ni I Mf. .Mill' t f J ! E t ( t' . " iNnrviuv . i;vn:iii'iii,i' am, is 1 1 n i ; 1 nr. 01 : .r ; . ..... . ,t i,t '.-(, I' t' ' -t u f - "".I I If T'l ft ( tl) '-v a f I. I , -. i! : -,i ; ( iii T if. firm- Jr J!. .'( I .'.I S ew. te b l II , if-- I ' . , f ' , ... l 1 i t.A u M tiftU (U s J-aj M d , I' lt '- t t ' ! , if.J t-.t '. - ev ' I,-. f-" 11 TuMfJ.(N.ll) ii fU rwf F. . in -Alaf ) at K 4 n n . s. - - " 3 3 2 u aT , w , , t- ? .? W bM i H I wn J H A ii. ii M IWiw 4 a w44 4 fM tf tlM fW H mzD, i . i i ..I . ; I- "v roun-fji ok jclt po lbt ill ib Aimi tii4 (rota M H '22 5 .25 .2 a. a - I Br 4 2- 3 1 j? j rj .1 i".H O illjM WiiMnjicr ty rrop4 oa lit Ui la it trvtt. AAtr Ui rttem from Vlrj. o4 ootni Lloydi Noiof from MaiMCBOKttt. It tifl to Ua a ftctM of Mjc eitlienwBi f ont In ib othtr Hovm . - ... o a a - 3 p o a n 3 5 2 53 o . " ( a 25 .a - o E i"-s. 5 1 .... 5 Bj o p ft S i I 9 I 5 D ... .is o o k q. 0 q - ".-o- O K w ."3 e 5? 5? . 1 b OQ fl 3- (trrfcUw. (0 lU 4( d of bci M u) U U CA7 jtf j) r4 &4 riJurt u UfLU, U Ct V1ti4 tttt virt, m4 of Ht wgta U K Uf )4 totar IM w (Ur Wnt aV4fiKfctaf IbB j4aa aOfcaB iaTNVhftKg uA gttt tWt ft! U4cpt4t lo ai Go, H i Ui ppotj itvt M mti tmL fflfwy of tbt avM, Imp Urv4 vka tiM uJ dMnArftt!oM of frttitxk to !! Sfw trtclff t Vom. to tttfy bctvica McDuIU, TrimMf tad Vaaci. trr 4 tJltp to im v wo It u tiptottJ, Um ib 'J U IrfMOrtd M rmt KatioMl Jl IAITIMOIE, MIT It. U, A(roaJy,bMBUe4tWctwl tJ Mr. RirkJolpk irriftd kcro ytttirdtf dUtry, mftoU turf U tUr4 Uto, wiooo jau be tot f o'clock iM dcirt- ,77 " J rmr all h4o i4 U rfv h ootj-sba tff kuqh K drWJ coM fclrMi;i ibort Mto otnnci coi, be II imcooU wbin BeiDrioconipotiDt. caittoLiai phl,ikbliol oih a!io4 oliiiuUr Mitt UftroiinuDii wno weroooTOi taotfl r Pttrtt M . ..... I I . . 1 tea ttxl corniBtflCca ui in tht btittj 00 omofUM iMm, iro iorao 01 (Mtsotll wWtMaM.yia. dluhtjvlihed to ihit dUUnguUhtd boJf 1 Mr. Holmei of M.lor Ttnerxbr In II r. JlKon 1BJ Uot.U ranch, from W.Uhrodaced lWriri of rtvifctlontlnto the GPkUn od Coi. Km fcoa AJ.sata In rtUOoo-u W-ipdJMf of Mratj voajt tvnneana r.r.ion irom amending the (titling mljt or tho 5o Teootaaeei CoTBenton from UUawitl, ate. . Tbcw rtaofuiioni are obtbualy and Mr. William, from MUiUalppI, are aimed at the anomiloui cwraa hkh Ibe eifhU fayttttvUtt Jour, baa been puraued In that Mr by Mr. Randolph. One of the propoiilooi ia an rata ti wiumx acatu. I Inqulrt bow lar It U (onisteni vita xrrecr of a Utter dated lt'ahinefn. tbe djtrnltt of the Senate 10 alb a teem -jffiritli. : ber o addieia diireipectful lujjuaKe to "The following romore are afloat in f Ifentleman who aj be.iatroduced this city.. I know not pon w.hat aothor- on. the floor by a Senator,- Aootier rt- itt the? re it. but there are mane dcodIa fr to tbe practice which II RaDdolph kere who credit them." So eccentric and -.Introduced of -chirf Imr ExecatiTe wild it tbe orbit La which Mr. Randolph officer with impeachibJe afftocas. Mr. morea that he la leaa certainly to be cal Rndolpb lairoduced counter reaolutiooa, culated opon than a fiery tailed comet a object of which waa toj show that We date and aoroeiimee wonder, but we ,hero w 00 neceiiiit for cnVngbj;. the ire not without apprchenilon. r : eiiating rulef and prwtice ofthe Senate. ' He Ii expected toon to eat! for Lit- Among the crarnta Intteduced by erptiol j whether ha. wiIKor.tllnoi re- Wr. Randolph that gentlemal re'marked turn, ia said to be doubtful. His hatred that the proposition rrDMre to Indecorum m O 'z n k . . 