ft r , a ' y 3) hi K f 1 i Y , v t r it , I I I I J III?!? WW i II ti.lM.sUUUY, X. CTUICSDAy, UH.UmT h, ma. VOL VII N0..U2. Y ft lra tr-- r'Ul , 5 K 4.1 ( f u iu) mU l ma'f a rt. jU'rwMu J U ai si AS Muf t4Sa4 U 04 ftmfmd,m Or an3 fa M ail -VcAlce. - & M v ' f aXM (M 11 t Oktoitf an.l mi mmvL A9 prflw kwlaVad waWt , M MM M .Wa, a RiMM SVWWB, K Ca,t 4, Vt Mt a 0brwlM I eJ lU ka lag iW-a, are nfM4 la ?! iWaa. jon ML'irnr. IJlJ1 WILLIAM BXOWX. Uotutt ot EnltrUlnrntnt. Wat m4 ttt f fUfiii MIX i aifted, M rrf aMx at M t , M tU kLiy of kit U 4aUi awi tiUt f Mf lrtUJj pa M k vwlana AD pfowa aWrava U m anl kl Hit part U UU couatfT, in txrti la nl Uwi kUca. A i"ai mrtai, K KaMda M ftii I utaawaia Ui M aar atWf Mrt U tkm wrl ajt - ifW - - - iiniiiil ! Ukl IM Ka) iM atco-waaiUiK. . visc-jit tr.io. X ft. TVa If auLUt- Ua af 11 raaaiaf fva CKrria la KacatiQa, l Taiaw, paatv Utvil. TU f!a tVITV rI, Utt VLNC(!r KUD. -r - ay AVTHOKir.t)F.mL . . State of VoTtti-CatoWnsu IUI10CT Or NOUTJI CAROLINA. taaiar nut 2j0,0OO DOLLAR I. Dming H rtaaararr im MiMmg m A 3a Srtinar. 1 PriM J Bnooo u gw 1 . 10,000 10.0 1 A.000' ifl t 000 - - JJ I lJO 5,0 I l,W0 ' Zfl 19 500 5,0 20 1W 3,& 40 100 . 4.0 50 30 y 430 30 - Wi 1,050 10 10.01 76 5 MX 9.000 PrUrs 2 V836 Tick tti 119,00 14,000 EUftk, J t 5 UolUr-, it 119,430 r Mlati i a V'p. . "".500 'Tic-c(i to U I dnn ) darU b " tdmptetei! hi 18 dvfolnr. AU the mini ben tn bp ptarrtl in a bL and lk Phi la mother. " " V" " " Atatitnarf Pnittat fMrmt r TnC LAST DRAWN TICKET ON THE Firat dar. will be entitled to a True of Second diy, Third dar. fliKMUMf'VriOtV ta faa aa4tua. llIfJ alUht itairaaaafytlAW-aA ait, H W Jil4-V H. C. If Maata lat UlU,f. fit Ikt baaI -f dtit-)!tfl ka alia tnftUhj ftkf B)-a9f ti4ln at-4 wftrf! ffUiyniWtarlb m9 ank ftf tbo P'l :!KM It--Ui4 fMl kit If mmUiU '4.V tiff H(M 4 l"pJ iAn rt tvAj I tut tW hfai'f ail PiiJofti cM btft, Ta4 fc, iVal Kftgf fitk, iUtU4 asJ turan4 1 tal ffMin(, llal ti At If ill ctil U i4Mm4. Kc4 to villi KMAKaf Lfei.La vtaV. lU rUfc ia4tM poor.th wiMmi it link 4tr t(t rotil a! do y.k .ai ktw, .th4 Wtrt od laod IM ! c.iUcti fo IA4 I ik at Ik lot In r Ud Mh agffy1fl is M M oot44 ckUiUiA I Ik4 Id (tUUlII 1 tut bf Ml Iff Ml ltilnw'li M a i at a . . UkuuaMtMPUinpaitrlitWMiueroftlu.le. U!tr. titMluiK trrmaf 4 J la. la-? a. t. I . ' a i St4 of cinutf t oMt ! rl MM MiMiinlr to tkbft cln kilf lmk tUcet n4 our Mtrti la tkieki ia4 crwa Uiioe, Iwf IM tfilelfc rttdr of IM Mtl df ( cwr paJgil iiUcncn To cow rxmoeitM ddt im iikMili Ibi vlrtMi, tbo4 MfMit patriot! SuutmtSt mho, half ct&Wf ir d motbafi vb toeo MfMU irn (bf mbrxi to Mt tti f'bf OW tbt MM batlW, 1 hlplf U iMold Mvt iaci(Kd IM tarooci of IM IIihIw ClaJutOf, Of iM tor tatrciral loauMvk of tb tUtl t tt4 if , i4 6mwMratlAf V lit:- f tUi U t ciift, oxbU I iib br h lio mn! ftH, 14' rcwMlib d ((f fMfK. Ilea) f tM f iJb ti Mr Hif4a, o4apk J ffm tftng akaa IbtM 1 Ihr UuihI f l.4irMa) tat' htt 1)4 IblUtlua) vj IM iftlUtUilff t ., . - . ... M llldiataaVatlLOia M&IM trttl IHlvi, 9 f im -To mW-Wo a IM C a U u'J ia Ii.uIiL IBttliy WyiwttMfi ira watna wrfVI 4tbltM to rf M fiota L ovtm f7 JUt? adtii' o t)lj Sptlft, ruj IM tnKna UrUriir a4 I rdud, Mrlrfif ataw&((Jnt utd a Mful j-roif s f IM Itlf IUrKtitirtbatual)f M a cf t)tdt and plthciM million nhM' JJ cy lK Mewing bf hl-aflf , oo I be falfUraCatjlbtfift KooiKria nowW bata kofwltbed