Vol. Yi .no. f t'.t i ' : t a i U t ii r i r 'f i li f w t , ' ... , ; i : , i-j r i.n It !, : i t.f A; In: :. f I i t '.Uf3, l t t I 4 1 !. xrrrrrr f .' ti 1 1. -jhh 1 f ', C ':r f -f ,t aJ ii ' .! t'irk, ttij ' i tftitftf . , I. '.-, bf. lbJ-iK4 lfl buB liiti 14 IsrStli fof f ,?" kMjUftf iJUril fof eoaifxr.u'k la ik ftiftw,. r.tr la !J i mm b4'4 ttlara, la foil u t1 for com pen act tf l' 4 ' j t "t ;,t:! ,j t . . i . ,. . i . 4 11. . . , i . I . ,, iAl !!. (Wt-.t! !lUt. f'tMlU ti liaMaJ tH lift 'ffj ti r.l .tf n, r,t lititcrti tf I l!ifUVt llrU tfc'r L ' . 'lixfiiitiV t.f Arrt1. ta.A tktAiith ! I lint Ol i IWnKt tJ till Cci M IVo -I (Joi!ft I fc fftMU to lk (jm I ti lk iMalf rtt 1'ctnurr. m liM J!,krtj4lfrtt if lit UUitJ glt$ f fcJft4 do5fift fof Com?B!J 10tk (cWt Id It OftJntfKt CiiSc t, 4f Kl Tiff Uofi llt CieryuM Irt W4rt4j Vnvili, tfwl Uui Crtrt kt If tlltl of Mijr, p iSxaiwxJ tljl kut- 11 kl tIklnf fanat W, ft4 M UM tt kiftf rtl(f , tf ptcpfUud, fjr it ia4f4 t4 tlcfecc ! IIMhi Ilk rVxiit rtffliort, Uf IOfv4ft4 iMI tolctUMoi tUlm ttUu Ut.LVliii bl ivcmr rxif. Ibrtt lboutl Mtt blot kuB-JrtJ 4 llf du8nt of Itftf UUrt 1 U cotflpcnwllun to4 ttflt lAuttt, A tMUt fcfoiU4 t Mrfkt ef Ibt f tr o lWutd !(ti!M(a bufwJrH 41fti fs cofnjxMjloocoHntel ipAM U mU tWit lvif U tkt tntmUttt! U Uiiltlrt jik! U ikH!mJ ioJ miitfrf.la iut tun4rt4 M4lffnif-ilitktbl lift lit U mcmsKtr In nlJ Acc( MttaMi"4 lUftf Mri$ ti tom CwfttD, UclSof crliMaf tit Uvt, iMlcotirM tf wiiU'mii, at lU Trttwarr, Htrebtn t.(iM H4 of HtpftMnti fof eompOMiloi to ib TrtMurtr t iM (txi urirraitf (itrv1! loiVoun4 14 CcKtoU,It iWduM I fcoadrtJ iloq tU4W4 19 cUK CwflkMf tlftt, ibelr Oflkf n4 Cltrkt, ia tUi U. ft ikrM itwMMiii ddfUrt t O com (wJnufvdft4o4 Iftr 4i1rti fuffoetla dUUrt j U th tkt kcpr T timb!o-fhUt l Whmci ik i ihwjun4 4o!!r,irwpHtf4 orikt Trtaturtrof ib Ul4 trci t4 doUn fof com pto'loo lo rwil flft kon4rt J 4ofln k, 11 tcitof ikt U ( lltn, tittn aa4. ' ct 0 h Uet; iklri Dtctmbtr Uf, of IU tvtntitih of ApU,ot iooum4 tb Icamrf of lU K7i tit Ha4 iUat4 bf Utoo thoui4 lUlArt. fed tad Utatf fvf mt ht4 W, ftftf Iwrv4 m4 lflf 4eiJr t4 tigM kuJfd ta4 lfcno. 8f ibou- 4olI fof compnuillk ckrki la Tof ompfill Wll LUf Jkt, Imi fof tb -MUritt of lit klinltn M , fof ikt totnUtjftct KpcOMtof thtStu trv tv9 adrt4 a4 &ff r 4(HUrt f fof UitoQkaof tht 5tMrf of too Ntr, ibt Attoclitt J4gtm4 DfaHa Jodicti Uo4o, Prii 8. PttirWf, oa4 N4 tif, h oddi'Ut w iU m berofoft tfmpDt.:lo 19 cfcrki la,iI4 5U, pef tcf of ! Itthf April, oot of iKt t,ai4?uulftcI4 Bfiko CUtf ri4 tn4 of ikt Cft d AlUrt it '-ynyfWrtrwti" t.t4gf fof r trt ef M rtf(f Jnk ef iTifoat (Muta4 tljt ho1' rvj rlkdcs w'!ct ifwl AiMdit Jodfttof tbt UJ StvciWah tl ibt NfkrUdh 04 tt tiPofofiHt Litvrtry of Cfjrfti la- OKHtitad tlitM undrt4 tad Ivenir four, flihi iboua4 1 kot4 4ulirt fo kl U CoraUi. Mrtait (at tqm4 Uboo,foflj olet lWu4 ft kwttVid 4 clodioclBO iUr? of Ibf UbrtrUa, ontjoot bHiun4 vo fcuadrt4 dulln fof torn fxon Von wtM tfkt-M mxi, MMrw oauni wiomnH wi m twun 1 wr imnuwim im MMr tltouumJ Ut kstvdti inlrtr'aUncofptnM(kA o tht biiHnr.r U hxrofl of Utnif tltilf Mtnont Ibwi- Allomtf Ototrtl of Ikt fJiit4of CktrfO 4tt ArUrt,k4 fc.t Ua, ef for comptniitkn 10 ikt PfrUdfDiof ih oflke, ttvta htm4re4 dolUrt, la full of