6 r. Sf 3 2 3 P o ! ,- cu to Wrv Adams' If so ceadirfand hla honeil to a at ranee r Introducra or a senator was rhia ejection from onice ao"aIeoder, probaWf intended" lo ber tpoti aofne ob- . . 1 1 - I I I . . I .- I- l .L- (s ma aenousiy to con'empiatcl aerfauone ne naa niioe in renuun 10 me abandoning the .".'acred toil of "Yinciti-.Editor of tba BoVlon Centbef, who waa ia" and the country of Pocahonua. tol on the floor at the time whet the refercn? make bli home In the land of Milton, and ces to him were m(!e. If r. Randolph Shakapeare and Locke" and Newton. avowed that he had intendedjto attack that After strict inquiry be is said to have ae- gentle roan in order " thremgh bim to fix cured docuraenta to-prove tbit be was the atima of reprobation uaoa' the Sena boro three years before that . fanfaron- tor who had introduced bimjon the floor." ade of nonsense the Declaration of In- To this attack so uncpuneous in iu na dependence was proclaimed, and that, lure so inconsistent with tba dignity, the .UaffwnfVTftiVW Mr. - '. , . , .. . Rince, be is yeta subject of the Crown uoyd (who bad Introduced Mr. Ruatell) The KatHmal Journal menu tha a p.Hy of Cntt frfa tnd ioth,ed , a ,he made a apirited. prompt, an efficient re f about 30 members of Cmgren dmrtered a ri ht, n1 pHtlreea which appertain to mrk, which led to aome further diacua- eajt on the itb vwttue tomb of hhe subjects of George IV. Among these Ion which we shall hereafter notice. Cenrirwatfi, at Mount Vernon. On their f, ,be right to tit in Parnameot. Some 1 Journi rrirU off tbe place, a committee vn arnt people here Indulge the idea of Mr. Ran- aahore t aak or Jurtge Washington, proprietor dolph taking his seat near Mr. Canning, . rao ts 1 vaw-voaar awaaicm.J of the aeat. permission to visit the tomb of tbe rieht over atnlnst Mr. Cobbett. who it LATEST FROM EUROPE. v.thM fJt our liwlnni?nr T kuV thlriiAire i to ait h th tidd of M nrniiiyham TK I By Hie tdward Qliesnel '"We" have our' Paris refiued permission and It bamjdxlid apeculatipna onjhis head are 1 man and Ap .?t ftfe' the committee with 1 common pontVivesafla it farfdua.'lf.;lapibbabla?w ahall 'Know Duke Mathien de Mmtgoaeiy died in U t? tMrt, m . U-i 14fI.f twt !.!., 1 7TS 4 iA,tt m, m.t IU im w.iUa a awi 4 a r Uh.rli(WU!, iw t4 a,r ti w aitirfi'tfct for U ( lWs4 4. lU U ff f c k kM ff t CfttiUf, M W tka tkfxlajt Ji true i-o. ft ike Wt pWe at ariwa itr Clotk, ayt tm iJ JirU, d(MftltiMM, 7 Jo lU U4 inm4 1 akl I Jm, sm4 tfta f o t. vt uf tf ii rio, m v Ik ty tartt jaVawti .