.: t'T'.t e a ; il. t I ; 'in a t t i f i ! i f f I), i, I . iM.vcrrJ tl h JJy I. Ml Tit r ens v. ca:;o:;. IV .1 Ji i: 4 ' 1 r ' ' 4 i' M . 7.:: t . vi'.r. V.Y ! i I. - ' I' i n IV , (- It1 r J III i l' f. ' ) t ..', I j 1 . t! In I. it t i i 4 f . -'', j - ' 1 1, U ; -- ' i i t -i'l l k !wst if I f ' lk ...r fef m a it a- ( . ,. t 111'' ' U r. f , I . if. I.I .C II l .t if r a r 4 tl J ii;.i. till t' jtm ftt Ifcff l.iH4 tie aw .' t tUK,-4 af ffUfw) aad Afl.-7, a.J mi .a ay tf ilklWliiMi l nt cry TmtiWt a tUr UUf i ft ft ft Ml W r .,.i;.ot IL ffrt eclcacr, U.l intrrr rttrf 61 Utters, U - M. f wi, i. ! Iff y '- 1 I ik ti.lti ffiiVtff I tniAuffit'n cf t'uturt, m4 the tacH. rraf futurity. Lrttlht lus. It US. twAtff "Vie at iUi - ra N v.tWu i (w kj ct t U u, t4ltf) TV U i H V4 M tW .f ty ; - . iTj IfTiiUtr the ihJ ct lrvot, ad , T.jr. i k t. vif MM vortdi.lt 4i!U tht txrtcptloei cl m, lit lattL'crtoil ?5i!o, .vW77. t.;l LEX)KCC KtXCI. iLr.L'i fwirf k4 Ito.tV " ) mmI w kxrt awsw a Mk v- I i wf a--, a- - at fcr ShAWai ftaaaVaatBI b ftaek. . ft ift NMfim i in, ft w m mnm I 1 1 Ufw Vv. , wwwKrfa .. , . J - I ' . AA, MLM MAtMT TJUYIVMX, f ftlMl MMII, I til U4 hli notigTit, i4 tftdat h!a with pt iftJ il Pi fmBlc)tDCi, It - dimu- lit , if to ibt ; rieriM navmr. i&4 tfUcorm tofwth tht rtiU tte tfin JU 334, I" t towff M Wt ff I M M MNifflMlMtaMlK MI5CIXUNE0US. XI CMtriCtlM. A moo j thf crui()ci hicb-thi lu DCM(t of tht PrilMfW kai driwr, iuk iiffi,iyuM rH c nvui IU VtiH W toft II ko- OWm ffMafr, A. C i da Mbt tW V. Comm. MffwWitrl Wttkj toital Mm nrViltiU to m Off Xur. j A toft timt litxr. Licul. Iinlu TrnkHmg. N I f, . n.rW,. Im.l l Wfftfff lMff HPm6Mf T, lK! hhd beca drifted itborf Chi Cct icy rrd to loot gtodcnio femdof coU Tjtcoa naciix in U fk u m Irctuiff tht wt product loo t-f th J On mom fW Utit h, tf n m ri ffwutuis ffa I siri-ft. p, m. mii. H M ffT - U I - iMf iiwum mi i U f ew,,i trrT. r. t4 to mUr to itMif CL Ak - A. . A. . i a ' A M a ft I T - A A Am . I p4 to Mr. rntrwM llftMla, vWU Nf u4 im, ft rTff4 frfl iVmb to ll trT7 tor7 Dr. MitcbcQ by Mijr Howud I oatt'oo thli ib4 the other ild of th ff0" 'Prtarot, It wm pro. witrr, thtrt .rf f, pf obi, pre cU. w " u7 Wiia If of th cWur U th foJo.bf. Wittloittjfd ipp.rt. It li m titrKt from ouch Imrtr P niclf p.bliihcd U Ihf Pmfiel4 Sua. f, rom tht wtj t bu oi riiu Tk- eftffuUf ina. t a tk M.r;r. i .h. I lu bodr, and iromxlmitjwf Ui foft tniclf h ctieitloii.il o uiimiu Mt Teti, Jur thwoerof tuppUotlnj Km, iipo. limKili t-.rtUui m"tTht wTurl ft h JJ 5' frrprd to y bi fr it mj prove to tn Improved oot I .....'!Xt hit rjr of the whole world, for 1M7 yiri; 'CiUlni but 4241 - rord. ' Tbt partpf that hiitory which tr4U of the tffrrr heart a bit oaly ff . A- nrr worui, tit wiaa tiart tut, fflMCll W to iMlwv tto ' . , Tailoring fltttinett, fa fl iw yrntW Wfcii. U tW iiwmiif I k ftWdfttUaMlTu 14 fra, at Ufftocvto fatntil a4 amW at a ffUff Offtk. 