K-j J 'V I, " W V' " V VOL. VI NO. 300. tt nu n a i ur. HA!,! : niiUY, N. C TUi:. i)AV ,VllU vt vm. f m wm4 ml 4k TV lT4 el l h.r-fl f .rv! ' -e 4f f,J J-J, a-aa la ftJ-. tie !. (. r ' ' .4 ik. I ' Jot m.I U 4ST..r.e ft. A3 knur l'r 1 i T "t M ii m tmiii eaueuv ZLfr, ftimrrrl II U be C'attffkgU ,.lha fctllnji fttfr'i-l(K4t-I?nrrrr 1. (MtUinlU matter, lo tisane Ihtl wa General AiMtoUr, at their last K I, kite made setae 'attempt te nls 9A, I, the eurv4e of affording F-dott- (V to the poneer cUitttef tbecMeeas tftbtitute. The plan, boir, ii Ut fwiM eailafacfore 1 but still H It be rio ting end if Iho coanenenltf approve of end tftttr heartily Into the oosinet. ft e.e reasonable einect that futon tesskrfi of thf Legislature will act with greater energy end BtL appttbend tht the Genersl AmmUf shrunk from the strong tnessortt retommeeded oy Ika rnmreJttee BDBoJnted at tM f ftf CO ' lag session, fearing In Influence en their tending tooog ihe people. But if there be an object upon tH for hkk mia of tmder eoidraiioo It Uat ebjct liwf I frf It eonfeti to toe. tK I dauuMf commcbfQru ua in ftf ih CDtnnDatilif..throctli 0T Wbtr nedlvra tbta tttitioa for thli express porpoM.. ANi I 00 mum imi lain tvtk Mini th Trtnur? could intrf , -bboot beinr opprwirt to tofi ind r1 eqa.1 19 trit dtmrwj tbtt oom m ibwm bm h. Cut lt th diflifollUt b ttM . r. "iko l appHhcnd tbnn lo U. yit If Wf fret tfttuot ere wonaif ci imrt; cootlmjf d ard irantmltted to tbe aucceed Jnr Knrtlo(m tbco U It itMJitpenaabiy tecewarjr Ibat ibt -meant f ioneU tad ediKation be afforded to the treat mate of the comraunitr. Tbet tlt Mr. Printer, ere no chl inert of mf brain thij reaoit from the Mture of man, end I be nature of gOum tneot tbee tre tupported by ibe eMmpie fall national aod depend on the'toones loo that eiieti between cuao and effect. - Irtiortoce, tnd In- eeruln :tttetdant. bode of anf .tommonliyi forbid ?t w ee pect that freo eod tirtuoot gofern ncot ca be durable ereoon them. On the other hand, tbe !ut of domlnatioo, tod tbe meant of obt!nirg it atncwjj thote that know neither their obligation or their prltllcgee, U tempoiion that fear to whom it U Writ end full? pre tented, bate the tirtue end the retolution to reslat.'" " LlV v . V . .Theae pibierrtilon.t ere made with the ,k will elicit the obtaerrationa . f abiee pent, end bat the subject m7 be uiriy jMtca jriw - t The following la en ertraet fromth apeeeh of Mr. trerett. h the noua of Repreaentatife. oe the amctklmcnt of the Cowtitution. ' m Having touched on thia point, I ought, perbapa, to add, that if there ere any members m this liooaeof that elaaa of politiclana to whom the gentleman from North Carolina, tMr. Saunders,) el ludedi at having the dWpoaltlon, though Dot the power, to diaturb the compromiae ontained In the eonatitution on thia point, I am not of the nutnber.