i; I t 1 c. A-ri i " V i t t r i - ' i. 'i J f : 'f, J. Ur -f(l ( f ! , ,!! ' ' la, t ftl 1 umi fr fkHo' 1 ,' ? k .M ti t tltf HtM. Tr t iUt .( CuIau:Ii aa C1itaMrf.f1l. l8nUfN.C.tf. The C33.UiH Oot'iiM his lrn.U4 e;a lha M.iaU a tU,r. at.4 eoV.:o tM AU-tk tad , r . ...... IVlo t'Jci, ll tU pursuit! 4 liJUa . - - ) tUa tOO t ad It tWtdy U the Mr. Jk Wn, f.V, U Mmh War t.a -i tUAm. li -..a 4iftd hit Br!. fMilmore. eoB.ra.rud ukVJe WW W - mm - W . wJ,voclr' ... 7 - . p . , . - DuHnr ik tkocw!r norm oa FrUit -twln U wek. tbt kmmr ef h TW. in the Hnf PrctitrtaB Church. f.H i V .V JLw Vr! - fc. i k..rHMiMN York te IM Car Ap.il, ,tio A4I! VUolU M toe- te:xcuS SS5?JSJc JnihtJifcJriy. ' eV.h.r, lholrt ''cIdcWid4 t . TU ByU fat 0im cjoiilaft w 1 !. kN, J. VMftffectcdbT i troi M prTl lh PeniientUrf tor tU . . . ... ..I . T . i r J. of llehmlnr. klck ttaitd it ta itrLk. tB tn with totMrMr forer. - - A ma bf ike Mme f DonJpi; n riikmaiu ililed, ta Aojtuwr p. on the rarnln of Ik J34 ohnnotben whose .mt in CUrk, by HabUflf Mm b the bed,. . . . , , . . frV BrKk. wife of Dr Wof !l!ahiilDr ooSuodtt tftobr. ibft 29th UMMirneia. v ft. wii iinni qcio or 'yu ; . tka th!pfPftctc. c.p..fa. . T,r' ,rh(l5,, ii0?1!0 rrru.erpoolrmiht m Tb UcUfttort of Conwcdcui ad- :-iRird tut weet. An ci wit twitea ' M(mt familftt from beinr ImDrltonad ' tn9 i,k : " . avi - VI!l1.m P. Hoo. wte tried Utelr- (o .Ttrf. rfmi v.. tat ihk tAutder af iuWilliim Slmpton, a trro trader from Nonh Ctrolini-Tha tritl Utted from i Mnnrl.w until t rlCit. Wfien IBB tl0 Wallift" winwutw mm m rcart . vwabmlttcd lo tte vnrt, wbo loona a wmTw. wb"" - w dkt-ofoitlyt ndilhtprlwertt orderad for extcmioo oa the SOih oJ tbtij a s. I Xaonxo. r - i - If B t I ... ID r. UCf DflKlH lf -upyuricrui ojibbjci theory ii now leciann in Albany. Doctor HolleyJite Pretldcnt of Trin ,.a vtnia UulTertttT. it toout to we a 7 .--.. . r -.. !.. -i . ..if - . Itdoteo iinK Rentlcraen i of LetioRton, ? lour lorouKii .utvuvf wim iwui Han ; under bit cn-re, ior wdkd inry .ra to i p-ybim aiJOOetch. . -. , : l A man wet auica ur iirnininr on ..torday taiub the neighborhood of Jeo ,Linton.N. J. , . ...... .-..;... . f An English writer hat ditrovered that i" the family of Rallm in Enebnd, are lineal deceodentt of tbe last Christian Emperor . 'I'm.. . . .. . - - I f the Greek-... Somt of $ba.Buthif wJ1,A ta tha 17. S. T;, ; Purtnx 'tHe Ihunderitbrm in Virginia, on Sunday the 18th ult. tcveral houset ,-vere ttrucklo Flihrnondand itt wlnUfi i tnuwrirantatioa w .v... r-..vM, -"eleroenU; -JJie celebrated Dr. PcrcIUhatluuedl - Ppectoft. for,. the . publica j !. . f. lA.ff.n. I irrti-iy Micrarj p', C .w. Shtrmao, of the tteara boat Chief v7uatic lltrthalU running Trom Albany '.to the city of New York, baa trrannd a ennve ntent-fthower otio on ooara 011 . boat, for tha ifratuitoui ue of patten-1 During ff tatft Ihowern man and wo- m-n , were nmea tyuhtaing-10 loe ,vi t chritf of -CWiaeralIoc4 NeIYor.ha rneeMn? ' ' The mW-wti tWnailil bit aupper, ana ma . woman wat in ine 1 ' ' door of a bouse directly oppotlta , both 3:h3 '6n;Sattty:tablngJaiuJfr Briffht. an old and re spertable inhabitant , i. 1 of Dreshertowo, Cpp? r Ouhlin tOwmhip, I , wat -instantly ameu oy .Hymning, wnue .;. standing on bit : pump axir beneath a - i largO popur tree. raiiaaetpnut paper, . itnhrrt & Co&n. better Icnown at the i ni'. JI..'