h I : " li iiuuv, v. 'n:j ! , juni; u?, YOK YH.-....NO. a in. ml tit t i ) ' . . f I 1 'l :r'i ! I. J t . ... J it f ; r u .ft Tit Irrrt d ttt !' Ka ;- ! . f t, i .; i f ) B -;. t t : s i ' . , tt (' -' f4f.J, mi!.; .H l T.I-1 " - Au-.A ft J'n j" I"; f) J N,!- LmUa k kiwwU AUaWl LL i ' I wV stba tka ttrv. J. I . . ... --. . . t, . 'f. fnuat be JU A. t t t 4 a a. , . :i a i t- U. ; r lit mu, r c T I ai. A.1 ABAC.". 1J i tr.'f:'e fnl f" ' W ,Vf Tl n H!'.WVJH l --t, H S f-f vf I fr ier:.., BA t'a U.r r It i r 4 J ! ' . 1, f.f il tj l J " .' , . f tw J ii ! I it I "H m' ' t I l' -i', f r-tz-t f it. , Nt-' i if f ' Uf , (AMI i M -v M pnrr, Vl M4 V1 "X I toft!n, tm4 M m.iiA MUt tr& i retry, "... .. - ii . . ti. I I.. I - H . V ' Tl ' M MM ttMM IfM li lol ,t '',73' 1S7 7X19 AWiifcli- 8tttnv .Malt .leaatmj.. B! twJlSi liktn, llokn cm.b7 hvolim, WUx3lkki Utklf m mSmnA, I lorut tiil?, M Mla' unvbf dxtr n,r DJ.g JVlW fof 7ljr, ll marVir IM Md lurr iiitf.l, tliLi hirK(U,la U4 luU lUn fuck lav t UWU4 tUt, b Uilft, Orwk, rMtU ltd kf tMj Ml4 TinrlRi Cmirr U3 U KWui U , tpk krr. '. . I local Owlr roi.tMa pU( UtMi U (4,MiMntrrctrfM4, TU rUr,rf J, oi t!f MtptrmttM-! tM) corpontio td AWtaaiHa, M tW, la tlvlr I fgf ft aorpo cWi fbtJ that tnct of tacMT UtaatviMMl lirnJtt, Ixp rVnlwr I Kjpat, tbrnk t ( mkJ U takJ cxr.ttj I coontrf wiu!r Uva TrvtA UnnVlai t!M tboi iv.u n7 iTMjoajarui mivmk nl iiwi gev frwat AMif (Mt lttKUUtt. IT" ' rt wLlnx xM parwrf tmj fmKtkat. try tO. eowtnw erf ttwCowpMij V t tJ ta ; ptinf and pomlnr andk count af a4tulo J U a!! art irpointtd U ttxir pLcm. tad KlMr4cplia, at .B M CkJaUHl tol . 1 JUkU fmriJxr nmJ, JUt (At vrftl&tlovat!.ipfurtca uirXI VnUct. rti Hf mi fctutitJ i aAj bm a kUrl at!! A tHki IMI ia lMMf, a4 i TUl tart act tTtftttnr ertaa) DraaA 1 tht CUr ca Iktfwt, to lAt M7oe, lr63(ff AAknora, h E If mkW If d Bm aai 0m .f 1) amaMM UmtSlMtfJmrtc U UwrtaMaitvuaj f i ii ' i. . i T i fr "fa cj ui Wfti na:;.H ;.: 1 bill tM.JaiutUtf U 1J n ! a I L-.tt;t. !e I fct tftrxb, tlgfjteea LuoJrtJ aJ tttttf-tti to4 tk Ufifftbf frtcl(J ta Lt ttii t,t lt fcrtit tf lift rt 9 . .A . . At.. At. H i t aRKf iK CtUfi ani Warriot f ( an! ttui atmc It ot unJci lit dlrtciloo t( let E.crttry tf War, in I full ccxjmU ef ilit miVo4 cot;tr.t4 trpon TxAlct or trtarl firrwt. . Tor iKt promt tl tb ptrtnatjen ta fiur t3 Iht Creak enlon. crtrtUeJ (or df lit bunk tnlcU U iKt I14 Trtity, U vim tf f ttity ibouii&o tJoJUrA. For lit parmtot of iht ium ta tbt ffUtvli ib4 foltowtrtof Otjvcrl K'lnt&tt, tibu!ati4 for It) tit tlnth tnkk of tbt uI4 Tmli oot Lnndrtd IboUMad tjol Ur. ' , . . , ' Tor (Ht Mrmettcf tt ttira to tit CrttK DAtioa, itlpulttd fof by tU tu tilcmentAl irtklt to th uld TrtAir tJilrty thoouoj dgIlAi . t or ctmtnr Into e Beet to itimjiilkxjl 01 lit UXUkf tUT.tt), t!btB, uatkr cnibt t&4 alutcDtb irtklet iit.4 to dt frty all otker tlDcout. (fendlnr tht MibfuJ tf enUoo oi Um MeriWoot o7 it aid Trtttyi o fcoixJrtd and twenty thotiuad doltirt.. rW, fifty fit 1U6. . m mw WMt ,arjaw "J W m MWNt. UMWUl . . M I r.tUl'r U lt VOrU. tiU VtUt aaaivl aI rtciT. In tlx mom rrrtL. a U Uftii th4 EiniU af tU ta Daboft. atct. I V " " rT 0,.o,?,I, CcrM t tttni.tya tot b lott atrtt lrrur at km Eatact i AtWU Tba to!k to I accvpWd for ;i.tH txmM. ticMijrl vTa ???? " w "U Vt a efMMrlxjarii nr b Ut la WnilL nIUI iV.A.tl ...li.kM.ik.ft.-MMLU L w il, Plaavt af AtaJMAaa their i(xlwrtH railjWkaovkJpaad lavloa'tona cm Um Unit Krcr turvatltt roa4, fcjr Umby. rrMtwlto, nJ r4 K twi Kyv Bt U imtitd to Iht &tnt9 94 tlu tirriamna . I iKa Lira JCmrm, mmA tKai IImoA lailtk ft t lltTm.ttr IIIiimiim tfmn iX tti . Ii I f I . fit ' tl IT-lfmJ 1 Tntt ul Alt ut . V - .1 L-.k. . m . . . . . . I . ... . T . .1.1 I -t . I I- .L. i tor uw mrpuw i - vt m nm w i ai aci. lor UAinr ausacmXioiMi u ua aud i birr itct n mat trtsoa Jrnrwa avarrar. tad i unnva mn anw w uuii Mit I'--- --v-. atock. - . . . .. . , . . nivdiff tMvUllktaatkaMlctMj kmia rMt4 iW. MT b It) U Ct a hf W a) r""'ta, , 4 I 'Lf aV Tkt tma of aJm.Uane .Q mj I CafrwKt fr,a taJer lit pm'vivm tbt aaj at. tlkem tftf fett ftxjnt tpoaj JHTetm ifrtra. aiMl ex . i . . ' ,w .7 , . .7" . Ti-r..7 ltd U that ca th Uty Court of tkt Comity tam5nf tkt aamt Utk, by Mxlkl Eoet. M 01 AIDtmt,on i btn woouay tji warcn btirait m lt.1 i.a is;itM pij er rfjoJJ, it!J t tut, tnj r. ,t It conilj irtjn it.f-ti' : ti t?t I'tl'r J &u'm my 1fr tiiia t ttt- tlftn tf tt rf ; i ; fti t ot 4 i f .fc ai !, ftic 3. ttfurihrr tunrl TUi tlSt imovnt rf kt Intirtif, Vc a iirrr tihrj iforriiLlttki. It cnt fc i'?, rrpney Ii tNr irtiwryi -.t o..'.f tin irproptlaii. ., , " n .I'll. l. . -. ' , -'- i" . . " I ' "jwr nira atKTO. irt ithi ot f aiq rrmiTtl i pti J auric M Centre u UteawtiL (wmtw) ihi lure nkwi mi m wwwum' I twmu YOVtU. .1 AOCaM jUalUcmM, WtUiaal ttatnta AM fAcrpua RflB fTWt nr f-- tk- flirt. a - ly kjt ta thb tttpmkm. . . ro.U, Uutrphrty f eak. tad TWt rryto Wlowtef lota i om kit, tpot tbkb lit pclUc T Uwrtt la UlkU l Tmi tAaol vP coa.avtMC.tihf mi orwdfAa, .LUat .-.