2' i VOL VII..,NO. 3f5. ic- Tit L',ljmfef tan ire t u. t -r.Y -rr t ,' -s r V t 7 u;.:t:::) statu J Ukxvx mu ia fsf cMrtMI t IfJ 4 ka ta u'i I a rr Mils Mt!. i'7 cittra. . . . . - . , 8t OUl tout I 'cUk, ar.it h Vmi? a ar n . .1 .... 1 1 ... ...4 tUl, I'dwirdttoC-oA. Van Ilartn, tic IlrV.a, rifUr. Clatioa. f aJih. ttiutnd wkk a Ver.vt.tf liL'IlTT ' frt?i4, uttltj i t V ;.!' la. ta tx.iurtoc4 ILrf urjftcr rcjT r Jofph, i:tt8, ltd5!ci;-Ntt:if Htcd, It 1:6 coflalierl!a tvtliuoV Tie il. csca wu Ttrf iirf a,;a iU. It 4J annuel Bsattln of lb ffocletjr f erosWaunf It tornhuunof the - wai recently haidlfi Hew-Yetk. A . York piper tt?tjhttht ennuil Report of lit Ikrd of Jdamgirt, Lkb give euccloct history of tbt cperiUoos f tht Socktr for the put year, rendered li Mtiit( ttUcntthat the inmuctlooi of - th society kid Ucaef t very untuccttt' lul end unfortunate tbtnetfr. A farm , kit bee a purchased la Winche star, fur , tba commencement of tht' UiopUo at be me of coLclutlon, ind few Jiwi jUced tbercow i but they motU II not all, , refused to conform to the regulations, tad toon abandoned It. And la the . course of Ike year, a nit amountM roo- ' Led been espended " ' ' A portion of the sa funds. It wl3ba rt- ccJlcclce, mi collected In this pert of the 'country by Mr Frey, who has since with es &so from the tooctni.-'T",7- r , fo icju of fklld reorder la rUltdel. yhU, recently i lb Jor vtn out tbrtt . Jy atxl tHr9 nljchtw hinthtr irrted poa i ttxdicU'-llom iM lUrtUp men . Into tervKti h tnr c Jkult cw conduce : to the mdt of pcblic jtjukt. wi tire - Ytr te blt to 3jKrtr If Joror txt bo cont beed bf IB ipr l , judjiment doubt much whether rr . tnf Vir.ll CDlijbteo It, or lead to product correct oVdilon, however It ..iorao kind.-" Gtvrgitn. r It It stated la a lata llobUa. piper that J tha AJatMma Salt MiDuUcturlnr Com ' P,bt" Bf commcoced tha tninafactort or thla Important itapia commoditf-j .-l h wor&t of tula corapinf vera ocaxlr completed, ana h wai uppwaf vtj Zacawaa liva noit aaagulaa axpecutlooa , 01 tea lodmcuali intertited. Kalhti PKkeraoa,TiM,Vaa Dk, raa, ftrtncVHijoe, CoU, 7t.tBii Kr Wkitt, Johatoa ef Loo.. WlTlarai Tkoroaa, Khr la In l-Mnin. WusiUirr, Winer. ChiM, SUodfUd. Mrka, Chamber lUr rUn, H0waotlfarrinof Hcorick Xaati rkkcaa, Cirtoo, Macoo( HrtHf, Boa- Cd. $Mt UU aoma lima U- Lift tAMtht w4tcamlLUi that eft ail ft tors, ki (U.;tU tha tr buj q boat preaet la ka4 euda tha tbrii,!iJ kl lkd4'4 -Mna 44. , .l 4 M4i kj i w, otf in tot ,Tka tnaaoorr of tka Tatbfle of the Ego, at Cotcoi Pent, la UauufuUr and autitintlallf put totrttber, tbt atooei cot and croored m ttcalr iht a ad!a roulJ rxx baforca4UtUt them. Thi art cfl"oJ7a' Ntrla II.Darbt'a te4 doiflf thla work la lou U la aald ihtj bm4 tka julca of a cerula keris tba icld "I miAtA afUaod th m, h'a Caro kom tk ft4Jt f trr af 'U(y, 104 UaeUrJ lha oawt, madi m raeatba cf Sharpy dcatk. fir her lhaa tairkt U bfmed worn tka nmark about tka n4 if, he. nn. ebn iwean ta kli voka . f 1 h - M ujt ail aijw corraipooda, Tka hola ubrkatVo cHCoL fkarp'a trwdir karbc been tU ttntl of political a.0- . lwUar M74kMf WuJ W at ant44 aUrw ' f ,! aOkoluJ tarrt, fgor lW a-! auHui. ., 'fa rrtI 14 m aai Ui t oMrv Vr1 nrrmi- auw. tun trn apprvptWI 