:., .... t , , ri-tt '- tr ;..', 1 am i:i;i:v, :;.c:...-..tui. dm, .r..t r , i VOL VIL:..N(). ; 21. U 1 n 1 1 II. 1.3. T.r, i I Of ( k ...... J ?5. r 7 i u::it::d cr.vrri Lviys. - m tKrfjw, f rtai Mb; f ikt L W .Wfri a Jwil to r, M tt fn- 4 U trvi Cod Ij lk tA Ki W York (axu d.fwM Uk to mm.i by th tut. la awl WrrtWow rs4 I wkl Cir cuit tjr, frwl IM laU IXrtrict 0t 4Uj-yt M lir4 PUI, U lit MfM MlMf M 0 jnri.iw.TATU)it f Mlitf f & flat f SrprHtdm Ull.lV4illVVt , llcc-frviUtM el lit ta4 luut UkI At id to)tr t wwi of burnt 44 U IJS4M .ft? V Tort. " U ' Cj. mn I hnf.T&4. . pro A c5tv Vrt- ri tlx I'wttd Stated for U. - . im mpm wM m Mwwjt kofrv4, id . At l't L'aIUvI f tt'fK M"f ttt ktt w Kb ; ike. 1 kfirtlyr TUtU . t t . . . . due to tW t(A( Y Xc YM, t!M ibOovmf WlU I'n.lfJ UUU, M k!iMJ bf V L'ruted Sutw locoao, I tat m mUr I b pJ M rr m en frhklt th kt kMt pl la- & . . 4. I L.i L tt . ' irrrw i mm, imi, warm ia poncpsi, v nj (r of H, bt puj or rf.jTvl-d by tb 'slttd fttt, or money pfact4 In iht hMdt of he York far tht purpoM, th lntrtt( th turn or tuim 4 pv J or rrfundrd, tiitU kw, ukI ' KUtc toy lonftt tluui up to tU lun oTUm re f afutraaJJ, hIl b pU out ftf my money lb - TTMMry, iwrooiervif ppropnuo. : Apprerrd May J3, J&j,, ..v t ,1 li .It." lJ4 I'tnh i i i., I , ' "' A' -J.,Mg,(,j,-H( j- - ' " l ' ' 1? wv, f?ffi ftrry, tiufT . X l Ufwk f44, TUl lit f rtnwy of i&a Tfrn7 w.Wih4 rwkt IU4 MCtMfty VfeilfJ 61 (if tf t Ti' U.t urn. of U f tU f k t.vi Tel I 1' or tl'r. trt tf ltf !! tUa CtDrtostv lr4 5Uio. lt!ft Uf fttrtt f lft tbouM-J oUt4. IkiatA U ria lr' tmli,.i t (M wi X u, vsir lt lr. ittKii ll lri)y U I4 ttitufl, d L !gM)i Jttuuj, !r!M9 uaii4 4 imy r,, itinrr t&rt -4 Iiir, 5.4iLu3 iVur4Xi t uri .. . .i.ainj ii . 7 ritorf J if lit &rtti yf Ptfirttentattii f lit Vmitri Lii tr VI f I It tU M4 UJ 4 (U Ircwr Icul4 (riAtoi iAiilaM. Lr LaiTa. i kort4 t4 tvtfiiyn to&iuUf, tslU ivptrior, it4 (Jro ,( ur I'rtuJtnt of it Udu4 f um U, fc rrMpMt4A.iii4uaftf iht l l.riLr.iuierlMJ auJ r.mjU.J 6 irv WHlimJlh. farUMe Urmlnt inouli 06 kkk LQ. fufJi.4 U Co. Plo,klU.k.M rVtt4MUor hV' 1 . . . Eflk ink ! of U ifortMU Uitlil vlift lo(iHf lbno trilcU 0 Ibl iristr kk ibo 0Km,tbrti lhevi4 4Jff. , ' Wi.mU, t iJnk Ockr, tlMren ko f'of U iBfiuk; of lU Quit!, protl. Jr4 to4 igkut, pwUtnr rv dtd kt Ut kcoo4 tnkU tX tit mho lit aaauU tuai u . iwwJftd lik tBtra, fituk NomUr,!rk' doIUr. ftta luodrt4 i4 ivtttf fcgr, ouuU,1 To ctrrj laa efftet tbt pmliloo 1 PnlunOni T bt nl4 DUtHcLJ . .., ll - f ta t I k RWOLVXD Af lir Araatr tW U-r a ww?.1 MM W ITTU rriotewtt r U t-W gtmm Jm4Hrotnt of tbt Ur.tc4 Suttl ikkH lU t'i lUUiO-MM iw.aUM 4 W-I LlIoritr dika rViLfc Trvl rtiir. tA I f Uo TliTt, CM tbotiUftd eVltAfV III KM A licit cf toU t(ltr. fof tat .."T7 .kL lABrT?' cum to U buUl ktrtoo, of mVaumU rw WUUi protUJ ff if tVt k&mf of cot hurii 4 tlsij WLU .l. r?.A Kf r ma U .. r.. .1 n.L-.f,i. .rl(J IfeouuM cxur iBotiuy, iof iutai ocnr taw tu4ti ui iiibhuwi io taa Ob tiwlr to aithar. arMkl.i..