4 a Ha to Un ffeKL fraa Mr. AD tattoitof, m a MUcnaf) wka a m pr wMtiw (war crrauirvi iwi m iiwww hha tottaktiiatitoato tofiwa ff I a Ob b I . coouar r it wito-wiort einied rrgird. ivrm prmm. J0ll"t IXVLIT, tlSJ. I. fA IKS; Some of thre loitcu i&hAbit July and the South o ( - Frit! i othera the Cape of . God, Hope, tod otbm jnlaS. Amrrka. It bffibreo ald that itnjglrf baa breo occaitooalty, tw...fftTta6tttM. w w I a ftoi w.di. like other thinw. but M vwjr rarti, ooienred in our nuhlplicd. Ceo. Durgoynr. ol Sara. iuga oteodurr. Delff! two etlitci, by de acrnt from bia aacratora.Tbeie.rt. Utti were called Putney aod sSttttnf ooct the poneiakmi of Joha DGaat( who deeded them away, by the follow. ta inatruneotl LJohaeOaitt. Do fin tad da traat, - Vmm WUWft ftVirfojrie Ami laa hmir af bia loin, - AB Fwtaej aad toitoft, VatS tht vorM'ff rattta." MDut thla waa dnot ta barbaroui MUTTZM. fa thf'dalriei aear PhtlAdelphU, It ia well koowo, that iwect butter ol the firit qmlity , cannot be made but fnra cream ffklh produced from frtth milk, aod that whenever th milk rtmaina many davi to produce ui cream, auch cream acquire! aa ut Lor u i Uatt that ia inbartcd to the I plcaiant bufer. S'Dce tha asMith of Janoary, i$t39 - .VtTf fttcte and Taitm LY KILXK3BUM0. rplZ aubffcnUrjto yii4a AWf if Em JL WtoM N tip fcawft af Wilffffffkoro,'! Uk aMl kit' ttU4 a Jacl Taaao.. t pWtn ir (Vl U TU, lia Baaft, aj(caa.bjfftkr.t4kia luklea. abal U aa reB arift&ffd. la rtrt articW a eaaairae aad , hauiT, aa tW fetaJry af Wa Wai viO adaail i aad Utat kia anra ptneaftJ aftaabo viB, at aB tmtf, m uLny at Qa arnica af aw tn. R aaa aW optmi a av aaj atlanaWa a. aatarM at COODS. tjHoifttnf tka aatabSak awa aka la vifl acB tarn fcr eaah, areduct or aa a abort aradit to pvaroal euatinir. JfHt IX ICi. BEVJ. J. PABXS. N. D. TMatirt freai KaosvUlo to Sahraa, fcia kauoa twlea a vak i aa ffVe tU abCabcd Sa IVo Own to WUiea. pOUir af pWaa a4 9uAf toftMoaa, , J Hank, Iffar HM Wtb. to. r'ar.1 I krftjfr i errWitarWaM, lrtU4aa UaL l. f I1HB 5via (WArMfflnton 'IlTZu frK rrTB!?? IimI k. toi UmJuX lA. Ma i MlaUMif Uto tftWal U fpftf ftl ar !!!r, f Wrra NffpaUVJ l MWrU Ufam vil W uUa Mrtfftr'tVr.Vn nil l ffrW-i kh m K VT. au MOOT., a. MllLA .... Till lAVtl CaraAa. CMrWrraaffyr i I PUfCRIOa Crt af U. Odf. rVu. i :vt.-: ..r Z.l.i.u I iptT ke1a.' r . . pmwh, TTT fctika af a CMft,lU (at aVfcahai b JL tnlor a tM eauta of tko lata JJm P.l . i . ... ui.o. - . VT! . irJr: " or4ra4 tkat MiUraUM ka ada tW am 1 , rU rf M ..m a. fffftat. ai Dtvatat (Uoi k ffcUkmaat, proper b aotkratkxtffd, etktrwiar tkia aoCija irifl k pia4 U aar af tkeir rtcovrrr. , MH5JIACX PTMITON, aaWrv ol VtrtuaMfc riantatlon - t -i-o iiit rTHHE wWnWr orTm for aala tbt plaa- JL tioa) aikaraoft I boa. Baour. rat), ruracrrt tt4, (a tha county of IrwUU, N. C irina; oa PJk SbeaJ Ctek. CMUUinf ffoaMtliiaf ottr TOO acre, af u food quIitT at any, ithwt ttcep i tkrattatMatr part of aiMieoaaif. 1MH H oa it, a good dtlXing-bcjM kimI AhcKn, a Urrt aew aara, kk ofaaractnaanf UfaVCait. 