- a ,... '' ' "Boktoti t.-BardT...has commenredati ac;imubt in til difectiont. . ,. t0rt against. the editor of the Salem Matt! - An, May JLetteri from Conttan Gaener for ft. litel, b tayingvthatl bitirhiople, of Aprirlayllil -courier f reseat mitfortunei hw ttca the re-1 f 1 tci ; f tfw. bt kit Crri t s)Tttrt ! jM-aMUtttl ait f' .' tafwuh m.ft wat.ioM.nt, In Tbel.llewtttCeM!ie,e.yft Ike rV Lad Qutia,.i a f 'jrf 1 a . ..i J ii ..I.wrM MM hat iff ,B ,FP I f m ft .--Urn - - -j ' ( . . I f r ..I ViV. .... u i,f,i)o IUft. pftmettl WII 1 t r ' f I . . t Alft.f.L I Ail 1 ia hA thrift uAfii uri viu I om.; w - . Tk Comlttloor irpofatHtir tb I Pre liieBt of the United Clftltt, 10 fit 00 DiMrktof CoJgraU, kT ndt ft Mite lft) -l-t row-oV 04? tl AmtuJ,. oq Onnhtr Poiai. Werrtn, occoplcd kf Mr:Mo Cot, wt. ttmek by liihtuIo oa Sund.r wo weekrf, ta yoonf mta oimed ioka M.yberry. ttcl W,iooa.of Mr. toon.,, Pi. wttbittnilf kllletl. - t itwi wukvi hiw TbaRkodeliltiMlAmmWrkMbKli I'ffc,"llk" " rT.h".m. HuZ fJtrJ 1 bel a Some oflkeM .r. for lrpoM wf ift. toiwR mww iwwi u for lha paltry tnodkum of BSOOj 1 Tba-Aotomtioa.Chett-PUTer will - thordt fU rtn.oed frott Wf w York ta Dotton. A toana nu ktt offered la oca of the New York pur to bet 8000 tfoiurft wita aecttmy tor nt pwiarm, thalrk. - Vitvderlra't tpleodid pkrora orArid - ' ft.f.a.l"-.. .i!k! J . Dt.L Bet waif a it ai piricni eiDtoiica i ikb I .... ...! . . 1 3ooa, v.wi mtcif prwonnww 07.iatt,c rh.klcb WII rtteCted bf ft OM.OT iTcnerable Me or Montkello the mott beiutifu! ptlmlnjr ba bad e?er taeti. , Peritlona witn upwirciw iwo Dnt - I. t r - r I inirrft, pniinr tor ixpcai tw iot rem - In.nt of thao!db!ue I.wi,ttider which airr n umcr wit . nr.eo wny oouira Hftrtford, foc.ihlbitla ; naeammoo oft-iieift bl ftEfUUT ana ocxicruT oi poavi bie been preteoted to lha Legitltturekf ttttm fcr kj, Grece the Duke of (of Connecticut. , T 4 ; ; , f I WeUtotfonT J : MJUt, tw ciyuiKu, iw TOftfti IODA1. JONB 11. On the 4th of AIawva Cabinet :Council wat held at the Foreign . Office turn-1 monict lor trie imttonrroi whiclr -were I lawttaf all - ft h(ft ItAli at ff.ihl . . I ha I CouncU did not break up before 4 o'clock fa be morning. t j... loaooar attT -1 A lurv Blthvrlntlnft hak MMW .( l I London - to "relieve I'ba-- manufacturer!.. CpntTdble outraeea are occurring In trl. tn( rtoiinrlt . LanI 8ainHra. ftftti 1 th Bank of Enuland 1000 1 Weit India pBDtert in London 300 iDuko of Devon thjre sooEarl of Darlinjcton, 1000 j 0f Grove nor, S00 1 Duke of VVaHini? ton 300 1 Dukaof NortbumberUnd, 1000. The rTMihcheitef and Liverpool Rail I Rod Bltt baa p-tied tbe flam of Lorda. iri larre turn wat eubtcribed at I manufucturert. Amone the lubtcrintions yM theXing of England, 2000 Marquit . Manehe.ter- Tha latest infellirence uy thaf thingt had become more quiet. I The Intelligence, that large sumi bad I been raited for ther relief of. tbe dlt 1 Mrceu, aim atacuiuif vi 1 I had the effect to timet and disperse the! 1 I .L. .....L IM . Ima... 1 ..