.i .,.".,'! i ilc l. I f, ' i ll ., . u -li e't'l H, "4;.,4 J ,f t. I t l ' I I l t". f i ."- tfc j.- r pf ' mfi 1 lta f'7 ,' f-f .!-i f f...f tm Vry tf U Mit; f t tUlt ut, crt ii.ua kit i t4 U u4 ki. vrn t. m4 fnU?'i If lT r " l.rtUd im;it4 rat tf IIS, t )tl &? wtj. Ahi.JsMtJtAi',B,5' t,f.vt.U ait w!U t ft miH r Wal the sM fcf flT llV tit. The f"t nnfr Gfft iMteJe ll Imment. Ltln4 dt rlM slagle f'i ! Affording to Mr. l.seiesjw.e memUf a p.rU.,r.et, tha fafKlrt4 la t tr tr m r ifc.t im m y - JnlilioM vt.e I f ttiiH ovr l " "''"' ino.il lli0lit f " W - T " r . . . -.Eflui la tbo Ua1u4 Sietss. ... . ft tbo tefwbfl e4 Caiomtl. U I or L1m4 tf Ui that IM tBanumlttlwo of sieve ttuti uk puf web dy er coattecrated l olotal foaUvUy. Ia fulfilment of ihl les ! have tee menimltttd for tho V mot provbcss, oa i) of poUic NjU A Utter from retpedsU merthM tt &. HftrMi dle4 Uik 'rtk, to -. In NW York. Mill-" W jat received InuUlgvi fr" M4' tt at Ehrlltb ship WtUH, mat i Beta remjuui. r,' " , . 04 art prn. !.... .-,. trrxTTnzTYmmOt KZJTl j.All . n t -tiiiiWfrTirfVt1ilSia hit ooum, ikd to o trtt, dr idruUy whip. I csf w irn ahw prwr i 1X4 14 LMJ Wiiorwt tan llIbLfilJacci, l4 "u MroocrtiaipUcticd. borm tciped. Mvertl otto betn oc qolited. twt hunf olraMtrin J.n,tnifroittMcH!mr- Odlttdotb. Applkatloo ottbtim !! I Iho Million of moro (bin a hutxJred txr Oflt Mil IHO CMCI .ll(IWrill inougnil" n5ny,rjor iw uuhjiihu 10 piiunr U CAM 10 vlvlcb lk pof r of paMooinf Oflthc doc to bo orertlaed. - lir. P. Canfitld, marvarcr of iho Uol- Ttrtltf Lotttrji tlRbth cUm. bit r,Ucn ftoticf that bo 111 appropriate one hair cf iho profit! 00 the ulet of 7 kkeU in aid lotor7itotMbcirooi th late Robert Fulton.o The whole arooant of the pro. fia. It li anticipated! will amount to from 210 to g 10.000. The lnuoior of iteBm-boata. AeD. toe. trafrcdua, baa been converted, aoa inienot.iof . outer the Aodoer tbeolorictl minary TUls would be very food new a, if .true t but it - want - confirmation. The Rev. Speocer Cooe, one of tba most eloquent preacher, (in the Bptir corjnectloo) abtndooad the play-bouao tor tho church. zrz, . -i-r- I Giut r'y- Wa -art -Informed Then ar In tho cJtr.ofTeriirM!Wftth rn- .420- tch maken , ta bo m ploy 03 5 J workmen, and: produce, annually : 10,000 1 gold waUhe, 40,000 silver viatcbe, and ISfiQO ttocha, tbo wbolo worm about iy,709og irancB. loftfmrnt, man br the name ofltion -the Atnetican Commistioner not ohn Scantlinr, iq Alriandria, Ohio, a I butband, and a father of " children, has I icn ma own wiic, ana cwpcu who ma wue i of bis neighbour, who wss the mother of two children. . I Both left their respective families in the nigM, while their unsuspecting part- J Bert aqd tender offspring wero asleep. I YcrtAv. Mr. ler rand, who con. duct Jhe Joston iPublic-Salo Report; 1 propnecies mai ancr menraioi 4 uiy next, T it a j a t ww I hope lt will not bo long alter the first of July Subitituufor iWA. When tho horse chesnu ii xipe nd drops from the tree, take off the brown husk, and pound the - fruit in1 1 laTgrTffomfrAn"' -thy obtained to the apot on the linen, j and wash it. All the soots will diaaDDeari I and moro readily than by means of oap. . .... .. . A clutter 7or,.iA resident bf-Palt: r.v,0hio, a few day. since' heard a noise ': v m j under hit floor and ooon raisin a Duuch EU1I IUI..VI1.W .tlH 1IUM1 I1KIBUII IU 111 I mmm mw mmfmwwmw vnm . .1 . a . k . . . n . . n ma great surprise be beheld a number of fulljeeTft---" -.t Wuh ih.l. ,ji. t,t,.M Oeorela Bnk BiHa-t p ,wi,ca Bf f-M,T".w"e.u.incm w ae-i. corcif to preveni meir retreat. I ney .-":.'