I ; , . i i', u i u , ;-. t !,' I J .MM I .: i f , 4 ! I 111-. (' - 1 t f 1 . I l . I i ! 1 ' ' ,t, r -j i1 . . i 1 l w ! t ( . ji r l , - .. i rva '. i , .t.i i j i'i L.t4 ' 1 a . t i . i ,J l i J ' " ' ' t I ' r 1 11 1 ' .te ' I ll fff ' I f t r I'"" V a t 1- . P, ' , t , ! t l.t i i t ' 4 l . J t.f I. F tit t , I: - i : , . I i t J. j, sia r I .. ( i i . ": f I-- 1 i ti : . M 14 ,.., c"-jI . , t i ' ii i 'ft' act ( '"ii'i km -?i't-, i4 at t 9 a i r it i im.j4 it 4 M a '. tvr. iL f i. t U Itilttti. atM i it , a i a IV 114 ft wtr ffsw U ff to'ftt Im-jUttf, kl Ut t"-if reJaeei, I . ! t 4 itt prtf Mi was fotfri(4 d-atUf tka wir,lik re ... .fJ-i w.1 it M.ifr4 I le I ' ff t . a a if t!l IiumfI tia 1'- its a II J.- (La 4we a V- la t aV-S. fix? t 1) ' ' (m'xi a. M 44if f m4 li l U4rt I '.4 ta xakw-iJb il i-4 4S ar4t ! i fc lea f r I tl tU-lJ u f V piMUt if it-' J U l, ,. !t j fnai ifcf '1 ka iwi . !'; .VVr T . f(JMM,ariafa',f tii;ntfrr:r'.;:iir,ih iu. eerile t eeHr MM mu 'J tkt ikea cf ikt fnk,iU wkat w It n i f. aA t he?t wis, U Uiiakt tlk Ratfcln 2 lArr. prfa.a.UUFF.l Hltaaf aaUiHafiUl!4kf Ukiia Ukkk tka lMUra'1-i af tftij Anil H f -4 tiVj a U4 c '.!" a tV teeae-M ead iWmUI m ikt ld4 ' dattf, tkt lUle-ttee; el b U tuVtU u4i trtf. . iu m ck in ritUM. im. . . . inntwn 1 1 . , jUWvir M4lir km gtock . 44 A - mk ' 1 V I A . tfcMkiflltU14.MiiIII, . It twxbcr tiurd er ttst Hock ' - ; fa : RJ7, fcwi froi Uak I th L'fttiwl IUU, CMitrae. l4 . ' t irteTJJtk lUr. 1830 .! tit rock cmtt4 HtMlcr tb .f V lorCl it?i - v rtrharl Ua act of - . - kMy.lt23 " . . 1V k 0if -oir . gtataatock ." Xa 1815, tha atock lamed tnder T ; tka act fW March. HJl 1190119 kick 9mU Mt r ere to wi ly t wt tkt all pi Ku )r mui: I titrrt, :." ajaaajaaaaa 7t iff rfjatM l ts W13a IlL'i JsJJ. ! Nk ciwiifi r.awftJ.ia l ftDftMOt ta IAk Ca Krcloul DSiVt lki 2lU. is tk MHttrl- 1 M llUaH tf l pia la AaraW IIJf &4 '' LtirtoAMtl'cxt (or tha akt ffef Mmc a Dak2Vaf.f WrraCariVt4 WJT, a Trial Qa OiiBiCU, liTtto fwtn.MI aotnt tiki if. 'jr X Wo tkW et ! kick 4na kklfl. Hittrt. N. T. Vmlik, k t. kvi tkaaa ttt ent trim fcitV Ultf ealr ! U cat. tm aof ' nrwa m vcxcaaiirri aai adjlrd tin kt&drtd pouodu. 1 kt tkl from IM back pari ol tk actk tt tifkt Mil mc mhtt oer m i trtu ttt brtadik Mtrt (cat bckaai tt rink vu til ltd ! bkea. Tbt rrtttt lf tkf Trtitbrf f ck Soctk Croliaa DonjinlcMIliJooarf Bo, iJttf for tkl fooctk of luiU, tmcuaud ETf EMpMW ADAili. Tha firtttod tkc deaths of thew trtH nvfo ira marked hf aoraa of tEa raoal eedarful cobcklctcci ) t Tkar trt tkt first and tha accond aamcd on tht cota nlttao mhk rt Jxmid tha Declaration of lodcparxlf act t Tha? trt thg onlr ftnrtlrort of that Commlitaa i Tkc rt fW AAA Ml. . Wfc bee,, rttldeat and Ykt Prttldeat 911 of ihi Uuhad Sutetf Tfctrfcita, tub, tot M Iouk a timt.aritiied (hit court'r t lk901 19 TMf Uxfc died oa ikt 4lk of Jo!f,.H25, huj tttrt from tka dir when ikt Inda rfht CiTftii tiaa iSa ktiJ m.f at tia lk a?t. a iU 4a k f tka V; V I T a r "1 alltaluia aa,U.u!, .