oii tUlr aihtiixa In JH, under tha bvmlnr tua. or kui on trtn iba lifht of la ika wik a)a VIrr of ibe FiulftoctJ! rerl a kf ! miw ! ika mr ce f J ti !M i'iUftiar;4i tt ft tJ ! nb iM k( nrtd A.'man lk U4 i lit Vnhiv. ( f A taa, xtiwdj "M pjU of iba rcMntwU IbettiMlte. Hen r'ranet abitl rtiamioberdbtr and ft r (ntrrett. anon ihr rmt, or (.ft firae.d alllaa ai BrilalO. IM Chln riOedtba aceri iron tbi bind or UTj.tt btt tbt tatrtMbi maldeaam mltntldcd moeiirtb, ifwj tnwtled UtMlbraeci kr later for IM hit lime, or line duM tbacravovb' baMlrtUbUbroviLbiifuMrpioiMKrniorhWP'tr to iba mbiiion ol N'ii bolti i M puaieg im iraa 04 boarif , aod o t4 cariu(a,U opaiwtbwroriri," "f Mlr opprtor, c oriut i I trad it with IMlf Uood ; M h limci ol aiauacli bit Uaediot ovtiodi, or H Uliifiaoi n uotaociiSeJ Pieibood. ai aatd iImm af tn ckMO bi e;e Ja j oatablUh Ibcmte.'te lo Iba enjoyment of deib( tad rctalva Mi f iik oa kf awmnpiu i u.i .. MtbfJ boanmi Tbea i t Ml t) feedoro. li u bop that ia ffvin, ile fouwl tol ontilUd, til iba ftloob i tlmt vt P.uixiim Wrlahilr eiiin- dkn( mmA Uwarbr dinver Uld ik fcwbdatiofi of a fabric mora bcauiiiul Ibtn iba tconpU of fkilomoo, mora aiteaaiva lba iba coonvcili of Ale under, and nrfdorblatbrttkanUf.b!f w&f rvrwt-lirt. btuni a iod. lura of iba Romao Empire vbo mount- vi, : iwlf ,h, e M UH t5, tftilwe tnl;bt re)ca i M laboetd, iootdtbialieyWMedfco4..eMMr-)aa ton mitmrtMi aoo odo hbera fruit la iba tioa j kalwk vmcui va bJ!I w. I off from iba fo!d. and ihira too kerd Tba Hora bit been often loJd, and in iba nilli." Tb, uiiterfvcry ptita would pall opoolba aenaet, but for Iba tiion. that lomatiitf cwld orport, -did (lorj obUb lurroundt It j mil ooaullied bea old men, a fe oJ Obt atiil Unjjer by ipoai e, ad Adiminibed bf retxii- cam tbia aula iM rrar. tba .toord ikn. It h ray arduou date to ratable Jnd tM Unco iMt va lU- offtpeing, otcr i&a him neia ootcD mi txtn o mlftbt enjor cJtU and relight irrOoin oiicn a ipiorta dj ina ore oi rfriui, ana I Since that rnemoraUa (rtod, iniojr irodJea br tia foot of amUilon, la iirth I aad ftooerful hira bent tM orrcnl. and of omctbin oorcl and intertiiing, wbere- terrible IM terapcM i, which a ajiuttd wilk to Inuroct Iba rcaaoo or amyfe tbe (ka politic! ocean. Since ibe delude laacri out bub, wacra ii:y iuccctaie libera bara not occurrtd t tM nmr mnWertarki hare cacb produced iiil knrtk of lima to nuor and.tKb iolrt Oratora and poam what ia ibera left for I channel. Empire! bao rltmand tilled ana? If I racotial to you the deedt of train Into nothlnr. New throne and our KeToJutiooaff Patriot, ton have ra crtptrat and diadem bar apranf Into pcaiauir Mar. iMmMtorai it l paint leiitteoca. at IM marie worf jfaaobat arc in Iiring colour tba cOttreat ol our Coun- lndiflduaJ, and who ibat aUtkal mateor try la actcoiy ail, tba pktura baa been I (bet hate rlided awer. U-iar oo trace ciccuted in ao matterl- a mannar bj to behind. Na King aod Cmparor, and caaay jruaia betora .ma, ibat I fannoi I princjpaliije, be tinted their hour hope to pJeaao tin lead you to an ami-1 upon tha ataea t -bile the IeirtUnuU pence, aid Noa U loog n4 ftltbful pe roootrtbt cf tba earth irtmbled before pectifetba future tloriciof our rtainc them. But ther ha?e ranithed, a the country, any one without tbe rift ol I h.Tluclnttiont of the m rulta the hour of prophecy mihl do tbo tame. Slnca, midnight