- A . . O A . . 1 ow aoy . pounat 1 iiora oiunncrt 9W(irelana. frota retmss ua irnyftj oxrmeiiAe im 4 Apil uatu ue lew 01 Jane t 1 f t c , 3 !' r. if l'rrft . f. -'. 1 1 i I.: win r - t - . f tf I " f t! li 1 list f- ... Wruif II nr-.t;.:.'if H II . i ... tk mrei ! Mri'.r.f fcf Tuf kWfc Cod tilAii UlM lt tU tlt I lit! fut U ir.tf. L!n fad UtVcm t&4 Titntt April S3, I9iU CU1 lMiutt ItU )cttt i -f re Corfi t4 9h ApUt I racfiikiq M(kr trrlrM f Um Unci I IftnBfklf ml I flfk AA IAMftM kR HMnM i rw f a l ri4 fti rn ftV aIjI mm ft Wk vkftail-a the cbniiUn work of ChrMf,; Tkfff Jtf Cftrfi k4 Utoed ft imlkr fto.lfe - - 1 lure the fcinrt to nnot)oc to you Ikeluppv Mtiof tk deaikof Ike fa- moot Ibrtkiad Tkle tw kit boco brtwxkl fikUDf ' frota Prrmui to wblck plcl thrte Ttrurt kifff txra Htf !?.rTOVwi?. ? ffltXabL Sm kl.irooD. J" "J Ti U 17 5 i L c' TJ? l!a."l"" t.. n. . i i. 771,7.0 klm,.iv4kafcttoaikatDot. . , - Other Irttftrt from Z-STe, br wiy of Triettrfewnlrm the defett of Ibrthlmt- l7U.?t tuu lnU mo. rucot kft the RuiJio Arabvmdor. He tbowed rat kttcrt which he bad igat re ctlred, direct from Corfaf end which nrt kint pathira ferorfBttioa that Jbr' him hid been taorully wounded b ta ittftck on MIitoloathL - - The jmeromeM of the Netberltnot it i ..... . r !,u hr.fnrf.rt. f Meh aa mIlio. r. I Joho RotMlbrooitht forwird kit I ....., . . . i notlna Cor Parumentrr Reform on I " . . . jt 0f ;.- , --...,.' - t ,A.t4- t,, ..rflwii , ftrr., Utrwi ,u-.-.,.. ctajMni f hi. 1 ky.. 1 , 1 -..r.t,., TM Emperor of Rattle bit ordered ht HtmtnV 0f gmoiewkoV formed by pe,e,tbnrt,1oc.lled In future the u.tM..t -t tv.ii . Cidi. Potrhilli of the Draroon Caardt I.. Luedi. En, on bet of a hundred I tovarelrm that he would walk Eft mllei. I drive-fifttr and -ride fiftf makbrlSO mUett In the tpace of twenty-four hour accompluhed the tatk 4o 9 hourt ana J aninMifta . ' 1 . - . : tord LWerpooHb reply to a qtjrtt-oo put bt Lord Orotrenor, announced tbe determination ' or the - trorernment to M-!nliJn . La.iitrAlif t. tK.au Xjtr ara.n thft'Greeka andiha Turka."-vM-; L . . ..; . .w r- Extract of a Private letter of the 10th of April, : r from Madrid. ? For twd dayt the troopt in thia city have beeH. under trmt, . and they :hte bivouacked iuruie the . latt two niebti. The array of military-force la atuibuted jta icenea whlctr ara. taldio have pasted at . Araniuei ta .consequence 01 an; at condi- twna reported to have been impoted on him are, the expulsion 4f minitters, the diftbandmentibermyithr re etub' llabmaat fjthk ioqutiitioai turn of tbe Fencb' troopt homer Ifit Majesty bat juft decreed, that the placet unaer government mat oecome. vacant, tball Pot be filled up, unlet tbey.be in jli.n.n..hl. . .i " ut3iiwi uuamij 'TlfT-i'- V From a record kept by g ftenemin near Boston, it. it atcertained that aboot teventy yeart ago, no rain fell there from t JciU. ijlfd 1 Ilk of ..;.. i" ; ; f . f : j i ' ,' i ( 1 1 i ; ; 'i, i i i . t i 1 1 Vt'fil ll-nlt I 0 !; ii , i i I J ! . V f t f ! 