Ml: I . t r i i I '4 !. I,' . r Is I . rj Will1 titi 'A 'lit ) ' 1. ( ', 1 1 l' ! .. '.ft. 1 i f i . i. C j I e t r ! : i t f r ! I r ' ,(. f. , - - - f i ii u i; i '. I' u t; ( 1 1. 1 1 I - II i. if I",. t - ., k, V ' , 1 Ml ".' J ! - rt 7 ''. gen 1 . 1 . If44 '-! 19 '.- k t4 aUf IVif lav A 4 f( jrm.of wUl t' tky IUl K(f I M ( fx. rmi It lW trtiM M (Uk t-V kr a-jar aiiaet aad Ctrrm rwgW.Uf taaa Ui Ut t wt f a . a4 f if tiU ImckiMMf iM U '. !v.n umu eafcrt -- ' IU Uwt a M tal U7 wtre - i-rt tr fv4 kf P1- ' rui tka DnWi' af Vpee wet i U-e rtad, ky F. CUB, Wh, m 0tU vm dltft h ' Aui-r ck eri t Mr mlUf . AUwl J 'clock Wt cpr, vrr kUwt Ml at ! tl. i J ' . 'f '- 4 IU Jt i j 14 WS l7 ,i4 i 4(f Vf4 fro mLLWjj WMb fctS Mi ttm Lfli. mt trtm WW' Hi vmliWro.(lwTU4UUf. b H-jU kt'i WU,1 IS rirU M tik Mtn Vol rr f, mmd lt4 44 frM tWM cUf UA4 a iortd Wi i. - tUfft tl, lv mJl at On ULW, mh1 by Uf4Uf wrr drutk I i kuk Link i 1 KiImI l!4 tt IW Df M ik wr fit Un rMktitd l rifiU i tt It M tank, I kit tpolUtt txplti kit I iuf IrrUtf la rmnllr tlf. It rtwrn ftwtMwd U Vt CrtMl ti mct4 If tU fiJuJ t(trt ' Tt Ikt tM7 tf J0HJ CAlLUcir ' A Itmtot horn it fuu vt tom CwLm - U U4 cWxf t tf kt pvl4 Aultt. Ilirui ntJi Ct MMtn Wt ttpr'fif , Of m mWui1r tlpiHi iJ tmdo Am! rftot'rrt tk ct lnfliJil tUMWrtli tt-'MOTlutt '' i pnm ttmutj mi mm if " WMi krifif drpWltry tpriMk,1 , ,j. - A H k Ml .ktkrl taMtftkm lM.kl Ad - - - - UmttttiMktrticli Miktlr krutmkirt-1 -.u.-- .... - .! . 'J. I " ' " "7 W - - . hmaam A a t am mni uia a mm m . . - It la It au afMInn axl 4m. . . . . . . . TT "11-7 I t- ! n1 tTtfl 1 It i r . A t .u'f vti f " t , rU ktr f ,t tJi l.kk I :.! t t ill Ur lU tenU f mi trj liKK'tf tflLt nnUl fc-l tl,ft tL fcKcil0 i r rtilirlf tftti f 4 tr it clerk la tit fair kit took. & f iU tf Ik pit Jit to f!J If t!r, tfiJ iwlir il!;tf t9 t fen kka ptttvtrati lk cV.O tf tuc:' V 'rwM l.7 rt etmmrj tp't ta4 emq fcll b4 11 ''-'fa 1 Itr Loba&itmi of ca t.4j bKOl U ktt, tluj (k 4Xt tr kt thrv'' ';44 ' ltt Urpla. J-- - - ' ' v - ... . -A CrtU CtrrBiHat ji iQmt t cV m ifoporUT kuUwcdI ta lk Rpi.tnc cf Lt n Tfcf 1 Mt feocf V lff trei of Ltot irt iuUJInt fctvatm ina klrtromt iuodftJi of HtUtrt Mr. lkium(," PmWeot ! tk cotspioy, UiUtlViUf kf 100 Ikl7t til M tioced 4009 to forvtrd tbt coocem. Ilr. Ctick Cvmif bo c&! from tkU xowf to tb nrot f 0rt, tod ctmt bMiia tk co rt oft ftv mootki hlti 6PMi ftifcocii fuf rt lortlnr out tiitlolJoeo tof tUt( tooirtU tb obtect th bl tiWtrlcolu lit tut tl rtufr rte4 t littk ttmbtti tod lo tku t limit inted tl tntirtf tf tnfor mttkxmKth Crtilii rewmUt tiKtlr In ippcirtn.tlumUri tnodciof imh CvkotBiiApofkta Idital Mr. III r! I.i ifi tl v rid ttd tvktnUd m u tintJ unonf m JJt-Tto t;iuao ol iW ItfttMf tk4 grwl Utvplttl' frttaJoo,, .WluJt twr rifftrt rv3 to ' Ut oatii fwlilt oar