.1 Ptv:.r,tt -4 i r ( ij c i n:.M. 1 w ! r.t f :i Tj . ! - i , . , I I 1 1 i III i i -4 jr. ; f - . r ill i! f . '1 ' 1 t if : i 1 1 i r V IMS ;ii . r-t fit v y i mi m J1- 4 1 t-t 1 -! -r-F- I ! 14 i'W . . i .1 I r w -fa-r-Jfcr 1 f. Hi ill 5 in , ' I. T - .. ' a-x nr. t . ' f " - - i .., ,h w . i t. '- i 1 : ' . fWjJ')? f' U V '' i 4 anal mI,U iiikff wl firUtm eal . 1 , er-l fVf MH iM ui'n, tft- b( jfW.igtir tL, at km Mftiral Van" ftst ' tt t ltt rt tr i tnn tifttttatt Mftrfft U aU ieVi, mti lfWf (Mtr m'Iimi if W,j V titUtiW,i4 U1 ito 4 I'f4t fMl ! I .J IV ' f i ,M ftu wi f "tit vt ( I U tklW IM Fttwm - -fMifl lot tM rw to tW tub) ft f I tnt Imt11J CtWuM Wt Mfftt f f (TicUMi to cetnbii ll U lr& lfct ito CkriU 'U tor V4 of lit rouivWd In rm ito J tocr f.lik. m imJm ft rtllrk l (tor to Rot, tott cr fttm l'o wiftf tpf hf m tf 10 wi itod4 ito jirpiTttlo ft lto toftnliU Vkk yon irt if Cftfumkilnf o Itoir CftrU Ulsbftitor ftrmlmtnl l'k kkfc finit ftf ftnlftf iof(5i yfti ft 7r jxotU, U CMiblsftd, tot on ito co- Mr4r cecUMtftt wild Ikit datn part toMiel l I1 oiktn, 9mtf, to lf lb Milt from to cWii'u J vorUt of an . felkft!f .tod hKMmifclf to opcrUc to HirmlAt, nUli , ha lrftpot l UmiJtt bo! CliHMaU ppl Ift4 luck fto(Jt tto tWKen4nti of thou (irtclt. wtoM icniut U1J ito thtf foft iatK litmtarft tfii ito rtv h rrrc4 ttoi'hoMl tnor.umrntf io! cdt whlcH timf, trvil ito mft diroc tilt tortirltrt tonJ,tit ttt filled to 4Vt- A ftt.k wrlckH hoiof yotif brbrl brde, taif toner poinievi torovtinf cicauon (her niod. oi Ito protlrttf ti lo kclk your ftopl r . Ua! to lb U!ful cflfcett of bigotry tod dcrpotlc Putin forvlrt tkert U impl U1 lor lh cxcrrUe ft four oncrtUt tt kome. In e iKOur$Blne4ftdotr. ito arti and cUn cc in proroiin) ito i ilixiion of yoor twonU. rx! ta rrcilnr rquitW for Ikft tecurhT of jwrtoni ind propenf on wklck bai Ito Ditiooil propriif c J! rpuntrie rout rei. Hut ihould your mbitioo. t conltol briWolng ftiesabgft IU. ltoitoa pour nUIiul. U1 you lo toarftlnMMl ho mortil telu rfitunt eten wooia omre, tno tnt tx- - trcBiHico( tbt (lobo pproKk it your commMidi lku rniebt yoor name be Ttodorc d lmmoril,arxl Eerpt i;aln be como the emporium of comrorrce and one of Ibe rirbeit and hippieat natigni upon earth ! How iriRiutely great the Kkiry of kucb ada! How despicable Ike fanu of a tyrant conqueror the ruler of elites It would be pleating to support you at tke author of rrtt and rood work but it" K ahameful lo permit your-prcacnt procfe(!ioii and dastardly to ieare the unfeeling apotta'.e sons v' neutral and Christian Bitiona noppoacd aiding , to prr pel uate barbarian) for horrid gain, drao front the price of Christiana torn from thrir baoici. aad told aa alavea in fori 'a Undi. Ariinst these atrocious men, my com panions and myself casl the gauntlef down, and will contend, in the hope that you and ther may perccite your true inieresta, and