W it at.faM l.'M M ti. f .t 4 frtrt.s,.f f"f kSU s Li pa fmtU,akt 4, htif,f aJ rfIiBi.. ', ft4 fiMrtftta. . , . I.. J -, v& jt Wt&rrt ft.tvjf.HUin Mi tt u Uesth M Now, stis sow, It rtftf f lbs Jft'iM litrt - -su-.s m fWifc TsprUr, - IM 14 it sambos ates! It fa. Pull U AlMnDfW t tubs rW JVM U M iliMMik' Mens Is, d ' lftM 4lh soUiifpS that lie 4lh M it wHCts, sJ l(k7 Nnlea Hs l hit eso 1 that oaft at U aae.". tsd emUtonomUr4 crowd roved Ml atanderd 1 that iWuitib ibe wsr erf , and tbo PiUce of ths ecttr :Kir faeee 1 terror that talk sjsfutled Ms banner, d it tmr aj'iarura of lbs globe unite UciatM 4 atuhlrJy tekit thai kl.dkth till Ump Awrof. Betti, 4 M moots Mel ri lkt ' covered Umself like ike Tartar, end WaatSsbst U hit bead tfce lnce of tbe Comtek of the P t th( ildee upon lbs - wkiriolod directs lbs stoeaa. la odUjc Ike tn of ntnj Bailout, and kindreds, snd leagues f ll It AlatUk.ihe (ioibl It li AuilU. IK Koorrt i-f tiwm.li, Mk- lug l Komtf ! h HffBng. irr for lit Mte'tiif I it lUitnitxt, m 4 ! .Uw; ....fc.. Cm cf II il Npo)oof Wfflkif htih Mi " ! tM rftwJeniW itx ;wn lX ll it noot of lU i 1l U NkhoU.Slrho Ui of MoKotU ihr Aoiocrtt of atl ibt Hoit i t 4tKcrwJtu f rnBf or ' tarout moorttitlo M((ttof of mtny unchrittUo Kintt, wbo lo ttept for rJ ik chimploo of jutuce. of tkritd of mfffrinc luminUy ! It ll h rftanndifljt. h wlct of tbgrxU r, libtrtf ll il b. ko vill trccl to tlur lo Krt tiom in br lempU. or immolate lh Ut tlrnla deKfndtnl of loor lin of th fnil UiUir of tut on birem, lb loff of iht Ouomtn mue idt r btfort i Mi coumleii multitude of modern Ilimt.Oo(h,uvd ViDdli. I.iU ioihe AUrkki bf comei to lurprire like in oiher Atlilla, lo dcilror like enolhe Breenui, I be wealth of the Eat roun . IKAbfehlbinnTTrtTnTncreaei with op. poaliion, nJ like mother Npoleon, he trin vttn htm emancipation to me .f i4arAf Sam eiflifl klvntrv. ArmmAm tntr picture to ourtelrei, tbe great tllr of Mahomet,' tumbling In rufM at the feet ol the conqueror, anu tne imoke of ber inoaouct and palace aicendin up to Heaven- Already the piercing criei of faiiMeu Moalemt rend . tbo air i. ibe Jniirie aleep on their pvtti, but 'tit the tlumbcr. of.uealb. - Luc. Uboratin and Ninetah, like Babylon and Tadmor, tbe pUce of ber unhallowed altart tball be jm longer known or remembered amoo men.. All Europe shall hence . iorth bum iucecae to ooe. God, and ting )toannat lo but on true and living frontier. The Impostor of Mecca tball be ntimberM with the fahe Priettt of Dial; the Kaaba shall be neglected and forgotten ; the crescent shell become a bye-word of derision ; tbe Koran rot upon the dunghill ; and Christianity reign triumphant, where Islamism scourged tbe unions with whipa and scorpions. Haw glorious the name of him who tball effect 11 this! Antiquity grows dim in the splendor of his achievements; nor shall lime, ere eternity clip hit wings, pro duce his superior. Such is Nicholas the descendant of the-Ctars; and such bis high destiny, if the God of Saboalh be -with mm. raow tsi aicaaonD coMrLtts. THE TJLtOED T L IT-ATfClT. . Tbe mail of last evening brings us an address from Mr. P. II. Darby to the cm uns of Kentucky, which casts additions lllll UUini Asiv urui uvi s wa viisiui Among the circumstances which ho brings forward, is the copy of s very teeoaaliaa swawwm Stw sSos Al at iiruiyi liayaM aptavilf niitivu VJ I ei Ueauchamp, and offered to the editor o the Argus for publication, previoua to ber ocain : . EPJTJPff, TV tte