1 iWA litrM. TVi pU la ar pmw tor bfai C4wpwat, ka kt Id aar war ccrwd, 1. coroDJaleJiMrt 2r2!?,7aJ.Tv V,J . ' , . Ik 1 IV . ' L.J7 w a M atna ira keribn rteoaoltad coatlmad H ifortnjdi . aad, tka aa4 Cora tah Uonr,aftd tkalrSfcrtUrj.iiulli U fotHM torftelra tka aaraconpn aatkin 11 tker wcra lutHotltad la detnafti hlcti the necelrtr and IUgtter took ' ponctabo of .ikeir racarda, la oUdinc to o act of tka tklrd dir of JJartJ., alra teea kurw'nd and iweatf te, aflthled, 4 A act for ncemWof cUImi aad ilclea toltadila tka lerrrJory of Florida," ki. ors. 4 M It futlktr Ti.. paa itrqu4JJillt. Wairatold tkitmeMwaa rrtda to lSiOkbu Zh7.uLu rZZlV" eP tooulaedla apatUl U..a..j .i . - , . ..-irrpgni. I TOOT pottpotv ika trial ynfj aW tka alaailan. wklck would tftabTa tM (cVIcatora of thli maUclooi ui to IVita apt tp their n,. p-r?.u 1.--;..- r r . .t :z i : rr .. - n w.ihiii iiiiiiuii ii hid raw inv i f. ; . " ken la America t al4.iiTlK.ri ..if rAtlll'TTT w,t mtaf F'T w Uooa ef nconl., h. SnUh. Zxi. m IU plod. I bat tka Uooi, tka lodka br airea aW a 1 1 C - lha rorturueu.Lr thru t iK. Fr,n,h t,. .V? "F? B7 Kouwa rftj. w w flU t,u 1 ti ffgV - wwmtmm mm m 11. r 1. ; a? at 4 . a" 17 aocft pfM ta la etpta4l ta taa pobtkl yrVT r nga amtc, a la aa cam bf t?,d pa ar mJujiifeo oooaraa aoa iweatriwo, 9i'lat iet.it er, ar nma la itUl4 ta jwrniiwe of ttU at fqr if rti!aici tiW aai uilaa Mf''"7"JI- to land! b tba territory of Florid.-. U, ara4 tha ln ruatcjJ, tM uan,rt, .rvJ fi.edUb, or two rj;;.. jTr : ..r.fi . . buirdrea tkoaund kalne tw, aeraa .7. TL " n.iac. .m; mUJiooi, hi tha whole, of kaIi ipeakJoe , . l:.Lr fi T ITi" " r1' to hlil : khi ia roll torct hi thJutitot Tba .... saoouiv, icvi 1 - On Moodar, tka Ita uk. a fiahinj com- Eia it Rrerhid, L.. I coramandtd bf ifialn Noah Youngt, drtw on ihora lo atloa UiOOfiQQ ih of tba kbd called noia buokera, or bony 6h, which ire nied for nanurt. Tba Rlrarbcad Dir, wblck It about thrta reiki acrott. hai yielded about nloa mllliooi of f bit fith. . a 1 t a a . m " motion wit orerraled, aaKOteoca of D.T-pimd TJpo'o tba pfaoner. Hit ittutioo la to Uka'pUca otFridajT'ti im OI fU DOXU . . 1 - At firw tbt Court tneoiiajd tha 26tk ut ouqv a ma oay oi cxe-uuoo. , jua cotiaiel liked a locgtr timcj tba court totmr( ia rttMtt tbrtkvlta, u tha arm, tf tha Ttfmuj DrMitrMM, Om HJaaea OMf r H hal ka tha dut fkaaa4 afrat, vH'tk aiitr daji therraltrr. ta anWf auk u b aaiaiani afwaat luck OcltJMNeat, a4 tit MrrtW. . . - .iOIIW.TAIU)tC f paakar at th4 ltcmaa cf RctraMtaim VtcarrtiW f tka UaUad Buua and 1 rrvdat tha fteaate. " Approrcd April J, ICO. . JOIW Q11KCT ADAVS. Aa act ta axlead tha Land VUtkU la lha Tcr . ritorycf Arkawaa. - BBttaarWf iL Scmaii ujU lb4 f Rtfr. $ntmMm tf tU I WW ATtXM tfJmrU U . ia . a a . ta .a . lha cUlmaatt litpoaacttlon.. . Sac. A. And It it (uriStf nttiti Tkat tka clalma to foti lir report lad alitmt" t, racomrocoded for confirmation aa tfjultaLla tij!aa,whktta eplloiteflfca ' Uit tea, m, ami tba aaroa ara btrtb U . dartd raQd and coo8rcaad,aad tka ilalm of tba Catkolk lababluati lo a lot oa a bkh tba ckurck itatda, be, aod tbt uma Ja bertbjr. co&Crisad to that d. tbit oh, 10 Ion j aa It la occupied tat that purpoia. Sac. S. Ani