4 i I ' ' I f 11 i' - t t .', ' , lf (l" If I if tl'l I t.r ; . I t. I S i f f It- ,V. f h ' fiij J . I S ', . J , f, . dl 4, 'S.'S 1 . 1 1 j -1 . tS V t I r;k, i 1ih ! I )' a i ti. ;!' "'.., M it k.lti f lj:- 4 ' f"41''' ): . i t fJ v ii j 1 U , 4fv.-i v-i Uj u wUU llr. aio-'aJ ..!; .VrvlH 3iJ IU , Uw ' Mil ( i-y b4 - ),:. f ", M IS. k . U lne ei, yr! kf, 7 Jt' ' 1 1 to W mUf aaav I !. i tlrw. I J f t J s-UU U a,k Mpa.! 1 iU trft U 14 ! 'l".'' 4 M nM ImA ii' br krwgtl Ml (lt U Ht7Cn9S HKtV, 1 - -V N at wUUU4 U m fft. I ' : I. r ) i -. a If I' I I S " J kit if I? L.;i, t'.r, t I'mkaa c v. Br intrt 1 r tt. tf, I 'i ror.i.niN r.xTi'.AcrJ. Ci;! Vtu,f ik jtWf iH? Mo L. il t ft Lit. IrL.ltfi ft4 ltl A km iL n.ufctatbr dttfktt. SubKrlfXlooi to IM mount of Xtsum or mm. cjtsnx, cry. t UlUCemwini wt it UU. ft rKus iioM, m4 i turf m tk ryku . I V Hit. !-. I .' W. L U" cciM i. T,if.- .' lill(0 "self rrr 4 U Vf'i fef VUi If Cl J Mi U r..Hf. r;:.w:.l'!, it. 4 Cff til k ) laf!J III tit isirttra tA.lu f Lil CI B4 I'rttltM tV.ifii. (of rMrtig rtctiUI f id Ul limlr U- rr (loft, U. us, i it W : :: . , it i 'i r f f i, i j ! - lu f i S 1 ' I l.l,k) ftlU'M u lrn, i ; ! t 2 NirirttkMi vncwf luvt imotinita to Vnixfc ii 5" DO doI!fi b oa mouth. duilof tV jft lent Mtioo. , , Ob ib 4hhrt. Urti IbauBI cordu! of vom ti pfuroyeo m iooni jjm Iron, vovkt b Hvoilordon (rcoo.) bt tk AaUccti uriilbg oat tl rrf rtra tbtrrt m pproprti ! IUM (KouuM pouoJk vert rtiKl ta Oftf U mm! k4Irt to furblUixij Ui rrt U 4r M Udoa. lor Uo UotBt of im ci tjifif! irtM4 oprnIt i&4 mnuftrtr r&n, lo irtHitk Ut Cowwl'ilt diBmol ptrtie Ha(Uio TM ipp&co lUtrr rtmtrk upon Uli iubct, tui i tkm of Ul rooae; It foimtlid to ft com Mn r otfir Impcti cbi to do to, i4 nltri. Irom iMt Uutt t ihu not thrtni. -Thr Lwdoo MsnH't Coroftklo .of jI I f" for ihippropriitlon f Jifir J, iftrmi tlul lU iKt Silk, wtmn , olnjcto OttlUr io tn.lr fanKir drrofitloftijto FpttilfirWi tro-U full oaptotoxeU tobdlt b Ut L1 Alburn lo monty, klliooo U 4t wiod br !l ooni of out a ell it Ibr wht pnU-uur klivd of furoi-1 stared roodft. . CoarWr, of td 6i, it larr lno bo f iptixlrd. I prtmo ila ki eoi t4rnt exprcUtloo, .Ii ftUJ m riroiirctid. nr. cbtlrTnia.hhftt tbocth viiorrr la 4dt mtneue UJ. l fei Ui loj cf Con err vs Jour-1 turlnr 1iHi, v fir rtUud to ibt Ci'lki' ninlAHiP MiffVM. Tkli inm.l At-Yv4a4i, Ilr.. Ifin!lfvL. J. Ka 1 1 CMI Int. ' 1 l iPteiri from IN dororaentf wor t, lob-.ined o tertikt of 11000 ttlatl Dr. I - A Mr. Ynrfi of Kef kK, Conatctt- plrel, by orJer of Ul frildrBl,jIop, for CIIIIOC blot liafw ' kjojrr tho coA'rol of all oti Mr. iKn Mr. Ilumo. on l b Mar, tpolo foor JIUmi jr. rv4 bov vn ii osptoded f I boon ooUo Kilo of (bo iuuooiod tnot AVftf.wr. tbo KCBtfrnt.a fmm Orortioiltd fer-iota rttolatloto. f M r. Forvlki. kit kaLL ikal M tkar rt I ' A iWm rvanr nnlktn ' dun itm U tbo otooni roodirod, which btlfuUr croei th.t Fortono ii Uiod", ihio Prcelri tho it truly iceentrk gtthu bcflinr30)00h Pritt to ItoMii. wrww uolji bo eoijymj oar n boro of. P.rlunint who wud pln '7fMJibliMTOC-ooprctcn Lcxteriet. Tho Colon! Lion to be ended on thi Uld of Waterloo U fiaJihed ( h Ii l feet kik 4 IT r.l Irvrn. Tk. r p.rrt.m.f. .r,vm lNw Orlftov.a diitiDco of 1900 milet bai.UiadeUted with outh rmth In M? c04 Accordlni: : to PirUaroeatirr rttorei 7r boo, oq ioi wiiu WPP.. ... , VI.