.,"rL. ;t-- 1 vcie u iii uv-vv.i , i.yjuntu suiuc ingenuity to disentangle tbek tail from each other ! 1 J tv r? mffu. i.i .. . yrr-r' I r-r--1 . .-..-.-:T-.-r'.'ruT 'e .. - . . v... L n r i County, Ueorgia, JUixabetn Uotspn, con- . 4 mw wufw v. www., v. .wiiaiiivin victed of but log or receiving rice from a I negro, i' hout a ticket from the owner Or overseer, wa sentenced tu pay a fine of I" . . J. J Jlf . jj.i.l .! I fnenUn0rCU O"'"n iOLOe 2 tL. am mni. anil v. Ct---1 K . bm MfiiinSai I . . " r ' jJ . A-v 5r . jT?-7 . tnirty oaya, ana ui oo uiacuargsu wsre- A U lil.h tt tiw4 if AUl' 1Mb (JIX eftnf U U ll CO309 ilmn hi ptWW tU id in LhrtJrottt4 oow w' Fw imoog lU Choct.- r.tU of ;lndUfi. wv4 cMoff ! w ho U4Ulte4 NtvOrkiMr'MM "ko loM Mir Ifif of tMi or Uter rctkUK " DUd oi Aof. OeortUOW Qai .tililtf rvJ cbftrfulotu Ofti'Jlki l0 f tvU mh. Mr. U"0rM, M " - . . i i Ari- nni arriTKa i wn.in I ' . n l.. WrlU died oi ikt rt of loot o 'c BnQ WP ocewimi. n o irt of too otttlml otock Dow Brlnf, from! I to f of iXt. of Mr. JiHf roo knurr art Informed, I poironafo M oui contain ro miatlor Iprlwi aod bt ihrte Uko prloto, io wmcn uonucciio 111 ocine oigneu Bedford tataio tkt neti klthtu, kc Lottery broken art to otU tb ticketa without probt. I Ii it understood that the tnaoatcn have I made valuation in tnoncf of the priice, land In Uau.ng the ticketa UI annei condition to their tale, that tho bolder of tbe prirr tickets thai! receive either tho prize eatatea or Jhe moner valuation:! the option of the manager. This op tion U to be cictxlted for tba etpecUl Tba Lottery veodera In the city of New York have bad a meeinfr and rcaoNed to 4io in me oiipgaai 01 ine veneraon iicaeia wliboui rcoor reward for their service. tj - j; i - r.i t ir 5,ud lo eredit. that Mr. Kin, our Mini. , lirlndon.-l.aC UUd lo Vifi rortTto ndUce tba Britiah Government lo instruct Itheir Commlisioner at Washington lo al low interest upon tho claims under (bit I Treaty, or to submit the point to arbitra- beinjr disposed to abandon the ground he has taken, all proceedings art ofcourso auapenoeu. c mnoer unaerstana ioai the subject isunderdiscusslonbrtweenthe Secretary of btate, and the. Imush Minis iter at Waahington, but with what pros peels we are not in formed. ,. . . N.ltcrald. , OfiK mM ttAna nftKumtm durln the Mt year, seventeen thousand dollar from iha nroduct of tha C.tAA filing. - The Quebec paper mention, that au thority had been received to carry on the military works on Cape Diamond, at the Isle tux Noix, on Lake Cbamplain. : . . CUJRLESTOy PRICES, May 15. Cotton, 3. Island, 35 a aii. ataincd do. 18 Maine and 8antee,2l a 25 eta. t chart ataple.9 a rlJentsr WhJakeyr3J 35 cents i.' Bacon, 6 a 7 1 Haras, S 9 1 Lard, 8 a 9 1 Bafnrinr. Dun- dee and Jnternraa, (43 inch, 32 a 24 1 toffee. " -- . " A ' - w. - rni.if. .-a rrr ii. . . . 1 1 ... vthu. a a 1 ... er cent. Discount."- per IXIil. UIKUUUh ""Xanana. i ne ouainci e depietied-.t- the preasent low rates .t i wa expecieu ini ipccuiaiion woum Have oeen jexcite j era had retired from the market, it waa hoped iniriac mmcitr vuuiu gmui ua u urn mm it that the article-w'ould be taken up aa fat as it larriveai dui inai dm not seen the i caeda. ring ine weea in nporicniucrwiy;ceu the aales and at no period during the season ring the week the imports considerably ; exceed has there been lesa animation in the market A ry email reduction on present rates, however, " WUUIU rw.ru. . CASfBIV, WAT 13. ... Camden Prices Current remain the aame aa our w except Cotton, vMh is 8 9 cent. t4 I T, ,w T rT!