- ..11 n..i..-.t L.a ' ItnfV mnd tit 1 HOHM AeUara. anfiUMi r 1 lUnl iruut SI IDA irTt'T il tria- oVlalta4 aiMa: ua tiffaftaa eft uhaaWl 1r, tad of otMtatrvctinf t dock at tadk of oak placa 1 aa4 Ibat ika Prratdtat o rMataJ to 'a... ..!..-. 1 1 u at a tcaia ia taaat w woarrtat to ut tm hm m atcamr muQ Tra o I V . " . : a ... . ..1 .i-i ..j .1... f. .1.. aaaj a aMffj,, aawa -ri W BBM Ua . V. I 1 total i. Ibf tbt rtildetf eftM Krr f ,PTT7 T i7 rT7' ,it J.I L .7.v7.:.IT. ik-TliZ " .64 u Ttpt toUoK.4l, 1UJ?IJ V lkf ,nk,f m(4 fV SMwitotv Fc.U.M ml.S Wi- io uni ia Btcariir rniUa TM 04 , . . .. . . j .i.v. . jj ..j .1.. tum M:(Wm of eeruia JUrtn u4 CrtcVi, aaJt fovoi motl troRtallt. 1 U to mailt of cariaia J for aiiiWomiaf aarrryt Uy, Baoadt, aad Hirer, t&cfaia OMatlooed. aw J IWW .tfaiM JAmmi in t'tar ar6ir4 1 hatttie ftjfowfor uar of iht CIUkMVttottoaHfof tkt ctr!gk- M. KIWI IK. aaiiu BM kH.I nKu.J. uiLtobt omitted tha Hm:tia i itv I money ia tb Trtaiiryi t oucrtiM frtaUlcnt of u IVted State, to aecxtinh I toroprite4. - I I t .. r 1 j. . turn of lkrt kuruirt4 6dUru lLTuLi Tkai. via4rf 4 .nd UtBtj-oM, B4.r ibe Tor iimnfc. of ill dot W tX. fo tJ!T.'Ji MrerUtrt.aV lb ikim,kkkk.. ri- Ti,oJ,f'lkt prt,Mt of lU VUf i.ff. If 7or,. (JeliBqoeocy f iKt U.. .r,n, HoUrt a To ibt otf tnt of ill lasubf Mcurti Lri,.!- NKktU.tlWwktkfuUtwkt tolkdtriljDlkBIWt.!W,hC0n r.Vtt.Tl brtUoud for tbt recortry oftbt roowU lU.ntloo of lit f.lioqulihmeai ftf ibtlf Sec for tbt purpu of dehf W of erecting; tbt mUI buiiasf;, ikouMOd dollars. Use trarpoaet brria aMoUoned. It t 1 In i&t But of Maiae, om thomaml lira bu t . arartUnarWcHclfuF. . 6' lb BuT,B$! lh. Ld 1-tBtf -fi-t. O.mclf I Ud bf tb Kt f Conmto of UlOfT. It tbe Su , , Mujacbttaett ibret tbou-ad n jau ibj uij wnv wwro. W Of f Wnt1rt I.n!i rtwmi lo llth al.7, clgbttt huodn d tad t.iBty. riLfVJ1-'-. uiuMe, cootenlenf, talk, nd COO- ;n.vJ . l'u,7 fo.fcdrd dollar. 1 . ' thlrtr-firi tbouund ot bondnd donN.itiU to tkrte uoloti of und.loTuKirt- - I art a a . a T0 carry toto effect Ibe treUe U wottwy, uuunof iba (rjciracoti ea-. . . . . I a a a a art aT a . a ttA!l'!ilIA 0rt.ribeeecond.ti.dwtktKt lered lao Uk Ootemof Cm, for ikif ball be Ihe duly oil tbecftramhuoner , . LiL. n.a 1. it. n..t f OffVa - Appwad Uy 20, . A art to eomprnnle lb tkirxrri aid Re ! ceiw of lb Laad D(Tics for tr Ser : T tke rendered aiKler topronaof the tct I t . cftbtKCoadof Uarcb, eieca buinlred aad Hen'y-oive. . -1 L ifnmftrd y (A .traolr aW JkiuftfJUpr. - JLW tmttuv TU Uuilttl suttt f.lmrica In CaftrrrM tutrmhleJ, That fjr the arrr'icea rca '-T-'ierea by tbt RrrUfrn ndJtefrle of Ibe "J.. atreVal tarul UUtncU, in carry irf Into efTcCt b ' act tut Iht relief of