t I. I . i I t t J M J I' I I ft $4 t i 4 I ft ; -' ill -,,' ; " ) 1 1 ll ' 'I t I a i 4 f - ' r I f - t (111 , im i f ( . t i n lt ( 4 !. . c . ' .' , f ' f f M ' ' t riJn .' W," si tie 1 r Aj4J. 1;... S I TVs Nf tr UsxUt tft M U MHi.I ; tf . ..U.s4 sale U tf par rfy.-tbe Cwf if! f t'k ayi rails rmk a..-w Mtf - h-,r-nf IM " U'J if ti TM wKrlkriaWy (tM,'.r If kUJ.nvna af IM gref. W 'Jawl4 ,atty ';rN lie mAU sijKiaurs, U lM(jk4ll kr Ufc H ktU iomm Ivt'ef na Anally V mmcmff. sU be M nfaVUj ewtfasa to IM pf pets af Jiew'f rb. Bet by th-Jt CMUr; lM b t4 sbte mtamfif to be twndd 1 tM aatU&y tf r7 tUag kuMvxf IM Ule ire aaure sswridy lLlpi U erdr that war yaftaat tbasjghUJ M)f be d-ractsd Mevtaesrd. ivGLSVnr or wonvr. t A Wt1 Inrfsnre af the sacape as a from U aansud ( IM Ust Cmiw Cnsette, by cerrrsporalret U lUt pspet. Tfct mm U) etTiace 1 bU wife wet persaitlad to fcnush ertW af fv4 K.lif HKfcfcfl 1 1 fM f lU pU w ki coctftll flrakUt, 4 rtU Wbf muJI rM(niMnt 1 lh clrec U tlmHy tm 1 Wl til 107 U A ana fcy IM mim f JM CotH vw U dM tint (ioutCwviiM) rwWe e( tt wwil, mi ivck U tb mtr after rimiInf .Utert lomeiirM, vkk but tll 1 protect oo ptilfif pf 44 It bcoi to tV iW U wm tU IA"pfifc, CtM foor ma! (b Wat mmtWxtti tw ll bit, M tmm MiMtmbcd, Md m 4rwd. ir body . .TV nr,r U kn Md IaOm TW mnonl of U lnjua1o uf kuujt liuu tM tittilf pmccedinp of thi U. t. m tf ftom!ntM tt Uinlrtert to P anuria, Km throva . vpu a tjtianU of autur, Lkl It J Impocubk to 14 ivoa fori a fk!v vtptpr.'. Wa kJuIK m apact aJgiiu. (irt aurh hraia from . ihce jtraccedinp, aa will aflord our mden a bir He ortiie muter. . . ' .T.T . . Wc Simtlci) aa artidatn 'our iaat, from tba . . Vilai IU jier, atallng lLt. tba taail viudi " f r Jon la ibe Cap ftir. rirtr a few wwki aSnce, between Rilci id Fijette?ille, had ..'.U a ChiuJi iLfi Rf'gnVer TiiC iUIc that "lL - lofannaiJua a pKiaatoiwfA&tlf'ftirnt "let been fawd-- t ,;j :; ;V,4w oftuzsovtb. TV a hava been requftud-ta aute, that a aetnlnonthl rvliroua aewtpaper, under tht above tide, will be Irwed on Ibe firat Saturday la .May" next, at MiUedviHe, Georgia." Tbe . paper, a ifl be priatod-la th,duidcuna form. 13 ptta eack narnber, and ieud etery other . Saturday, at gl. 50 per annum in advance, or 1 if not in adranee. The character of lha paper may be Inferred from the following ei tract 1 v ..-'."4 -.-v 7vl-f,.vf, il!?.7V Star tf the South; will be 'derated 10 the illuiuailoti and defr nee cf the In lerrittng doctrine of the Univertal hoi): nesi, and eternal hapineai of the aouta of M the ituioaa LaUraod Ihc .Unit jr. of God. By aocictf of Believer on u Christ Ibe Lord. - . '. 1 - '"'rS: '' If there be any truth in the. following article, the much-ado, in ourConjrreaa and elae where, - about the mat on?reM of Kepublica at Fana. tna,ia oT no more effect than a puff of empty I 1 v:..r ... II T.7rrrr.TAj-! am '-..r-r-r-.