i i i -1 1. t' 9 Lif f , !-' 1' :.,! M h !,t I H ... t 1 1 1 e . f c;.,a.,',Wfl:'jr.- -!Wwf-arj.iri( nil.lTK'AI Banaie f iMUnl-il !Utmlom 10 U.hy cmU .?.! wlu Hci -' and msrft.nim.tff, to lion!. WlWloU. UMreiMa4 him who bore l to etiere b."l b I i. . I. I.. ..i Tkla DtCat.a w rrm u fwd err, ho.. ....... iMirrArHimtnt r -.IMKWpailHi " , ., - l -.J ' u .Uft.aJk.. M ewWe Itf WWW - . It. irco-?.Ua4 by Bot of Ml Mi. to ..... r iti utttt. was made. rot X M, H.n4ofh U i It ailitt lo tew ' eo re turned It kt ! heftdaaf e rembfffroeil wj. tkat Mr. Rudolph M ceade. . t,J to Miff lot defence of A constituent. .Worn be had anjusUy eslM. md n Mr the bbry be b4 If fiicwd, 1 eik of ike (''iff to mke tkt defence a, tk. ff; ti he mpposei too hub to V MkfukJt me la tat ,k.M eqo.l, to ch.Uege Mr. IW - .T ij ha ta mill myself ridkukoi. Proucted beak age. euiaow, tfwJ Mnwuki fro pe" iMtuct. wir I to ehfidrti Jo ' bUl4 U coUt4 o bullf of. tko Adalnh truloo. ,ffco4 fW"'.MLW. W4 of ii-Ni flt? ,rj D !Ti.k t .nd Mcnrt lo Mi Stoitort- M.prio mJij5thf 0f obcoro toootk tofoIo iko tUuorkli olbilic mUo. tfcreDf. FrUodtMp U forjcoiiio lo tko ri...k- from tbfl SiwU of tho Uolied . ... i ih. taro brt itk bo .Kitten Umt of ibi U.lnj od writci, in tbt B.m deouothtloo, Jcffenon md w Edilor, John n. rLEAiAjrre. to ujixDOLPff, rf. Sil l Hln bfl f 111 t Jtlnttl l l. '--' CJnrftmnlCrt.1J 1 tu?U lilUI 1Zi9. I i ir!-.f ' -i!f ... 1 I ti.rt 1 1 r.4 lo llf 1 !? iitir k4 af t If A T ' Mi- ,V4l I V 7 I A L t t-J I' I4 ' . t .,...1.1 titti !-:! I ..n--. .ifn4 fri M ikt ip 0 F J"!-" -7- 7 ...i H.V btnmiMt lo w.iawc v. " r " iklnf Pio tK oiwoi ikl Uo irtr 'polMmtM o U. U i U rj Til f it I c If I 1 1' 1 . r. i t . I (Jtnu!! 1 t f ItU ti 1.1m. .. . ! -i f.i (rrcrr. r . i ........ affiomfol wbKrtr to wf p-po I o Ip-iKtllid.or4J Uktoboptf. WfadloonflmnUff w.y. I lapport mh uiiwrti of tk CottnmooU m ck oolr , I iwwi. tl. timlioof lof tiioril o4 cooiUitj ,ui Hrki f frido of otUiott ond ,Mk, outM ot to 1ubjct loo U 10 Mrlnft4 dlumiM ckffO. i. Tkit 1 k4Ufl Lrocbborf to i- rrKt from nr tnouolooi wk tko Uoki- foot ui H m y 7- t tr Ud inBiKtioo ohk iltbor of tko UnU U LfKbSwirf. I Bttif bomi4 from iltbtf of iMro. I ttf ,h ta iro!knl dlnctlf of UdlrtcUf fcf tk-t If riton. Tkli Ut ua U titttik td of tbtlff fftcofdt, id b; tbt aWoco f e ftrr iMok oOciff lo Iko toiro. lo io kf ikpo I kd inamtkoi Ub tkoto biUnhM,lf J mif n tkra by tkit Urou .I obe4 tTt Unotlag tko U&li la tkt in!niini(d to it ftf.tkattfrcruln Individual nid oaol i f om to t ffett it foern. Ai ItU oil tko vttk prt7i I aid iacrli.tl to lacor lafenslnr It, but aoMff;a mr ct cot t r Udit ldu.Uy Tku ib cltj mmJ Liokhurr did not contbWf m diwr'ced, ll taaifrtt from tko fct of Ikelr fitlnf mo, tko Uof J eif tht 1 rt- tldfJlkirttO twuuoiooi ott, uo war oiceptlooi, (or a Mil la tao CcocrU Ai- MinbJji -..r.