alumber, at Iba" llerbeibr men, ererjr power net oeen eullec, and romance, they bare turk tnto obliriom a etery acnua to notelty cloud up, let roe J tbe bent in tba titiooof Daniel, their id k pruriiajr I nunhrd j but lha tooner or Uter it wi.1 uuih tuiiU) m tv"M'ua, at .tua auu and Abbu t4 old, tM tnrllord wor hippcrt wbo tutl put Uat fir in Ihr lr rrnr 11 us turn fr a moment lo France Vhl mif biy tbii(ctb4a been wrought in I ) am lent demcwrt of the Cpeit by (he eleeiric t?k whkh kinif)t1 iathe breitll of ber chWalry while fighting the Katilet of our Country at I!rndf vine aid Yorktoan. Whilr e,iiru liberty ia utahe Mrtalf.lmttiCMd lba.bolfrc: but the ttucht a If von to polriiiy, by rotlng thit nation to enjoy libeny, irniit un dertiind it. mutt be capable of dittin Kit.ini; between it and liitiitioutnett j mul kuSmit to the ulultry rtttniott of law to inture l' continutnee ; in thort the muvt uirrn!er a ptri to tec u re the re matnder. Fr-are wai then but a manor of Cerft and honilmcn to tbe htur.My Uourboa ; and notwithttanding heocent of blood whWh were , pilled on ibe occa . ti ... .i um ol her revolution, mat cteni rt Fourth day, Fifth day, Biltb day, Seventh dar, Ki(fbtb day, Ninth day. Tenth day, Eleventh day, Twelfth day. Thirteenth day, Fourteenth day, Fifteenth day, Sixteenth day, Seventeenth dar. Eighteenth day. 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,500 i 5,000 10.000 20.000 The rett of the Prize floatinr in the heel Irom tbe commencement, amounting to 73.730 DOLLAZIS. PtJaea payable at iherAgenejf pfjhe Bank hf - a. 1 I'll. I. L. Vf n l . a I . -A . L i r . i i , . r . . aiir in; cumpiriion m ine arawinr, lunject . to a diacount of fifteen per cent .All prizea not (lemanded within twelve month from the completion of .the drtwinjr, will be eonaidejed aa forfeited to tbe uies of the Lottery. 4. HLUU,VMMIMIMff, The attention of the North Carolina miblic. i retpectfully invited to the foregoing acheme. The laudable purpoae contemplated will, it u hoped, tecrire to it the aid of thoae who are . friendly to the intftett of literature and acience, and the name alone of the gentleman who ha contented to act u Commiasioner in the man- of the fairnett with which itwill M condiicted. .:;.i...U.,-.:..:.,.X..iL..MURPiiEir.":.,- tiy Ticktula tbia Lottery for nl by Menr. - nthcr. SaBuhiiry. - DtraafMiaT or Stitk, . - -; Vi15,1826. , TO obviate the ritk and delay incident to the return .of tbe Bank Notea from this JDepftmcnt, not receivable at the Trcajry of the United State, in payment for Patent R'tghta,all peraona detiroua of takmg out Pat entewejeoueeted to transmit, with their appli eationa, tuch Note or Draft as they may know, Or be advised, will be available at the Treuury. Jfyi5. 1CH30 beseech you, under inch unfavorable au pice, to extend to one of the most bum ble adventurer for your applaue,thf bind I forbearance and forgfvcpcM-.,..;. rifty year aova liuleband f Patriot tolled tba knell of depotiim on this favored bamisphere, by that immortal ttata paper, which you have iutt beard from tha mouth of one of tbe aoldier of that memorable period, whose head has since whitened by the frost of ao many winter, whose whole life has been unin terruptedly devoted to the arduous ser vice of hi Country, and wbo ill re main with ut, a living example for the emulation of virtue and patriotism- Fifty