tngraven upn the Timiilene Mr. and Jtfrt, Beauchampwritttnby Mr: Beauchamp, Entombed below in other . Thef huaband and tbe wife repose, 8a& from CfcVnever ending stomit, And safe from all their cruel foes. a a t S al . . A vilUin'i wile Iier peace lid crou'd The husband of her heart lfHvd ' 2' '"" , 1 he bappineaa the long had lort, ' - He heard ber tale of matchleit woe, And burning for revenge he roie, And laid the coward villian low. And struck dismay to virtuc'i foes. Bender! if honor's generous blood, ' E'er warm'd thy breast, here drop a tear t And let the sympathetic flood, e ia tbjr pi4 ii( u-ww be f i ' '5 ;.'"" V- -! t I H M v -'M ' i,44'4 4 11 Sr, AvlM kt 1.1 il ff MfU t4mm I r-l Itf . f" ij rff lb ' l mi U U a4 f..., Na4Ua4itlW w s- U w4. U4 1--'4 I rriirvf srrrtv At U i " l Wmr w W C. Urt-I lU llik Martklast, k fl. ir artccKlI I eeuwiwst r rnilt , Hn!; roU4 of tbaaxter - Mr.Daibf trnh'M ti9 jM WJywU tlklamtbl I . To Mr. Wlogate, PesoibirBo mM, U ika MtMrxe of rli wltet M to ako tk tUUed hit toeft'b ! - Ibat ! shsrp rIo -t shewing (Hal It cblMof Mrs. Dona.wp wts i triwUllo, erwl SMwta inens r. SMarp, lo rtcootlU ber, anl Ul Ik repoMof Msowof.mlly. A4tMr. Sharp, and Mrv 5oti, ber rovUxr, blame teliet, h ert ge do grte, fcr the murder ol Cvl- Sbirf." Mr. D. addn m Xh oearetJ thai I bite txco s4 to UtTB 10 lOTtCt kftowlfc'gtol Mrs U4J champ's origloal cav of cempUhi aloi Col hre, was a coflM iM'ioo sli haJ with Mr. Iinnoo. lo Ibal thai aald. ss be tiawd lo me, ' I came of as good family as any la Virginia. I moed la Ibo Rrtl clrtUs of society. k.Jk 4 whal C. 5harp bat brought me to. Is mora tkaa I taaUar. He Erst nduced ml inl rot cool t ol with tbalt he than tlirxkrtd me to gratify Ibe feelings of otbcrv And now I am, by th instrumentality of tbe Skapa i a dupjeron with ny busbaod condemned lo die, lor what yott. or any o4ktr mn of your spirit, would bate dvoe." Thes obsertatlotis, together with wbst ihe has writteo and done, sbcar tery clearly wht the cortidered ber wrongs lo cooii in. Cel. hirp it said to have addrcMed ber. He obiainrd t . a a. br coriDUcnce ana ncr aneciiona. lie rifJed ber chastity, and ibta jdundiMxiidifn, tUaitt her for mother, nut whether she after wtrds fell a sacrifice lo ber affections, or her revenge, is what tbe spirit of her feelings and the course of her actions, Itsva very doubtful. Ambiilon, ke and revenge, appear to be tbe predomi .. . a m i. nam trans oi ncrc niracirr anu leeiinrt. in the two first by Col. Sharp, she then intended to Indulge the latter, be pourine poison into the curt of bis domestic bfus. by tskinp from Mrs Sharp, what ibe could- not herself enjoy tbe blessbg of domestic peace end nappineu o connu bial faith. But in ibis design, she found herself again disappointed, by the product ioo of certificates ; and then she had determined upon bis life, as tbe last means efgrallfving her revenge, arid dis- tppoinling lbs.. hopes of iboao who the conkklercd io the enjoyment of wbat she believed ought to have been hers." From tbe Cberaw Spectator. The pitiltil tiosti of Honorable, appended to such names as Jefferson and Adarai ia in our opinion anv thing out uigmned. " l he Honorable jno Adams, the Honorable Thomas Jcffcr son ! !" Why, this to our ears, sounds as incongruously aa would " George V bitjutre King of Great Britain and rrland t or Ai ttrctJUncy Fernando ocptimo, the adored King of Spain and the Indies.' lne truth is, sue names as Thomas Jefferson and John Adams have nothing to gain from title they might give splendour to title t but title Mjffri them! Th highest title which Regal or Imperia pomposity has ever assumed, would fade to insignificance, attached to cither of their names. The mere name carries with it more of Aonor more of excellency, and more of Ala Jtsty, than could be attached to it by an tne titles ever tacked to an oriental despot, or German Landgrave. ny water. ur. uobtnion states that he has forjale at his house. No. 296 Hudson street.