tu nr. - - - , Mm u LU r4f f . i J. f 1 I M tort.Mi t Ijflr,l U htl b-rJ" lf'! rr from nUfifuil im t r f W vtMuiii f V j ;.,.S t-4 il f,k t; aili7, la tmUl Va V iU ftt mf m tva 4 k. uaMdU4 kf mr i ff a tv tWfJ IM A.Ufc, M. ,w, i, fc vVal a AtWaa CU, Uwf 4, ,aj ft . a akM f IM i4 U.J attt, 4 fm aUV M kMi.Wl 4 i, )autiu a& aa4fr aMr4ti ivj ac a-Wja ttr N U aaik tJ iiZmmi m m f., wrwtUt il fmK UUlW rru ta Lj a4 tiria, a4 afa m i hafva a U4 a 1, la aaU U -a. , , ... l.h rsk f LWtff.i 0i"ot- lhli tTf, h4i' yI Gratia (M hJ imb'.Wd ardtat l ttWrtr, 4 -wt 4tk4 la U hn wiy 14 disiMCiio-a) by kit oft tienl") notwUhstindiaithe sniffs ( wnlUiw, fym Mr f V k aS I rm a) fVf a. 4 t iv M aVaa fW y Ha W (. 'f U ?J VMM ft. wl fka a-aa kM ea Uf t"t -i J li "7 lu.M Wv M. rv a. 4 H Ui ft-uT, 4 r i a K KCfrti - . - A Bat Am t V 41 If. OSSdf rfBKI-NBI V- W '-V WJ Bl.a ftf lifl hUh U M tO . kkiteltiafiUWw. ir ,tw lit. tt)i tc niurx jf(l4kMMUIM,lIIN l4M J ! 0Vka.a t m aW- wV 4 MM H AW IIS Uhw -aa fee edge 1 MkaUiasafv JU aa rt wlM nw a f ayakgt laa aa iIm a4 natU. t aa M if ad aa as a fees TWa, rV waia lgw f w iw t M . W-a. W -A IVa U WWaa .1; - " 1. 111 MtiiM,k hS.fr w-iiif w rr.., ... K .It. fliLa a.Vxl urrKIa faa I. 1713, Mr. G,U...Uc-i prncH ftST ' ..,,1 CJW. CimtnJrti aJ. Ul "7 WI? rC" ' " r AtJir.nTCHLLlTI f. i n iImh, la rrljtioa u Mr. f kjrt Ut Ufiotrd to pf a4cb W m?m ad pvblic tie, UhMtaMir Unril AlUtt Gil- m W M (rra. 3 itt-rlmlf oo fir dot iMMrv 1761. od 4 tf aM ftyt (or- j J"; S0it) tkt drir iu tjit) vi ftftklwr d GalLiti, l-4)rt Art J. ko died d C!Lttli de t;- fs L H ! Aiom(, (irojr, fJMwn.wd Artad Mur of th fcltttt DA of Stn, f Wv l d Gilia, L rd rf A t 4, Vl PlW, Md Src. 44 Site t riul'hc.rf UM 2d ( ti iS xlvmt) Duke , f Lrmi U Gcr ti s4 Uoaw bur rt 4 td ink Drubr. t4JrrJ ! Md cceQor of tr4 rwm d'tUtrraow m 1507 1 iikfl lire, tad died i 1167 1 1 d' " I" km em ftiacv Ik Id "Mtt ( r.o H AlkiMcff to Lee. dU I La4 drtcntdrd freai. Pvtrt M ! rm d-Mrt) a a. m4m4 at &Bi(Jra9a MkMi( doo any at Fnaca tf lit Kiag of f M Ctftjaa if Ml B4T. but la araar i dird at Gear ta ii r w- mmU4 It jaactordcn . bi lS.f, TV aankaLara U k pmprr t aar- ata-f a aaf aoaara&ioa, U m aat earaoat oi a 94) t caarat ia4atioa 1714. bati'f reedted rcmtlljocct from Euro. b iwrchMtd attrrU brtr irrt of Uod ia tKt Sltic f Vf ?j :i:.i.. iia. uuriog nn rciucnc is iitn mood, ociailoacd by ibm pan haw i, h vii k fortunaii ta obtaia tSf fnmdihipof P rick Heary, by ahue advic bt purcMd bit farm ! Flj rtu County, PrnntyUaoli (n thai tim tbc Ctninlj of Pa)rr(U claim J by, aad u oodcr the j iritdiClloo of ibe Sute of Virginia-) and became 1 Clliin of the fjoiied StaUi, CC -r-dieg tn lav, ta MoooOhcla Cogntt, Vtrioi. in 1783. Mr. G'llaiia elected, U 178?; a aicmbcr of the Contention whiih rcviicd the Cnni iiuti -0 of PenmyU tan'u f i member of the Legittature of that State in IT 90, and io 179-1 a member ot the Sr-aie af ttw United Stt-i. The Senatr. however, by a majority of orv vote, all the Feder al