-. J TTT I AaJL. U Jt.a, kLTlit 1 I htmt tktll ktrttAtf bt) koWtB tl Brt, X JnJhltartXsrnMrtt, TUtrtrrmitMtAf lot At iti fif? J I bnnmiHr, hfortkt atxtktra l4uUI . nvmy, 15. . nmnl, tofAid.nt pcdJfi(. vaan tiif, awl hi)i!oi,taibncinf ItA!tif, Orawnw, ; Corspoaltion, rrnrunatup, Aritbmrrk, VUtM joaltca, Hook-kap4f , larreyinf, lliatory and feoiraphy, RU pat 0iarUr, payaki u a4 Vaacti iivtructioaj U lAUit. Grrt, Frtach, SpaAMk; Mwkaad Dnwiaf, cacti S3 pr quAtv ; tcr. Hook, atauonery, tad etner eontmrw . mMt. Dltced to AeoouaC CkMbtt Iwa4 by rH pawntt, or plaoed to aoooost at tkclr op J. abort twelra yean of Aft, AppHCAtloa, men-1 A" 0 aotbonao the parmCTt of interest Ja of AkxaAjria ahall tixrttfter krrp tba aEadjrifit arrle vlUtaiad icm,'ait sonk-v tHU I nd tkt 6rU Uoif Oi OcloUrt At rood ki rt paii. at tbt txprnat of tht aald eoonty. I era conrae. tvo kaodred feet and ont other I llobllt, la tod for tbt SoQtbtrn District) - juiu-iTr.TAiLUB, iot,rpoa vtucnut uJti.Baecupia oy lM firt Moodat to Mr,ABd0OU.tMConJ Epeaktr of tbt Hooat of BrprcaentAtlrtl BkUHary Mtrt-tatpcr la tftoafi, tawtAloInf otat I if--.- y. Qciob. I. etek vttf t Prf JOHN C. CALHOUN. "-- 1co-rraUJt.t tf tko Uaiud Utet And -; -.t, Tmdenl of tkt feaaja. - Afpwrd MayM, 1836. . ' -' ' , w jotrx tumor adamj."" Aa M tt aoaw R Rt f 4 ta aad ftraW - to of It La4 QW r.nra tcrrkrt raatdffad 'vUr tkt oti4otf af tht art af tU arM.l af kiiixk, itaa ko4rd aaJ fr tttt& itf Li 2ro7 Otti Zmu at IUfirtMtarivr9 t fA tWi Jfr a Amtrif 14 Cffr rMcJt Tklt fsf lb Mrrkci roodtrtd by tkt lUtltN and Rictirtn er tbt nunl Uod DU trku, h ctrrytfl& iota ifTctt tkt act M Ikt rttltf of tbt purtkiMr f fut4a Unit, prior to tbt nf of Joiyj tgbtcca Ittmdrtd ami tot'niy, pmd ta tkt ttcoad diy of Mirtb, out tboataad tljlat fcondrtd and tvn.ty-or.ii tod tk MrtrtJ act! toppUBeaurf tktrtto, U Sccrttiry of tkt Trtimry. trlik tbt.au- CrcUdon of tbt YttMcnU (a adjliioo td tbt feci allowed by tbt atid act and wp cletTitc ury act t, Ahtll bt, abd U It bra by, jothoriatrd to tntk tack i.bwincA and tflffiprniitloa ta cac& ct tkt aalf otakcra, at ibU appitr ta t!oi to tt rra' lonablt irvd Ittit 1 wblcb allowibct abiHi b ao caatvaxcacd.lba ttptfxiitnrt la cbfttd la cltrk klrt, by any RtiluaV or Htceirtr, la conacqutryca oi tbt duilet tmpoud uport tbot oOif en br tbt oro iUloei pf tbt laid act, and tbt act luppla taesUrf thereto, and tht no-half cf oot)fc per ciotoo tit Atsouot af patacoit oufi byiftllmjulihrruotl iod dltcoootii CalcnUtlot tbt a!)i of tkt Uodi rtllo quUhed at tht rait ef lWa dollan pef acrtr PnvlJtd, Taat tkt atlovintt road on accooot cf p rxentice , bclaJinr their tnnoai aaJaryt aod loelddbj tbtlr com tnUtlctJ on tbt money act&aii pild, hall la do cate tice(d,,to any on oSctf for toy oat yef, tbt lam of thrt