moamlM tJt tWh kadi tt lU cloud, m tkis cVviocw fkkno aed tnt twl tuthtJtcn, t team of E(tt tt tU t tont of ttt carUV fcLTlM rratidrrtt of tk Vitittd lotcti Utr kt ) Mtatttd kjr tU ttutfJt of, tbt Tuber i twvuTj r - . rvTk4 JodkitfT of tbt Cfttttd lUtetl " tr tkv otttiout. m ktrttufgrt with mt . rnf kVBMtl tt tt Ukt aMtiatrki tt ikt cot ttitVlMM. t -1.. - .. WThiTArorrNrrr, tad ktlHtit t( tbt 1: ' fixi-lnttnul Itiprwttnttti t tutaet vor. Hth j ikt jMtrontft of t jmt EtjwbCci n? it - - g m tad prtMfxjV- . 1 Qciortk-CvoIlBt. i to tkt 8n Utt of Ctatet la txUst of temtor tad turn of DopU. " iioa truj tbt riftl bf titri la tbtrm) ftiti t: xatnts d U tilt rtt eaa of pubDt fcwpmo - jBeot ' -" 1 K "r ' ' . . . lliL Tbt lUpofiUci or IM sottia i mtj ymt WWlnnttad tMdtrttiot, pcrpctiutt tbt kit. A airpi their nW tut voa. ,M Ki Crtcet t kt eooatiy of Ifotoef tad teonlcxi ittr la Lhertturt tad Liberty i wj .Miicml dlimnct from rothlett hmnay btw kt WOrtd tUat, bough hobmwf tot I vhHt U tbBfed, Lit-Ut toa, tt irnJe. Valrlnf ? K Tar ft a - IMHWWHOTfP-r IHmJHmoni(MtrUM4, Crtot rlfftt I of Ikt ttmf tomt eH, tbout tbt tt cotookt. , Ai rct, If r. E. -..)Tlr,MJt4fr ErTotlt ia or aum M cwstu vppffW VCaMITt UKfl ftt M40M I - - . ... - Wrenr. witk trm. I klatvptakxi tktt tbtr tt I tt i&4 tsti CtcroM tod j okttua vtro tmpkrted timt la puaUDf Orttk !dw lht tht lklTUeri ApoQo it jt dt in.Iodka . rhjc Mr, ittl. 'ytwtrric. k tf M I t. .tj. , I! Ai, ' tr , J J' f itir tx,.rjt iMs r.lnl.l KirJi, Tb tf Ju In. 23, I r f tf 3J, tvcr cjMxk r. M.n-t cci-i it iht timt Ulr 2 tciffCtlf imfi4h, tht crltlrt ted mi tr.ttf l f.rt.ilr, luJ- dtr.J; tnxJt Mi ; jir.rut cf tht iMp kiid tbuut IVur Ictt iUjto li.i tr d i WJr Hl'lr . liuUt Mc& FMi"?rt I Mk ia- ' 1 1 tfB Urtocti ilmiUr wihot ictncrfi ttt New Ijit Uadtr MrpcBi...lul4-PtJ(i c til fsiiid tt tilt; fttt. t&d ill tlcumfifiact frr?tl A tnn la Up?Jttt,IflJi?tfy (of tkt tuottf XI ctfiti i!loid Iht Mid tod t tctsI4tr.Ut tonio4t tf tbt fleck eft Urrt Urijxd inckt. 1ft ofTar- td It toitlov tbt rtmiladtr fo ta tdJV riootl contldintioo, Ut tkt iPctilori vtrt- tithStd." Tbt nia tfitrvirdi Hittd. tktt Ikt tnnuonl moml ttud t citkirtUi tad tflJ (tlm f J vena of IC4. ' ' - Ttt Cnt liona tf ibt ri Tlntrt, tbout lo U trtcttd la tkt Clit tf York, tt Uld oti Aloodjf tbt f ik titt. TklibtjIWiniU.toUcoffipltUdbj tbt Ent of iNoTtmtxr tcit, tod tbt raititt neat of ttt t ooderiiodUJbt itta lo Mr. GiUcrt , Tkt proprktonbio It, vt Ullitt, f cited la t cotnptty U totlo mca U!onbto tbt citf. ,t f ' i Tkt Bumbor of trtutUrt ko trrirtd tt tJiVt (K. Y)f4 tttri tloot, m'40,000, tod U U ttkulticd frpca prt tent ippirtn(tt, lbf 90,000 wl3 put throogh tbitjpttct dorjof till feir. , 1a tht burbr tf tbt Suit of Tcaol tinlh It It Mid that Ikt drought kit Dot beta pankottrl opprtitlvt . Tkt prov ptctt of tit bukUndmia trt n rood tl tbty bitt beta tt tor brmtr period, tod Sour It to cheap la PblltdcIpbU, Iktt tkt lobaUuatt fitd tktir bono Uh lu : r- Tkt rkiiadtloklt Gtsttto ttttot, tktt i i I I i ' J : V. 1 i 4 I k t'l't j -t t t i fc.t 1 1 V 1 Irli.t J ti f.'