MftdtUM kandrtd rflto4 foyr.oct Sitttt. thru ikwjufwl Bt kuo4r4 doj mtj Ur, iprxJoU4 to Ikt Goftrantoti Utaif itt laoMMhd'dJ' fcllu.iBcti Pfof' cotapfnutlo- fa-tat ikM4IWtfof cjapcauiko 19 Iht urt tt cotsprowtwo 19 toaary iit- m im AotrKtacwuata wt,uior. nutfoo to ibt Vk Prr U RfRiutr of Ibt Tftorf,lkrtt tkoVtand mmaitfr Inuli eit, oatiaMn4 irkrAtfoftitTttn yifkU,M tmltd LU plot tSouuod dolUnt CkUJ, abt Ite4 8ute. fire lKojund doIlrt fof eoqix ouifoa to Ikt eterki tad Eft? doUr,Ia fulU 1lo.iat fof bt latjudlfli ikoM to ibt otftrtl tboouad doHart Mliko, 4k. , t U ni'ed Hnlr t. Lriiforcomtx 4nl ttia lntt ddlirtifor compcautlo to (kt Sccrtta- No tht oCkt of ikt HtgHurof ibtTrtt ; IconilDftnriipcAMt'f lU offit-t, uolTfrHtorW, ua-ikoaMad tiat Wt4lta4 dalUrti Dutaot Afiti. for lbo, ; tj of Suit, tl ihooid dvU.rti fof far?, per act of ibtutotlftk af April. tkouMaddotltrt fof tfnpcattiU to tht 4oU.ri fof dcfriylnf tkt tiataitt of uad Era ka4rtd dolUrt Dnol, fott , comp6Mtk I vmu in,mt Uf pn. I aaeihoatintftljchiliurxirfdirxltuhteea, omroiMioncn 01 initff oom, itBiwagprmviriM.... - weal of 6it, pf aeol I wtmuib WhacMf'-cot) tfcouMad tbrtt boadred and tbotmad 6a burwtodkUni for com K tbt United St.i IacMini ibt 1 D Ibwwod fitt baadftd dottift for oatfiu ApriV nt tkouund etfkt boodrtd tod tftf dolUrti for coupeawtioo 10 ikt pro.iloaio Iht 5rlry to ibt Vorn nci 01 vwamou, w jn ,og a.mu rtra 004 . cUbtcen. CTtcro tboouod olaa bwoditd mtitattrt la a.y oTce. loclodiny tbt mHiooer of tbt NH Dwrd, ivo iboa acKi, la ii of ibt fuadt triuac from I Cuium!, nlat tboMaddo(Urt for tka ridyn.rlifortonjptotJtkmtotMifhirv tttowtaca fof tiimpU tklo't fttrUen, nod 'dirirfor rtlpatofr to tbt BNpttul4ic,indforfeUart,lof tftrrtf. uUrktar atcrturltt or UptkJi.foof. , l.t la Iht P.tcDi Offict, ptr act of ibt onttboonnd ort bondrrd wd Eftf dol- clerk la Iht offirt of UCvnroUuootrt ibt tipeniciof pwetwloa vat of J ttta tboouod doHtrt for ibt coeOnctRt .t.tK f kf iKAai.fu .Uki t-. U f.,ti f tt Inf ik. fc... nl nt'rt tvf ih feacct committed tirtintl tbt Uant4tT?tat of tlltkt nutiori abroad tblf .tmdrtdaadtweDtF fwir.Kfeo'bondrfdlpeDietlwi to the CmmIfoner of ibt latoiletb of April. o(t ttoouod c!bt Swtta, aad for iht wlr kef pln of prieoo llf ibootaod dolUni for ibt itlirUi of .. doTUMi fof comtyeOMt oa to Iht Memo- Ueaertl Land Office, threi tboutand Jol- hur,drdahd -elrtllcUtlm tbooaawl tr, ot auwa Masu7.wwHw.B01 m-akdu yi vainj,... ioaoa aoh gtra In .he Department of Statt Inclu- lm fat compeaMilorr la iba elerka la fit kondred nd fifirfJolUrt for com Ul for tbt pf mtat or tuadrjr ptnalooi Ptrit, four tbuuod dollirt fo Ibt con rf.rii.tulidnrtimAnia rranttdbf ibtUttaod prettnt uotra luartnt tiptatet of rotien la'.trcoqrtt, .p-laooMrKl fou js-rtd tad Eftf dol twentieth r April, ont'thouund etgbt .44 ofDct, ptr act of ht itntf tilth of meota, to iboownd and fifty dal!.rt fan, tbooMnd ddUra for tbt rtlkf and ; larai for Jht laeHkoui 4 eootlastnt hundred and elifbteen, iwenty-iwo thoo- Mf, oat Iboound igbt buodrtd and for ih iupp and ratlntenincf of Pgbi proteciloa of, dhtrtiud Aintrkao 8ea. eipeaet oftbtDeptrtrnentor3,,lj0. uai E,e buodrtd aodfirtf dollarii for twentf-foor, four ihdiiarW dolLrai fof botiKt, floatlnt H(r,bm btacona. boya, meo la forelp