party voting acainit Mr. G.Uatin, I better I thovid havt Uikcd the Kounlrtl, If be bad pojhed mi iota the pd( wkkh be aaf aeu doiar. The cu rrry ii capiufiihr. It Ti a larM open room, ahl the tor co vered 'iih voadca trti, and io each trijr ejked tfgfttUnf. There they are. from the ltoa btfo to-day, op to tight or r aouihiof igt, from the aonaJt bla k p4Jing up to a reipxcta ble itxkioa; pig. &u b icreaming, mewbrtfi an gaaainTaa veaer. bte aure ii pfiC'dJy la the middle, and adminh ri pap to the young r en llenea, aKcl iky item to quU Iroro hunger. Tary iuff childrto and tur. kci in the bae way, by puonc the victim on itt Uck in their Up, ioier. ting a lamp af ih food io the mouth, and ihea efJgtl well dovu ailh the thumb and tr-i'rer. fhe orC e: I giie ud br. IrttJell Countf Agricultural tucUrr. Orrttrai af rM .ijt at aUL r r-. a awHx af Crwi fam. Al a BMttt l) WtT. WU It iMt mmit aiaJI M al l'HUi. IM iWf arf i ! laa a M laJ r-r iu a. a,f ;. i tii mj i af Jatr. a aa. ikp ate that Oat alaa a mUj . ta ! caa tk iaciAf Wl k aM a ik aii tUr. ' i aa Ww laal IM (iaMf rrmtm mu rJ n4 nrvWUM a kate Wr aatnofura rtMaW4 fr laa cVauiWiaa af pftawwaa, la a i for tKe kral aaaatncr4 (l koeaa ftkwfK ta laa k,a w-infl a apa ahMga. a far tW l knm cafe. Uta an at iajm - . ttari aid..', " far lb tarf awre Ch. k1t M ar " Jtrt tM, Tar tb b Wona t. "r Tt ol 1. 4 rr thake rrcoli, akf awatrafoW, 4 far tac keal mW. a4 ulf tout wi fttt . . . - .-. .3 FW (Ha kc Bwtl caJf art r iMfdiff, laa ;rui OJ. 3 IK Wat Ulfcf calf eieauaf aid. . 3 for tt Wat pig am ritfer U. 3 far Ike fwaiea qaatitf af Com BtrnkiraH r onr ainare ara at imnani urn. aa4 a tU a.aai adi a4 & i 4 y . . B, TW IVTJWaanf aafVbaMtra4 t$ Attm'f a4 kaarJ faa ke k4 afy iU,, lMi ta4 Wii VI kre aM t IM ia"ay U anf tka a faaaf aaav laa U aa at a. aa4 N mi a aa(4ia m tf fUct la Lka lrtnVM. a ay Mkf h rV al. r. BAII J QU W, LtflVlEtt (tVaf CtZKtfT VJAtllUU.) Tka Traaiaee aaaJd Wrr ttata. La tJtU t lie ara1 a lk iita.kf faaaniH, llM rr fWikir U aav aiJt ta r4r fit ta. alii tii mm M 4 ftaaiala I lUJ iWf U aa a4 i i ii aw a.fcuf a- a ha arcaaaacy, m4 kate ,aX4 Mr, fifaaaa4 I. tf a ' ta ir. imiMiv (rkM tii h ral a al aa f(Wl IkW. Ta i af nrfa atO ba a arrui,. bW4 a J U tWa V H 3 I ae. a-., 04 ,ia aa J.Wm aML ntlrt ika IW4. iiti JnilK ItAkll. .w.. .v:r smut: IX LnilJfCTq, K. CJtinuXA. rr 1 1 E aakarrlan k Uf tUnd Ua fr" 1 aanata, la iW Hfr.W kuaWt, nVr tka irai U 4 ltUlnW (una tka 1U, ika tlt a a .. r eaaaa aaladjtta .r; ..(- . . UryGicd, forihtnrf,G'0ctitti,ifc. Wfcirii ifcajr Ui! Jf w a (k-i ftrwm alibiaf la puwf i ai9 ila ifl, y uit'lltll. BknHK. k'.n S..I,.,.hL. a. IK. hlf al q',n Wl '-" r r .l i I c. .... . anun inc wai au uourrncaiu raj wu i of time a citizen ol the Unitrd Siatei. .1 . . . .. ' ' io mv oeprcHi, .nariea iiatarinet two other pa? of atnekinga Itiog in the b- t ahere Ikarpme linen i ioLiui. Johm o, of bU M jrwy'i 3h rrgim- cot on f4t mj ooIt ptr ol white cot tn ttncking.ad mv old acarlct great coal and to