.J 11 I .-: '' :t tiif !c4 lf it la Tt-V ! ' f f ' ' I . ., . ! ! ( f t , ! . 1 1 . . ' t r f ! i ' '5 rr i' it. 1 i.MI. VTahad OMnrftrta aad rmaMit. I - 71r Jra Sn4 Ail doiibt tl to tbt AaUdtttbtaMttvloUMcoafLettcDBUllM. ftxiitCBra of icli a marina mrmticr. rt I a.njnl Uirii nrvillt tmrm tka ab taiS2Iirrf"WB,MlM"br,nK !hT1 tx rtwond.trtofkoniodctule,ologtoibtklik -r- awik .i .... 1 1 :.rf Hntr!rii 1 at tV .V . HIT irK. I f Crww II la mV.inm n KM wm I - WW H11H W I 1J 1LB IV JVU V KJV 7 I r -- - - . Dtrirtf 0m tirat that at trmd ot rr tbt Stattt irth rrited fcn Urtrpoot, totrn)t, toot otlt welkinf tboot 301b. tbt buib- fit treated kt mcmhtrt At Vf Ikty otlt ail kk frW A ad. by tuck co-xJtct kt laadt tkra to. It n pprtaveal,Wkk ktratkit doty to uk . Kt toukt to patify kit ova Jitdpaent, Z lad act tbt fctHrtra, paaOoat, tt Uktiv.---- -OfkleTf,teotktTmi:-rr - AadbffkkHjadbtrtncttothtrwWt . ; rraat4 nk ta anoek wiadoat . f - - Tot tbt lottrMtnt af tkt ftaattv ft miniit that food onW, - " . . . . Mar kit toccrtaort. la tbt b'rt emct of pmidinr twer Ike fteaata-. Tkat freat atacnabfr ol ibt State - BtrLCCT Tkat tbit awwnmcnt will ke tkeir leproack . ,-t If ther aerWct to mmttr, . Aad RCSCMBU kirn. TktCi. :f!tr lr'r r'. i' t if i.llU tl.t II?,..-!.-; Cftft, f-rrr.r Jil tS lut mctncM a kSr. J tAt iu ' tttli!'.'; it tit f entrt tf tit Uk trt' Utti lit worpta tod ttilifts, a litiiorinf tt tvtt tht miilrf t t priuji ' tkt Tnn.'H f'LMt.aM.. Tkt crot of tkt Crttki UcLffut - morn, to tkt ISik. tir KtiK-rt aad Mr. (fuUtoett. inokt ia (itt tt tv ------ . - - ' ..I t.iiA um. wt v L . I . .aA . k- f. A AAAji . a. . . A t t.s laiir i.Tr' w.""! ."'.il "rwar hmi . - - - - .- ----- comt rwod. Mr, II. iUtLt rvlaof ikt Crr ck emit vit pA Rtceuinlf tt U la fcrrtd from tbt dovofaU of Mlttciofiittt Oa tbt eootwT, tbt bctt poiilLJt rtau);!1 outbl to be prttUcttd, frwa ikt eorit tod dcipentf ttioyr'olk Lick tkt, Ortcki ktd dtfc&dcd tbit fort re ti. W nmtrk tbt followiti Mturt It. tkt fromker of tkt dfobarh nnUv. (I6(k) ba rettirrd. .... Wt kit t ibt itrorreit trouftdt tor " coociadlflf tbit tkt popuittioo of IrtUad kn dotjUtd la tbt bit thirty tetri ltd, l to oil belicTf fartber, that it It, tl ikli . mot&cQt tocrtititif at ikt ttmt rati. , If. tbt ttfta tnlllkoei of I'iik of 1131, ih!J tko poplatiotiol Har,UdcioiiLla aol7 tlftbtf ycart, tbit of Irtliod U1 bt Dearfr equal In IIJI. Looklog M tbii fjaeisloi tt It tffectt Ikt prtMDti ootklng bat bit ii mott ghoatf M ttrri&e for, la pitel of usy ptotpttt tf . their