u.i r.i ;.. c 1 1 l 1 , 1 VI .0. .ID. I . ' I- .... t it r- - i ? - . i-,,.l kl L. in A Jff;ilHMIt-' ' . . . . . . .. I ltlt, Tt- "It. a-.'.-' t I if W P f"4 tf 1 :-.tV'r- lvt.JtriVe rwvUH NiiU l UtUl el .j i.,L.itt in tin C'w..mM a Am- . Mr. ItOniUNH mi J, the Honor. L!? rrulriit from Ttnneisce (Mr, Wbitr,) talUd opooui (by hi, I mem !v have not ed-.rttdtbe res. ma ftp bi the rttvf t.) to s&aw Mre I In tS rf iftvin ef the rr rort wii act .w-.!-5f-. iktt we wrr ? iobumm" "'it fc either to df this. r l sacri ire re !r (if tSe mtonier. II t'lallhdihtr the rtaiin rxr th iVIt U iht nrce ii Jrr !trrn Jtivt t for is . , f-i IkrIWv'A ir;pracrt ignoil m f twu racri.f matter its mfmortl imunce cf the kipii t confioecd oohoJji vet Jt pii!e J etry tody.- i confotioie J the DhilotoDhVri"oJrocUp!.uIcUfi of tht r4rljr part of tb last ceotury (xrvmy of them utwrea nra u itnciu " uiion, by l U&orc"Jl io. : Iter J t hit bit upoo ih tlut trut urrat!letJ :ihirttbtle wtb t t lrtt. h oivcird t that he had i tod, for while, it w . tvJmutcd that he iaafoui oow ii geemipl to be doubted whether bit Tefuuiion it not UkU" refutable, ind it fcctmore lecmioj thao aolid. Sud hoie Berkley bere oow, to put to the honorable peotlemaa from Tennrnee lh tame dilemma' which' be, would Hjt to at i bioif no refute toy argumeBti or adopt my cooclatlon BiuiU iltm llictt U u nattiial world, Jor refuw the maonipg by which -1 Bv-nnrate that there if nose t tdmtt that the chamber io which we ait, that 'fjte colamni which adrn it, are not material t)bjecirleroal. tu.ua, but merely ideas lb the mind.' My hon orable friend would say, I btliere, ' Mr.. Berkley, your altenj'atWe is a 'nb)rd.ortr,r and as unrentable" as bard. r I : feeLthst -jpurToocJusioTJ though I - find myself ioble t detect the fallacy of your-reasoning." You .wiH give me leivtiherefore, to bc- . iicve ia me iDiormiiion ii mj kuici, ' and to let your subtleties ilnoe." Ileiidea. anr armiment may be true. T u f and unanswerable because it is true, yet not be aatisfactury ) for it may be out-weighed by .; other arguments, eauall-- true . and .unanswerable.1 and ;more satisfactory because ' of more weight. This U the case as to all i miratinm drDcndlnir on a balance ol probabilities t as auestinns of political expediency lo j ot which thjijcpnei But if we were reduced to the alitrna--tiTe,-.tQWbjch;the gentlemao .from Tennetaf would "rrduce TlimtiU 1 thint'we should oof be'rompelled o adopt h"e resolution for that reason- Ine. i subtle and ingenious aa tt Is, al- most BerUeyent nd imposing ai it is at- first blush; will befoond. upon , . , . , .. . w-"'-: w c oset examination and, reflection, to be lar from conclusive. U the hypothesiiia wherejsuppprted. at is noi even aiicmuicn u us aup-i " ..";r. rr:ttr'U"rr.,'T.."k:.i.i l " .' ' " tt . 44 mi. f wrw4i -Wf rrTf tf tin' 1c . i;k-..- . m,V.JsoTerelifnl bsd thurbecome-a felo da act:, it you are at bbertyjo.make " K r further from the your vpmisea wnatryou piease. you may make your conclusions what you kIik.i-- 4 .V WfM n.Mturv It 3ey&!&s LMttii,. wiu m. iuviu "W . .. nature aad cnaracter Ql, ?nat jxoojjims l r....u;. . .- un.M i - tntmnarf i h. k' ;' n hmmt'. alciselv the same in aubstance. and near lr --j . I T i.vm.,.;,.9 i, 0 I nosaeasintr the nreroirativei 01 ioyerlr"'"''" "T . Aft uoaennea, at icasi as iar as wc f'BBWrri.i',w iiupucw m'Mjv 1 : -! in nrnnf ' I tviM a-1rt itnlv one I 4:!trf'.-v "I MU. i-. f f..if , i , 1. I l i' i'ff't, "i 1 I . , ' - t i I ! 