coontrjei, iblrtf BTtlboo ttladlnff lbttipfott cf pHntln f Dj dit. compenWk la Uit memnetrtliL laid eompeOMtloo to tbt fram.ictr h aad atektajti, lodudlnf Ibt porthtat or tend dolUn for tbt txpcntci of bur tribuiing iht and for titra eopybt ofEct,o Iboottnd tad fifty doU.rt, ia ofike.atreo bgndred koUitwlafuIIofall oil, eeper"t i-Urlta, ftpalrt, aad laj- count .lih ibt Irbary po.era, lllrty ' 01 pperat twyytKK h . ,, a u4. uti,fce , 1 i 1 1 11 1 1 ,11 u MMinam tantci of troTtoieBtt. tod cootlntent cipeatta, tbooaaad doOra foe tbeaaUiiei-f. tha Bft dolurt J, tot cooDptoaatloo 'to tbtpecrttary of the CorommioQera of lhtiid ofHee, oat tbouaani elht buodrtd ont buodrtd tod thirty lo tbovwnd jCoromUihxier and ArUtraior o4tf tbt -Secreuryol Iba Treuuri. iliibouundlSirAbe Fund, two boiadrc4 aod fifit dolJdo ind forty-! dollar andlfirat anlctt of tbt treat? of G beat ootj dollar) for compe ntttloq to tbe CJerki jUrt; lor allowance to the perioa .tta-ldenl and four aitcbrnei emptoytd for rfxtf U ctntij for proeurlpf aa4 pia-l half tbt tlrUVof lh Secredry," Clrk. m 10 tkt utiKtoi intoecrettryoi the ployed In trtotrntttinc paporit tnd tea the security of th Wtrand NeVy build- clnetbrtt bot 00 tht bar near lb pott Treirury, peractof twentieth of April, letter for cipeqtet of tramUtlng for. InuW and for tbt lacWaul and contia-pf Georgttowa, South Carolini, being tbt - ont taouiano etnot eunareo ana eighteen, eign ijnguirgei la Ibt OtTictirflie 5ecre- geai txpcniei, indutfiig; oil, fuel, tod mounl or an approprUUoa Xortbitob rrtcttrtlvmand four hundred dollar. for Uryof tbt -Treasury -for ttaiionary, c-ndlei, two thoound ona hundred tnd ect, orried lo Iht aurplu find on the xompenaatrotf 10 r,C)erk, per act of iuelr printing, booka, and all otberlncl- fifty dolUrti for cowpenutloo to the tbirty-fint of December lM,al hunired .Tfentr-aixtb of Mf , ont ihouMnd efjrht demal-and-tootlngent'ttpeniei "lb tbe Poitroiiler Geoeriirfirtbound dol- dollmfor building rUrtl boUaa-on -auaurao eoa i-Toty-iour, ooe inouienai t rettury iepannienu tnd tbt aereral Urat for compeniiloa to tht two Aiali- U-kefa llaad, on mouoi ueaen, 10 tnt vw -"t -4. ,im i.uiiicca tucrciH, itjuujng me expeoaei ontant roimiUCr Ufnerai, Srt tooouna jama o Mainvi oemi; n nwu ptBMtion' to tka; Eleingtri 'hrMld utiog and printing iht public actountt doIUrai for that object, carried to tht aurplua land oo toe tnrny om 01 ut ctmbef lattv two: tbousrid fivt hundred trhtn: tweni-(M'tSAti. I dolUni fof: buildinz a light bouacoo -Jbrtf thnuaand fie kondred doJIat - for I loan., and 10. make rood a deficieacrf iMndraeTen-'anndred klUn i for mm. Dutch Ilind, in Narrarenael Bart Rhode corppr ai 'vioa to tba tkili in the office J three tbooiwd dollar for ibe iame -ob-penuilnnto the clerkilo aald oflice, Dorlliland, ioadditioolo ika approprUOon of - w - wo-1 im .wumpuwitr, jur i. vi jeew, rer me year one mouiana eignf act or tbe twenty tttth of Mar, ona tbou- three thounnoeigai nuaarcaanoi wewy ; twentieth of April, oot Ihouaind eight hundred and twentyfie, thirty-! tbou- taad eight buodrtd ant" twentyfour, fift fire two tbouund dollar) for building a hundred and eighteen, nine tboutaodie?