1m twrckaarr aaar kart a reaonftkl credit, by r' tor irDrortd oMImkxia for tb prent. It ia lliflabemr IU"rdf, tt ka ka and Iptxar. Ulbra ka koa tb cf tka p4rv Coart of U,ta VrUffWCMUILrd eoaaif.lt tka toarrn af taaaaroaxk. oa tka ffoarth tha," diy afuff Ika Wlk Moadaf of Marek cxt.ta anavar or plead to u paUtxM, or Jrmett in ka takta pro eonfeoM aniaot biav, aad art dova fur kaarfaf tl prta. - - Tmt ropr t mo: t; iLnwrix, a. a. a Ala Ari CarWjaa. itawm eaaaf n gjtfmnjt mywm wrn ui )j uo. X coo aad Aaa kai wdr. ta. Pamcl llcrw aaa aad FoDy kia wlfr, ff ORaa Ttrkroafli aad WlafWd n alfa, WU&aai Ctuott. WilFia Maa. at and Jaaa kia ifff FoUioa for '.ka aW af real ratata. Tka cxHapUmuiti baviAf thoari ia tka fffttUlkctioa of tka eoot. tkat tka abort aimed (trfrftdftnti tro aot rrakirtU of tbia aUU. unct wneo rocmocra oi ranutneni - - mi would box eicb othera eara, If oat aaid pract.ee. of alwaya ; placing Ue pant ima that which diipleuitd another i-Loog cootairtog ije milk to water atmmer. JJtJ . t . . . .I.. ..ir A . i kara,' make tkimrk Ckarkxtt and Itair. I "T .rvT.'. TZ7T1 .CS11.JlLZ1Z.ij Z I U tka Wertera CaroBniaa hnhfmo nDa. Li. MS fcV J. F. r.kkk fWfcr. -rV. that tmk- tha imid dtfr.o't. Nv "" - T a . . . a ' . - . ' a - - Vk V m I t kaa Wkmt nniUftft akMlS IW la tf ABU ira akV f fW I ' . " . " ' w tlmei, whea membera of Parliament y ry eopla My-feca-ia-tlM . remrtanf tAaati to tb pobbe lor N. CftroT.aa. . JOHN WILTONG. 3m. 11" h ,LiZJL UrUpaJroftan,takrtthepportvi. rr.U.U:l rtl. I .LT'l'Ilfr Minnaaj a aa ajiiovavt kov canto by lha prater of tha aeti'Ma akould aot ka franted, aa order of aalc arifi U Btoda abaohite, aad tbej ertopped troca aMkiiw any future object ioo.' " aft A ftAflff Akerw aaa a va . J a ftftftftftaftVla aoaJ;i kifta. to "ll aWJIBI tUHtTf UCV U. M MW WttU 811-. r L.( ) J plt f. fJl.a Whea aoaparitwaaltto! I LWeinh., Co) N.n I yjrT' .... -m . .. I . . I .1 , . . i T mmt "'H( v. ail-rmOIlV:r.r QCn rV.V.rrMioa foe tka aJa of real Mate. Tbapeinioatiff hf wAa'cooiultedbf tha 4. Proteitant the Jorm rtcream. urtim u thui Blihopi, la FrBr7tQ know what they pUained during tht coMear weather were to expeci till aniwer wai-. m wioicr, ia ucwu.it auuui -M Whera cooidcuce begim, Empire Uelya houra after tha milk haa been andff ff" -r1-ukea irom.tne cowi .z:And tbejRpfra. " AlTheVnaugurarwa of MrVieffcr. tion of churnlag-auchream : never too, hi ipeech contained aotnethmg exreeda twe nty-fiv e miumei. The ... . '.Aai .! laa. Wlaaft taax ftaaakft. more thin 1700 word out tht utel"" PBW."U,, l"c BU"lt' at..;.M ka ahoni cjnrin It. The I about 30 mu utea. The butter hai in- WHO Ukto4 to tha lata m oflUre.il JXf fw'T T to ' kTpWtoaTaik,hanrfiry(art "ff ta" !' " ' --A" " jthieourt rre0y km to aka aentemcnt, by cmth or w v T--' " 1 wot a rea i JL. rf ana Mnent. aer (iJt&erf rt caa kavlnff tkow to the oatWMtJoa at court, that tba defendant, Abner VaitWr, ift reaHteat-of thia atate, it b tkerHora oria oote. it aooa a. ivMalkle. aa it kaa kecoma ftKi t 4 - --- . 1 1 - ... . ...'