-. . A bo? only i?ca ytirt old commit I.utt jut i if.) 1 1 It l art 'Ul ril 4 A KimW li f"-1 til rfutinfl Utrt Nit Vwh n4 A.' if,firbi iff muit ii at . Cs r t U l-i It kvr. 119 U In rV!. J fivin jnfi tf naiilU k,li It nil, Utn rtffntlr I .r,4 In thi ki(-Ity .4' i 't n . i i . l 03;brt4 with 4tui f,r t tnd oMr txrtxi. - - ; Til CrttUa crwlMft on Iko tmU of Aftki ivi captartd tf-il-a; lU pU tr, llfBUlO illHll rCf.tO UO.aiaU tradoa.yl'b topwtrdi tl Urti themumj -J CHd$.m U4if tkU biodf,Mr. NUtt, ta Mi ntf U lOt k, aotkit tki dipariuri frora Baltlmort, of a kKoo- air wholly u&ta wiia vtiu want tat Milko. A tnta by tho nwi of MtCirtat ji tot, Let 4 ta tht hotjn f corrtttkon, la tHtofli for lnti roMriocf . commlttid io UUi oatho 9th Lnit.br cntat&iflf hU finutUmfc coftiktid of lha murder of & P Bhirpo, Zu. of CiBtuchfi aod ..Alat m. A la m k a f a ha a a aajk at . fat Tho Net Petltiotiiry air BU hl't lk. .lK t,,,. v., . fun M,f...trti li Mpl4!r vvuthz. Ooo rat of e( lH trlBff ng dcillcj tht ipoi rtni Ii ilrw-fy I Ahhod, tod loot her It wkrt Rt k,4 twtWd tho hloodr halfo. MirtOIBpllLf.. Ir lTitrrtlHlhrorii!tlom.LikJ T U tolUol1e4 fcy tho Shy tkla ,Utt tt.t firtt tf twurt . 8000 oCeort of t)wf fti Ur , it 1 1 tun In Cr'sfet wlif k v c s r 1 1 1. I li'.'t n, f at . ravt-.U . f el ft.otl ttmwmal wua tne :oe toet ind pfo!rilosi of Veoi' anrnniAL ctrtxiAnT. oa tho KoHiroH Retlaer we lti4i, Ui4 emi hurJdU4 Mca boa't ei4d tho lockoaihokhaylklU iiaI ftiUa. oiptlMta thlhorovKk, SuftD lao pit wtnk. -aVX . W. Thl itvnhfBeht fo'totflf laowa by tho bifoo d odJ'i I'm!, hjt bees r Ittel tod adorned, tni ti Bow cpa&ed. oMr tho taKiftoieof of Air. PIot. old fco wUhed had been kept la the dark ond ncer broaght (a light, tod bt had to rt rrt t that thct irt now plated oa Ihf publlo rtrordiof UiiHoanJV It too,! II r. hainntnt rerret Ikatthora irt lochl riecordit trid I more etpeckhy trrtt that tucvmipowtkHJ tboukJ fMio beco m4 of thi poblle raooey confided to tht Pro lUccr."! ipalnnkf how wti thli money f nended f ' I anliclt tho Induleeoct of the CommJitee, whilit I repeal o few of the Enrliod and Wateacontaia 1.687 brew -Jtemoofurftlihtdta tbtoCScUlreportpf ! UaVBiVL i 1 1 1 jrlcwallr of tht Utter llr. . Adarat, jr. t Item. - To L. Kemnd, for h;TnardTable,gM. 00 ' To B. t. Pororor, for Cil Hard Balla, , 6,00 To P. Tbcwpaon, for Ctvovmeo, : 23. JO lie. Sse. Ii it potable, Mr. Chairman, to brllett that it ever wit intended by Con grrit, that : tht public money ahou Id be the' frt ftth Itmf j ffttpff ttt;eof; doci of mini wen, bad toUcIicd lea to to rttlrt. Lately U EagUad, ftontt Uletet who had broken Into a itoro, la tttemptlof ta make ibnick la an iron cheat wltaaa ifoo bat etruct Ce tod ei plddad 3 or 4 poundl of powder wbkh wai in tho cheit tht rogue k wire wouodedt tod out It uld to hive been caught Itiffrity -.Tht Mogul 8uJtan Aeber bora thla InKtlpiloa poirtntoihti teili i I tieer koew a taaa loot u poo i atriicht road. It It ttttcd that ft Branch of tho Uoltcd Statei Bank ti to bo eiLbJhhcd tt Mobile - During tht tait year, In tht United Sutea, tveht hundred youhg gentlemen On the 13a In it. tht iteinvboat Cen.Li.