Uouuo4 coiura- ... . " Arted-kUyn,lt:ff ' tionlnr jum, ap. fce, recelred by , , , . ANUUKW l-FaNADE. faatnr ' of tbo CrwrrrratSoo At BaJfTB N; C. I ' '. : ".' ' City cf DaHimort. " A. l 1 am .a) a a. . a .v. at m ..7T rlczrcT 1 w;Tbtt, tbt tkt BdU diipoAitioo of weera &rtc&m. by ptnW bt. it rifkt MW commeaced b r h At Act to coprote JUcdrm rMktk tomrji ' "t"1" kotvdrtd fWtt tkt DUtrlct Coaruaow bU t Caluiiba, : for trtVpotUr axvd drpoailliir th au" jfai tm t a. A aLa a.1 aaUa.,l ta-.lt. I a Af? . i. TTA XaA L.U .L.11 v. W Y Mayor, Wkr, ALkro. anf rmy U JJXMS ' C M '. f Hit tBf"' I tht aail tbdr oarporatt aapadty, tbafl Um turod to "I "r "V:: J!lTH; 7 irWc Va CMjrrrW tmW. . - .w uil iwi iw',nvvt.iwwi j, , . . i i flufrm ,i vmrrrw inmwfii ' I pil II Ur.urc4ftusuttA4lhMVllcp. tht Cwted Sutet t rant of avmey, to bt u. " wmw "7 w nw aji i. lawful for tba Secretarr tr ik " MMha.wt r Hi rira am jfJj .tM ,s. i),. fMm. mm mAm MianikU tA. iSa aLt I ni 09 wiuiiar:iaa oecreury oi tat) ' ' " " " V w . w mw'w I AV Wfl i't.OA- W VAAWJ VMVIMT Mill Vlttf 1MW WWW " --w www - B TAJ-f Crma tnimlUJ, That tht rropr ac I War, iufadeit for. tht errdioo i WtnflnaV AAAtaaa 1tA "TW.M ta...aaAl.a . a.a. a.k A abV J f'a- aj THOMAS V; CANON, coooUnr officer! of tht Treaaurr DeDartioent I at a alaca vrthout tba Emita of i ka, aad they art kereby, aotboriied and direct' I doaigwttd by tbt War DcparU&eot. ed tt KruiJte tnd eettla tho elaiaa of thoCitr I ADOTtred MAtISI 1S l , ..!. . .... ......... . .!- oi vaiumort afaum uo futea suiea, lor inter. I M,7,,W W, Court iurtr procaefliflg- twrtoo ' - . v.' rr3 I 1 - I. - J Until DO BBO. ' . J,Mn.MMt. fH. .-Jal.l.t-a .,k Tk9PECTrULLT Inorrta the bthionabU I eat upxn money korroved, and actually ei.f Aa act aatborainf erUia aoUiera la tbt lata jb.b P t ma cvoimuniij, ana mi aaui m i iivikjcu btu, viij m lie ucicacc, uurinr mi atoUvtkiiainaaaooiakUGDe,that,Cnd Wf thtriuareof CW t more oaotral iutua. -8c. 3. Jtnd h U fir(X nati That, la aa. two, no baa rewjovea laitneri wivert no aae 1 1 ceruioiftf ua amoont or mtereat cue to tnt I JLf anrcaon aflii .J. . ,jtvj - h iu - . - - aptciouB ahop, aadAM tacreaaad Uia aomber of City-of. P.rumaro, foBowiaf ralea ahcB at CWcrrm aaaraOK 1 kat k tt tad taay ba ecproiBf ro ia prat ob oi iB.. , botf f f Bf)d f t,. ait wmiMivaaait pTn int err uvait be for a-y armfBtaUe.w, or their procetow UlIoa and depoalw, to tU-tlKa'teja. ktch.U Dointof elcrmJica aad durabiLtr. ailllcomDUted on bat aura which the Citv of fUNLlw.: . JLl kaw... u.U ka... la. . l irmMwiUrrS!L 1R5&. - -, vv. v, eompett with any tkir of the kind to be Vat. mora bN nr to, tht beaefct V tkV17.1 aTI VAtVCrV2K bToenTai tVa . T " L-II -at-a. a- !? ."" from. , latfua country. - Trartllera or othera, wiahiaf I ted StAtet, which tun ahall ba erideaeed by tory rf ArkAaaaa, and which bod la unfit forZK clotKei maila at ,hort anmlnr. can b acoommo. I the amocnt tcfunded or maldtA tK Cjr lk.iu. .