'r-i at, '''' ?ff i , f if, i:. i ' ' : tf (. rri. t , r ; ' !. 1 ilt,rt(jai.ff e'.?trtot. fs:i. tl !' ei a avee ufa'-c If I'.tx J ai.aCf!. ka, sr.4 cleaHf tni dU'.intl latfk4 jt.' , . . a r t-i. Imr.t.Iiti. tK.t t-jf t!'inif ihti todf. la rpf''d tbtfc. If tli.t mutt tuprems ft(J Coil p-.ffS on th " bf tbclr rl.Ufitbnl and lhit sutjrtts mmt htolre the ttnU1 ilU win try. It rut U, at I mU lHf .tt. a toi federate, orr. lJi an4 ataoJuiS aof' ilrfr. Itt.in t aphere f lis vtiltfttf th.t tphftt rr.r.i w, n If lha orot'lv f re i-orl 1 tumpiin on wr.rct ii ,.i. . lumpily oft wKiH Its rtoft!n? art Ltumta" Ifce pilntJrle Iron ntn ii J uf poii. o." iw .k-IlfihU CoorrtM n.of 10 W or. I" - r. . ' ! -I . i - . 1 r ..u ,kt Ursof a forfU" sotertljnty I 1 take H to be ery clear, that we loniJ not t iur arHt,t L la Ir.n.fcr a OotlkiA of tht lof r.,iwt( illinailootoa forrieo power. Clit wriHDkt rt sortmr nilnn. fe anr-ncnVjo of hf No ' . T , ' .,f. .!lnt. but aubWct the sovcrclentf of this cation I thw. sotcrtlgoty so sH coa ted f'-Such an idea Is too abaurd foe re fuiatlon, sad needa only to be mentioned in h rIer fed. If It WI1 a fatt that this Conrreia was to U an crjiantxed aof cignty,tbe commiitee anoufcJ naf estoppeg thera ibould hare rrported the simple Cel. and bate spared themaaUes the la hoe of all their subtle reasonings, of all their details of probable dangers for surely we wanted no resaoningt to coo tine na of the inexDcdieocr of trnfct- ring a portion of the national sorerclfrnty to a lotcUn power, ana w suDjecuna; j m Jdu to the control of tHt y'tr I arid no eaaff crated pictures of Rational tUn gers, to deter us from coromimnt; aucn n art ef tiatlAfial auicide. - If it be a fact that thla Cooijrea I to be this org.nlted sotereJgTityi-poascsalna; thoae aorerelKO prerogatives, and to exerciae this supre macy orer os, let tne same s;enuemo who drew this reoort. or an? other ten- ileman, now show-Itt.snd the Senate must reject the proposed ml wonjwuh one voice e "TliifUii lUDDosHioni" mad bribe; re port. Is jtntlrely intuitousf and - has not of warrant hatrer ftoro any of.the documents on wnkn It was.lounaea i it la not onlr without evidence, but cool ra re to all the evidence. It appears from thsae documents, mat tntt uonre is io be a mere diplomatic council, with no power whatever, but as such. It is Io notaeaa no one attribute of soterelentt i no legiaUtive power, do executive power, no judiciarpower'i hoT powef"hateer but that of an 'advisory council. This council is not to form the confederation of. the South-American Rations, as the Itnnnrahlt) rtntleman from South Csroli na(Mr.llavnel auppoaes. . That confed eration ii already formedrihd thtT-toun- cil is appointed be It; each nation ap pointing two plenlnotentlsriis'to be of it. treaties. -made between themseltest but still it leaea each nation an Independent sorereint, t indeoendent in all iti i . for- eif n" relatlopt, hdependeat in att it. in- itemai reeuiauons ana oqit m 1"". ? ff.n.t.. .nd t(ht!-e ., t0 common dangers. , It was absurd. p0, thst when they ,had protided with men jcbiuu vi - --. - kkiAim. n-tr-lnmtt-a. that - the- havt ttitiiiM1 ihna aoerel?nties to the son Ifc&j ir ici8 6thrirRhe treaty :of Colorobl, tnd Chile article 6th, In. the mn ' ' i n . ; i.iL irreaif Ol IJDiomoraanq rxniiariieiB-ioutt and article I tth, in ne treaty oi voiom Mi nt 1 n nrntiHinni ire niv th aatne in worda. in all the treaties, it la rrvllnw. tI rrii if frntn thu traatr soTereignty of thhecj: tf cljnK party.in regard to Its laws and jQfjij oi government, wr 11 iuiiu nf Pf.nfnntfntiariea. twa from eaCb' Aa J, tierj . ! . ' h ' "T u;:ti -t I 'in. ! J ( a!'