year ago, the grey-headed patriarch as sembled his household lo listen to that decree of our little senate of Utica, doubting only whether this morning' tun should rise upon their graves or their in dependence. Fifty years ago, the beard less stripling buckled oo hi armour, and exposed himself in the very front of the battle, contending in mortal strife with the disciplined veteran, for bit country 'a freedom. Fifty . yean ago,, famioe and warj and pestilence, stalked throughlhe land, destroying and to destroy ; while our aurrounding rocks and mountains afforded not a retreat of safety to the wo men and children, from the mercenary butchers ot .Britain ruthless monarch Fifty years agowe stood isolated, friend- nf toy aljyandbendjirjajiiid les, and unacknowledged, without even a name among the nations of the earth. rifty years ago, what was this delight ful village ? A howling wilderness, the haunts of more than sar ages, filled. . with the enemies of our Country's repose. Tbe contiguous graves (eveanow forgot ten, but for these aid men) of more thn one deluded traitor, speak in a voice of truth that cannot be mistaken. They proclaim thatihk ?,-lajtteJUjRUe4 now with liferind animated with beauty. gently omurmurin gl MUXZOmtiOit. peace and harmony, was once tbe scene of desolation and bloodshed ; that even with-, in the compass of. my feeble speech, the itero hand of justice reared an altar, and on it sacrificed more than one victim lo the manes of some departed martyr to the holy cause of the colonies. Such were the transactions, such tbe scenes of suffering and woe, half a century ago j dominion is taken away These change. wonderful as they are, may be remote If huLdisuncUy. traced to tba principle propagated during the period of owr owo Ka volution- Half a century agor what was Europe, what was Ametica, tul the world, compared with it present state ! in a few -word,-tbe question may be answered) sufficiently explicit for our present purpose. England wis verging, unconsciously, to an uncontrolled deipo tism. Spain revelled intbediasoluteneti of plenty, arising from tbe mine of Mexi co and Peru, but her power bad even then begun to wane, f rtoce groaned under an almoat insupportable tyranny-. and the gabelle and tbe Jasule were looked upon with horro-, r.y -wretches who dared not even murmur at their ex istence. nussu w hardly known as a commercial power. India bad pot then developed lufficient resources to excite the iviaice of ber ipoilen, and invite the rapacity of unprincipled adventurer, and thus to become the great theatre of crime, revolting to human nature. Afri ca severely felt the scourge of God under mo uiirciirajncu opcraiioii oi tne Slave trade ; and America was partitioned out in manors to the favorite vassal of Eu ropean Sovereign, receiving her laws, her governors and judges from beyond the Atlantic, bowing down at the approach Tba tUUaUiaikf.tiadf. tm1"t vf7pH at ikt atfft cki HatirtriiM ot iM ltli i. ,t Ub iM lf-aa. TtMhii lt. Juil. it V.A V niMfWrCvurt of IM tnl J nti The MinJt ol ANPnnr JAfl.OV, im ajkJ am LLm1hi. it. f. I .v. . iwd ikti tut iM iii.f(atn of lUr. tr Irt a fit e Ht'e, It U y rwt( Ml) anerrr U L Uriiuutt, ,ry CO- (roackineai v tlx iriUrea of tba peo ple c.wJif.k- ,k.l lha lUrclMi of Ibeir I blef Morale it or of i(,, tt.tr, t aa ponsni pritl;rgtt of ibe lut-" of iM t'biied i4' Ihtl Ihs tpirl if the Ct 'utui I VJ rue iftrd f.f tr-a corn- giaj itjuM ikal Ibit trltllero J Ih to eaenitfl at lo render IM l. t.f il.e prfcpl tfWWnt h the elee iun of h Pietidtni ; aod UCtting (bat lo counttnci the eff tt if minjeameat or eorniption, to eterrita M tiIUjr ' enftl ma prevent Ihr I'tntler tr he electn to iM llouta of !rprctnu- iVCt. IIW ! UH- J ..