''IV othcra with a lindof peptr and tilt hair, aometHiflg likaaalif, atlliUy Lacltadarcaliaiti ting It via reioUed to rite biH.'ani Dually on 5t. ValtcHne'a dav.'a dr i .-.. it . ....... I sort ai (T-.k L. I I-. . rfi4("ronz comroiuce va ipooiotrU. ui . The ladic. 7m hen tbey heard tl a Dachelor'a bill, imiled behind their Bosea 1 Clhera declared th it aa bish time the crtiturei did trtnethirir to maka ihm. ..u . to So and .ute them iA" Of , COUOteoaDCC, Of into . mtmaDoy, ttll iK..ll vn" n,T i .nlii. f j . - J oot K wl roomi eleMntly deco- j rated J light! brilliant j tupper ample j tnd mairnibcecu --- - ---: , di werdrmed in I the m"oat . u;u 4t unn becoming it) le f their heada ornameo. ted with feathers,- bachelor a uttonit ... . . TV-k.11 r ':.k..-. ..-t.. iucuiiiw(uivu wiiuuinuuiuiuinii.'i rvrrw fwlw waa deliohtd. and thnse w ho for jreart had tntered at bachelori, whohad,tnriolfancyrmidemouthaM Vt tncmi'now ipokelotidTjr la the praiie of the tpirited undertakiog favoured them v with-their tweetcat imile end most becoming curtesy. Thia praiie proved fatal to liogle bleisedness. O, flattervjph! It , was poisoned cup, in which cupid'i arrowa nad been dip- ped it Inspired hew life In the bache- Ion they drank deep of the imoxical ting they tus wore black hone akin tl .t.:.. ;..l ' 1. J ' .1 nunc ii laiuauui, vaiucu u crc k1'! cried bravo ! ; at the -theatre threw aside their TPtei fustee; and were Ererr mcVJa man SAaktHar Another year came round another St. Valentine arrives every year rl.r'a Kail oraa nrlv 1 ici v more amenaia man ina nrai 1 ui - waa etrerv thintr that riuiumviratei . , . p :: : v - - of good cheer, Simon, Mrev Foppleton and A b by -Jones could make it. -It brooeht : out a additional number of larlie because manr'f anrlirfate werie broucht outwbtxere ,ke;in: year; llis"wnsidcftdt)rudeh to trust young ladiea under, certain ace. in a room full of bachelors. V If the ODini'TOS of the fair bad undercooe some chanire in favor of bachelors the I n.. J,n .VS. ,l, nnA i preceding year, this year they ltoodt the head of the v calendar,' and were j Conidffefl"the moat tmnted citixena and kind fellowa in the world W be f hereafter caressed, to have the stropg- i . aa.1- a a a cup ot tea. ana tne orownest piece downdilllCS WthCtr WtMrttrolet,wrTCl-2nut .y? ine.tJa'ealoukted to endure thefeaeateerewit'i: .,nn.t..1lv.mi.VU rtnfirnfl nnlii Hoffue. ridiciflnir the rood fortuoe of I out failure. He i a fin mahogany bay, th of toast to have (heir way in every Iff ' mif rti cpoa lylnf i!oo la tli, H trry lUr of ih btthtWi hSii, b t ill Ma ciuHl iK lUtti, 3 Unrdiata U4 latrt tt bf ltata, m J eA t ( morecet bfB tKr piotcrt ft throrinjelT tbcit iheet, f 14 lh btirJcM rlaei trt loujpf ir ii'kinM ucmiooi it tat Cftill they Ml itcri Oa U ippfoacKf 3i VUoUoe djr, tad ihc jxrioi fof iif .thcr bn, tht cvomlilri wcrurmvmed at tht old pUe't an J caWllinx Atcr tht nirett of tvrbtr-onlof tbt mtmUn , I the tre pnUlni iWoteci. and I ua tiquirmf br ail ifhrrtlore. wt Uarut that nrt hai a manicd : . J rtrjlaa ubich wttto pfn- thefnt cf tbt.itoftle, hat la I rn( priwu m j uuaaciinKinm b e he Ion ta trote tree roTicj hradt ob and tvet to tbt I CroadwayJ vitb coat but too d to tbt fitVr aud; und'-r tni FJudloq uc n ton fot!Ut.ixtna arjni. it.w all Dicky wiib tht aod that wtrt com- pfllci for a llrd to ipam ttnt difj wt called bottt cf thejuoo and a few ae gri, and ad a rorafcrzaatont on the I l.il.Lrf I VclL"JlrrVa .tone.. t latt-ho lid he marry r " Why lit tle Popptt Sprightly, of Prk Puce" Nof j bt la 45 aod aha 16." 