- A. Maw - a.hI "tut arcwoAt v t7 -tt . w- - v w j ww Baaa oa r av aBOBj BawCBal w aVtAr bwAp w aa a b aaBrwa taaCs wJtT avaaBaBaa I dated with a fall auit U 36 boun, I lUJtirDora by the United SUtei i that mo inter. I kraAer remore. to tha aud Temt(rr. witk a I aortktra Oiatrict of N. Tork, be certata CAaea - T. Y. C. U agant tor A, Ward of rbHadelpJua, I tat ahall kt paid oa Any rum oo vkick tha City ticv io actual aettkneat oo tkc fenda by thetq I Btll tnattii if tht Strut ami Ilokti h KHinir pttpt, ami ri,ifir instnictiona in cut-1 of IUhimort ka tot paid Interne i and that I r!rmnwia all mu-Ji eaaa. Ivm it th.n ki ta I RirrniiivtM pf tkt United Stttta Ana aceordine; to Ward'f patent protractor tya. when tlM principal, or any part of it, baa been to arpear, in auch marner ai tbt Commiaaioner America bi Conrrtf utinbltdt That iti- V " ,w VL tent. A7pem,ni.hlngtobeaubwiber paid by tbi UrJtWSUta to tba Chy of Bahi. rf tErnwiJLaMOffice ahall dSTSa 1Z?nT .rlf VV.hVtl ItVfVS lhem 1tkmti . ,tece th. Juctiotf of to tha PkapbiafAabioUwia pleM. to call Wtka htereat aa tba aaraVfmid ahJl StilrAX rf trr eeaae, aadaot aa toarreabla to toe United pnper dirtrict, tba tkclaod patented ta tkem T , 'v w v I thirtieth tf April,' OtJ taotnaad tiffbl See. i.' Jnd $t UfvrthtT tntttJ Tbat It ahall ba Uwfol for tbt Secretary of tha Trearufy, In hia dlacretlon, ta Makt t liko eanpcnntloti to tbo aereral Receiren of; Public Moneyi for ilmuif terricei bf atbiaatand. . . Jtf Caacarc; Coktrnu ta. JU. 23d, iVit, ' Ta erf hM tie pmntt haS tme. Suut any lonrer than to the time of repayment, ta unfit for cultivation, aad a tbo Bur-cnder SCO, 3. JndUilfimJrtnacte4. That tha the tutent ta theia arrmnted. kecamn nmA with """ wn Mwnunw ai i aucw a rtieaaa oi uieir invreti M Luo L.otnrDia Korthtm DirtHct of Yew York, whto buDdrt iIK eJMe,B. , tb tserduB j tha povert-of a Ctreult Coon a Bntni a. h. and from deciiioni wbfch maba adt iPP-May 22, ICg, ' .. . . . .'. . . . .. a a I a . .. . . . ' . . . . r " VVUU.IV I IJU J WUI Ii iJtniiiowii,tot fot i-ftiiaaew uoreaaAj, h Cireiih Court for tha Southtrn 7. 