- .. , " 2 ' It In occttffttd to mo 11 poaublih from jrouff lubita.of lailmacn IbiL 00 w7 k J.rltttJ taur lmDrtiion conccro I, m. frem Tbomtl MilUf. Ewj. of Pektua.' I uj Rottkltbtbo vi; of m . Uidlnr aocMlom" bt to ffCleff yotl 1VK tr.t fMZStDtrt. - Tk", 'tioVwoiffi to tU WaljIJii; (. I "-Ulf. ftttloamtli to df L. tMrtw ai 10 "Kk .ikoM -J " to tW- TMlff UK II. . lal. priiod occoffdi.f 10 iTfim. c r iw UkUa. Tkf ! to Tm Ik- lb u y- . ..... tk.l V W fieOtOlM aOm'M - ; ' - B'rauaa ih iv - - - - Mri Of BO trtCliBOWf Mr " - kavttcf diipfffiw, kkb ran VIU KOOt IBM .yt r l h tko roodf Utki purUt bf iko rat of tko 5.1m iWwt.k point! la It, kick .f rlra tirj BuWbftou"tofiaia-r7" ' Wo Xhht Vrtrj ptoUkU, that Mr, n rv. 1. nrvtAd 10 tk't DrtKtl iooia If !!. n. JWik Ik. mwoir "rM autaarla .kick Mr.CUf .hl.iv J.kark.tk olcc. of Mouk, - bcro a bU if Vt ' ? f wklwrd wakklBoXJibe1.il m?do !. tt. -1 kftfttulf dlOIko tkclr net ;U;of&m.f .Ubtkfm f.Wroo of tk. w.f 1 ftkiff to m.k. room M X v 1., MAttiii m mif M ;;j.VbVuv;v .kkid w. k.ro wobh.Wo b b.U.ic,.tk.i k k.i 00 obiectiooi to Kt bli to wb l. ,k,u ml he met. AM Voba v. Clkooif U ft P5" to bo dnplMd. tt.fi I CI A 10 tti ' kit lt Mum; 1. 1. t .... '.' La rolf I . . k. it reftHruC' r.Alif urioio UattMboaa oc4 to BmU. lk k. . tu,Uito.ittadlk, ywww p.r 10 k. fryuiyz, k. I, wo .Uud bf lM,W ffi- wkkk hi fci Uka b bli Uta iWrifi to tkaPcMt4,MoBaiMijMiwnirfrra fulii thiO MIOO.t Bfl W. fo'lN -KoV0f lt.pWtoilfOi .1- .1.1. ik i7ik llulo 01 tan ff 01 ih iMiklnt. or otkiroM iffiortmi tko i to orliri m waua frr.,i!.ul. tU doa, wokM pirmlttod .: i'.Va .,w tkoM of tbt 5it 1 ikf oa. M,ii - rrTT lfi Wrr, Un.n mbww. D TJ.nl BITS ntrix'w IM IB" rn".". . kflktff b. U 8 OffdCff Of pot, " 1' 'i h i.. j t ton. 7 L If iueb bo iko riet, to aa oairact 01 0 let- ' - ' Mrlf tibRtilOi ,er from th.t S!t UUp tbo Eoqairtf. tnwf co upon r---- ' . b h lh- pppit or .dUorTfortho-aotkorof opleco i!ted in Wt iOTTkei. to hto boen lauoaaica nroi p""- .t " wITpiL!ej chirffi . .n . d ,L(.n'l not tht r in 111 iu Deart of too, inch a embargo wit ot I wkkk btv. bin oflcrtdJ b tbo acti for a copy of toot rtmirki ai ff ai 1 1 0,r,tbt. 5i ol bo eotlrelf dl tko Prtildn. Mrnsclf b tno appobt " am concaned r but thty couW bot 1 c'"roo h. meotkn thta, that if too Im.ait wkkk M bn mad. 1 lo tko men . iw.ikj. ddel urnlikcd. uul Ip. I ikould biro derived roar onfaTOTibl. Im' I nrci wblrk k kit BdorMedi b tha ttla sink I btt you wero 00 tbo oft of kifkr I P1 "loni from tkat gentleman, to uxUff I ciplei, wbkb bo bil boldly pre bed op tbii placo for KoKlkod, 11 1 cib do ai I 'a ,oai. 04 " "xed tftat tbe w.ro I la tho raca or tko cooiUtuUon t lb. want preaeot ii to Mato tbo cbarna aa tbey 1 rronooua. ' . j of conitency b tho compothioo of bit tiif.Mxen ttrUUy fft ported to mo, ic I - oai, air, Mto I met, and I hop. ro- J y.woei apo ib ido way. py waico laey - conpiiMd ay tuck eipunniooi ai Lam J JUtCO, W jour. MtJWiCUop, the iJitjmerul I r iryK to cei oo j in. rreiiaent mm- iun . will Mthf foujbat yon bavo don. I charge 1 . yoo mad. if ataat n. b tbt ioITlMhlbi rlo,do iJrooii f ery intnaf by tn btmtka.- -r 1 itoaata of tar Uoiied Stiftw- Ifihli tTcci bii pea t lod tit 8et.rfti.ry, by maojtf ' I 'undarttiod that Too pron'otinced m. I ! prodaiad on yoar mbd, I tbeo throw I meat and addreai . JBul of all theie ob- A duelllil 1 3d, j kal I wa tka'J myieir upoa yourrHagnaoInalty ; rb ac f Jeetbnoribo itronteat k to tbo principle - proflirao ion of a worthy fithen 3d, jkoowledjre it, and to render m. iuaticc. I which Mr. Adamibnirooed. Tbey ar ..That my prcii bad beea bought up by I Our relatire aJtuatiooa