- re ia MM roHK, ewi) ae Mii rn wti praws vl be tte erJ t kt - JrOffKl - ; ia sU;jm WeUW, nW4 at . f re lie bA Uwl aUt U. U. Fse tbe btat Colt aad W, tkrve twe Ud ikie af ring , each r tbe MW, three year U tLe PTVIg CJTTLF., Tot the beat sWB CK df twe vtan eU, Fee bml the ItsUse CaK wader tee ytais aid. Toe the beat kClth Cw (tbe erttrrk te be tbe otae'lty ee gtwd bttf aaade to a tws tliM, N fcf aailk, wbkb awat be aertiltd) a ai'ver Cresie Ladle, to Ue best yoke of Otte, twlvz. for tbe best tonmt, et r ewe yesr aid, for tbe best breediftf Sew (offipf ing te be above eitk bee) Te tbe rerwta wbe ah&n rae tbe gmtest quality of wbest, aot lra Ibm tety-ara bnsbe h. per, ft, on anj aumbet of am,, , ot Wa tbsa If, a prrwiuJi of . Fee tbe gres-st qnuMy of fadUa Cora, Ml 1m ltkl ift BmuLaWm ui BjOflkbcr Of acrelaotlcathaatee. ' For tbe fTte. cjMantitj K Bjl notkaa.. I f.44 tf 4 fr 4 "s e fa 4 I' pr. ti r4 l"J .rt f in ,1 mie tbe honor to be, Sir, eery refpectfully. your obedient Servant, . BERNARD, - - m At - an- - 1 tbk ft m MtfWsi frr acr,e V umber. ef acre not lew tbM te, For tbe maUel qsnUty Of totlo lees IbM 1JUUO. pt acrm, oa.sii; bujsw Wee of sereanot Irse thaa " 'S CemeetHora fjf snv of tbe four h prer asast furnkb tbe Society with a vritlee accowat of tbe anode of culttvatio. c pameil v litem. For tbe beat maurrd Fsrm, of aot Iras thaa eo kondred acrea of cultirstrd Uml, refrmnc te-tbe oowsisaeo of tbe ttttcmittuj Uirm bmku inrv the atialitr of Ibe fefxes, Ibe eeoersl totv- dHion of eery thing conrnei wwi ine ope. rations of husbandry, ami the quant 11 v 01 manure collected from the resources of the Ism in pro- ooriion io It eitent. and the number of labour era employed thereon, a aiher tumbler will be To decMle the aoove, a aung v,umrat ill be appointed. Foe ibe rreate( eitent of Land recUimed by covered ditches, ike drains lo present a surface above, which win not Impede tbe usual procew of olourbine. Competitors most communicate the wietbod by wbkH k was enceted, tho - pense, and the oerrte 01 amcitoraiton tnus pro. Joc-a. - ...... For tbe best Draetical eany on the cunore ot Cotton, with reference lo the choice ami pre. Daratioe of tba soiL and tbe mode of cultivstinr. Competitors to forward tbeir essays lo lb See. retarr of the Society, wkb a piece of parJ sealed over tbeir sigrwtures, not to be removed liU ibe essminlng committee shall have dec. tod between them A medal of North CaroCaa fold. Dy erde r of the Society. j. - - - jOHjf BE A ED, Jr. Vtrturf.--Mag 16rt,lK5. . . 3trtl THERE will be aold, on a credit of one, two and three years, the well known stand called the TRAVELLERS' XV, in the town of Leaington, on the 20th of Ana, it belne Tutav of the County Court of Davidson. All persona wishing to purchase a ailuatwn for a Tavern, or for a private Family, would do well to caH and examine the situation of tbe House and Lot, as I am determined to sell.. JUIIN r. MAuuT. Mat 20A, 126. - lw ln iUm e 4 a I. It'i t , Alt Fri.e petsle rVmy.iji atrr lie ! tr4 ef lb Ifrtt.KftU u a U4-it; of lti;n pt 1, f .4 i, aW. teih eviS, lake d.MiM M Ibe rU .it. urm II..X . ibe lAewfeer cjrrrjL rxrzrfwri n s wn, end m-A bo eWwuite4 we rfcf ft j ' of tbeaesidrseUei - ' . 1 pue .U . ... V$(A, .. 7 p"tft f ixaL. 3 bnsee ef ' I aeises af 4pris of lteeWe of 3t ariaoa af A ad a eery laqre on to Tee nriar rKseo-i aaMk,n:ag te pvd af 0,V UVXtiUlIi TMQUU.YD WLUMSf Tbe toMoenee aeamnt af CmJ Cp.l JW remaloiitg emtrsoe to ibe Wet I, a t bi, ef every Wr belag deteenvned i one tUr, Naders lba, to Ha prteeM atsee, tbe wM i,if. eating Iiery ever d'ave Ibe Southern ataieai an I It bear a ceejnerto) ottk any ef tbe Kortbera Lotlerles ate oBerUg. Out a email proportion of Tickets reeJ . sold, aad from the mat demaod me tbeaa, It kifbry probablt t bey ill be a3 dltpd of sometime before tbe aeit tVaeirg, and that tb rte will adranre Aepbcaiion fur Tit leu shffukl be epeedily anade, pan. Urrr by distant aJvrnurcr, and bo lien tA small priie. , HXjU Ti.i-s . t BJ, - I w Q-rUra, l f . Ticket and shares foe aato at BEr.aV 1m. tcry,'Ha.