t AY, JliLV it, vol. vi!M:ro. ;Hh, Ft I A3 l" ' XJ1. . . 4- M , ( ' 1 1 ' J '! , . v t i. f : t. i.n:l, 1 t ' ' i f ; ' , f ' i ' 0 ii i t t ., ,'i lit I f li i f !".', 'i In 1 la i I . (. - . Jmi Uf It lu n f ill' f r- i I 1 1.' t .4 . i tf c: 1. r -- ' i ff h i-a 1 ' V It t , mi i I. :; I' lift' "ire I J .i u. 9 s am. . a n V -, f - If f, h r'J h iJ d J'4 f .tWrf f t u du4 4 knpi, bt ttU ; Utf Ul M food 1 C!U4M H 14 rn Utf tM tMM. CM M MM titbit IM MTtxy. jT tw-f.l l Hit,. J I 1. 14. i. U ftrtt ttU, 1 tn tr.t iiv44 t4 t!(r fur, tai.tUJ 1 a I . j fi !J I I I r t till Iff jf J , ft U bl It! J f 0 ,r1 fcf i; r eili h IU iu;ri 1 cert tf Uj.I V. s tJcrli tf tfct iili ti cd.f '..;m ktrp corffet, prtltvy,' nj i . t I ( f 4t prre4iot c lit till ti JOHN CC ALII nvx. ' Ticf TrIf C4 fii4 t'wirj lUUt ftftj .. ' . f jqux ugycr adami. Uiicql ( ft Titrilorift! UrrtrftArnl U ITufi- tioiu thftit fc l!rtJ UIi fU Oft W I th4 Trrtior of ITorvU, ttO l!if rrrt5t J CooitKM Cow HI I r4r Tftftl lU4 1 tfricti, ahH M'4 ftM llrciM ruuJ hir. IMtiM wt d Un saJ fkc !, AWI tcU ia all ctiJ m4 U U ftn4 pitf. ' T'. I'l fit rf n9Trr I. .J Ttrti' fjr, ml c?.';i.U4 r, 4 ".1',1 ' '1 r'. thf rf "ir, 4c clf( ml tbff d!irt fut art rf tatv mni, 19 Vt ti:!m4!el kr tf rfU.l tfit ttoci fronj th U t rcUra to kf trjl-j by b Ucrmf c( a!! Jirri-t-jr7, h !-, mi rttnn.lfl-; tta,ftoy 'n4l.f-.ytAr,,, Mftf'i;lli l 4J( f fin, IHlMHl O i-j'ir,! ! i l .iU4r (Li, ttUfi ,fe4 nt. S4 Wt!n 'if t if ft Kf f th Iftn'inii'U. ti ik Ll t a. isir ;4 4ftk,flMf ltrn'JfiJ M t4 f UfCtffW4 In iht .-'; 'j fi (n Uryn4 k4 4tn!trn i Jin tni frt. Mcwxjif f Ocwtf neit. tnJ it ..rVi ik i i . ii . t . ft ..." t mtl Ihirt.ricr.iftj nJ.r .uck MrU- Uf Iftutxl two bJrt 1 rJ fclar J llni a V r I f ! I .1 I . turn uoiiiout Brva uni i ii im.i i4.i.....i. Council lr.ct. f0f tontbctnl tip,,,! f tl mt. th totmbart f U LttUUUi CwftdJ drtd and t.eatf tir, t.cauaj Uf vvd aurui ia anr ouki craittd baadfaJ ikJ I i .latll itnM.t. .J ll.t dttflef lUjtrllc,ilkalrMrtktaf u I oca c.q ij Bft7 doij.n hrt&f, labs feat of wblta ,rt rtrvUttal fc Uilila iil.nrafcf paued hl!it thif van taamUri, r for f ih iklJ f Martb, tltttn htmitti '"f . ii . f V J. I'W'f -Urm, tn4 cirHad to U Wf 5a. 13. SJUU JtnUrnuettJ. That blai faiuL . ... It h& otb lawful for tba LctUliilral, r. iv ..J...r-.. ....i uooscll tpu lor Jaw ImpOiLir bit k-lcoonmctor. 'off k.r-.t. r Jit WJ ib UnJi of ooo-rajUeota, iiaa !obf, clarki of iU jadi, MartiSrw tboat of rtiHaota of ui Tirrltor;. . in Uf .ml ilrtUo, balof tto UUnca of 6e. 11 JtiltUfyribfawtfiLlkti aoaroDriatlaiu b lba rt ef tka iklr omKboflbf Mtnl acticf wblcbtbii Manb, triwr hur-ir! and ltatf- mwoii at mar d tacootiitrrit raw, rtrrirl n f mrrjoi fjnT. - - unt art bertby, ttpttltd t and to nucklaetfflvttfctrt 4 tirbtacti of nf tt tbria w i or tun Tt trUoh; a I ' For ib iirtpti kaloo f tnef , Utng" ira repugnant to tbt um, ar (hup- tbo Uuacc of approprtatio, by ib ut prwad tnd annillH. , r of ibo twaolUtb VttmUtr olsbtetfl Soc. urArfzurMrrrifTbat bvo4rd n4 loty two, carried l U tbo Mvtnl act paiard bf tha Oouroor urp!ui fund, pbrtf tbouunj aarru bov Attd; Lcclilitlxt CoonclU- Rraila; iU- t'ti "!