your great error, and pursue a differ ent courae before it shall be too lite. Quit the classic, aacrrd aoil of Greece. Let tbeJNyingSt and burnings, impalingi of this people cease ; and ob I- shocking to humanity ! th-j'barbarons usage of fe rn iks, and the hewing in piocca of their infant babes, and other acta yet worse, too Jiould to relate! Release the Christian sWcs pursue an honorable and enlight ened path, and we become friends to aid you in rour pursuits But ahould the piesent course to continued, let the hand of cruel assasssina in your employ count on oqr,oppOTiott7i,coqnti"toof on' our i,i4 t Ut, kfc.at i f 4 aa tl y, Jt, t. .U if- rf I aa h a f i4 u m$ t. m 1,4 V .,V. tMit tol IW m4 tM, Mr Uti ut. aJ LUin )m Dm il a4 IMm Om w mk'mf . U ki iWJf aay r4 f trtfHMklifU.iMrtMj ImIi 44 fci. ito Ciuni 4 -Nix. tki Mi mirt 1 I ! m I ' f tut ro llyo k. wt rat wlih a t. '.Kf ' . M 'r! Urt aatcdvta - fHif u u .j u .WtUi. I-rfUa J?o- itoaVf wf4 atr rrt U ito WHtoim4 XMamtt lartaatfaa I rit fO4 a kr ay t U . i i . J. I I tf i r(i'r Pt'"ww a a anil to.Uith,to4 to A4t Ml youlk tt Vrt wH It r4 tirt jtoU to a aLu.a PMto.tiXJLiaJIifiocliij L; ltT lt! STlI a4 aalfastlalftl,eorrftlft4 ttroei lipgrtUawa T U4 U (Iklitg to? kiia) aa4 adopted kua as kit tto. tW, ru U W4 mU m. . e awa 4u aal . Tto tn a ito VW f ftaMaM lif ffJld tl fftiiJfPl ft k Aa4, iae gltta flat 14 to taUmat4 aaUaw U tto ptit. TkJl tt(t Uitr f ilg tnm Wt UlrUtU lftprtaat, lu f;ulftA aiAdfti Ua frw iktiUflfmdif ito atWamtw toie tkUBf BMUfaifttd by ito i'miOtfci of ito Ul'td uf. irn.hr ito aic4t)o - IV'itk Ifaa'f " ftJ ito aaJ to tto Vke fri4t4 to4r itoa A OaOvw "e Ito tort tttaatt, It tktn t i o k t att r a, I tea toai rtpwrf kit at- ttyt I k! latrsxl'd latlftfUfort oarr Nt dtrt. "falfkl Htary" ad "0 aVy m IM h U h-tu., f ito lWt rovo , rv rto UH fi aVf H U aWy 1 4JWa Ul'im i, t, Itr It mt4 ay prtiJy tt rto " JIJ, t3 Ut aW t Hy arlW tto t u MtMry t m4 U aM ka toy t ka to,i, lif avlk Mi''l .lt Wavtt tto Ci Mt rv"i aM ki rtot,:!- try rW r la, U ito clyiMa at try UU toftsriar '-Trtfst-rrr.'Ti l:u.7::p.,to',, Vftatelkt Tsjrkl.k AdwlfaJ by Oglow- ,w, t ,torrw 4L aJ I mm aA. 'tJ !i Vi5rri.k If..,..... Tto Adir.i,.to t.M.w.r Kf wtu., ..r "a::v'iv;: dia; la .mm, wbk kit toad for isck a Mav.WntiaiM,(W V .VvJ:" . V . VLTri v i dlaaMr,cJwdlHtMrtorBiodoft Mil , 4 U ito rUitftltoUMtotntor.Xtv f.p.UJ.ktd - ! f . n , k7 ,7, !LT,! . it. . i Li aiJaM4-t-Uw- XNrAW at to u ftftdrr tkal ftamt. UstctftdiBg Irons ito P,i!?,Jl.T.kl 'W-r -1 trIU.ft.Wt tiul, ito rtdJ.f krlng tto Wamt oq urns Ot kH h to tl4 mu Ut U t cm fck . JLu,m. ik. liittoa- IJ,, U ka ntk toert. Hit rtokt fall tto Ptcka, tke ito. ito Mf t4 u u ,f ..f, . . . . .