-New-York, a cele- brated liquid for the destruction of flies. Small quantities are nlaced within their reach, and soon after unnaing u tney become stupid, and laii iiieiessj pji nundreds and , thou Bell's London r WeeklrMsaercer. give oerowowtnjf-TemaritaDie "latt. Last yeekramongst the vessel) winch left Ramsgate .Harbour; was a laree jwcaisn ongjoamea iMortn roie the captain of whtch a fine healthy .man, at the age of eighty years, says he left his father livinp; and well in Sweden. the great .age of tne hundred W twcntjj-twg yew, . til ' I H tMI 1 I HUM IJ I ! JJ'jTJ at,f.l,(t Jfniit.w. rrs Rl VJ In I'.f'n. Te I.4 fsprr n!tr, iKti me ftosU ihf Wc t ( ',. LoJ t.t Um filing tuCumUff tatdt fof i-Usijf f IeU. 1f t!al, oetiipiper rtcffitljf tl. la'Jub4 U j4ont ii un'jestioasUt the Ur si iKett evr pUitd. i snratur fgny.faur latbri oJ tnrcc euiiUfi i tr ftaJiUitfaaUibrl tnjefir juirxr iK6iKir A4 vt mircvl4 i U niy epf"'. itKh atWvl sil MllMitH toiorrrty trsi tjo7 la lh tditor, lh sfi f I ....j. i : . 1 1 a it lU luirrt art it U i of oewi, Sitk.Amnh. The iitlsri yrov . rmmret hn lt'J.mjt so a tpiuoa fot the purpose of iur i) lofth conn t( P.tigooia, Teri del Fucio, round Cspe More, he. Mutb ugtfnUtlor, ll inticipaud io the Kiencei go gnpbv, U tios, sod natural hie, rj, The Iloyne Witer. i Tste, tar iK O'llars Facon has appeerrd io Lnodno, but bat distppo otrd then. pectstleoi fhich the fo'tner preJ. tini of that gifted farrily, or rstke r Mr. 0ni. the- reel SJibor, had Ud the critics m form. Mrs. Hsdc'ife'i posihumoui ro- naoct of Gstoadr Utondeyille, has speared Is Umdo, indli spoken of io the Vtnry Gsiettc, it UinC vronby ertjhtr fame. - Vi.-4a gtntlfotin bctns; rsiher hct-prrad e? coenpsoy in steg toeg, ptttishly eWrved, that " they svlthed to nakr cuff of him." By so men. i, mi jd fellow, rcjointd o&4 of hit tortiOitors, "we only wiot to tt s ifotj 'jit of ou.H A frrs liintiog hit been ditcor errd at Pfn)ii, rrptcicoling an erup tion of Mirt Vrsuriui, sod several priHfsio it the foot rf the rooun taint. If'tVis Picture b corrrctlf of Naples -eras-Jlh preteot.or antiithtr admlai re elected than atl"1 oM bo ealle upon io merly Mich more ele present, aid the Sorsma did not eiitt, or rather formed a part f Vesuvius. The fanily of Mrs Hsndoph, Jtffer son's diurMtr, consists of eleven chil dren. .. . n been arrosiad at ruo towu. I) C.on aspirin r oelnK u. mortWrcrsf Mt Cunningham. A terdirt or46owt oVtafned at the late circuit lo Uly t;e counts , N. V. agninti Calhoun .and O'.beaol Bowman's" creek, for riding ibo plamvlff tn a crate . Ii it celcuUtetflhat tbirtv thousand per sons were assembled in Howard's Park, tt Paltimnre, on Thursdav week, at ihe delivery of he oration on Thomas Jeffer son and John Adams. A writer hNew York Daily Advertis er, states, that a small dote of turpentine, about the site of a common haxle nut, and weigMny 16 is If grains, will check the chnlera -mortus, which Is Id prevalent