It U further entiled, Th tha cUIrna cootalaed In tbt report of th Tbt expedition with which pamngtra .irc-tflaTertuJbjr.Ueamboata- and . poat coacboaf froro one tndw tbia ccmtlaerit to . the other, ia tnily aitooUhlng.' A jrtntlenian left Kew'Vork 00 'tbt 22d April, and arrircd In New Orleani, via - Loulatllle, 00 tha taoroloir of lha tth of liar, barlnr been only IS diyain per- jornung me journey, a oiuanca 01 law milei. Tba U. Statet Mail la 25 daya Jraycllinj tbt tame dutance. ' nox Til ixiaicAW riaaia."" " -:"Tbt editor aa w the WaibingtorT hail delivered Id Baltimore at 5 o'clock, and wkh bia own blooded bona Champion, in baroen, went to tba General Poit Of fice, and paid his respects to tba Post ' matter General at 9 o clock of the tame mornjnjf. - Leaving there aoma rooming! after, at 1 0 clock, tba time bone, with out a blow or a word, and without di it re it, brought blm back to breakfatt with Mi family at 9 o'clock. . The diitance from one oOke to the other la Hula (if any) abort of forty milet. If time be money, to an Indoatrious roan, thla abawa the economy of tbloodedjhoriewhh foot nd wbd-. . .: V e '' . per -Ukwm handsome aom of 9000 dollars. Tbeaa 6ih, when applied to the land, render the pooreal aoil productive; It la uted tbit 10,000 will make tba wont land rracemftmrrielicf wbeirpef acre. " ' '"- -: - -' . Soma cxtraordioary drcamitancea Aatl9roHti SbWtaTaa7w rttary of tba Traaiurr. b obacleace to Mid bt wlihed a longer time, la order to piitnet, ka, aad tha aamelahmbr, attached to, I law of the lait aaialon of Congrem write eoroatking concerning b!a death, awl auda a part of aaid LaadDtnctt and all dated tha thlrteiath day of July. eJehteea oac o. 14 ujufihcr t whictibivo ocentikcQby elffbtt raentlr,k.aH., -. 1 An. . J and ira valued for mtnura .Lrwi WU, JIZTL L" Jw w? 3s,V. i uuDd-Uni amounilnf toriha w,rcocmder?ninroir far to titenOT that tbt abort time proposed by tot court, rty ar tatarfcrvnea of any bd wbaiwar apaa Moreno, neir Fort San Carloa di compelled biro to atk I few diyi more h T Wad, tha right whereof k la any ladaa CMl IDIkjj M teu at Bot u waa not for irw)jfcya of a life. which. bit .-'. wlUt4harotjodaracaIrad bfi country bad declared ferfeUeVtbat bt ApprvTCdAprOlCa. and ordinances of tbt fioenlaV (uya tba Londoa Globe) aretreported ra- rr .... .f.ftnt u that : n..nrr,.mr, TtUpuhAe SenatttnJBnitt, peetinrllayO. Mr, Canning It ia i.id, 1?- i fa toot the aamt atepa wtm ranca reenrd- - r. i ik. . -"5o..-. .J7w n-r ing Hayti, which ba did with Spain and the South American Sutei lending "a formal detpateh to declare that if France did not recognize the Independence of Iliytt, Lngjand wouldcibti, It uatated, led to tha acknowledgement of the Inde pendence of the republic. If tba Ifaytieo Government bad been aware of thii clr cumitance, France, perhapa,' would not bare received any pecuniary compenu tlon for the gracioui act of ackoowlcdge- ment aha waa ditcbarged for want of luffident tettimony to commit her for further trial., Confeiilom . mide ( by her were proved, by which It appealed she had ad vited him to the execotlok of the deed. t s ootpaaaed.