cdliioo beeorolof betteri h tetmt - itlaJJttttf teotllflf to - becocat orat. ... ; At ibt receot ptjllie tneetlnj la DobHa reiatlrt to tkt luaadoa of tbit tnctropo . (it, tbt ckief nagiatratt attted tkat twenty ; out tketjuad ptrtoot of lit populatk trertoot of tmclor. . ' la i cim tried trat forrgtiaetto Irttmd,- before . old Lord liorkorj, ont of tbt tbtt oo tbt Grid Book kt fell lo wlih, I tI, tt 70 to 75 ccMi, be log tboot too tnd I tounuJ, perceMor that tbt iodee wi vkat bt callitibt Set StrtxDL Tbt reofliter wit aid tetn by kit ptuengcrt, bo kirt ceriicd lo tbt fact. It oil about ilur fert'ln letigtk, tod vai pro ce'tdlor to ibt iit ward. . I IT. . v-i I Arm- Tfk QtxtlU A- WkiHljU.aak4i latWaaWr Urely passed otet the Sasqucbtnna t few miles below Colo obit, Pa. tod la Its pro grnt raited a cotyma of water tppar totly tkret or Mir feet la (Hamster,' wkkk - tKeoded Ith a' violent nuking clood. Tkt tippet pert of tbt column XiiL. .f kixwl spread tod tisumed. t broon like ippetr " i,l?,,J of "j , a kalf cents per poood, tod other ctttlt food la la tbt stmt proportion. Tbt Editor adds, tktt suptrfint lour eaa bt bought tt two tod a kalf cents per poaad, tod thtt cnt t poood of It.(oolaint n mock ngtrieoent tt dooblt tbt quantity of oats, to tbst, If It bt osed wltk jorlgtaeot, h It tht cbeapeit food la tbt tnirktt. ' Stv tl owners of borset ksrt adopted IU Qq dissecting the eiephmt which wsi lauty killed la Loodoc,.lbt besrt wst fouod to be two feet long, tod eighteen Inches broad, tnd when tkt body was Immersed la fire wr a net tt It tpproacked Ibt clood, tkt wa ter becoming converted Into mist or spray I by tko violeoct witti wbick It wat carried lupfird. Ia gene.-il appesraoct tb phe- Vm cm truatin.Mi r. 4 ; JUA.YUMI33IQ.Y mn4 WltMZJTtOX', At tbr hit annual rneetineVf tht Soct- atroctible, and wkU re-appear witk incrtWlety or Friend in ihli Smer that; very lootBtooo rescmbkd tkt wtttMbbuUof , effuteneftf -. r ... ..... . . rx speciawa ooay came 10 tDt retoiuiWO lot octta tod tbf lakes.- IJO.-'Out W ctmatry wwata. r ... . of tntnaroitting and removbgtlMbt ccr v.1--" Amimbere" vvloatmtoaatfwtrt abodrankt farti people held by them, that were . MtVliI RtlD. r Iratwtkavt beet able to obtain only the fcllow. willing to leave the country tnd slnct . At tht court lo Concord, (litis.) Mrs. ..."v:.."-"--:.'..--'.-' thit timt. ther ksva been roneartinv SaUy Reed was littlt tried for an isssult o- n r.UIL Eaa. Tht ConsUtutioa I measures for c arr-lntr their Int-niinn. In. committed 00 ttt kusbtod John Reed of t?nitd stattt i honor to tht men whol,rt .flVrt. .nd In innmiiin. k. i.K. f I Bedford, br'1 ooundlnsrhlm wltktbreo framed a to thow .ora In reUtioo ta,,,el 00 ' Ska Aataa of the Revolutioo were eoatummareo 1 1 . t . -,'t .. ... . I niriwi t rnn