. .,,( S , j r ,, A f 11 H ' :(U'...!'"'."" ' 41 ".rt,...n!iO:--'--''-' M -w' ' ..... 1 I, f,,l if l IJ.r J rf . i . ' i - iw i ('Ill 4 vvnn 1 7 at ci x'frz .4 I , M Mfc en I- t . ... ., . a a. r. ' . . 5 Wty c1ktU'4-H Mart-." irkl Mud-4 IIm7 i , ? .-4 .i,t...a amn M ! P4l.-f 4 Tf-PJ-l u .. f wmw w- w.l 1 kal Ika " - - tt ll. aa. M r' i mU diet!. M fct vImm i ! .M ApMyp- I " , r-rV-d. f W f to tU I """"i - r.i,i ' 1 ....... af rTWt.Tk "f " rillnr tO ... . - - J iLa r tl i.nVomlptmti rtivi pkv mcm ...... ... I tva maw " J xk. bUS K V " - , . t - . , I r it m if iu tsM Jt rir.": ..iv-u fc'fiv u . ir.tf f. m,m ttitttdfJ fcf t'' tiniJ.. pMB. luv law t " i .i . a. Hi (bill M ,v.ArUii.tuiM9fttoo1mtiH. IVrV p 4WT p . . . - ....- .1 Ww-.- PiUpip TMvtiT cb. h3 lHjtT u rtbtiru 0f rift u twuu . m; m j-m (Wr, iirvAT : rk. h., they uiuv c, iludc . . . .ft . in ii in c pphM " ll IHtxp'l " f 1 ih iu i-t r" . . . .k.. ' Iij1 ItfttztfTUMa. MI . M. M riMOM MU PI I I T Dl Mi V V. . I OK " - ' . . .1 I . I " . . 1 ptl,A.8r".rft7- pun- bMtxen ocm.- j mHTi o," "i r -r it r. 1 -yW -boo S . . Ika fikt of tifkMtnC. M Ik . . 'i at J!r, . u. lamtrn. uarir uii'i . upumivr' i t '' t-Ttorida. I L alitikdtd lk propUr-. '. - lit U Mtlti If ike Srttf rf - ' - CIIARtXT IXR fATKE. ret oi i uituutiu" .... head . J. r. muhj j snJ,-.- the lkjjri ini ; i: k.;,.tln. U1 Tield to coofidenee. tod it..:. it.mS.A r-r come iur w HiJ II I V t UUKUIU ' f.l. ai.t.J la lkr N-OHfin DiDf M frtKPP HP , , , . . .l'.p I . I . V . 4 aauiJ w. i i Vat M W (L4 phrt . I whUl lb Utr ttiiur Ti4 A-4I 10fi.lt www- . a a - aX( U tM CtllOTV t f7. . aft !tl L!7,rt. V-MWteCrOpT- Uk lrto tn, ,k lttMf It U Mid US U f IT PPP PP. - 1 tf . I ll aruta. S3U 4- iMLSraaiup5S i iivm , ' JCHU4 D., , Tfct Impwemtwi h tie l ----"- . . . I ' . ... . It mtlrl it aU.Iaf RV'jrilniiluut.LtaJ'i . -V ..V ... i . . af ln ' . 1 . L . a t.f . kut Mr. A. 3m lift lorrae'i- rxpr--v--. w w ' a. Alt i. aKoel it Wribt t6un . MfMP. Kir Kna L K.I . - - . kiu. :t.kp tk udri yoivo -iAN.biui my uotwinr " ;t l ' ,1:.,,. awn t ex. " - - A . a. . t I 1 aAk KAW Wl IlFBCIUKUh DilftlOCa-W W I w in M ivim-tp . the cde rlth reiolute purPOKi wwi rtoeroo. lini; Worwa iM---prt doutrthit t5 -k-iloouU bute let com"!, iod youth itifir-' I . II J r r. .bo. UUt tiller tb he.d A . YOIVO, WAN, m ui rfifcr'T1!1--!? kT"7.Uh" cited, inc the imprrfWe defouan. - h tht rf tbw,!fn,,,W. k!!rl . !fT!i!" for ltt-cce.t. to illa-uioup tr;- .nd t-.n.f -lttjtc-f Vr.r -ilf-.trnd thi. tause-. tri- tii(a trct ol HBO wiup io r- mim pij pu wp w .... - ... !...