-jf......r ii.w-- i if. u .v. a yyT C. personal bmtti.t ad lftr tto tt toromcd klffiMlf to tpptiftd I ka- t torJ a-J JW draw kit fat tor tto ftft.r, pliiof VjVTL.T - ftim ia spout- fi wtHW t4a-atotwy4, .tokaw-,,4. sBTHaVWI WlfJIVeV J mW BairitfUatiaj MtlHr a ftjf ajfT tftd krt tdopttd aoo ttultd IM Adantral t V'"rSr we l.frpot ito WrU a ml r.,-, '7 .rxhoJi tale. W. Uaa, from a LmmIoq tuade piatols,o of wklch was Loaded and Ito otor vat wot. Tke oee ou Id dltrme aa" kit-tint" writer. triMM Not rootrni whk ataallieg Mr. Cathot lMUJdtt.imo.Ict Ijt tttrr 'd to loot, as ike diachatrt ftf kit frflkU du'Ut, wkile proving tftr Ike Fenait kargleg tt crime tto alaaiip nuts wkkk to ism the ?nti on tto Crst dy bf id ShIoo, and irpit aif kia UtU of to 0n Idk Cuttm1ii -t ikt bndr tto au- itorftl M PaiiUk Henry" his lndudtd in weeks ko. Dr. not Inftded wtt prtaented to the Pacha. imI white -to wit admiring its beauty, tto Admiral diactorgftd tto ft bar at kit kctd. If fell to ito link, and kit tra attural too complied tba work with kit daggrr. Tkit etrcnbl act prom red for Me horamed the post of KUta Dae or Vica Art miral. The blood? toad of his n.te r nal frlmd was act) I to Conl.minop!e, and hit memory wis charged with lira dis- tourc, thai, wt two Yftung. a K'.tle In Congt" kit dt Auociitiont many of ito moat ten- (root tto Italy f Itnifttkj, shot and 111 Jr.bUt Mf! aad aiitttaUtod wewol ttof torwWf tWWf rto I6,itov 4. si frWy t4 - A, frirft ta asarrUrw; t at Ito toa tismtory at a tU ktftrr, We-1tnrwtl ttoartkit a.4 tal tto 4tet af ito NVttora tVW fti iUy tVwf4 atr itwnM 1 pr-4 aVvMi ito ttWta4 tmu4 rto t Tal toryi, aWky, rto fimrN f fractot a ito atftfwriiae) f U Wtm aVtoa.Aaiat tto lmm t at a warrwy at pU ito rrn ii- araar ike a-twtof toaa a f mm fUr ta tow tpori'f ,firnd by a air- wypiy a tUI f4M frww,lto wa- Itrrr nwUnitf itoy tawy to, m KU, tWy arTnrd I aaxmrjr ktitrry. tUl krt eoa fUfsi k ii a at tntxf. A CfW-WH tf ito Kaartort awWt. aara ! arr-M m Itol a4tortiM ftoI. ad a a iw-I, tto yaV, 1U-VtV a ftww ' W mm 9 ' Aa f-c'k ftaaat aa;t.ttot at aa n'rw-nU. ry aVaiaf I, ta torry, aa trtaHaaaa. to m tto aUtv toitarr t iyV Upi, eli 4 Wd.Ia lk atrwtof Kllutotbioan, Sir. , to Seaaia tad lb nation. . f (irneril j tWt 7 WKn, aa k' waykaf.Ut.d ahk U HardiiH a taer front fiieckenrlde J.kuA to m.ka 111 "rtitcuA county. UJ to.(gra'ai.ngaauairotM.s fo, ,be PretidctKy. wboc ds.a a ctoractcr wti ito tauaa 0 tbtt act, at pbintmmt, and that ft U Dartlwnt, 10 smew ur.-. I root proctHkxv, ami .tr( rrrr ar-J.Warfrrwi 0 tha tea- t - - . 1 - 1 .41 I - F. - - . aimmi lo itiiuy tto act, 10 IB puMIC trUo and pattbUC .lalkaftkl Macon bf opinioo. Mr.,lj4rdia att ona wka op titt, itoleaka mast tupet yesj poud Ito elecCno of Dr. V. ard it aujv r s,r Calhoun 0 bitter Irony, when yon poaed to katc brco partly led by tindic- n.WJted that h wal qu Jified, by me iteiingt it comminne outrage wfttcn fi,hrr abiUtUt or knowIedKe, for ito foreran kit dtalk. Nothing thort or ao Cbir in which you placed him. F.n toTffer.d 55-t mZ JZSrnrn M f ,h' "nC,"rf f ttri-inlna. for him Mr. Mtcanl tto no had tutTrred. not many yeart eupaed, U . j...,u vr. ,.m . jf. before, through Ito protection 'ML,, ta., Capr.in Pacba ami Ito htritueeof the ., C V I .tT "Iw M"" . "7... C..tln ll.knnm.J Yi.r " 1 iJI tt;ii wiiiii nuku .w- r vi.