- w - Judge Wathinrton, and Chief Juitico Maraball, hare aetected from tbt papers left by . Washington, between three and four hundred letters of. hit correspon dence with rarioua Individual both be fore and ilnce the revolution. . They are committed, we understand, to the hindt of Metsn. Cary and Lea,of Philadelphia, for publication, and will form a mott in writer rnSnowden'a Advocate, loea- tere,un5 Tolume-i L.J-rteon. ilnpofthe trilling nature of the nibjectil ' . Tl' l - ' bicb ao oRen occupy the time of ton t Gtn Exercises; hare beerv Intro- treaa.' antle Uluatratea tha follr of W br ?.ucea " "rTra JKe r -s - - 4 , a . 4lt.l eargoea, r The rnemberf of thalfcTersltV Xof Approved-April f. 18K. Cambridre, (Enrtand) arc car. tAoutoni 1 Aa act to equal! tha dutlci on vetaela of the tight hundred md ttxty-ttx in number, and those of tht University . of Oxford, four thousand teven hundrtd, eighty-two, according to the rcipectire , Calendar (for 1826) of those great institutions. rateofduties thaUbe impoaad or collected on ' ". . , - verela of the Bepubfic of Columbia (Colombia,) $toiA fiiver!W.TheSM and their aargoea, coatainlag articka of-tha little at i time, but frequently; and tar- riwoduc " "! R- uuis at a uiub, wui t.uuvuw;, puu w - .. . mar ba Barahla' on reaaeli f"1! f ytJI nraero . '" f if theUniud fiutea, with aigoea composed a. an amuaihg anecdote. A hole waa once discovered-in the ceiling of the house where congress waa lo. seasion. ' A long ebertnroedrtonherannerf injr It remedied. nThe- House adjourned, and tbt matter was postponed for discus sion to the following day In the inte rim, a member, (probably Mr; Herrlck) Jirocured aiittle mortar, and slightly' plair tered up tht hole. .Tht members : as J?mbLed. nexu day: with ; many learned -speeches in store when lo I they discpr ;eredlo rJbeirau Mats, to the great advantage, bodily and mental, of tbt students. . . .-. Madrid.'Ther art all alike.-Baoeath a acore, or ao, of quartillo-pots, bunjr up to the wall by the bandleij ii a counter, and underneath that" are stored away two or three large goal skins which contain the vma ttnto de la Manch, from which la fill corporation of rcnsacola and tbt Iota) ihua reserved and granted tot-church, parith, vicar,, school, and cuatom-bouse; RcpubBc of Columbia (Colombia.) and their I ara reapectively ast apart and confirmed, for tha objects set forth In the decrees of .. said Cabildo, so far is tha United 8(atet led, That aa other or higher D 7 t9 tht aamt, without preju- aice, at aioreaatu. frwidid, 1 bat oo claim on tht public squares of Seville, Ferdinand Seventh, and the squirt end garden on which tbt court house standi aa laid off Ia uid plan of tbt Cabildoj hall bt allowed or reeogniied as -valid Tl E Unacted tf tht Senate and Bvn Kefir. M3 ttntanvetttM United State tf America mtttmMet aaaeiaed ainca the twenty-ninth Jaauanr, eigh.J the I as IrtFawtMSfl V-i . Sea. 2. JnbiUwrtkm'tnaHtat,Tht.iiin by thla act f and provided, also, that the 8ecretaiofthaTreury randheabebr,,ftnfirm1nrt nf ll ih uM rhlmt ni " ma r avaa a " I wwa wb w mw vaaa a ar : aw authorized to return all duUea which have been I en9 s-.m-.