-r,n. 1 . rf!.M! .Kirk tmct U aat ribi-Uetpi-tkHl -i M Wur "4 ?r. LroDh hntinble to our titiieo, reTi.1 - niorr i - " p,m iv ipi A t Unwi H i- I --- , SJiik-f j-ty Ho,;;,:1t: so 19 ' wiko- a rt-4 rTa". thf t coorrM if0t Virrinut it " mLKnBOBVGB. ,0 qoiUfy tdcot U"-I moctbi 19 V rum U "if zyZZ Ula liceftM. , ' ktrrf ikpiw-- UpplT-JiUfckpf AppScnlw kMbe m-de t lh Uv Ti:. L .ia-iahuli cik- 50tb La fa- tb. Dtf-incni opport of.U ill-. aDOUilfd PfCrrliT,4 lb-..I?,"f r".J Li .k- r..Im UlU tbt fW PuSfc Dinner H.IWI w T VA eiptl .rr!ed It Ne - Tart, Mivsl M MnOW H ranwa " . ' "l" H1" " .at. "w for -, prtbe'ided tkrt tbert wo-M " --J ttSlcfik Wetter' r-'funr cUlmef bf'WF b. P'M? m1! 1 tr. etnptltw la tb pvfxbm thereof; un- - - ,v. .m temwKtirktloata eoodi ur 1 p pp - . , lh?; toal to-AWc.r.nd g1rUQf w Cod. v"' .1 -m;!..--. I. S lint. rnt .n .cticm. the Hoard ippeki to tne 1V, 1 trSOlio - - I . ...r.np t -arnefttlr. Invite ------ . - . niracni iuii j.;- - 7i.. rot!iktiP. nd rtrulAtkf.p, Id w TTTnO art itidcMed 10 im .to-. M,f they b I- - .fo Greeted by ibo-.ct.en- . ..i.A 41 An -t ftMn't tb tllbt Of pr-1 7:Xu V. u K..W,Tn- k. " 7 ;t.l".TI,..KM tt nn rv, - iiuin . .. MHUdNKim a. lrUlCn UI lllvw p"mi 1 r- roptloolatbeptirBiMiM --tp-j- Mmrr to cJow tM?oce" L;m. m-Mur oieurt to them, u more .- --- ... -, .... i.M.N..ini.i than rriinoui trreunuuu i.vr.1.-- a r , 'r .fc. MrtijMtaa-ari- p.i - f ... t.1 atv.ff . A ND committed 1 rv. M tk 5tb ibia Mint U Reuben, 1 Cm. He U younjr. not Uryt, quite bl-ck,e.n1tj,at day. - FrotA the Chiritiei Of thU ffd. h wn-rkAbiyinteiiijreoH-na n Urr-tinn. wie Uree oroportion of tne r r.fnlma. but from Lincoln couotr iniv-r. thnuoa U1B wnoic aaiuum . .r . . . ti.. r k. rf' this tttte, ami 1 notorioul ll'teff . f ..j - tharr. and Uke bim awy. lu'nanimoui doDtioo" of " the measure V jAMbs nistai, Tv, I ffig ooara.Mppeat wi - ... .An. 0 1 . a I ' Mn. I t Uxinpn, June v. mo. -v r wr- t (tf CfcrTV. 1 ne leTerii eccic was that be U an apBce. of Ae incon.ider.ble , compared ' with that -Mch canntjl fail to be realized by the -.r UnA ln maid Terrltorr. by tinue ji a- mtr benefit, to cka. tbeir Ul.nlaved before .the American peo- . 'a.r - nfirmatlon of tbt Comroinlooej.iUcotti.ta wUb ua. !.... nit. md their dooatiooi be solicited to , 't or br tlrtot of any act of CortKre.a.- -J ren fulfilment Should eelebra- TTT-isUrtrjtMtbe further enactrd, That a'diffcreat character prevent -a,ypcrapnAor ia viCtt mh. feligiou. .er- I any perpn - r i . v thm Durchater of a tract of laad at priratt Mle. according 10 tbt provlaiooa - of thli eeli who it aetUed on a fractional -T qnirter tectloo, anaii natotot prmuv of purthaalng an adjoininj quirter tee tioti or tbe fractional quarter section, Im proved by them, at their option. - Sec S. AnibitJirtktrentUd, Tkat In ca.es wbera to or mort peraons en ' titled to the right of pre-tmptloo shaU bt settled 00 one quarter, or fractional quar ' ter-aection of