- ,H mw la Ihemtclvet, are nerrtttry, and that tuh tfieturet at mty lend to uii'e and kin fftcl u Ua lout tf tbe popluai hlbly eipedient and proper at tttrrtmv, tva aitemUcd al this mee'inj lo ex pr iheir emiTrnt with rttpett to the ive t election, that iba a.tna an La, known by ihrir fellow ciliicn lhrjk ctit the t'niird Sine, and tuWint-l to be judgment of the impartial public. 1. Jktrtittt rWird, m Iht tmtf $f mtfunr, that it, it tfhly expedient fur the bett inert of M HepuUic, thai ihc choirt of a I rrwdent at Ihe next letimn, tffooU not devolve on tba Ifoutai f Kcinctentailtet. 7 Hft.lirJ, That tha eminent poUks ten lcr, devotion to kit country, and pure republican principle of Andrew ackton, entitle him lo IM confidence of ia Mlow cititinti and 'lutl'ifr him in t the bi;licl degree fr the office of Cbicf Mivint of these t'nired Statca. 3. HrtthfJ, That ur coofiJenre in the tiled ptltiothm aid public virtuct of ibit ditilngutlird ciiiicn, it dcttrudly . itka raarl K 1 1 an rraanfa atf K I a nra,la.ia nnnaiawavlariftKlaT tftlllfl I WaW- itat aW Ll Ilia. . ' ..T.v.. j r j exhiblt-d in tha tha human race. 1 he galttle, and other aiorliunt Uxes, restriction, and ptivi leM, have been a bolithad ; tbe leoanl lata elactioa of ihe President ofll.a United States. 4. KtJvdi That it be, and tbe aamo i t ereSr ilrongly rrtommended to the portable weight of taxes and impost : cowering at the menaces of the mother country, espousing her quarrels, fighting her tatties, and gaining her victories. without either the honor bf the conquest or the emolument of tbe spoilt. Pam pering her luxury, without sharing even the crumb which were allotted to Liur ui from the rich man' table, and In fact verifying tbe fable of the Giant aod the 4.fftf slalelf things, even the sate counsels oj rashmgton -were netlectedr and contemned i and bf this neglect, a British oenerai and his whole army, sacrificed to British pride and ar rogance. Such ' wai tbe situation of Araerice, such - the state of the- world then. How different at ihe present day. England remains nearly stationary, having undergone fewer changes than any other of the European powers etbcinj, however, the gradual decay rn- 7. AVoA.ri?, That we T.T.:liff nr-provo' of the conduct of our Tenators and Mem-' bcrs'ln the Iloote of Reprrtcntativesi wbo in the late sestion of ('oo,;rei, bavo . malntwinrd the tine principle of-the Constitution, and the best interest nf tho country, with manly teal and contincing eltxiuence- THOMAS I.tr, CKm'n. Jacoa Alton, AVr'n hMbfcomhel.iMlJoed iM ; baogMa tf,r,M, AwStom j.tkwnl ,hf(Kl htttlt narronlal c ..tie has humbled It. m.tty bo tVi.td S;Jie. to at.rmblc tngnher turrets, ano anorr.ow . tnei.e on ,nc;, Wf ,utC 0 rtpre.t their opi,.io spacious domains ef It late lor. I- h,. of ,iU mfrjli if (e ter.lo numerous f.m.liet of m.I.nr .ndlinJ w,lteM100(J , ,h atK9 Jick. hippy itantryi.ndjhatm.gh.yer.KMiirJ u ,he Mice of ,,,, , of w inc v III 11 a U& awliivi. klBJV. au aau v muhi The riihlt and duties of