the porchajcitof .public Landa.Trkr tortti firtt day of Juhfj elfbteen luucrea ana iwenty, pau on um aeeona day l arch, one thouiand eirht hundred, and .. tvrnty-orie, and the atrertl acta mpplemenUry thereto, the Secretary of the Treawiry, with the t approbation of the president, in addition to th ' ' fcc !Wird bj the laid act and aupoleroentary ct. s?it! b. and bt i hereby, authorised to ,ankc mch alMwance and ronpennbon to each of the xid ofEcen, aa 'iU appear to bin to be " feaannable ai d juat 1 hich allowance ihall, in 00 eaar. txeerd the einenditur incurred ia -olrrk hire, hrmy Refriiter of Receirer. ia eon ., tMurnce or the tlutiea impoaed upon tlioae - oflkert by the rrot'uiona of the raid act, and the -' act tupplt-ir.cn'arr thereto, and the one-half of f ' ono per e3Rt.- the ammmt of payment made . by retinTi'uhmenti and dicounta, ealculatinv ? the taW of Ihelanda rvRrqiiiahed attherateot di isAVrndW-liat thUoia ' aoce nude on account cf perceiitafre, including; . their annunl ralary, aud inckidinr their commif 1 , non on tne m ney artuaily paid, (ball, ia no cae, ...ceea,tpjyy ptie officer for any one year, the nh c-unrtx joouana aoiiara.JL.;.x. Approred May 2J, 1826. ; . , I A art mVi'mgr appropriationi for the Public tttt" jnuMihgrra waahinjton, and ror other pur. . II R it enacted tf the benatt and f Rtprt- J J tentative tthe United Vatei America in Cmrm eucmbled. That the following tuxabe, knd the.umA are hereby,' respectively appro- iwu, too pam uui 01 any., money m uie Treaaury, not otherwise appropriated, for the wllowinir purpose, that it to aayj- - ' PStJ. i-i.li-S -it,r,''Il-r - w .. niuauin jnev.riK ruul" "crmi. aJenta House i tot the purcbaae of furniture, and fcr repairs of the House, the sum of twenty-fire tbouund dollars t ' for finiabing1 the fences, and rraduatin? and iranrorinir the nswnd connec- - rd whh ;lhe4re(lent,iHouet the aunv. of - thousand eight hundred and xty-fir doW "rei for wnrinuing the work on thV Capitol, the sum of one hundred ' thousand dollars 1 for '-" repair of how for fire engine, the turn -of three bundrtd -dollar r for tit, widow of; Gioranni L An JreiJbuxJuindreAJallaivtofraf ;tht tH-j Je.n!aotbet return tttaryStXIj ec 3. ' And be it further enacted, That all - llimiture purched for the use of the Preai-I imt'a House. i4ia! be, as far practicable. bT lr.irican or donieatic manufacture. - v j , -See. 3. And he U further enacted, ' That the Commisaiohef fcf I'.,fcnc Build'mpi shall hereaf. . te r receive the arm of two thousand dollars per annum as his salary, to be paid to him aa other jMe are paid, and any law heretofore author, i In tha t(ala at Hew York, tftm lk.ll r. vi. 1 r. .i. . .v. ..j I dollar. doiU for bulklinr t WeiitoLri Tor the D.roeBl of the mouldei to the laU state of DeUware, twenty uTSi. priated, to b p,ld oat of suy Jnowf la JDjn