-mm aaJ M' 1,4 T'"4 ' 1 tW7. k.f aw HJ.rl Wt M lU Hlti tiMMI arf ". ataal . r TV CfM'al I ltMa la if Ka a Tatt telf tU I Ott4, Oa art AnAf fMa4.)at, arr r la aa L M HUI tft tka 0Mlf af da M ttt kVVa.iW kfca iWf alViA rt m tva a?aV ( W (l4tUk tW W i aw) aa4 rack AkU4 Ikat a af dUpaa iWj aarkW aarfjr U ta aaaaMMkta a taoit bi br ffti raw) a tuf ta taf eaaJftf tka lit Jtmuy aati-CUtwucaa'Hrrkiavr. Bravr rVaai tkart, M JjKart Utipbtt ataM ara iM ry katk ftitiaa aaaaaratarr la tlrlUg fUarfat ta iaa aavatadaaa. CSa. tan kaaa lt4 ti kia aypaarn Yj kx; MtU UiM kat ad tktir paiaaM, (CJ. Wf) It It i tV7 okankj iav Wat akoot WrtW br kj4ie ka caa raa at:k aa; aaaoct af ai A ft tpput tkaa Ua a. ftaaPaWV a . a w ly 6tl, aftra-r kia a at m tka V, f. ara. aia. Km kmj tt wa W. aa mr 'mm Aa tka Kata, WtaWtt4 k,tka ftackta ta ran afiiaaj caon A ad it at larakakta taay mmj Mli ta af aawWj.aad aata Oatan kfati ' . Of"". la tka Nairn JUhmJ. of tka latk alL tkara it a Ett af tkikti Mat(Ecaa aatahlkad la Ua I'Mad kta uhla al nth, front tka in a Jaanay b U iOk af Jim. lftll katk . , i I . " .. tacamta, amanMaf aa f hm4 mm4 tdmtikfj ef aklck ara U tkia naia, 19 U kfalaa.9 h fkapalura, 13 U Vaamckn. Ht 2. C i Jh.i, 0 VnwHit, ft la mi ikn wAmlaaatna, tkaaavakflka t54 Pram tkt Uaf (4 a'cbcl) aaaaa aaJ at gvaa IWad br aan kanr, . aT ittt M Atrttt,Jt ft irrPrwM m4, i4 rtmln of ikt Hon. JOIN JIDm !t.Tark. 11 ta Kiiacf, 01 la Paaaayl raaU, 3 la DctaitH H U la YJ. pa, II i tavtk-CiroEaa, Si U Uarra, ra 7Ut. rttnbonabla at tkt pa; UMr.Ad.ma. at Ikt kocr .h.o tht cel. . 4 k J,to-JT?!l,.7.W CW,M .bratlonn-iiahcHJtelotlnff.-.A' C Jtar. K1" Temtw7' I i ui m. aa anprcfaucataa aonoer, w aa ra- 60.6WJ0fl27l Wt art told thit a rtntUrnilJ woo "rrr.rr nf '.r " .(...kl. i tk kI... l.inmi tha k,f.t( .r ftf A.. jnJ.. I Taa baaaeai of tlx Maara Poat-Offlc. hk -aainoftttfwerajacav WWllAi tht Irlnr ofibt not Jo Quiix-a, In kon M WMraoia onfhea, la aJrtaJj jo.aa. or of Jndepe odenrci itletl hltn If ht wit lawn aad coaaiftkat It b a karaaleaa tak a-VnTa-0:JrTamiWMt jiirbt4 bf the roUei OO- nld htilfor e laEilul W aupertntead "ill Ut coo. Hl-' fa.addt'.C-t.mloultt 9.mT tiij..rMt.M -XT Dorln tht ttar IISI. Dear elibl toll. taet' . -I - r;.c"'w'.; e,,iMI Bona of tht principal of h public debt " V . . V Ua anaa rat tbay dooa for tbf Wt iu dltcbanred--and after paying all tht rraon Funi Wt leern (hat Mr Jef- lo,,,b r" lJ ,,t txpeoaea of tht dill list, tht tnUiurv and reraon a ft itj before hi lata illneia, 3I.and Indefctipbj azcrtkme of tka prtMat tml expenditure! there aa left aa niiprenedforinlmmedUtaiumnfmo- worthy head of the fcparttoent, arcmld ba in. ttoexpended balioct In tht Treaiury.on ner.notict of which witrecriftdlo New adequate to kfep rUaWema, la all their ranU ton mw mji ipwaruawi tora It pret tit BO ordinary peeevrecaiaai m afmemi and vigvroua opera. MmnnAni i. w T.. T n ..... t to nna ini ins coramiaaa oi mr rfrucr-iuoai ana inu k voattj Dcaotna neceiaary, aw oa fund irnmedUtelr placed 8700 at ther to Cr!de tht cooccrna of tha Derartment. fleeted TOASTS, drank on tht tthofJuJy laat (tht diipoal of Mr. J. which fact wae altu- and entruettha baaineat thenof lo to acpar. ; i r i A hiUwh tV , . ded to by Wt krandaon In t letier received te DepartnWhts, or to devlaa atma new ayatem. L U&erty of tht preta I ht-only-aaft f of t commuiee, cxpreitirt or we mtwi j keyond tawkra to eoneeiTe of. by which one fiardol our rtgnta. , Gen. Jackaon -Tht bold and. tnergtt k aoldler." . ' Iht Pr'taldent of the United Statea. att the public toirt in iUfCKeiting that Vnk a MpptttremtttWntV thP Wantc of tht Jefferaon fund throuRh V Wllliaia H.. Crpwford Tha able and out tht Union, bt placed at the dianotal enerretic atateiman t nay tht people of ' hit beloved and aflectionait child, Mrt. the United statea not wat nit lemcet, ringoipD. wmcn wn ocueae tm ot aui A attrwm4at afs U tkia t, aa tka I IKk ak. aatka 4ta ftaniian af Can. IU HI wart tattmbad on frUaf' afu ra,, fUi Tka aUla af aWrataaaa w,atjQyJftajr, witk aarf tokn tf ttfttrfia. at tia, m a laawi Wt ay tnmHmtfj ef. l re.