! Mr t s ' ? ' ;rt It I . I ' r t f ft f f J it .lll'.'t !;:. ;:v. li. -J !' tr.vrrr nun rnn'r, v.ui!. r ks ..'4-"t J1..! It !.' fiM r.r 1 t a U lV U'.i i k l-" At it trt Ml tUW-; bm i t UW.g trt Wt J frV.. U tlaatety t UJk rv. U Lira i aa. l"Wnl, Md. ' tnrn .. a L1 m wit nptw a4 'Ji1l tH rww ea4 ewaawtealiw .. " : Hi Vm Unumd - k tiaa van res witwae riMfi wnrr inr: or rnr rMtsvrr. o twamy y,r' k ftjrf f eml yr'r. T a3 pif approach w !-w H tepfst fee mJ , A nd tV dB kiWrnal Vmm, , , I tk aUJf apfW wn " T ere4 la itt'i two. ' V rCl 'he Vffdare Wf Utk hegl-e ta ehine I Z filfm 4 - I"1 adowi, O pVa-eS w'r?h WtM k"g. F rted rWa tYM atom, r Mping .W the Iptwf approaches teal aa ' f, ,rV ket a-Jeml" - " A CU1WC8 iPtTAFK. ; m U ll tlMtfdl Jrd Tfc . 'r . yuUiUiri . -: - rTJLUMUS t'VMR'FOR LOTU (Via Of rop rbw ' -- T1B Juit uiKJcmf th, M cricket b rt, , Tti.. mtr kia fcrad !H tbe.aekrt r, - . imt .mter 0f cf I WeU KUIt " ".TlT,t kkk down. Ut him t.k. Lr , : -.3 Lririlltk wrkW tie etrlng; : Atieauty.wbfncdfane'dbare, ... , " tnott hr kwer cm enrtre t But wina tha rare advance It p!eM mow, wow old it tTQ. MISCELLANEOUS. Never ahall i to. gtlfclJg0 noroanu) tut wit"" ttT " . - - immediately iobaequent , to her firat parturiiion,-th effuaioo of aoul with which We met each other after all dao ' ter . leeroed to have auhaidedg the - rr K antmitcd U8. ifttreaaed at it waa by Ideaa of peril end aufier. : !r :.Li.ntl her infant to her husband, or the compTacentjf wltft which we reael to eacn mner - jy . otnm6i aentiroent of meltiog tender sea and iovioUbie aUachmf PlX; I !,'. ? loltaultJDOV " ltparttVolrff;bfHhria:ia ' ahrine lb which our ! vmphiea and ... i:f. u... Kfn nnnred tOKctner. lie vui i . 1 . , 1 1 Vcr tu be aepirated; 1 otharl vera teetify thetr rngagemeota by preaerta ard tokena we rrcora "nu i.r-.-. attachmeit in thia pretioua creature, a . m atnmn imr creature of thst aptcka .whien it more admirable ' th-O MW-iW .fi" venra hh w .," waiur ucj)- titkor pi artf fclCf ?r!l2r and love, of aentiment nd fancv t l tjiiidom and virtue. i hiacrearr a.,Ao atand in need of an bid we ahall delight to afford, will require mr inrditatina and exerticnato forward Its improvement and corfirm its. m-rit and its worth. We ahatl'rach CLlfnd ournertiona for thar. purpose, :. and our union, confirmed by this com- mon ohject o our labour ai jl ff-ctit n, evry day become-more acred and indissoluMe, And jhia, thr rre- It . f iff -I I- . ... . ! . . M . iu:r lurtiinJcnncrpinniMl mm vj ' ...1.. tAl.tlV It . r.. ...k .tir. It dot I Cot irpir.tc ordi l ' I'" V .r .!.. Kith i ttfnf new lv II ID !' " m L. iifi K pff I tn nfOai la Its hr.tth, lu tlour. trrtjph tnd l fcuUUt, prU1pHy from iH Wei of tHt grtulkaoa ihcjr will commuBkitt lo ihi other. Vm It tot f r iMi Wei, were It pM thi clekiart thitJ U wuuiil, the voulfl bt itrlptcd of Ut it would of CwBpruTr,7 Mh, 04 it 17 ind imne. lief, t7 Vt nwW, kwt nrvr tt