1 bachelor Iro vt the younger ne wimi hia wife th be.w Who did Dick T.a. X iLn, nuv 1U1 1. fB.W.lo; Uh. Bridget LoTeUVIn cooaequrareoi ner oriuiaoi cornpiexHn at the tal. but uncovered that it waa made up if pearl powder and Mia St. Martit'a Squirt rou.n Poor fellow ! and , v ho did Col.. Thunderbolt go off with " Oh! bem4fTied 1 fat wid ow in Peatl ideet. and rot three trick i w mm houtet and aJ retail a tore,.. 41 Come, I . 1 th henirrJ and aeandalfeiiw their 1 Z W . . , . lror! ipOZOSAQil bOauy OCCiamg tnttf, fmn.rfHH.. ' there woejd U no bachelote ball this year, in : cofteaueoce of itt haviog bctrtr diacoredhar, by tbr ccTMoa there were JO.pOQ more malci la the itate than females, tod t consequently their, itock being brh, tbey would tand upon high premlms, and would notbe found courting jbe bachelort. ;V. .. I ':.:t:z 'zl , .: It goea great waybwards making j man faithful, to leibha undcrsUnd I trn him .- I 1 . .., s M - C;.-? : Gentleiess ia the eitwy to make l i mu UTtu BP. tTTl5 " " Ha makes hinseit contcmpiiDieyT I irAictMt: may peor i. . i . . books ajtney are di iatnirorc 10 uress innaetcuciL.rtwms mor a4omol ewichlbeit ouniU I 1' .' '- f ,-: -r: children Jthsut ever they can whip intq I them. Some oie had written npon a pane In the mdow of an inn on the Chester road, -xord V, wylfl(Hpain thennirerse." Mr?. Abingdon.'on on her way rent Ireland, saw the nnKnDdortand witenderit-a-t'-i ' "Thea as like aa two chjpa "Arehisaeoi end line." - Some writ for malice, pelf, and rage ! I vrita two Unci id fills page. - 4 Mil fli If tfea aWr ftwjwnlf W a4 &fm4 t 4 rirl faU. , iJ k 4 ) la I. r-4 Kllrr, U m4 W eri. h H d'lw l a vwa Urn a to ibM im pftmimt tkM m. ziv r VtAuahle VlanUUon Tltr. mMaMt AVr a mU tU kata. 1mm Ur TV ir. t. tunaerfy E4, b tW CMy af lr4n, C ir.f aa rj as! cm t c.uinj )iKwf w rw arnt. af m pod eqwSi? m y, withowl etteo Uo to tU ttr4cMr. TVrtM an M. a rd 4 I6f4owa aad tuhcat a Urp aew tMm, wUa atMf wwwo bu.Ui'fi. TVt prkMf wmjt baft a reMJ er4.t by pf r?medabtrUoauetbt peat. W ta a4 oWavd afy to ft y fuhe erlfXkMof labad,Mt awrcbae wwki.wa doubt, wba Mtbwk bcfur bwt Uff. T fur IW atkuUra, ari(ily u IM abrnbr. at tht M4Ar at WiiiUf'a aUX UacoU touaty, K. CaroUia. - ' JOfLf WlLftWO. Sm. - - -0 rt at iaTgans . f pit E wbtrribaf frw ami hi Bm mm4 I M lUlc-i(V, rithrt wHh or without hit ItodtW and at art HooMhoU ramttare, aad waa we without an air ilowat emKi' rrr a traeta of 14 the whult aouiitiff to ba twta 1 S09 aad 2M acre, adjoininff tbt towa buid wf iuu-tia! or any rt laarwof, to auk Mrcbwwn. . - Tb Wadi m Owtra. lAowa by the aavt af tle want IIonm trrt. aad i adintaiof ( la lhawhoto about IXOam Abo. wJoterr ha trrrrml waf tracts 3 jainff Ua furater. A mat aumbrr of ohrrtrcU t4 kd.kkf la difmiH puta ot tb aoaot of ImkO. AH tha rtmiadcr cf aiy iwfroe.27 rn miihe JC WiB b iwiirrd fr tha whole ! or th !tegToe ail tha o Tver prrpcrtj wUfbadupo. Kfof al an, two, and thrca it trt evdit. It fa dreraed warkn to doenba tba prBi1y man MrtkuUHr, at tba parchaom aid ka It f'icw it before tbey bay. tl off IJ, 1S4J. uuuur nuuib THIS FINE YOUNO MORSE ; . TtSCEXDtn frota .the JU np JnofHt4 rtoe k Of llorte erer bred m FjirUitd and America, will eland th enwtmg nim at my stable, in Bowaa County, ten miles North Eat from Palifbury,- rvntrr aWkra tha aeaaoo, payable by Wxfcm Man if paid Within the arsaon 1 fins Mferf (caah) tha single lesp and lAry dVkrt to insure a tir s b with prorided the property of in mare la not changed but o liahi&iy for accident tan re admitted. ' . a . ' Alfnavt will be Rr yer old neirt apnng ls eraatly Improred sine tha bat acaaon. in sise. rramleiir. svmmetrr and eleranee. bcirr now siatean hamia high, KmaikaLly bcary ,made. and yet ao comtmeied. to