17- .... . , phia,iothtUteofPenniylTinia,bArenon.inA. Trearary, wH otbeiiaa arruted. . aoch aoldier, or hia beira, mar loata and enter 1 T.' i !i 1 . ii SILfv-II! K"..?? "l?1 Wkwitetieeakt for tht PuU ted and anoointed Mr. Tit. r.Can,n. rf Con- AoDrored-Mat 20. M . S,s R.., Diatrlct of aald Stall, In CtUiet hereto- bulldlon tb Waahington, k for other purport. a - a - w a bw a ui mmm "v a. a wmw ca-wiaa aaa j-h. aur achbv a a . a ar ... av . a . . , . . - proper dlatrict, la tba Territory rf ArkAnata. '0 V 'A'u rirv, , - " V,1" atari ia 1 BAli-aBaiBi avvHtttV. N - af? (atirl An Kaf eonatitute, aulborist and : empower tbo laid Ab .?.9nenu"f e u8tAtea Araetulia ThoaV. Cannon, with full autbontr to teacbl , . -vV., .Sr V tnactci by the Senate end lloutt bf and tell patent rirhta to other,- to uae the i oaid Allen Ward'a Patent Protract I : "a W. I ' BFBJ according- to the aecUoBaland diTuional Bnei, tbt laid Dutnct loort allUne; ai a cirt I Rehretentativet o the United Statet tf natedl cuit Court, to Uo bupremt woun oi tot Umefin h Congrtu tumbled, That thtf Protracter Sjrttem ( -Tmhriner" In teatlmonr wnereor, I nare her "unto act mirhand And teal, thla 8tb day rfPek- be, 'and U 1crtby; auuioruted to oauaa to "bo t tbt peraon ao locau'ng oertilcAW iecl am.... 90eSmf W a tsa.9 fiavann f. t J I a IhA imk n Af luanata ca A..talla. I . . . .a. 9. "rW-l JTIaVT, iOwOa , yf AaUa.Cea VY A 11aJ fCut, "Estate ot JoluiT. Wodstns t IiuE aubacriber haring qnalifted aa admlni. X : trator on tha eatate of tha late John P. tame tnanner ft following aoroa bo, and the tamo ire) I hereby, relpectltely appfOprWeoTTo bet paiaouTOi any money in mo t rcaaury tor tbt follow j wn. ... . ... , .v... rynif tut ouArter or ftair aeotion of land ao loca. I Aa act anthoriiinr tha payawnt rf intereat due not otherwiat appropriated, I . ... . ...-. V . . i wu..Mw-.r vi .... lawi vrace, a ua I n. u ...tt A St itnA TJnumm nfl . . tvti k n ih hrM tarr. in uen m moan ai inn limn nrmniM in i:. .:aT. j v ..a a- . . . i ajr t nmtt ww . v I tuch turtoae i Pmiikd, tocbaitt can ba ob. ,A i. . m. k wata a i:.J vlJJeArraatetvre o rtf lwVrrf Srttr o Prealdent'i Housot for tba I A . 1 --Fwaw t B'aA-w.iaBi ivi wacv awru avw IVULCU. T nodWr dee;-dealia an pertona Indebted to "P0" reMiubkterinswjtbaptopet U.er Via ecrtMUBUa aforeaaid eball bo 9naUmtHe$ in Ctngrttt fyuKiUdt . -aaid eatate, to eomo forward and tnaka aettlc. f io V", IT IT . V! toT..mfor thet purpoeef iWA ThAtbeiora properAccQUWlnf; Qijiceni of Jh Tret' entrardAntnowT..rH,g-cIaImT-An ljtfJ!l dtGAM of fwroo ata be mcftfedrtht lury Pcpartl6nenn0hflf0-titrr ertate, will preaent them for aettjement, proper, P!0' a5T?Sf JV PPnnt n aatiafy tht Regiater and Receirer h, 7,n,BOriMd and directed to Uouldato yieaa ii) oar of tneir recoreiy. -f i room la tbo purohaao of Tlt tjb j furniture, and Jbtvnpalrt of .Ihi Ilcrtjje, , , tht lum of. tweoty-fiyt ihouiand dojlara t forTuTTirabmfnbrTvmsrintrp ; : MCSHACK PUfXSTON, odrnK -Ww. 21. 