I) , f ' ' ' . ' HAMiilJUJtY,;;. TI'K.-.IUY. JULY H2G. hwMM . a H. ! . -a, J VOL. VII NO. tit i'ffr,ft I'ntUt J, TLi l-."t to U A a trft Ma.! i-- 'tim-rttl'mt -rry t'a f f lit lfnf frl44 M(m r1 t;. I.J ir.i .) trta a'.,. f, 4 tcV)ff ,.J t I'.'tr t.!i 4 l tVra.i. . ' f l ij. if t.J i j !!! I :..... t.l ,t J , I ihrrr tt h'4 r ..-4 eirrtJ Ik wl ' ' v I f i .t fi u i. r.itf r lurft a j tutu) M "-' liters"- t J k lwtlJ a f -1 t t. ttU r.f a,j I ,r t f 0 5 i.kt lir,t& 1 D f I' ll liu-h r:'t,;,'.,!i,.,,-i I s.j 0. . m ....... ti - - I t . j i , , ... . . a . n i , .a. ,r rj. i itfl....f.i.. r ..I fv-r f.M niiii iiyj-t :.', Iitt l-fii-icti.,1 ettr ilu tsr,t U -'.! .. ' I t r .t a . 11 I fj. a.ff IT. r -.. I I m,'-. ,..rT .IfA ira I Ht. 1 B . I''-.. . I' 1 - 1 I ? 4 I fff g:7r :-r,Kv;v:rf;:; ia'r.' lt::, ftf::,,;; W;)l.,Vlfi':, fVln mICTVc f Wirt; f .fc:;Mmbr..,. fee. J. JUmiitfTte vlt' Zl. - U Jrt4 iLUt U t tfil tiM; u U i. M prctcT),ti M 1 tpcftUf.vUk of (h t!4 cf. Kn.4(i iiut cm. , ...... .,4r,f Af .r-M., i'lTTiit. rr.X iC7tJ u WiJiiy&fuH" ArtfJr.A ' v itT V U i,pet3H f !H W.rVofi Oi.k Milea. idpti- - i " . ..... ... .... iwrinf oMiiin ijr in b rrr .t t.i mill DruriiiDn iot in wnmn bi sen 001 . jrmmrm t iMnii 1 nil t i . ...t' . ' " " I 11 f -n . . I . . ... . uiMlLitrfiUW ihrttUiKlrta -4 fnfw wnnrMjMfWM, imi. w HtirnrnHiiHt V M 'lit b tw4 for thi ifri of 1M1 tcft . . .... ' mm m ml . I PUUI h-t teii,K ., n.ii talk . . . 1 . I . i .. I I . i . Vkl MUM WJ ItUIirtV BIKi IWIS. mAt.. .. .. V . . . V ' T" . " I I ,' w U1 wmv (tfk, tl r mi Uit .Mjt) .Kilr' ! . 1 . ' be Out f ait tm.tectinf tmcm ituvi ij.hT ia.il" ttlca tcctvoo carsbcr itetnor tHbtr I occupied lor cilllfir Byruotef ctpiinf l.,t j ,v. ! k. a" 'raVl!.'. rf Cw. 1 Ur.i tl .1 Jj;,!yf"l,.TT,J" U,."'"rt..,0'?,,W,K ;iMr".."J,5, ift.fleo0cil.ftt.B.IWaiirtivj ITU itw Innrirn UniTir tit iiiti I 11a llii Tud I In if rni rrn 1 1 1 ti r.TTMrlfiv AntriHMfi mIi)m.Vuiu la A utm SThVtXiuJliircr. - T,Baftt' tSl'KJr? !n(J, 19 wil l for ticl tcnihl? or Jrtc- drtd tod 6ftf fett la from pi Jeffcrwo tsttwf K.r.Trk,. Ujf1tnt. iH. iJlwcrr fcvwUp, coouUiof lur ifeot, kkJ ereodint tU uni ldttt to ii"eStr?ar t txior w lWl Cr. kW4 &l Uooil . towotlip, cootikinc. Irmter conliMnc ckm bundrtd m4 6ft feel SlTsLj ,5 1 om , rtVpSru v'V UJl?fT"th4 -P4 quality .cT I.rv4 tbta oo btif, uxl not front apoa Jeffervxi itcnoe. tod erteod- I - t . v - iZKS. krfQ Mtortfftvwi oot other M.apoo wfclcfc thi ,bultdl? efU. . , pepCTcf Qodd lieULIiht How. U Ux mor thta oo btlT. pf towntbipi oot occupied bf tb raHitirr tor kef per It .K-h-n h TkVnrt IUrt & Urbt nouM m tb tS,U'A f 1 ' N bilf mcUooi and tor fnctlonUowo- iltaite.contiioinsPfiohondrrdindiven- r'Titl oi nan of tveotr ibonuod tiolUflt, Ff the ptftnent of tb iqm to th , frleftdi idd fottovtn of General