supp a vided for. 47. An act for authorizing the building of Light Houses and Lu;ht Vessels, erecting Beacon Lights, plucing Buoys, relieving obstructions in the Kiver bavan nah, and for other purposes. 18th May 1826. 48. An act to authorize the sale and conveyance of the House belonging to the United States at the Hague. 18th May, 1826. 49. An act regulating tqe accountabil ity for clothing and equipage issued to thr nrnv nf th United States and for v m m j the better organization of the Quarter master's Department May 18, 1826. 50. An act relative to the issuing of Executions in the District and Circuit Courts of the United States, in certain cases May 18, 1826. 51. An act altering the time of hold ing the Courts of the United states in the Western District of Virginia May 18, 1826. 52. An act concerning the seat of jus tice in Gallatin county, in the State of Il linois M.y 18, 1826. 53. An act to enable the President to hold treaties with certain Indian tribes May 18, 1826. 51. An act allowing fees to the District Attorney of Missouri May 18, 1826. 55. An act to extend the time of loca ting Virginia Military land warrants, and returning surveys thereon to the General Land Office May 18, 1826. 56. An act supplementary to "an act providing for the disposition of three se veral tracts of land in Tuscorawas county, in the State of Ohio, and for other purpo ses,' passed the 20th of May, one thou saed eight hundred and twenty four May 18, 1826. 57. An act to alter the time of holding the District Courts in the District of Norlh-Carolina May 18, 18 26. 58. An act supplementary to the act entitled "an act to incorporate the inhab itants of tne City of Washington, and to repeal all acts heretofore passed for that purpose," passed the fifteenth May, eigh teen hundred and twenty. May 18. 1826. 59. An act altering the times of holding the Courts in the District of Columbia. May 18, 1826. 60. An act to fix the time of holding the Circuit and District Courts of the United States in the District of Ohio. May 18, 1826. 61. An act to aid certain Indians, in the Creek Nation, in their removal to the west of the Mississippi. Mv18, !P26.. - 62. An act to allor 'A r report; : . of goods, w?res, and merchandise, to and from Philadelphia and B,dt;;;irr?7 by the way of L.yH-sfrfy- -3 j '-V? Uj. tI,c nipJi rout ! H JL j o ' .:? the 'XU- ' St'tcs J r rf.t ;''' ?ur",' ;w r . t- . Joi jits; .1 Tc'i: aurora . i.r- jvi.r-; r" . " r, thousand cfaht hundred and thirteen. May 18, 1826. 79. An act to authorize the payment of interest due to the city of Baltimore. Mav 18, 1826. f.o. An act concerning the United Sti Arirnal in Geortriji. Mav 18. 1826. JUNK 13,1826. 81. An act appropriating lands for the . ? . uprort of schoois in certain township. Pshmff b13 by subscnp .on Th,S nS lr.e3on.I townships not before pro S on the by exa; XOHtE WESTERN CAROLINIAN BQ.OMAJTS GRAMMAR. Among1 tharious expedients resorted to for making mot, none is more frequent than is method exaggerated accounts andse statements, ia generally taken AT-.. 1Q 82. An act authorizing certain soldiers to efiect the t of works which do not possess in tho !:te war to surrender the bounty intrinsic valuufficient to induce people to innrl drawn hv them, and to locate others, purchase then If it be said that this is the in lieu thereof. May 22, 1826. only way of as lining whether the publisher 83. An act making appropriations to j will be inderoinjd for his expenses ; we confi carry into effect the treaty concluded oe- dently answewat any piece ot composition tween the United States and the Creek s0 questional merit, is not worth the ink to . ?T I . nation, ratilied the April, inzo. ay 22, 1826. .. ii 84. An act to ttx tne times ana piaces of holding the District Courts of the United States in the District of Alabama. . . print it. Sucworks are commonly usnerea forth, bolsterety by recommendations of per. sons eminent f their literary and scientific ac quirements. Irnerly recommendations from such persons tried with them some weight ; now they are lly so o- cheap, a9 to be ex pected as a mat of course in every compilation, however worths. The most gn and flagrant impositions have Mav 22, 1826. 