toon, bt U U W Gxmtfj 4vs - Wl wtHr look epy l j"7 IU m!ki. kt In w1 kfk word 1 If vm, U Wk m4 kW ticfi irt Uwd 1 At vkk A rtH lw k EI And. chrtk t etft k, ht hr Nr u kL t L..I iLa LcAllntt kb keaft. . ..... . -; ' a - r 1 do loe Bowml They ire the tr'crt potrf of oitore t . read 00 k,if. .u.lnr leifti eve nr ivnpattiV if the ham in hetrt." The ntim f tK ..inn tut htre be en their inter pretmf tad oore beiurlful langu;? litter fouod' trtotUtioA ! How, tie the tilet which the mode it fiolet and the tiotlei lily tell to the ool! Where la the heart dead ai not to rtd volumci of feeliog lo the bell of the apt ing crocua, and oo the more beautiful boeora oi me aummer ri.eaf- I never loved Angela, uail I iaw her gathering Bowera, aoa tmuing at their beauty, e 4ht ahook the dewy tnoiature from their gliatenmg leavea; It waa earl lo the morning t and al though the'iun had not yet won all h warmth, it at le-at boaated of an iu brithtoeiii and the flaxen treaaea o( Angela tKk a gomen giero, hik r-Wnfr4irrrT.ra kiiaed themrtbey undufaUdliktlhe IpSfklinrwavea of a rivubt. when the bright lumioary amilca upon itt wtteri f o nt it w-t aa.tr arraaaa.-;:;;: ; ft 1. In tVif rrccollcction of Pr aon now lit iny, that a mao announced hia intention , of performing on we ta, the wonderful ; undertaking of making a thoe in a minute, complete In all ita parte- I M tneaircwi irwna; A tn tntfru at inn t but who can deitribe the mirtKted raie and wonde; w.hwa lnnead "m i itcrtinnaOTpcroe dia- accted in the regular way, the Cooie. rian Profeaaor produced hia leather in iu- .V.nii huou and. holdioir it up to their aitooiahedeyea, addressed the audience Ithui :!! Ldie !, n"'' men, thiayou pcrteive ia a boot but now (aaidhe, cuttiogt ff the top, and making two alita for the latcheta)--you itritiair hovrVTod,lf alw aya accompaniea exanea mcrii, nni nrmit him to wait for the ptaudita of hit bearertiriejiad already tftA nrofita of the riieht. and thathe-had-uIlT inir them a very useful leaaon f he wish- cd tnem a goa mgnr, mu wbiuvu. Two aailott (one Irish the" other English,) agreed mipn.cally;to take care of each other in case t euher be ing wounded in an action then about to cummrifcf .v It was not lor.g before the tannnu ball f aDc.oa calling I'), pdy ...... j'"!'.':;"1. . Jt. to carry mm tome gwiui.vi.uiMiinj ,T (.( I'..'. tf i.'i to their agreement, the other very tea-1 the character tf-a-einncr- with great ... . .i! .a j v.... k.J nilr... ..J J....I.M nt rnnf li fieri Tv (lily CMWplira "ui nc i bv-ivv jv hi wounded companion on his back, When a second ball struck off hia head. Paddy, who,. through the noise and disturbance, common in a aea engage ment, bad not perceived his friend a last, misfortune continued to make' the best of his way to the aurgeon. An officer observing him with a headless trunk' upon his shoulders, asked where ho wa goingi "To iho J?octor 11 i'it ! U f .: ri.kt J L'Ar tl.! it it