., f - f i av ! I a, Tff 'f if ft' ' I , J f'i ! iU j ic m t"S T I C ' rf. Sl 1 t 3 AttttrMf i l Ufta, .s- J i,f IktlfV. -" " U-n'it 3i, Trtf t t;Jrt-U-a4 Pare, try-af f iI! WT Cffti it t9UansiKtr,Uf citJ.e luittum yatlittt tfetir rSsV'"!' f" arada ITiH, Tre tf Coba-Lla a&J Utfi!'-n!a, Sey art i t!M TM C1 r,rM l t U an aMirA'f fcf tU i iawia. t&f.'p6M'l U tdr t:m'r.'JrnlrUi.m i t anUJa I4;&, Tfo'.y tf CwLnlia a.J Mcatco, tUy are so tr.eJ Tt Cm rtti It 14 be an smroUe fcf tki State. "ceaipoiH ef thtlf fUrUmUrUt." fo.brrcr thee ire tnli6rf mta i'uu,ti. the art cillcd tlrvhUmiUt it U the il anifla tf the Treaty of Co lomhla ar.f Cf.fi-. It preWfS that U toetinrtBiS lere'i eneotkne4 ahl b wlj iatad ai the mtetbt of the rer'M tfr.ll.rle Are PkalpouatiarUs lovef ted w it l ike poers of ksv efitnent I lovtrtlf wy I . Tljs Wss is pre poatsro UMJ Itbe sli,thy may be I ho,tl csorwH b a suth. Uevdfs, If it t M..i- rv. .'(. la ever oete of Meat . - Tr.iUa. bow ther sre le becoi .'Ma. ,TbteiebecMaaALieda 'wi i - rUnlpoterularlmarBa4eAyreUe. U article 12th of the Trf it of CclomMa and Mcilco. lt It pro4td la .these worda H A CoofircaS shall W LWmed. to Mch catb party shall k Plcnlpo trn'larlca, comroUUooed i.the Sami form and manner at toardv mblaters of equal grade l. foreign na lioos F and this it, emreffiltaza, the provilonf all the Trtatra. And .so far are these' FleoipotewlaiHfrom Ulan riitA with the Dowers oftoveiMnent, that thei art iot eten Ioeted whta the power to protect themselvet but are to ti thai motet lion la the iSUI in wbkh they ammblei and this Is expreaalr sUpuUied for la s the Itaues. na hat la that nrotactloo lohtl It is the protection due t6 the stere and Invlole- . . . Ht S Me character ol FUnipoteaUriss. itt is what Is stipulated. Scertcle IS of the treaty of Colombia anc' Mexico I it proilea that M the lathmia of Panama btirtr an MTerrral otrt 6f Culomblat-aod the ruott auluble point ikm maatwn of Congress, this ttepooite promties to fumlkh la the PUlAHenHarei of the Con great, a!) the facilities demanded be hospitality among a kwJrtd people, ana he the aaered characiert of Jmbatdm' The same stipulation i exacted by all - w - r a t a the other nations from lotombta, ano ar her from them, If the Congress should be .mvll,i1 tn rrmnee Iti seaU Each na- linn cta a marintee for the protectioo of its Plaiilpoienuaiiri;. clearly, proinrf that thef ere-to be merexaa ieoipotenua rlre r hierele- a diolonvatlc Conereia or Councih and incapable ol fecung tnem ..... . . selves. . '- .' . Rldei. all the Treaties in the stbula dons tot the formation of this Congress sndln defining iu dunes, and its otucc limit the Conirreta to the Dower of coun cil merely. Article 14th in the Treaty of Colombia and Mexico, which it but a transcript of the same provision in the other Treaties, and ,whien ceones tne ... m 'a ... aw. ' office of the vongreas to oe j o serve a Council on treat occasions t a Dotnt of union in common danger a faithful ... obk a) a - a interpreter of Public I resiles In catet oi misunderstanding and an arbitrator and conciliator of diipufesind differ iks- Thi U all the eranlof Dowera which the Corigfesilhave made td thena'j' this Is the whole of its Constitution ; for though, it it