-.Nelther am 1 one oftboae citizentof the north, to whom another hohoVaW member lately teferredpn a publication to which hia ' tuhierinedr who wbuld think " It immbral ahd IrreUgloui to join irrpiit' ting down a tmne insurrcvuun i w South. I em no soldier, tir i my habit md. jjdycatlonjire jrere ' unmilitary I but there it no cause in wttch I would sooner buckle a knapsack to my back, and put a muaket-o-my-ehouldert than . that. ;r..i ' 1 ' n.niSn.M m ilt. wouiu ceue ,mo wuw vwm.v... w -..f one who would tske h to England, to France, to Spain j I would tee It sunk in tha bottom of tho oceMi-hefoje Iwoujd tee any part of thit fair Americe conter Tled into .Continental Hiytl, by that aw " ful process of bloodshed and desolation, wf,lch1fllone such a catastrophe could -Th o-raat relation of vv viyua" - ti ' a se r vitude ln: torn aTfolr W 7olneirt greitWAc ten dejpartuio ftom tneor: OtiS equality 6f men, is inseparable Jrpm 'our nature. I know of no way by which the form of thia servitude thall be 6xed, w hathiat Initltntion. - Domestic Slaee- m-though I confess i not that- form : of aervitode which teems to bo most oeneu cial to the ,' master-Hjertainly not ; that which it most beneficial to the ?Iavei notr in my iudgment to be set down a 4n immoral and irreligious relation . I vcannot admit that religion has but one 'voice to the slave, and that this voice is, Rise" against your Master.' No, tir, ibe New Tesument tayt ((Slaves. obey y-';r !nf'f " r i t!.S I kftcw ('. (biJ,Tl,r',if , gifcr4 n... a ,! loun tt IIWI nrtif!i'"i ;1 lHa r,fiur.e im;Mi,:lm -MpMr. in' tuii. ttl I citiRet atfmli, tet !!: It auUUta, and hre it abU(t, l?a diUa i u pe Hjy4 a4 aM tkifltd if .rtliglyn, And thow) 1 err UkJf tea . act oiled upoi l rnetttft thafrtt bfrwibt aflatlXia iawiutloo a ...k ... tux la lit word r.::i on tie antltct.' I wr tbe eoodttia filac claaaea In other constleu m lotlmitf lr atia.lnitd wva U la . ..... other coanmat t im ae m MtKaiKm la utinr. that IbeQtve the U?ea La tbl . . ... . . ., countre ere better t lot bad end fad, and im k.rn ooritd. tbaaine oeaaaittrr w .... fcf iK mtil nreaoeroaa stattt the Cooilaentof Edrwe. CoUrlhechth ft 4 A OOfft. aa nofa!i(loa t read itJinoa. y karn fmnulitlofl doa f Povertf, vaAl tift at to. diteate, and all tbe lUa of life i it it theae !t cbtck populauoa aU over is ftM. Now the ai.va dobu!iIco in tnt ueiteo otae wnm, hi iba biia. mtitm Wtudcd. Whal i .1 ... 1 . 1 . t Ike Infcrcnee at to the pbt k.l cckvUiJoo of the to cUe Tl tocktf r ineae .t enjnlooa I kte loot entertained, end bog alaca pubtUIr pleated on tbi Mhft. and vhkk I nere repeat in ea- to tbe iMlaaftUoai to wkkk I kait already tJloded.'' 1 bata been out to Gen. L Favetie't chateau, L Grange, where I' remained to dy ad throe tagbia.tpeouag ina most agreesble time I tter spent any where. 1 did not eiDcctto rereaia more rhioi day, but could not get away sooner. I wat parucolarfj lortunate m ,tne time hen all the General! chiUren end rrand- children were aaaemUed tort t her, pre- if praioryjo the oburvancc el tome reu eloua ccremonv. to keen In recollcctloo the deatk of the General! wife, end Ceo Washington . Lafayette mother in law. There were about twentv or tblrtr persons at table every day, tbe greater pert of whom were ladies, the two daurhtcrs end the grand-daughters of the gcoerai, with an .aeMlv.lnremunr younir iati, ansa Segur, daughter orthecourtf, .l. . .mnalim. 