fit. meD.addi- luukleol to krooM the jealooty 01 1 free tbo Adminiatretion 1 4tb, That I bad I iknal claim totbla rtdren. Reprciea- people. Tbo attempt, 10 plm tho oppo ' been diit?rcd bf my tranaacdon with tho I rlo ibe aoTereifrnty of Virginia, known aJiiop prioclpilly upon Mr. Calhoun will. bankf In Lynchburg, in consequence of lo the wnole Union, placed by your axe 01 couree, do 1 defeated, air. Adams which I bad left that town foe, Richmond, indcbiracter to high In public opinion ihoold look to bimtelf, not lo blm, for the Taaao :aiw tharJiaiiacf eb$rgtt ta far we oref me, 1 cannot hope to. prry oka ef ohjectfona which.hiT. been raited against your rtmarki bale been reported lame, fectiof your denunciation, but by your bia administration; We speak partku , . 1. 1 abhor, iir,Uie character of a pro j own t acknowledgement, that you .bare arif 01 ineimnp wuninour own anowi feased duelliit aa much aa you ran. No I spoken under erroneous convictioni.T!, j edrr-Tb. Virfrjnian. wko are not de- conduct of my life, no opinion that I bar. I iir, was too obscure an individual to have ot.d to ih administration, arc not more ever uttered or entertained, can juttifr deienred your Senatorial re prchentioo Ibe parUtwaa of Mr. Calhoun, than of him. the application of the epithet to me. On I but I hope 1 am not too obscure to be on "If Tby dO Hot rally under Mr. C.'a cme- occation onlvfl-ww forced, by. drt 1 worthy of that lustice which ever dtiien I banner 1 nut tbey take their own ground, cumstancei to embrace that alternative, I has a right 10 exDect from cverf other land will pursue their own course. , We or tubmltto ditc race.i...On that occasion, I citizen. I bare , beard that you have I ul hb Mr. Dickerson, M we are not of the mode in which the affair terminated, I adopted Iho rule never 10 give expltnt-j bia school But we hive tried to judge by the acknowledgment Of the hi 2 h-mind' tkraiBut your sense of 'moraJ oblita-l tbArirea by Jtii fruit l the : admmhtrau'on ed young man who wai.myantagonist.J lion ought" not to permit this rule toby its meaaurei and though maqy of ffrmr.,,,. , ' i ' f .,Sft.tcf t-!a f-ryi . 4 t,uMd tf thtU(ti wre a c-Uf-.. id. M )l"'(!l'ffl'r 'f dftIK j V!3 like pttptr'6' efl. '! wtrdtl'.io Ux pff;'J by Maj. taj' IHl BianB Wit wi ijir dariflf ika too mooiht n, U nude if the Cal'tlM ,B" CO tit out f-f lioordaaui, aM ta ihi. ,t4 he dots not .'! ikef tkeltrriWe ray whkb l. k.. Uta Inno'"' w rw" It mil twliafti p- . .( .tf tw 1 mi , BU M Bill tar? Id imwn r - of til mfrtoi Bfiff owivw. - - awjaBwawaw - . . 4 Tk- reiiaJ Was J W!"t rT rrrri . ....m .utkiito tniitd bf then. arv n m ei v - " - - -- ---- n , ra ikl a U riled shatkiw,o rwomimca . to Ike memory 01 if gati t1- Ic, but enrorufaie. AHatutt. t av vn 1 eiumitid it BfWi rUe doll wot "Mkat eUhor tko Cpcaker a . anarfxarr f or a memo. r mj - , . tkbk, tkat aock a power ihowld be lath. 1. if ik nn.ta um ri cnair. i . . . r.iv . -.-.k. .In la wBat way r. . bterproti ikelr. rules, miy w mofo 10 e.plita or amrwd tknk unl U I v l 1. ki.ma him for oot tel (ore tkey bd.bdl 11 ? btnh kai Ueo ike opposition to C. tkat k. bat Bftuairy teaa cc-. - ... . .1. .....iiM in tha auerca aw calling um - feet. - . - - - TV. WJowing ia Ika aubaU r of iU rttMfkl of y r. Hy, taa aaaa . . am IB W - . . . . ""r1" AIM .TO'- )"1 ff fTT " i" ii' wttrr ria of, ma t otJitw aredjtora. 