said, In the 3d article of the .Treat r o( Colombia sikI Chili, they are to adjust the comingenu therein mentioned ; and t ih. lath Artlr of the asmeTreatv that ihev era toTcement the Intimacy: of the union between tne oiaieavincao viu-eesrertusllpincludeiolfr-t definition of their duties." Now, Bow Is it possiblfrto say that here ts a grsnt ot any powers, except those .of-counci! fJJThe Congress is expressly made to aerve as 8 council on Kcai vwmjwu" , ..w. - any occWtions, but a councih Will t boaaid tfiatthese occasions may embrace mUitary and naval operations I Be it ad stilt k isonlya-cattwll Uqera in?! powe?tt ower tHr V9W9t lo "rsi h hi.finh ti wbelltteri;tdo any thing . more than adviJbey are .to icrve as a point pi un, o rne w oau Thi. makes ' them ttie central point of communication, and, the vehicle r , ... nt a oi intelligence to me euret wTcreisu. s..r-t i ,kU la nothine more than the power of advlting. They are 44 to be a iaitniui nverpjci6 y.-. --t Ar ,;..,nri,rtflndirie.M i Bv this ther are v. .i....w. a i - , to give opinion and advice nothing more. .Will oe preienaea mi wnj have not only the power ltd interpret Trcjtieti but to enforce the interprets- f,'j' ? t "' .f a- it 4 a ,!V.! I ' iitf t , .' 1 ! it a' i- .f ( ;! 1 i . tic t ffc.lf I:u',f rff U-t f-inl fat C. K( b t"-' 1 ar'vaafti 1 - e a $n ,?tt f.'-tata la a'ri'.'aj 1 liri t it lirt ,: t f-,!rat ff'tr-;fiilil ind ffttafcirif t i; ' " J " i . 'ft f i J ,f -1 IV orJt ttta tmr.'in fc-Kitif tn'.ra t!'fi c ; .li.l. ar.J ft'tinmr.!.ucKi j!,J iit pvf U ta.ia.rf are leWalhe ;jtHi:'io,i 'J at eiUtr.tofS. At anjr rt'a.af' !''' ! t hikUry mmtt, wtt k ilf tklc ImIi lm-'uta eittiH aa t. at a4 ;ti J'.itioft. Att e-Jjvlr-f cnln?iita. wht la lHare tut aa agreement cl tM pr tieiby lUIr artntt, whatihe tonirilm lloej? So one will pre'crtd It, Aa to ttmaftilrn the lrtlmacv if S elr rtUtloot, that, totclr, It tne tZi e Ol IfltndiKia. not ef fuec. Wl!i It Ml tall tit body lilbt ptrfjtttwmf What hatihat leiU mlik id, mi. r.f Ita tm n mmtt. Will wm a i r ' r - w w - - - , - . a. A II atiil be contetulee a evuMU mat W par- ......I i m rA m mm m. t. lam fWif . f . Tke l)katato..o ef Rome Wat I lm,v r.r imatr. Will Ii tii.l be cooirnitd - - - r ar - - - " ' ' - " " -T that hU CtrcM ll a federated soelH ) tvi..t jii h rfK'ailf r.f Fotfr- elarnty has h f C4 it ralae aro.lt if - No Ihe? cannot. Call the equip eet ? the cm not. CafithTr wmtd sbber the bot or the tuner t " ttr aa- . . a av a Caa thef Uvy.n4 COUect taitti n Ucy cannot not a cent can ihey levy, not tttn Lr their own tubUwence 1 thai they mutt owe to their appoint uwn'.aj and had thef no means of bing but bf ihalr oa pneert. jauit virre te.d? aih. Can Ihty declare war, or conclude pect I Thtf can do neither. Can they rrultt " a ft Oie relaUoct witr toreijr,nj were the? cannot, can mcr rcgmaia IOf subject wha.ever of their to'ema! poUcy f I. r .j.t. mi bete wubJeeia.- C-ibef. cola money sndrtwllte the currency f No, ere tWTKViwa n. r rial Act. I itCT cennmcTt" thev t sttempt to do this, thef make themtcives crtniinaj, ana rapow min selves to pnnUhment. Cao they pats any taw,.or execue anyt. mcf ' not. Have they the power ot proitcum the socletf around thcraf. They have BV a tl.aa not even the power oi proccune; inw telves.. They can do none of then ,KtntrfnrtSe alrrmle fe atom that, the f .""IS-. - . mrm not a nf mmt Bl. OOT SntCOdcd 10 00 a government, but merely a Congress of diplomatic Bgeuts, lr