1 had a Irff chamber, with every convenience, where were bookt and papers tbout loouott . . ... .i ti.j ..... a unra bei in ine casiw hhbi'mw it body in the parlour, from whence we proceeded tobreaUMW titer oreaauti, all of ut, eicept jhe Ceneral, took a moll over the grounds, after which It waa the uaage to retire into tbe chambers until about 6, when another hell assem bled us to dinner i in the intermediate time; ttmrever. I-wat-mostlf with the Generslf -who-wae showing rn on one day. In the libraryt the immenae number nrnrknta K kafl received from Ameri ca t.ton enotherr what k.laUt;.arm. which we . would-caU.aUWeK Oarn -ano barn yard f here he bat all of his stock, kc. brought in the evening into their reapective etables and folds I some pigs, mA rt(M and tarkevs, brought from America, hit flock of tbeep countt up wardt of 800, and ara'every one genuine merino," raised from a part of -the flock sent by the King of Spain to Louis the 6th, who icave them to mm. Alter am nrr. wft continued in the oarlour together, where we had coffee, and music from the young ladies about 9 or 10, a cup of tea, and retired about II or 1 J to bed." Pt5ilr.nt am in circulation, addressed to a w va ivi' . f -. . -, - - ibe governor of . Kentucky,' and proposed tor adoption in tne various counuca wi wq state, urging an immediate call of the le glMature for the purpose of organizing the-judicUry tyttem. There are ttill two' tuprcme courtt in the ttate, whose operation must Increase the confusion of ifrTrsTdT,td6nblerthoxcitement:end bitterness ot party spirit. J- THTPJLfPr.RJLVCE: Ahewweellr naner haa made 4ta an-J n.innr In - Hrxtnn. tnr the taUQaDie OP , r . . - , ject of aiding in the tuppretsion.of the beuul vice jof JnUmpei-awe. T.hfi, ?rst number contains tbe followina letter from the Sage' of Quiner t--'--------;- dress to the-New-Bedford Auxiliary Society for the Suppreaaion of Intemper ance, which -1; have retd with pleature and edification. It abounda in ingenuity and information, it la eleeant and nathe tic i it it pious and virtuous) it addresses itself to tho understanding and tne heart. A drunkard is the most selfish being in til. irftiara.' Hi? hia no aenae of modes- ISIV WM.'w" r - . ty, shame or disgrace. He has no sense nrht. or a-mnathv of afleCtiori witn hit father or mother, his brother or titter, bit friend or . neighbor, hit wue or eww- r r- mm ftcf f ;f I !, Cad sfM f f,1 ,i!-y it .la oJl ,f te .1 U 1 1 U te r:i ', Hi. 'A f lha r. vtntt.t. r ll It fx hgmilutlr -jf, that !JflmiM and Hl5fof twu!4 t-'Ut t rne tbe Me C'brUiUa ut', Jt Vr t!' t.vrkf irn; !' af la: tt.' I II f SOffa 4ln to l!i!;Smr i AinarUata, (btl I Kay are InCfiitalf . tstaadad M tba FrctKh ia 0.1a cardkial !rl4 t Anfljtk rit mftTM" t ttrnt alt tiiMU, a we Amcrkaa iunkJ esccad ail lie tr tlht buKlrfJ miUiooi of maektod la tbladtsuUvkef , V ' ott. araii I. fleik hri Arctic. Cau4. U which rrli it Ikvlot eo Vcdntdty, FaHt Papers to Fb- Ilk, containing LondoO dates t the 4t b. have been rtctited. Tbt IMiilh ParlUmeat was ha eeuo. Tk. kiiaaaa-a. which wat deliver ad Tab, id, aHuted to the pecoi iary die- Iran t4 tbe co-mry, The M;nteril . a. . '..a- Wr mbere riW tbe nat'eee lo tae late a araaa tJ r a hit. I