. . HAMSIIUUV, K. C-TUIMMAY,HKITK3IIIKtt J, 1830. rv. v J Tie trm &tt9 W.r.n, CtfoC-Ua ere, f,J af aa4 f J JU, tf fi4 44 a Ik fMn) Mil ail ft w 44 MA iii,ii .3 u Wn4 at My ftrrH tatlU nt lawii e4 t4W4 w faa a4 NUfMnl. . J tky Tm1 m4 m ail I. . . aw,. u i ... OEITEJUVX JACKiOlf. " V4 HNililti Mm. CIttCL'MU. Jkn.4. HtftfE r.Jn. ;., H 'HaS Cl,.. The cm Mr He- w4hU praflaUei .Jj i.tL sift iriettpata K Ht4 iUM. C . C?;vHtC Mid tfMMtiM la f Itw, I Aef 11 J.u .... . . Aw mi fi,uuk t'fJ A,.,, 1 - L rm m 11 ir 11 11 11 jii lu -Tin 1 .mi 1 1 11 j. - ir Atmtotirr of rut r inrrorr or kvsth cakouk. ailr am M,000 230 LULU. 1 IQrV) ) Jw 1 tMa . 1 uw ijo 10 xo 30 1M 100 OJ . 30 IjCOO s 10 r jm 1 country ..m 1, if it 1 lwtimM " "' T 7"1 . " " I j - - - ' pwi'p f if Tmwm Wli ' . 1. ., r'wttf pa MHHMM M f4V T4 JU'o 1 t ' Ik4 A .1.1..... I ' f..i .1 v .. . . . lift ivevonr b&4 rmf 4fLrk.4 t.tPvf - J - -- 1 1 . f .... " " w mini u MBMI IM I . . . . ' . . 1 nn L , ' r w onin -'" -Tf4, 444 M kl. 1 . . nnu 1,, 1 . r, kVLk i 1 (Mi 1 - in 1 . . I I . . " wr. aittu rC4it . lik. .L- A t 4nir n nuieu 1 (t . w "ci- i 1 -fr 1 irituii rfttkiaj 144 M0J4I M WiKl tOOf MllftM lllU.-yL.- -f . 7 " "'44 .TlFITTi IJTfU. i M IkMituiA. tM miil LllrUiii A,. ...v-..... 1 . . . . . V Ml M 4BaJ kl. I.j mt.. I 1 Ml..-., tf m . ! 7 . . " ' 1. -4 rwjJ4. 4i40-l"r4U J. VBfllUi,. Mlklti,. I ika 14,000 tW J 41 I UJWr. It Aaf J1M44 w tlciU.ffflLtMyMlMrrigtHf t T.lr U.,UrtH,, nufu .1,. JJJ,J f', VIT trt o nor, it mJ i Utn MjjO I 'aout4oii of 76, ttpctlaUr U rtftrtoc rkt GtrJt'iUM w lb. f.ioJr 44 t.41, M.4r.( lt,' i':' Joof ih 4 I M .bccfll Y9 ,,,ink if '9ury to 1m- If ki Uco 4 ilttt-. . , X. k4 brt n lur tin. .i FU, !,, H i, :Tki ir.Niti.te-f .J.." w.d . 5ccrtt frt44dm; j? nt i mo4. loUcco till cr ikclr fcfM com m onion ( mkkk U ctocril;i If ;cri it 113,00 1 tM,C(1v tutM.aJ km k.,!. ... f pel oH li tKclefXf nf if.'. bt def I rti md tkf mum Dili UtlUix k mnl;Kl -). tW.i k..... lltAr UDOn H rXCtlll.r tlikt ktrk Ikalr.itr.. plrt44 1m II dUif. AH tb 444k.l , ' . . ,lL..w( .11 I.I.L. 11 Ii . 1- 1 j . . ,.r u 1. IcomiMitKi irulv Dorrf)fUt4 talk. tM. inc, bii lutclltJcc. kit ttior.l Ur.tf ik.n two r teul. '-' Mam A&m lirwi vtli rftlftiUtrd la lUrm aur n-11 lot. I" pr rttHthlicot. bat4 been It i m4 i tk iitoU.lkftl lk Comet THE LAIT DBAWM TICKET o TT1C (lim. AltiWMJik tb cWtlloo , by tk. kon, witniM iaJ fcffcr tU of at. itnn wl U4 f0t4 bf tbcl TriTAla letter Itrt b lH Cecbrtu rrtLir.akl4rtu' R3tf trolUonof lU coctiliulloo. d.blfulti l r nJ in pu ialt4 KtMl of XiolMrv. ! lk fTi.tMI of Mr. I'trkiin crviud (of 4rm tim (0 m. t rciu.neni.or kco mrrLnitd lr Ie- Its Amcnc4n) lor in pornoc. 01 iien 1 .rni tiniu c Mgtwmngiutu 'nun, tioa td tcnput)ooat tbclovrb.or tbclmcM. Mr. I'.rkbfc'pUo cociwm in fir lelrkt in Dumber, K;n of -kkb ctrtf MB.te b b4t,cerr hire, uiufbmlf Ibr lotUirncniintibptvp4lf power Pfrkln'i tremeftdwit. itrtm el poontfer proied lbt be dcttiree rKr ib choeeo hh to .null qoantitr f fuel 14 tbe Hit Lordiblp'i own tbip, ike rettntr- cbampioa lur tbe ciuu of ; :i couniit eipen will be cre mamf . la (Mi reipecl, be it alJi.a Awerk. Tbe Suo ie of poor !ur. 7mftk dy, rWid.y, lalkU., Nvtntb liaf, Kifbtb d4jr. Teeik djr, iJewMUidaj, TVttflk dy, Tblrteentk dtjr, pM?t4tk da;, FWacntk eUf , BUttolk dr. ,BeMek4kf, Eirktaeata Ujr, Tke reete tkelrUea floailor lathe kol tbowered upon froa tbe eoawaaeaKW, anounuaf to - POLL ATT!, "Wim prbk; at ibe Artnejr tbe Btik ef Cape rear, la ftnrbirvf, n. v. tkirty Ujr air ike pwptm or um artwinjr. tublcct te a &4Coonl of AfVeeai per oral AH prtie. aot 4tmnar4 ittua tvalve aoa(a rrtMa the coinpWtioa of the drtwinr, will be cooaidcrcd m MfeUed te tke turn or im lottery. J.