&ect and ,Dettton. $Ukprit4r9rnitrmii An Iraarma tody of rdlarnittietaUaJ detwwf Wtaeet, nick kwt tok ctaara, from tarioul peril ft! tkt Butt. Unui t m., m i cemacta trt oitna ana rsort rat Tkt raajaa'ttaa af artaof aaMaea fee tka aela. pcf um uubAiJri eaaa a entutry. ai Kew.teek, aAer paytaf all tka e.p ee af tka , ,! Bi UC a.yW n aV f U'kaada. Itf 'fn? " ""' Intktadiobinstoamaf tkt btUiof nkkk Weiry a u ar -a. . I 1 . t - aa'.4 1 aaaaay. an-r , ar,uP-. u., w M u fl . - - nf i .in Jmi . .1 . . 1. iV.. - I . . ' ' f I at Ufia.t"W wf "WTTiT rcCTTl. . j - - - - - - - - - .1. .a 1 .... - ' . mmmtm w "f" - WkM Ut IrptkimTtfl t thf tTfrtef. paaaeai knt k Trey. tM eoaw kttt watt ot bont, tkt eltltmt -of Qiitry epfjr4 tin U a ?4Uy kaV ta dl-paat af their ear. ntl. wkilt iat e-rn-e, tht ttUtlan, aai aWakeykWOy ajaa4ta af paspeiaia jotfera, emarad tka Chonka laa fn!- ikeai teaili kmv&nf aa pprtauce'i ubrvj. I a4 KtiWriea of wkkH were d retted ai . J motirnipt;. Tka lloarat Wat tktortjed. Joan larreeat, Ian, nuaaatcr la raaaina, WM 7fc Mr-Ue eommeiHtd tnd tloaei attkamjueat af the city canaclla of fkJadcl.1 eritk anthama Tkn Rae. Mr-.Whatnot. pkiaUti;rtea4antkatharCabaer. I P. vor of tka .Society, addrctud tka al araikM In that elry. en tkt dntka of Ti-m Throot of Graft In prtrtr, and deHvered Mftnm and Ala JUm. , 7 I no Impreaura Sermon, la whJrh it gat ' J 1 oftowi It aummiry of iht trninent acrrkcaitia aa aavmuaf ara toot piatt ratenoarf. untlJj,ktd talenta, amiabla lift, and thHr Ta. an tkt lJrta kaat an Ba-k atreet. wkila the tien lrtgee of hit veaerated parUtlooer. priaopal part of tha elilteM cf that tea v aad I Tht body wai then bornn In the hnriil mat Mrabert of tranfeft a to kad awewledl jronnd and da poalied In the famil lonk. hmm rka tW;-f ew-arr. vera at BUdld. I , Tha belli In thin city wart to!i6 tbe ihoiit'a miJefrwa fha aceaa of eoaBimrtoii. torta4 wert acnaraWr doted, tod ikt' pajlnf I aoUmr tribute of reipect t the rwnvj aMppinf brtr bort ihelr tt tt try tf Jefferaon and Adawtu.Tl Irt jatntianri 5s" -.: ; - - : . -.-rrv-w 4 Pf ai inc i'itj i ara were. nett led at half trUtton WednaaHae, Tborad.y and Friday, and on tht afurnoon of Fndjy edtwnaf ikraa koara, kt ike kwa u aot ei4 eimrt, ae4 of tka balkCnp dcetroyed Uinj a TWUTif lllimniii wvivfl wwtn. w . . - I'll 1 I mIki.1. awi rt . m h ..I f a 4 a . 4 am. oowrWa the aoWnra certmaaiea which kad'! f?.7'Vr rj (raiMuis .oiira u . irici oua. ores thcwYt in Ikt roe more of tka aecond Pre been bn-kto off hj the fire, oa TTadaeidajr,' Ike Wl ' ' '. . . t 'The thMy thoiraBd dollar prise la the Mary bad tt it a .Lottery, 5o. f, akch lidcnl of tbc.Uoittut.Statca. Cm. Cat.