and tJ aoecutatioo. The op pmitloo charge it to Uoveroaeot and Ibe Hah. , i Tba Rriit.h 0 ot rn mint kat CAncloded e Treaty of Friendship. Coram ret, ani Navigation. elthCoWnhl. . , A great aVxtryisseii to I are beew commiited on the bank of Feltd. - Tk. H.ntW llrwiia nf S. C. Ikes and Co. laddcrsbcldhastnpendcdeynMnt - .M.e a ar a a Mrasrs. I,nobtoaoo,anouo.iMeoa, j.j ... ! bare a 10 auiperwaa payment, i - Pail-lona are to be Dreianlad I Parfll- iwent to restore 4ka reurkiioaoo for elgn Silks. - . - ; - - -The British have ordered a igtta to tho Mediterranean with stale orders. Greek stock had 'fallen lo priceP -The -Tartar frigate has aHftd lo Cogtaod, with about 2P00M ollars. . . . Tk nrolaet of aatabliahlnc brncheS of the Bank of England In tbe principal cittet, waa under consideration. I The new nevlretion Trcity ,21 ween ITnaLnd and Pranee. Wa 10 fO lOtO operation oo the lit of Nina. It It t 1 - J .L. MJntnI.. .if alnpV-lla. rn1aavfMira ar maklna? in trance to blfe the censorship of the P'M'ori& established steam, boatt at lUAfvnttn Switsatland, end, Uerrnaar. a tooai to establish them on tho Saone.---; - -It is called eiceetely cold U Englsnd whh.thc thermometer JOdegreet abofe aero I '. . v t. . It U reported the French hsve entered into a new engagement to continue tbelr i. Win ihre ,eart loneer. It is poaaible Spain may brtome a Protince a.. . St I at.- fT....lvK of- France, u will oe au w tap wya laiwtir. ...... - 1, t. a.td anrna Ruiiian .trooDt have k....t ik. Pmlh mil Kol -orders and are uaa.ru . !" - - - ' ... ... . .1... k . T...k ..Mniitin inrt!ti,a araina, iu . I.tr. tnim flat harctl. VU. 1. ItUe .k.nka J.taaatLiaaet flri tO lkt lUDUrDS eii'iw - of GalataTat Constantinople principally ' . a a thja. a inhabited by Cbrletians,ana law ooust. i iam .tiMM Kjirnt. , eatPrlnce.Trubetakolt said lo k... m.ta imrvtrtant confessions. It IS - . .1 ..m. th rrminiracT . ai fi. reicra w im.in tn have bad extensive rami UWI K J w " " fications. f our generaia oz mrmj Beasarsbia, and many onicert oi me eian, have been arrested, may ipett even r iK diianlutioo of that armr. This conspiracy is taid to have commenced before tbe deatn oi Aiexanoer, ana wa well known to biro. " Tbe French f ariiatnent wu opened en the lit of February. r .k. , .,k i.n ttia Rmneror Nkholai latuad S proclamation dedarhf , that up lo tbe date of oil acceaaion, an ctpiiiw"- .1,-11 k. ..KWtta Hard tabor, and tbat all debtors to th ttate, In auma not exceeding . . u a aa . . s .a. a 2000 ruble, aaall oe noeraiea wercirow. QUEBEC. jyVU 0AMVmMJ-m mmw arv w beeflKrecelved-ifl town from Quebec, intimating that hia ii ik. r.nvarnnr In Chief, fore exfcciicuvr -- i i i .t... n r aeeinir the Issue .oi tne aenoenuona a f.a . eW- the flouaf 01 Assemoiy wun repec iw the supplies sent on "the "evening of th .k.-ivll.... milk a Uth, a message to m "wk -copy of a deapatcb -frorn Lord Bathurat toZZszzzKcz mrAtf mmlatindwtf in-thts U1H(IIUIUI5 " . i. - - .iwiaiACSirJ ij .1 - Il......k. llnl... Ihft iun- torming sua if r plies should bo voted. In n uutianaX form, bit lorasnip coulu n -.