- n r Tl., t- I ' . A Int. t UrWn ef mint vhUk ?ctlom two men, named Kaulfmtn and Court-fratYo t hrriitittt which tifirrirntt ney, were shot dead, on a by-path, it it Ire-no rrawt-r, 1 wilt not agree that ton supposed by "V tetktr and' two -aoot, J should aluda reproach, iy exposing him hatned WaiMwa wto toa aioca toaa to riJlnum J I M In appuiming Int vOfD coramitud to priton.T- . 3miiie on - Foreign Rclationa, yow per faetlf knew' thit Sir. "Slatool liboura . . . .... 1 un ." I" JntKP-l in It-would aeldom eiceed ao oci Lm.i a ised rpt !' And this i ibe man who it now tto thief cntmy f Orecian freedom, whose son Ibrahim Is the only military comman der ortaTcntf in the ranks of tke T urkith troops. AA. Caeiilla partita are roving about the mounuinout rllatricttof And-tusla, de fy h.entiary, named Edmund Johnson, wal ry ronrarrrare U tutk firming, mi- ins i.miiniui.ii. auinvnura nci I kill,,! ka IclLnw (nnii-t. umH I Snm. I ., .... .1 auacaatv.aruutuo content, netr er- M Brlley, who was tiled and found lat, it re ao."-Of tto talented, the ivmnini turn "" w IH I 011111 fcft lhl 2Sfa. I I-J.J I L IT. T i ,- , . . i !" i hikq niiiHicii aiiu nunvuiiii, nr. i lie 'nem a auppiv money aoo ftortei.l ' lr,t i. i -.j I how nave likvaiu nnl Ana r tmi mtl. I i ............. . I . . . .. .1. , "7 r. rrl V vawoMMn.nawaimttiearenw..rwier. whft patrlotUm It or the hlghctt an uvm under contribution. Tto Vrrnrh I r..Ll Sl i... l. .....-..i .-,m I . . . . . . "-" --' I i.t. i.i.i. ..i! l. "i. i a I mAM (Kin. fn iKa r-rnll i nKu-nnm, rv u, uicu Ruiainr caa ami vi nnci ! -" . . --7 "- ibfeaeuon-trfihaT ::- tho dial mctton between' truth and error - I whose moral tmie ton te tierxtrted at iiorwio witns tc.nguiaia memoer ot ,0 ealimate diKussiont on the wcigbicai llr ' ..7 .. . ii-.Tl uZ,T:.,;.,',. I national concerns, only at combats '-wnu bm m, aAmuft w iaa l u a. waa ui ' I aa - a a a . ult. b, Frrnch Strotber. Nr. Coiena wcr ea inttiirctuai agmtr ; ana wno was mere aktort, attaamptaj laUaaaaiiUiLkb, tot to aW tfiping at tU atart, to au pm.pltirol IrtU Ptrf UJ la t! Vt8 of a Chhy t S'-V aa aay la tto aaiiilCaiMch a eaatalaa tto prfpW w'i'H Wnlitrr, ibt tJry wer adaaO bPfrd ia U Am la it I ! I Vrritr. oto Ikti www b a woadrrrit1y rtiM LI f Tw ! Ve torse to may faf A a vat Via calaat.t, aad for get ike sniafry a4Vamtioe.ahkli hate' tot rtftratly tora atl.H-f threwgh ki (ouatry. Ito Wantatoa papr the ragr fat ma lg la tto Writ, w ttt grrater among tba paopla at that aectioa of coantry, tbaa at tba praea lime. Tto editor adtawa al or peo ple that are able to moat, te do ao, and