i iU i t i ' 1 III 'I n-l I. i v i i. . tt r r.r r I . l' .! I ."! A V K,. , v .. :i, l'-'-t 'M k LV, a. 11, I' ! "- r fi b... J, L.I t-fu'-J fvf f a L, I",- rr 7 I -4 5V1 b, tka t 1 re frn tll, A1 b m KNPtf taa4 .! Mr, V.Vs a i f. t i '' f, In r t I f r - t !'.! 7 ' , , i r j t i it, '. f iha li i.mn lo If t l)f:i ! ( ttr't utl. tm IJU.'I 4 lV rj :..t. U V ftf 14 r i f J Jl a tmAUX i; j ll i--J- in r jw-Uii fear I h a ik- ik U. IK tt mtftmm.m lf t kal - k irt til 1 fl kiI I t'Mt, i-ij f-a k UwiL.i b W I aa Aa.-f.t r r- HU'll'i'l If UTjl CfMtfrVHI I t'Httl lfdi I Inrl I ''ft atutt - - r l t ! .f i mm! r ai gain l t drcn.f I ca Cl Tf at an humi. ini cr.f .I, t ( t i U i. tla 1 1 l i 4 j 1 v tt ! t t 1 1 i., Ak,J i . j ? ! ti I I I" I IUn jii, Hub ii Kit Ectr tta f la't- Ml I' i ' "J" I 4 d- l r f.f?.r .4 i:-liifJtJ, erxrii t a i Ni i' J ma UM f ' ft -4 TS !'-" 1""V ' ; ' I" t' I . t ? i;.ty r . l , 1.1 1' cV r-.' ' . 1 I! iV arra t U4 I L,' ii IC l,ai rtirr tnn'-MiaJl ba e4a a4 to'. !. t rwJjJi bf f' k.M b.lil.11 'l.'.'! (la W -11 Tt i k. ii , 1 1 ate j t!4 f t! !. n! jtj Cillnlltf. ... . .. ; . . r 4 t I- ,i iK.A,:-Tsr:. " Iba, asjUUfUe sU3 - TUe 1 AVer tux Urts ' ' VILA le U:b 184. tarf !(U (be wlUiU wi ., ltf m cMB4t paV tfcj &tfat fimJ MS ' Cmm l M tit VImC 7 rr4 with ey at A I hearkened It tbe loot I tba fit tt 64 a;kk frm. Ami wld h cff own. , life ks ton U day, , . fa! widstUoWaJeuai A4oVtaaUcaimceoIa'(bt, rbn the weary day it Jom, MEDICAL. . ra rti warrta rteeuaiae. ,V. C. Jluf IU IK4. - - Mb. Werr t freto MbrmtM im Uducrd ' te W8ff there lllilto Wrem part wf J - trm ft wo (wtmtio ak iMttlliJ aut. Ui ifr, mi dmrt of miAjr n fr!iorr CMtrf hkfc prttrM Uo ,) r U. -''fr rruv fet hw. 14. iwrt M 'jwrrt ir prcfrt4 frvm pp'Ti 2J. , Tlf V km b prrreatkl frum Ihj ipikwkMi for rtUt Wcmi tWft tn m few rtpicMJtt h kill itt Boccmful la tik4 ' prriiMNi fcf eftUrtcUi JJ.Tln a wot bt Jfttftc!, from Uw ppfttalM U vpmtiw bet rrrjr piorul, awl IWm appre. . KntoM lut Nt aiuca atrn(atcj by (ba attriet e Umm b kacw a better i Tilli fcnt caa mf t an fxno who it IHaJ frora Cataract of iVa era, aM la aot abU U fta a 9ar. gtoa la pcrfum iba opmiloa (or that ItbGad jlatMlaa M taca abow vttk vlul btua danrer F a a , t i i- J J .i W da t7T'Eiaa Wa a Hi 4iwi lr aa auffij auai vj kr iw ia Uka aUc. ar Urii Att, (U kt4kr pan vi Ua Waa " HC airfiar at tS k. la tat or nrtib4r pit im ejuu n CMAetl W Iba fvyd. Tlwalif ll aoatTta UU aniftf U a c (4 14 WMtrt, a4 i24 taiWM fU4f tba rtW( la b ia a Cm pcrf -fauj, a4 Vttrwf iba ta auUJ aol ia kijartJ T 4rtrm4 bm U fcaf fmua-. Oa Ua 1W ar Wiy, iti, arfl cm1i I ryrfaia aa) laa hn tji I M Ntwf tfca aaVdla m lavard Ibf frA I Iisorfr4 iba raiarad vaa bafdi jJ ia aa iba frdl aa la iba fl, aJ la Wi. Oknaf ta drtM ba eatrct, I iLicrwrNj tba Iba crila at tba err ca adbrir4 If iba M and aa t prVa4 dra tba