--Fv y. them all. This is Indeed important information, snd it only remains b be teen whether the Atsembly wiU persist in yo tlng the auppliet as heretofore! or vote them in the manner recomraetded and enjoined by the Imperial Government. We further learn that, in consequence pi the above intellisence, a call of the House of Assembly has been mide for the 3 1st n .ut nniR i hi. enxietrof the country will be intense, though we fear the event " a .. : a a. it Inevitable. Monireai Minus' f. hrjXLLi It EfrmniXT uiwi i tx a SartMrf t- 'mint, lUl b g MtMnJ Tcionrtra le fVt svaal e tWMiaUa 4 tfunl Se at; V, aaaf a taft wWWal BwUtft, Ua, aajftaaw t4 coatitd la tbe vi I laenra aaa? Wn. a Mm , vary farf a.pwd by V 7im. - a baa Ike SjUmI faa).a mf IW K'-Srn C4iW&.vt a, J toftlade la frW. It. f. at frj. pWf W la ike if U tLU Ht-m aaairv, s iai bbfl ii rif ajt ! '4 at'4raaxe mmt thaaa al tJUbJ lb. If patrwtaft. tir rHaa aia M pfwakM; aUa4ae I. . pfxbac t0 be lakae h fr4 ear, lip a, fr. II, B 6ILI9 TKMHKT01V. TrjffXtnU.T Inttwne Ua IVWtxK aad J e tbe puUe at bvge, lbl be b naaii 4 the Tailoring Jlulneil, U the twa ae tafftrwry. on efala rwet, la the rMaate furanHy eceapicU by ) gWe and a... a a a i ..ft BfeenaJi aa atorv, mmmtty Mia UM Foet f)ece aad Mr. Cm. W. Draws' llora, and rerr cnfttfWent U0 theroevaU tawai ftber be ia prpafvd te eseeete al linnrtpOom tf wm m mm aaaniaram. aj iaa aaorew. n- tlr, an-l U e U aol lrfMr, a rrcanla duf. baijr and taHe, t any Ttiai eaabe alacuUd la tb e tbe edk4nar n- cerrtd the btUat f.atiKin froea Mr, AlWa Ward, ot Vbe fref tta4H?Me, aecweepankd toy drati, plana, aid frvrta, vltk a3 tbe rotor new la vecjoe nftfttnt4, ae it a-ra ne will be able tetnit the aate and frney say aeiirmea. 1 be patronare ef tbe fwbk w tpectfunj r'ittdljH" he bae herHoare rneeunifee! tbe aubacrihefi he keoaa vilfeaav tinwe tbeir fatoni ad.a4 abn wia) aulatasrial and tWiMMaUe verk done, are Invited to give hi at t trial. DWsoAutton. Tbe ee-nartnmhlo herrtoforr etkemr be- tweea tae aMbarribrn .ndrr tbe Ira of itrrtM and TttnfiWton, ia Uua day dwilved, b BMtval eomenc HiKiin r. Hr.vra, IILAt TEbirLtTOrf. joaaWv, Ftk X, 1830. .TftUoTAiig. THOMAS V. CANON, tTLJTgCJP!f 1 T7 ""Tr tbeJiaWonable kji vilhrv of ( Ward a taeee central aiUia- -a " . .vt.w... -l v. k.. a ueft.be baa renwrto muuwt, - anakiwtaidbaacaieauie nuwiw bia workmen, and ia prepared to eieework, which.ia point ef eWganoa and durab.nty. wdl compete with any tbinf of tbe kind toe seen i. ..:. Travcllera or otber. WMninr elotHea made at abort warning, can be accommo dated vilb a M uw w 50 noun. T. Y. C W rrt for A. Ward of Philadelphia, in aerCnf patent, and gWing inatniction m cut- tmr according to "iroifn tem -Any perwn e-WUng te aHfte to the Philadelphia faahuwrt, a ill pleaae te cail tthnatan.!. f Orrrrd, Cmhvru ra. Jan. y, 10.0 TV fl r wJUw Ant frmnu $laS emet "Be H known; thai tiJ3 rFenf, of Fhildl . i ... .i.i. r p..nnnlTania. have nomiua- fed and appointed Mr. Tto. .P. CWj. rfOav cord, Cabarrui county, si. ' - eonatitu-e. authoriie and empower the aaid Thoa, V. Canaon, w'rth full authority to teacb and aril patent righti to other, to use the afore aaid Ans Ward Fatent Frotracter iytm of uutb art my hand aad Beat. tMe 