1 ba btnkt, wkkk by tka fadtitka tbey tkU, focouraft ovtr-tradinr. by iMtr trwea or eworcin g parnent, oRew abaora. ad the property of tka iaiolrmt Tka pajaaga of a baakrapt hw would enable the ercdiori to rertrmia over-tradiBg the ceftaioty of a rekaaa iron former contracta-wouM b a iodueecMot Wr hire rccclf ed mrr!if notice rr publkatioo,' arjxBdcd to which U the foUo wbg prof Uo I " i mi coupui were msnitd on condition mat mo utai) fee be pid the Joitice wlihia ooe month, otherwise ine cooiraw 10 00 y otd I" Ztttlktt I , Thii pcnalt U eatiaUe AVw-Jer rr. a;. tick VrU.-lr. Ran.' dolph iiya be cioot find out ther the earth Ii hollow at the Sooth Pole u well aa it the North foie. , upoo tae whole Mf.R.nj b iU trou D.' t . . 1 ..l. .kAn, tka notiiia.' leu t rry 7 Aer Ar 1 Srtrrmtneti nt It g itf the mm . - r ar jwbi - avaw- - mn amarr av hditb! fttuntL . . rutrreif Lanrudrt'wt, ,ia- . . T. L.. ifitl. thif gTslaiif e ipcakcte are. pu w w rri languor, fit ooiy for accom. plfehed ladieo at female armbarici: for bis part,' be will itkk to the Codold, strong,' rrojVracrr maol;ag!iih rngutst,-all ipadea, ipackircaa comipti.o,crTUption andcTcrythial eke by lu right earner " - Mr. Samoil Haydock, etecuior of Satw uel Scottoo, of Philadelphia, baa reques ted ike City couocni to accept th be quest mad. by Mr. Scottoo of Itdollitt . ... tnr fxirchatlor bread f ir the poor, V -mj LF. P P . f r. r a mr, ivan pipvr wsioroay, v a) . .... J .L.-. .1. l 1 v. ... imiu imi 1001, in in new ion more aa a . . nrei to yetr than in London and Paris taken 'together t New- York coniiJn 160,000 inhabitants, and Londoo and 10 ine nooeat rrader to pre no an an mncrtr raru nave an arrrrrate olnearl SAvl. .. . V ' " " r - -' -I la tua CrwriilnM .rwf pmini. ruMMrni .rlw. am u T l 1 ... I . . . m . . . - . mw. - a ucro i, aomeiDinr in idii, u, tWm M,t.. .kjM. nttntmA Ii . A... kLtt. r I w - T ' F FUMV torta. It would lend to kaaea frauda. and ra lam into aetirt Ufa May honest and aofbrtujute men now 'thrown dr pendant; nd but for tha patnga of suck a bill, bopeleae upoa,. Ik. opky to find out.! rom the Tka atimtwa nff O . 4 . t . I f. ,..;.. T i neBrkikmmlntaWanadraaUro4w.jC. tbem.- Whilst the Bnttt. merchant ia rtleued "uf " UCH, -"wowiowa uurw 9 iur urrimirf pt muiurcuirr. or uir DOUCT Of .m. v i.uuuiivt law, aunia bound."" . and number more are eiDected lo es- the erobarrswmenti and allures In Enrtand ter the nresent snrinr. -Tha Maa ar, re-ncting on New4)rlean, and the mult ia bation commenceiln abpul two weeks, to throw the proptrty Into tha kanda of thoat vKa k.B!a I. ik fT!a. J u.t.. . t oaaraa wv veue viihe ww i ia m iiiej avnivca rtiir iwu tvi the Bank of tha United States, and fortirnera' A nn In i exhibitlnf; 0 Dflltff a L a t a. I that he had done me biustice, it the best I mAe'vou cuUtv of iiidlfidual 1niniilc?. I there are nol woodly to theibhuendserri. P.. Frn.P. jo creditors. .taryess.tht evidence that I had not yoluntarily sought To that sent. of. eternal ebligaUon ! ap- disagreeable to the taste, we shall try tolSSiStmL m m 9 a vs . v ii, i b a a --B i a - r .a in i . a . i - .. a vvt va toe contest. jouririeuu oenjamin y.t ipcsiconvinccQatitne 'tamo time, that f jww oi incmsnuio iae same manner. iaiMj .0-0, tun- and mesne for a Uwrourk in. ttJ 1 !u Lr n:.i.i.it. .... .....i.t . 