f rf '.f Si 1 MIMM Hiw rj;i,iile Araetkn Fr. Jitve tra pionedby eitmj laurel rr t. tffttk till ITrct rtJf Curt. The do iiooeetj fir iheep, or tnw far mtj. 1 htr C M amio Uurtd ty,iVi! breiVlnj the hell and iTippituHi folk ad touch f f J B Mr iUALtUGE I'M Milt A, -more lueamary-i 01 repairing tKt bftachet ai We4 Jut week, laltw York. A yW d ptiy tVi, ool of er If Jian age, reidil ft' the e!hborhoad of Vew Y.rk, rr alted the ddrteiof yoo tw it mtiif liittv tninnA. the cooie queocea of which could ni be cooce-l- ,d. I ha out n. wratritr nc nu builotae ! the city, or repirtd here to tVOta lltC IUJ&JifBl vi mnvnviim ftttdlaDHed eootmt U rot Innwa. but here le errierd, tod after bit) the aged led etragtd father, with the tloald awl deceived daughter. The young maa wit rreated a'.dt opoa t lull cooata rrtiM of the cae. aimd forthwith to m kt the orJy aeaead lo hl power, by tnwrrlage; A lattice of the peaet wti mt lor, inrJ M JWM M on. Oa oae chair eat the weeptog tlH. her ht td retlint like broke li ft. w- y rr -ofrndmr yrjitb. alao in tc tcira. hile th tturri fahrr merd the room, trap ping bit oaks ttaff, with UK. frd bmwt.rrnrdtef. oeeaatonaur. the aloful btjr. The bght gle-roioe thmuiin tot prtaoa curt, cia sot tera to eolivtQ Jthr Keoe. The "ptrtie itid tin and made the otail Ttpon- rt, rtceivcj the marriage trrtifieate, cahracedJach other,. and0jtiikjhe Aiinud Ither. left the priaoo. ma honet wrdled couple. , A large par. ..t i.kinp kM nrfirnt in wit l Be. the ettenxy, od who ace Ipaolrd the'kooag couple aa far a tha r :- ' v , i. n. ii. tiimkey weUW permit, ama i j ' . j' tourjM ' Ta wtl amU ihla ffiio; vllhf the appearaocof treat pertpnal activity i Ma face la. well furmedbut furrowed with f.titue and anxiet)v. The re of hia quick black eye it very remarka ble! He weirs large rautachlo, nd hia hair la'dayraad curling. .Alter many opportonitiee of acting biro, I may-aayihat Li-Crrt metjwith ajice which gate me a tnorcexjet idea ofa mkn.- Boldnearebterpriae,ctivity, prmid Irripaieace, and a-praevering and determined Ipirit, are plainly mtr. ked'Uporj tia countenance," 'and ex- preiica oy eyerv iwiuuu wi ui. )tTFJIfPf If DC. v . . at. P.i.nLi Yau hate been mlun formed - to Iff. .having an Infallible remedf for ciatemper to doga. 1 1 have .: L. mrlitiii tntner.l. tat thrr o. ' frams eaenvew rt othe 3t, which you have no doubt seen fcu beea highly recommended, and have had dogtt cured by it If taken In the early aage of te diaeaae. f rom my ea tvirlnip I h-lbvA tho onle thintf necca aarf td keep the diateroper off, la to keep tbe aalmara bowela open. o -cucci Ikta. md .AA. .a t h rilitemoer shews it- S la 1 apaa awn w --w . elf lnthe ;eyev avaa tablepoonftil f aweet eal everv day or two, as uu? uc re qilredPl believe it ia teknowledged that cotlteieaa; alone occasions the diitem- rtm. ' ! RfMr.tfullv. W'. B. S. ' vAaiisae - t r---;- sjmericai Farmfr. i TP. S.