H'Intotbj, -iilptilitedJof lo'Jbeiiloihjnlcltcf.ib .w uii Trttt ,eo tuodrod tboau&i tioJ " For tba pijrnent of tb tarn to tb9 -Creek union, stipulated for by tb wp plemeott tnuU to thi uI4 Treat ; Iblrtf tboauod dollirv ' . for carry log: Into eocct tbe tlipniittont toenth, elihtb. Motb, teotn, and tWteedib ftrudet, tod 9 J. r... if! Afka nfnti ftiw!lBa thm 'tkVcow ,TeB' fiitbful enetctlon of tbo prorltlooi of mtw tU tMhPi ciainlna; rlier qatotl- , arKl eu-nded rwck.la rK)rtb-wetieniMiJ Tre.tr. oM boodred aftd twenty Tmi t rJCr n: " I n"r"ff Ba. traridthaoooteflaro atctko, aod r,rtcUoo, by paraflei finei, at riKb! a0l!et ,tl . . ?: " Cracrrth. APPrbyn,l ZZi t iwt.f iitw.Strjf W 7 Tth? rfr?e. Sac. . MdUfurOurtntrJ. That Lrii l ifcU act iball not taka eCTcci, . . . V . - ' - - . I . i . - 1 I Il-.L. -I I. -. - - t .. . - 1.1 l - II 1 . ..t.. I . . . I II ii i - I . . ---.. t wti i.i l.i turn r ' ' Hs. V.--, alJcht IIwa on b ?tnoTaJ, and aacborwl at or a Fi?a I d b Iht becreurj Uuiei reawiy, cut I aid 'reemcOi In their cprnorata cryi nmua y "7.- ry7rratimiiJmi,oo; tracapaof Ucuvkra iur.roi any OTiTprypnaicii pjiww una wunin i tnaj bare accortd to tbt Ualted btatea a m - '" " IAd alic, that wbea tti tfcftitry ef tM I reawry. How ih.n ba trtited, ttt AVtd'rVf a tb4 arid ftim of troldlar, tbr Dklikt Cavrta of U Wb4U Btatf U tM Braiklrwiaa Iif4t tbt bod ttittrlct wbart tb towoiblp for lium ofmonert to beei&endcd finor lb I r Uf'-Umhei Sart r r nratwfraJfkal I J vKl I l 1 . . t t... . J 1. . I .. . . ', ' ... I J J L 1 1- J - "Tl . latkaWa of -ftaritvCartlna, a. UrW Vev VL "i "fl77rTLw" wa,, .t w m.7 o. wiu. o.rect on ol the 3ecretarr CI .War, MO; " "V ."4 i M to b a-Hlfr Wtr. m to axcaad rhtT l.s.n .-kV riv7BrWhL lM I WDCT Kcico, aoau do nw cint lor the erection of iaiio, at a vrwn win w - klobt a-xhortd at tht aoutbarr-t Straddla tba Yrnttard tJouad. M7 tcourt, tad poo u tana plact tthboot tbo llmita of tbt city, to be ma aaall bereaftcr U boJdea . at t r . m . a . m .a A.ar a a . t . a a - . ww. m i mrm aoiai nm. m uts uncnivt iraeni a ' l. r.it Tint iiirmii ror ma a b noon i Knawh id auca rrnmitrnirori n ma waa i i.n.rtm.di al Pia. at tbt N InJrt of Cap rear Em, vbencrcr tbt U&t nouaa, dimttd tobtbuirt lovflablp, at tettioa number tixtcen it, Wlpp-o-d-Mir 70,1816. ' tiksaBeacLijftit-- - en a proper alte, near Bafftlo Creek, it tbt or roar b) beld. la tb StattJ where tuch ... ' . ... . .."TT atrtvwtttrklmtr, oT a Lirht iiTiSS TCifS tOntWp ahall U rftbateA ; warVaurrtndc? the bouMf jaada drawa bt - 7 . a aa .a la. w. 1 a -.- aaaaijL mw-v w aMia-v a a . - k T J 1 - T aT a A. J T a. 4 I !. 