at this season, and olfl 'generally remove it In a lew t.oun. A il. Gros Burroughs, of Newporh R. 1- ha hei'd tbe Declaration of Inde- endence reid lo that town every year since 1776. The New Brunswick (British) papers continue to complain of desertion from the British Trdopi in the Province. The Sheriff f Richmond county, N. Y. has been imnrhoned in New Jersey, for confining i Certain of a vessel for land ing Irish piimeers, contrary to the laws of New York. The Ohio pipers protest sgainst the sending to that Stats, of Slaves immedi ately on their being emancipated, and! recommend thai they ahould be exclusive ly sent to Alrici. The American Missionary Press, at Malta, has printed about 2,048,000 pares of tracts in modern Greek, and 47i-X0 in Italian. It. Is calculated that the annual harvest nf grain of all descriptions in' Ohio, is more than fifty million oi bushels A Canadian squash vine, somewhere in Maine, grew thirtem inches in twenty- two hours. , A specimen of Amber has been found in the deep cut of the Chesapeake and Delaware ( sok near where several large fossil bones weo found. "From Baltin York) is more than TX) miles, and the expense of travelling that distance is only 820. f.aJtctjJnSjUltio &ilvor,.,U iub8tiuted for- steam. Tbe, sa ving of itowagt snd x pence is consider able. A ton of Quicksilver is sufficient for vessel to tnca andbacx again, wun iu . a. a -V w a A horse-power. ..; Our readers will be astonished," on be ing informed, that from the first of April to the first Qf July InsU 94,495 ship letters were received - at tho New York post foe, Vran..i , l!f mm i f Tke fr, I !- M titi u u '. , jlvii.i.;i it i. i; uiah, W, Jim! in, k!i UMy f lWjit i:t allM ru:fc f Ik, ljt. W, ! 'I by j'4 ''u'ft la t'cfs ft;-iilf, lv it tlih, t!'--l rlr', ! ft -f ltl-t. IVi M M I' ., wit m,,4 M A lil t la f a f'erjM ki ;t'tl.L The Uitl!.f t t.1 tit hu.(i t an4 niiriMi wi Ninf hi rn'tvt f Wtlf ,wklb tMl ttJ MJ l b fvM U I k ItUfcd if Cf ttufi, Iirn4 Ike A N Ilpklit frtMf laofit soS)bgi S Vuil M J (juarta of utisa Lia tit i 'r,l 31 TO la ammWri wki k4tedt iWf luftf4 as r4 a tXvisfV Tbet irsbffers) inMUi (m ik oi aWUf Iheen ifew hegt") 1 A eortrH hall eei tmum uitlf mado aa aiieair 6 'r. g s4 shot bint dta4. TM affair wtt isvetii(str0, sn4 t. i . wis scutttea. Tkers art 41 dJacet t tkUt worship In Dosfofli Inducing Bf tshaofiirr clip clao stb4 bowM, oo laU sod o (kortkfi BolsMd. On ibe II h oMmo, tier vert three hundred ard sisters pt laooe'i U l he Ma tyWetd psJifftilry of whom ee kun drtd and titty eigM were iraployed In carding, tpisnlflg. i)diisg, wiring and weaving. A coo toy his tatelr arrived al Vera Out, frn ik cMy of Mesko. with one MmUoO Its hKlrd lhowat4 UIUrs. ll it staled In ibe 8annab Rrpubllcan, that ll is the Inteniloo of Alabama to ll lend ike operation of her over the whole country ceded by tke treaty of In dlan Kprim and within ber limits, sod to tat all Indians within at hw4 H'tiium it. AMnrst, ccnttamis al lbs laqueu of iOS Kc.eholderi pf.N't way rocntv. his cortKftted to beeme a ceodidde for Conptrets, In ibe District compovdof tbe counties of Amelia, Po betas, NoHowty, CheUerCcld and Ihe Town of Peierabuff. In bis reply io the Uur of ibo Ctvikmen rrjweitng him lo become s candidate, b sits. . . $. C. ycra. I stsodeem it my duty to inform too that I am not prepared lo pledge mvtclf to an tinrjvaiihcd opposition or support ol atlmuusirsuoo. crvs I" congress, I must be left perfectly