- J-i A mere tlaai ', I " mm- . Atc6uRta bir the ship Fi tne IrriVed W Providence Uhode liland) from South America, on the 19th tilt, make mention a that the project forja Cqngrea at Panama had been entirclf abandoned, that the i k'eew the cifficik! -ulle;t.toacontiji-. log e invitaiiun.fronj Colombia to Chili Jo join such CooRreaii and the gnawer of the latter government Pent bad alto TTOiiarrittvhad -wence of thivthe jrojtcrlfa i tn npwlJh0lS. ihipPococfc; apoken by the Tame, Jefi. Lim the 7th Decern "be r1,: and "kfte noibingof ibe aupposed Cohgreaa. A letter, ;4th "of Kovembef, from Vo official source at Santiago tut- faint the abofe bjr Its toral silence on this ; subject, sov Interesting here, but wbicb vas not thought of there, then, nor at any f time, a having any reference to this GoV- trnmeny " - s 1 ' .'' i i ! i ' " -, t 1 I r .' .?;, I (:', ( f .. ! ! , - '. ui t y U , T. l's 7 -i. va. T-a a1'' ejrlm . ti.'j it.m pili al a ii al '! U L.m, vl fta.' V f Uabl4 mi f Wn4y. TUa 'J a-Tt J aM-niMi aJ mt!Ur a trtiba f 0 U.!Uj C1wrt(aai, CUrtV, 4 Faetla tt.. Mr, DiSt f tgmt aW thUwul, . rtat4 ttKiiWa, J'a fc VrfMJ -i t fMrt WJk mUmmmmm; Lr ta ti ilia SKtUa aruiy. TU wle roai L uOxrarf It $ U fatU. f . "--- - - ... W t a'. Mr.' Vi t!tt b rowJeaa- flu ai'aaJUf Ua u-L frwaa CWtotu l WJkorw,'Ua dw WU hUaranty aearjr foe m te aun; 14 r raWrs (ha Tt at covtuUtxa aa4 b(U tW weuU a tne la tbe (IiImm lUttmry al IM wet foustry, by tba etiabtVAfaaaa ef 14 af tapa (rw Uv te WiTirjore' f ett a IttrafrfMtUU, ar. l(ta4alGe, ae aa U Uwnect ibe Km tr UUn to EMtvHW. ir. Datia aaaaired M tbt M wwaU, if a auWHptio) af XX) were shade ep, eiUd bU etaf aa above MoitrMMd. Tbe tit Jtaa of Cm raw raW4 by aobMrtpikM, to aU U tbe tebbe aaewt of tbe atipta frwa tbeaee to tbia ta aCbartotie. f tr, J ft ri , . i I i' t't" li t 1 I? ..: K ff Rl I ) , f!i i tr c 1 1 ) a 1 i i f! .r 4 a T i Ii' t t a 1? i in :n ; j t o n' : ; J j tit. f,'tr 13 l It, Cota'nM M'l liitr; ,4 S3 l J, Tuk be Tl a I) I lilli f , j estf af.i' ioiMri.l 1 3t4tiriwLa 21 1 111 buVty 43i 43. , ..! cttltt Co!oS 0 I tm, C t a I 1 1 ) bca, 1 1 to I J wnUalf , 4i to 10 1 trtn df, tib 30 1 I J, 4 H I tit U It I If flmr, MJ 19 fj. tU tra2ufturrd tl r ll - "JfiuJ attt wt. ,f . Tbwa far, wkb aa, baa be rtiMr orpfopi- dowt to Iimt. Tbe apWnf opeaed, la tbe lrt of Manb, 7 tavwnbry aad bpea were rMertalacdtaMbdaatbarTrata. Pvrt frpf tbf wudJJe of Mirth to wukui a law tiara waca, we bavi tiperUaced Cnle be rbaa coot vbvly dart, and lhfy a'gbta, wltb but Ktti rain, a4 ibat rrry ccddfeoatetleM attaaded witb alaet. Tbe coimtroeace ia, that every tpecM of rrr. Ulwm b backward. ' TboWwbe plaAttd cere earty; ewirrula Ccartraatarwd wUirot bi im grwaad. It ia but a fw day alace our fitraaera brM te plt much cottoa.. Ilore fraiawUI be raiaed tibywUkM kat, jeari roiaeea rpecuktiooa la. cotton, bare opened tbe eye of tbe people te their true la tercet, Tbe frowiag wheat prom'taea aauch better tbM M did carry U tbe eprief if aetbiiif bappcae to bCgbt it, tb!a yrarS Crop rill be pretty good, . .'