aUibit the nnrtt, action, lib constitution la not" Onlr" sound, hut j, ... -' w derrned by therrestest ;Judrei on the suhject, and free from an oferoiab or imnerfection. ' Aeronaut was gotten by the celebrated Im. ported - hort Eagle I bis dam by the imported none Dion. grarHhvn by Ksprctaiiori, one of the best son or tu imported none UtorocdC, out of a Medley mart, See. r.j peel ton tn the farorit hone of his day in North-Caronna, bar. inr beaten Rubicon, Molhr Long-legs, fcc. 1 he celebrated hone Eclipse and Highflyer, of Enr. knd, were both hia eTeat-grandaires 1 and the famoua llora lying Childera, considered the fleetest hore ever known in England, or per- a . sa .a - naps in tne worm, was to granaaire 01 ixiipse. Aeronaut will be shown at the terms of the Suneror. Court, in. Salisbury. Stateatfille. and Lexington t wnere renuemen aisporeq 10 new him. can -decide for themsclrea whether he ii not th finest young hone-ever produced la th i it-. IU will ha found reirularir at nit station, except when taken to be shown at pub fid places. Ilia pedigree and reputation, will be further illustrated in ftanubiua, at in com. mencement of the aeawn. - 89 ..i-ra.23, 1826. ROBERT MOOKE,; , QOOt TTT1LL be ttven for- the apprehemion and f f delivery to the aubacriber, of JOSEPH - k m .a MEJlZJILt E, whobroK and escaped from jne jail of Rutherfbnl -county, on the night of the ...... . tf . . Z . tattt' msti "joaepn aieicaiio ia aooui years old. fire feet nine ot teh Inches high, tolerably well made, dark complexion, dark curling hair, whichJnclineato friszle, and is rather thin 1 when excited, or when kughing, which it frequent and. bud, In mouth iadrawn-to tba iide of ha Jace,., (the leftside, a well as reooiiecUdn b U fop. pish, tatn, and nwttui rpeae qutca general, lyf and he'-jfeed,;wvniwia. that ome words are scarcely mteiliinuiei iia rather a down look -The phrases, I speak of-it.f .'and f rcry clear of iv" are current with him. He sometimes drinka to excess, playa cards, and curses TiTOfusely.-- He -waa -committed a charge of hating stolen a large sum of money 1 of which, as "well at several petty thefts aince discovered, no doubt remains of hia guilt. - The above reward will be given to any per. ton who"w1ll apprehend and confine the above delinquent in any jail ao that I get him again t and all reaioonable expenses paid, if delivered to me in Rutherfordton. - ' ' : - s ' G. D1CKERS0N, Jailer. . Bithtfmi.mt FeA'y l&A, 1S25. , 5t0i.', . 'f:.-r Notice.' v 4 IX fw4 llb(f ) to tha im tf w"m tt ix. Atm, a toiJ u (mh aWvtd 4 iMkt MitlfNM4 aka !, a Uw Vm4 m mm iWlr bU Wttf li B 110 WML llotuti to IVtnU THE WJWtotUtweS44W kuhr accuoUd by afr. Ctorr f-,il and ImH bf AkaMdVf rrabock, eW4 J rw m rrwi. p7, aa pi7, t g$ AUltD MiCAT. ViStaU ot ."Wtx. Long, dttl riIE aicrtr Mlf oWJUd at tatt. X tor wf the U4 will of Akaaadr I.. kta of Jtovaa eaunt, dwd. at tba eawt f LWaa and ejoarier arMowa foe tba aC4 tj, til aa taa third MUj af Kwreabrr aouca w arrta-r itrra, uut an mimm u.j, ui wui .gum vmm m mw, arw rww4 Lj pmewt tkna for aaraaewt, wtthia lb tun ara. acribd be kw. ikUll U lilXCL tJr, Atlitni. . - 4J ; - SLTEIUU Court of few, October W HIS I tUbeccaOak.. J.avs Owt, pcUtloa for -at . It afytaevy ! lW oio of th Court, that tht drfendant ia O caaa, Jaaaaa Ckka, k aa aa kbaLkant af k. Hate, h la ordered, that publication b mad fa, threa aaovth la th Westrra Carvtuik aa Ulkboroiga Beaordcr. that aa aa and apaasr be for Vi boaortb Jorff of tha pMVw Court of Law, to b hcU fur Guilford coumr, 1 tha tova of leeaabonMigri, oa tb fourth Mo. diy after the fourth Honday of March next, to anacr r pkad ta thta petition, or