1 I .1 T T " TmiI tt at aacnorta on tot taxi cane, or itik. r.t li .v. .k- a.M vi; rr oai i view, hhi to iocau otoera hi nca uiereoi. Iti-U'Ji fceprefireretoberratotliml ibtJl bo "tclectcd, n b nanocr - Beit eiucttdly thtSnmtnd ilnut iTm Z I cn tat Tight Houae, nereioiore fiirectaiu fta I aooTe-mcnuaoca ooo aeciwo ana ooo i tirprttcnimtvei Dj.tnt vntiea claret Mm Aia tha timet and placet, and Iotht mancefV bcreio protided for, any law to tho coo trary rjotwhhittnding tkatIt to aiyi At iloottriUe, in and fos the nortbeni District of Alabama, oo tbe firat Monday of 3farcb.Aad tba rti Alooday of Octo- ber pat Mobile, in and for tbe- Southern I VN . .a a : I ., M Ma & J .li - . bumwTbron'aNreic.toteerUieiuleroa quarter tecUoo of laafl, ht tr aepport "Amtritari Cvtttrttt-mmUfdTkhl lX uutricTton 100 nrix wonaay la iiayan., - T"? eCttrltJr ?? th kl Neeki or the Beef adjacent thereto, a. 0f tcboott within that tract of wuatry ahall and may be lawM for any acidic ra w tbe aecond Mondar la October, in la tret-ate of GeorrVaBea U&tjS owally tailed tbe French Grant, la the ia the late warror their helrt, to thorn chyf, k.: a: tat entrance of Cockiptrr harbour.-,PProprUtiona hereia made, abalt be county of SdoU,tod State cfObio. boanty Jandi hare been patented, or may aiipotitioo ofcauaea commenced In, and ta'tttatattof Mi-uwpni, a Ujrht Houae oa mmm J . nmtliOMiftUyrr mikS. AmrmdIifSOLlCS. hereafter be natented. in tho Territorr of pending In the Dtttrict Court; dow bekt dt Ml-K-jippl rim, at tbt town of Nafchex. - ?er,t Jndbti further enacted. TUt tba Lflewinf rtun of atooey be, and the tame are hmbr, appropriated, toaitt r , .; la tht rate of Maine, four thowand doIWa tr t Vf bt Home ea Matinicuf Bock t and four . tmmvSl d lUra for one oa Pemaquid Point - h tbe Mate of MaaaacbuaetU, two thoutand l lwvlmt doNart fuf a Lirht flouae at or enrite appropriated. - . - juh.-mw.tah.uk,- ' Speaker of tbe llooae of Reprettntatirea v . : .- JOUNCCALHOUIL Vice-Preldent of the United Statea and . Preaident of (be Reoate. ' Approred May 18, 1824." - : - . . JOHN QUINCT ADAMS. a.t. .i i.-Jl e. t ! PiKaafi,. tn i.U CAnikaM HI. Aa act to amend aa act, entitled - An act to In- "niaa, ana woiwi i.na udui ,w co 7' Lu Z A1 corporate a company for makiar a certain tiratlon, and who bare' removed, or ahall there ahall be a Court held t laid Dlace, TurapikBoad In the County of Alexandria," hereafter remote, to the aald Territory ft tbe tlmea now filed by law, and aftcr. :' pajted thirteenth JaYf, oat thouaand eigtt with a view to actual aettlement on tbe jddjpnent la aald caaea, final pToets bandred and thirteen. b. tBera drawn In all aucb caaea, thereon may be itioed front and mi do . Whereat, by an act, entitled Aa act ...w.K.num. m.n.f. U .rt, returnable to. tbe aald Court, to be heU incorporatiajp a eoaapwy to ritablitb e Lanner aa the Commlaalonar of tbe Gen-U Mobile, In which Court all further turnpike toad front WUej I avero, in ert, office direct 0 lhe Mtia. proceeding! thereon ahall be hid. : " a . - iuu b w r-. .. I., miinif ni p iinir. in l muni ni inrrr I m .. m .. r . n . i a ja l. it .im j t"v. r - aerbtw , tht tkwtaad for Gffbt rratel to be - to the City of Italtimore, " . v ZZZk iClutnZirA ,acuono1 lM Pr ana Keceirer w - ane!redor near Tuckanuck ahoal, in the 2 Lt th, Sencu'mnJ JtoiTef Pet eclkmton J" LJU, M'1tvJMAe1rod the proper diatrict, that the land patented all cautea and proceedinga, of ereryde Tiatyard ftound, and ninety dollart far Spar Jj rttentativfiif the United S:atn tf Americ ff " T Wttrlct of t,o1uov t0 hem u anEt f0rcultifatioo, andon the acripdon,-commenced or pendingvlfa Ba-vta be aiichored. oir onthef afiddle urcMsaMtemmrinatViop.tt. t.pmf thGtAnmj torrenderoftao patent la them'grawed, either of laid Cotfru, bat be (ontlnued frwnd thoal, near tbt rntrane of Salem bar- cotmtjn officera of tbe treawry Department the Stato'or Virginia, it is protided, that ,4,,, with tueh a reteate of their returnable to aald Courts, to be held J 7rZL iSLSSS be: "tr 9X9 h'nh 'toorawl tCree. tbe company thereby incoroorated may, interest as the Commissioner of the Gen- according to tbe provisions of this act," I Krdttfo lflJK " ,heif fJr Und Office shall prescribe, sue l proceeded with Ja duo form of law. I ee 8int,r Neck, ator near the m,th of iB0 . 11 ' intersect tho Little - River Turn ,0drer, or bis heirs, may locate and en- Approved-May 22, 1820, Bareatable barbouri and two hnhdred dollan by fc5tT in iudefenee, during the le or the line of the uistnct ol ter wjth the Register of the Land office, An act regulating the accountability for clo '- 1 fc JMWitea, ia or near ge WM Grett Britain. . v . -., Columbia t la the Utter case of intersec- for be r ,5,, in tbo Territory thing and equipa iatued to tbe arny of the I ro .n; .Sec 2. Jndkeit fimher enacted, That, & ting the line of the District of Columbia, nf Ai.naa7accordinif to ihiaectional -Baited 8tate and for tbe better ofgaibatioi- I , . "J.'yymigqos'anutjHaiT oHraior-iMr.-tl.!n!rtfl.-tha .mnnnt of interert dug ta the! tS ..i,t .ir.U mt iahi iBt.1. .: .. . . . .. j I of lha CliirtpiACr'a TiTSmnf - - 1 - r. a im aaiai a 1 laiii lua a.aa a iuii'wv waaaw miw j j...;.ja.Hi liitaa nai f ip av miawnf aw a w w - w aw . . - "37 Vtoc,u op "5" -wwe CHyoT Baltimore, the following rulet aball be ftbehrbour of Eatt Greenwich. ' ?- ; adhered to, to wit: That interert ahaU not be n. toe. natt of Cunnecticnt. four thrnmnrl dnL I ' i, . t. r .ki. kfit. 1:.1 11..... k I -.t ti.... I - i . . .. , ... 