devise means fur defraying the expense of amu nition, beverage, fee. for the military. Jt soivetU That a!l the surviving OfHcers ard Soldiers of the Revolutionary War, be invited to partake of the Dinner; an 1 that Messrs. C. Fisher, D. F. Caldwell, and John L. Henderson, he a committee to invite them. Resolved. That Messrs. D. F. Caldwell, C. Fisher, and J. Sneed, be a committee to pre pare toasts to be drank on the occasion. S. L. FERRAND, Citron. FHILO WHITE, Sec'y. Arrangements fjr the Celebration. We are authorized to state, that the Commit tee of Arrangements have contracted for a Din ner on the 4th, to be furnished at the Mansion Hotel ; as also for a Ball in the evening- of that day, at the same place. Considerable pains will be taken to furnish a Dinner not only wor thy of the occasion,but also at a rate so low that the circumstances of none can preclude them, on the score of exrense, from participating in the celebration of the day. The nail will also be afforded at a low rate. Separate subscrip tion papers, for the Dinner and for the Ball, are left at the bar of the Mansion Hotel, where all those gentlemen who are desirous of partaking of one, or joining in the other, are invited to C3ll and subscribe. Mr. Thomas Dews has been requested, and has consented, to deliver an Oration on thaf day ; David F. Caldwell, Esq. will read the Declara tion of Independence ; and Col. Yarbro' act as Marshal. A procession will be formed at the Mansion Hotel; the military in front, the Ladies net, and all others to follow ; and march by files through the Cros streets to Main street at the Bank; from thence up Main street to the Court-House, where the civic exercises of the day will commence, 1st, by prayer; 2d, by reading the Declaration; 3d,' by the delivery of an Oration, Sec. fee. The ladies are particularly requested to join in the procession at the Mansion, and move from thence round into the Court-House, to witness the exercises there. All the citizens of the town, as well as those from the adjacent country, and such strangers as may be among us at the time, are requested to join in the proces sion, with the details of which the Marshal of the day is charged. As this is the Fiftieth anniversary the half centennial celebration, of an event more glori ous than any the world has known fur a long lapse of ages, it is confidently believed no artifi cial incentive will be required to call together a r.uTiercus assemblage of our vizen". Dextkhocs" POLiTirux. mode of conveying to Mr. Anderson the decision of the government. What ground there may be for sup posing, with the letter above referred to, that Sp dn will very soon follow the ex ample of France" in sending commission ers to Panama, we hae no particular means of judging, though we confess we have seen no indication of any such pur pose in our direct European accounts, which are considerably later, than any that could have been received at Cartha gena at the date of the 13th April. There cannot be much doubt that both Mexico and Colombia would consent to Cuba's remaining under its present de pendence on the crown of Spain, if Spain would in turn acknowledge the independ ence of those countries, and it is most manifestly for the interest of the United States that such a course should be taken. THE UNIVERSITY. The Committee of Appointments for the University of N. Carolina, assembled at Chapel-Hill, on Tuesday last, to make choice of Professors of Modern Languages and Mathematics. For the first named Professorship, a French gentleman named Hantz, now residing near Boston, was selected ; to the latter, Mr. James Philips, an Englishman, residing near New-York, was appointed. There were so many ap plicants, and the testimonials they pro The siege of the Caste of Callao. We have heretofore giver the particulars of the surrender of the Ca?tle of Callao, and made duccd of their qualifications so flattering i some allusion to the deploratle state to which sec into the hands of Mr. Archibald Lfc Laine Hooper. The " Americam Recorder," which had been suspended for a few weeks, has changed its title to that