iliyiail Kourie, my house keeper, io retail for her long and Mthful aervicrf my ctacke d earthen Ditcher." Haittdi, iu anger, told the other legatee! tit aha rtllgued to them her valuable ah.te of the property, od thro retired, i equal rage, Cbarlea lie lea uown ibe putney nnu, aa ii bnkr, a multiide of.goiueii bunt oat, iod rolled f oo v Ja-or, nia af 34. G'aaiatf ad tin re oeiria, 4Vt. 0 a He. 4a U a K'pnUi. tU eaurt kn the aobility ta aa-eatre, Uat Dr. Fraaklia -attlilRrl .beUf aVat -add from tartaa3a a4 acot U t iamlthi."' - f ie f im4 A2m Dailatia ditng W W Wl ieaea yean ol age, la aaa ti4Ktf4 at tW tVfariitY at tmt mxSct w lutel'g of kie galtf a.aVGPrti da prera mad rra-raed tM eaneknmeata "t -aife,l tV Klt'Sliia a Cataa;aL 6 ati ewhir hi eat au al Pregni, iV iuta it Get, actieat ataviaca ff H -u Jijaai. aa4 an a Mbrr al tr f e l aie PrwriiCT. lie died 4 XSWd Cabl cm?lete4 t.?sas3ftef &emt k& iba ' n aiaaa aW tJbaiaf ri i. vewwai taaar a . ti - n ii i 'i -JT H'lBnmlf trfti If litfuaaa. , a Mw.it,.jkra aaiafciftaaBati. ja Vtot ai ft r ah ratar a8OT Ufa., t jia'-i-J ta aaat fcwai a iua t M. ' -' at wwif a 141 4 alii W a. miv-'.v4 m eVw aaJ aftrraant. .1: -a- W M I...- k...hm( 'tiian, waaaamf Phi .w i ifcUft 4 a :, '? - i. $tgm tj aaw aa ' A aono aa the ilrctiion of th Smite an koowr, he aai lim iluneomly elected a member of the Legiilature ol Pennsylvania for Favrttc C'xmiy, aad a Member of ihr (foute of Rrp reicntativriof the United Statca l r Waihiogton eunt, (where he hd aever rciided.) tic took hi ai in the Uai meotioocd body io 1795, and remained therein, the moit active and tficicot leader ol the Republican par ry, antil 1801 f whe-, o Mr. Jcffcr aoo'i election to the Preiidcocy, he wai made Secretary of the lreaiury : he folfiiM he arduous duiiea jittach. ed to thia department for laclvc ycin with dutinguiabed reputanoa and abil iv. The Emperor Alexander of Hutiia, having, in 1813, tarred hit media tioa between the Unted statca ana Great Britain, Mr. GalUiin, j iotly with Me lira. Adami and Bayard, was appointed Alioiner Plenipotentian- t Kwaaia tka nominatioo of Mr. G.'waa rejected Io the Senate (by a majority of ant vote) oo the ground tht the appointment of Fovny r.i iieompatibie with the post of Secre urv nt tnc ircaiury. ine mean uo of Kmsia vai in the mean time rejected by Great Britain, who propo sed to enter into negrtiatHn directly with the United States. This propo- sittoav was acceded to by our Govern menu Mr. Gallatin resigned his nIace lntheJTrcasufv. 'ancTwiia "bb- - - --. -rr . poted, jointly with Metiri. Adami, Bayard, Clay, and KunelT, on this important mission, and negotiated and tnpied, wiin these gentlemen, the Treaty of Peace, at Ghent, in Decem ber, 1814. Jointly witfTTWeasrs. Adama and Clay, in 1815, Mr. Gal. Utia negotiated and signed a treaty of commerce of London with Great Brit. a!n. la 1816, he was appointed En. thr Eltraordinary and M iniater PiVa. fpotrrttiiry to France t: At the Hague. ta f 81 7, he, jointly