- IoUtrt and twtitj. vorttt tit Ur firtt acctiooi of M Ao act Mtaneanla. , -toaraand an acttaiJaioa trimes,''. For rtwirtfitit.cajtoriei Aljtrfotm--approtadptctmbartfntb.elghtrantun- Mil, m authortud by Uw, Uiaf tbal drrd and IwetJtfBro and . Aa art . to &Unct of Uwar approprUtloo, carri4 prturibo tbo Ibnna of cikoa, Ice. ip to.tbt atirtlui fund. Umttr. thoojunJ proted Decemlxr fifth, tljebdta bumhad wran bandrtfinJ Uldf-oooaoIIii uid and twtntr-6ra i ibi act In adOltlon and trnrti?bt teota. , ; r amendraenfof an ict to dctermlni feel,! " Afpwrd My 18, ke. ipprovcd I'ectmbar ninth, cihtatn tU UHtrf.-i 4 c,tj MrfttiKM, U tUrkh taariltili, an 4 d.(4et nttor f,a f,f!'.'b of..W-r. em tvw.-v! i,t nrjfi, itn?l leiptnltrt; rttUf,t nlr ut "VTAi" nkiH Uallcaawiof 4bMj aJ MfW4lait4 Ua f AktMdna. b. aJ tU iJ.' ' tons W.TA Yin SL iwiunrwi MiiurtiotKltr tbaUicflra- ?;nkar at tS4 Hnm of irpwwujirt rl erllikm, and trada, of tk UaUad siatat, tia uma feat and coifnuuoa it in allowed br lav to tbo tbia, nur abala, and JiUict atioroeya, f tbo Jl- atrict court of tbo UnJtad Stii for Lou iuana ciUrkt, U aimiltr caiia and ia all ot bar caatca, acb lati abavt boaa or aba!! bo haraa&tr ottaUHd br tbo LarliliUra Covnei! f tbo aj Ttmiorr. And. tbo dark Unltod Sutl' ittomay, and Binbil, of tbo court of Ipttli ibaU bavo Ike Hmt fail oad cotrtooaatloo (of aucndlnr uld coyrt,aiIit a'irtlilor tbo ... nai mm ina i trwLaW n kw warn ncTxa ajr nin irawi awa avu kivli arai iiaMri aai a a wi aatwi mrtfitiw. i a . . a k itWr-. ia mm immm UuibfiMiifiiMiMiu u-.rtifcLi rJP0'01 tutnU ourt,d alkactod la ., f, lutU in a lUixAA.Lj a kut lory af a4hriw wbrtbraMi In ctu. tbJaoct,U ara allowad 10 no tUrk, it ai wwatlw, Vr tha prpy la mxJ u imr 4a avMai la m kWrtd atoIUra, aA toraof , wd oursbcJa of (iaJUawlt cownt - yirow mHajf ! ataa Vdfi twtet t ttf timrf b aWc taUaaclaaa iifnUin 4 of tHa-Uahad Stttctl nla lT) Mhar Wtfkv bcra .fW.r 1 fieatA' Airalty uJ AanilM J- Caaa,"tucli fa'ai ' tbo UrtUtitO Coua- wiibout tba Dirkt of Columbk i aod i wotk. ptu rli, , uK of tba Uhlttd BtaH. f U Ml4 Ttrritorj bT0 4WUbJ or ha tba profxriy la mitmi to ptraooa mi. vhatba auch attmta bo aaada oo knd a wa- raf olroct ' I r of wkbU tba iMriol of CokmUa la wbkh Ur a&d of all auita for ptaaltka and fcrfciturti Soc t. Md Ir It mrtitHHtitd That nooca ahaS ba atatad, tKa or omata, btcumd ooder tba lava of tba UaHad luitat tha jadjei of lba lurtffk court! ihiU " -wklWuSa, tbaotrwUbyoUtbtho OTi-if aM orifiiuU but M ricluMrt jurWliction. of oal b raoulroat la bJJ court in- fa wbkb thy HaU booOad, tka noma of tbo ail auiu hi which (ba Uted ahafl bo a JJ-7, , llC-S! . prM pinaom U wVm ilkira Uta Um pty. wKaUrw my ha tba anowA U ooair. placo, la their Nipctlro