cataract tba Iria fulWardi Ibtttwrr. I va tompn4 U tara iba t!T tba m JU, baJ Wf' iba aifsbraaa M c8 M I cowM, aM pobc4 ta tMJi iba caurad aa itraclkabW thrvgb tba mem! leta Iba arrW cbafaber of tba rja i I thea t(bdv laa aaaiua, aaa afp va bul 6aMfC.Ttl fa4a; puilevad by mUa taia tixf at tsqcb itifiumr.tU. At tofttber I prxnud lba liavt aa ibli ta ba. fora ibt tWartrfi at but ibara ( a rn (ring at Iba Rtembraaa vaafd tba writ at tba papiL H viO ba Ivarrr RtaMla tba 1 itb er ltf Mit, tinea iba but epmik va parfMwd, a4 ba bu rrcaivaxl a rt a bfii ftaa Wa ctxTitioa d I ant laiutcl tb(Lra be fjcrcr wit! rtttWf aajr, m I tat la doerd ia bebt ra tba p k ntna ta Intrtti 1 Iba kick bartJrrta) Iba boiw. . - Tba abara tbrta cat, Mr. Wbitt. I hm tiini)ft4 a Mtcb aa pablf , ta ir u tbinf bka a fkarticakr bi4ar a! Irtaiearnt of (beta. I krtt air. rt k aot aitl fbr bvT rtn ta nublub caar aad tbeir ftartkular ttttrarbt,' La a toairaoa aaatpaPtf t aor bara 1 4elrj to tHr tba particular, awnala trraUMat. onhr .L La I 1 1- - l - aa iv aa iBmni mwi ms uw pius la aea of eoorswa knoalcdra, a4 al tba aama liana tbana tba aaocaaa la tba lara I rat eaaea, and Hi U-.T- .ct IwU Uca I!tlJiJwt Ut;r liiUal-'i UwU- rJcf taJiby a4 cxtailojul lott r-r -a aM ntit .t 7 ta-aanu.tbab w rWr'idat fta ba tit la kUa thi af ntwipaptri nt 1 rrtail, "Dim ttrcUia BQioair i hica ciptri rtf jrrtpitd lor Dt isitl but. la otKm tHnr art UUaVci to juU run tba ioattccuoa or Jtkip rf I'o it. ren ter It U ftAml tMt amo of thrra are 10 forettful ef ticlr dutr M to cunault tht couvcolrict ol twjtrattcnlf, on bona routti by n taioii part of that pKlrtfr whtl Ut nail If o Urft that the ctux) turner cf bin caooot coniaia it, OiHcn, I It nldf Utog mort culpaUf,- rcui 6eipipr to mJ tSrrn. A norfnta rrffrctlnA fxuit COQtioCff Ce Poaimaitcr liUJur, B-.k. uott. a4 abr e-nJial ti rf ciihrrof thi tKirrti. that be Cbba fcami bj tnlct nh tht oHiptioa Impowd by ma tun 01 co"f aoa pouui ue ocia mpmtiblr (b tach jroai fiolatlooa Tba m.U13 boA4 aJ kia n4r Ua auaa tWaVblbaVieacbaraM b a liawi ry abjia aa ibipi lMaaatjAtw-ri-'- - -h...,-,,.. Tba U lr ymtwaraia, al ba apa4 r tba rtatM a. k.War b Iba Inf. U 2 Amrmi ar'J m tmaia ta aeoanavUta m ibtf ta k7 pofxia. , , Tba Ura4 af aUtMkea J ba Calraaea awa7, icOiff f "(r at Conpiiloa. fraraaaatiia. AritbaMile, kUtbe- ttxka. Bk4ep.trr7hf, WJ vA f I ille aUtJm kw a.if i Wa anaat, icr il laa Ara f I tK Tr liiri, Ikatolioa awl r-&cjl'i bw tur ut wbU, iba Hr a v atcu cbtiUa at Uct.a af Jry CsoJ$i HarJuatt, Cr6cerUtt V(." wlka dry i&lrm wruf al a pmCt-. PrrvxM altrtf la purrburi t!J plr n Vtkua1)U Uouse nnd Lot, II tba 'taaa of f6bft, I hS. Tba ab. kf IS i)"LtnM c bU KfMla f J u Ucnrjkr, &3 pr i-w, tfibla ka a4- ( firt, al a barrmia, J aa at. ' VCT;? fT"', I ttmaUlmg Urm of p;nat, TbaboMa of duty. . . Publiihe ubKribcriJ ar rtqurat tba partMt ar