of 44 Washing ton Herald, and N. Carolina Commercial Journal," and is now published by Mess. Hammond & Yeomans. Star. FROM THE If EW TOR STATISMA.2T. I2UJV.itr.lY SUBSCRIBERS. We are inclined to believe that propri etors of Newspapers would do a service to the community by publishing the names of such mean spirited men as subscribe for papers and after receiving them, one, two, or three years, as the case may be, change their residence by running away or otherwise leaving the printer un paid, the paper still going, and the post master to inform that the subscriber had made off, bag and baggage. All flagrant cases at least should be piblished. Anson Gibbs received the Statesman at Ovid, Seneca county, to the amount of gll 94, and went off without paying for it. This is the oriy recommenda tion we can give him to tie confidence of others. The iventi c vy V. t.:-,in s-peajring of. a eecb Andrew JacVrrr., and abundant, that great difficulty, we un derstand, was experienced in effecting a choice. It may be well to state, that the Professorship of Modern Languages, is one recently created ; the Mathematical Chair was vacated by the transfer of Pro fessor Mitchell to the Chemical Chair, which had become vacant by the resigna tion of Mr. Olmsted. Hal. Register. JACKSON IX PHILADELPHIA. At a large and respectable meeting of the democratic citizens of the city and county of Philadelphia, friendly to the election of General Andrew Jackson, to the office of President of the United States, held pursuant to public notice at the County Court House, in the city of Philadelphia, on Thursday afternoon, May 2 5th, at 4 o'clock. On motion, Jacob Holgate, Esq. was called to the chair, and Frederick Stccvcr and -Ienry Horn were chosen secretaries. After the meeting had been addressed by gentlemen, the following resolutions were passed, with great unanimity: Resolved That our confidence in the untarnished integrity, experience, abili ties, and well tried patriotism of General the garrison was reduced during the siege ; but the following picture exhibits the most appal ling sufferings that it were posible for humani ty to endure : The garrison and inhabitants of Callao were reduced to a deplorable state, almost entirely without food, and in a state of starvation ; dead bodies were found in the houses and streets, that hac' died of hun ger. The Marquis Torretagle a patriot General whom the Royalists held as a prisoner his wife and fan ly, have either been killed, or starved t death. From the extreme want of foci in his family, he gave Gen. Rodil a meial presented to him by the Peruvian Gotrnment, whilst President of Peru, valuel at thirty thou sand dollars, for a half barrel of beef and a small quantity of ri:e. It is ascer tained as a fact that lie Horses and Mules, they were compelled to kill, to prevent their dying of ttarvation, were sold to the inhabitants at the enormous sum ofS17 per pound. A single fowl S30, and ship biscuit at 55 a piece ; there was not a dog or cat to ke found in the place at the time ofYHfi iirrender bflrie castles they had oil been eaten by the CHARLESTON PRICES, May 26 Cotton, S. Island, 35 a 40; stained do. 16 Maine and Santee, 13 a 23 cts.; short staple, 8 a 10 cents; Whiskey, 33 a 35 cents; Bacon, oar; Hams 8 a 9; Lard, 8 a 9 ; Bagging, Dun dee and Inverness, (42 inch,) 22 a 24 ; Coffee, Prime Green, 15 Inf. to good, 13 to 15. Georgia Bank Bills 1 j per cent, discount. North-Carolina Do. 3 a 33 per cent, discount. Cottons. In the early part of the week some sales of Maine and Saniee Cottons wpre mit; at our quotations; and Uplands were moving off with some steadiness ; but the unfavorable ac counts which have since flowed in upon us from both France and England, have brought our market to a stand. We have reduced our quo tations of Uplands to 8 a 10 cents, at which rates it is expected the market will open with the coming week. Courier. FAYETTEVILLE PRICES, May 31. Cotton, 8 a 8 ; flour, fine, 5 a 6, super fine scarce, 6; wheat, 90 cents agl; whiskey, 40 to 42$; peach brandy, 60 a 70; apple do. 60 ; com, 85 to 90 ; bacon, 7 a 8 ; salt, Turks Island, 75 a 75 per bush. ; molasses, 40 42 ; sugar, muscovado, 10$ a 11; coffee, prime green, 19 19; 2d and 3d qualitv, 15 a 11 ; tea, hyson, SI 20 al 20; flaxseed, 75; tallow, 10 a 11; beeswax, 23 a 30; rice 3 50 to 4 per 100 lbs.; iron, 5$ a 6, pr, 100 lb. ; tobacco, leaf, a 5; manufactured, 5 a 20 pr. cwt. Observer. CAMDEN PRICES, May 27. Cotton, 8 a 9 1 4; corn, Si 12 a 1 15 ; bacon, 9 to 10; whiskey, 42 to 45 ; bran dy, peach 65 to 75, apple 60 to 65 ; tal low II a 12; flour, 6 25 to 7 ; tobac co, (.rnanutactured) 12 to 15. ted on the authouy of a Icttcf from France, that M. Villele had declared that England, France, and Austria had agreed on dictating to Turkey an arrangement with Greece, and in consequence, for the observance of neutrality, France would not allow of open contributions for tho Greeks. The Greeks are said to have obtained some naval successes. It is said, that a conspiracy to revolu tionize Spain, had been discovered ; and that one of the conspirators declared there is, in London, a Directing Revolu tionary Committee, cf which Mina is President. From St. Petersburg the advices are to the 1st of April. The Russian army is said to be looked on with alarm by the Czar. An article in the Journal de St. Petersburg, of the 2 1st March, states, that the Russian soldier is too idle, and in a state of peace, gives his ear too read ily to the insinuations of ill-disposed and innovating reformers. It adds, that the government itself seems now inclined to attend to the subject ; and a plan is said to be in contemplation to employ those mercenaries, in time of peace, on works of public utility. Not a syllable is said of the Greeks or Turks, in these papers the press of Petersburg is under too strict a " surveillance." CHERAW MARKETS, June 9. Bacon, 9 10 ; Brandy, apple 45, peach 60 75 ; bagging 20 to 24 ; butter 20 a 25 ; coffee, prime green, 20 a 22; cotton 8 to 9 ; corn scarce SI 10 ; flax seed 80 a 85 ; flour 6 a 7 ; lard 9a 10: molasses 50 to 62 ; oats 50 a 80 ; sugra, prime 12 to 14, common 11a 11; salt, Liverpool 90, Turks Island, Sec. 75 a 85 ; tallow 9 ; tea, gunpowder and imperial 1 50 to S I 75 ; wheat S 1 a 1 25 ; whiskey 40 a 45. Gazette. In the Forks of the Yadkin, (in this county on the 21st ult. bv Caswell Harbin, Esq. Mr. Joshua Riley to Miss. Elizabeth Miller. Also, in the Forks, on the V5th ult. by Nathan Cornell, t:sq. Mr. Joseph Miner to Miss Eunice Dever. Near Mocksville, in this county, on the 30th ult. by John Clement. Esq. Dr. Alfred Cook to Miss Sally Torrentine. DIED, At the house of his brother, Mr. James in this town-tor Srinday n -Ni-W.- -.'. t M. ' , , Ct his .if, C: returned fT r::ui, but a, - , . inhabitants. At th commencement cfUhe We- iai:. St rites, d ... ing 1 chief rpaTMSfrac that s.?e, says that " thev-wr7.v .'e' ?pt c'- hai'iri the dexterity, in the ' '. T ' space 'c.j of tve' lines cf the printed jspe. tl, to, in-r t ttiS thirteZ LIES." ThU is certaini" irg at h vo pciiatch rt"ir. iV.e his .-:.p vcl:) in h"; in-self --or els remains linirr.paired, j fie siege, there, were 1 503 troops in the and that we regard hi c lev -ui-jn to the Citle, 4500 in the town. At the surren- us ubsentL i tf. the levival der there were but 300 troops and 500 rep' L'Ciiri principles. ;cpt J.!icr.n vir- ' M i t'pubiir :r. in t' e s'j- UiS'ltU' imi:.;..iaii!5 , niu, y--u cr- iiiai i J5C00 souls, there were but 800 left. of h United ; tt BLTIMORE, JUNE 2. FROM SOUTH AMERICA. By the arrival of the ship Charleston Capt. Hitchcock, from Curracoa, the ed itors of the N. Y. Commercial, have files of papers to a late date. Capt. H. con firms the report of an insurrection at Valencia, under General Paez. Several of the principal inhabitants had been kil led, by the forces under Paez, whose ar my consisted of from 2 to 3000 men He was said to be on his way to Caracas, to separate that part of the republic from the other two and make it a distinct gov ernment. Such was the consternation at Laguira and Puerto Cabello, that all ves sels having provisions on board were pro hibited from leaving port, and that theso ports were to be free from duties foi six months. The Dutch Consul requested the Governor of Curacoa to dispatch to the above mentioned place, a sloop of war to protect foreign merchants and their property, and to receive him on board. Two days after the reception cf the Ie'e"?f i "oop of war was sent ec- ' ""..