--AnothereentleV"n ascribes the distemper to the doga putting their ' P-.. mtkr9 Fnrrf mhandthiWl old and liberal sportsman, in the Kentlemanl sense of tha word, we hav the following Item- " I-haae never iM.adog of any kind by the' diitrmfter e by going mad owing,-as I hara thougrf o m? keeping for the doga conatan use, a trough ol titan water, In whirhiaa placed thred or four rolls of bripistaue. ..vvi-.wvrtuz hraFtpjii,fifcifiivJw4ii'sfitiilfcf-p: j .aaaasaaBaatwWftn. wtatW3.w.ntrDa-u : -musjij-bi. I AipopuTar ieacher, in; one of ;our city cnurcnesj was iaiy "tiwuug iuii c auu viiivuv, - - laskior is thet such a character? A person rose frlm r'Ria"peV and ad dressint'hitnsef to the minister, said emphatically I am that man, The kffair k oo the tapis," ur from the fcne - lish House of Peers, where r - . . . .tne taotei ued to be, id probably still is, cover cd .with a carpet , C " : ' . fir k. ttn-tt, Wm fe.i.-t ttrrr.att a air. :."'; t ,mi, ,4HnitHlfrfti!..lfc' ,U, tl U I Wi. ff' jr k t.tt a4 U, " 'M,41 ut tie ti'f !U4f.ha, ewj'.U4 I7 PvlM4. 1 kt pinjCl U ihf pM Uo hf UOfi aiflM WBiiwi-- aMt m.miIU wotk ioM, aa t'u4 ta . .a ..A j I! TAUrAntlnt ml TtmpWU. - tk- 4r ' t.Tf W ' . uiuny v mvril. rr .nnt ni 1 1 " " ' HIM' lllrWiH'fli MJUinVT. IlFAXLLt TaUot. Tl UPtCTTCLLT . k ctTlao af 1 i, airUrv ft.t t.iijr. M w prpT . Tni7oHnr. U ika -mmI Mf. MMkW d dankW tW, and al kt ruat U kutiww k Mm frrt, w jr mM); fir4l kf ftmfm. UkaUI3taitMikMertk KwkrrwW a4 -Mk-awiiaaia Jeaaatita raV fuJ. rratf fiUa ika-lMrf MtM nc kw tPPfmrtKC a-MT k. wd W Uxjf ktt m( Tel. aot ;B ke, any rra- r Id iikdrv tktifwCf frwa mv V4mc Uf k prompir; wtr44 taw'. pmyi m.k kr In pjmtnl Ik work. " ajAvi.n.ltak THOMAS: v.: CANON, RtHFrxtrnxr inKiaa rk uiwMt c th coMOMMty. and ail auck aa Wk l Haw kvainra dm ia kk knc.lHat, f mf. fftf tke 1flf f afWa aaora r4rti akiia. tim, kt kaa nmxtitd ihitkcri akcre ha kaa a anaetavaftoiKaiMlkMiHert aieaiB iwraocrRi Iim wrkma. and ia preparrd ta etwart t work, kick, in point of aVranec and ddrakiliijr, i!t aoaaptta viik any tkit of Um kiod l k ma la thm cvvntry. 'TrarttWra or Hrs ir lnf Oatfd wita riH anit m jo noHr. : T. T. C W are at for A. A'd of FTilVWlpMi, haetknf pairniv and prinn Ntatrvetinnatoeut. titf aanakiif ! Wanl'a ft pAnei a . . ii . ii t din, tn ti.riMM. MitiTrihrr ta Um PknadclpIOa &-bkrik kUl plfn te call ai R4 muma. - -- r Tl aiJ H WAmi fan prnnti tAalfaaw.'"- &a U known, that ! Tont of PhilaJeC Tori of Pbillucl pkla. In tha ata'eof reafwltaiila,fcara npmlr.!"'.. jn- jpb MctcaHe il about 2! tied and appointrd Mr. TW. f. Caawi, of Con-j eord, t'abarnia eninty, N.C. ami do hrrrbr i conatiu e, authoriM and "emnoa e, Uk" aid4 Tkoa. T." Cinnon, vbk full authority to tenth : and kJI pa'ent rr' bet, to "itr tha afor. said AUn Ward' Patent P retract er Syf n enjaact m ka4iai4 aral, ihi WUUaJ" rb..t, flj;"VfieOte1ted, meh at baf awnr rtta7. 