pUe4 la accoata at tbir ap- !. Ka pup. la era a&atu4 aadar t'tbl, ar abatatvtrrf 1 ran or ar. AantoaiJoaa. mm tkrairf aaaa, r. ia. r!4 kr . amuw nr..iiur, riwor , af tba Crrpiiaa at kUlcta W. C Smlm, Mj ia, ir.o. - ! tV WILXtSBOMO. TIC aubamba baa apeftad a J7 f tidrr Utimni ha tba lav of W ilktthoia.'al Iba of Bewipjpcrt, tad tbear ii'will ai Pot tao uteri, I to rrport to iHt DepvU bjcdi aii irrvuianuca m ma rtccpuon ar . of ptpcrt i fwirdrd tx the mul 1 aod i uiarc4Bfe U rire that kert th nj urf aepW4 b Jm Vajuww. Ita lirfwrittfahalT b proved tt bare pWrtabUatlf tb.t bU TabW. UU tuotas bi I twfw..i4 l,- iWi fcrtira,biraf.ariJbJatubleaablbaMrt8 77 - tuppteO,- la arrrf artbta of coarcakm aa4 deitp Ot 1 COOtriCtof, pOttmtlttr, bjxurT.aatbtbxtti'of Mtaliuailoa admin or clcrTr, ihi moxx effectaal nrpi thiU ai4 ibct bia o pnoiur tuoUn UT, at ti 1.1 . ' ' Mr.t1 ftf rka umd a till rulnii. vc uteajto jrereni its rccurreoce. It Ia did of u much Imponance to iBi pubii, lirid Altiwii ctictmal to fie rrptitioo nf the roi!t ' tfctt aa kla atrart. abaci djftnr aoatb af iba Coert-llouM, oppowta Mr. B'-trirtr ILuum trtlirulsment, U a friprcubbv aa4 aifibr( part af Iba tea. ' Tb booai Wrj coatroicrrt, hb all tba mry awvboua, lirp lot, ftrJia, Ae. a4 t at raVtaia for iba aecafluaodatloti of tiibtr 1 bvxa ar rwaS kVaiir, aa4 ( aicra brUi ar it ' txiU ktka a eWMKM a4 aVirabla raAUxj tot a fufettr aul af Uuiatr r bkb eirbt ba . , rt4 aa ar faiaU aoipur r AtTf nlOre fVna kaTtm UrurtMiloK, tpr U tba ribarnbrr. h tba Fort 1 of lra Tadkia 1 or ta JVra. II. tluctUf ababaaitkrrtof Iba bou. rW79. CI50RCE MILLK1. If. B. If Iba booia la M aokl aoon, it aiH ba remtd ta aar eaa ba 'J1 laka food cue af it, an4 kerp k ia poj tovtikie, aa4 aot akwa t la M aaaaarr.--r -- - fl M, NOTICE.- 1 , IT I IX ba aoU, vrtbout rrarm, aa the prr. f r mare of ti MitMcrtaert an the a Ad 15th of JvJf a it, ta Iracta af LmU, ana caTka Iroaa any cnber cauae. hert I ea ba of arnica ta tbcaall Offer irnr arrncet ftatia wended tber or tbeir frieaj lurtuih bnwi.r eowreaUfet I i to mt I ta da aacoaj aa4 tbird, I ahaO girt a . tfletcb of tba Wory trcatateat af tbrea ea- Ctar Iha let. bin. kUlaanle, 00 of tba poor IT it LbCfila coontj, a?e about 5J rrer of aa Ir. "i)anMaMtorjaofiatrttM Dreara berVxa app&ca tioa Tit nada ta ma, aba waa attacked a-itb " filnt and inftmmtioii of tba rijbt ere, vhkb f rmlnated In aa opacity of tbe rryrtailtiie lew, - About hi c terra reara after, aha vai attacked ta tba kit eye, abch terminated ta the atot tnnnr. ; For aix reiri pretkwa to tba ope railoa T aba u toultr blind, vid tnb)a to act her air, j tbonrti able ta tcQ dajr froa nig-bt. On expo ainj her cyea ta a atronf atiMilua tba papil ".contracted, and arbea I applied atraroooiunt iba 4 pupil dilated. Ia tha preaenca and a itb iha antiaca of Doctor WaUka Ileaderagi), topa. Trfrd with