bHei of .U for. , Eelt.JUuM amd doflrn for bu.kUnr pkra, u proo. a,,, T.crw not Mkerlse wrrooriated. "' nnuniei, toJbe rOTrner,Md three Xefireuntatlvft 'lAr . tfaW 8er inthtR.erDeUare,atXwCai!e,aidthrl o, , AndU L faker natteL Thai woauod hundred doUin lo the It-Amerie9 in Ctmrrru rWr-f. .Thtt (be thousand raf.; reprinf tht old pier at naid Coiilo eball ..elect tr nI folT,? Ler Court of W.iMnftoa Coonly, in r:rTZZ.4l, b Ibe cWty of Alexandria. . for a I ,7. : In the Sat of Oh to, fire IbouaanJ ail bun", f county v iillt 00 blcb It thkU ' be Ibl area an. iwcbit uotiara, to rcmor oortnlctions I d HtniMu vrano-rurvri twrrr tnoutand RufMinia dollar fijr tha utaa numoarr! IK. nuv.th r "4,l,fc Athtabula Creek f two thouaaod dollars for tha I dt kna COMtf same Twrpoae, it the .mouth of Creek and fire thousand dollar, for trrtoWkWt,unci .certain tbt expediency and expenU MSZf "7.7 . fowih irtTde oflbe irear? whb lhe WitjfiMi m, amiM piacinr ouoi a wcrein. I - . -r ,. j r-. K. f:nrl f Mark 1 lm IntbeStatoof Maine, two hundred dolUr for preprUted. ; r - ' " V . ' " the District of Columbia, .hall AOt DOtMIl For ibe purcbaae of cattle, hogl, mdlb power of anenine; auf Ut oo real of ' it 4 the CoabJn&r of the Public dome'!,c 'ftlm,,, M lUtttU,e4 f0 PP"T .Ubi. Ibe Utniuoftbo tlil'X Ibf IM br !hc trtk,M trt"k,, b: CorporMlWif cWtown, oor ib.II lb trJ-r. "'Vfi? JudlnjrabeexwnaeoftnB.rrutloaind C.rDora.iort of the said town be ol4iced isiur T; .-. f7 iKrm! h. in Praidnt of Te Uoltcd Stataa. ,e?ea tu4red lod Cny dollirK . ; expeof of eipeBdlfarei of laid Cotirtf- S Mti&Jl&Sl dZ!22l!Z'ZZ JTS tboaftand dollar. For carryiflg into effect the prorialooi maklnr a surrey to ascertain th practkabifitr I Aprrord-y20,lW." .. ...Tt:.. r . : . ' i biiu Hutu vt icuiwTHiH wnnicuuiil lO UTin.1 . . . ... , 4. . I - ! - - r y- tion in pisQuataou Rirer. and tbt exneBse of Aa to atend tbe kth of the Wabuitoe 0f ln .foretold treatica. reUUre to aRenti eflretinr th same. I ' '"' IMarkamiih. ariculturiata. and otbar eer. In tbe State "of iraachutttv fire bundredl w Beitenaeted h Iht Senatt tnd thiue !.. . .ntn..4 (r il. rr,,fiV f dollars for makinr wrrera of tbt followlnrl Rrtiremtatboet of tie United Siatee oL.tj i.ji... .k. -r i . !...."... i ...... i r " 1 . " ' IIIO IDUISDIi iiiviuuiiie in:u wt i C..rmWra; Tbat the erectlne .be'ce,ttrr kuiWIne. for-ike oracUcabiDtT of buildinir a Lirht Houaa WekhlngtoOyCanal CotnpaOy be, end ere Kcommodetioo of uck perwni, for loola, and th utifitr of tha aama nariralioB. aiwt r hereby, eutloriied to Increase the width ,nrt ,n other einemes connected with preventing tbe said harbour from being filled up of tbe Washington Canal, from aerentb j ujd proviaioaiv fourteeo thousand one mtrTx:rs''7:rr2 ;tyi extremity, by bundredanl fift, BOn,rf, . .ndicabiliTofd ! - For peement of the debt, due by the rer the same, arid the Harbour of Ayannia. in ' 1 V . ? "' Knxa lOQiana io r ranci o. wnguieau the Vineyard Sound, to aaceftain whatimpror. 