-. .t i.itntrrf l and t taw I w, - - " Urowa, Scoikirriud atsu i-outi, nora ini fa tb( Mlnlatry t . r a tjvA ii i a a. , A Crtnd flEttqtr-A lunar of. tba route of the Grand Caledonia a Ceoa! led to tht belief that iht work could ba on it rutted at an expeate of R0JXXf and ta irorrorlibo to that amount waa fint rranted br the Goremroent. The trl fibg turn of Ri9fi00, wrt ProfeMorCaf mf ' ' a a at - - . t- cnii hit cotmnced tht publkatkn of paper b lha cty called Tba Canal of Ifltflllrenctt-Tbera Ii h diapuuog about Utfei. 1 If tbeHrt ltoo (Ohk)GaicUe, we led In IUmi!in to an audieoca cootlatiog of nearly twithouta&d pertoot. " I . . "ri. .1.... fit.., t . e Midi lm tk.l t R.. .KrntT.nfl ICO TOrCiap in itriwvurmu WW cootalna 837 brewer, and M3f Hctoal. f. wnce,D7.I?n5!n5 ,?,,c", ter, at aHerwardi added. ! lert, aod of tbtlatur only 84 brew their Inb'rn: T . . Vtj l-:T tRilrf of-New Ilimpihlrt owo beerr-'.rr-":: T I Bf eni9roi m whim nnw g, on Wedneiday 7th June. iMing oaa rccfDur wrxai cwcicu urw vA treat number of coonttrfeit ftbeer elttfH,midechleflr from Efyptiaa ore' wero in,- circulation, in London, and to t - VI -.applied to tht purchaao of yarning Uhlci ell executed at-acarcely.to- bt detected i ana g.roDung lanwurr r . Ana u n nngnt 4 i v 4 1 "to.: purthairbi)lijnf ; tablet -and cheu- men. why not purchittalao,pharabanki, playing earde, ' race-Jiorte!, and ereryj other urtetary atticlo to romplett a trl tern of gambling tt tba President! pal act I and let It at once be understood br warden In the Wof PrWence-!l - CaDSmrrtt lilecturlnr lo Salem, Man. on bit rdW theory. Tht" eaitern DaDert ter thatrLh auditoriei art burner out 'ihd itterrtif e, and that ba it making j mane conenita hie opinion. Tht Steam t Caledonia tailed from but by the ipplicition of tcutbrtit.-r .v.Oa;tbtv:ath;Mri in-ht IIouof Cornrooni, a' Petition waa preiented com axltktntfftav .nf lkan t Amt ty.ii J f rlak " fl 4a piaaaieataaL wi !iw aai.itvu ata imukii mm - . Lord Norbury, at Incompetent Ji Ut rr,1Mul,?Ule? M"? . ?lh 400 otnch.T l bt - Petition wai from , pnlel p"cniT7 , l ' 2 ij , O-Connell. B-rriat.r of Dublin.- Mr. Our AfrionColony at LlberU It laid the People, that thia hi moat fiIendidQC. repretented. that John .Norbury 10 be flouriihn. Tbey hareukea tdmt tumbHng admlnktrttion. : , v f I A rf.r. m.i it rn.itt J.i tr-.r ilat ihiDi fantf gained lomt tktorlet, iq make him heat t that be wai troubled with Iftharoic atnnor l that ha had benlnioat tmmrf aJn rtiirinv Imnnrlinl lrtj!. trr t Mr. Wmlhion, IVli'klnaon. Iitbout openlne a u Female prove, theie. (acta at the barbut that he would withdraw comolaint ir ant Irish jurigt , would declare on bla contciencc Matthew Harvey wai elected Pre aide nt of :tb Senate, "Samuel :Dinimoor of ktene. Clerk, ind Mr. French, A taut ant Clerkr , In the Haute, Henry -Hubbard, r.tq. wat cnoaen apeater. -.? - Tht J St. ClaimiDa " (Ohio) Oatme itate. from a aourxe entitled to credit, that David Jennlng hit rtilgned hit Mil in Congrem and that bia resign aiion hat been forwarded to the Governor,, , ' ' . t . tonnrtlicut Sthot fund Tht Report f attarN-4-' Mr. Chairman, tnch conduct1 In ' (he Chirf Magiatrate of thla nation, l enough to thock ind alarm the religiout, the mcral, and nnrcting part I of the commu' Hit? ! etpecially when wt aft auchtn ad, xninittratlnn atteropiing to revolutionize the .Catholic Religion In Souttt America. jnd to premufgnte lha true doctiinea of that be thought Lord orbury competent cur oifiour. or wnqin mimaiora io fa- l0 try question! of property and life. 7 .flamtK Bull . puChatrman,- there -are U the nlitht of the . 