. A bill baa been reported In tbe House of Representatives, for the relief of Mr. Mooroe, late President of tbe U. S. The bill awards biro upwards of 1 5,000 dollars. hub with interest from December 2d, 1 1 10, will at this time amount to. about 83000. " The - Items coroposiog tbe sum a waraed,as principal, are as lol 1 Three months end twenty daea d. tendon In France, after audience of leave, at ihe rate of 9000 dollars a pear. : Zr rsooo. . '. -v. .-. - . 5 CobtWerrt Vine nee I of that mliil. on, from tbe 1st Aucruu, 1794, to the 1st January aJ797a, being the average allow:. ance to all American Minister iff France the sum of 110 dollars previously, al lowed, bebjf deducted, . - . M96 IS 3 Amount caidbrMr. Wonroeto J. licla, for derourrsge, ke.' "'350 00 - 4 Contineent eipencet of the mission to Great-Britain, la addition to tbe allow ance made at tbe settlement of MrrMon roe'a account, making the averape of sums paid to government, ; : ' 437 68 5 Kemuneration for , extraordinary ex pence s Incurred by Nr.. Won roe a de tention in Enrland by direction of tbe Government - for two -years and four months, at 4,600 dollars per annumi - ,rj:: 10,500 00 Making tbe Amount named In the bill. six t--T : BI,S33 43 O TlKr,' mhim by W3mm, ItaMa, M. nr. 11 LMrt to Um mm Inn a, W-4 a tt cny . AU, w4 tM aaiM day, Hi. Dual Cad.le U If JaMltartaaa. CWb, m TWaday erriwir 30tb ab. bv CM M4 -LtMam, lw, f"d T. Call. watt, to V lUrrkt tM'kkH diibtf cf Yam Dri)a W). ' ' . la LiacV et, m tM Ji aJt b tbe ftrv. immt If Ree, lH. Georfe ?. UU, tt AtcavpUa V, Tew. to M atartU Am Uarta. At bia Ml aear CU-kxte. m Tbwrwby eve. aiag Wat, tUm. litt imhm, ared 64 lie ww MrWa wkb jnit.'afj bewar tie lVrrtie Art.nty tompvt, mmWit TajAf tU t. r4 l an-l bit Ummni wv ttimUi by laga eofwxKjr f LUf-!lowltia. - Cra&ea wsa a revtitutlfay erlma, aad was arthrty effd k tb4enic af bi CowMry durinf ibe waoJe wf M(wer rW lade, pewdewce.' CUM ,fcawaf. .. , Aiv.uf i jsmin. Mr. Wkktfe, of Kea. effered la ibe llow of Repreaeatatirea, M tbe ??lb st S rrwrutioa, UoiHAf f tba rreallrwt af ibtL'aed Eutea whether Mr.reinxtt, carinVer to Steiioo, ever pv. any tWyc to tbe'. iMUb-Aaserkaa fovemmeau that tbe United Stars would take aa active part aralnet say lalcHaftace af foreiga awcra (ether tbaa Ipala) wie tbe Udepw. deace er Lna'aT Covereocat tbote Rtpub- tea. Tbe ravobrrioa was pawc Ji aad tbe frca idea oa the 30th eh. seat a arwage la reply. eccooi pealed by t report frees be tccretary of State i la which it la stated that w plg Ibe abore aatarebaabeeaivcate6t South laser. kaae by oar fortraacat-thai i paaf la tbe Ue Tre4deat1i (Mr. tloima) Ofaara to Conrrcas 34 Dee. 18a, Ji aa tb has beta bid by our evarame8t,tbat eouU be eensirued Sate ' Adeeultory and lengthy debate took place oa tbe adoption of tbe resoktioa for this kfur aaatioa, which eonaamed aearfy tbe whole day, afl ;be orders of the day bsia poatpoaed to take way for tbe duwoarioa r; r t'' t ' n ' i t) . '. at i. . h-.4 v.i,f mi i a , a- ! I ae I' I' a at a ,a Virtual A n Tovni Vruytrl. 'p IK iWi '. t.., f a,!i 4W la a rae rl U tL ua U S- Jts-m IX ia f .Mr rM ata a 1 1 tie mm.U 1 a rM4 H im le im tar i e(r4 te IM v aM tM UMiiafi are ir.iM'i a wil aLft-Jt4(VefrAvM m apra aa ea. uu, i, a e-rM be r-' d4. 