1 w,99. ; AtLBV WARD. aarcelr liteliiiriblet kaa htW r; iwBBBBiiiBiii9MRKBB&iWBR,MW&w,tt&0,rti ' If " a l" . . . a. a a k - M La at --A EB, . j ? "Jf ! i hi. frisked ithnnka to tho- who har, patron. lird him, and b ft Irate to Iiif rnn them and all nd btea k-ats to Infirm them and sH others eoncerned, that he bujuiitrtcitd,froin Philadelphia, a . V. - ; .. - - nd mv rfitft and Btrrf i which will en a. bu Rum wy Ma own wwiw atteftrtnw to an anw .n1 th ..inliit m. nt of the lift of workman tidet, to make and mend etm drarripiion of 'v": BOOTS and. 8UUC8, ; -of aa rtxxl materiala, in ai fahioble a' style, and workmanlike manner, a any in the United fttatea. He hat received e upply of firat rate Heat-Ski t from which he will be able to make moat anperb light Boots and Pumps for gentle men. H reapectf db aiks - 4 - 'JVVw CiwaMM If AVm, i Call st thf alrn cf the C 00r, oppoaite rrjp la'tirhter' houae of enlertainment, Main street, Safisbury, N. C. M . . - .1 Jj aiBivvw wa .. . vm . ... etUteof the late thi. notiea will be plead in bar of their recovery. The executor, adeahoneof closing their ad. -. . .--Li z. -i. . kf.fc.-.M minWraUbnMammaspbMiMeVt peraon. enncerned wonld do well to pay imme- diate attention frhil notice,' JF.8'K PINKSTON. SI E? HACK PINKSTON, ) Lf)r:,.,'0.f825.- -91 EaUite ftf JtWP. ttoAg n. Ff 1IIR aubacribcr hating qntlifierl aa admini X trator on the eatate of the late John I'. HodeetiHi dec. deirr. all persons indebted to nid eilate, to'conie forward and fnake Settle, ment and nil thoaa f having claims againat isid ettate, will present them for aettlement, proper, ly ftuthe nticated, otheraiae this, notice will be plead ta bar of their recovery. ..,",, aiEStlAUaV JrlIHiS I VP, .flMT.r Jvaw.31.183S.- 92 s l TiOK iale. s first rate. new Philadelphia made I St r ' ff.aM... tna Inn .kh a nn! ;' 7v to me sunacrioer, in u ui;n ier -' . ' - ' '. tC5. m ...... . . .t. . i a. umiirnH. n in nrnin nrn cnir i uiig kiw a LL, rtemme imitoicu a on. haring claim, agamat tte irtate, wiH pre. tM"en f "rSi r.J, Ilthin thV,m nreamhedbvlaw. or P.e. I CXpectthat he hat aimed fof Tenw : it ' 1 t ! )' ' f J l J 1 v '. 1 ! - ' f 14 t ' ! . U Kwt t t H, I rv, r. it f, a4 arJ ay UJ" t rv. j pty,"l Lit? i'Mi C'iU ru'cv .t M tWt li ljr f .aVr, lei 1tf, Wt kUt umia Ik kft t unaatwl' -luitH a. Ciurrtt. - fit THE FINK TOUNO IIOILSU Mat rjd iu-ci af and Aftwrka. wi3atai rka cnaur ! nr t.a tw.k hmn Ka r"""r7 'r lk atav pa1 T ",? rvk wkkUlk ror laaaWrt(eafc) lha aiflf W krpiaad iA-ty aVSt t lra a t la .,!.! iK. bff1eU fna U Mi ei.arrL-M W4ity W acUci I . . . 