mnnfK- fnnfina- comraoo'liilr"; Arttr re- permutea to go to yam fot oo benefit of the' tea Eeaderrftkepty- . . Mth Qbio or Indiana. ( , -... b bti husband, oho ktd received so tnt- curtUflJ. , , , ' . rtw, -xt half a eeotorv find it onimpairtd I ut" lu"' ut""Bli"f wnicn mi rw i - U r. n. Atea-rfef, laqTke orator of jf IM DumbeT are deslroui of going to V w w, - : ' "-..t r Ila.tli lid to Liberia i and about 100 bridge WI,, Tbe Ladr of Sir Walter Scott died at Abbottford, oo the 1 4tb of May. Sir Wal ter, wat married la 1797, tod kit Lady was tkt daughter crioboarpeoticr, ol tbe city of Lyooi-; v - ---- The accounts from Spain continue lo state tko locrctta of political tussaUsTac tloo. Tbe London paper lays, A oew revolution la evidently only delayed by tke presence of the French srmyr Sii tbouund pounds was paid dowo for Woodstock before a. sheet of the BIS. wsi delivered.. , Tbe original WSS. of til tkt Wsverlywprki in morocco binding was to be d i noted of wltk tke effects of tke Messrs. Conttablts, bankrupts. ' It kat been determined that Parliament ti fir John aooCU l Dt lion, rranoa iocae, i . . . ZT . v , .riVua-w .4 otbaedi.tinruiA.d ia deputed ST too SocletT. hit rone to Famea, who tumour " -nrCUIkMIHJ m- a L . ' " I T.. ..... ... ,- I characters of thb ownty , they bvo la the re-l ttetutort in Uut JState,. to .attend tou tka cotlection of their many eminent and superior . irtue, examples for tke preteot tnd rising gen- tH Mr. P. . Ney-J)t Witt Cllntoa., . Ia tht evening, I Ball wai glvea at the Man. alon Hotel, wLkli waivery aumerouwyanenuea. aftnttV attnr.. tA aMta.L ika m! al 7 . ' ""r-t-'j "".r "w' n Div.i. t.,- a t. .tu. the numbtrof 3376 ikunm, raci host woo. atvemtda choice of llavti for w,w.. ... woodchUeks .sou irrels . bobi theTrTulurehomiiaVesselkadUenproi tovmthwtto VoSStkerl ertSS chartered for.thtt porpoaa'by 5bL fef? .Llf f. f," dS Kichird AiendenbtU of thit county, for c "'"u" tht tociety, which wti to tail tbout the ?"e,n! ! ! TbU ? bM U Utn first of this month, June. . b?Hl ;".hUl .'?? J"!' Md tb? e,-5D, The 316. of thit population who bsve D8 " umla TBtOOLD MIXES miJJfa-thtMn to go to Liberit, tnd the 100 moro.iQJhe.ihole .slaod would tell gMldesi"oflo eU King, a yerijrorthy gentleman nowenga. j 9m also lent there at the expense of wew 10 W ilrct bne H,tb from. ged in working the gold mines In Montgomery the society of Friends ; tht former by the wo WJ1BWP" 10 -nigaii i erri county, in thit-tute, who it one a a company ursr veiseis 10 tht Arrtrao Settlement, recently formed In tbt state of Georgia for that and -the) latter, by mesns of wtggont, Durpote, ami who wm stated In t late fcivette. which will be engaged to convey them ville piper to have been, todangerously woun- and tbeyiittle property of which they maj 4ed In the operation of blasting a