free in Iho choke of measures lo bo judged of according to tn? unbiassed views of their beneficial or injurious bearing opon the interests of the country, lsrs subject to ihe con'rol arising frm the relation of Representatives fid Cubttiioenis, alio rMM4u(of their bearings upon iho rfmmtstritfoi In anv respect whatev er. But this rrmk will sppl lo mea sures hcrctf'cr to be rtttlo rb tbe pub lic . ?o far; si aorne onbe mosfniom" (Inent mesturtlof the administration have been laid before the public. I pledge my U.S. A sen not omy to oppose inem, nut to make open snd eitermintiny wr upon the principles which have been suggested, at ihe pretexts for those unwarrantae measures, II" I 'conceive them fo be t Principles founded, aa I conceive, upon direct usurpations, and not only unwar- ranted by the eonaiiiuuon, bui opposed to ,h M'a Nary, MysiWe have iwwtfco every orthodox republican prindpie,whUe ! ffiS de.potrc claims and capacities are set UJ .June-thai this infoonatioaia.toa.y IhelcW. tor the government of the United States .furmatun. TSo moet apleod,,! offers had ber beyond those of anr oiber government 'madr 'to the tfomrrmrtorr, not oalyU.tlic Med- undcr the sun ; st least ss far it has come within my knowledge." We understand, that upon the applies tion of his Excellency Coernor Burton to tbo PrMtrti of iho United Slates, Co lonel Tuttle of the Corps of Engineers, now upon duty near Wilmington, has, by order ef the President, been placed at the disposal of our Board of Internal Improve ments, for the survey of Cape Fear Ri ver. I Ms augurs well to our Navigation. and is honorable to the Governor's anxie ty lo promote the interests of the state, and to the President s disposition to aid our views. A".. Car. Journal. The Baltimore Patriot states, upon the authority of a respectable gentleman from Kentucky, that Captain Low, the wit ness with whom Beauchamp tampered, through his wife, to swear against Mr. Darby, and by implicating him in the ov i w 1 a aa tf i.r Qkarrt. trs k i nrs I f h,v ,lnr, ,1,- P.rmwtr-Tif-RwmrlraTnn I lllUiuti Vi vwit uiioiii tv opsj iiiiunnt been. shot, probably. By Beauchamp's friends, v Total Ecl'ie of the Sun. On the 1 4th of February, 1 83 1 , at 10 o'clock, 5 1 min utes, A. M. there will appear a black spot on the eouih limb o gradually increase to the middle of the eclipse. The whole duration will be 2h. 42 m. Troy Sentinel. AftiBt'1SeWgriii&ed wkh sigiit of a curioshyin mechanics It is a hewly invented auger. for boring tguare hole, which we imagine will be of great utility in many kinds' of mechanical business. Theoe augers may be seenat Mr. Shrein-. er's, South West corner of Race 'and Se- cond streets. We understand that Mr. has the disposal of the patent rights for j thngtate, Piif. Iv, Jnt, r(iUMl tke UnJ'id Hi .WfcJ HiiftlkKM Is lLa Au.Ktj..i I. ma, wt rtcaUid wtih tswh M'itfw l l.U Step U IWmsM lo Uirf U pri nUt las oe Hfv-s wUl ha 1 it e iertlo tM t4 daAgnoot eixfovef lMrslwkkh Ulho M III L'tJitd Suiei leapint stoUL a&J .t C iU'w Mt I temprtliog In jtlii -and f.'kiU ta otrorj to th wUMa f r.... etn epfabao. ll it lt;gM,i( Jv I'slied f-tttet die lined tending kir ai. Mr rt, tf prrjett ef ,tl Congn t w. htve betii eotlrsly tbanmrd by tM ' Amerkatt ittates. At It It, (here U tM ibo Saie who ksve held oot n.WK Ibt Congfttl vi3MCf4tolu In, ndcr4aod that prmiM ttt.Ul,.. ikmlicositmptatedby the pnwr the Pname Congreas, a tjr.ion fef ikt dlfirm American lit! I, uon eertiit htei to b ailpulated sn. compaic4 ty ike reptiivt planlpuuniUrlaa. . Ihe r the United I'rovlrues of the Rio u u Plata, so C i!l, hive ft let actd d &ri. y on ibia twtjacl, iWj;H soma vu. cetsfut anemias wc mde tme m,is, since by ibe f-iemff to bring the m.ucr lo s daterniiraiUtt. 