1 1 th AorU. a-t'ra other jtemt io Uo account ;renderedJraendQU-firwbro Vhicn I cio nor ljuty comprenena. Ekuie, Frw)ce department do la Maucbe, ma iieraa lor-mo wnKlfr;ainicio Ol wh eh . dettroved 18 houara . hfnr li that iheir'tUti if prosperity ia not tht b -' fnd Vhe eKlUtor no et peareiSiel " ' f i - ;, ; in tetalon, etatet that the funda,eoniit in MrT wmlhiW widow of General Bondi, StockrUtnli wd -Ciijh. The Af-demy" InNew Orlemt. " Colonel Dunmet hai Informed 'the Editor of the &it Florida Hcrakl, thi t he hai olantrd abAit 80 acres in Sugar Catie, andii very colEdent of lucceii-- He it at, m. -a. at a . . a I laid to be an experiebced punier, wnoie judgment ii mtch relied on- - j J . a, at in Mr, Armifetd .thorcnwau.ni..kUJel I by ightning . near Mr. Athby'i mill . oo principal of theie it t.7i?,J. ine intereit due it Th 81 16,: 8 1. l ha number of pertont between 4 and 16 yeara old. In Connecticut, tt about 9 S000. There art 808 tchool tocietiea, ana 83 cent! It the dividend for the achooling of eatU peraon. More than 6000 dollara of inWreit remain . - - The writer of the iVIlowlrrjr editorial ar oooot,oi-tofo-waro,rfj mujj bo got under, lha wind beinjr bigh'he 'Sheoandoah river, (Vm.) on lait St dun ought to receiya.tbe higbeit prite ty teyen kundrtd doltar$.H What part of and there beins no enelnet near. Ihe hu'day week, while in theact of taking a for the best dunnlnaddreaij and we hope the furniture, JJr. Chairman, wai 'thla f I Vicar of! thai ton was imnnvik n. ,1 bond but of tht liable, which be wai I the tri IVot carpeting, sir, lor, I diacover thai amkleJiiideLJttproperjnamo amone the moat acuvt )n endeavouring tojtxtlnguib the The London papert atate, that ofllcta accoumt of the dcirtrr of -Ibrahim Pachtj : It iimoatBbrioui, M r. hair man, that : tbo fourteenthoutand dtJIart havt been expended in a most extwrdinahf man ner, and we art now 'tailed on to ecfd twenty-fire thoutand more. -1 for otiejat preveta, had. been received at Corfu air, can never vote for any further mm, I on the 4th of April. , He died before ' tbe until 1 hate an aaturaoce that tt v will not I messenc-eri sent to Corfu for medical aid, Be expended for the pufpoie of comple could return.' The newt it confirmed from vor 4th il - fafc $lKPttyWmm9hte by contemporaneout acountt iThe London Courier of the 'XtS being aambjeir. I wouJd only bPJ O1?) rtel Wtairtteeit -reecit. atood at tayinjj, that those: aro-articlei f td front Anisterdanit umler date of Mar . a , . r r t . . , i . m . M w r a letter irora Broriy, in Uallacia, of April 15, at) a newt -hid been received from Ode tsii March 30th," Svra,' 1 8th; Smyrna 18'b, and Constantinople 19U)t II atating that Uom. Hamilton had an nounced to the Greek Government the recognition of tht Independence v of The xsade use of for that purpoie. . " Before,bowever, , the vote': it taken upon thli tubjeci, let me again tak the attention of the Committee to tho letter of Mr. Join Adams, jr. in the conclusion of hit