1... .tl r.'Z -rl Tl!i1.i. r...r, ik...r.. I..,. k!.l. - - Ami irrijjn, 01 itvnui"" . a iuauiicu i j vi . vinuvi wtau iu uciirvr ma Mine Oil " M1" "w Mjiivtw uv wwivw j Tcaugviion , I It will prevent all corrupt preferences r and wii i-aeoura-. animpartial aiattibttUoB of-we eatatea or tnaoivanta j -r i. .;n ........ .. - . j'lf there are situationi that justify such are- impressions respecting me, I respectfully I We a U remember the cry, which was, foungof perfect equelity.and win rive a certain ml. for all commercial contracta . It will rettore a mats of industry and talent tm mlrtjJ M.k mm Am ika Mrwnt avrrfam 1. enureiy toai : wltlrthrcircumstancennd ppearwIiBUB.4nn rnnfirlan.a in hi. lai-mftnt ihnnM nn Iranrinr. and rnnfilin Sn tka anffi?an. I be." hiva fallen '-.AnAtfiar ia In natnffnopl deem mine unworthy of credit. . ..That I this eaplanatioo to remove four inturioua Mr. CalUon worse than be really is. aort, yot-r owa conduct oq two occasions atk thav you will make an acknowledge- raked. against kim for taking hie ee.t on i.of.four lire, foe ai you are to thepraq- ment (o that etfrct, to be published in the the first day of the leuton. ai if he ought lice, sufficiently deroonitratei. 7 Nationaf7oura. not t fill the chair-and do tbo4utiei to 'V - aa ' - a . a.. u a . . .! Jaa.-a A tV ' . Wtt -Your second chtree I presume li cm Jbracrd jtxtbl. other . three, and I wiU Uiircfore KPceediqjBffth;--: J. That my paper bad been purchased Wr-l i JOHN B. PLEASANTS. to the ezcluaion of the local creditor. The interest of creditor aa wall aa debtor re. quired the law. Under the present ijrrtem, no man utea tne oenefit of the Inwlrent lawa un til hie property U gone. Under a viae bank. nipt law, the creditor would often aecure muck ofhiadebt. , A bankrupt law would give the atrongett in ducement to the debtor for honest dealings s It will bold out a great temptation to njer. chants in feilinr circumftancea, to etoo abort. and make f timely 'surrender of their nrotjertv to their creditors i . . t . . -It must thus hare powerful effect b m. vent'mr orertmdinr, and tTiarUinr arainat dee. peraie aavcniurera. ZctfM mmmimjmmm. :JJ&)JS eppropykted -tpresumeii htt 1 wni deputed in 1825, to carry tie 'q-roome- aTstlnguithed cleric mVh "Tor patches for the Uovernmenl to Bu nos (preaching an annual sermon .againit . At. Chalmers, the :r gief a pkuiibility..Jto.olcharget.ijdo Jcelebratecl preacher, recently pronounced not doubt my ability to satisfy you of its (the first discourse under that benevolent Incorrectness. When i. asked that ap ppropriaUon. .; His text wis from rro point ment from theSecretary of State,' verba ail. 10. A righteous man re; I told him that I desired neiiher emolu- gardetb the life of his beast. . 