with- Mrr Eustiar arrangVS the trtriniercial difficttltiea thai cxis ed between the United States ad the Netherlands Aod at Lon- 4bnt la Ttl8, joratly with Mr. Rush, again, negotiated -and signed a treaty of Conimerce with Great Britain. Mr, Gallatin, after representinar the United States at the French Court toe seven years, wi,th honor to himself ,ad bis country, resigned hit mission, k. 1823, returned to the United St4tri, aid was nominated at Wash. g1r, anl by the State of Virginia, fortontte di scot io euoii to their great j money I ! : try loduccd those pre he stockings; which , were crammed with 1 There il nob'iog so bautthj? con tinurd Mur?hyn hia criticism on bad manners tinytnn'ly nr ridic ulous, at he 7ifr t ble, ai to see a man trving If deafen oTody wi' his j.bber, a hile his miuih is s full of baife and potatoe, lht he can t aay a word!' ' , Married, Io Peosaca, on the 15h .Tune last, by the Rev. 11. Maenhaut, Virtue Conptoo. all rffwwtrd iUl btpuBtj cicad lUn;. Bra kwJirav 3 for iW qaaneai qaaatily of ColtMS P-&xr4 trrr a urr aera m mm wn, prowuUi lial Iha quaatiry tlterd lOXAa. artd t5aMa, . i Tor lh fraa-'aal ouali of laralpa produced rtnai half aa acra M peuao, prwiaca w ouamitf ticead aa kuadrad ktnbek, I Wut ila araalrV auaalrty af Cam. pnxWd froaa a Quar acra. pravaiad Ika oalati. aiceed ait buabek I far tka aa Beea of bwmU lloia, of 10 yarda aaa-va,-- for the beat Countarpana, V.ntntf oT Jom V. Uni-;en. f Illlt awkaerAaV kaaiag h.MUJ Ti'Jiiuu I trtfer oa lla ratla of thr l.u i. n p. Iloilaa, '. dralrrs iR praa'Mab4ail la m4 rUl'. lo coma foraarilaad aka ariiW. BMAt i ami all iboar ksrlng ekuAil Sfiinat 4 Halt. Viil pfarat tU ttt arttlciMal. prrM. j liiTVmicaird. otHrrwwa ikU ao4a aJI a plraJ ia bar of ifce'ir rrwtrf. , MKlllAtK flXKSTON, aaVaV. w at, 3 Dtpattrntnt of fttulr.. It atJUVrfea, M Ar. JS. TO Wla tbU Drpaaat lo com pry aiib tbe aubaitnl Raautytioa of tha 1 1 out. of Ranrrarntatitrs aa aecral L-iauaaau to whom it rifcra Bra raowarftd la aena Mlwf by m. 1 1 aa ana u practical) k". Be actum of tbrir re. 3 1 paeUra Cta-ivs cslwbrt'ukf iba. paruenbr rr. r ... . . . fo,tbkatB ket. ' - 5 ael kf u iUiuh.non.iB acanj a . ae Onlfrrd, that toe loregoing a puuuca w j accouunc v iv f . Ike W earra CiroIiniA. tooted from ika Wnwlra. JAH. CAVPBTLL, At. '8CHKDULE. LIST OF LETTERS ri HHAIV1.VC la the f at Office at It.binr, IV N. farulwa, on tbe la day of April, ir.tS. Wm, Arerelt WUbam F. Andcrwa Joka Dimnrs .. Jseoo Berjnhrg r. Mn Haarabatla - a illiam rVker WilKam Hra-lfifkl -KiUi Bculrfrtan Tboa. Bnon CoiUntine L. Banner James R)n Mine! Drawn Thomas Cuthriell PhiliD Cope John Cambell 3 Oiartr Catlum 3 IU Carrol Andrew Copa William Crook John Canady William Chunn William Coke? Michael Pillow Jos. R. Dobbin D ct. Jesse Compton , Mis. Elvi-1, VI ra .lemt Prnsicla. n mi rai m Va h. juakftit, .....fwiiMi, Mrw'l,M,Ml,i M ttrik. IU MHHrara tt acTBaaiTi.K An ct to authorize tka JiHge a ibe Wrtrict ... .... V I1 !. Cinrt lor the wevern inwna