diitrictl, ; .' aMowtd, o tba boO of tba Aor aad tba vn ia auch cauaaa aad aaita r 04 atull Ufa tr) he OOO Itlitnod by to ! of tbo . amooat of tba taxta atimti, or cbarxtt, and atarcl afnaBa joriftctio, fa all airU United Statat, to bo debated tf tbo . Jua iK4Tron r.U4 frrtid4 ffcat tha mui ocynttinf N tba fafttioreoam of e4 Qovcrnor fnd LerUluirtCoutxiH tnd : awWt ir whiwi ibijiit ki AM to Territory, wbatererauy ba tba amount ia coo. f any law, iirtttrkta Mid ay, at tba time of each oik, twee tbu tba troverty aai abaO bar aad eteroaa onriiul taatt. tt . n.,,tli,.,minr rt... fn r.Liej.aeawaata,or chftfr daa, a4 U at. aadarcbiairo fariadlctWio of afl eHa a-d of- ff0?!1,0 1 rW dajl.Tor r. Moaeaof aUai aaJ Out. it iRNa twrytan rcacn-eoanutted irirMt tba bvt of tka ttl tb trial or cautei iri Jntrr the tort from tba (Uf of aalo, tba propnator or propria. Territory, whera tba panMiinctit abaiibf i death HitQlioO gad lawi of fboUalted Sutll, f. oevtatirea or ajranta, abaH repay to auch por. other enraaa ami ffe&eet eomni Oad ajriuttbel .Sae. 0. JmdkU furtkr riuuttd. .Thai 1 bunJrti ind tC0tr hTOltnd 44 An act to w Bl a Ut " wlJ' ,M CreuU a4 i " '" - I "vt ,v. r I .k.ll I IISCBU an aci rrruuuDr inaiciai DrocaO'l ' -- tm -1"JZZ .PProrad Member .IrM, W-rictof Ohio. . nZZZZ 7S-.7tn o" "An! flrflrnfrrdlrfJkr cWniaW't 1 tbaaaiaa.ba or iba ahall ba r-ioUteil ia bla, rpaetire dlricta of tba o auperior eqrta, orl tbo lawi of tbo United SuUt, or of uld ui 19 Piit, la part, for ralkbg Mr-1 Krfirttrniithtt , tf thi Vnltti SMti' if , bar, or their orifinkltHk bt ao aoxh tender ( apo tb hib. araa. . , . . . I Tarritor? t and Barfona ill tbo dutiea of l,nue - ipprod tba ninth of Ueeember,! f eta ffrv 4eriMf, jbit tba) - 0 ka amatl aa.i twA oMewa akJ0 ina aatvlh aI I . Kjkaw I -f , i. a a rlai ao? "T.a Ik. I . I . . ..I.I-Li. i. raoanJWfj w iuhw w v ! w ai wuvia ow) wi thea tba pnrcbaMT armM pay rSe baUnca of the laaij tvarchaaa Rtonev or auch M or lota, Into tne term. Treatury of tba Commoa Couacil whera it ahall I raapaciiralr, ! friiuli BiiMrr Ia lha nnlitr a tha nranrlrto I T1 tnril ruiiH mA trlalul Im Umis Mti I narfnf mBHra nl ika Aauat fMTalr.i ? er proprlftora, orbiior their Wl rprewta, of habeu eorpue, of aoor.awrtlofof inlciecuUrB olHcer. br the lawi of aaid iReaoluUoa dtrectina- a aorrev of cortaia route, I and the fourth liondpf of December1, IU tyeiB4t,eiowhAenwtbepaT mUiowra and fhiladelnhia, kx a each yori and the Diitrkt Court of thft : TaoSaTS -WI fdA f tne . r-lW f fcr .aid-Diatrk,,- - from tha M,rr, vJ hi. tuni, and tba aJ of tea. S.ailaartW e-T1 tU JbUece,whicbetiaabadoewedpdand nBd od eurww.cwart fVapect (f the Vktttd Stattt tjinttl luceeedlnf tbo lintel bet do fixeil . fa law and eJuity. . ' . ' - , Z t a occaaioo Rur reouire. to nrerent a delir of I iKIh Amtrita l Ctnrrttt aifjnAri, Tbit thelfor holdlnr the Circuit Court i and ail lee. 1 And t tt WtW eiiat4 That the juatlca for tha trial of eaoaea of admiralty and k- ,k. rJl-j- r mm T.rrltAi.. .k.tt PottmaiUr-Oenaral bo authorred and tultl And mitten of orerr Mad retuma- ! Z?"