land, tbey shall bt embor- 4 Ized to purchaat one or mort quarttrsec 't tlonst whlch, with tbt quarteraectlonvor fractional quarter, upon which such per-2- aoni are. settled, ahalt bt equally dlrided v Ka.a.aan them. In" auch mAnner as-the ' Rtdstcr and Receirer shall direct, so as . . j fa r 11 re. at' far aa may bt practicaWt, V rto tach such ptrson,ibejr iPeD . respectively t-iWUbit in no h ' aVanct shall any person to .entitled to a " Lueferencoin hpurcJiAseiorTnog Lhsn 7-321 uVrter.pection of land, In ddiuon j v. to Mi portion of the fractional quarter - -1 .U.k ka la Mttled. , ' " , ICVUUII " wu.v., - - j m,. . i. a ' JhJ ktii further enacted That , ny person, 6t persona, who have settled - .a Sn... ahp of tbt lands ro the i aaid -Territory, rtatnred fori the oae-of - achoolar sad .who .would naTo n tt. r nra.amntion thereto by the. law, had not the ame been so resertei snan Jiave tht rrght ot' pTt-tm?tlon aiinwc aair iamo term ana conunwua, -uwjv fbft . aame : restrktron, provided for in other cases of a right of pro-tmption in aald Territory to a quarter-section 01 uu T there are yet any claimi of the late John Weant imV'rt tbe eeuTe WpW. ant,dec'd.unflafi.fled, 9 Ar Churchct under the teal of their 1 it ia requeued mat mey oe. prciemeu 1 unquaiJfie4 apprKoauui . Itoaa-t)cMiMy be,proi)-rlyauthenu. By order of the Board, eated for liquidatioa 1 and tboae who yet retwm "J rf nimLvY ; o a. theUte.are(Jeaireltomaae par-i 7 uwtat.trd.ta ment without delay, u tbe Executor wiahea to eloae the buaineaa of tbe estate aa aooo aa poad. " - - JACOB WEANT, ErV.- J?aaMia eitnf. Jmu 3. lti.0. . JUC AVftuAvfa, to appropriated Unds ioJhlsamejownshipi wd near adjacent lands -of-Ukt T Maaetttt W. ran be obtained. . &cc 5. Jndhe it further enacted; That ' every person, or bis or her legal repre- rfmnrised In the list of actual KHTM! 1 . f aettlers, reported to the Cororou.toner of the General Und umce, oy tne c6.r and Receiver for the District of Jackaon Court-House, in the state of .Mississippi, ' under tho authority of an act of Congress, k , entitled An Act for adjusting the- claims to, lands, and esubUabing Land QfSces in The Rhodt lsland Legiilature have pas sed a law imposiof, a Uxof twelve and a half ccnla'on ' afTandred-doilaraof Bank Slock paid Incthe pltal Stock paid in, in all tbt UenU oi tne owe, v a . I : iLa.1 skU irnn TROM'the pubaeribera, on atonaay mgw, BJ,J0.'i j ana tnt f t""r r the 5th Mt. Negro Man ky the name oi ajt- 0( tha Slate,' taken witn a view jhvl ,kJ about SOjrears. common aiied, very .ran,,nf. tn ft3a.64O.000. Th kwv a tt nMh two or three of bia front up-1 ,. . I .vt. K..rt.: fp th ;e7andimileyea,sunku Ushead. ta ,W9 ' yy- rr ilewoman.bythoameofANNlKY, espMSBSttiJ wife of r'ako " qit 2 conta fae every, ont thousand dollars. . it old, rather yeHowiab commplexion, nouow amau j, Upp6k tnar tne ao . a t Y icc. w, ---- - QUCO Ilea, o jw w bu4-mj - co."" "Anr peraon-nrhe will tal up aaul wcgroea, , .r,,,f 4. s;' Jfuh' jQHrnul nd confine them liv any JaH, and inform ua, by L;' , - . county, N. C. ahallbe paid for their trouble, nQtQt t London, recently, the Kight expense, A, and receive the rtankaof ibetub. 