1 - w . hi in iivuicr w V, mulcu uu uuim I haa bm ti vna nnnr ai rn. I . - IIUUIV- IPIH aw. w. 1 iticrmir taoce from the town of Alexandria Be it enacted by the Senate and llotue ( any bf the unappropriated public lands In I . & tf the military district In said Territory i Reft reecntattvee (J the United State tf , . - - -- . llliuic ll pu J utiiuw. vi.w w. . wis a..rauMv. a iu .. - v I ailli MUUII lullitiHiI ' wuiM'Wiuti:",'-- - J jfca, or on tne wert ena or NorwaJk, Long VntcA iMe. wnich ttira ahall be evidenced by America I Cdnrren atiembled, Thmt the m.Au Ir aliall he the. dnt of the Reriiter I shall be tbe dutf oT tfie tyuaTtermailer Vt I a - I . . " . I r . . .fJ Mi!. a Beit enacted Ay Ar Senate and Haute of tatet of That it wiu 1 uuo iiaDiimna aouan iw m itPBTfin nn init .a.. ar.. am. aw-A.i s-a ka r ,nA eki. .k "e .11 I .wnwu rT.,u"f. v. IV ? - " r Commissioners, to be sppotntea ". - '-"i y" ''""iii. wi uio .usaioiiio 1 ng timore ly tne 'jniiea ouieii wn no mier-i . . . r n - u lia MeriMw WTmmI anil t.nfJia jnti.n fo,l . . ,.1 ' -j .u. r:.l the actof Coneress to whlCn ; Whw Buow.ln therfQlloinir Itt rn-iiti Li- n.n: J. ... V.t ;nhnirf. k, I amendment, forlocatin? and on Brown Beef, and one on Bird't ReeC at wnen the nrincioaL or anrpart of 4t; baa been I the - road, berelo mentioned, mp ih mImuu i,r nM.rni i.ij.u... ...1 1 ... .. . .WtAundml-dollaea for jnaking an examination Jnore. the and ijnwi if neeetimnr.io aaeertam fhi irfltl.'L." United Statea to the City of Balti-1 nnver to law ant t ha aama from anvDoint interert on the iUDiao; oaid shall 0f fotewwfe under to iatue to the person so locatintr, a certi- Department, in addition to its present du- thiais an ficate anecifvinir the auarter br half see- ties, to receive, from the Purchaaing Pe- "tnarklni f ,l"f UA a , located :and"eJ.te"rJirrid Mttll-rwtrjstrib ahall have it .hall be the duty ot the? Commmiooer the United Statea, all cJothing4ind camp namn in Stamford, on Smith'i I .- eM. 3 - jin h u farther enacted. . That the I point In the line of the corporation of T and emrn rptnan1 f of the am --"Ky. oppwwr me lowrr t marten, and on a I amount -of tbw-intereat. -when-ascertained aa Ml lp-i.M.. Lai L . nama . I a -' vi niiuwn nw r lit wBma nw ftiTrM wr'm majibo aw i - r . a . tU rfk...-. " " r I aioresaia, jnaii oe n me r.ate Of New York, a Utrht Moiim tit Alexandria as they , ini their : judgment w war Dunkirk, six thousand dolFara, on Lake fAlf I tW0 thousand ISva htiiutpart JntlaM V at the -art end of Lake Erie, on- a tite; to be w?fr4A . aa lla. - f-lt . - , m ivtir .iiii'uriHna nrtiiurt. in? snt nn fiiim lUnd,in LongtslaMi three thouaand dollars i'r one on Tihii. pn;n t'v-....- - I I .1 - . mm, 1 WlliailWt LTreaiurj r" Approved M. ,jhall be paid out of any moneya in the mayJhinkJat j and the ssJd company, fa 'SitI- eorporated by tho act to which Ibis Via ved-May20,1826. -. .mendmijnt, at their anntisl meeting in .aamM .kai TTnSfaxt Blafa Aaaanal in L L 11 -1 . ; e il. An act concerning the United State' AraensI in I March, ahall : elect, from amohe 5 the T :-Ceorgja. v i Stockholders, a President and four Direc- BE U enacted In tbe