-l.'.'.v - 'bop ol war, to protect for i! eii merchants and all goods committe-.! IU ' VUUlUICilUvl w . w-. - ! Patriot. Hornet and cont ,d;hat .T st:1 .0 4 ,r J: -.- . WHia. ship, till, owing jcucf nufJh vVr WtW4 T9rtr, T w, edleavc . . ose r, Apn., to yis;-:. y tart mtt, -y:t Bt aL-c and ttic.-'li it; - T-,aceJ . But it - ,..,,,1 QtVer v boson I1V tO be CU. ? . -..terim ,. the ll . f t -J arrr.?. he I V It h s klljl tlx II thirteen he so "dexter- - iz.t.-rfr-Unc-s! 1 r vliat deemed gord authority, .T.cei'uJg of the Ojngresn at F'ii'tma, is i ti'l th? ouv.iing fall. And, in con'" r.r1, as .c .MISSION TO Z. . U OTl ; cir,ia i ij r . "f ion, are vv- Mild the exc ::ons aliki due 1 YORK CAN AS. 'iei t 3 excitement has - ... j r tr XtXutn nf 7S i nrlr.Uv the been Ht five bijLJfm'ume'! wr. .-,vJ crat?c ciurens or tne en nno Philadelphia, In coi'ut;!5 a committee ct vunlance ami ? Cons W.exv .;): b .- at ' iMidicf fv;,; J 'o e: r: ' o the'Canal .JM BoatsO J (xU t ju .nLc , ;hee were loud ..r.:- -of ! temp,-.,; anr?.irui govern t.'snt. On an rr;-. .cnLi application to :nc LT. S. Cofiptroller, he ri''n- I denies that the afcreiiaid CoJectur had any i? said that Mr. Atiry.r.WJ circulate sin adoies i .1 i.' e, whose duty i: 'i.l ' J. lrTlutliority to exact a tonnage ccc. eternity, er f atui. hill. .i? anc. cers ca 3e . r ' hi" ed witl- L( Ll i in the N.v. -3 " i i "V- ; gtr'tlf (0:e:aoat;i)rj sa .; : .an rV n ...rh'the annrnhatl. r ' 3 ii- f; '.A low-officers. He L re tije-tfiv ;C?. .ble te?. tH.cni-.!s"frorn Coni. Woolsey, then senior ofR-j cer on the "Yc:t Jn'.1.::, Siatton; iVora Cvjt.j Woodhotis-, oi the. iTcrr. J o iur eforttr sc f rui a fTusi i ' Opt his siurse j U tuy k jw'Ue tisr ? ,f . f ; . .' M n n fc V'-.h cr piot s a-i,. ' T-'i.u fius-1 speert.Qur out 1U teen..g n;ii.4 i ! r,'35K WniritS t aad as; l Lopn oatf, brink doT.tae lrei:J?ut, utlcirvp c ';uef nf iu.ta No! tfcese cigJidef !s, lo .ii-.; itfr ! tLj ,-K.wer perforn..', a: ;l ih:a i' jue. mrc Poritr !t fe:k v rc- wc presume, the atiiir will 'csl- .the discretion of Messrs. Ser xy:r,t:ca x-c c4 ter either to embark lor thei destination now, or remain at home till fall. It is presumed they will make choice of the last alternative, on ac count of the unhealthiness of the climat- at Pa nama during the summer season. We add the following-articles on the subject : PANAMA. Private accounts from Washington, (says the New York Mercantile Adverti ser, state that our Government has been notified that the Congress of Panama will not assemble before the month of Octo ber. The departure of our Ministers will, therefore, be deferred till that time. C0.GRESS of PAX AM A. FBOM THE 5EW-IORK AMEI11C The Mercantile Advertiser, of this mor ning, has the following paragraph : u We have been favoured with the perusal of a letter from Carthagena, of April 13th, (received by way of Mobile,) .vhich states that a French frigate had arrived from Brest, with Commissioners from the Government of France to the Congress of Panama, and with, as was supposed, authority to form a treaty with Colombia. The letter adds, " there is -very great expectation that Sfiain will very seen follow the example of France." There is, however, we imagine, very little doubt, that the session of the Con gress will be postponed till autumn. Ac counts as late as the middle of April from the Isthmus have been received, and at that time the deputies from two only of the American nations had arrived. The departure, therefore, at this season, of our minister, would be unnecessary and useless, and it has been accordingly post poned. The information of the Albany Argus, that Mr. Sergeant and Mr. Roches ter were to embark in the Lexington sloop of war, next month, was doubtless deem ed correct when given, but it is neverthe less inaccurate. It