9wn pMadclM Janajejict of acribera, ; . j ' ,k.t tal. tUmmim Cremorne, and grand -tMasfe A". C pW 8, 18.6- daughter 3lim renn, wuuu oi me v-iw oi rnucr'MT Estate of 3oVm UOdgcnS, L Als0; Ied; netr Belvidere, New: Jer- 01 JTbU, serosa the Delaware river, for fflHE fubacriber having qualified as adminb. . ar Protf, droweeiUa Attempting JL trator on we eaxaie w u. w ,0 wim .a,. the L Hodeena. dec, desires all .pm indebted to ! I"1 aald eeutc to eome forwaraanq maa aw 1 .wiT --T; r. . ..A Mftltl puptrintfitft and direct tko aaaei aad tol nrcbended that tbert wooW oe many bawtucktbeP;.... r -a-ahMild.tbt heat eontlnw. ifariMx to lncresw-t'nd ptrangerf cootiaoe afvtf W U ' . 11' A ka. . .aa I m aa A ... -.T Ak M M a ad . l tw, rq,to uf er m ... perl0f,. uU M -ip p.r,i that day. : ; : :r " n; . r . :h rnonlv amusinei but thost whoart luiiat poiMdaetuee toprtj)are auiuv . An Indiana Editor apolR,M- rf P rtoaatarrtUcccaoii. . t . . iuiDnsio of M ??'. .5r!.M Dors, tin, ble I. l.ai ri thi OfiCmMOD. . I Hitnan.mil I Wellborn. Vice rreaxiema w w o-j. i mm, 7 ' . - itLJli .M GrMM Woore and Tranca v..Yark. there art employed 17 J oft- 1 . iannoiaA-dMankakof tbeday. 1.... --k.p-rmna luocnds-arnouot t- "p -rr-. ..h I - kelSredtogivearrcidlnTkwtolbe RlvTrOOO. . taUievv Ike Herolution throurbout tbeeoun- Uuatratlon of- tht-prorMjuim 1- .him aiwi nouii si iw - i . v . u .nia ,a im wirninr. - II l ,7,.p-...rr - . , -l..... . .7;... ,lf. w "k r' . , ' ,v7irMt. thit two men were eommmeaio dinf a.. . 1 ikm minumto. id men icua 71 nnunni. wdue iviiu I D bbpuwh v . ". ' ' : a Ll' l I .. r . ' . . - . . . : . on Saturday, tbe let of July B" PJ'M hanging In their gnt. & MOORE, &c f y reacue. 'The tendon Theatres are dreadiuiif Infested with thieves. -Tht robbers aw PT4 - I ..n. ..11 Ari&. raitectable Iooa iUKUUJI fcAllMlVi K,U..; i . a.r,anaad - - : . f ar.pak ing persons, and go in gangs or ten aoa nik- a,.nirjr tf the 6th of fliartn, ? f tr I r.urSt. ther i according to tnt wihoi "i--m roediately call out Jit rignt ; i-ir. pt each of the soldiera who were present at . i0 w- to e ffect a rea the entrance Into farts, receiwu .....r a . kia i.ba niaiaiiv medal, with a portrait 01 o '. t-..,Vnn f cos fad to.'rlbbon Of tN'rf Cjaj those of Saint Andrew ana oaim ueorgw. ciuq dK - -- . Tk. niok.ftr Anrlla2.sarsttat tne &cotiana, wiin , - Duke of Wellington metely went to Rus- Reviewers. sia on a special n .ka FaiMHtr AK.hll ftCCeSSIOQ. illH WI . a . .11 nrtL- i. .u- n.Wt.h iioernmenii mv ireei-pwnn.H win - knows how to keep Hs ownsec 0n the 7tb July next, when a WT , . a . ai a, Ikltl ty Iht, tmperor emcra ' . vP--ter then the CoronaUon will take plact In Moscow. Herefordi then to..Woir . w Th- 31 at of Mirch, being the annlver- Coventry i and onto Liverpool t ana i .Tbe.3 st o1rcn"K11,u4 .j k , -f-,K,wk thlek and thin, toGUi- sarr of tht entrance oi mo "Trr9 i a.j SlkllhftlP gOWtUkhlt. son, in the square opposite mo w "-"-" " .rrff.lrt P1.a '. . , - , , x ... . . iinuriauucu ivi .w- - r. . . . t;. . ' ...A. :.tuL.jii.i.. It rnnnl. .Frotn GlaiRO Affairs at Lisbon were ynscureu. v gw - r"- - - - iy,a n,?.P had refused to uc her daughter I .hall take a sjreep about, go to Mod. stnee htr appolntmentto powtrpIht AihensroiidMeutheaujtLa. Loridon papers say, the present Regency ersf and then come back : through fl wTllbTauprted by France and England, .hire,: and on, through Jplnsbi J. ' will un ""I'r1 ,v ' ; . : I.. v !.L . tk.n ,AKanatnirtontIrOBfi" The rrencn governrarwp tu- norwitu, i r ; - - . ,tj voring' to effect t reconciliation between Hertfordshire. I have rlfM.", ;(.liBd, $6MiDd&kUrrtrr:Tr and-I -wiil 4aA. . have aT,J0st. Pn7,S nS UttbTSn6w pndto to known, 1 k .."T " . 1. . tt - " ted at Conitammople whilst they ,are I use year cyci as prohibited.in the Russian dominions. The Emperor of Austria was restored to health. . ,: C!. .ka Irmnapnp flO ioncer pars v The Mowing workJws. been p cd in London i "Glance at the Internal . . to;a,7r,ct and destroy the wjnj situauon of the United States of Ameri- kh Cro,.ing lb- mountain ca. and heirpbnticaHUtions with fcu Fe, -itC1WHitt'? rone. Br t Russian,"! vol. 8 ' vo. In c,5n. vtonrf V.f those ir P.... k Q .Mi an? - I r ' i I, "-past- :a . HA k ''.A ..tka 9 Uav.ht the . a j a. vi . Aatai nktrafa r ibiiiibi atarmasaH aauu - m maa m ort waaai uuricu via eiUte. wiU present them for aettlemeut, roper. BoyU burial place of the .Mohegwa, ui NoN l authenticated, otherwiae tbia notice wdl be W1ch, Connecticut,' Exekiel Mzcen, afed 27, insects com everf year and ravafi our fields ; lv authenticated, otherwiae plead in bar of their recovery : 4 J r MESI1ACK PINK3T0N, o?m'r. - A 21,1123, 93 I treat rrant aon w im vm wv - the friend and protector of the vbite in tilt in- I fancy of the sctUcae&t. - a Anr ia ik. rhin VoC.bularv. the word dalusia, are covered with them an "r"-" TT Vh.r notlaome much feared-.thkt " brvesi w:-;. muCB-ieereu .- .k.m4eleS" iffinity of tbt two words ia car they already begm w ww. ; w.Ve? w tnt ticinnj ox .-r pyft) aT - Mr; v, ,.-

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