tha sutij ct ha.e been corTr!ely defined, and re by every one dearly tilerid ; aDdnotalthstand- ing n incrl and intflie lent Honrbon way? her sceptre, she may Ue tid, in a mea sure, to be governed by law All thit ihe nwrt lo Ihe more than Herculean la bors of one mn. Under ihe guidance of thai " matter spirit of the age," Napoleon the magnificent, (for lo call him by any other epithet known lo our I.mu t;e. would not cxprcst half hit i(i ilnitct) h:tj miht have been her destiny had she remained faithful to herself i beyond the power of 'human foresight to. con ceive. Russia, which at the period of our revo lution wis but ii in infant in its twaddling ciuincs, iiea irtwuiiiu hjiiij uioua. Planting one foot in Asia and the other in Europe, expanding the wingi of her power in breadth over all the ice bound reglcMs-of t be arcik. rcJcrand ioJcf tk frorr KamtsValka to the Danu.be, embra cing in her frozen grasp one third of one Continent, and more thin one half the other: stretching her unwieldy and gi gantic bulk from the pole lo the fortieth 71 inhabitantir ready for any enterprise thut may be intimated to them by their rulers, she menace with consolidation or abso lute dettruction not tbe petty principal! ries on her . borders alone, but the more powerful .monarchies . of. the. old world., ' W bet be r the. condition of 1 ndia has been .ameliorated during ..this period, -is tery doubtful. Owing to the insatiable avarice of the puttc-proud nabob of the Ktt In die- Com pan y-. w ho control lbs dcBjinie. ol, this- devoted Territory, we have every reason To Tear"that -every if lOK Governor General ha, proven biacsclf but a more crafty Warren' Hastings ; and that Indostan Itill groan in agony under fraud and oppression. To Africa we turn with -more satisfaction." That most in hum an of all human traffic, the slave trade, has by the genera! concurrence of Christen dom; been uboliihcu ; and in our own Jay Charltiton Courier. Ti h 4r Pnplt b de Cthr, July 4t 1836. 1 o de rising tiencrition ob lififk peo ple oU Color may he inherit he Faderi good quality. M asta Randolph, member ob Congeess ; he great orator, only be hib no head or1 tail to he discourse. De Pretumdcnt ob de day. May ho nebber turn be fingers into lit books only where he hab good chance President Adam. I hope be lib foreb ber and one tttybtfeta-'-j;-- -.7;-Old Massi Jeffersorr, he raify line minT hope he draw highest prif ei in he Lot tery heself. De Naby ob de United tites. I tell you what ho is boy, he debbil for Sick degreb of latitutle, and counting more T0" ,, -. v i-r. . . 'mi . t,..-J " iiohn litill. Ilan liny iii.i"""-u. ..a.uy aim rcsucw ,... ... J. V.AA taia," our fren and Rroddrr General Jacksoat Wid to command him. I tell you what, look .harp boy, he make you spit a tooth. De Ladies 'b Color. May he nebber be disturb wid do impertinent talk ob wTiitr people;-" --r General JwksonNo; teattlf hOMr : many Oiiiish or Indian, he let ic sons 6b A fiic 1 sit under dars own grave viacs and eat dcir own fig tree. Ta prevent Crm fim. ,graxinj,.ili ill FctW,. Easy shoes frequently bathing the leet in lukewarm water, with a little aalt or pot-ashes dissolved in it. The corn itself wrTI be completely destroyed by rubbing it daily wiih a little caustic solution ot pota 1, till soft and flexible skin is forrnnJ,

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