- WEBB, Ctmmtmmtr, miUUnwrk JUL 183& Tke attcarioii of tke North Carolina public, it reapectiuilir wnied to tbe forwpxr aeheme. Tke WUbU purpoee conloipUi4t will, it k hoped, arcsre to it tbe bm! of tboae mho are IKewdty to tbe Sntereat of Gksraiur. and eeieace. sad tbe mmealoae of tbe gtntlrman wbo baa 'caweaaiedl toaetaa Comwttwtoatf to tkw itywm xt tbe Lotterf, a a aufficinrt pWrr N WO IMTU4f IKA WIMUI U WW D COMtlUCteO. A. 1). MUBfllCY, $y Ticket in this Lottery fur tale by Mean. . KihT. W. II. BUuftler, J. 6 need, other, Sarbury. ' 21 . I within tbt power of tbe Imxim of r pr.- MOUUrel, wbo could lipext that the arjo J people would be t pureed by their dele Oof Kca i1 Who could eipect that ibe pub- 500 1 lie aerrael would tinbluiMngly deny bit 900 muter f Who antklDated that tbe res ,000 1 reacntatlf e. kaowau eilatiar la no Mkr PioiJeic fjrniht. ti.' aafelv arwltlriih woman with three child, IrSjl I character, abould deft, reoel. and Intu'lt IpiMe of an ruiiort, but 04 auch a man I about (oar nontka old, wbo, b a Male of 1J0O0 bit coaiUtuent? And who, in tbe land !" Ut ui a ail rjtnrlvwe of the complete eibauatioo from hunger and 1,000 of Waablngton and JclTcraon ( while the K 'd rtimtate the) ' principle a of (aukuc, mi down on aoo atepfit Man UDOO Brat waa ttt frc.h b Immortalltr. and iviiboto rxlcr tbe auapklcr of cbctter, where h waa found by r WOO the aecond till! mortal 1 could eipect MACkSON. hitnun aoon aflerwarda, apparently djrlnf MwdpoCtkaJproinotUn to follow opon A It kta beea enada nu,,. 4 .in- Notwitbatandinc the political inldetlty, and the peeple't ofRcea doubtedlr will It be our tenure. Iruiui-W unci end eer .1.1.. J aV f L. t..a A - 1 I . I . . I a J - ' 1 1 J! J k. Jam a, ( hire aa. aa m . I a. 1 -away trom tne auoacnoer, hvmr in Ji MeckJeaDurjc county, n c. on the lrb Irut, a NVgTW Maa by tbe name of PETER, aired 28 yean, of a yetlowiah complexion, about eu feet hip, tolerabry at out built 1 ba rirbt arm te crooked, which may be nerorived by bb Rot bring able to etraighten it entirely. He waa baujfht of Aletandvr Hofraa, of Kandolpb court- V in April hut, and had been owned by Mr, lioffanl brother, William Horart, alao of Ban- e'!ih county, for four year, previously. Any j-r,i who will apprebend ud Nerro, aw. ae cure iiim ht any jail in the Union, ami give me iniormation, at Aleiandriana pct-omce. Meek' Jenburf county, N. C. ah all receive the above atvara, and all reasonable charjrea paid. JAMES LATTA. Jiyvrt 18, 1826. 3t26 Lands for Sole. TflE aubaeriber offer for ale tbe Plantation whereon he now Uvea, eituated in tbe Je jryAji(.I)Ti(on cwmty, N. C on both idea of Swearing Creek and Muddy Kun, ad joining the, landa of AndVraon Ellia, klathia Long, Alfred Smith, and othen 1 the plantation contain 300 acres, a large portion of which is tinder cultivation 1 SO acre of good meadow, and 50 acre more can be made ao with a little trouble 1 a great number of bearing apple and peach tree. 1 it baa 00 it a rood dwelling-house, . and all other necessary building, with excellent water eWenient JfliMeltt Wd