trli aeedle M the teft ey aa aoon ." aa I bd.flriUhed tba epmtion on tba left ere, v. I operated oa tba r?rtt era t evfiiWbie ia ' '. fiammaiioa and pal followed, which u firtaTtv j aubdued by a frea tiae of tba lancet, cathartecea : and tba local application of Sola. BaC, Sot. .'with warm milk and water. Ia two or three montha aba recovered her aiffbt ao aa to ba able to knit and aew eoarta work and now with the aid of a pair of cataract epectadea aha ia abla la tnreau a una ncciuc, nn aiajnuin neraeu. . and pain tba aneratiaaj la atteaded, wbea proa. arty periurnvta. iiowrrcr, n bum at ttmicwtn, that aoaaeuaaea, aetata Influnautioa add pala do follow, wbea tba eparauoa ia parfon&ad aa tba aaoal aareful ataaaor. - - : tr. abould you derm tba abort totnraoaloav lioa wartby a ptaoa aa yoer taper, yv ara at tbarty to put it there i at if deemed atberwarf, you ara at uxrtr 10 auppma u. your bkm oUUiaal, , , . - . )AUFJ ClYLNCS. Umea, ba cordially at tba aervka of bia tmtonw eta. ' . 1 Hm k.A iimm.1 a b a fwl ttlMaM Ik. Kritraatit-wf OOOOB. adkwJuf Iba raUblUb, ' rTP" . JT"' wnL which ba w3 aell Ufo? eaah, r-oduca, t wr 2W awrarlbawA - or aw a aban credit to powtwl curt-rmera. eaaeo u mui traci. eoouiiuBr am K.' B. Tba aura rroaa Knoinila to rUkm, I " Tv oia topaat k'w bouM tw'rca A wecki aa. aba iba E t 7 Mit.KMt r,M fmn rrtwrbM.irwH '. cattle, sen, aneep, oaa rota bom,' ronatnr thnrH Cbarlutta and Suu,. ateera, wafona, anidiand trminr tcbjeera, ItiOa..-; -r-f- ItU 'J;..: .z U. J. f. : K K U Krbf iract ot nau waera a wow rrwoc, or rmr roe a ecvipapcrt ibould bt .aa aprediiy and aafclf transohud u ltttm ratvd to indiyidual oho ii inattentive to the former, ia lawonhf of Ulna; trutttd with tbt Uter, lit U a atracrtr to w. 7 . " ' T. llrMaH.w,l- tr ofrrin-Aayof tha abote rwrrtt .3 ara iroo an araentoetre to.eieyaiti hvij ; k. ,oy Brtu ,1,. o. af a 1 . - . - aa . a I w r-araaww Terma of emSt tor land, AV 12. IS and U. Itlaauapecte4lBVMtbai rrroea, be. 6, 9 aod II taotmi'. the character of the Drpartneot,' bjrjTbTtcno aaaa AAKON raa awar from tha wt'ainw tha ntm, efflcienw ta ita in. U aubacrlber aboat tbt ftrat of hit woenh. 0. ...0 T . 1 , I aitat I l ciiArruC 8ISZPW0 PXEJCBUL -There. la at prcient to be witnessed iodine COUD . . . - . : , ------ - , i m bi, nm iirini mi-w. Crailool, - . , -- , - ' 1 1 W Aaroa baA eboaca ana tf CjOT bljccl d US. I twwti irvt root awtmtt wiB d rKniirKl. lo the roit-Uiiice Law. it is ororl ealenti --- ' i ; , I John ded that, "if aor peraon, employed L i. wiM awmow jownaa necror.wwa io any department of- the 1'oauUfficc. I T' ZZlnZZZZiZLidS. ahall improperly deUtO, delay, cmbcSint; runaway aegroca with him, and who wu jot I eaornt utery, It it reported, near Center CDurai, wb'a law Inflicted npoa turn t : aeifbborbood f Sbarriri Ford, U ity, where ha formerly bad a wile cvnneuontf U ! P"6?4 t0 f J'tnessed VdeWroy, rMy . nt wa'paper jot eaorht Utety, It . ht J-jwo of Ousco.lrj . Ooondaga .if iir ty, ;N.Y an ioatance of what Dr. .l. e(, -.kaiifttn rZ m;i xirtbaae Mi-mik-,,;" the rike,orihaUopen,or pennitany lLkoI,, county, i K 1 lT 11 li . t 1 scarcely second, we are iQformtd, toL.,t.i r -I-.k.ti .,tJ.4?i--About a&U ..