- Capt. Dickinaon, of Iht ahls Ttitoe drawn arrived at BoaUmun lha-lStlvuIuloIorma vaak before bit. la TJihimore, m ond la a that the Ernpreu Etit btth widow of iko l a tka irfchca of tiielWpiMBtiXT Empetor "Atcx-nder of Ruiiiit cKedTj ,for afewlralonttr,ta nwltipry 4a" NorlUkV Tlrgiaia. Tka" Korftdk iJetco'"aho4it'tha lOik'of Marvo' her way froat r-aaft o intcommuiee, eipreiiiTtoriDemMi Wyond our ken to eoneeivaof.hy which one Krateful feeUnSa, and the receipt of thai M9 w Hnteml thewholo n-icljipery-of trpt. "m may have calmed thel.il momenta fpartmet, and rive to each partita prop, of the tMerablt patriot. : Wt but reHcr- ernetTwt. rTkt Btiei on ifiiaofonjhl, ihall Aid a place in our next . ,""" v. The Letter frora Dr. Frankn vu In. Be Capt. Bolton. Gto. W. TroUpreontie Porchaee tht Monticello ettate. t"nded tobf Pubr,,b1 thia week i but hannf Tarnor or Ueortrta. inn creat deienaer ot I ; . ... r-rrvoon anavnrr. i itite-rightii socceae to nie treaty, aiMi - , : . . ; .- -eternal downfilt to Its enemlea. -pi,- Pn?M-nt of tka-f Tnltut tt-i tfV tpeaka thai of Mr. Werckmullert Mr Werckmuller Is a very respectable and induitrioua citixrn. of middle aire, with a larte faroilv of childrrn. He hat been engaged with hia wife aeveral yean In a MiHnary and Fancy Store i and in their effort! lo pleaie Ibeir. cuttomcra, ai well in their general intertonrte, they have blended with their utefulneit a very accommodating and friendly disposition, which haa conciliated much rood will Ini (hia community,to whom the intelligence! of their food fortune "wilriffordmucb real gratification. tan ret wimiv eiaoMmr.. IP". tmt.Jr Kl'ff oolomna were occupied with other matter t It thafl go In next week, karriny accidtota.- TJS nJ FEJTBKRt, We learn from the Saletn (Inttana) "Too By Mr. Lewi--J. Q Adarai i Though I WaiMnKton City for M.ss.chuseets on pertecuted by internal fction, may he I the Stb of July, having heard, of bis yeo : rule with iuitice and Economy, In spite of crablt father's declining health. ' Before tbt railery of tht mob, and reflect honor reaching Baltimore, he heard of his death, f,- 0f 34 tj m Mf, nfci, of Green. The Kepublict of South America pectwa mui tceuogs will be aootbed AA Aallav daTniCM. aMjnir fire men rJt iht urraer iw Taneioof tnai annoacn Liaatn 1 ..1:1 r i:v '.uivi .ui .. rlu him . It. k- ... I.A. """VI-" T f' t namt Imperishable and full of (lor and Tfay they eaflfleirhthaV the belt meths .cf maintaining their independence is union . and valour at home, without foreign till " :The Govetntterjl srthe United Statea, no matter. wno may oe caned tolls ad-l x-uMfrarns. it 1$ stated in t lie B.I- tninlstraUon, let us never forget that it iaUimore UMZette, that the. well known de- OUf country. Si hter, .t ..-1- ir renown. ""V'-. . U-::. ... WtH AJ JKoritiXarolint h imnmmnl m intftrnal m. ce, the public education of her citizens and the elevation of her atate character. 4 thter: ' " Z " By B. Yancey, Esq. President of . the day. I Our system of government May (9 years ff experience proiptrity tad fence and support of Col. Aaron Burr, on for an attempt t$ Ur knd feuthtf Him Rice, it leethsv had set np thy- obnoxloiu builneia of aaMiaa'caw;,msiim.j 'Crejrjfjf perbapa, was worsa in he eyes of the treapaa. era, ho u what Va btneve all wooden clock makers are, a Tanitt That was aufficient, Rica must ba tarti and feathered 1 So on a dark tiigh a bevy of half a doienipirited blades I 1 '. . mim tlrriMiriii'' I saw him heat the Surges ohder him, And rtdc iinoti their baf ki i . . ' ' , his bald head