- aod nine hunditd and fifty dollar ; lor thoutandtix hundred dollar r for com- imall beacon ligbl oo Warwick Neck, in en hundred and fiPy dollart for com- allowaoct to Ibt auperintendent and four penaation to the metungera in tald of- Rhode hland, In addition to the approprl penaation to tht Meiienger In aaid office, watchmen, employed for the iecurlty of fice, one thouund and Sfty doMar, la full ition of on ihouand dollar made per , terea hundred dollara, in full of all at tkt Sutt and 1 reasury buildingi, for the of all allowance j for ccmlngent expenaei act of tbt thirdof March, one tbouund lowancerr fdrxwDoenaatloo- lo Ihe'llraf repalra ofVorlneaT bote.- and 'bucket.- of Wd"Hffrfo-- ttalnrf Mr.K r tfrbt bimdrwrdtwrntr-firei'twolhto- Auditor of tht Treasury three thouMnd one Ibouiand nine hundred dollar i for compenaaiion lo the Surveyor General, tand dollar i for buildinr a Light Veitel dolUrti forrompenaatiob lotbeClerkiin compenaation to the Secretary of War, two ihouaaod dollarii For com perm lion for Albemarle 8ound In North Carolina, the Office of the Firat Auditor of ibe aix tboutand dollars ; forcompentation to to the clerk, in the office of aid Surrey- to be placed either at or near Ibe South Treaiury, per act of the. twentieth ol the clerk In the office of the Secretary of or, twothousand one hundred dollar for Point of Rosn'okt liland, at or near the April, one tbouaand eight hundred and War, per act of the twentieth of April, compentatioo to the Surreyor South of end of Wade'iTolt.t thoal at tbe .mouth -eighteen ibirteen 4bouiand two hundred one jhousand. eight .hundred and-eigh- Tenneuee,' two - thpaand -dollar r for of Paaquotank rirer, inaddition to theap- "dollart i for COmDenaation to Ibe Meuen- teen, twenty-two - thousand ir- hundred tomrxmation io tha mri In tka-nffi.. nmnriation of firo thousand fire hundred cr in said office, efen "buiidre'doifara, J dollars! lor arrearage to one clerk em-jo! aaid 'Surreyorr one thtusand eea Sollar, made perfect of tbe third of in iuh w air allowance j TOr-xompenaa- po744t twiu:oi inoectttary-ol hnadreci-doHart fof tompentatiao la iht Warcb, onft Jhousana eigni nunurcu anu ' tlorr to tho Second Auditor of , the Tea War, from the firat day of.Aprl to tht Surreyor lo Illinois, Missouri, and Ark- twenty-fire,- three thousand Hollara T for "tury, three ihouaand dollar, for com- lblrtyfirt day.of December, one.lbou- tosas, twoihousand dollati t forcompen- building t.Ught House on Point Defer, penaation to the Clerks in the Office of sand tight hundred and twenty fire, aer- sation to the Surreyor In Alabama, two in iha StaTe of "Louisiana, Ifl addition "to the Second Auditor "of the Treaau- en hundred and fifty dollars ; for compen thousand w dollar for compenjion to tht appropriation of ten thoussnd dollars, ;ry, per act of the twentieth of April, saUon ,W ibe messenger In said office, Ike clerks in the office of said Surreyor, made, per act of the third of March one ont thoiiiaad eight hundredand eigb- one 'thousand and fifty dollars, in full 6f ont thousand five hundred dollarii for thousand eight hundred and twenty-five, tccn, mineen tnouaanu iwv nv.iuisv uui i uywnvt, iw wmingcin pna m i cvmpenaation lOtnt surreyor In Flotilla. I lout tnousan.0 ijoiiari ir jm -m pensation to ita; wesvengtn in aaid stating and printing iht public accounts dollar for eorapenMioototht