-.. i '. . I iieraeiWMkv.i. on ut iaum nvrn w w zic or oesiror tne tame, not oeing oi- f nelrfborhood of Saliabory; wnera ht baaid to retted to adth pereoorr- t being bare bnxbert r:t ,;. - rv-v.. othorlsed ' t - receittr of - open -the ! : Birib Ae tAbwrboorJ of Mr. lion mereoi, pay iqd-doi exceramg of tna oountrr. ' i-L i .r ti.A-i n i.j uic ccicoraica wrpi : atnei unyrt Simeon Watioa, hard labouriog:, in dustrious man, agrd tbtmt 30, of ath letic -' habits, sanguine ' temperaaoeaf , about . month aincc commenced f treat hing in his sleep. The fit (as it s unquestionably t disease) commen ces immediately after lying down in the evening, and continues until ine twenty fence," dolln for eyery ,TUE FLNE-YOUNO -HOUSE- DESCENDED, from tat moat renowned Hock ot hiTrr-'Hw t' crcr bred ia EncUad XI SiiX and America, will aland tba naaiinir m-m mt fn dkllllL'Ill TtOWlll rVlktV ntatKHi of tba lata Arciiibakl ... ;U Xnnh rut from BaGiburr. at m AOitra Iba aeaMO, payable by awrtera WZa paid within the aeMon it aVfara (eaab) tba' ainle leap i and ltd? rWZr to iaeare a awe ta . ba with oL orovided tba broMrtVOf the aura j ta tot ebanredjbut 00 Lahuity;lor aecideata - can M admitted. ' ; A'nmmt will be fire yeart old next rpnnr if Such , Of- , ,A Rect0 hat reeeired a bint (the third one, improved ainc the bat aaaaon. m - ' aaAof Lyrici'a arjrt) to Wm oor mntv. It ndeur, aymmet and elertaca, -belnf i i. rue, mat JCaae 2d; Jacob Wer, of Lincoln county. U5uai. n 7 " ?ut they are proptrly put tip and directed. fJtJESi TTt rrIi"tio; t0 J concluded. Mr. Watson la a pi- No()e j, f.j io rolfl Jor cataract ia the right ere. Tbt pupil would I nua. reaneetable member of the u.irw, I . ... i t . . contract and diUt-i.uct of a pearl appear. :'ZZZ: eV. ,.r exccPl. ,oca W""0 T f vf . . .r . . iiianuii envstion tna nirc icciDic . w superscription. '. ' If tills injunction la Mnk.kL k fT -" k I.U ,l..l I . . " . . iti I . J. At All OEcrA Were tie wspaperi Are ,k'd eoaipaiuona, and mala tale of tbem at a ,nj Tet - eoiw,rocted aa in exhibit the foe tiled.- Poatnastrrt ahould ae that dUtaaee. V : : ;rr T . ' '.: I action." Ilia eonaUtutioaj is not only ammi bat rated with Scerpa'a needle on the rit-ht eve. I ter haa been much engaged to an awa- ; Out my enueavon 10 uepreta me eauract pro- kcOlDR Wliicn nas CZiatea in int a CI- I ' i. a." J Vk- --,K-r f tedVoonivcowingto a aoftneof the eitar. L- t Aw.. . s.wwi .lr-r we rudy obsert edfW number Of UlCfCiurv i wnwM cvurv VI V11C nceuie I , - . actt ".'and cut the cataract In piecea, and puahed aa inuch al I could through the pupil into the "antteona hnwour of the eye. I then applied plained conaidenibly of pain. , .' '; . 