'rotn WrtUrtiwuiMlajy BtMl also ..to .eji Oaa)rce to Aurala P.. hou ments can be mad in the tame for the safe form a baiio on tbe Cenal between aixth tMlt. p.i h.inia. and William S. Wil ancboragerf Teasels, and the expense of effect- and sereith streets, west, eccordinr to i:im. ti nro.ided for be the eisbth end mr uvrnllt thrM AhlMtL -. . - I l .L.tr v .L.l .. .r . . . '. . . T auto piaa a uau ye mVViVwW oy, I tblrteemb . Article! OIUa.irxlUeilWO rreaenrorino-uDneooieiv .v tljoukand doUarl. v .... and Harbour, and to ascertain the expediency tr 9c: 4 aa ocujutmct maciea,i on For pey mefit of chitni oTciUxeni for and expense of remoring the obstructions to tbe I shall to the duty ol the Mi4analaYpreu,atjoni Committed by tbe Kantaa MTiriuon uiereoi, ana w wcuixninrxne convrvompani, wunisi 1 hto yean irora ana ai-i.nH n.. ln1 ln. at nnwitled far- h Uh.. ii. M .... I . .n . ' . . i w.-- r-T- T ' . wiiMM iihtiwyuuEJumm mi yyu w Bimf i itr inn mump- "i m in. m rinw inni.t. 1. ...i,,.. r .v w . T t IS W W TaiiB' w.iiwi; w-i itwir w, a w tuceandtneUtyorewYorlc.- ij Ar ,iU .m Can-I. thMmrk t.. hnl " ;:. ." .1. ... j j.h. Imha Ri.tanT Km Vnrk hHiutt ArA-l' r " ' ---ft- ---- laiorcsaia ircauca, oigni IHUUiaiMI uuiiar. -' . . .. Unlh n,,irn Kranrh. fn h. ia . , J ... art for making 1 surrey of Oswero Bayl , : 1 rer mo exuenso incurreu unucr tuo and Harbour, for awertaining tbe expediency I conatruciri si to contain water at ie ninth irticle of the treaty with the Kn and expense of constructing piers, to improve I one foot in depth at ordinary low tide, .. ad ihth and twelfth articles of the .k. .. e .. ,.1 .... . I , a-., ji..ivi iood - I - ' - :: J.L': 4 . "pp'VTcu-ay - j treaty with the UMget, snd ell other es m iuc w w rcnnsrivania. one- nunarea 1 "v . . . . . . t . . . u .,' r ?j dollar to defray theexM public piers at Chester, ia the River Delaware,! Pen -negotiating, and crrytflf into efiectt trestles, eighteen thousand-three nun' in order to determine the expediency of ac r -certain Indian Treatiea.;v - ftffed and tit dolhrt and seventf centi.T1 tcjMiiijj uic voamm iiicrcm maue oy in oiai 1 u u enatita oy tneornare ana eiQUte cr of. Pennsylvania, tndthe, expense of repairink! ,Saf 0 lame ire dollars for making a Burvev of lha Swaah ir61iOWh'fl'''wItjm'bei(v'f raropiico aouna, near ucracoce inlet, tor tne l ncrcoy, appropriates uf 01 any money in iniuuN ui aaccnainin through the!: same can VValm nrton. rwilmfnirthn.1 . tha m. .,.t ? '-- aw - - ---"t a-av aaaMfaaa.i.