I Tore the contentious waves ba kept, and oarM Himself vitb rood arms; in lusty stroke. To the ihort "r-1 '' aaikaraaaa. var. warn ctatefullv rewarded bv the lat ter,bvaffordint Mr.M.ttin an asylum lai-T fwth from the haunts 'of roid-night welry, bis old age, when enfeebled in body, end I itu n-P"i kettles; hunting4iorns, et eat. more enfeebled In mind, bv Daralviis. land bravely Made the bouo ahere me ylctinv with which he was aQictcd during sever of their' prtjudicea boarded,-rthey enter, seise j led tbemselvea to the angry waves t ai years at tht close of his life. Mr. opoa the obno-Jous man, and . . . .....attrmar they jwere carried 'down even more Martin died at Col. Burr , York, tt eVajr tixa effi tui dotia binx tiih a coat of rapidly ihm at firit j bat they lect their Wt art assured that in a few days, tha fate of the person i implicated In iht events of Petcrsburgb, will be decked. It is added, that none of tbera will be pun isbed with death, but that they wi:i be banished lo'Siberis, for; longernr shor-- tar periods,' accordinz to their crim in.tity. U is said that the Bishop ot Mmolon . ghi blew himself up on a barrel of gun powder, on the entrance ol the larkst . ... MUlwUhfiwIodiop.eL-h Gftk ' Chronicle blew bis own bratna out. J b Turks intended 10. send 60p0. ears.w. Constantinople, in token of their victory ; . buk'not Soding s many dead aalhcy tK2.f pected, Ibrahim, sent troops imo ht coun try to complete the. number, and deter mined that half the inhabitants of Arte I should be included. Such are the rne- mtea trie Creeks have to contend with. S' 'Sfialn: It is stated thar the French wu!ay tralncewoioungittci ssylng (hat it was not thetr intention .. prolong the Convention for keeping troopa . n certain points of the Peninsula, r ,or . it said than ever in Madrid, about the re -moval of the Duke- del !nfntado and of-. iBe'substT: uHon 1 of O rafiaTor bfVeHex Pino, councilors of Castile.1 - Juiiee Smith, so favorably known to th Southern StateT for his exeniftna on tht Mitsoorl question is a ttdidato;'foe h Senate of 4h-Unhcd Satesior lh ofSouth Carolina, Mr. Harper 6o term expires in March next, declining ; re election. Gen. D. E. Huger of Cnar lestoor has been nominated in-ihe Char-: lest on i Mercury as.his antagonist. t"- ' Ut. rfiUwH. th Matiaai tit tha' KeW-Or leana Theatre, offers a premium of a silver W . , for the heat poem to be delivered en the open ing of the N'a4ivillev CTewteaaee) Theatre,,1 wruch!c. C h al-o tn be Mwiser., pk j Mordent Smith; and ' Motet'' Galloway, employed at the Gold Mines on'BeuVer Dam creek, paid a visit to the Narrow 1 of tht Yadkin, about three miles from the mines.r Aftet gratifying iber curiosity , onernf .ibera-proposed tor tbe-rotber" to swim ovef to Iht - opposite sank. On being encouraged oy a person in company tq do so, they selected one of the narrow. est placea in the river, and. boldly launch ed into iht tutbulent airearn j the current bore tbetb rapidly down 1 but by exeftins 'theirthahly "'ain't wis,;, they" reached' the shore in triumph and saftey. " J bey were now on the opposite bank from their cbthes and companionaand had Either to awim backy- or take t lcd walk of several miles round, Wftet overt they chose the first alternative After select-' ing a narrow place,, they kgain commit- '...f'vytr-'---