- imiersior TVte, e Wwnf Caah, p&x pant, oitl be prompt ry aitrtMlci to. uancn Nonet rciea at par. WlV I. JUrs p4 lU Cmmitmm Fifttntfj of John 1. lndctt1i4 FjnitR subscriber having rpiahned a edm'ni. 1 traior en the estate of tbe late John P. Hodge", dec. desires aU peraons bvlcbled to j e, ia come suroaN M make rtl. nt i and all tboea bavinr claims aeainat said etaie, vill present ikem for artllemcat, prbner. ly authenticated, other iae ,tki notice ill be plead in bar uf tbeir recovaey. Mr.MIACK Fl.NXSTOJf, nJm'r. 1 run aatL TIIF. subscriber ofTrr for sate the plants, lion whereon Tttoa. Knoje, Fjm. fofrocftr liwd, In the county of Iredrll, N. C Beine on ran oiHnMurcea.cotviininr something er acrr. of as good a quality as any, without tlcep-T lion, in the oper part of aid county. . There ia on it, a food dsrellingouoa and Kitchen, largo new barn, oith other necessary buildings, 1 be Etrcbaaer may bar a reaoneble credit, by rtr. g approved oblirat ions for the pyment. , k ia no deemed aeceasary lo rive aay' further de. Cription of the taod, as the purchasrr would, ao doubt, wih to view it before boring. For fur. ther particulars apply lo the. subscriber, at tbo porfffice at Wilhmr's milra,- Lincoln -fountr N. Carolina. JOHN WILF0NO, Son, VA. IJ,I8;. t'SlJ poiaiblell Inothino. further than we do until Mr Randolph is pleased himself to ahed fur Paris of an ancrurism of the heart, on the 24th of March, aged 5k, He aa the Governor of THE JTTDlCMRr SILL I ther lleht on the aubtect than he haa done the Dauphin. Ha was among the gallant French T t: . . - - ' i j Ik.:. u i. r.. ... .i. .1 ! .1.. IT t k. kla sWl.Polinn. Ik. if IW k.l'll wuu unw ireii .wunu mr in UW ItW v, ,nucun..c,7 " ' " " such, dcservea to be xepreeentanvee on in lotn tnw. oy a- vote ot ro.-cici.icuj hb T, eo".u','tBii.iouifjwwntare o-- in 59 io 89. 1 hia bill vu originated In,' and pa. forTCiVand-grrnritiderirnonjf 1 the twteoTTrielidpiaomeeS was ".Th";!" fini.Vn.t;ihi;i0w-lTes and ctrfs of another continent." Ithe act of pminHn church whea Hedied; i .v . m Jt o 1 The Greeks, it may be hoped, have actually matontv. earlvinlhe acsston. and sent to thai - . I j.j A..i.r. wt"L7 . . . , - aenatej there it remained on the table , about two montha, when the Senate added some very material amend nouse e tiouse oceu . . amcnamcma, w .corn, u, , .ason, , . o , u i uras . h ,be M Ueteaila. of . . . . a a. u.. I lelftrwl. 73 Hasan mnleaaiauaei lit auaeweiF I . 1 . T. . . - ana proposeo w me acnaie a commuice.oi jcp.n- -?'S- V :rr -7 --a-' the rrpulaea riven on tbe 71 March before Its. .ftnceTthe-Benate odW -r.-i--r-ip- . ... -"--ji iV--i-i:r'"' ''"rM tn'OWed to wmnerrehiaea every tHrrt of canfc r$'&ZZX5ZA ptmtlonr- The 28th Feb;thelr prieTi adminV. ! T.;. omiM. r th. .pt nr th An9t. I beeswax. 2a a .uii nA Tx.wYffvvim''tnrrlKe,,tt4 '-. -. ..v,....J!.....i.... . - .