is doubtful, we appre hend, whether the Lexington will not proceed at once to the lirazil station, without touching at Carthagena or Porto Bello, recourse being had to some other publicans throughout itio fn;osi, to com municate with similar committees in other states, or in the vaiious counties of this commonwealth, and to pursue generally, all such measures as may be deemed ex pedient, in order to insure, at the close of the present term of the Presidential ofiice, the triumphant election of the peo ple's candidate. WASHISGTOX, MAT 22 One or two members, during the sit ting yesterday morning, expressed a be lief that it is unconstitutional, and at va riance with the rules of the House, to le gislate on Sunday. The Speaker deci ded, that although not usual for the House to legislate on that day, it is fully compe tent for the House to do so. Journal. Mr. Mercer gave notice before the House adjourned, that he should this morning move lor a call of the House ; and Mr. Wcems, of Maryland, also gave notice that he should move to record on the Journal, the names of all the mem bers who have drawn their full pay, and absented themselves without leave of the House. io. Captain Symmes is engaged in giving lectures at Boston on his new theory. We find it stated that he lectured on Thursday last to a very respectable audi ence, who listened to him with attention. A letter from one of the audience, signed a convert," says, " he listened for the ravings of a madman, and heard the spec ulations of a philosopher and sage." The " North Carolina Journal," pub lished by Mr. James A. Patterson and edited by Major John A. Cameron, at Fayetteville, made its first appearance on the 17th instant. It is handsomely printed on a large sheet, and, judging from the talents displayed in the editorial matter of the first number, will no doubt rank among the most respectable jour nals of the State. The " Cape Fear Recorder" has pas- Pc;i;.i'.'lza?.-'a Cena.---V? observe ths.i the Pennsylvania Canal Commissioners! have advertised to receive proposals for the excavation of a Canal, and the con struction of locks and other works neces sary thereto, from the Rivtr Swatara, to a point on the Susquehannii opposite the mouth of the Juniata. Ths work will be commenced about the fou:th of July. i here, j and fom '.'hers ot Ins scjaor olnct:!-,. lie hj ; : zs . r Mt .TiVLiu mother, a?d many her conr;-s- i vWliAlOIi &IYUCU i j in rnd near this phce, tu n.cirn over hi-: i vnnxn M AM. whn K ; vJ,i - r - - J . i 1 " i a ' l . A Grand Explosion.- o answer double purpose of celebratng the next anniversary of our Indepenfcnce and ma king improvements, some of the citizens of Ulster County, New Yo-k, intend to charge a large rock witl. tivo thousand pounds of gun-powder, an! it is expect ed that the report of the explosion will be heard over a great part of the New England States. Bible Societies Ther are 3000 Bible Societies in the world, fouided all within twenty years. Their annud receipts are about 1,000,000 (g4, 500,030,) and more than three millions of Dibits have been distributed over the globe it 140 differ ent languages. Beverly R. Grayson, W. Haile, and John H. Norton, are announced as candi dates to represent the state of Mississippi, in Congress, in the place of the lamented Mr. Rankin. Counterfeit Fifty Cent Bills, of the Bank of the State of South Carolina, are said to be in circulation in Charleston. They are pretty well executed, and ca culated to deceive persons not generally conversant in Bank Bills. J. G. A. Williamson, Esq of Person county, (in this state) has been appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate, Consul at Laguira, in S. America. We understand he will probably depart for the place of his desti nation in the course of this summer. N. C. Jzur. jiVMciireaiH. . J : : Xunvledze of Mercantile Business, and n ,-.icv v me v.ui. ti.i.ii. Boole lvteping by double entry, wishes to pro- WVErwin, in Burke county, Mrs. Catharine cure a sit iation as an assistant in alV. I. or dry. Sharpe, relict of the late William Sharpe, Esq. p-ood store, as a salesman