report- He lay ! "in -rendering this account, tt mav not w improper to remit k, that the expenditure have ej Greece by England and Ruatia. oeeit mauc witn an eye io mo -aincieii I qatei appear to be Old atylO. economy,". c tViiA an eye re the $triete$t economy 1 - at. ' i fitf.l . (. A.av aal. yeny v ouu-ru wit nwy'Ktm) " cneii The 2d letter from Odessa, March 31 (old ttylet taya,1 'thirty( irvenr thjps bavt trriyccJ ia 4 ttyt from OoaiitaOat tfrrjorrraDhicaf fraternitv will conti i- j r n r j j going tn ride.' The deciated wat i far-1 butt a tmtll turn rom tbetr turplui funds mertin the prime of lift ind usefulneu. j ilHl) for thatpurpose. ' - ZThOkelcKBlMvIndiantTbavef . ' A:vntmMtomnttf9trrt been dug upt:Brldgt hit neighbour every Saturday evening to . a a tL"Li oorrjow a ooiura, wnicn ne aiwayt yeiurn.- . ma, i a a f " edxon Monday morning. - ai tna lame one? which bad been lent waa io variably reiurned in Daiment, the lender became mrprlsid it the repetition ol a'rqueitto singular, and asked lor an explanation. The? good old f arson ttpHed thit bf hid The horm oft deer weri buried with one of thcrWdenoiing a fam!u hunter with the other were found tw tkuiu ot lere tl wolvet -Vj ii'- f' It is worth t ttrairk, that while the Saaniada in Cuba are making preparatlo to repel an Inn-dor? from Colombia, te Colombians .ware making limilar prepar ation against an invation from i-u Bi-lafcdiealwehtiemtBlatelrrt A iVAm thd UlnA nf Cuba, ar whose no couia preacn mucn oener wun a are vemityv :yt fcinnot doubt, edearn 4hat tat foe at that olace ia sd rjerrte, that one can drive a ni into it, and7 bang hit bit upr- This sdundt a littlo'flfil f -v Tn Ohio lately i man awora hit life against another, and then became bit bail. - -:;,(''.: rM..: In New-Bedford Miss, during a ibotr- er, iha barn of M. Caleb Case wat i truck hghtniotr, and consumed, together with a yoko of oxen, a hone and cow,V Annt firttbwaite, the populif female Mcacho: U 5ociotof Ffietidi is foliar bill in his pocket than wbenit waa empty.-Hour reiuen nave tne sagacity which we believejhey possesi,' tbe tbbve story may iuggett to them the reason why we aomedmes '7k, "C lVVe-dri:,.Vercri I The exhibition ; of six jhousand silk worms, in all the different'' stages, from the egg to the death of the fly, may be classed among the moat pleating curiosi tiei tt preient in the city of Philadelphia. Ther may be icen fdr few Ajt tt tho blt lrd iind nj-si 4 .p l.t fj m rr Tfora if, trat tM tuafiaa U Ut In UUr-critlt ftr c!l tit d,itk itr-,V bl.i kva miU, a4 k! Mffl r.f f o.' A ui aft Ue dritea af-iio4 gttftt )kf Makomcti&i the time auttiu wLt rtttr lityi!Krw l?,irBietrtlttMks. Ta the )fteh rtnt jtljcs, wt wlib wa Ua, fata ct lUalia.. Petth Cfl tkf ,j t( Uttlt ti too food fbr Ut wretch, bo. born I tlriiiUn. ini avfocattd a tltUl tmafi,caa raoelhlrattlf unJirthi tsurtr root banner of the Tark. Tke AWrr It Ue iDpropr lata tcurutai&t tf III itiLt To iht fabrkiton of -flutter, ta th OrttVt, Cke ikon wVo kite to rt(awra. lUVf put a Goat Ul fall of MUaotonght, t wlih toother destiny .wa with their liry tnicht makt op tht aeit lopily that Ut' grind tclgnof receive tt Cooauadnoplaj CaVrttt Ocl. , MXYVOLriVftX One diy whiit llr. Riodolph wat tbo Ing every body ta a Ul hours Senatorial rtiiMwf- KlU ka a,aa awak(n atib great freedom of tbo m of Mr. WeUtrr, a Seaitor informed hi a lo an oodenoot that Mr. Wcbaur wit tVeala the gtll m ai a at . . a. A a I a . A a ry lit a4 not tat ocucacj tv scsjKa- tn. K!l ka kaf full laU wkil a' . . . . t ft ' .... It in ic nor a v, mrar-m ytym r V I . T.