-,. .k.ti .,fnn to a relinquishment forerer, on tht part (.. KkinlMl AnI tiara nt ah VMiali fit u.m.hiir. td Columbi. tColombia.1 and their I of tht United State's! of aor claim what- ed tba meaaurei which the woman of tht I cargoes of the growth, produce, or manufac-l eyer to tht tract of land, ao confirmed Of Uany-of 4ha papers-rtavo pubushed a j bouse, for the most part coarselooktn grand ttrrr-of h-wtd-Hepqbhe, beyond thaamoent annted , Dec. -wo oe trjunntr tnae xta nat the lands fronting Pensacola Say! notice of one Hiram JIull to his frienda and relatives, requesting them not to vis it him for two years. - Tht general. res deraympathiaed with poor Hiram, whom theyt.suapected to bt a thoughtless, gen erous hearted fellow, eit out of house and home by bis cormorant kinafc4k.j.The truthTs, that Hiraraasjen sent to the itaia prison "for a"couple'of years -arid It is there that e does not wish to see bis From r late discussion in the House'of suspect, to set therd at home, whatever vommont IeariirthaHheuorernmcntjie:ir.BppeuieB migni ot old, blrnga you with t most gracious aim- per. At night litest retreats of the jovi ally ditpoaedpartof the community are lighted by copper lamps with four sock ets, suspended fronvihe root-1 At, the farther end from wbers) you 'enter, cur tain .tucked up diicoven place lighted, irjdser put withtables ia tht lama-imn-ner aa tna first, apdar' wghtibest tables artjfillcd with compin MEtftognole, which would hava been navabla on veraela of the United States and canroea,xcompoaed at aforesaid, imported therein and that the same allowances of drawback on exportation, In res tela of the Bepubfic of Columbia (Colombia.) ba made aa oa. the lika exportation, in reaiela of tba United State.-;'- r.- 7 ii'irvv rr-Vt - Bee. 3. Jnd be li further enacted. That this act abali cootioua ami. ba la torea during tne time that-the: equaJitr: for. which 4t providea inuif.in an re .pec a, oa rewprocmeu uic porta of tha Bapublio of. Columbia tCotombia) i and if. at anv time hereafler. tha aaid equality Jhitt hbtVe redflToeated tnthcr porta- of .the of England has 3 Reeiments of the Llnti pf hl?h ntnearCstBtionedJin Eng land, and twyptjr three in-IrelandA-Be-sides tCese, there are the depots of the JfiFty one regiments abroad, ; which are composed wholly of recruits and invalids. The nine regiments in England art esti wited at 740 men each, amounting to 8,660 men in England. ltia believed the regiments in Ireland rt more full tban those In England, but computing them at vi men it civea 1 7,020 regular troops in Ibaj Island. . . . The editor of the New York National Advocate :says, that:82000 are collected in the First Ward of that city, and X 1000 In the Sixth Waxd, for the relief of Mr I J efferson. " " ." - " "' the namdof NederUndicrrlsllnd waa srlr enIn latitude and longitut s kid down at 7deg. 10 min. S.and 177 leg 35 rnln. 1 6 aec. E. from Greenwich. The natirea were athletic and fierce, grea thieves and from their ahowiog no symptoms of fear. Seventeen years since, tht entire per when muskets were discharged, evident ulation of tht npw flourishing tillage of ly unscquaunted with art arms. Lecbmore Point, Mass. consisted of one - ' , , . ' r " ' old bachelor and two old maids: There The state Bank of Alaharjia was to he are now three hundred and oinetj-six remowdfromCabawba toTkscalpOM on thlldrtn in iVDt village. jratiweniy-miruinaiatt.. t- w --'--F-a- " - r . . ::. . . . . -i't r.t r p;.