1m r.ini ilmrl im im'tt Ue e. ttif t aS-.'wa, I '' bi la atf 9ttm M kl It, ax aarana e''b lb pr V "A f ! tft. cM m bfcl M ymr. (ke af tua yum. ' Aa IM W4 ia 3 krr llUM arrretrr i ') I PmS i atri tfrfatefh, pri kU. ta pwnWe, 4 dvwVi( vWw l&f p9pry bt'jf taf Urpa, Apy'y to IM awWtrfjet U lJWy. TU0J4AI IIOLsSKf. Uan ev(ft IXOX the axUcoWr, Ue ta Hxk(Mia ' CM?, M. C M IM Jifc dav Marc 14, y aerw inw nrtr, tut (, ri ia to lac Me atf aMwl H yvan !, af a yvaew eoa tUtxm, eve wppev toot Mt, AVB (, et dt, wlih lare wbee eyrai aUa, brre wtutb. r. w ik boU look, a4 Kurten ry bed wbea apekea Si Ma ekrtirif, Ma be Utl aae, waa eoi'ea aid wb4e vara atalmae i aad waialroat dVcHoa aot recJWc1a4. Any peraoa apartkaoiiiOf amid efread daSveria ka toaM,ee eeriM aim ta sf J seiMt I fvt Ma araia, atafl M w.o rwa4 ay LM auWiMr. BtLCL.1 UNOgT. JtM JdllrM. ' 3t7 IJ8T OF LKTTEU3 RMAtMVa la the rawU&W at SaC4Mtiy, KvnUWvlM, lt April, A. D. It. Jm tUka TWoaaaa Jones Mi tta firaadoa Jaea Klacada TMa, IVitWt juna IT.rk, KV S VTJtiaai fiarber, , Pttef H. geni Jaatea Btvm ..., Caawae Lanfte.. Hdaa tUtirrlnaaa Jbba IJiMly D. CPvkdoa . IboevM bacsbart Itrary Buck' ioaa IJpe . Moor Brwa, 3 r Jaaare M. fjaeae " Mary Baker Hkhard Lory I. I S.v. ;' ? l-t b t I l' , J m aJ'44 Ira Sttr.iul 1. r. j'Jttn hi tntr. ll ii -t a it. 7vuuu ut i:mttA mhte.y 4 II, rtruM'ULK ey iU f. tM , a. U (J-U t-i-a, U'X m df4 ia a,wfs i!i i it a l, ' dtf.vvpel atUHadsW lKi-.,l,ij,-i, aa -Z eVlMiH af a Vjtf, tay JJ m S.- J '' Cwvaryi A4a1 ln aM),! r.lM. U4 ' " te a,4 tj .iiM aoa ffi , fun ( ( wUt, a4 atuae tWie awt. If 4i ae ep pfwtdawH-iMatUMwrsareaMwe .-- to awuie ay lM tut iiiUriv. VUUtc .M. Vinkhlon, eta. AU prrwwa, UUUrd te tbe erfeic af IM Wm Maaback fiakaeui, . U. are ftwOUd to wake pywea4 aiiM4 dabyi aad aU per aawt bavirf aWiaaa apiawt IM t , w3 pea aeet iMaa tae iue awi4 by kw, ae laWaotke willbepired la bar of tMwrrcevery, TM esarwters are Vairowt af CMaef Ikeif ai aiMairaiMi aa aoae aa tna3,li lUrrfuee ait peraw na4 weald da wafl to pay bavaa (bate BHewaow toiaia Jrsr. rtKsTn-t, MtfitAcx rgsrot, fW. To,ikj. rj AmoaBoedS. ' Dr. Ke. Car . . Jacob CbrMRMUi Joerpb CraM KalLaa CbaAa Wai. II. LYiaholm MJorCara ' Joba Caaady """ Ilaary Caaper Joha Caliway Able Cowaa WU&M) Crook Uhinacl CaadcQ Harvey Coaner . Jaawe Cavradcr WilUaja Caiort. Naary liavia Henry S. I)awoa, 3 Jew A. Dotal ide' Jarara Danxl, tatj. Daniel Davia rrlL T. Drummood fraae Darst Rami Davia. JatareClua Phillip Krabart -Prtcr Pnbart Joha Kllcr Mr. Dawkina la appoiatad comiioaer to ivtv rrnu Panama, by the Enrbdi tirernmcnt,5FirAW."Ail r.nwwi eianderCockbara,uc BrilWi aaioiiterto Colom. - Mrahae Gentry -bia, saib he the aaase vessel with Mr, Dewkiner- ;tnKt Orabaas - aey wiu ae landca at carrotaa.rr: . . Goes . - ' ' - . ; VVm. Cuvaacock Wr& B. Cilcf, of imaia, wbo waa a candid. . Jane Garriaoa ate lor the (J. Saeaale Bat. winter t aa'alao JolinCamrr (be a aeet la the tloue of lUinUtivearial1 both which i attempts be aU folbd in biAwbbuij form 2' e i baa now ' offered hi eeniera to the ' TUn.. II. n freeholder (aone but freeheldira vute la U Georfe lleara iff : . finia) of AmcCa county, aa a hembcr of the next LeptUrure of rirrinia. 