-n vwu.n. ........ r ----- . . - r-.--- -'iteretl to them the communion, and tbe entliuai. FATETTETILLE PRICES, Maj'17 weeeeded jn Ibrahim Pacha before 1 j - K W laiBt ttjMnaaBm BaJ AL . a n an a - . I jiikfviuiikiii. i uf hub hwiii we Hliu, n iuc cotton, y ay 00 1 nour, nne, J a o, auper - from ,V. jnum.l rmmi r from Corfu arrived at Trieste ' c" u,c . " " T7 G" wht. 90 cents a gl , whiskey, Z7r of Anril 't&- jnch-trand -if.t (r ouae disagreed to the amendments, 6ay corn, 85 to 90 f bacon, T a 8 1 salt, Turks wjth jet,erf to tb "tJ-i. , T.-. a a L . AAA .- a B "r 1 at ' a a " " pronounced by memberaof the Hiai1nvalt?t'!w? LT.'V'? 44asm . p... Taftacted them bv sea and land, wasrenulsed on ing toihe dignity of their bodyJand t nnprir1 etdented in the annals of legislation. Jl. was Under these : circumstanocs, that the Ileuae postponed the till Indefinite ffKMhiffwa tia.aftrw ewaw'-av--ewA.wjHBw aiw-Hiii ua aa w-. r. , ..-vaa inem 0y aet tnd lama, waanouli - i---Tjr---1 all aides, end lost between four aitl five thnu- Cotton if eomirir in. in limited ouantitiea. nd r XXAJt rfStbw rftcpatchi. pretty firm at these pnees 1 beef 7 a ft cents, f h -.--.ft. . . 1 none 1 bacon 9 a 10, scarce , butter 15 a 20. do. tuV'l :1C. . tji. corn 1 12-2 a J 23, do. flour 6 a 7, do. I.rd9 a lS ThV r It k .hltZ 10, scarce . We learn, that during the storm on Tuesday last; Mr. Anthony Peeler, living 6 or 7 milea from this town, bad threa knM' fall ha nwn.Ht i .... ., . . 1 . ,i . ,1,1 j' -,. iv . I urr uio cuKHNi iih wuw iniin Arxanuna 10 liUcd by Bghtniftg. Tbl hones were in the f7? " w, oj the Moreit -nd fouiMi j them Dropsy belong. I the electric ' ' - ' ing to the Turt, capturea pe whole. Jhe etable, and in separate apartments fluid paeaed into the" atable, and killed the . borsea, without doing the least injury to tbe afUarrfrt, Captaina complained to the Lord nigh Com misaioner of the Ionian ialea, who rcfiised to In Ttaleieh. en the 10th instant bv the Itt. I listen to their complaint v savinr thtv broueht Kev. ttithop naTenscroir, uenerax n uuatn nuii ine ttiiucuiiy on luemscircs. 1 Uonae & Lot n LeTtlngtoh. TIIF, subscriber oners for sale a House and Lot In the town of Lexington.- Tbe House is entirely new, just finished and painted, and has never been occupied, ft ia conveniently situated to the Court-house, and wen calculated for the genteel reaideuce eft private family,. W. H. HOLT. Ltxingtm, May 20, 1828. 3tl3 lG ollbum, AND LADIES' WEEKLY GAZETTE. mills ia a new nublication issued on Wed I nesdavs. It has been commenced tinder the most favorable auspices, and, as its' title de cause "of virtue; to airnatea, ia appropriated, particularly ta the Ls dTeinf "iade voted to the" knowledge and amusement ' It will furnish in formation on the culture of Plants, Flowers, 4tc. useful receipts t a general weekly summa. .... r .'. ...... ilk. .Iti ry 01 roreignanu iwiwcwis wwa,wim fund of choice and select miscellaneous Litera. ture..Itia neatly printed on fine paper, lex- i r ! f. i '..I.. preesiy lor .ntnuuuj quano turm -j,hjih without advertiementa (which are to be inser. ted en a eover.) The price is only two Dollar, navablebv those in tbe city half yearly, .arid by all other year jyjn advance.