1 .... . . m. ,awW will kw l rtara art apn-f 1 4 fnaily laxrtd aie k In . ftandwr, aywuMrtry tU-f, b'r Ltirrw k-n-U k V rrkbH k ar aOa, aadlrt aa ei4riet4 aataaatnM tha ft ctUia, UW aitiiffla km .w'jr a-xi'vl Iwt, of tka aaaal keaHa tlffrt and ' W t p,A f:kfVTnrw a" l aiJj kar, iW WW '7 . - - jwdvt m tk aub)tet,artd frra frww sil kWMi atd kom ff't kWdamby tSa mprtl kara Dki rramlam k f-lHCtaiion, 044 af Uw beat atma of tka iwrtnrled kotat l)o9xdf4 onto a Medic wtarr. Cipw nf Ik Hubkn. Lottf-kr ke. ike ul Iwvb kia rrrlwrrmfKlirt i at tt fjmoua Hotae Fini CkiUWra. oorrrd karn ia tka wH.va tha graadorf of Itl.pm . . win h .hna ai iba tcrwia of i!a m,iwtam w - Uttnctoe Coorta l 8anbiry, fateti!k. and lilnrtoai wnrrv rtnuemcn cuipou -nt kK caa dretda far tbaelea wkrtber ke It wot tl 1m ytmajc km aw rdud kj IbU ataii-. fla will be fownd flrr at k atati,erftt wkew taken H k ahvrw at puk. ke pJacea. etia pema and rrputaiwn, wS b fartlier inrtraed In bandbtUi, at tha cow ntnctavnt of tka aeav - - W - n. n, is. ,t ; BOBcrr yooag. IITIIX. ke fire for nt apprrban-ow a4 W E " . i - a. . JP In ft in aw at- A. r..mm i. ,hA ankaeribrr. of JOSLPt METCALFE, whobroka and ecaped from t!e l.M n...l. tntr. act- lba airbt 4 at D8 oH fire rft nine or ten Inehea high, totrbh gpjjw,, a.rk eartiir hi fc (ntt to friixle, and rather thin wbra tv.& or when Uugbirf, whWilifrttraeit awl j, dnn le tW akk of hia fcet , CH u reep'teeted ) he 1 f yrtn aometimea drink J, h K,ni drinks to exc, "plays earda, if K.jni .i.. u, t sura of monef i .fiib.iv. Ha wa eommmea am a wVieh, aa wril aa aeveral petty thefta ainca Idlaeovared, no doubt ewwalna tWa gwilt. ' V - I n,A .Kjtvaa PwtrA rill hA rtTf II til flftT IHr I a wi - w - - ra a t ton who will SDD'chend and confine the abota ""TTJiflemimientin tnyaw iat I gH hn' pr he? j and, all reasonable expenaes paid, If dclirered to me in Rutberfordton. - . -. 0. DinKERSO.V,iif.' PtSortfn. Frh'r IfifA, 1826. 3(04 - VUtN BoWaTft Herald, i R ANA WAY from the mbacribef, ' on' the . nlvkt T -th-fltk H.rnf Nnreniber IvaV kin - man aVttAss. Viw t Vl A Mma AF RlLlm ared-bout 4iu yean, M near shout t f(t hign.ijio particular maris recoiiecteai n afvl k..ai aa J-.ltnane Amrt1f inn t . auulftfl ttftK. thfi 'foreteeth Tathee indiwed to- bw black, occaaom. M " '"flr tobacco i - has a very bruea Ma i'cfy impolite. Abrupt manner f very awn vh i - . . I il" r.i. Aifl .iiU. tnn ti.la iMrA n.lP rT 111 On ' . ! . T . 7 7 CnTniJ' tSlJZ Stained a free p, frora km pi J nraona. and tntenda Baaaine a k free BJWi Jove wwifhe.totat. iniett-nna flonfinad In am -jail, an that kjfcv mm strain. . isuiumiah u.a.. .Vmr?mery etwnfy, A. C, . - . j u - rilllR aubacribcr Having nnaiiiiea a-eaa-- late of Rowsn eountyr4ec"d.-at the urt of iaoj trio Ida, will nf Air.iaiuier ivk.. plea, and quarter seasions lor .tne saia co"vl held on the third Monday of November bwtr nntW ia herebv tiven.' that ill Persona' having demands' against the aaid eatate, are required ta preaent them for payment, within the time pre acribwl by law. - . JAMES I. LONG, Kr. ; Pee. 24, 1834. 43 A LL persons Indebted to the firm of rwn, sre invited to come forward ana make lettlement withNthem. aa they wieh dose their books. V W'EST At BP w w " SaUtiurj.JM's 12,183 '

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