85. An act allowing appeals and writs of error from the decisions in the District Court in the Northern District of New wt . AT.... oo l OOfi lorK, in cerium ca. been practised, the community by the solicit ftfi An act nnthorizinor the navment ot . .J . . . : a fU. Stn i, nf Nfiw-York. orsot subscripts. Frequently by ttieirsplen AT. oo loor did accounts ansaggerations persons are indu- 87. An act to compensate the Regis- ced to subscriber a work. Now, we ask, are ters and Receivers of the Land Offices, these the men se attainments in literature for extra services rendered under the ana science enaathem to judge correctly con nrovisions of the second of March, eigh- cerning the meritf a literary work? Surelynot teen hundred and twecnty-one. luay -i, n inese consiueLons nave no weigin, some re 1826. gard is due to tf fact, that books have almost 83. An act to compensate receivers of invariably beeifcld much cheaper to non-sub nublic monevs for transporting and ue- scribers than isubscribers. This is not an positing the same. May 22, 1826. J empty assertioihnsuppurted by facts. Were 89. An act making appropriations ior t th . k todnmble and invidiou?. I would the public buildings in Washington, and enumerate fre(nt and repeated instances of lor other purposes. iuay itszo. tTMi?,l im't hrtn rr.nrp- extensive Vtnat, ot tne defects of this grammar, as a mani&! for begin ners, "the halt" has not been told.' We cannot conclude without giving Mr. B the following advice, which may be of use to minv rti,p.r if hp pver becomes uuthor j " again ; or if a second edition of his grammar be called for, that he previously give 44 his days and nights to the volumes" of Murray and other ele gant and correct writers ; that he may acquire, himself, a knowledge of the English Language, before he attempts to teach it to others. Q. THE TOMB OF IMSHLYGTOA. We stated in our paper of the 23d ult. that a party of about 30 members of Congress, who chartered a steam-boat to go from Washington City down the Potomac on a visit to the Tomb of Gen. Washington, at Mount Vernon, had been refused permission to land, and otherwise trea ted uncivillj-, by Judge Washington, proprietor of Mount Vernon, and nephew to the late Gen. Washington. Since then we have seen Judge Washington's excuse, or rather apology, for his conduct on that occasion. We have thought it fair to give the judge a hearing in his own de fence, and have added his publication, below. We leave it to the reader to decide for himself, whether the Judge has, or has not, made it ap pear that his conduct towards the members of Congress was marked by that hospitality and gentlemanly demeanor which might be expected at his hands. tilts 1 I. i These remarknave been elicited by the ex- AMERICAX IilBLIl SOCIETT. animation of anglish Grammar, published Extract from the report of the opera- by Mr. John Bolman, of Richmond, Va. We tions of the American Bible Society, read are of opinion tt Mr. Boardman has greatly at the Anniversary meeting in New-York overrated his abies, in thinking himself qual on the 1 1th ult: . ified to write a'rammar of the English Lan- During the year which has now ended, guage. A morontemptible catch-pe7iny than there have been printed at the Reposito- lnis. never camunder our observation. At ry, or are now in the Press, 28,250 bibles firet we consider! it almost beneath criticism? in ingnsn, 4uuu in opanisn, ami but at , h uvedeemed it best to expose t rencn. maKincr a loiai oi vji testamentes, there have been printed 44,- 750 in English, and 2000 in i rench ; 46, 750; making a total ol both ot 81,000; which added to the amount stated in the Ninth Report, of 451,902, makes a grand tqtl.of 53.202 bibles and testaments, or . r ' -c latter, printed from the , i cca) pc pistes of the Society in N Yotk, and in Le:;;n:;ton (Ken ) 'u vili v its slender claims'o public favour. Our first chargi against the compiler tor ne can make no pretnsions to authoriship) is that he is unable to vite the English language cor rectly ; much le to compose a treatise to as sist others in doig so. This we will demon- .- y f mt eT tracts :i Ms ,':e, which we i-riyMT.e to be hi -t.-rn wisu obtained for ci scttty s existence culatiou durm l"iitci for a FHO.H THE ALEXANDRIA OAZETTK. Messrs. Snowden Thornton : I should not notice a statement made in ihe Na tional Journal, of the 1 6th inst. (said to be a rumour) respecting the steamboat party which landed at Mount Vernon, on Sun day last, if it were not to correct two mis representations contained in it, which I am persuaded, could not have received the countenance of either of the respecta ble and honourable gentlemen who com posed, what is styled, " the Committee." The first is, that " the Committee was not treated with common politeness." I should feel much mortified if I could suppose that my conduct was so under stood by the members of that body ; but if it was, I beg them to believe, that as 1 had no cause, so undoubtedly, I