1835. 93 and Improving the " irroiindi cohnecteJ with tbt PretTdenr! Home, the ram tf Sec. .2. Jlnd he it fwt)F enacted, Tbat a torn mn ar hw tha mnrt)B r a. rn. al Tark. aaalnit the United Statoa. for Inter-1 five - thouaand efeht hundred and ii- aot aieaadinf ttweat tbaiiaaad dolbm ba, and atiierviae; ; ,;- 'A I eat opon loana on moneyt borrowed, and tyfirt dollart f for continoinp; the work I oy j.tr, tor tna use ana i on. me v-piioi, wo inm oi one nun ited Statei, during, tbt I dred thousand dollar! j for repair ot host) vritatn, a : a I tor fire engine the turn of three hundred Stan, tfjfmttk Carolina. Ktnurn erwnrv IN Equity. April term, 182JJ. Joaepk "" abaci aBBBai AaaaaaA- bV Lai war, fa . Ylfih.aV awaa. Bj,v bbiiba -a iiaiaa caacj wiive - r " . ' j " . w I IJUla. A stuLJ aniCrval aUa Ual'tJ UvOn UlwCmtTU 111 1 a, jWla. 1. . . - . a? af f "' n and Polly hit wife. William Yerbrougbend of, tU I either node abort menUoned, no title ahall bal ' SeCi ii-heUMIf'A V0 miwMrPlWtk I"rm inaKertainlng the amount of Interest, ai drel, four hundred dollars, to defrajjae) fiel and fane hia hs'e8tate:iThe a. . ... .. . .. . T. J .L. r tJ . . I 4 irfm'!t,'ta.J'-'ai-J!l.5a, . ' .a. -. . - ,vitbaTiStTe r.fat)nlkabltoat.d troternlflr tbo Mwi?toitp vv BAiiikACAiiar art v aawa vmuvum v w w...v r - r r - --a a - . ? . 1 . I a 1 . a ' . . .a . a I anr ft . . . c " B. . . . A ' ..a a . . I , , - . - , - ... ... . A.J'AriA-Al. .-.J at. HM.at,l..t!. a'. aa. .. I t? Wif . a J' .L .A t a a... .L.a.tf' M iA" Ka I fatCBCI S.rVakaBl A "alt 1 I A., m ik," a bV 11 AH at ta1 I B u 18 tnerefore eWerrft, that ptibiicatwn te maae j ""'yam All - War . A : A . t1 "' A ''a i.-"'ia. -rCB.iA .AJ.arl la the Wettelrn CarolinJati rWeatbi tucf appiriAUnda for ibt support of : eesive!y, that unleia the laid defendants, Dan. - fcl Heiroan and Ton hia Wifrr Will!sm- Tar. Towndupa, not befcra provided for, ermirfn ana.Winfred bia wife, William tiuott,! ita; ir wiiiiam Manuel and Jane-bia aire, appear atl MJ tentauvet r tnt Saliiknr nn fka aamnit Man1. .ftar tha fruirf h I CfiMfM tlltfmhleiL jiforesald, due Aoihetato pUteoMf f- ; the foUawiB.ittletahallbt tratoodjiiJ Thrt . wife i Petition for the tale of araeoafc with .the. groand aawhkh--tbe7ppfore4 ctniplIafrttbaf Itig1 1ft0w'te j atwid, eaaa may beat otwidtrce to tbopoblie n "" ' aB . . .1 . .B. A a I CaiMaai ii A AaAavV AatAs 0 Ai aA AatA aaaA .amc"ipTaaakaak .'jJi. . - . ' V at. WBi ' CaBBi jaV'f' ,'BAafaV ' jaak'taABAanlkf 1 &.utaeL-e)MrwMB. irned deferidAhfaAre not realdentt of thtatati,f " Approred-May 1820,' - - - - - I tat aUaamC aaaafl aCk BTBBAaAt ATI BBV1 aaAa 42wALi tAAfaa aab -bb.bcai teaUvirf IHUUCM U9 1 Wla ft VcTIITBlf IIIW4 lUlajri?"