-1 ! SS-lTiJSl compel tho UriUti Ctrwdl thor of "quired ta c.uM ao ex.mioaUoo and bl. to or pendirg In either of laid Court.; r.JTZ ""Z:Zi7Zr2 M:Z 7i..n K. ik,M,.M r rrey of tbo rarloua routei between ihan bo held to ba retarrubio and eon . aL . a?a?.a " a TaivJ bbJ lurt power to twterrt tS aflJAte Ik,, end tha term forwbJch be ahall t Depoaitoi.aiid.. CooawtoKolPridjjo, ;APproTed-kla lK6r.;;.; "1 7 VTT1 . . r ,,,"w"" ,KW,,'' ikii1liJ.i!i k. m vrl ia ana report to k.oorreainaTomo wwca thorite, with the approbation of tba Preaident of Jurtiee, for reaaom for which new triala hare nually. Aod It ahall ba tbo duty f thoroaJ.wItft tf lr"r r tho exper.ie ol : .1 W aa,. a a I a. a .1 .... . ' . I a.lil. aaaL. a. W m. . A aya,itlaa a. f ao a J aiaaaa.. , ma unitea suwa, tna arawtnf or toncnea, mr I oantuy oean framed la tha eonrta of Uw, and J Uorernor I enecunj any imponant unprorrment tn ami to I mm bare power to administer an aecemryt0 thirteen m luwn, wunn iuo otumarj mnua anu rctcnuo 1 oainj or tunnauona, and ia maxa ana eauouwi 1 , , . , , f thereof win not aceoinpliih i to re-train and pro. aU rxcemry rulea of practice and pkadinf, and pTe. 10 ,e,ca f1""" M W libit lha rfraa-Snr of AtHP loMartM. lha V,,n;n. f,, iKa mv!. t.f: .k. k...!- ! tk. I an aQUlI DUmbOr 01 ffCO TbitO Iflh ) of tippRnf bouiea, and aU kindi of pmbBnj i laid court t JWJfWRoch rulea be not re-l for tbo purpoao of eleclnj member! of wl increaaa of the Ktrj of the Unhed SUtet. . Jo praride for tha Borarinf;, tahina;, and rea purnant to tba lawa of lba fJoitad Stataa, ae of tba Lctalatira Council of Mii Territory ; B U enacted by the Senate and llohte latin jrauctkmitbeafricl, and public ahowi and tba aaid Territory. Iand.hu abaft a! 'et-al-n'at.-r-l...' L. Rthmtntal imi f Iks United Statea o , tp&ita, meaeuma and faumectora of wood, him. on all nel decW af i P,n Jdgea or. manaeeri to prt.ldo at, President of tbo United Sutei fa hereby ; tr, and bark, frain, coal, bee( pork, nth, but. whera the matter in d'mpute ahall amount to the I I COOdUCt 0 aame, WHO lhall take the I autoonzea to cause ino owiaing 01 one 01 ter. and lard t weirhera of hay. fodder, and I aum or value of one hundred dollara. exchulre I aama valh. And obierr the aame iLrmall-1 thO ihip aqtborlied by tho act for the itrawi and to rephta by Uw, the wpection, of coatt, to tba court of appeah of aaid Tern. ift , now required by Uw, ia tbo elec- gradual increaio of the Nayy of tho Unl- TT. "'"" r.r-rl.T.' ".?w.imw-jio "w-uon of Delegate to Conereii.Tla tlmlted Sulci, lobe luipended, and the Ura I 1 1 rrlaW Wlianmrllnff lAA a la ava.aaa af aa..riu aaaarlaa I O ' a " .....w , . . ... w -lyi-MCTrw- ") "-"I mmiiterial ot&cerwnf thauma f and hal,Kw,,wn, iweniynrw, ow, anoi vjrcvn voorr n ica uiwca f uici wubui aotnor eourli, and court of appeAls hi Vljl7.? l?"r.9 1 " aV" lib. aama .r. Kar.h.. Am.A mnA L ika Diuilft f,f fthli. In.t.aJ S aad tho ludraa thereof, la racation, ahitL ".