111 will, aa doubt, beelected. ' ' ' r . Krbeoca Hutaoa v. Casper llotalrouaer Colu. Joha Hoke Joha Horg John tfujrfies Wealer Harris David Hampton. sonn iiounin '"AlWaltoravr . Kdwerd UacbaQ , M.. bel H ittaaaM-by' Bee. Dr. MctUe Jacob Moore - aophiM Mrtwde t Tiarta Iftbour Henry Myers Porreat Monrow Jaanee McKecly Alka P. Mctcalf ' JooaMcNerly Geeqre M. blarr Sally MiHer JobaMlttr- Heary C. Ovv&i ' - Aana Parks r .-- vViiruua Price 7 ' "," . Dr. I. II. Pierce ' CathaKM riaatarA' j "Akuader Powtl Francis Pinkjtoa -Barab ltoberu .Mrs. Cbaabetb lohars "-"aoa: -.rrr:-.::'- Ccorre Rufty ' Joha Kenoldt Denj. Ricbael JanWs8mhh,,'i : Charles Stork -Jamee Saaunoaa A Ilea Stoke. - VYeatbrup Sanoorif . Joba Beuttecl ; TtflwKy RpauLLng ' " 3. Beamana -1 7 Jacob Smith, taq, "JaM !a!moo : " lfirara Turner BenJ. Tcnnesoa 3 , Jacob Trevie Mary Winret ' juabus riinf, Eq. - Wm, a. VYillianuoa ' DantTWobd ' . Vinsoa Wood JohaWaltoa ' Peter Wahoa JohaO. Wright Mary Wall THE CELKB HATED UQM? aVftfiUOilt ' fiiVinTX' TMwaaa lUlLL stand tbe enwa'mf If araaoavttMr.TManM WmK'. ajaUa, to Itocka. tJU, BwWm county, en Uoaw and Wrdnralirai and at Mr. gak(S. MTburmU) a. rU,H Snd law '"" Nntays, la each wtk, trwatfly j at Ibe very reduced price of rf jfit dollar, tUe atawta f duliars lb sutcie Irani and twaKe bBara to bv ' sure a awe ta be aiib 11, prwluVd the prop. rrtj of tM aaarr a not ebnnfed. 1 Ve a wiO comeMnce oa tbe 10th m Starr K, end cow tiwe amd tbe fb tt Jnry, He-writl be lound carwtanily at bia atanda, ciorpt a We a takea to , be etowa at public places f which due aotirw will be ft re to awvannra. Hm prdirne aad rcpuutvm will be iUuatiated la hand-btlia, 'W JOIIM MAKClf. e4 iunx Banwft; Cotton,' 10 'a .101 i flour, fine. scarce, 51, superfine 7 wheat, 90 eta. a Rl whiskey, 40 to "44T i peach brandyrSO A 55rtTl do. 1 L. -ran its-fi rrrrt --1 " rt ; tf -, --4 jv coni, ov w jj oacun, 1 1 aaii, turu Maud, 70 a 75 Der bush.tmobuses.35 40 isursr,' mnaeevador-10 a 11 r eoUeer prima -peenV-174 71 1 24 ana Jd quality, 13 a 18 tea, hyaon, fel 20 a 1 20; flaxaced, 75 1 tallow, 10a 11 1 beeswax, 30 a 32) rice 3 50 to 4 per 100 lbs. i iron. 5 a 6.pf,100 Ib.t tobacco, IcaC fa 6 manufactured, 5 A 20 fr. cwt . Ooanrer. Cotton, 8. Island, 40 a 50 ; stained do. 18 . FROM SOUTH .tXEJllCJ. The National Journal has received Vers Crus papers to the 3d utt. ' - v : - A letter Trom CarthSJen brought by tha;Joaiah Holmes Colombian elooo of war General aUnrrimi. it,om,i n. Johnaon which arrived at Vers Cras an the 2d but. after fieev. Jewish Bocictr 3 DuX Webb a passage of. twelve days, contains tbe follow. John Johnston Jerry Tsrbrough, ing,.-.K . .V, ... v.. St?