contuuaiioB aim au vice Fn trrw nne tODDOte thaf.lo tnvistlga ilmi the nature and character 01 ian a . tv..a , . . - i ..i Contxrets, we are to woi many inmpi u the Tret'iea by which it Is conailtuted and defined f or ttat it can oe oiner man what those constitutional acts make llf Newtpaper tpecuIaUons aooul it, retiewt oporr-W whethetortb Amerlfan, pryc- Umations lhatjiiiuoe to u ... ,k, m be AfclTTa flftbti In this io- Quiri if In evry poix4of-tlewa.they are. T ' .... t.l. . V . riuiill uaelestt irtnef aijree tutional acts, they are not wanted i ir thef diffrr from them, thef are not en titled to the leatt weight, h Is equsllf unimportant to this Inquiry, what this or that minister 'fom those nations may presume msf be the subjects or discus L.t Caa it real. Whatever those aubiecta maf be,.lhe conalltuUon or. that Congress cannot be other than those coo ttltutional acts make it. Taking, then, these treaties aa our guide, and onlf Kuide, nothing cao be more clear to us . f Mi.failrawn than that the report is cnuixij intupposlng that this Congresi it to be a conieoeraio bovcicik ur Now, bad thereport atterapttdio.pre; dicate the dangerv;hn bich It jvouid .1- Art", h axlateace of a mere Diolomatlc Council ; a mere Congreas of Ambaatsdors, the attempt must have en tlrelf failed it would have been hardlr poislble to prevent its appearing even ft- if ...,i..r.- r,.nMv hn tm auh a -uotv mcuiuua., iw, - , re,a-faB-pregnnt wiib aucldiiogcraj ri in ihM tirat mace, wuuiu , out that the destinies of this country - ,mittt to iti keeDinKi w w controulledrtd be regulated by it, be J J..i i.mii M llaw. I III vcr- tairrfy'ndtby logic t logic would be-of no- ' . . . k a .1 a ..nnti S use. beer wonderiuras tn wraw.. when wielded bf the bnd tharli iu to have drawn -up toi report i. r.tt.. him rntlrele. No, nothing blante of-xojinfftonbet CbuftCif mteucn result as ,-:;, before our efes all the allusM en chanrment before we could tee, or seem men, not over a dozen, without being clothed with any power whatever, except that of Couticil, silting io conclave eg he dividing line of the twoetoispberes, and controlling the de.tinse. otrti--Why, the phrensies of Don Quixotte would be sober reason, compared to t&e extravagance of such a delusion, t i I a 'I l ti ,r t ' . . ' 1 1 i M t I ti , t m; .it It ' l li t ci th. i tn At I r..t.t 5-.a wri te nl a M i tie ih.i bi t a t tf hi i 1 mar nJ 11 Me I ;i''f'.1 tuj ., W l u 4 la K t e 'M: J a ?t f.t fc t -u i f" f" ,fi1ll vut i.l wtrfrrf.'e.ntoit H tU.tr Ikef are er.f(jf taJ, ar tt n'i itn't A. A jI.Li.iii t t,t ttuiia li la mttt Jfin.i'tf flt 1 ibe ttr!t, a4 the cmlr tti.'e, tf em.t.U!i -m t wt otlr.t 1 ard autlf U anaaet rw ; di7crcnce at la tie rU'.i, wlathrr he - - . mean lhe Mlr!frr M?atl h ila e tiLn. trf enecta Dm Coei.ntft with others h art'htr J 1 aui It to tie tame ilul'tru'lc tntcrtortf and the si. trxlmt tT the aaree llrhL And are ktt thete &outN Atnetktn aatUrtt hdepend. ant n.itnAat U'ki.mit Kmil Isnulf it t.!l:td to cofal 'tr ktn at lodepe&d e&i Biibflt. as to all the worU, ciccpt si to herrlf tae la of natlwOl vI'jra her aa t ittnillt r tt tn. tf theae f taits cemcnlt Wallet up the tlhtt ef neu tral aitbot. ia Sp.Ia fes(KnaItJc for thet vlolatirmtf No ba haracif c'lKUrfia the rctooif-Ility antj e iti the Injured , Muirtl le k'h to I tis butei Ijt hit la- - .tM..i'rkiilTin alft -t ill ii . " w . I . i ..i a. a.. ani aa ta ail httnS Sftl 04rtaea, at 10 ua,snd st to all the eorlJ, except at to Spain htraeiri and wi nave precisely the urns right to send a Wininsr there, -lhat we have U Send e WulUt to Urtat BHtalor toTraivtet the same to scad . one to Panama, alio tend one to 5Iilco The mlaMoa theals a matter of plain uo-v, aa. . L a. S? ciuetuaaeUe ruit. iut, tnwe.aii. . H.,..T..