.V td that fMkitoatMMt fc inada M IkfCWeslem . olutert iwceaaurto eJo-tnacoirw for weektabceeireflfcyr?r.. firm. It ia u painful to the creditor, aa it ia rpuE tuoaenber ta juat received from Boo- tba aakl Abnrr Cailber that be ka and appear arortifyinf aad oerpWiine; to tka debtor, to re ,on a few dotea copie of tha Memoir at tha nest ten of thia coait. to bt held at tba anri ta tka fcim. mt law f, iha ooIIcctiM t of Cff'kerine Brvwa, a Chrutiaft Indian, of tha court-hovat in BaJiffbttnr. o the aecond Morakr rrOil In j... . , ... . . k. :r . rk.Hilu ..t'uu . R Vi.r.i. AivUrvtn A It. K. Aittrtk UruJ.. I. t.ij.nk.i Mtt I. Preftident ia certaltilf a man of wordl. VanaWy oeeoor a fine flavor, aod ol Uk,, , u uKoa tboaa vhoara Inorreara to Aietant Secretary of the Aatertcaa Board of , make kit objection, otherarlaa tha order ofak i . m t . .1 I . - . ...i rt i j a: : m. r . :n j t. . . i l t. at aoore aajnea nrm wiii irei run uietr mmA k- kn..a kn tn rmt thrm loeth. A DCaUUIUl VfUOW COlOr I . aOu 10 me i -.r. f-.-!---S.-Vr,.....r I nature of thine tt neeer ca beoth. iaereat, aa eBaa out kaneftw to cloaa lheir r,,. .... .v..M.a..r.w ... t...r. L J I crwiie. unlen the; dairy women ihould ii laxee ai the Bible which contaioi he utterly Ignoraat of the an of ma, 786,683 wordi.n k,n8 bu".r' , V J I Maa.At bWa AXaai aa al.lft aaa, a,.. il mar uui uu aoiisv iu iaiia; v J vuf t ..a aaa I . ctrsioMa ix JtEilCO. ; I mat tne aaim-nnia unaer tnia praceu. Tlie ahopa in Mexico bave no ainil ia a very pleaunt bevengr. - Aor.nAmea la front. ad nothins ui ; ' a. bmitb. cxpoaed in the wind.Jwi, Silver. amitha ; worh il - don: in a::.tedioTiji xnanner, and ia clumiy and heavy, .The tailora make a great profit, and clothea are three or four timea dear tr-thaa inl?ng1and. ..They ait. on accounu akhna. JprH 27. 1826. RETELL k TEMPLETON. ALL peraont who bare any claima ftfiinrt the j eatata of Charlea Bilea, deVd. ara dealrcd pretent then to tba adroiniatratora, witkout delay, properly tttcated for hauidatiotv or, ia default of ao doing, they will be barred a re corerr t" AndftH ncnona who vet Itand Indebted A ax at a a A9m v a mm I .! r ... MLUUt-tU -JOHaX, . . . ... ,a , . - - I to cud m nbuf mim lorwird forth. remap t ii ooiao generally anowo i witn, and etoae tbeir accottata, ay cam or ap. aa' it ought to be, that the r boilTiig Af proved aotea, the adminieiratpriBrtaiixi 9 . . . - . I ,A MlU lilt (k. M.t. mauita f milV hrlnrm it ia a aar.v far. tha I - r ""T' . JT: ' . aarftva ,. W a pi awi vaav Coanladonera for Foreixi Miaaiotw.- Thi fit tie volume vaa hut year republished ia ttodoo. Phot 4U aeftta. :T...v.:irx.T Ha haa ako a mat varietr of relieioui Tncta, at t Da rate of IU ptrei lor I cent. StottniU Jlpnl 17, 1826. D. COULD, ore. tt it aet away cream to rite, will completely diveat atotle, and not with their feet under .'. of 'ourie -the Fbutter' madeUtere. them. MiUiuera'-ahopiaref arrjed fr?m f tT uopleaiant flavor Tm,ntv nr thWtv hraw- nnnir froaTlha cowi ha v inrfedrira. 8AM'L. LEHLET, jj. rjMaee jlffV.-"n:--r"-;;-T-- '4 - k in - Tatenrv or thirtv brawl nnnr iruw wio tuwi uatuK BkAtaal Bf W BU W a. t- - aa, " w - - w - - . . - - . j, , - a . . - .it f .11 lra.' m tv ftrrnloo MrUckv pastarea the boil in jr ought AlV ICIIUWI Wfl BB aw mrm a www a w .w . - w in V hopy decurating dresses,- aewiig Bailia gowni, making flowers, trim, noing 'apv &c. while, perhapaatjihe next door a number. of ptior girls are Intormatloii -Wanted, to be continued for at least hall an hour.: ' " JV, Farmer.' THE auberiheri' a native of theconnty Cork, anidnarhhof Maltar. Ireland, bavinr