trallowed by all who . have eeen to be the moat, .delightful J 'oiMmtry seat in that part of the country. - Por Ju'nhW'plu'tllSpltw the" subscriber oa tbepremlaes. MAURICE PAV1S. " - Jtufuti ir,1826." - V&26 "Estate tit 3oVal?. HoAgeivs. THE aubaeriber having qualified a arlminia '!rtQr.on the estate of the late John P. -Jlttlgeasv deot dcairea alL piiriona iiSlebfet fo' aid estate, to come forward and tnaka settle ment) and all thoae having claims against aaid -crtate, will present them for cttlement, proper, ly authenticated, otherwise this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. MESUACK PLNKST0N, awmi'K JVw.-2l,192. 93 wbo betrarcd andlirigua'r to alraru-a lha nu an hiiti kW4 w the dar mocked the DeoDla I iha ntonla of 1 be l Ht,.i. The electioa for Preston bad tcratna It will U remembered that in tbe I their Utorite clilxeo, hiie emberled t.jud, end Cobbeu la, u wak expected, Uft houae of rcDreaentativea. the Dresidential Irether. We will ria th.nW.,11. out- He fsade k Ipcech 00 tbe Saturdar election te conducted If wte ; that Oen. and employ appropmulf, with nil the prwediof . wlith will be found ip toother JACKSON, though far ahead of hit com- meant in our power, tnd to the bret of f ,0, PP' ,ft41. wo" petlton on lha rtturo of the electoral oor ebUity, whatever Information relating tertnmaiion of the election, in which he aa. . . e aa. .. . e .. I J !.. tl'J f.aa..... Ika ta. Dakota, there rccetved out eight totctt I to your dittrkt you mi? be frood enough M,1 1 P,W " ,ur that the reDreaeuatlvea of Kentuckv cava liarnfivev to ua. aa nnh ofn.r.i;. I famout book of wonder. At the tap- lheirBite ?ote to Mr. Adamt, in favorlacmiuation. Ut ut, bowerer, not lurl'"'" (Btrrie,) I htlt ray brow and tete of whom note aiogle man of iheir'con.trefrwhiU'aleadily befit upoo"ecurbelm7 ''P WwJ lure up my P J te at tbe cloM P",nl' 1 ,0P nw" " ,r":,n,", nrtt t 1 tteara teasel of 400 lotit. Several wigont, of eitraordintry aiit. Cited with German families rHtt America, have pmd thrtur;h I'erit tor Uitre. 7Ar Grrfi. We Cnd it announced in Irttert frtrn Cofu, that the Hedacbid . preropt .rtendmce fKbt having m.rched for the plain, of ,rpJw- etteotioo, UP .0r-U J who occupied (be foot of BIoualLiacourg. iter. , . .1. . .. 1 i l. ttiluenit bad. br auffcrtre declared him-1 the election of our randidata telfi thetthe rwpretentativet of iKinoi, lof the present preideniiil term, we moit. ' c,r not which of them take mv b-r, unmindful of public pledge, txied io the io the mean time, evoid the ecta, a we (wwtK-, or ditch, he hat at other Urate tame manner 1 that tbe representative I disclaim thetitle offaciion not tuflering wiled It. ) . from hliisouri followed in this waka. lour tint indiinai'un i?!aii ikM-tinl Cobbet in hit liegiater, uyt hit nghl even ftef the repeated -"ad protrected hte lifjirtince ntorped the right of tbel r mMk PwUed 0 bf trugglet M a cootclou tense or duty 1 people, te lead ua into to onditcrim!o-Tne Miutauont mi v "i-"" and that Loiiltlana. whfMa anil k tvn lalim nnrvntitinn in TrnMln . 