8U day- of Feb ruary, lt2S. ALLEil Wftau,iai.j Great BfttgaVna. rinF. robKriber ofTer for ask hia ft" ena? LM ia Btateavuie, eiwer ,U,M: bi Beddinr and other Household Furniture, and . aa a II a ajnat a HaVaei with or wrthoot au o nou- r; " mm B al. - .LJa at Vwm Vt 111 4 1 A lltJ al tracuor I T "-'.U vAinrt tween 150Q and 3000 acre, adjoining the . r fi.....u:n.. aav nart tbereol. to I lana oi eitw"wi j r auit purchaeere. , ' . The landa hi Centre, knewa by -the, name of .k. wKti. iimite tract, and tfoe adiouiingj in tko whole about 1 2? in aeverai otoer imct. an ......B - ' i r rl land. Ivinr M AJTuner1" TMdrlL Allthe diflerent pan oi r. "r'k.. n.A remaind.rof .my negroes bm will be lequirea tor sne vv y - - i. deemed uel to deienbe th.ProP?T mor particularly, as the purchaaer will a uh to view ii uciuis v.. . ,. u,,,nirr THE CELEBnATED IlDRSE TT "7T triXJTeland the eneulng . W W . :.anaal Mr. 1 IUTtHl M'Nertv'a atable. Ill Mock" ;viUe. Bowsn county, on Mon. dav. luewavv an -yr: . a t Th'omai OaW.,on Thuradaya, Friday am, -. nrdav. m each weee, aiiernaieiy - 1 . . .r .:k J,.lt.r. fhr ttlMn I five reiiucea price oi . . dolarrthPe single-leap , and tweJve to.n. Setmence on.the 10th of -rJJ tintte ontU the 20tn oi juiy. - will be riven to eunomc. - rr - .p willbwi jaW ' '. M. BROWN. war nri a "ft."V i a.mjQjiy f I tf. enfc-v. J t4 ae aUa -r, !VM M IVa Ml ll.r. K. C. bjX ba if t xb tbe naa ..' ad 6Uae il t'aft. U';'a tataWy L'.t lalaalrv JiU.a, el f at lt I al llvuaft M PaU7,aa FrvU., tie fai f at. al U a iv- k. A. M. e'l urr'd ia ivAvm aWWm. Nwt la ba il.tl a la mmJ . ir (iae a. f LJ etvUfc Ma a.!l Ira rW. BMSftd is Unr. Lmrl LmttX Mania! a .3 baj, I. II ia iba evaaJag a ift thy aM It I tfcl x CaamiMadata al. aamMJMM. lbal tWw ' tka sting tarrard aD VaaWae Vfbk k nUf abarte. . . . , 1 ereaf ef Was. It. Km, Cl ralt, FllltO WHirg, JU UaV. few Untktt I h'ra faihlirut Tttr.ltr.U titCltn scale laerfenkaieeV A J trad ibaiJtl te theae a bare pavwa btd bins kftd br laa t Ufgne tbete ad a4 MbreaMaret)u a l bat rei,ed. rM rvUa'phi.! A'n if(AAii tfLtatktr. d new Am and W Taj wiieh tH fne ble btm, by bW ewe faikul DUatio te bia shop. aM the ea.ftVavnl of tbe beet a war I atea be aUee, te aaale and m4 eeary aWvtpihio of noaro atis BirnKS. ef a fend aaatavkk, ha M tWenable t Wv tn, and weriaaanibe aMneef, a any ia tbe Ceiled lalee. t baa reeeie4 a "?P'f of Iret rata) WUV i from abkii be wui be abU u makei aaont aeperb Kent Itota and Feaipf Lr pnUe- II reapectfiny alf - Art (mm H rr J Can at tbe ura teibe MlU JOOr.aenw'ta) Mr, BUitr bmne of jtateaatau Jlaiai url, SaUaWn, .1. C. .. . - W W, IS.' J. 14 ar via ae w e raTlrtr annfwfterttk a.tTM f' avalat Tliat' fftan aWl aV aT f 9 " aa e e aft nrvi vueia av" ww aarv fr la lew" X rJoe aberroa) Thae, wndr, fatj. hnnerff S4, la the einy ef Iredell, N. C. I Wag a Fik Shoal Creek. ctMliimn anmlbtne ar rod - a, - - acrts, of u good a qua Ik r e anyi wtthoot eitep ban, ia) the eeper a-y14 aid eouWjr. There at an ai, gnod deellinf 4tnnee and Kitchen, a Urra new barn, ith other aiceaaary beihlinrs. The ewrcbearr -m ba e reeah!e ereibi, by gie lag Am9nmA memmwr9 I A alaa ..a Ai..k.a 