- w whb -arniT..ro po Bp i "r"" " z. . ' rr"' " " .71-: 2. 1 rl i l ' 7" V . V .bfna trni aad atbc-ritr. falpwea Dt Mid tuagei, coaauioned lor tbo ir"""' . " vj.:r:-- r -, oy ,, anau oeraai r.fth. ApproTea-myij.iKOv terUheldonlheiecondaiondiirofufy. malrrtenanee. CiUiea ia ro-iilr. aa often a, lb liudirra of tba mP tna lipilalle vncu thcreor, "t-"-- - - -Ll7.mi 1' Li XinTS aour? SapootS SmlSSfZ to "b of whom ib.II U an inhabitant of wr f tf bf tbo earloua routea bet weea .hall bo hkl to ba retamaUo ..n j con- randdeatha. polnuTX-T. I- r - - wld Territory, AnLek.ll bata rtiifed JWniorf and .Philadelphia, croaaintf the tinned to UvoUrmi of. aaMCotxrJ berela : h aa-ietioa . ieo.. 4 ( .AW Ae ftjrWtAiwefir.;-1 TbaTtKa thertia one yeafnexi rtcedb'jr bh elec- So-oehmna,!! Hiiro da Grace Ferry, provided fof.- r "T 7. An act eotxenuaf tha teat of Jeetke la Calla--. -tia Count, U the Itaia of JOaalv-;-. Ie it enacted 6y the. Senate and Ilouie A Rrfirenntatlvet tf the UniUd Statu If America in Conrrtti auemiUJ, That tbo biunta, An act aupplemeaury to - Aa act for the frad.) State of .flliooii fa hereby authorized to jito or aew, in ica aimpio 10 ina county of Gallatin, in that State, for the purpoaoi of locatinf ahd fixina; tba Scat of Juttico lodU hallba tie duty of the rMd.lta kfl eittraate of toe nper.it i to divide tha uU Territory io- f f nd con- tconveaient iIkt,aoa. to TnieDt p,h?t"u,,0lV m4lt :h diatrict. i.tirai miy be, Approved-M.y 4 182r. . miJ . I J n J ; irlZ'T thr.." 5S and Dl.ce of boidine tbo electionrab.il brr for' the wmo to bo laid up and ae r kent in rcnair i ta direct ia what nart of tha I United Statea in all auita fnp umiIimii ami fnr. I be made known, bv Dfoclamatioi. and cured. And he ii hereby further author town, biuuinja of wood ihall not bo' erected, J feiturea incurred under tha lawa of tha Unitedlaent to each diitrict, respectively l and h Hedt if, in hi opinion, the aatriocaa be ..andto reirulate the lixe of brick to ba made or Statea, and in all auiu in hich the United! shall be lawful for the'Jahabitanta within idono on odvantaMout termi to the Vni- ted state, to cause to be purchased Jot tho United Statei, i ihip of not leia than tho imallest clti authorized (o be built the aaid act t arrd for carry Inc auch fine or confinement to labour, not I other publio MiniatenandConaubt In contro And it ahall bo the dutv of tha laid Indies (pure haao into effect, the , amount for ,k. r, .fc.w, r,. r. : I i . u: g. j:ir . a.- I . ., .v . lL:.k ..k... ". I.. m. ' . t I - . -i nr TiiiinaPT-n. in ciicn nmrirr.- ir-miiR a t wiiivw ui .a-i v us.uiwciu.i . 