1 Blackburn and Holtofi that he could not redeemed, and whoae mitront had been a vindictive bitterne againat tenoha.lft up tbe next nrornint- to fie hie era shielded h lha lranafnd,tl h r rr J m nflftl iia nnl.nlii shil Krnfirl.l aiik .k.Irat. JACKSON from the barbarout purtuh time resolute rnirit that wa condemn Orator Hunt appcara t have been it or beauty and booty, abused by two of what it Injuriout to our beloved country : unfortunate at hi ouandam Inend uoo her reDretentativea, turned uoon her adowioe the frank declaration of an en. bet, being left with a miserable minority preserver, aod egaioec the frill of berdii ergetlc atatetmao, 44 We aball jedge of J The latett Liverpool paper tava u The tent, pierced him. with the fang of un- the adminiatratlon by their own iotrintic I condition and protpecta of the mercintile paralleled Ingratitude. Nor can we for- merit bat we wul not tudge of tbe ad-land manufacturing cuitrt nave tcioom get, that the master apint, by the power I mmutratioo by their meaturei only, been ao gloomy-anjrj unpromiting aa ai of whote influence, miiteriouilr exerted, when they come to aettle tbe account of preienl with oee toliury exception, . L ' f .. ' .. - ... l'. JL f . .1.. .... . . K - li.. A A mm n . mete enccia, to opposite 19 repuoucan- ttewaratnip, ana ea tor a renewal ollail ippear 10 w intmuw u "r" ia, were ptoduced, wat himself instant-1 their truat," we will, then, advert to tbe dency." I regarded with lh nW,e nt Swni. ,1m f Ik.ir ri!r. In th tH.rk... Tk Jialpeatea In tome Daitt 0 Ireland tary of State, long an object of bit ambi- (corruption which characterized their po- were ao great that the baker' basket . t I a a a a "I a if. .a a Honi.,. . ... . uticai DirtD. were roDoea m tne auw. Such examplea warn ut to be wary in 1 We hre, fellow citizeni,reBpectfullv,l The ctecuom U Parliament were com time : unlett tueeuily and emphatically your friend, condemned, they- will ripen into prece-1 CHANDLER PRICE, r-reiiJent. lent, and afford contpicuout apoiogiea Jacob Holo4te, 'or future misconduct. It meritt remark, Hxnht Hour, S that Air; Adaint elated pernapt to indie cretion by hit triumph over the people, in hit very first measagelo Congrett, in- The firtt Bank. In 1 173 the ideas ainualea that our -reprenutiret ahpuldJiuggetted by the vatt. incrcaae of the fr.quent and uunierout than at any for not be pUied by the will of their con-Venetian Commerced induced partricnttj mfr rmriod. : they by transfer, or by wriung offtheTramojrf7p,.c,ermOTcarr Secretaries pitted, and an unutuall large number of new memoer ono ictuum um hundred and tefenty hid been returned. The prison of London were overrun with crimioala,and the paper of that city complain of the robberies committed in the thopa and houet, which were more ttituentt ; in otRer word, that ajiould disregard that will, however clear-1 be paid from the account of the payer to y u.en the Drurr Lane theatre ly atcertained, when inconaitent with the receiver, without the trouble and in- m,, Southey, the poet, had declined their own personal views or opinions. convenience of weighing out gold fcnd si! .king hit aeat i. Parliament. " Such is the inevitable tendency, as it ver. Persona thua interested in mutual M. Ri..,,mftBli -u,tOB axnenaea for ... .... i . r.L. I , .,. !-.J - .t. r ! I i . w-m. r- constiiuteu tne grounawora oune pnnci- exenangea, ooiaineu a cnaner oi ' j Northumberland , were ettlmaied at 80, pies upon which his election was accom- corporation for the management of their . f n:.!! aDt Mr. htll 'a I J IL... -J.' M 4 I. . W - To Ilbe: fall Of thiCrreaf ; we ihair be bonk- ef Venice f .H W UnMtver tt- carted troorr to select members to'-Con-f tablithed in the world. It waa coDducted TheWvwlaM sravonMrawiOTea wWwW.