1 M I, 1 . ft . J W'.f.irn'l'f ' J f V -BTrr.i:te 'fi .cn-f l IMIItj''I tilt IT-t l.gttfTif,.ftt H AUtirsi, t,4 ahtri, fc rniMin iAtc!.'. i)bt (n;MJ -.ji-tti4A ta M It ffatlt fct f l.)rn 19 krm ft tOffWl ft tltloa oa ih fwtjtct Tit rctkor.l lur lilt ranttr irni la Uf tka Mmui fefMH( aiUk 10(1 'l kit tf U(omri a lndc;t4M fttuj Ike CtaiJinf om la tutmi4 ta Ike fur lotatfttUa ct allck rituli a4r ttrrliorU) tf trnmftu . Yi ire ivM"1! l keif it fhw rxrnjfftM f i! .fM, iJ' txctfl 0. A. C. JrnL coiomuj nav tocjzrr. - . At a ccvirlSng ttbe Rn'?h ffxlcty tailllary ta the Amtrkaa Cbtoeludoo fktrUtri to the I4'h Intl. It wat rttolvtd tM tha Trenerer call a poo the Suhttri ben tor incuher a&ebil tubacrlpiloa, and ikt ke ramh tka tmocBt wbtaeoUtcud ta tha Trtnortr f tha Taftat Botlety that BaUcrbtioa Dok U placed b Ike kiadtof Mr.JoMph Roitf foflka put- pom of oUtbtei tmxe laetabert to Ike rVxletyf aadlktttke rlacretaryaddrtiti yj-tm I. tka aaa.r.1 Cl,m-rnn ml ik. City, bbahtlf of thia SocUtjtrtqaetUet thtm ta cause coftetk ta b made b thtlrtavaral caogregaUoat 00 tha Sea- day.precadiegthe 4ihof Jelytor tome other Suaday b thai mooik. . . . . At this fiaetaog.Cot W. Palk was elected Frttldaat of lha tiocUty, ta tap ply tha vacancy accasbead by ike rtJr aatloa of John Branch, tq 1 tha Rev.Mt af Iopraetaat. bol H Jaw fcm DrrMThtewrt wat electadooa of tha VkaPreiidott..b-the plate ef Cot Polk 1 and Mr. Stephen Bird sail, a Jf ana- re ta tupply tha ncaocy occtiboed by JftdgPoturitemvilf.oa. the city. mm. . .,.. icrova toe euona 01 ica uoara la ite r Tia tet.tt-iA.nfWu4-.trk.lwark tka most impoctaat of anv cvtr tta EoglUkpepertcfthediurt.t wblrk Dri .7-I ' .-.'. f ..'.!'. f aua among u ManvtKivring nttcti kateulted much'tympftthf oathlt tlde the wttari and the last M-rceotlle Ad vcnlier anaouncet thebteotloBof tevcr .1 k-XuLnl lnk..Ir.n. r-IW. .Y., t.l . mmmm wlih w - a w v tend a cato of flour to Eaclaod. as an . . .!... - - " -' X .. . . .!!. lha digressed laborers. - - - Governor Doval has rttomad to TaHa- hasaea fiora the Iixllaa Araaev la East Florida, and rt Doris that tha Indiana had . . . . . . .. . turreadered up many of tha nmawsy V - w - grocs that had sought protecifoa troong them, a no exoecteo to aeuver no me re . . a mm . . naiscar la the couraa ol a -lew daft - ta . . . - . .. .. . '.i natud over to lha Hthama lalanda. and . -i t t . iiiut tHiuty MfTcr iron inur owners, . , ,., , , STRXYGE C01XCIDZXCZ3. a -vrM vinr twuwnji ! j . - r n ilttaftaa art eft e WmT - 1 1 - - 1 .r- . ...... '"1" " r'-,tJifre it a man now living in tne I m - - . etmntr 01 mcw- loodoo.