5Ui, f bled hint and rave him a cathartSe, which onerated aa an emetic Cth. Gave him - nil reWn i 'operated well, and pave him eaae. ..7th and 8th, tvy. 9th,. 30th, 11th, Cataract .mappeara broken, and that part in the aqueoua ja -Z-. aTettme lena, nui, isoca Home, 10 rxiurn in a In a few momenta he ia seiae'd with strong spasmodic Contractions of the muscles '6f" the chest and -limba-al-wava groansl and someiimea as if b great distress! and, when this par- oxysm subsides, commences preach ing, -or' rather praying. Our 1 infori mart terma It nreachintrrbcaiiae In treet, and hare the ayw operataj on, if j he U- .-...-ti atwAvA terma' htn ter. 17th. Returned, tbat part or cataract In , . 1 , 7. , I txj tn tnai ticinuy. j o on .iter reur- faur1 be tf reducedt--ing to rest, he apparently JaUs asJeep. I :.uder nolcirtumstancei should any part of the mail be left -on the, route, ? Aaron it about forty yean of are, but would I ,w. nrf kMhh- ilmmn and .fnnhta eisL P. 7,ff?' V ,.n0,u- b-ad eclated to endwra the greateat exercba witb- ra a little rrey. lie ia about fire feet and from eif ht to tea inchea hirt, well made, very black and - antooth akioned, - pleaaant ' countc nance, apeaka aenaibty and well, at fond of pUyin- the fiddle i and ia a plauaible, likely fellow. ITia clotbinr ia not known t but he ia anrpoed to hare with him ajpodtupply. : - I UC .UVTC IL.MU m 111 V V pMU IV m'J ITCI9UII out failure. He il a fine mahogany bay. tba color moat highly eiteemed by the rrea' fudrei on the oubject. and fixe from alt blen'ub orlmpeTfeetion." ' ronatrt waa gotten by the celebrated lav ported hone Engle his dam by the imported horae Dion j rjandart by Expectation, one of the beat aont of the imported horae Diomede who delirera Aaron to mt at my houae. free of w of. Medley -mart, Lb. Expection waa the jjirc aothat ehartea i or ten dollara to any one who appre r... k,M nu t Mn-tkamlina. bit. . . . . rra. - it. Jit'" -j i r.l .L.. '.'i"1" "v ' - SOOrt 'Of - its -deSfdlUlJPnV AOIS may J n""i anaarcureinim in wnr gavi,aoii .1-. iLT vtlz ; tthim. - JOlIN K iniEVARD, always be avoided by .Postmasters at tbe importapt offices keeping one , or more, extra mail bags r I am, very respectfully your obe L.l-i ' r u ' 0l& McLEA i the aqueouahumot all diaaolved. operated on nmiseix wnereaa Miss oaatr, wnen v f0uowio ,inKUlaf notification luaeyewun saunaerr neex .o aa improvea oy I ia mat state, aiwaya aeciinea naving -.tQ h. .tnntiA'in m -llUtaviUe Ala. tir Wm, Adamt, lacerated tha cataract,, and . t a. . a -a it I rrafed the cataract., and I k.- .krt .t5n. -rm-rl nr-.rkina, IT V " pushed aa much a I eould through the pupil . . ... . . . . 