- 1,411 pose, and also for a survey of Boanoke Inlet and ffCaTTf inroeneremiairstlpuiatloni Sound, with the view of ascertaining tbe practT- of, treaties with the Cherokee., Creeks, cabiiity of making a i . permanent abip channel Sack., and Foxe, lowiys, Quapawi, end fe,,iu,,l be'-AtJantie Choctswe, namefy f ' , these objects. " - ; -rv-:; . : 4ed for : by. the econd article of the -In the Sute . of Alabama, a sum not etceedlng Cberoked ; treaty',' of twenty-fourth of ten thousand dollara. for tbe purpost ot r- October) eijhtdcn hundred aid four, 111- .. To carry Into effect the treaty with the Shiwoees, ; .ol, jettntcenih.- NpTemheri eighteen hundred and twenty fire, Dame v For surtey inff ihe lands granted to the ShawpeesTby tho "second article of taid treaty- one thouaand awtf ihundrei; S"d fifty-dollara oHhenrnwnf of Hi sUpuUud for, and, by- ssne article of aaid treaty, for tbe Improvements abandoned by tbe Indian, on the Jand. ceded by them, and the inconreniencet of remoal,' fourteen thousand dolfari. . 1 fl ' " For payment of the ciaimi of the Shaw nesinst ciOac'nsof th Uniied Staij pbau'a Court, the office of Coroner, tho jail 01 ic ccruuiy) ana vug nui wi um - pensei for the opening and repabing 01 roads in the county of. Wltbipgtpn, west of Jtock Creek, end leading to Georgw tofn 1 Provided eewya. That nothing herein contained .hall be construed t? etent tbr said Court, or the Collector by them appointed, from collecting all, ' .a . a a t a .1 . .1 faxes which hate oeen ieiea oy tne sua Court on real and personal property with in the limit, of Georgetown, before tho passage of this act, snd of approptiatiog? the samS according to present gluing laws 1 but that it shall be the duly of tha aid Court, and they are hereby autborii- d and directed, to me all tbe powers with bleb the are now Invested lor collec ting the laid tt 1 Jnd irnvidedjwrtheri . - a m a t a t - That alMawa now in lorce, vnicsumasei it the duty ol the aid Court to provido for the, aunoort of the Door residing with in the limita of Georgetown, be, and thei lame r sre hereby repsled mi that . hence fort b it sbsil be the. duljuOLthcjAjl Court to provide for the support of aucfr only of the poor of thecoynty . residrf OUt 01 Ihe It mil Ol aamuniun. Sec. fjndttti?u)rihritiiu1fX;Tkmt the . taid Corportion may, for tha 0mrF tmrrjoaet mentioned in ihe char- -'-'. tcr of Ssld ionTtnd'Ta lie aupport of ''" the poor anndilly ,1ay tsi on ill real and neraonal 'property, whhin Jhe Kmlts of Oeoreetown, not etceedlng setrenty cents in the hundred dollar,, anr to.tbd' .Sec : Jlw 4ad he U further enaeled Tbat . thit icr'shall commence and &4 In forc . from end after the nassaee tbereoi Approved.Uay ZO.IBW. SlraT." ENTERED on the Ranger'a tiook tn Burke county, by AbnalUm Striitton, hving on Lower Creek, bright sorrel hone, about four teen hands high, with a blaxe in bia forehead exteuding to the of bia nose. . v tinnn Aa TkT 0 tf fMHAs a ' IArV0 XWIUClif'JTS .-w .1" ' l . - - -y'yyy;

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