lice Cram a thtreicftfd baalM. , .The misery and wrctchedoeta pretail- ing inrougnoui opain can naraiy oe cre dited. The promite of an abundant bar rest is tke only hope of relief. The South American Siatet owe 20 millions sterling to London capitalist! iiiiiimjiii aic i ii ii ir au iiiiuihi biiiibiibi a w t w a a.a n Zt .u " " 7 ... .l. : I pred at counsel aciinat Mr. Strotber i and the lore earnest In proportion at he ; was - I" I -" (Hi, III V I .- Ki; IK. m,m .n .ri 1. B bnrrnard It S mil inn. ' I ...i .... petred , and EngU.hmen look a. Uaj J,1- wronir" And docs 1 atrick ilenrr Vail lha I. rf.. aaL. arLLutl. I l .1 .11 tt .. ... t. : j i i . ...., .1 , 7 . . . " r " . . . 1.""" " atcwj.. vouiu. uo u ii i aaio ma wnuon paper, mar oiacKi aneac 10 nim. -Hr. cotetw xompnea witotjh ...i.ir..r.r ri. . ... .,rt,V..r-5n.,lrr.:i,-. r,ouf. .ml U. -htwt Mm l . lliM I "" WOW lO ...n... ... h.R .,. ....nun , urn ;i- . .ii ..- r n. .r . whiakert and mustachoes bar disan- i .5 Dr an anee in the oeek with a ",B "k li'inuuiw Nr. Oirowcr I ,,c"," mail ui nuiiui, aa ll . UW light in torturing trutn as much as an aneler in imDaline a worm." br ore Mr. Charli Bell, of Catlitla. Penntvl- Jlaytl.lU. Phineaa Nixon, jr. wbo vania, adrertisei that he professes, Im-liar, under all the odium with which i ..a a.. II I t.I. .a a I . aa . a . m . I wam oui iu nayn, wjm ma emigcania proved Alaihemattcal Tailoring, upon Mr. one-sided and ingenious inalrsia could seni mere oy tno owty ol nendt, in Ward't unritalled Patent protractor tt- oppress it," merely that he might 'make alVilii -.winipa aiuu W llUVfJ C 111 D T ft Bl JtTffl 1 ICTll OI 1 IlIOriniT. 9 I tan hlKilI l.ii It Inr.Wtnal ta;iS. TO r I --fy I"" va"iuiiiuii "a a iitwiiwviuai ta bl tl from Beaufort, wat mentioned in the p.- ty?., Shame ! Shame. pert of Way last, passed through this Ci- ri,. r- . j.k k -.i... ' u P..rSrW it-h r fif; T1. ft w I n av iinJt vatluaa I aaiaawtw ittin i a? a. ta r vo a anr ixuu iniurmi us9 mai DCiorc nei" mmnnci oom io man ana oeatt. me most I u--A k:- it.-ai rA.!..f Tt., rt ---r neutralizing the effect or every veste piocured or broueht from Christian states "Hear the word of Lord, !? rulerg," (In the prophecy now to be fulfilled.) M VVo to them that go down to Egypt for help and ..ttil-Z-jyy en l" Lurdhall atretth out hu fland, boih he that helpeth abatl Wh na btJtol i ishelpen shaU fall down and they all ha.rfclnogether.M - .Jnsjew tcrness, ot wtitcn you. yourself must ulti ' - empioy rywir people, and freasure, the waste whereof It retting to you barbar ian successors, to prolong the bondage' of tgvnt.