5- .k r 0810,1 P? 1 Into the Interior chamber of the eyei compVn. gt"0eT he icriptural reason, th-t wo- h at AWm . t t& of aome paimthoorh aot aa much aa before, f men OUgni D0tw. tCACn . r.::H, Cornplalued of pain. 19th, Eyt eaay. iotx cdm.TnenceA with a pra tVt.iii aa t vwi arvajr vvuvi . vuavi vaw aaawa pupil much clearer about tne aame in one or two w on, that wo- j a kfTr ,Wau N,v. iver ofordi- vHjeV WAtiaa. 'ma. Pavne ff ' on hU way to , m ville.Teoneiaee, and jo Russell- Kentifrky ; Dy the help of Cod I k hM ....j.. .Am. a - ' m ine centre, aiat. Eye i --; ...r.-" " r-- ine will meei au nis appointmenia in I ana ne went nome,w return jajjc! v..jui - - jtnjBMontrlli'ni-r eela.";": T?. rvT"""' Tbe d lacoiiraes fldentltr and onitecrn- lr'.crr "iLj-s.nu.A,. -aJ same aawhen he left ncrty -but i.r much about the w that 'part -'of the aaaa 'HBcaqieoTiii homor ia tIiolved.? 13th, t-operated the ihird time ; with Sauadert OeCdlei but owiria to the'ttoint of the needle the orifice waa made too large for, the ehaft of tbt needle i eonaequently the itre. -1 ona humor of the eve began io ttcape, which compelled me to withdraw the needle immedi. " ntely. He complained of. no pain i and on the 7 16th, I acaled him, and operated again, with Scarpa's needle, (one made by mvaelt.) f die. ''xovered (the Cataract had much diminished i 1 i .nuahfd aa much aa practicable, through the -IIUDll IHI'" iiilciniiUHUiiiiir vi viv .i.i uii 1 . .j -r is. i- . .r ..) ' ftjcompla ned of little or no pain or inflammation, and v w.t iiome. On the 29tb, returned I ex. amined the eye, diecove'red that the cataract waa dvminuhiri?V nd heaaid he could ace 7 xouch better, and that Ilia tight waa daily inrpro- nrarerlie la.toiairr insenaiDic aa to what irassing aroulir awakened until' the paroxysm leaves him. Some at first were i sceptical j but trials jwere made sufficient to con vince the most incredulous. During the existence of the paroxysm his bands are ao firmly clenched together as deeply to indent them with his fin gers,1 and. cause the Mood to stagnate under his nails. c Miss Baker's hands used to be motionless by ber side t yet shet like Mr'. Watson, used to move her head on the pillowj as If addres :3iWat liaaWd and iovehaa darti fig; : War breka headland lore breaka heart-; Jltmtnittt, Sin 11,' 1826, Prepare. to fteet your moo. i : r .--n- ' ''C'y HlkpKCTfir GEMU& ; 4 , Coofiert tfe Novebat, haa been appoin ted America Consul at trona, In France and embarked a few days iocet from N. York. It i aid ne wilt remain in Europe tbreorour yeara. ' At a parting dinner give j him In NYorkt he public ly declared s intention of writing a his tory of the 3ayj of the Veiled Statea. htdcUttmtsintar Bcttf$ Ara iy24M,I820. 3tlJ- TLaUoTlnst, TU0MA8.Ya.CANONr RESPECTPULLT Informe the faabionable wish to have butinets done in hit Kne, that, find, imr the rilUire of Cinttrd a more central titua- tion,he haa removed thitheri where he haaajBUtionejcept wheatakn to bo ahown at pub apaeiout ahop, and haa increased the number of I j;c plaeea.