1 hero can bo t oViobt. however. ' both wiU now rtx!,. ly vieM tbelr iem to the poc t, ttjk appoint p!efiipyi m lariat, who oill, probability ho asirucled to iWff la (to eral by lb epMluttt, and to set U rrrfxeft kl) iho rlra JtA,94 o eiarpoltt to those of LdumU , ZkIivU, BU.- Il (i nroorotfsly stated tl teersJ of ihe pjpert, that Cm. ytre, obo hat ber sppovsted to coneaaod the Rriodysvinr, arrived hi Ncsr Yoikrw Saturday last, for the purpose of eo lerlog uponlh'e'duiJrV or Mi com. " tnaod. - Com.- Jones has not yet left the c'uv, and will obe probably atsurr.o , ,he command of the frigate until she- la actually ready lo tin, which it is tru likely wijl be the cate (or several wetki. f Xat.'lfurnaT Private Information from Carscss, of a late dale gives an unfavourable pit jro t.f public afT.lrs. An effusion of blood a( general disorder were eipeded to occar ere long, unless Bolivar should soon tr rive in tbe Republic wtLMiao-row, avovtT S. Some of tbe N:rr mfu, in our vJ.-inl-r, present s fhtterintj appearance. Others orihem. indicaio ltsease The ?ar hs appeared on one plantation. Btttrdtr. Mr. Afm!orJ,o( Blac'en, was miirdered a few dart ago, by s rMMJ afovr, white he was ia the act of chastising her . tj'fXtt FtiRTCR.' The Nation Jminul, oeaking of the repor led appointment ofCom. I'urter to the cotpiiutd b,rt 4V thr hmibian gwernmeat; wMrt. if accented, would him 1 mint elevated aad inijM.rtint naval rank j but he had ihui far kits no deciiive reply to repotted ml u'frent antici. tationa, and e think it not at all improbj)o that, Mnderall cirettmstances, the Comoioloro ill return to 'Ilia native Oountry lo apend ht( lit! days in a e price to whose glory be baj to rkhly contributed. .! Match fir Iht Sea-Serptnt. ' A Montreal (Iwer Canada) paper, savttlMt a morHroiis lawUnake, 60 feet lony, and a thick ai a sater bucket, aa discovered a few day since in Canada twinging from the bought of a tree. Being Gred at aith a mirket, he darted across tome ploughed land and made hit escape into tbe vooda, with a dreadful noise. mOJLVL! C0.1L. "In the last No. or Siirimins JournsI,' there is an ankle on the mineral coal of Virginia ; from which it appears the bi tuminous coal region of - Virginia is very extensive, and the coal beds are from 30 to 50 feet in thickness, and appear Inex- L .n i trt . mm n.HISHlUC WOIln-pHSSUMM-jai rtiver, a minion oi busneis were convey- ed to Richmond the last year, s distance of 14 miles. The whole expense was V cents the bushel. It is procured by sink-: ing shafts from 50 to 400 foet. ' Qrw of the proprietors realizsd the last yesr i a Drofil oL4a,000 from bis coal pita. Sbrng bflfieldRlave been-on nrs many years; hot air and smoke iiaue 10 ceisantly from the shafts. A cotton ?in was ltely introduced ia?; ,. to Mexico from the United 'States,-but such was the force of prejudice that tho , manufacturers set their faces against it, and . refused to- spin cotton that was cleansed by machinery! The Mexicans trans port their cotton, seed and all together, 200 miles on the back of mules, to the manufacturing districts, where the ice is. ail picked out bjhand.

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