- , The Christiari'prayer of those "called to retr.ue their suffering brethren is, that oqsiforming yourself to the. dictates of reason- and humanity, you may live long to benefit mankind ; and at you are more enhQteed than your predecessors, so Mr left Hyti, the emigrants were comfort-1 healthful am) nutritive diet, and in the Northern ably tetued, ana very gener.Hy, t.ti. W it ii I f I n . wnnii. .ir. r nam n..inn nnn . I .. ... T . : -" . vui wvataBl itluabU mt ttt k f 4 nrtm. nrrf Imm - a irffifmix rxfnf into IDO country to live Mr. N. says Bread, better adaDted to the health of the llu. , h U, f K rv.ran.an! mL !. V L - . I. - J .1. I .... r . . , I H I V "T -T-B"iTiriiB3sni-nivTmn,utv, .TmncrBran. Dart," and to Mr. Van buren. of .New. UmTJZS: fur a hatred of the administration equal Southern states it coiwtitutea a r deadly but less venial, because ,it going the rounds relative to the block ading of St. Domingo by a French Fleet, it incorrect,- at he tailed from there on the 20th July; several days later than Ll. .....T ktl. I .L. .L. !-.. I'" us ivmh wiiw.il uiudi'iii inc luiciu gence( and he beard nothing of it We JHhiL Sat. Eve. rut. party, York, he pays thit singularly delicate I compliment ' the Chairman Mr. Van on lltMl trra It, I ,,,lfB.U VVI I - .-' .... - - . ; have learned, with much turprise and BurenJ might, you knew, be safely re- I a a. . " . I ,! J - ,.!. i ot new v ( waa received, i iicu on, wnen a recommcnaauon 01 me warhouaa nf Umui IIivI P ..runu. 2n,ni.vSKI ,i fts-.v!-"--.-..7- r. : ; .c: .r.. , i..v... iiMi.v-.si.wtui, . . n . I n .1 Ma u . a . .... ! v 9uii. ii wiiii ii ii, uimic(T airu itlrtK W rt..tmmm - I Pull Kitvcimnto. Van in JafliMnn miintv - 'II,. . ' - --; I bf- Ww Minerior ouafit v. and wa undersunct These are a few specimens of the Allctter front a warman .r f . .r--.- raa, . 11 i ni-tr tmm ha aama wiantat hn rki. ."-fa. t aa t . i. j li. rr.L ... i a ararwf,atj. rw" I11S U II1CI1ICU I1IS U n ma IBM number; Although report aiffni t the v a . - J . M . . ' . . fciN J. - lii uuubjuuu ui ..nicso . casd r a . iu .mo . pen -t it. 11 ..-.. .. .Lt-X-.t. . j - vi' "c i Tcuucui, yci. e. iiiiiiK . it im probablenay, hardly possible--that he should so far' forget the respect due to his jtattqnandhis jown. dignity..asL.to descend to the columns of a newspaper to disparage the characters and impugn the motives of men of high standing. But if the President be the author of Patrick Henry," he Is in a fair way, effectually) to Jonathan-Ktutell himself. friend of. Ccmimodore . Porter to 'Mr.! ne,t from nmt plartatton Kilft. aava. " Do nnl to iimrit ihaii . .." LnitPoherrwh ill ta, la inomint .r excitement, to in- of the ountrv t. .h lau-.-nina- -ti.nL ami i.h nnge the) barriera of discipline in his unuaual fatalitv. The nrosnecU of the blantera ;a-. e a . . a la " . own, country, tnouin at me.neao Pt .tnei nave.never heen a Battering a the present crop allied navies of Mexico and Colombia, pretema. become the terror of the Spanish Coast. If 1 err not, it is bit detiiny to exact Sea Serfient. The Sea Serpent was from the mother country, by the bril laeen lately off