ar. rived ia tha United . Statea about seven yeare aro, W deairoui to obtain Information reipectinr s r. v A 1 0 . .t. 1.. rffut varvun, nia ancie, irom uir aame vuumj, will ka made absolute, and babe cnopped fran A M . ... .1 r matunf; art miurv ODjenion inerern. "AM'L WtJJMAN, e.ffae. THE FINE YOUNG' HORSE jii:nojvjirrr. DESCENDED tram W moot renowned itock et Honei ever bred hiEnrtand and America, will stand tbe Old 1-X?aLiX&JLi I . .a 11 fl-a aTff....kaw the 27th day of ilay Mlt, ansuine teaton at my siaoie, in twwaa ,m,t lately owned bv Ebeneser ! tanmiles North Ewt froni BftGbury, stiwaff . v j j. ft il. vi a, j . ..rra ar siuaiT in. avauoiT. DBVaVUie dt jrurcrai mwrw - ; liund for Sale. TIT authority. f he Court of .Equity for Bow JLf an county, will be ookL st Mock's Field, oa Saturday two tracts cf Lena. aTaMtol ""aftae"' j4aSJtaift.aaft.A4 ' fiftft taai tA 1Q ai raf aftaiai t SIWl Kill iKVtawu WW llftM V V pvnas mae i , ; r , " T a a . -a. tha mouth of Dutchman'! Creek, adjoininf Jacob Pd hip the aeawn t ten Mian (cash J tM Garrawood and otheni the other, a tract of 169 ftifte leap and thin Man to iiiaura a aurt ta aerearon TJutcbbian's Creek, adjoininir Samuel ; be with foal, provided the property of the mare Case, James Smith, and others. A credit of 13 ; "ot chaned,-but no bahihty for accSdeotff months will be riven for one half of tha purchase inr admitted, . money, and a credit of IS months for the other &-rwumt will be five yesrs old next iprmg" i . .A , . A I 1 Bait, tna purcivft.er jnirz oonaa wiui apprwrca security, on tke day or sale. - r 8AM'L filLUMAN, c. n. e. MUSTARD. an iKrU knea. enAT.o-erl in the labori.l The common mustard leed ia worth ;..:; . J-rr---ii.rrr-i--e --Ji.iiri;--r -t t img nis reiraence, ouaTJcCUpatioa of arindtrig" YBOCOlare I rm .uirrc ouanei. i f a,Kbury. or Lexmgion, N. C. by John htg hit residence, kc wiU be fratcfully receiv; fcvhaid Bfjir are in mat d ive from 15 M WJuiOcls. iW. . t : - w iiKidrMirea Thr - draggiataZaa'7aj ,at' 7af.rKWant nrlcea.r" M rV Riillrirk raid V--1 . - - - 7 - - - Stat a AVrtA CartO'aa, &aeet eemrer COURT of pleas snd quarter sessions, March, "tS t Willism Punhvs to. .Edmond mm . a a a a a .. a mhn Mm. tn iht. m.. At mm aim. Deaiir t luaiciai aiiaenmeiii, itviea on lana. in and resided for several yean in Cherrjf-AUey tj" (treet, tnuwdeTphia. Any information respect. vaT9l. V ' M iVlalr Waftt f ar4a, Arwoii eeimn; "- - a. a a . ' m AAA ' B I A aTW w T--jr'-i"L.v..11: :.v jj-73:;i lenna io-ao- -onn a. vueu W.V.PP irom etnera, W Nathan! ChaJBhIoha aenei ot exotriment. ov iJJavtes.l jvhioaid fiLBc hi, wife, and othen. it a dollar per poUod fr an artit le, theJ 0f Manchea er, that the fl me "of a apnearinf the smtirfaction of the Court, that oiu i"r luufAbuw fc.i.ijiaim. i or nnico is wn iummoui "Ithat BubKeationl ell tr two and iixpence ,perl',rnof 'the "flame befg a narrow lu- nubhtttion ke made la tht Western Caro linian for Mx weeks aucceseively, that unless tha Hodi sell tr two and iixpence per tJm "f the flame befff ounce, aifother drugs in proportion. Uinoua ring surrounding an SfflJl ll..,k.M ar. rnm'mill