(a. ..4 mttmr aKMln k ! 2 tovjndly. turned ttrrastictiiy io ut gea lie mo who blornxd hint of Mr.. Wai pretence, and atked, b Mr." 7ijW prcKDt aJaOf " . - -af-.am-.-' T" Ht.rf,.siiti tatf Iff . 9 .By tht tchoooer Lelf atVtiaut,. wo' hate Havana paper to Ibt 13th bat iocla- -aUe. No ne. The U. S. corvette Vaef, arrived tho di y be Ear Capt. rV."iand, lLnd n " quested to ba reported til well." - The Colombian prfvatrtr Zaava, cap tared by Spnnish brig of war,' on the Florida Coast, ii advertised for tale la tho Havana paper..,. Her officer, Bt In number, and ibout 40 men, (three fourth colored.) bad been tent to the Fortreii of Cabaoti, for ufi keeping. ' Cmrier. tnrikWe lW rlrvlaai aTk) Um M r. Lloyd, Ut editors of tne nanom in tefflrnerr tay t . WNi man w-fl!crad thB SCnai. WIUS WWW" - F - -W- . s.a as . . . Ki-aw fUK rhirmtf tep thin Dir. Llovtf. Wi W a aia,Mi , w in lhat body, of which he wat at the tamo umi a moM uaciui mciuvr imsuwt- gulahed orntment.", - .. Cantatn Bradford, arrived at PTwHouth. reports that four thousand troop irrired from Ireland tt Liverpool oo tba 3d of May, on their wiy to JIaocbetUr, to ' preserre order ot thit pKcer-j;- --- A -few davl ! Jdbn Bruwn wai dlf " ehirged from Jha house of correction, in Botten, wbcnj he had been sentenced tome lime Defore by the Police Cjurt. On hit egrets, he pilfered a shirt front a clothesline,. wii detected, carried beforo thexourt, found guilty,' and sentenced agtnn to the house of correction for sir. monthi. The whole -period, fonr -frw time when he . wai let out till the key wit turned upon him the tecond timer wii twenty tninutei , M Dihtomatic drrangtmtntt.- The Na tional Journal state that Mr. Adams had t In contemplation," during the lasl' ei- lion of Cnngreki, to titociate Mr. Galla tin With Mr. Klnzatlhe Court of Great rt, ' 'l - e . ... t.'i.L ir i wruatrij pecause oi mo ui neaun ui after, and the importance of the subject of negotiation. -The ill , health of Mr. King wit certainly a good reason for tbo meisore but in a time of profound peice, with no fear of ill disturbance, we shoull suppo'kS that one able .Minlstcr might bo muuateXwIibnhaoiDlomatle concerns -01- thii; goye rnttwnt T inf forelga cburti. and we think the people would consider toy nUer- practice J u?eles waste of the public treasure, and as tending Id Wr crease the splendor, without adding to 9 stngtbijoUhe Soydtrptye ,Wfir rr v,-wr.. i niiico. or. ancamoiifr ui imiui writes underrate of U 4th of Way' ?ant Abraham--IlaUiawairhit .'wpugb- ed up, in an old turnip fielda nqrobet ..i.ii'i,i Ma tia tna arftTll of (hem when I vrjittt hit house ft ' fe jr dayt igo. - t ne root of Hie plant is uni formly situated near the head of the tret gru&i and the stem In soma instance! di vide into tnrte leavei. ' Mjr neignuu hat planted some of these singular pro ductions In his garden, and Intend! watch their progrees, aod njiko obwrvi. ; i- tr TT 7-

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