1. A. cn intioa of the buwL aa lha Muchaaar wnuLL aa doubt, wiab te view h brfore buting. For fuN tber paniculars, anpr to the euWriber, at the) tain newre mi? my;, ror run. , appr to the euWriber, at the) I'lloaf's mill, Lincoln county, J0IL1 W1LF0NG, Am. l mi po-olnce at Vti N. Carolina. let. 15, 19. n l . ts. " i frrnn JWVihWdonrw A tredcB eoontrreffrr V eele the eery -vahishle end well knoera tract of JLene' ehtr he new uvea,, alnicet iflimtdauir orterta MAt nrHta ttA ttuntaviQe. la the count r of ttew. an, called tbe OcUrinej Grove, cvntainSne; 500 acre, of ebkh about 2M I now cleared, and la cultivation. Tbe land ia not inferior Je any ia the county It produce corn, cotton, to- baoco, and email grain in aovnoanoe iwww acre, It moat excellent low, ground t there i on It, a good mill-eeat, an excellent docDing houee jut Iniahed, and other aeeeeaary out. hew There wHI be anU, abeuM eeinbo punrhaaar. 300 arret mnre, adjoining tbe above, about 50 acre cleared, moat excellent water o k, and equal Id any land In tbe.Forki. loh trecta are well watered. 1 will take. In part -pay, acvtral likely Negro Girl. ' Poncaioa giv. If the above property. It not dipori of at. private mle, will be sold to tbe higherf bidder, on the U day of September, 1826. Terms made to auit pu rentiers. It ia deemed unneees aary to give any further deacrlption of tbe prop. erty,Minoedeirouof purcnannjr, wiuimiuoi. teaa with to examine tbe premiae before ctoaing any contract JOILN A. CHAFFLV. 13SR0tl tboeubeenber, living in itocwngniui . S county, N. C. en tbe 28th day March Uat, my negro fellow J0IV, about five feet 8 or 10 inchea high, aoout yenra oio, oi a yciww ww- E letion, one upper tooth out, full face, stout uUt, vrkb-large white eyei alao, larf e whiak. erCwith bold look, and tutter very bad when spoken to i ui doming, wnen no ten mc, wa. cotton ihirt and white yarn pantaloon i and weittcoat description not recollected. Any peron arpreheridiog ia negro, an "7"' .. -!. . ..r...a him In 4BV lail 0 Kt I gat him again, andl be weU ed by tho lubacrioer. e,i. . jprtl, 3d 1826. 3t" Etai of JM. lUnksion, Ben. . . a. a . .1 ft,-. mJt al. 1a.eaflk Llrperwn ifKlebuaiauic pmuiuLrej. ...1k..k. o-.-tnn. urn. dee. are mKinea k limit delavi and all Per- aom havinz claim agamrtthe eatate, will pre sent them within the time prescribed by law, or thie notice iaiU bo pleadinbarjof iheirjrPTery. 11e exeoitor are deirou-of xtoung their ad miiiiitnalon a. soon b! POoOI'lei therefore peraoui concerned would do well to pay imme dimte aitention to thia notioe." v ; - " JESSI5" FINK9TQN - ? vtffc - rc. 30,1825. . . 93 " . ALL persona who have any cUim gaint : tho - ik..i.. dee'd. are deaired to preaent tbetn to the adminwtraton, wiUio-ut . . a r.M.iilatinn ' Bfl delay, properrjr sttevtea ior jua., , - default of doing. ey fbe herjed a covery t And all person. h, yet jt.nd mdebted to said e.tate. -Ill pie" . " . . a m a.ft ft a V na with, and c one tneir accm u . .. ."j. i JL .. ihr administrator are adxioua totop.wimr vaVl'I. LEHLr.Y. . i.i.. ALEX. BOYD, JIowA 27, 186. , 3 .i J -tr.a.j.-W.-i w.ti;!t-.j r y

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