1 he Edb lynent nor bonor by it, nor was it posit- burg papers say that the anxiety to be ble by It to acquire eitBer the one or the present was ao great, that the crowd col other. I told him further, that a deranK, lected around the doqra aa early as 9 ' ed state) of feeling made me desire a tem- o'clock, and when they were opened at porary abtence rom -Virginia, and that hall past 10, the judges and magistrate! " cay finances being unequal to tho charge, could icarcaJj reach their icata. , which he bad been appointed. His early diathaneof .the office was ascribed only to a sinister, desjre ta fill the CommUteesJ lo hk own uhe t We remimberrioo, bow he wssTharged witn making. overr iattiXWiLiimii. n fi tfiew bef hw:trtamphwr refuted the ai.be raon. Latterly wo have .. . t.t i..i it een mm .cnargea wuo permiuing ur. Randolph toVua ftnt, aa be pleased, with hk own itricturaa on the administration j b ' partkukr with- permitting him to speaa, ana at the ume ume stopping mr. Dickerson: and b fact,' with keeping no order io tbe Senate, and kttingthe ihafti fly on all lidei, without, once attempting to arrest tbem. y It turni out, however, that In the aartlcular, case most relied upon for the uroof, Mr. Randolph was hot ahuiing tho pavers that be, but Uking And lastly, it will "pay a jurt reateet '!.. riirhti humanity," by deDrivinor the eratifn f the power ka now poiaaam a-. j a a a i . .. . . . ..... . - ThMedicaI JournaloLGir tains a " story which is certainly very re- maraaDie r M truew i hi; paper -asserts that an old gentleman "of Bourdeaux, M. Chaste! lier-ie Ju'ontplaiiir," who is r the possessor of a family secret, which wu tried Jong since in caie of hydrophobia, bad the courage to to to Paris kit sum mer, and - solicit the humble favor of be ing bitten, authentically, br a mad doe-. In order to prove tbe efficacy of his pre servsttre medicine. The 36th of Au gust, 1825, tbe authorities of the depart ment of the Seine gave perxnkiioa ior Cameleop, from Mogadore. The adver tiser states that the animal has not. been known to take any kind of food for these last four months this s considered as i proof that be ii Eats the ikjor food." Hie tongue is composed of solid white flesh, and is nearly five inches long. A Pelican, bavintr emitrrated far from Its natire land, has fallen into the hands of "the natives of Maine, by whom it hai been rieblr t'prisoner '- to Boston after having been exhibited to the gsze tt the puuiic in fvenncoect. i 00 01 ra IS aoOM- the size of a wild gooaeT " A letter has been receifed at Norfolk, Va. from Ihe UrS. thin Constellation, which represents' the crew of the Hornet, a-'KatHia ww. ..aa:.. . i ' m .i -.fi W VH.MF.W Will. IUU pox 4S of tbem have the disease. ' a - Mr. II. S. Tanner, a moil distinguish ed and laborious geographer, has just published his NewColleee Atlas a beau tiful and valuable work. , - J wnon a' road by immuring: it in w email fibirer nor sunk deep into the earth, ta ascertain tho ' faCtroT"ihahimarf:ll When-the Jitht.waletiobJk eeJl.aAa'f ' 3 years confinement, it hoped out onon' the eart h quite cheerful. A The prisoner was recommitted for furtjtr IrklJ Three young-children hiin? been left at home by their parents, I the town of Springfield, Penn. -foundlnd ate oroo roots, which they mistod for eaJaaiu. rpois, often given tbem bAbr mother . as a medicine, but whicfrere of a poi sonous nature. . One die a sborf time. - ' - A -v ' and the recovery of thclers reraaioed uncertain. . tor

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