and imnnr.l ,. . . I P" t term Of U COUlt, 10 b held at tait, and the price nt ihaving u ten times mure; than lo JsngUnd. Cahi- A humaH tkulu WM bought o ncf-miktri have but few tK)ls; ndl thc New . Orleans market a short time their work is very, interior and cxpen. ago. We are not told for what thia; kive. r strange im wasintendet!. . .a- ft.. the courkbou in Bahsbury on tbe second Mon day after the fourth Monday in September next, and plead, lrsver or demur to tbe bill of cota plainsntft, tke lame wilt: be taken, pro confesso as to them, and decree entered accordingly. f ' , ijm SILUMAXf, t. mut. ; Price ada.' k atU, eaae, it ia ordered by court, that publication be made for aix weeks in the Westera Carolini- an, notifying1 the defendant to appear at our next court or pleu and leaner sessions to-be held for said county, at our next court of plea and qtneraeawns tt .-ne turn for jswd emmtj on the 2nd Moiulay inJuna iMXt,tlAen ftiullhere to replevy, plead, ansa er, or demur, otherwiae judgment will be taken agaimt him. f ' Friee.arlv.,- 45$;S.W3i : State aJVVrtA Carolina, Sttkct toitnt) t GOURT of pleas and quai seauons, March, 1826i Jolih Webb. v$. Edmond Beazlvi judicial attachment, levied on land. In this case, it iff ordered by court, thai publication be made six weeks in the Westera Carolinian, notifying the defendant to appear at our next court of nlcas and Quarter leaaiona to be held for said county, oa 2nd Monday in June next, then and there to replevy, plead, answer, or J -.A ... ' I A. ucmur, nuierwias 'juafrmeni wm d laaen affainsthim. I4A1X IL MOORE, c.e. fricaadr Z3 .p- ,-: ' xt--; r., MIT . grtatly improved since the last season, in ase, frandeur, symmetry and elerance, beinf now aixteen hands high, remarkably heavr made, and ret aa eonitrueted tn exhibit the fineit sttionr-HM constitution nrnot only mnioxi, ow of the most healthy, vigoroua and durable ea, calculated to endure the greatest exercie witv out failure. It la a fin. mahoeanv bay, tht enlor nvnat kiirki tt.mAA he the ereatcst " a!.-. j c C . .11 kkmitk' juugrt on tne, auojeci, an uw - or impertection.-r -. , . JEronaut vaa gotten by tht celebrated Wj ported hone Eagle r hia dam bjr tht imported none Dionj rraadam by Expeetation, on . tba::1ai kAiii tJt th tmnnrtrd htme Womeae,- out of aj Medley majt jkCv.ExjMOP fatorite horse of his day in Korth-Carohna in kaatan Ruhimn. Moll LnneJeea. JtC - 1 0l celebrated horae Eclipse and Highflyer, of Enf land, were both his gxeat-grandiures i J'r famoua Horse Frying Chitders, considered tM fleetest hone ever known ! Bngiana, w p haps inthe.world, wu tbt gTandaire of JW'Pf Aeronaut will be ffhown at the terms of tkj a....... (".- In S.Raaam.- e,.taaille. BHS Lexington where gentlemen dwpoffed to vie him, can decide for themselves whether M, it not the finest -young hone, ever produced . this state.. He will be found regalariy at W station, except when taken to bt shown at pi'fjj lie places. His. pedigree and reputation, " be further illustrated in haixMb, at tbe eom. mencement of the season. . 'W rb. p, 1826. , KOHEBT JL. J j.

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