-who-waa born on3andajrt.nitrTiecl.i woman that wm born on Suodaj, and had a child born on each dty of the week the firat oa Sunday mominir. tnd 'the .. nn ..,iirtw t..K, " ' . It reminda ut of the plan of t tner. -..!: .1. -i.. er, who wished to do aw.y the brtju. dice pf aailort igthtt beginning a tor. age. or indeed any other business, U a fridar. Ue bid the keel of bit bib oa Fridar." bunched heron Fri- d.v. atmrd hrr trt- PrMav. h- ... inaured on Friday, aent to te on FH. day, and, as it turned out, the was lost ft ft . mm m Wt mm op friday. . Hartford Xtrrer, . . ; Jack Bannitter, prtisinor the hoipi-l SMiMi iiMftftd of tha rani war i aadiana crure. ioe inatcimeni reuies t- tslitics of the Irish, after hit return Saturday evening the holjTrite of co from one of his trips to the Emerald fi-tnation was administered, and on Isle, .was.ftsked if.hehadeverJeen at Cork f " No," replied the wit, ted in thia place, was tolemnly conse " but.I have aeen acreatmany drawm crsned. to the tcrvice of Almighty of it." I rr.T. t. arrtat I ga Spibgt will bo visited by great pum- oera uunng inia aeason. tne pavilion i a unficr Ihe ihtnsgt Lillopi and hat been greatly improved; the Uni ted Statea hat alto been enlarged, and mprovements have 'bern- made in the Sans ouci Hotel at Ball stown," where many rooms have been eng.ged by fami lies redding b the City of New York;-. ? Tbe walls of the pe Theatre in the Bowery, in New York; are rapidly Viaine to f hi ItfrfaCf of tbe fttreetr The front it to be 75 feet, and tbe depth J 70. It ia laid thit the building wilf be 'of the tmf massiconstmctM)nr 4initingmuh-a)o-i gaoce with every thing which can bture r- aw tai HiTTOtit ovaits Provision has been made bv tha recent Session of Congress, for holding Five se veral Treaties with the Indians. One at Green Bayanother on Lake Superior, a ..! ! J-. :-. ....-. ri. Hiiru in anoiana one wan tpe vnoctaw, and another with tbe Chickasaw Indians. For the two first, Governor Cass and Colonel Thomas L. MXenner have been appointed Commiisionera. The trust is 1 1 : I ," ! I 1 f ' r ' i r F, Id : tf I t . it l eft I f 'r ( . ! t i , ' r r, i ! i : t. is-.! f r ' t 1 it 'r (0f tlf C t, '.".;. th i . m . ffiCt 1 l Ir.!4 ' t tr trt t'-'k t;r. it t4 tf t't r'!i(L:4i. tr J kf It t rttr.( t,f i!. .:rf frct, at tt lite i:J tutu.; nh. Oft Bun.iy tnort!-j, le ty ULr tcnjrtu miysartui, tbe itrjtint at ktovftt la wrtr! mtruUri ta ordr 14 Usrak a )uomo, aaj thty wire JVU4 it milt ta trolrtfy foe- fhtlr Ute. ()ae cf iht ra t l4 that hi cmiII tm co. the tuih. Tilt xcuu r. tioatly meitad f tkoagkaoi wkkoat tail, when Itt Mfgtmt tt irmt aat. tled tkat be had Uoogkt tka warlt ftotltmia pqt of an y-rt!Ur. - - - . - rwam Mtrmiui fitimt , A wihet b a Ua PcttntMtrg piy y that Ntwtk Carolina bit iUadoo4 iBiemillmpto-emeatibtfiigaii. Tib ike fact, and bm hive beta eiief. ltd through colptle ltoortwe or aCfjJ mlutDftMBtatloA. The tth il thai ftta V4 'a Ureal fmpfttfratht It coa irawtdf tad rtt.Jot tha confide ace of many warm fiUodtta hi mtmbtrf b. UtlrfUiJ), and to tha tyttem whkb It Icommltttd to Unlr direct loo. . It It trae I . . a . t . . . " toe bfl auccen wmci aaa ittendM tt tha woeka, kat diakatrteaal - lBB vftce uood lorwtrd Ike tin- f" ni .ie for toove of rewerdt which have to richly ttfui w Sme good I done, ftad wa thtnk we bate good PPt to expect that aocteit wdl toco J""" ,a ,b 5u,ti meio the rt- lauw.l f tka f-Jfl-Tl LrH. kl-k 11 Pl.t. -.