jpwat w ill b taken pro eonfeaao agtiast bias, aad set down" for nearinf eTTartt. - Tro Cony 1 UIO. CALDWELL, t. it, Pr'ieaadr'rRa. " 3flJ Aea JNW-4 CmXiU. irtU! tmlj , "V ' COURT of plea and qnartef aesaione rtraber term, ISIS, John Stewart t. n heir at Law of Willkra Stewart, dee'di icW facia, to shew causa why thkmIlofthedre,i should not be sold, to aaUafy the plaiirtifTl Beat tt appearing to the aaiWactio) of th enqrL that kham Urae and bi wif Mat ikk defendaota in tlii av'rt, are not labnbttan f Ibis SUU, It k UrXur TiLMd,Ahat nablica. tioa be mad for three anonth m the Wetter CaroTinvin, that ankm th defendants appear at tha next term of thia court, to be held at th court-house in StaterrlUe, oa th third Monday m a m. -a - tt a . . ' of rcoruary aii,iDf court wai procted to KUe mtat, MWlhem.eTparte. - - - , r Tcft f R j-Hojrrojf, rr. - rrictadr.gl ' " . . SratWI StmM Vtaas-sffaa, frtJtll rminrr . COl H T ofEqiilly 1 Jnpb Brars asd Juaea Kerr. 1. Alfred 0. Kerr and William ktm original bill, for th nmnytnct of knd, 1tsp pearing JOw the. ttlic lion ,irf the courts that VTillism fverr, wnn rf th leendsnta in tha) causeriirca beyond the limits of Ibis stnte, il ia therefore ordered, by the court;-Jhat ublrk., L. 1 t. - t' .L - I ii'TU 0 fiwuv weoai rntrwrif n inr Western Carolinian, that unless he the aJt William Kerr appear at our next court to a held for the county of Imlelt, at the court-bout in Statenille, on tha fifth Monday after tje fourth Monday in March next, then andther to plead, amwer, or demur, othenrnw jwlg me nt will h taken, pro" eonfeaso, ss to him, aa th case heard es-prrre." r""-- " 6tqa , JOUA N. HART, e, . e. . StntttfJwcfh-CwKHtttlrrdtUnuHtft tnt'UT - nl... m.A V. ...... a.!. Vm I term. 1825: Moses usdc . Btimil Barken original attachment, returned leviedon land. It appearing to the satisfaction of the court. that the defendant, Burwell Barker,! w an Inhabitant of thh itate, it I therefore ordered that publication be made for three months is the Western Carolinian, that tmlew the defend ant appear at the next term of this court, to be held at the onrt-house in SUtmUle. mt third Monday bf February next, and replevy the property levied on, and plead, the plmntiff sill be heard ex parte and hare judgment pro wn- featv-s; iTeati.U. SIMONTON, Clk. Price adr. g 1 ;' .. ;. 3mt05; Slate tf Xtrth. CanUtuu S;het ctnnt 1 aTtOURT of Plea and Quarter neaawnvTk I XJ " term." imSiT Johii Webo7"trTiliniKi'i Beazlv r original ittachaient. returned levied ot twp thousand fohr hundred and aercntr-eifht aerea of land, in difTerenttracta.' In-this eaaf. it is ordered br the court, that publication be made for six -weeks in the Western Caroliniaiy lhaf linria ih AiTnAant tfrnn il th W court of Mea and Quarter Session, to b helA fur the County of Stokes, at the eourf-houie a Germanton. on thaSnd Monday of atarch Jielt, replevy th property kvkd ,0a, jMLDlf? r pkintiiTa ill b beard ex parte, and hart wentTrfertd In his faror. pro e State 9 JSh-Cmli(hWS!erx . COt'RT of Pleaa and Quarter Sessions, J term, 1826i John B: k F. Martin'w. Mo te Gibson and D'iaon Gibson 1 attachment levied on knd. - Ordered by the court, that publica tion be mad in the Wcatem Carojinian for weeks, that unless tJie defendants appear at tba next county ourU43 be held fo the county Montgomery, at the court house In Lawrence rille, on the first Monday In April next, rcplr or pleail judgment will be" entered .foe .tht amount of the plaintilTa demand, and a decree of condemnation made. . -.y - ,- 6tw8 . , ,, Teat; J. U, MA'RTINi CUv v r, , V .. " .. ; j f j.-. .- TZ j

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