0, -..., ... f . .1 nu nun nT, puwer m rtinu inu pw o-aica ai-au do a panr in au CITUCauxn in uw I (tH tUtrrta ahn ara maa . bibittbeniffhtty.andotberdiwderly meeting, and equity. arUinf under the Cooatitution and '3..1 of .Uvea, free negroea and muUttoea, and to Uwiof the United State and treatie. made, V qbfied yoterl, Under the lawa be Vuniah anch ilarea. k. mhlnninB'. not aacMdin. and which ahall ha maHa. niwl lhr aulhantv. I aame, tO OleCt 000 berSOS in each d.triCt. forty atripea. or, .t the option of the owner of and U all civil catca aflectina? Ambaaaadora or I ai a member of the Lerisiative CauTicil. I by Auch .lave, and '-a'' -O 4 1. a - a. ... .aaa aa . a i io ouniin aucn iree neeToe ana muiaioe, i ana Between aiiena and eitizant or tna united i - . . - i. u .... .i. ., .t : f racS effencea. bvxed wnaWe not ex. 8Utea.ln -Medlnjr twenty doflarene offence t and in reguhitiona,Mappeabara dirate4 tob ma5e '..lD,0 ft"" mcreiM 01 M -tua of tha fallur of eiieh free lemind mu. I from a diatru tna rmip f lha IThiImI I Council, in auch diatrlri. lr.niher uihtiayV-Ot tneunitea Otateiyy--- - :htw to pay and latTsfaucli penalty and appeal ahall lie. I the number of Totea which iach person I : Approred-May ir. 1826. .. -toSrTr!? r e W mT" W ! -a BUJ,ken "nnaJdecuion.of the ,hU haT0 ICCelved, writtenin full, oppo- An act making iurther appropriation for ten raacuM ??VZt Mtt "Sa ' the femoral of alt oeh naun-M. -.P--aata. al mianak; and t-. ika -.-.lUaa .-t tflct lhall be CanvaiSCd bf tbt UOVemor ml . tt-P-- rj r- otbev persona, ia mat not ba lenity entitfed to I rerulaiiona, a writ, of error and oppeaie are ( and Secretary of tbo TerrttbryiTor b j Be tt enacted by the Senate and Houte t --rowewa; within the laid corporation to.pun.f directed to be taken from the eircnit eoqrta of iuch other " perioni or in 'aucbj elherl-rA re$etativethUmted,Stattt c oy nnear pewaty mminow BUtea,; And In air otnee caaea, manner. theTeilatiro Council mar America, in XmrMaeMIedia haf lha 0 0W mmmm-- m.tJ---A''..-m. lalran I . ' k . W'T I 'a a T a -a . ... a and, tha person IfQltowinp auma be, an they are nereoy, greatest num-1 appropriated, out er-any montj i,iuc declared elec- Trc8uy, not otherwise appropriated, lor n tba Leriala I the obrecti followinff,' that ia to My i , ' i ui rarpwriinoi t ft mb mnnina wrav anw arinaa aiTa a ivdii ibi iranai n-aoiwriBn nw rna inaaofii t lean i aJa a-aaa a . . mi l .wii.i.mm at a. aa who wwiaawai awa aww wa- . j,, vwwa iwV aaav iiiiwviik-9 -w a,,- a fja- VO.IlCU i IUQ U klv IWQ lIlOTC I 4 f 0 r HUIiUUlK'iwU lUUill VI weaa -. Vah4a ' . . i y . ' 'ea.aka' A a .0 a, a. O a. a. .11 01 i W . . r w ' . . . a a .a 0a riifct-7TTa.rarar k. Ika aH r f Kitvl lArCflo.at!i7ll- 7a : ai ' UGiiuui aiiavAA aav f u uv kibatbau auu amii I tum lebcu uw av v vi aw,iw r-- n . e avrr mw' - f. . aa ..a la a 7a . af.. i ; Kei'' '' Ar Bi-' 1 " iweniy-iourtn taction ot tne act or to twenty. . .k-.r L. il j;.i- -t. ,..n h;niM(i',h(i i--nrf.fii. three thou- 'CommodCouncnahail have power to aubscribe fourth of .September,' aeventeen hundred and ql ttimtberof tw W. any.dtatricr. It teen htmdred land twenty-fitfe, tnree