-1 iu4 iu is wkio cootj. o4 . Otlf 0fMJ I&OM. Mr, eiwflt wArjw M War; sppft- wlatlaWfalpWHrvbtd MtiiirwiwHrWWij" ' awwM llut Q mm w aa, at V late m waa mw HhWt-udtiwtw.atiotW Uaathat SMa4MM4 aj the lieJavtwt, O tie acoiktal af tha mm f naa, aa rpff a fcKa wa eannad la frwa the UnUaw of hia caw,' thai tWjary caJVd hiaa to thaaa, aa4 eacb cm gave ah a piece si RMwcy t whi tuapU was iUUved by saaJty etbrra la cwaMry to k IT. - 1 . m m f ff TL 7 " T7'"; Zl. 'J ,tM't w ma vm rataitpcaavni. ItvMto ba bfbaitM.arw trvaty, late ly awclndid at Wtayiow whh the Cm l diaitt, would havtvovad aatW&durv to Caor. Ia i hat H baa aoU-aa aaay be lafcrrtd, ta the I I pUc. from thfKCihai both lb Um tnator vtAfd axV iha cofifhMtioo of thecd to.be tt ad KcpndjlmtJQjnoTrowj trratr, and th rrtrarnuuvrt froat that aute, aa wtHu tho foe Alalta voted anlaellM ... . appopnattoa ctry tha treaty into effect. And another evk of ib dUwUMfactkm f tl. t .w. - ... k- feuM In it. dewLialo. b a of tba Mwa. paper ia hat stia. Ta following b froaa the Georgia JoartuJ M The eoopM of Georgia will learn with aatonitbment, and we hope whh . tba deepest iadtgnition, that the old Treaty whirls gave them all their land, bae been annulled, and list by tba new one, a tract I anncr s map,) bat been taken from them; nd not only given to the Indians, buifTMreaffdto them." """". I'bere appears, however to be a dinar tl opinkm la reprd ta the trtmi of tb ceioa mde by the new tmty. Tb Georgia Bute. ma aara tbit, by th CW treaty wUb tha Creek Iuluat, Georgia gt ml the knd hither to ia th poaseaaioa of that' nation." The 5outbtn tecWr- y t-f Front the beat rati mate we can n.ke.the intrintic value of the Unda wiikkcUjnm as, by the new treaty) may be equal to a fourth part of all that is ceded.1 The Georgia Courier, new aemi-weekN paper eatablulicd in Auruata, well printed, and ably edited, aavsi "Our eonehiaioa ia not positive, but we arc inclined t believe, that fby the new treaty) e Tuvi otjuned the WJUATbi "Aelanii within the limits of Georgia, belonging to tba Creek Nation." While tb Aufuata Cbronkle, a well conducted " Clark paper," ays, in apeak ing of the new treaty,' Aa we undentand it, it J at one that can be approbated by the people of Georgia , for though a superficial observer would be induced to believe that they have ftvined by it all they required.it will be evident, on A closer examination, that off the land within th charterfd T.miu of our stated not ceded.". The treaty ia certainly very' ambiguously worded. If it was intended the Indians should cede' away mtt their land within the Emits of Georgia, why vu not the treaty made to say ao, in plain, intelligible language 7 But if it wax thft object OfHhreirykingpo wers al WaabZ ington, to Rbrgia into A belief that she was, bjr the new treaty, to acquire i'mM the Creek lands,, while a part were not enly not ceded, but utually .mated to the Indian, it t a tritk totally unworthy the rulers of A reat Nation '., ., The Grand Jury of Henry county, Georgia, at rca AnevIirVKe wsgona, Awno'nf ami Gjar, oa the Sabbath" day, in certain pvuiil that county and re quir all civil officer! to take copliance pf the aame, and auppreas it.J? Some of the above, are wrtainrfverf by any Grand Ju7,-lohjecta which we hope, forxnojafity 'a ule, nay never come before a Grand Jury of NonhCarolina. . ft ta S-a-.:.1 . L-i' u..t... .V.. ! iijvv.iv.i.iiuie to wna wreivueu auui.r. fiigef rogues and scouadreb will resort, to effect heir purpose of cheating, swindling and rcMrf he honest part of coxununit. A very singu. Ixr, but base, and somewhat bundling attempt, ft tWIrM MMlf 1W (MM U. o4 ull U Uo'd-c -l rrrr zrrr:r7.':.7:rf 't: TW VMM M