rock, that kit W possessed. ; . , t tfowu despiuMdoC fll DBTwaircBuy afirr gn , persona to mo lory elots on tke Island tre bigbly cultivtted, sSd have an Aspect like the garden of -(en The' Island contains SI square mfei, and pet haps In no pert of the world areihere more products rais ed . for man tnobtsst, thtn trt tnnuslly raised ot tbir fclabd allowing- tkev eama psrty of young men who receour " I went from Paris, stsit or Maine, on Squirrel Hunt, returned with gsmo to the number of 3376 skunks, raccoons, bobslinks, The paper doet sot inform us how Isrga tht Dsrtv wss, nor how long they .were out . a a. but thst surely bat something to do with tht itory. " ' . ' Tbe Detroit Gazette tsys, tbit dpt. Franklin end hitperty,tttbed4hacl tic set on the 14tb of August. Alter remsining two days on tbe cotstf-thejr; returned to Kesr Like, where trrane mcnts bsd been , msde for their win ter residence- by the Hudson Biy Company .nr. Tbt). bit deipatcbea tre da ted tt tLtt place on the 6th of Septem- ber.'- C'Z 'r ::-r f. -". ; The Iroopitt Detroit, which Jhtt bees ttleep, requested tbtury to uke notei. of tht evidence, la order tbit they might bt tbit to chsrge tbe Bench. . . 'Umr from t Bostoniao, In MarxieV" ter, Enjjlsnd, " grr)og " tomt account 'Ml. the riotous populace la; that piece, mentions tkat tka mob stuck -ed tnd robbed tomt fifty persons, ia tbt streets, of their mooey, wttckct, fce- which wis suffered by tht lutboritiet, be ; cause they were unwilling to proceed to extremities witk tka poor crettorct. -Under ds:a of tka 29th April, kt says t Last evening, tfttr 9 o'clock, tbt mob were dispersed, aod tbe streets were quK et during tbe night, but tbit morning they tre tgsio filled, in tome parte of the loan,. whb the most miserable: looking wretckv et tktt 1 ever ut. I took tka precsutioa todsy jo kave my watch and mone at;; borne wfien'lVenl out,' for fear of' being . trested as numbers wert yesterday.' I' tkink thst every Americsn, who tees tnd knows whst is going on here, will bsva much re i son to ba tbsnkful tbst kt be langt to a country where tuck a ttttt of things never has, tod 1 trust ia God never will exlst- i tl . - - The Fancy Bill in London; for tht benefit of the poor, was said to bsvt pro duced upward! of 4000 (8 1 8,000.) Six tboussod eight ' hundred pounds were, we understand, psid down In cash to tht Great .Unknown, by tn eminent Bookseller, in-' Paternoster row, -for the copyright of the Historical Novel Wood The London Dioers mention that tht coach eslsbiished on the Stockton tnd Darlington Railway, carried lately, lo ont day, do leu thtn one hundred and fifty eight passengers, the. whole of whom were drawn br two horses, r&o muca for- internal improvements. J - tUiirt tbwo t ttnow aoend and XZtnealthrind Jhatno douM wever enterned . . , tLawi,WwtA In Missottrfr ' :y?:i sailed tbout the ttme time to Africa.