and T,f0 at an advanced age. Her amiable disposition, th-is or some ijaCent county ; a sn.aH compen and exemplary piety, secured the esteem and sation only wiW be requested. Satiactorv re- affection ot all her acquaintances. commendation as to character and capability. In New Castle, Delaware, on Sunday last, the I wm be given. A line addressed to L. U. V. Hon. Nicholas Van Dyke, a Senator from that! and ieft atthe office of the Western Carolinian, State in Congress, Suddenly at Fayetteville on the 26th instant, aged about 45 years, Doctor Edward McKay; much respected as a man, and very popular as a Physician, in that town and the neighborhood. Doctor McKay, was apparently in high health, on the day of his death, eat a hearty dinner and died in ten minutes afterwards. will be promptly attended to. Jdncoln county, June 5, 1826. 4tl7 Han &Yftt3, FROM the subscribers, on Monday night, the 5th inst. a Negro Man by the name" of 'JOE, aged about 30 years, common Vized, very black, a flat nose, two or three ot his front up- cry- We are affain obliged to crowd out the per teeth gone, and small eye?, sunk in his head. port of operations foi it shall go in next week. - f - j x j .1 .mmo nf A VKfl LV rpnnrfnf nnprations for cataract in the eve :!A .,so a.ncK ou a'7 ".r0."' ,vr "i Jin Saturtrag'g Hafi. 1 wife of Joe ; she is quite small, about 23 years ! old, rather yellowish commplexion, hollow small feet, very active, and smokes and chews tobac- co. Anv person who will take up said Negroes, and confine them in any jail, and inform us, by The drought continues, in this section of wr;t:ne. Cr sending word, to Concord, Cabarrus country. The wheat harvest has commenced : county, N. C. shall be paid for their trouble, the grain proves to be very good, but, generally expense, &c. and receive the thanks of the sub- speaking, the yield is small. Corn is SI per bushel, and flour 7 to 8 dollars per barrel ; flour will, however, be much lower after harvestTas the crop is tolerably good ; but corn must con tinue high for ?ome time, unless we soon have rain, to save the growing crop. LATE FROM EUROPE. London papers to the 22d of April have been received in Boston. They contain very little news. It was expected that the dissolution of Parliament would take place some time from the middle of May to the second week in June, but the pre cise time was not fixed. At the latest dates from Greece, Missolonghi had not surrendered, and the accounts of this event hpfme received, as we conjectured, were untrue. The Earl of Liverpool, in the House of Lords, in answer to an inquiry respecting the letter which has been pub lished in many of the papers, purporting to be from on English colonel, said, " the facts mentioned in the letter could not therefore be true, for it represented Mis solonghi to have fallen at a time when it had certainly not fallen" It was asscr- scribers. 4tl7 Cajirru8-evTrri7yj HENRY CRESS, HENRY PROBES. Ju:ie8rM listed ol! 3oim Weant. IF there are yet any claims against the estate of the, late John Weant, dee'd. unsatisfied, it is requested that they be presented to the Executor as soon as may be, properly authenti cated for liquidation ; and those who yet remain indebted to the estate, are desired to make pay ment without delay, as the Executor wishes to close the business of the estate as soon as possi ble. JACOB WEANT,Br'r. Rotvan county, June 3, 1826. 3tl6 Taken AND committed to the jail of Davidson coun ty, on the 5th instant, a negro man, who says his name is Reuben, and that he belongs to Christian Litener of Richland District, S. Caro- lina. He ia young, not large, quite DiacK, can read, is remarkable intelligent, and has been whipped not long since. From some circum stances, I am induced to beiieve that he is not from S. Carolina, but from Lincoln county in this state, and that he is an accomplice of the notorious Wear, now in jail in that county. His owner is requested to come forward, prove his property, pay charges, and take him away. 1 JAMES WISEMAN, S.erif, Jx:ngten9 June 9th, 1826. 3U6

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