- Hie pedigree and reputation wiB ma woramcn, inun ureiwu w htui b wwi, 0- further Uluatrated in baiKlbiiJa, at tne cw- wnicn, in point oi eiegance ana auraoii ty, wiu mencement of the Season. , 99 ing beaten Knhicon, MoTly Long-leg fcc.- J celebrated horae EcTiDe and Hirtnyer.of wfr - land, were both hia grear-grandirea i and the famoar Horae Trying Chiklen, considered fJ., fleeteat bone ever known io England, or per hapa in the world, waa the grandaire of Eclipta Aeronaut will be thowa at the terma of tba Stmeror-Courta 4n SaliburT5taiejviIle. abd Lexington i where jrentlemen dispoted to view - a v if . m - i5 a -a -. a. riiraaecaaeJor-anemseivea3i nemer u not tha fineflt vounr hone aver nroducea w thit atate. He win be found regularly at hia VA. 23, 1826. ROBERT MOORB Stnt$JVtrrth Canlina, Xtwan ttvntft. ' . TN Efjuity. April term. 1826 Joseph La rm anrt Anns- hia- witV. llaniel man ana I'oiiy an We, unnatn isruruuga , Wmiu-.i hi. wiiA. U i urn Kihntr William nan . Met ahdlane-hlrirtfeTttloft fbr-the aJaf compete with any thing of the kind to be aeen in tbif country. Travellers or other Wiahing clotliea made at abort warning, can b accommu- 1al with a fun aiitt In 3d hour-." -' - ' t, T. V. C. is agent for A. Ward of PhiladelphMi, in aeliinr natents, and nvinc instructions in cut. tinCAQEfljtf4jr patent protpictor aye. tern . Anv nenon wishinr to beeoma nihvnk. to tha Fhiladetehiafishi plealCl:aa Weit-- eomplwrAanJInflving iM" ai iiiaatantL t-,"-r'-vaM-,-jua..MMw.iu.'c... "c vuun, n - . - : aacCofform eai' lb p uicmuru vtucrrui iu iuuuuiiivii v. in tk. tVMt.m n.mlimnn fnfthrA mnntht WC n71a1wXaalt1eM frettnii ihaU comi?T M-:.-tk.f ..ntA ihs tnM Ar.nAnt Da Be it known, that L JMtn tTanL at PhilndaT. ll Herman and Pollr hia wife.. William ' Yar. phia. in the atate of Pennsylvania, have nomine. I brouih and Wlnfred hia wife, William Elliott ied and anrinuitid Ur TKu V. Cnuan nffnn. X William Manual aAd Jan lit a tvifi. anneaT K . cord,' Cabarrua county, N, C.- and do hereby J Salisbury on the aecond Monday after the fourth constt'ute, authorize ana empower, tne said Monday in September next, ana anawer, 1 hoa, V. Cannon, Uh full authority to teach I show cause why the prayer of the petition a. a. w . . I. . . . . . " ' aW V 111 RkaS and sell patent, nghts to others ta use the afore. I ahould aot be granted, an order a aaie aaid Alk n Ward's Patent Protracter System of I made absolute, and they estopped from tnaktnr Taihrintt, In testimony whereof, I have here. I any future objection. M n to set my hand sod seal, thit 8th day of Fc!)-1 , SAU'L. SlIUsB,.ft J tuary.mC 99 s JtLLEJt WA?D,ib,1 j . Price adv. g4. jmt20 M

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