ui irK.nm, m bctd the District Court fortle Wfitern Dis trict of Pennsylvania, for the trial of certain CAKS. Rehrrttntativti If th Utittd Morra of America in Cpngrtu a$tfhbted. That the District Judce for the Weaiern District of Virginia ii hereby BUthorixed nd.re ouired to hear. try. and determine, all c suses no m rnenffoc m ha Oiatrict Loutt Jbrtbe Weaterobisirlcl pf Pennsylvania;. In which the Jutea of the said rasr men tinned DUrrL i Cfanrt bad been concerned as counsel bcforafbii appointment, in the same manner anil at the same times and olaces. aaka, said District Judee of the Western Diurict of Pennsylvania miKht or could have dona had he, not been con cerned as counsel therein. r ' - See 2An4UUuriAtr.emaeitJlb the said JuHge shall receive for his ser vices, eight dollars per day, for the time he shall be employed b holding said Courts, and travelling to and from his place of residence, to be paid out of. any monev in the Treasurs not otherwise ap Wm. F. Drumtnond Inac larat II. S. Dawson 3 Samuel Deaver Ijit rrtia Johnston Joii Kinder 1 horns. Kiktcr ' Htnry U. BTil Ucnry A. KriJer Peter Kepley James G Knot . Wtllianv Krr, or a'm. Craltam T: H. l-ockhart Jame II. Lucas Hobert Utts Jonstbsa Mixa Jacob Moore Jsmes K. Uorriaon Rdvd. Mitchael Timothx Hilboum Allrn D. Mctcalf Kdwd. Masou Johno. Mills Georga Miller 3 Willism Miller 2 John McCorcle Henry Miers Henry C. Owens Nathan Keely Chaiincey Newton Thomas None William Price Jasse Pegg, IiauLiL. JUgfsa 2 S;..H. Pierce F.(TmI. J. Eston Philip Krnhetrt Peter Ernhart Henry Mis 3 George Fisher Saml. Fleming Freelaml Lodge Jraw Part Volentine Pence' Alexsnder Powel Jacob Redwina George Hufty Elizabeth Robertson William Kainey Sarali-Jtobertl John Fepermn Francis Gibson Mt-shack Gentry Jacob Goss GHrga. Goodman Thos. Hall Eliaabeth Michael Msnea 4mtrHmei John Hoeir ""' lltel)xa.Hul00 John Hope Henry Harrison Edmund Hardy Jacod Holeni -David Hampton Usrjrret Hall Lenora Hsmptoa Laban BwilL. . William ivy John Simpson Geo. W. Simpson David Smith James Smith 3 . Charles 9tork Joseph SmTthee! Abraham Smith "llsM Slewart . -...... Jacob . .Rwi'her,, mtmwM , . Le'roT Srnart - "-''v.' '-'-Timothy' Spau'dina John Smittiel jame II. Smoot . Junes Salmgnda J Jamas II. Smoot 3 " Henry Trexler Hy. fc. Winders Horatio Woodson 2 Josiah WUIis r Sarah Wamack John O. Wright Mary Winget Peter Walton Elisabeth Waytnire John Webb. o?. . 3 s ' a s j i8,3--- iltVS - c- c i 9 "a t 52Is-3 IIS ! JT 2, fi g 5 t, 2 8 1 J s a- 3 8 " 1 3 1? jf Po tiLCi-a.5 0 f-553 -5-1 ilMlii. 5 Jf?5?Fi7 aa. ' C J S2 6 s se es'? a OH? 2.8 c-o 9.- 3c7 " If m I John Joaey" Philip Jacobs Kindle Jacobs . Thos. D. Johnston Christopher Jacobs Rsrhra Jacobs ' I a aW rl 21 H I i "t?- .5?9 : s2 Jfii-a-i-.' . - sis $?f SVfg """t .r f.J-. 'publulien of the Laws of the Catted State will insert tb above natiee si wetM psoen. I aaiublt uoditUu for Vita frcsi-1 propriated. VtfVvcaj Afrj Sali IW 'v 7:

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