had no intention, to treat them otherwise than with respect, after being assured bv them that they were ignorant of the prohibition to visit Mount Vernon on th;t dav, and in that mode ; and this declaration, I trust, they will accept, not as an apology, but us an avowal of the feelings which influ' v v - . t ' '.ihim during wiier i our ,rr-r.; vie m i i.... : i-uuic . . ..I. i J ,r Inir. I till tA"t i - - r...., f til 1' iliO. t 'x: .3V liic v- iiiiaiu -Ji win- iwui. w ho, v:ih ? r-' h"tbitorv letter, pe-haps, to announc Mr. Liri.YGSTOX, of Louisiana. A week or two since, we gave place to an ex tract from the speech of Mr. Livingston, in the House of Representatives, in which he pays a flattering, but very just, compliment to Gen. Jackson. That extract was communicated, and of course we cannot be chargeable with gar bling the speech, to suit our own purposes. On examination of the speech, we find the fol lowing remarks in relation to Mr. Adams : the justness of which we are not disposed to gai.i say : " In rendering an account to my con stituents," says Mr. L. u of the public conduct I had pursued in their service, I told them what I truly Jelt, that in our disappointment in the Presidential Elec tion! we had much to console our disap pointments, in the TALENTS AND PA TRIOTISM of the successful candidate, Mr. Adams and that if the measures he should adopt were, as i believed they would be calculated to promote the hafi- fiiness of the country, I shsuld consider is a duty not to embarrass, by any fiarty means, the measures of his administration ; and from this course nothing ahall force or lemit me to swerve." -- Messrs. LLOYD and RAJVDOLPIT. It is supposed that Mr. Randolph's excessive rudeness towards Mr. Lloyd, in the Senate, on the day he (Randolph) left Washington to em bark for Europe, drew a challenge from that gentleman. The facts are these : Mr. Ran dolph had declared his intention of leaving Washington for Baltimore ; the carriage was at the door, and relays of horses on the road. As he was leaving the senate chamber, Mr. Lloyd. handed him a note, which he opc ned, and tore to pieces, saying something about " gentleman" and impertinence" then jumped into the car riage, and drove off. The New-York " Times" newspaper, says that, in China, there are thirteen females to cue male TrTliabitant, throughout the Empire ! A fine opening for those antique beaux who have sinned away the day of grace in Matrimony, without finding an help -mate in their own coun try, is now offered for obtaining an East Indian beauty. ?5- On our first page, will be found the circular letter of Sam'3. V. Carson, Esq. representative in Congress from the Morganton district, which was communicated to us for publication. TO T1JE PUBLIC. It is with chagrin and mortificar . that Y Editor of the eL" "77 mTf"d!d pc tb!t im- the public, . - if. Ill ibic hvc at !cr;:h bcr - fier. some ..L ; and-, ui , iOOO lias i. v, K:rcs. - irr.nt t )if f-'il h c ' i?,iL T 1 . : i- t o . i 35,9-7 :tarocnisi - - -nnd 1 Delaware Cpi&Cie. l o- t .r. t. iy i? re(',,i me :he uv, r '-tfiist?.': then, "l?ce or, y j : 1 t-ce oi 1 The of ! ; 2 -tt 5 ."oarticuh A An- r.rf mrnnnaMr..' a SUIfl Oil ww- - - - ' 1" . rest r(oaa ; the vr iio.c . izi (..x..c. years, f jny ci e , K ot '-t' he.,eviderce cora- r.ocr is:"'! -oni uie mencement o.'thc instituuoii to bo 047 ; exclusive of those issued by Vm Kentucky Bible ,S3ciety and printed from plates belonging to this society, and those which have been procured by Aux ilury Societies from other quarters -w. f . i i. : r : ne issues or me scriptures m luicigu languages have been considerably aug mented during the past year, i he ac count is as follows : Spanish bibles, 2,705 French, 203 ; German, 157 Dutch, 1 ; total 2,943. Total of both, money tor the repair ov - - j iiing houses, Jots,''' anVr.'' - Von-paymeit of direct taxts due tdc o nited States, ay fi 18, 1826. 08. An ac' to allow conperation to uuch witnees cn the pa-t of .'he United States, a niar be imrrisoned, to corn Del thpiratterdance ii Court, cn account of th-; inaMlitv tofrive securitv in a r- 6,009. coirnance May .'8, 1826. 