M h loMJ CWtlt, Oiaa - JJZ CSu cononrss. . BOVSl 0 MirMULVTJTMS. ' MAf I J. Mr. Cr of N. Ceflerrd the fdllow Ing rcaolutloo, which Ik on day oo the tablet JfraoW. Thai the 5crttirjofTab audt of the most direct practicable route for the location of the rontinptatrd Na j tion.l Road leading from the city of Wash- lortoo to New Orleans and that the re salt ef oca rtcoroimne be reported to this House t Iho neit Mtslonoi Coo grrs. """ The follow Jng resolution, offered by Mr. Caraow, on Saturday, wa taken op. ! and bainr modiCad follows, was order- ! VraarW y Mt imar tnd Jhkte Ftftrt$tnlatr9ft if Uu Vnitrd Suttt d : i r. ii.j ti.. .l. wt '"i"" mrrmru, ma - President ft ha United States do note a rtcoonolaaanco lo bo made of the most dlretl pfClW tooltj for the locatloo 6f the contemplated National Road leading from tha city of U aahingtoo lo Nsw-Or leans t snd that tha result of such recbn noissance bo reported lo Congress, st its next .session. : Mr. Everett from the Committee on the Library, reported I bo following resolo- JYfcOT,Ttnsrtbe7peAer of this llouve be suthorixed to en.ee with Gil bert Stewartr to paint a portrait of Gene ral Washington, of tbo same six st the portrait of Gen. La Fsyctte j provided that the cost of tba same shall not exceed one thousand five hundred dollars. - - - . 1- MAf 16V The joint resolution -offered by Mr. lirioa. yesterday, was ; read a. Kcond time. On motion to -commit the resolution; tbere sppesred Aye 62, Noes 45. HEIGHTS AXD MEASURES. Mr. . Brtdlni of Vermont, . from tha . - Committee on Weights snd Measures, reported tho following resolution, which was resdi ' " ' " .. Rrtahrd by (he Senate end oitae .ei ReftreientaHvrt, he. That professor Jas. Rcnwick, of New York, be employed, un der the direction of the President of the United States, to repeat the experiments heretofore made ; and also to make fur ther experiments .for th purpose of as certaining the true length of the pendu lum vibrating sixty. times in a minute, at thncuy f flewirorkrand Also at the cl ty of Washington, and to compare the length thereof with such measures now in possession of this Government, ss will .best ;show the. proportions between the length of such pendulums and the stan dard yard recently adopt.d by the Bri'hh Government, and .to make report of the rcault-tpXongrcsrelthcirnctnc4 sions and that there be Appropriated .fol!!?l!!!!!!!! that purpose, sum not exceeding seren hundred dollar, to be paid out of any money : in: tho .Treasury" tot otherwise appropriated.' This resolution; after some .cohversa tion waf ordered to bc-iead.a third time TudaioflafeeekftefriM& 15rjfUhjlro weeks we were vuited, in tbjs section of the eountijjjirith severe storni otrain ami luui The rain fell in such torrents, that some damsge was done to such fields of corn and cotton as lie rogff N$ hafffbHlmmlunifel iabury i but in Lexington, at well aa at klocks. ville, auch waa the fury of the storm, that the hail broke some window glass and injured the standing crops. Since then, we have had coni. ... I 1. ...' . . . xjpui uinvcn 01 ram wnicn nas in a good muut. ure, resusiuted vegetation,-and, aa a matter consequent, enlivened the countenances of the farmers, and all other who are dependant on them, -which includes shout every body. B- wtQ. wl H-r, sm m wtli t4 M mf vt yet b r .W4, s4 , t teJerU.) god iref. . TBI MUMM MOitZk A NJm4 sa adopted la tv mtt f tUfrtUMltt tM U. April, tfttSng H li ffury 4 Wa W aav f j- K1mJ SWi tVw-s WnLMaw cwy t tfV OrWaa. Tb f.fiwUg r port la la satwer t tNtraotatiwOf " "w r ' " " Wtrataeres, felv H, jr , XT kv lib bee U UtmtmM a