-.--r-- U.ion of our neutral "'VJjV tf , l.ha mit conudrr It at tinfilerullf to her. !! D&I a nzrll IU njmuaii v 11 v wrr , --.-- - ?he may independence of lheaea.tioot,thcconaid. J 1. . MKr.t.n.!la Inairt.'i her 1 1A alia CIWU M I ' " ' ' p eiaai ww w when we sent Miidatcrs to those fiailooi f, ao alvi when we made treaties with them. Dot still we. adopted these mraturct, tnd wbf I Cecauae Id: so doing we violated no right of Spain sad because la ao doles we pursued the true policy oi our own eountif . tven Lngiand.cornecteo as sno . . . . I . 1 A .1-. Itwltn ruain, wno atone iuajneu mat moeiarrhy agalnal the ro!iWf itTortrof Bonaparte, whose reuuons who ner arv of the moat Indraale character, even Eng. land baa dooe jbe aame thing and why f Because aha had the right, and founJ It"" her Interest to do to, ditteajardinf alt tba ram nlalnts of rWn f unfriendliness la these proccedloge. The oucatlon of thla mit!oo the miaalon Itself being an un questionable right) la to be determined h. ,Ar.ktitaratiana of rlier I ot bf ill . poeaible or probable eBcctaoo the fee A Iti. .-ir-..-.i-iili.lt fia tinlfneml - iUstegrdcliJ!benrUM and policy uni ted jn recommending toeatoret of toUon. al Interest. . .. ' . . But' ihe Instructions of-the--Minister . m.. twi auth it to enable him to concur in and promote plans that may coroprom it our neutral relations. They -may. 80 may the initructlooi to everr toreigo minister we have 10 every forelicn poe' .1.- rA tint what U our security BRiintt thia I It Is the Executive discrev tion, and theExecot.ive retpontibility In the nature of things, we can bave no other. In this Instance, we asve, more over, the Executive pledge, that our neu trail relations shall not be compromitted. . . . a a . . ' He says, his Oiinitiers snau noi engage us to anv alliance, por to any project im- a . a.e .1 . L . a Bortlng-tiosttlttrio any-auoo.jiBna . r .,a rat retttlo2tTahtttl1d be violated,"- - 11 WM " . - . tfe" Executive" must violate his pledge, or his Ministers muit violate', their, in it ructions t and surely no one will pre sume either at least no one will act up on that presumpilon. - - '- tlte Kepoil wouia pcr.u.uw . he. deaihiiea of Cuba and Porto Rico are iomchowrc1mn&Tcd or with this Congreast that tneir con- quest it to be attempted by force 1 or their! independence produced by their blacks bein rxcited to, revolt. 1 his iuppoaair!Wh ....i nr revolution are contingent oe- tpcfiiig upon jhe event of a tongretii s v f no Conicresatbenroot to be underta- ken 1 it W8ress-inen, w w "r : . 1.1 .ranMr atill la the lutiher - - a.. mJL T7an.MatAX ai zr.-.. without5 this misaion, .4i1rMndcTtikr: thettt t hot,' whkrthis mitaioo ,wm, dertake them. It suppose! these strange UduKuJbtiif those plnagress or no Congress-misvoo ?Ln0 n,!si0""r are resolved on, it is idle to urge t.iat as an obieclion, wicb has no conneciion wiih . eiiher fact. Whether these plans of conquest or revolution are re.oie or will be resolved on, or resolved againsii we know not t but ihire know -it is a question with wbkh tha Con- r. p -'-a?.' J.. . V : : f '- - j 5-

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