-.: SAMUEL REKVKil, P. M. . "Tha erpedkioa for tbe Ulead af Cuba kwA'm nr i.immr.n - ceedinr here with great teal, so inucb sd that 113 A ur l-.c.lllino the rovernmentbu ordered ten thousand men.lfEMAINI.VGlntbe Poat-Offiee at Concord Iff be afffl'Med here ia all Marrh. mnA iK. ' 11, Nortb-Caruliiia April 1st, 1826. VsJ force to be held ia readiness, enmnnvr! Joha Andrews" ." Jaroei Vartiit' Dreaent af five frimtea. aeveral nrivateera. i ' John G. Allison frigates which are every moment exnected from ! Charlea DlaxkwelJer Qrttii Al-ATgaln. T1IC vubacfiber baUf purcbaaed 8 tarsi l , Iredell county, alters t sale the very valuable 94 well known tract af LtU where) be www Kvea, alsaoat Uiwardialvly betwaea MockavQIe and HitwtsvUle, la the eoaaty of stew an. called IM Coudprinf '. Grove, containing 500 acrea. af which about 2J0 www clred. aad in eubivntioa. The land la aot Interior to. any Uthweoantyt k produces corn, cotton, to bacco, and ameU fraia ia abaadance t 50 ar 60 acres aaont excellent fev groondat there ht aa it, a food Wtillerat, aa esceUcat dwelling bowse juat larahed, and ether accessary out bouses. There aid be" sold, should it suit the purchaser, 300 acres more, adjoining tbe above' about 50 acrea cleared, saost esxcllcal water oa it, and equal to any land ia the'f orks. Bota tracts re wed watered,. I WiO take, la part pay, several likely Negro Girls, PoeKaaioa gir aa next fall"-" - - - - .If tbe above property It aot dlrpoeJ ofat private sale, w ill be sold to the blr ambler. w -she- lat day ef airtewber,-im tme---"- snade te suit Mfehanrra, ll ia deemed unneoea- aary ta give any fortber deacriptioa of the psop- - eHy,urboe desirous of purchaser, win onubt leas wbb to elaauM tbe prcaiaea before closing - any contract.1. JUUN JL-ClUI'FUt. - Jam. 23d, 1820. .u ! . HI VoUce. ALL persona inpebted to Ibe arm of Witt tt Jlrswa, are Invited to coma forw ard and snake settlement with them, as they wish to close their books.: W EST k BROW nff6ety. Mt 12, 1876. ., 94 - Maine and Santee,?S A33 cts,f abort stapieVlO Vf stormy diacuraion In both; Howes of Congress. a 12 its--a,tr1aVier"m M iH f Tiwiiii- dee and Inverness, (42 inch,) 23 a 24 1 Coffee, Prime, ,.Gm A8..cetsVwiowi.witjrj Cttttnt-The. transactions In Uplands, have not been large," as compared with the stock on hand. The influence, which the late unfavora ble accounU from Europe' may have upon our market b not yet fully ascertained. W e quote it from 10 to 12 cents, i i ,' Fhur.Ayo improvement Jn prices or demand, since our but. ? Cam. Continues steady at the quotations In our but some cargoes bare been contracted North America, and a Bwediab ahip and frigate, now in the harbor, wbicb tbe roveniment talks oi purcnssing-, - - , . " Hie military seem to be full of entlmalatm Ali2 arixicm for the "expedition ta he c"timuimm: James Caehraw- ted,' C10R01A viut th LYDUXS. wWe are much gratified, And our readers will be equally so, to understand that a supplemental article to the treaty afoh the Creek Indians, arst yesterday aenV to tnt Benate for-mnrma. tion, which, it is expected, will entirely remove the objections; which exist;; the treaty in Hi onrinaj form. Tbe arrangement of this diffi culty, which - threatened not only to produce a but also to nrblract't tlessioa SlMadv" Bkelv to Lbe. extended toefaaj we -are Wormed; ir 1a be a . .... ... T attributed in a great, degree to the exertions