--gubscriptlona wi.P rretfrtthftM ft. Po6lea Fancy Book Store; Chesnut street, 8. C-ShepprdV- lO-S Ninth atreeW John Ri-Watker, 209 H Front street, and at William 8tavely70, S.TTiirdrtreet. AmohBT a numerous list of contribtttore re the names of Seleck Onborne, Roa, EU n, the Boston Hard, &e. and in order to render" the work truly valuable, the Editor will distribute premium far original articles amounting to snr hundrtd dolluri. ' . ' AH commuriicationa must be addressed to Tktmaa C.Vlark Editor and Proprietor,: ISO. 40, Race at. Philadelphia. Editors copy ing this Will DO fUmiSllCU WIUI mo mwu. mum i4iv. Weeklv Gazette, as an equivalent . PoHtmdaters and other will be entitled to eycryflth copy they m:rj)rtfer, t 4.- Afrit W,- ; . u WHO are indebted lo ibe late firm of Reveti -k Templeton, Tailors, ih Salisbury, aro earnestly flesired to make settlement, by cash or note, as soon a possible, as it bis become ab solutely necrstarjrto close the concerns 0 tho firm. It is as painful lo the Creditor, as it is mortifying and perpleting to the debtor, to re. sort to the force of law fur Ihe collection of debts 1 from this consideration, then, if from no other, it is hoped those who are in arrears to the above named firm, win fcttiTto be their interest, as well as our benefit, to close their accounts ith as. RETELL k TEMPLETOJf. RAN away from the subtcriber, living 16 miles south-east from Salisbury, on the 29th of March last, an indented white girl, named Rebecca Herral,-(aliaa Rcbeecn Jack-ton ; alio is in the 17th year of her age, has an infant boy child with her. and is Verjj piueh, "giveniojly. ing.' All persons are cautioned afcru'mst tnistin her on my account, as I hold fnvaelf irrcsponaw ble for any contract she may enter into. Tho above reward, but no other expenses, will bo Said for apprehending her, and no thanks to ring her back into the neighborhood. 3t12 ffe-aan, May 5, 1826. GKOHOE MILLER. r ......... (treat Uargaln. THE mbscriber bavrng purchased a ferm Irt Iredell county, offers for sale the Hty valuable and well known tract cf Lan,t where he how lives, ahnost immediately beta ecu Mocksville arid lluntsville, in the count of Row an, eanea lhe-t.oi)d"pNng (trote, coirt-aiilmj 300 acres, of which about 250 is now cleared. and in cultivation. .The land ia not inferior ti any in the county j it produces corn, cotton, to babeo, and mall iH'Vn in tStindance f 30 or 60 acre. .1?. tnoxr cxcujfcnriosr. irrouwaincrBMSi on it, a "food.1nll-stiti-an excellent dwelling , house .just nihed. nd - ntht 'r -nex-esvary -ott t hjiiisel, Jhcr wjlbe, aoIt. should .it suit th mirchaserr acres nore,'aUoTmaig the aoove..' about 50 acres cleared, motxcellcntrtToi it, aad equal to any land in the Fores. UotU tracts are well waterciL" T will take," Tri part pr.y, several likely Negro GirU,, Fose-ion giv en next fall. : Jf the above property is not disposed of at private sale, will be sold to the highest bidder, on the 1st day of September, 1B2A. Terms made to suit purchasers. It is deemed unneces sary 3o giVe any further description of the pmp. erty,asthoedeircniiif purchasing, willtbwbt- . less wi'h to examine the premise bt-lbre closing any contract. ' JIHJS A, CHFFIN.'. j.m.A, mm. : 5 '.; :