n'mM of tba ftUiM m a-U. aakig W raad m ab wf lb rwntea smy uued, froas Waattlagiao Cl'y la Kevjr. kaa. ire tMat abearv. that tli ute b U froas Wlg ta a auUfactory m i a ar m peotd4 with IM awt SMrveyt, sad lb lauj djr ta r.Mit t tb priea mi snateHati aad kw bar Apwt wUcb th eet-Mt aboUd a prvns,' td. 1 Unfoti, w BMbwJt h pmewt taui a (V Wy aM wbkb awr gmraj Sftd tmkti local aKfarwtlie eaa sne. aappoH the breadth of the road t 1 twtwfydbHf fct th jflWr road m eack m fuarteea fret i each ktrral tch 1mu feel wkka wWd re eiitv feet for the rtadih af tb grwad eearr4d by tb road w gtve ana tact intcXMa ta IS tto-e art we rpe th lrideat hav sbatatewa sad pUrv af sum, and M bar tfcetr a-pratn tarw atad af tiatbtri t ywds aad a bag d Suppo-sd to be th as aw belgbt acawaeem. cAtmrje atotrrt Ta apea th read vU bapa Um rnwa4 wOrra cmc4 MpfocwreO pBiie, KljDeo AdtUiiooal expeaa I abtaia a paoV. atloa wader 1 detme per milt, ICO Materia), each a eavJI fravct, timber. .ttr, ltd t'sy. tod a lU-aUalca for atoae, per Jule, BaQ bndgta, exUverta, valleys, per atile, IW Total pet snH f!f. Ll 14 To open th road and ahap th nnd where aton eaa he procured 1,209 wal eipena to olrfaia a rradu. .iioa aadetdefrae pe-wtUo. 13 Pton work of the road, (McAaaas .plan.) per aaila STt Imall bridge airrerts, valley, per aula SCO Total pet buW fXo. 3 ) Cndring pet ruaaing yud, g!40 per mile) 344,400 i - Total pe axil (N. 3,). 3464 Caoaewx- where atone is act ta be procured, for embarkmcnt, per anil UjUD BtteriaK aueh a small graved timber, tar, red clay, aad a substitute for toiie per Biil l.ltt Canaeway where ston it to b pro. cured, fbr ambaakment, per mil - UX) Stonework of the cattsevays, (StcAdaxa plan.) per mil -. et-g Toul per mil (No. 5) 13J MIDDLE ROUTE.. Teepenth road and ahap th ground wher"aton"i not to b procured, .,.l.. ' iser mil.,-- Additional expense to obtain a graxlux . ... . tlon under j derreea oer tniU ivi ilsteriak, auch aa rmall grivtU timber"-" - jar, vto euy, and u eubstitutes for " for aton per mil Ofi Small bridges culvert, valleys, per mil 100 . Total ner miU (X. & . 9 it To open the road and sbap tb ground wnerw sums 1 to oe procured, per . mil - Adtlitional expense to obtain a'ejadoa., MM " 130 34. 3c0 non unoer d-greea per mile 8tonework of tha road, (McAdam, plan,) per mil Small bridge cuhrerta, valleys per mile Total per mH (No. 7) 4,858 Brulres per running yard $120 per mil. . - Jii x ; Total per mile (Np, 8.) 2110. wiwhji un. atone ia not to b . - procured, for embankment, per mil 9,905 MaleriaJsU-h aa am all gravel, thnbei, -- tar, red clay, and aa substitutea for stone, per mile , v 950 Total per mile (No. 9) .10,865 CauKwayt where atone ia to be pro cured, for embankment, per mile, . - 9,905 s tone worx.Pt th cauaeways (McAdam "3324- Total per mil (No. 10) 13,229 - - WESTERN ROUTE. ' To open the road and shape the ground wircrv iunc i not 10 ae procurea, -per mile ' : 900 Additions! expense to obtain a gradua-- - tion under 3 degrees per mile 100. Wateriabi wch aa amallgivef,;tim6ev tar,.clav,andaaautaUtuteaforstone, . ;-npr mite " " ' 8001 ,..: ..T-ptaJ per mile f Na 11. 1.900 JoopentneroaaarwsftapetiiegrotititJ where stone is to be procured, per .. Additional expense to obuua a gMdua . tion under 3 degrees per mile 130 Stonework of the , road, (McAdam plan,) per mile . . 2J70 Small bridges OuJverts valleya . 300 Total nermil.fVo. 13V 4.200 Bridging per running yard, $100 per mile .. , , . Total ner mile. (No. 13) 176,000 Causeways w here atone is hot to be procurtai foC eJLbaukaoB pw.oui .

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