inou :j ;tothe,tocKof tbeturnpike road, whichiaau- eighrvine, entitled Anact toeatabliih Jhe iball be lawful for tbi Governor to order Mnd dollars. ; , v. ... thorized to be made by an act of the General judicial courts of the United State," and by the a new election in such district, in" such Tor pat of laboprera and teams, em- I . " 7 1 ,r6-n,t paaseu me louneemn aay i ui uic iweiuo ,01 ueceniuer, acTcmeen nun I manner,- and at IUCA lime, af me UglS-1 piojea 10 loauing aim . uHiun f Pebruasy, one thousand eight hundred and dred and ninety-four, entitled f. An actto amend f larl.a Cnn,1i : ma bw-i law tiraicrih. nilini. dotkbe. and removihU timbers ' a7 :Btl M -tot W"?ri4 .5 And tha ..id Le litive 3 Council ihell and atdres. lb tne aervlce of the Navy, u VL". eiaoHsn.n.iumpiice roati irom I aci enanuaning tne juuiciai couraoi tne uroi. ... r " - 1 J It. :..i.v kii..f it,. .nhMnrrain t r iley, Tkvern, in the county of Tairfkx, to a ted state.- .1 far a toid regulation, .hall be bold a testion in every yeaVrommencIng being tbo Wijw tr. the appropnation of - fww ot mtemcuoji oa tbo Litua River tdrn-1 practicable, shall bo observed ia resptct to an i on tne iccona auooaay inr iecemoer, u imc aei oi t.iiwiiimu.mng lo aaid county i a tract not exceeding one) handred acre, of the tract of land, annate io said county, and granted to aaid Mate, for the use thereof, br the act of tbo eighteenth of April, eighteen hundred and eighteen, entitled an act to enable the people of tholUiooit Territory. to l. form a Constitution and State Govern ment, and for tbo admi!on of such statei fnto. the- Union, on an equal ' fooling witW fhe'brfclnal Btatei, any restrfctioo la tbF . Mid act of Congrcst notwjtbs'.anding -tApproved"-lfaaAl8?i '.:,f; tCft'. V t, i Resolution expreative of the aenae of Congrerf ipfjtha galbint conduct of Lieutenant Duncan,' -. .- oitheUnitedStotei'KaTy. i . Reioived fy-"tAi Senate, and Iloute c r Rehtventalivf4f4ht United -Statei esas America in Congren Au'emSleaj fl hat tba " provisions of the joint resolutions of Con gress, passed October twentieth, 'eigh' "-- f teen nunurau -anu lounccn, enuuca"- " Reaoltftioni expressive of the tenne of ' Congress of tho eaUajiVcodocrof'CaD'' eifflen, and marines, and Infantry serf-.. ,. ntras niannes tort board Of the United viaivf vaMivi. vil Aiianv HjHvj.-x be ; so construed and extended at to ia- elude the name of Silas Duncan.' a Lien. tenailt ia theavy OheUnUcitateaVl-J: io testimony of the sense; wnica. is enter tained by both H ouses of Congress, of .. the diitinguisbed gallantry and good con duct of the aaid Lieutenant Duncan, in ant action with the enemy'! forces, On the ixth- Of September,' eighteen buodred . aad fourteen, on1 the same Lakji.': ''' :Approved.Sll3, 1826,' .. .. J f: ri r Yin I'Uflwij.i afi vi 1 , . J. t nr-irt--;-. yWEfairi. 1 TT-,".-J IT' iO-M J.. i i-i i I V ....... -

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