60. An act autlorizing the payment of A writer in the N. York Commercial interest due to .'he State of Delaware- Advertiser states that the grave of Corn May 18, 1826. modore Perry, at Trinidad, remains with 70. An act uthorizing the importation out a stone or even a stake to guide of stanes ft' George Washington and those of his couuiiymcn who may visit Alex?ider Hamilton, free of duty May that place, to a spot where their patriotic 18, 1826. feelings would so naturally direct them ; I. An act improving certain Har- and that one only of the inhabitants can bJurs, and the navigation of certain Hi- guide a stranger thither ! ers and Creeks, and for authorizing Congress has passed a resolve to re surveys to be made of certain Bavs, move the mortal remains of the trallant Sounds, and Rivers therein mentioned Commodore from a foreign land, to his native soil: this is a national duty, that should long since have been performed. ED. WEST. CAR. .I.J; 4 9 1 fo!i j cl Ly i.-. y t are takf n from Iay 18, 1826. 72. An act to provide for erecting a Penitentiary in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes May 18, 1826. 73. An act to extend the width of the "Washington Canal May 18, 1826. ?i,!e nail page cf) respect lul uehngs, v.-jth tn.- ,-iapp. fit t IP whR p r.ri'far.-. iliur i LCIICU ulV V'VHinnr jot.?i aDtair - it it-i other tl;an tlie niostj 4iCa, m of a L i! 0X . t I rr. - 1 i tay, a.;n sleue-I b the ass a: ;ne Utter Of t ie whole preface, we say that hopsd a niece of comnosition so loose, so inee7- V ' " ' - buiiglifcjvould io no credit to a school-boy in I which I had j an c-emed friend of the Kditor' I hi! j of cur f iend bein?: attached to ,,r- t to Georgia 'Canal. Messrs. Jenckes and Van Slvke have contracted to cut and 74. An act making appropriations to de--r;cu n,i r c fray the expense of negotiating and car- vannah to the Occchee rivers, at S8000 are t ying into eliect certain Indian treaties per mxc . thc XVork to be comnleted hu Ms ilav 18. 1826. .V... r t r, .. ' ' ' imp. is ni Jdnnarv. m.-t. i nR pntn n 75. An act to amend the charter of ,1,: ntxn ; vipph r;i tkT . Ito th Georgetown, in the District of Columbia May 18, 1826. 76. An act to authorize the Secretary of the War Department to purchase a site for an arsenal at St. Louis, in the State of Missourie and to provide for the erection of an arsenal on the same May 18. 1826. 77. An act to authorize the Judge of r " mm. in the veV'bulc of literature. Our remarks hwe hitherto been confined to Mr. li's preface, for rhc following reason ; that it is the only origintl piece of any length in the book. The Granmaris a mere naked transcript of Mr. Murray's, "ih a very few alterations (and we are sceptical whether these are improve ments,) but entirtV shorn of those excellent and judicious remarks w hich adorn, in an eminent degree, thepage$)f Mr. Murray. We indeed recognize in everjpage, Murray's Grammrr, the companion of ourfouthful studies but it ap pears like the nakd oak withered by a blast of lightning, stripped of its foliage, deprived of its beauty. So servi'dy has Mr. B. copied from his original, that he hs inserted a part of Murray's Exercises; to whUi he judiciously P added thc key in the sant volume. Was this for the purpose of enhancrg the price of the book? The only thing iriginal in this Grammar, is the method of parng, and the insertion of five of Murray's notesrmong the rules. The com mon method of pa ;ing consists of brief elegant formula: of definiqthe attributes and relations of the different pals of speech. We have care fully examined the method proposed by Mr. B. and after candid ati attentive consideration, we constrained to ,y, that in our estimation, it laboured, unwiedy, tedious, useless, requir- more time thancanbe conveniently devoted is exercise in ommon schools. The limits l; - was estimated by Colonel Clinton at J 0,r 'ia essay will ni permit us to examine Mr. Si 62.676: but the sum named in the I method in deta.: Admitting for a moment contract is but g 1 40.800 ; so that the ca-1 the superiority of M. B's method, we think that nal will be completed for S2 1,876 less I a two-penny pamphet would have been a more than the estimate of thc Engineer. j proper vehicle of rrtking it known to the pub lic, than Mr. Mu ray's Grammar with Mr. Items of late Foreign News. Boardman's name auched to it. It was said that Col. Serves, who was "e nave unisnedOie humiliating, the mvuh- thc District Court for the Western Dis- in the Imperial Guards under Napoleon, ous task of Pointin? out the defects in Mr. trict of Virginia, to hold the Dktrirtland is row in the service nf the Par.ha nf Boardman's Grammar. If we have not called Court for the Western District of Ptrnn-j Egypt, has surrendered at discretion at I tlie attention to its rxerits as well as its faults; if j syivania, ior tne trial ot certain cases, lripoli'za. I e have not stopped to remark on excellencies ; Samuel A. Foote, Esq. Speaker of the House IWay 18, 1826. The health of the cmneror of