cltrki la 'f. nu.t; oat ihouiand.and fifty dollin, .in for ibe yesr one Ihouttnd ci)chc hundred the Genera? pot Offce, per tct of the - full of all allowance for compensation and twenty tlx, and for adrenhbg eotl twemleth of " April.' de ihousand tight cT to tbe-Tirat Comptroller Of .the Treasury, eel ia rreUtfod to lbtpub!k.rdeUVaod hundred and tighter nriwentyiwoiboo- TulUf.all alltwance! for compensation j War Office pktbgV and paving, Uree or, twihousand dollar I for Coraptaaajono 1 . a Aa. a . W . " ' . k i 'mM .11 . r I a IK t a , . . B . m 10 tbe Xnira AUOitor or me ,i reapury, mousanu aouara; lor ooots, maps, ana jtton to tbe Coromualor uie uuuaiuij vwuhi, ,v' imvii niM,r.fiA?Mi P(.k'ww.wHHii;.iiff ywiuiiii iiv v aaiiingion wiiy ona umhit ca? aucrc uv to Clerk in the Office of .the Third Au- hundred dollait ; for compensation to the sand five. hundred dollars forcompenaa- them for land, twoj ditor of tbe Treasurjri pr , act. of the clerk to the office of the Pay-master tion'ta ibe officer! and clerk of the Minti Stationary and Boo twentieth of April, one thousand 'eight General,' ihree" thousand '.nine hundred nine thousand aix hundred dollar r -for Commissioneri of 1 Tara i fop' rntnnr nvntinn la n-iA:tJ.liJ'Li1ntiA Stafg.agven I nuhlle aervtce I but in all casea where the it said office, seren hundred dollars, in cludinj iron railing for tbe .steps of tht to the clerks in tht office of aald Sufrer- tr-four thousand one hundred and thirtyl pay or salary of any perton is withheld in flr ' . -.1 I .... . - ..i' J..' .fill Tt ! . I ' ' . .4. !- I. shall Km Ik .till pursuance oi inn v-'. w of the accounting officeffif demandedby the party, hi agent or attorney, to report forthwith to the agent of the Treaaorr . Departmmt the balance due, tnd It aball be the duty of iha uad ai,uit vthb aixr-.. , ty days tbereafier, to orde uit. lo he -commenced against such delinquent and bis sureties. r ---r - - ' JOnMW. TAYLOR, -Speaker of !) Uouae of Repre?entalve ttc44rtWet of jETaitcdtei tad': ?T ' ... frenident of the Henate. , -ApDroved-March 14, lt26 a f - JOHN QUINCE ADAMS, .r . ...., ; - - roaos and tion .to Iba CommUaloner of th Puhlic tera and Receiver ot bana uaicea, in ca- three thousand dollar i for compensatioo Ulanst for the War Department, five IBuildintta in Waahinton Cit. ona thou-1 tea. where no roouie are received ,by f .! M a..T I. -, ra . .a JI I T-- WO thousand Wliarai iur Books for , the "offices of Loan.- one-thousand huntlrtd and iuhteen. sixteen thousand I dollara f for compensation to the niessen compensation to nersana emaloved In the I tl hnndred dollars : " for the sslary of r ' . I . I ' T- t " ! . . fT . . . . . . . . . - .... 1. .. ' . ..... ....?., m. - t. . - ' -, t. Sr 1 two aunored dollars tor comp.naauon I gcr m aaiu wmce, aeven nunartu oouars, imuerent operationa or the -Mint, nine! the late Governor ot the wicnigan ier to the Messeneer in said office, seven hrf full of all allowances i for comnensa- thousand four hundred dollara i for Incl rhr. t William Hull.) from the 10th of bundreddollars. in full of all allowances ,1 tion to the clerks in the office of the dental and contineit expenses and refc April; one thousand eight hundred and ifor cfc twele,"to the first of Febftfarf sbou- v