jtoateandl&uie tfllepre. top t0 mtg9 the concerns' of the Com- , tentative of the United State f America in f nn -a r and until othera are n -U.J m.al ha HaoMMnr nf War VMf OV 0T10 Jttt WQ UDH1 OlOCrt are In th fir-. V-... i. . t...t.jk . j . . ...ai.j-ai u anivsintM in tneir D acc. - uvv vi Aicat arrserva iira"f" iiiirvt iTf 1 i ne. inn n ira nprpnv. aiiiLiiunaT.cu tea Lauac iu uc a """t'- , t er". o"nfor placing Buoya at proper thes,'Hve purchased in the vicinity of Augoate, a tuitable Sec. S. Md biit f urther enacted, That fcVl-he entrance of th harbor of iJttlt aite fbr an United 8tateV Arsenal, and to be the rate of toll heretofore fixed by. the h rtTP v '' ' '' v mcxtl thereon luchbuildingtumay be necea. Mia a. Shall be considered as the rates " tWii ii a s !wrt, mntyniMMoaaiiHi iaary,in..bea et .woaf at tnif wra oecupieq mitMyMmUuksiMnd--ikmt- lhe Company la).a;ata r dollars fbr Lieht flouse. on the inch nurbosa ?. Provided, such jite catrba bf?!1 7WneSho.l,. w - v tnedupon reasonable ia the sute of Maryland, ikree thousand five jrrejrd to health and M the pufclie eonveaI rn i tht jM proportion for fcreater ot of the General Land Office, if he is satis f end garrison equipage required for tha g.a .i,h aMifirt-i waa flrl obtain. 1 use of the troops t and that it ahall be thf 'to'ls7uoli'atentfor'-lhe lands to located, duty of lhe QuartefrbkiW .General, m vrheTreei-he-certificaie,aibrMaid sh be presented to him' for that purpose i to precrlbe and enforce, under the provls MtdVThat berdreucli rUlkate of 5V sjstem ot accountatal location shall be granted, the applicant tf fo'r.alj clothing.and equipage issued to thai) -aatitfy.tbe -Regtster arid Receiver ""rmyv ' - . . . a a I Cm It "Vi.jp:- :f. that his interest in the land origirfally Sec. 2. wfni be tf further ' enacted Thtf patented by b1m, has not been diverted, WW Captain, or Commander of a com- ; either hy his own acta, or by the opera- Pny, detachment, or recruiting station,;, lion of law, for taxea or otherwise. - or other officer, who shall have received i - - t jtnJtrtMJeAaKm. That aiich surrender cloihintr or camp equipage for the Use of La relocatHn ahall bo made -on. or before I his command, or for Issue to the troops, the first day of January, elRhteeo hun- hall render 40 th yuartermsster-beO- dred and thin. But, if -aald. interest erai, at, tne expiration 01 eacn,reguur a... a. . a I . - a, aa a.f Ih'a Ha.B a. ...aataail ua... f - ahall have been divested ra either modeij"ner.wi o jw, 4nerjy, rciurnsoi hamHiMmm&XA lUt ahaU 4tJtiuif JdI fetitjy pa tented, f 1 wich jnay b presenbfed, accompanied , AppreTMnayO, lWeti 7 :: T ip-"..: foiwnera.naj. auy aseuw - ? 4 rif :.f' i . ' "'i K---r i..' it . w ;-i-?"-tv - . .. i-. I-1:1: -f- . ' !' ar iaaai'.:Si.'Ji

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