Austria. lit is. fwe sneak cmscientinn;l hcr.aiisf w nfRpnTptpnist;l0c:n.Kn 73. An act to amend an act entitled was improving. It is said that the Arch- could discover none f the latter, which are his ' has been elects tt s Mn,t. a. fll a an act to incorporate a company for duke Charles, eldest son of the Emperor, own. If it be objected to us, that we have in room of Mr. EdwanU whose term nf making a turnpike road in the county of has beforehand renounced the throne, made garbled extnets" from his preface, we has expired. Mr. Foote received IWvotT? Alexandria," passed thirteenth July, one from attachment to private life. answer, that the limts of a newspaper essay, a Mr. Bristol 84 ' tC ' and to i.e cor rected is, uidt " the refusal was accompa nied by threats of instituting suits," Sec. What threats are to be understood as comprised under the &c. I know not After stating to the gentlemen, that the commanders sf all the steamboats on the river had beei long since warned not to bring parties !o Mount Vernon, I stated that I should certainly sue the captain of tnis ooat tor lis present conduct. I ex pressed no other threat I intended no thing beyond i . When those gentlemen expressed their regret that the Captain should be in tiis predicament, and after giving their names, requested that I would consider them as the responsible persons, 1 repudiated the proposition ; and this was confirmed by my friend, Mr. Herbert, to the persons who afterwards assembled at the tomb, and who insisted upon send ing me their names. The threat against the captain of the Surprise, I am determined to execute, whenever I may have the opportunity, al though I can scarcely hope that a resort to legal proceedings against the comman ders of these boats, will contribute to nro- tect my rights, if the passengers should think proper to indemnify them aiming the consequences of their violating them. If the best efforts I can make to pro tect this spot from those intrusions which many painful and mortifying circumstan ces have constrained me publicly to for bid, nothing will remain for me but to abandon it altogether. I claim no partic ular privilege as attached to the place, or to the name of him from whose bornrv I received it. I asked to be protected in those privileges only, which are the birth right of the humblest citizen of Vir ginia. BUSH: WASHINGTON Mount Vernon. 18th May. 1826. ir impo; all j:s -V. SpiClOTi . r-- t-A tne au thor of this malignant iurc.. was actuated, is not known, unless his purpose was to gratify feelings of malice, interest, envy, or revenge. It is humbling to our pride as men, o think there is a civilized being who is so far lost to the better feelings of humanity, as to sport with the finest sensibilities of our nature, and prostitute the awful character of death to his detestable purpose of Slander. Efforts will be made to detect the wretch who ha?, either thoughtlessly or wickedly, committed an act so strongly marked by innate depravity ; and it i hoped he may be exposed to the scorn and contempt of the community. CELEBRATION of the FOURTH of JULY. In pursuance of previous notice, the citizens of Salisbury assembled in the Court-House, on Saturday, the 3d inst. with the view of entering into some suitable arrangements for celebrating ihe 50th anniversary of American Independ ence. Dr. S. L. Ferrand was called to thc chair, and Philo White requested to act as sec retary. After the meeting had been thus or ganized, it was moved, and unanimously Resol ved, that, as the approaching 4th of July will be the half-centennial anniversary of the Ameri can Declaration of Independence, the day ou-ht to oe celebrated in a style more imposing than , is usual on similar occasions ; Resolved. That a Dinner be given on that day,-and that it be served up in some grove, (should it be convenient,) in such a stvle as to accommodate all classes of society, and at the same time to do honor to the day; and that Messrs. Hich'd II. Alexander, Isaac Burns, Sam uel Lemly, John L. Henderson, and George W. Brown, be a committee to make the necessary arrangements for the occasion ; to request some gentleman to deliver an Oration, kc &c Resolved, That a Ball be given in the eve ning; and that Messrs. M. A. Locke, C. Fisher, Sam'l Lemly, Hugh Meenan, Ezra Allemong, and Henry Giles, be the managers thereof. Resolved. That Capt. Lemly be requested to call out his company of Light Infantry Blues on that day 5 and that Messrs. M. A. Locke, S. L. Ferrand, aud Philo White, be a committee to

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