aauviiVl , vl aw. - w v"wwi i ww wwMaw aiiv uaay :-f!ciot.laTJCwen ddllar-; for compensation to the messen rthdusand 1 eight bundred . and eighteen ger In s1f office,ceven hundred dollars, twenty-one thousand nine hundred dol- in full of allowance ; for contingent ex- Jas t tot compensation to tbe Messenger penserof said office, eight hundred and fa said office, one thousand arid fifty dol thirty ; dollar! j for com pensation to tbe fars, in full of all allowances '' for com- clerk in the office of the Adjutant Gen- I pensation to 'the Fourth Auditor of ; the oral per tct of tbe twentieth of April, Treasury,' three' thousand dollars for one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, .Compensation to tbe Clerk in the Offico two tboustod .pne byodred tid Efts' dol- wiiH. viii uuuirit mmi , nlorment hf in Atiistant F.no'inir foi inrk SUcrtar lo the Land Commission tho Minttilt nundrid dollan rfor com er fn-Eat Ftordar (Francis LFatior) pensation to tbe Gtrernor, Judges, tnd omitted io tbe tct of the 3d ofWsrch, one Secretary of the Michigan Territory, thousand eight hundred and tf'y' seren "thousand eight bundred dollar ; one thousand two hundred and fifty dol. for the contingent expense of tbe Michl- lars i for balance of tbe amount tllowed gan Territory, tbrt hundred tnd fifty to the late auperirifendent of tht unwer- dollars for compensatioo and mileage to land Road, (David Shriver, jun.Jin lieu or, the members of the Leiisiatlv IpouncU, Dd jtf full of aU b clawi three tbou- . . . . v . .. . - . , tnd Messenger tnd half the. cootbi cot expenses of the 'commission, ten Ibou nod three hundred ind thirty-seven doN lars; for expenses of csrring- Into fffecl the sixth and seventh articles af tb trtr F otGhehrXlncIuiIlng tbe compensation of Ibt Commissioners Agent, aad "uK" reror, and their contingent expcoiefsi$ teen tbouund dollars for cornpc nation to Thomss H.-Gil!, thief clerk b-tho offict of the Fourth- Auditori for perform : ing the service of Jht said Auii'or, during m hit last illness, from tbt- eigntb of Octo ber, onOhoutand: eight; hundred nd I wenty-lhret, to Ibe Iwenty thlrd of J une, one thoosand eight hundred and twenty .. four, nine bundred and fifty dollars being tbe amount of the surplus of tbe appro priation for the Fourth Auditor's salary for tbe year one thousand eight bundred and went-lU:r.,;jv Sxo. 3. Mdltiljurther tnoettd, Thl the several turns hereby appropriated shall be paid out of any money in tbt Treiiury not; otherwise appropriated I Prwi'drd, awrvrr, That no money ip propriated by this tct shall be paid to any pervn, for; bu : compensation wbo is W arrears to tbe United States, until such person shall have accounted for and paid intolneTreisurj "lll aumt for wbkhf ho - may be liable l . Prtrvtded, ulioflhti nothing b ibis sec tion contained, shall be construed to ex tend lo balancea arising solely from tbe depreciation of. Tressury notes, received by such person. to be expended. In. ..the Uuhappi Xftrtutt between 'TH A an TI3, LWben firat 1 wed-What I what bliss Twsa bow a troile, apd then a kit U ;; 'romDia Vincitarnor .' But now, as Det w fond of brsls, n And cbiWreo make a thousand squalls, ; r 'Tit vmi riacit clstiwJ vTwwSffr7(!i!

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