- - ttbw Wilmbjcloo pretent to tbt eaV - 1 iratxe of larje vesnla Into that port, . f A Ift tflMT Vllf C " - - I Msotcbe Nodal, the twlodler, tad ri .!..!. .1 ik rf 1. 1 1 uImImm In .11 i:.M..a iBaHteriaod, Altaca and L6rralo, hat I been brooeht before tha eewrt of Anltea lbere t and after a trUf , which occopted tavcrtl data, condemned to death. Hit :i .... . . rtmariaMy ana ana exprtsslf e cOCStcfr m lance has eicited much Interest for him eigrrtftiVy among iht wata.! lilt tglliiy I a a . m. ft . .ft ana airoow saparaatarsi atrenrtn, are bo I. .... ....... 1 lest uuinruinea tain nis couniaaara . . .. .... i . I moot Other adrentoret of his. that be Ut I l..ir .I.. rMM m4ui . !!... i hiuinm vnw-w mimwi i thrta atones blzh,. and, loaded .with m rons. twam throuth lha Wcsert fbaC 1 . t" .. . i ... f . wten in me miaote 01 tna river be rt- I . a .a a - . I lrii muiket ahol in an ietr: arwl rf I " - pi - etcaoed. There It In tieimant )6j0D i . - I robbers orwtomroo Jeirtftirit?.0CO tra Jewt. . " - ' IPISCOPAU COVTtVTOV, I . . v. Ma9 Jl 'UnlriOTadariaat.vUie lbift4A!U W MJ? .f? -id icpitcopai wnurca oi intestate com fTe0Cfd "V ,kM,on pf Nearly all the rercreoa clergy bclor-g. ng to the diocese, with very full and f"Pctab)e lay deleg-Uoo, were pre- cotf-antt-4nenoie-proceedingt oi mrktd With ft dcCO- raffl di-Q5trntl fcnvy. whkh re- fltct ho?ur UP?. Ihe nitten chtr- I - ft Th W I I W t 1 1 ! l tt -. r , ..6. .w..,vfc- opened witn a acrraon pa tne nev. Mr, Empie. from Colot. iv. 17. On Sunday j God ion wblch" occasloD a sermon wis iMaftliafl la tkk. U .'... D a . T)ia.Ti fta Wftw w J mmmm a mm w W mmwwm-r'f i - mm -- trom ilpii. iv. 4. and tne noiy. com munion adminiatered to upward! of cigiuy vuuiutuui.uta. rhtrPextAnnualConreutioiu will ; be-held in.NewbcrDy.jDa the lT.hof May, 1 82f,Hi Recorder. rcady cost the nation about' twpmilj ion dollars, and 192,000 tjollara addi tional are demanded by the architectt . and workmen duf in jr the preaent yesr and an additional turn of 137,000 dol bw.wiU berwrpi year, 4t b found necessary to lerettii" etronz wall on the western fronr, for the double purpose of hiding a defect universally complained of, and also ot trengthenin the buiiding,trbichit seems, from its position on the bro of a hill, .hasi tendency to ipljj atunder," some indications of which are already to be perceived over "o or the windows. It is a tact, tnaii key stone of one of the anhes.hss dropped already ai much as a quarter. .' . . . ... .. . .l. J IT- St. . ,t "4 i

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