Long-Bay, on the Coast liancy of his achievements, an acnowl-1 of South Carolina, bv a number of pco- edgement of -the independence of the Pie. Thev describe k as beine 50 feet Southern republican l,0DS . la tMa week ftaprr,'il1 4 fcomT pretty CO( loos rstrw-ta from one at, Mriaa'i.lpk' ncto CKmd ha tto Caitrd ptatrV aewato lat atntrr, la aeeordi"f with aoRd'atioet turn t anmtier of our rradrrs. we ougbt sooner ta kav publidbed citracti from Mr. Bi apeeck. rti tot hitlterto other matter tot o Unperioo. Iy clairaed oar early atlcntioa, that wa could not wed have done an, and, tt the tame time, rendered . "eijual aaj iad" jaatice ta oov.' eh-et and all ou patroaa. Wt tope what we hare now give will uf!.ce for rto prewnl f a aft mack matter kaa aotaaxilated aw on btvf, ahlcS a-e art umlr r promW to'7ub!.sn, ibt we mixht to charged w'nk bad faith, were e la devote t any ooe aubject more space than a as absolutely neceaaary. " We bave.beea requeued to pubGih tbt cir cular of the coiumittra of tto Jackaoa Meetinr lately held ia Philadelphia t anil .ahould' bare done ao thit week, but fur our anxiety to g;t the matter above alluded to off our hands having hern in type a number of dirts' tto circular thai! go in our next. -. ... .'. . JCATirE cor.D-. Last week'a Charlotte (Mecklenburg) mir nal, aire " another Gold Mine hat betil diacov. ered hear that place i that the auriferotit earth ia daily carried tbrofljli the ttreett of the toan. in wagons, carts, tc. to be waabed, there being po water cveiiient tift hjtre it ia found j that the proportion pf gold tto earth yields, ha not been ascertained, to. be. Gold ia now found in yarioua places in Mecklenburg county i wt. from personal observation, anil tto Information of those Allied- in the acfenca of mineralog-, - find that tlia quality of the precious metal. and the geological appearance where found. do not differ materially from those of Montgom ery and Cabarrus. ' Gold has been found, in' greater or let qusntitiea, in almost' every in- atanee .where, an experiment hu. been made. . withJiV'tbiit Kcfion of "counTrydemlin the " ftultl IU-dA t tft tfiat 1ien 'grouwl 5a"bWC! ken in a new p!ace,and particles of gold found, ... it cannot very appropriately be called Jotf'tr Gt)ld.MInoH when, by very natural iTgure'iif"' anAAj1k. . iYiA.aai WwTaw,M.rwAAtl.at&t.tftM aaw,au,aiiaait'aaW'"vwaaw"'l'Bvi.'aL aaa'" v wami r -twrr t v a, termed'JTiie of gold li)l,,Mlili MdancMy Accident n have been inform. ed, within a few days past, that the youngest daughter of Mr. Thomas Ferebee, of the forks of the Ytdkini in litis county, (but formerly of Currituck . county) wat -killed by lightning, in. hit yard, on the 23d day of Mav last. Ito hitlo giri (aged 6 years) as in the yard gathering toeUrt;r some yaung gosfing, to secure them 1! I MM IV. ' f Mr an i

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