- i delightfulaoibiet residence Is It il; inontemplationstablisli ottld prove ataWepU 4-TkIt Society, also, contributed SOO dol- i to N Jbund, till Mf. la thla ori an- Gymnastic school at Boston.' 1 A petition cheriihedby averj fienufit genuemaivbo U afj t0 thf? funda 0f lhe African' Colonixa Other part of tbt wor l.tvr;;:;;vAi has been granted brthe city government, lttingaMaUHB Uoa itty:-toQnaIitti' kttttbliahment: jI&J&Z 6r7tbEloiititl:pIfiM eirtif twtojr for he.weB--f Mr, King, ;t. i . J . , , ,. . ... ,. . i ; A Linen tnd Cottc i Baggintf Ftclorr f tart, aod It ia ascertained that one or more instructors can be had. A meeting wai called to complete tbe arrangements, and raise the funds Decenary for the tin dertaking. - . , . , Judee Cranch-has commenced s course of Lectures en Law, it the Columbian College, la the city of Wtibingtoiv ' may kare induced hjro, during hb motoenu of I jctrtttet.t recommend tb follow- It now building In Pitsburr, the afoot, to authorise the publication which wai lng Mjom w gctreslel :.A woman oucht efy f which will be Hrawn by' a ower, wmcn ur. a i. ..I ... e i tbe machin ' an engine made in the Fayetteville paper. We are tke never to anoear In mint clothet i for tet-1 of teO horse tower, Which filr. SutcleflT, ; more inclined to believe the FSyetteville article ting the delicacy of the matter out of the the proprietor of the factory, ' it now . vai authorized during t momentary aiarm,irom queition, if the be well made, she will I making, and which Is calculated to mm .tie'fact.that the Kientific gentleman above aM look, ill if the loolt. well, the mttst be j ufacture two hundred yards of linen, end luded to, bu betrsyed a very ttwng desiro to U1 mide. - ; : - v -1 four baacrtcl of bagging per fla.. According to Belft Weekly Menen- 5 erf It It thought that the common sort of obtcco mty be cultivtted with lucceii in many ptttt of England. . i. ..v 'J ": i The London aubscrlption for the relief of the stirring manufacturers amounts to nearly 8Q.0O0. (about tSiOfiOO. f ,An attemnt has been made br a Erencb man to tsssssioale JSlr JUudson Lowe,, if , his residence, in Smyrna. Th Pone Kas issued a new bull againsi all ttcret societiei, end .. particularl . egiinst.the'Freeniasbn:;i?p' : Brussels, pspers of the 18th Msy, to nounco that Lord Cochrane T nti left Capital opr bis wairto Greece.-'.' -, .. ..F.-ar' -rf..'.'' ' ii -mw- .ii.a-i,t.'pa- ' ALARMING I . ALARMING I ; It bat been ascertained, tfter'i 'X , mioute calculation, that the city of Ches ter, (England) contain! one iundreet and y one old-Maid more than my town of the , same size in tho British Xmpire What, ' do the beaux of Chester lay to tbb I

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