of IJr.dCfenien, ot toe eenate. k "Jmu.Jow. r-It is stated that -the prbprietofsW Theldrt t im MaMcani," uioperi iaat rwvei, nave deter? mined to publish a ttemtyp etftUu. ' v . Tbe ministers from Peru, to the Congress of ranama, ucsam aianuei viaajrre and Pando, have been some time at the latter.place'. ' Ihe plenipoterfliartes from Mexico, lve also arrived, and those from Colombia were on tlie way to that place, at our last account Charles Dana Danl. Boat Andrew Boston William C'rofford ' Charles M'Camoo Charles M'Kioly Thomu Mately Francis Miller . MCsmy W. Morgan JohnN.Philer -llaxid-neesa . ,, William Camiraia -- -r Caorpe Conine Henry 8bae . John Furf T - . . Alex. Scott. Doct. Sidnr llarn'a Archibald Houston" Thompson Hunt Moses lVili Klizibeth llarria ttobvrt E, Harris WiinamHolt Mary K. Hardy Joha Spears' Barnhart Safreit '" Jacob Stirewah Green 11. fiwerni(l William Teter Paut Waher " James White : -'Joseph Welch a a am n.S i'I New Leather t Nno Fathiont 1 1 ' EBENE7.EU DICKSON again tenders his on fciirned thanka to those who have patron. laed him, aad begs leave to inform them aad all others concerned, that he baa just received, from Philadelphia, a J ' j ..'...i ..iiC". krLm In. ana new umii ami iwi wmv w,,, bl him.bv hia own faithful attention to bis shop. snd the employmi-nt of the best of workmen be sides, to make and mend every description" of T ' BOOTS and SHOES, ; f of as good materials, in aa fashionable A style. And workmanlike nianner,-ai any in the United States. He bas received a supply of first rat Stal-Skini t from which he will be able to auk most superb fight Boots and Pumps for gentle. men: nemi-w""" KkholaA Niceier-?r' Joha fi. W bitjS - Christ oplier Xicn't ; John Wallace inomaaaw 3t7 ta-rWiTA'. ewa.--?: '4'- ,' ift'" DAVID BTOKRE, P. M. rp HB aubacriber having qualified aa adminia, X tralor on the estate of the late John P. Hodgen's, dee. desires all persons indebted to said estate, to come forward and make ettllo. ment and all iliose having ckima against said estate, will present them for settlement, proper, ly authenticated, otherwise this, notice wity be plead la bar of their recovery. - , MKSIIACK PINKS1 ON, O'An V. ,Vr.21,1825. , V AndOldtwt fa sfl if him, CalTat flie of the Bld-BOOT opposite Mr; blaughter'a house of -entertainment, Main street, Salisbury, N. C. ' , . Jh-e.UmS. - ' : 88 . :Utjamenti ;Orittf ; , TnCFtcldV commissioned ynd nonommis. sioned stafT, -and now nti ianrtl ewnpanW fBcera, aUacbedtoahaiCad, KeN CMib, tm.: inrtrther with the noncommissioned oflicera ri4 -muslclanajof X'apt Lemly?a Aafisbary Xujllt. Infantry Blues, Will sppear at tna bourwiou In SafisbiiiyYoit Fr iwt, s 10 VelockTAr Mrrrf(toed1n wmprt-u uiuformrready to be drilled in the manual exer. cise snd field evolutions. luketo will be fur. nished in towir-Gcneral Court Martial wdl be held in the evening of that day i and it U desi. red of commandants of cortipawe, that they then bring forward all business which ready f By'wde? of Wm. H. Kf rrt Cob Comdt. , PI11L0 WlliTt, -M .VVlsMSCfl. , ' 5t ' 1 - I V j I