-w,vwUUr t,k v n.r irress i and the hom: ftae!eet, will with uch direiwa,wd.advaiiuee, that " ?ro?MV- ," Continue i to a ct'aa auch. t1ntilf e; the it rn.in ts wuoin mq range oi posaioie conungen- ing ma tow utntv -ir"Mv. win - . . ' i l ari nnHnft Lemon cies, that tbertn.yeUct the. President mfrce, ThU example waa aobn follow- JtiTi for the ensuing four ye.ra. 1. it not, ed, and bank, were ett.ba.hed in procest fftte then, our duty Jo exeimore thane0m, pf.Ume.in H the trkding cities o the f'twentvS mon circumspection K Does not the re- Mediterranean, with greater or leia sue- tr ..MM-w:tf- --, cent experience to which we have,adver- cess s they were prudently managed, k.k b-i.t. M-ced L ..j ..." . . j. ..: . u .. i. k.nn,ni In hm- nn tim.t. Mr. Cranville bbarpe s o'jat, puce a uy to those only by whom our will cannot be upon which the experience of centuries Mr. Chantry, In the Jnc," jL.k....:1.M nA 1 AhkminK I ahAuM nA be Tnst. ' . Guildhall, UieJoIlowing inwripiion t it be true, thai the existing aspect of pub- j A afreadful actmn ensued, in whwh Redschid wat defeated, and after bxir hours BKhtrrg, was compelled to retreat The pertettraitce t'etm boat In whkH lrd C oc brine embarked for Iba, put . into Altiineirs June 1 1. in concqu"cutc of the crew being disorderly. Ultert from Smyrna announce that Ibrahim Pacha hat been MgnJly defeated) in the entiron of Tripolift, in conse quenca of the'Wainote, who had proioi cd sLbmitaieOt bjtifiS tallcn uioo hia rear. The Aucaburgb Caretie aiyt "Siftm the capture, of litolonghii the i Creek have kept up a ery petite torrttpon-. dence with the Hon: Statfbrd Canning and Com. Hamilton, and they item to hi their hope upon rontand " All appf arancet of misundcrtttading between Kuttia and the Porte bad too tided. Tbe ratification of the treaty waa not. however, expected from St. Peters burg by tbe end of Janoarr. Ditguitlng tights were exhibited at Constantinople, navicular Iron the walla ol the Seraglio the mangled forma of the Greeks, par ticularlr the Jead and earl of the be roe wbo had aignalitcd thcmktlvcsia tlcfcncw of thdr country. The Duke of Brunswick haa bad the tniifortune to break hit leg, but the way in which the accident happened it not ttated. It la aaid one of Lord Cochrane', at earn veaael. had arrived at Napoli di Romania, and hi. Lordabip, with the rest of hia tquadron, wat hourly expected there. At Napoli it wat rumored that the Greek Government will appoint him Admiral of all the naval forcee, and that be will im- mediaielv Dfoceed to Constantinople, bf forcing a pattage through tbe Dardan elles, and Set fire to that tily.V 7 , A cetsation 'of LIocTdihetiriTWre-lt taid to have been required of the Divan . bv aeveral European powers. -1 be med itation of Great Biitalo In favot of the Oreekt, which wat otlered by the Hon. Stratford Canning, bad been definitively rejected. '. ' ' ' "t " 4 jchranetlt it undertood, wta to tke commttna .pr-luTttreet'rhWkl11'-' force. Their were three iteamtoats lit jryfU4ikrbtiL Lie force. I Ie had arrived "at Almireyia Grtnadei and would aaU oa the 1 8th, of . Dr. J. Auebitine Smith haa accepted theVppolnimeii and physiology in the erniverUy of the state of New-York, nd will resign hi office of pt esident in the collegia of W'il- Ham e.i4d altrj. ;

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