! 111 vi vv aivtiuvuit avub iitaaa bbw,..ww tweatycotidifiiaIeiftte .nT nm wb.ch Kaw York practicable, ..f i Amerkin ot domettfe t 7 Tr-TTTrf hat not expended .fdrjhe use' and benefit manufacture. tedStatea and the CreekJaation, ratified tbt I wit t First, that interest shall ndTbe President'f Houser shall bt,f It far ta Dcuuoia in ccTiaiH vwnauipa ana rracuonai i iweniy-aiz. i . - .-.a. j.i BE (raMrf bteXtelhirfaept fa tb. United StiieiravMenced b'ftM F SecT3T-f oe HrJurlherenaetediTha ntntrtlmft United t tnt mt .ilrm t I ' " T " f ,1, . , , ; , . . ,. raA,ir oeanr w fJmertettn I", f r;-, . .Va- York, tht, Cftrnmlaalnner of Public Bbildintra TbAtoojakopwiaionfor aiid tbeaAma are hereby, iprapriated, out of by tha United Sutet Second, that no shall hereafter recelro the earn of two ,,-..Hl WH ,uw rvwinf Ptoinip pii, uw iww. a, i - j - .."- , wv,wivii ivi ibim ma awiHw b t.i;i y pa a aaatiBAaaj VU V9 I W . - . 1 aata a A Monday in September next, and anawer, or f tbt aupport of aehoola, m all townahipt or frac any money not otherwbe apiropriated, to carry interest sball be paid on any , sum oo I thousand dollars per annum t JW salary, how eauie wbr the timer of the netition tional townabiDt for which no land baa been I into effect the Treatr COnduded between tha I k;-k .h. ka nt nid Interest i Third, ttobcnaidto him aa other salaries art Daid. , ttould not be granted, an order rf tale will be heretofore appropriAted for that uer in those United State aad the Crekk nation, tr the ,. 9t.,n .be. orlnclnsl. or an Part of and anr law heretofore tut horizine him .T' erwlora elerkinhlt office shall ber mum iuluih fill r-i:iif ill. . .. ' I m.irr lain. ciiti.Taiciii. luctcui. is uw -law u.mci. I WHirvai. im raimeu iru .u. iw.niv avrfln 1 1 n I a . I - : . . " ...w e.t . . ' I . j t.. . j r .n. if ..u t. i Tlia i. i m a . ' .i . T" 1 T T Wl Stat A ar mnner' ni sac a. SHaiaaa.'vn, cm. i riee adr. g. " ' 3tnt2.0 ed to he reserved for the rapport of tcboola in April, eighteen hundred anl twentyaii, that it I United State,or monef piacea m tne and me same w aereoy, rcpaawu. ewhtowaliip,tbera atafl kt rejmed andp-tt aay: For tbt paymtat ef tha atiaa ta tkthTdsof Yat W 1- 9 Vi.?Tt ill. A aiaic ':

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