-nfrf 4,mmnA n laud RenuWiertbemtident may, : ana ne u lr.Th7 to. ime hi Preekiiiiation, cease and determine.- lAnoroved Anril 20. 18Z& rr . r At act to confirm the Reports of the Uommii. miaatonert for aacertaioing'Ciaimi ana i lues to Lands ia weat ITorjua, ana lor oiner pur- pOSftS. r . . . u1..'.'. . .... 'I.'J Bt it enacted by the Senate and foutd o Fefiretentathet of the United i State cf America in ' Congrett atitmbltdt That all the deciiioos made by the Commission ers, appointed to ascertain claims an titles t6 land b District of Wcit Flqrida, t irons tbt mouth of tht Big Bayou,- to A. Una below Tartsr Point, and thence back to) the Bayou, selected by tbt Nart- Cora misaiuneri and all tht lands fronting Said bay, and for one mile back, as far , as.lho Graod . LagoonL ihaJl bt .reserved .front aale or location, foe the jate- of the oafV . yard or depot, and for c4bar public xorkA, of the United States. " the" proper" accounting bilkers : of-tho Treasury department be, and they art hereby luthorized to receive and adjust tho iccounts of tho CommistlonersHp pointed to ascertain claims and titles to lands in East and West Ffciida, for the contingent expem ea of aald Commis sioners, and to pay the aamt out of any money in the Treaiury, not otberwiso appropriated. AfiiroytdAtirit 22, 1825. Cherry ;trees will not grow at St. Hele na. Gooseberry and , currant treei be- , come tvtr-grecni; and do not bear ftufy. j time, he agiin roaei and said he regretted ta eoaatntad a authorUing a aur- tht claim of Francisco aod Fernando that tbt short tiott proposed by tht court, I rty ar iatarfennea of any kid wbaiwar anoa I Moreno, sear Fort San Carlos da Carat interfere the lawa- 8 Danish Govern asked, but fortfatrre write tomtthing fori Aa act tor Uterine; tba time for boUinr one I mint, for forts.'ner with that hb-h ki the benefit of those nearer and dearer to! if.na.of t,hf Di,tr Cow been lately selected for t wry-yard ud blm than Ufa Itseir- Y?! ..WifiTlUd ipproved by tht Preaideat of Ut t n thm nit.1 United Slalaa In contieuenca pLlbt cQscloaureiiltrkt Court of tha WesUra fter ( Peno-ri-l "Sec.:7, AniUltfkrxKeT tnaettL Thut roidt by. tht TestImo ett tht. trial of nnia, now directed to be kU at PittJwr. ia tB cUima to lota, It reports Ls ith th- Beiucbirap, his wife was sent for and ar- b MfV5f S tHf excepUoo of tkat on IbtlciuVrt Ferdl- . v.. i. v .i dar of ctober, thill hereafter beheld at tha c "T " , .Sur aarus ralgned as an accessory with bar husband. the MoBdl r October, la S"B m tho iimi irt here Her examlnatlOT'befort: two JciUces of vk Jll7ibrrwr. ' by, spprovtd and confirmed, ad far aa thav "Z tht peace took pbee on Saturday last, but j - Jeclnd be UfvrtkeTiZviQi, .That aQ aa. United S'utes have inr title to tht same; ' tica,wlta,pw!aaa, peadmg and other pro- without prejudkt to tht tight! of tbt determined oa Ua tlurd Monday of October, In ,n,rkl ho ,Dt Pb" ' - tba same manner u they would have been, on the pun of tht Const Jtutioohl Cabllda,' theaeoond Monday of October, if tiul act had are rciinquiined and confirmed la (he) SI

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