i.'. V t- ' -, :. r,: i' i r "' ' i , ...i. ,'-t tli f lkt !, r ft A . Ik . . .... 4 14 f. Itt .... "Will E.tiiii. tt . n . ki,. rilt'aJlll VSI ! k tl f- . t It I'll ,' t U t .k i'tf bl "t(iim it M UtM t"t tis'-t tfi"M tat M U4 .t ft liwt tip! flit n Jwrf HI' TM Mm'. .'el M f.itttl t!uL, M- if IM J'tttf. !fr.Ull, ktl Mft ruMttd L lUrL. A mil tM M that ipM ft VI Mt Mtt MM trtlM'te. 1 M htvtfct II SWWt'tS ilAng ftwA, fating ht it road. ta-4 I a;f kwt Mt i!J tat-ftd bf ttts, sad has iltf of MjN.ftt4 tsswf llhla ft pacts a U- IM f MM j i,.r.Aji4 VWWt WateBVt. www MJ-" mm hnulg 'nrtl w5rt t works Ut, a4 AO iMi Mr W &4r:ft4 thtl Ntin) MfrIi a already ttr.ut4. I I . TM smi .t f, M, u ru I M V l j M tW . S U3, fM lt-al Ml. fetal : tM. I ft. .V. ...t u. . ....... I . M vU. HiMin mmI t. . I . " ' ' rr f.vavT Co 0, f Mill U MVft. Uttl (m Ml tM M ffllbMt VffMU. If Wt ltt Wt vort4 If Mr. Frtftcfc.ef Ikit ibfi uk IM fxrvwl r ktttr fw ifKl IM loltowUif nkelm i M A mt ofiir goM tiijig Mfttff U pv' ctt. Ih ittn hwi to ihli upm Im fr of If ham. It hi f t trl tprtacpt il irUkiglf rtumUt im N'onb CroIU CUpl& grttk m ttfUrtft eni .ueti. m MMjvtiiltl. M woJ I im Uafe f Mrm, lkl foiWt Into im iMk fp!f IM lUUc. Wt Mtt MCt MMkcrktitr klck u;i uut ih inhiV tV, f.rf lai.tr f k UK- . 11 1 "4 Ulr k iu,i.J l. UJ u a- tlJ- J " 1 T - w.t VM, ''"1' (MfrfniyMrf ,wwlf Wb.iitop-Ji l INWMT laiHf Ail Jm-tLJL lt f. m m ' T rlTf --1iim in --- M!Wrt MrUf tf lM . Wt IM Ht tf OM MffaMt drffk M.V. U ttvk mf m4 .TVwm J., ..i -t..v k..tJr" Pf"'fi Im Ktif f iM llriir twtioi jmIaU nJ ttrrr ,Itck kult (MrvtUxiU ki Utt ubtUit44 (br a mla rj rwi. t tiMtrtttM ikti t jftw Bsn la I kit fwltfctxx Ho4 prtptrlng rf Im tA(W IM MU'tWiwVtMlk 41 m r W JJ f MNtltaUNWWIf1MJ.M , w IM MtJtt wntti ktMy. if, lMt tUtWHl MM f tirv, m4 U ftniwl-Wiittir D.s tM Int MilfM. Alt tWf lUl . . flurkt, Join Bf, cstM. f. rii.t!iii II It f. C MI t NuM M IM tftft.li I ...M 14 lf It LTit. -4 I ft. f.MiM l.k ft.tr u ''kt'Kt l ItlMfft. BJki?J. i... tM.i.ft4 It iU irvt ifMT.ii It &.Mwif, ttiM k IrMU, r M ftf, fjj,,la KJIM1BAriVifaflltlli. frl"wriit M.tf Uil M(rf, ' h4 azr! , fr fr? fiw cnn?. k . fiW Stik MX If. AWft ilrt. ittir r TUVtU MMm. TW UftftftUU a. (ui twdi. MrM it. nr. iro.it m kti u. - m j trr; Lr? V K ti tMj tf IM -MH tVM, ! ()Ut rr !U IM &ttW atft f kit 4mddm m CVmnm.i , Jmt Ci ta4 j4t r.iVt ilafetrAttW LbM tMM4ftMWlV Mi f44WI i let ImMf Irjk? a UilmiliMt a- r i fWvttkfl Mtbe CUM full taJ ftwUfvli& 4.wtl-MU f iU LL wr PxieJ KUtfMM M4 oJ ikt ttgloa to whkk it U (oBBl) TiBtOlOVOB. 1C0CIT 32. ZkrUr Aittmkt.W t oixJtrtit&t! tktt ta ttttmpi wt mttit Mivftn Son trtta to4 Jftfttrfrtctboro'i on Tkurtdtr nitkl Uti, m ukt Ikt Irutkt from Ikt vp v iih. Hutnnn hi. tm ik. n-.l.- DCifing a rtoitt. artv teaUd ikt kcad .uui. !J .r !!.. tiU totkt prvMftd uiaiHir nivdiinT inmn wvwHin s i. t ' ' . ...... . - . lOemi MM llkilntw N m IM Mtnii. Tk t L.ikor.T.tt Bwr. irttft pMfil MlaVlM. TM Wtt Tht AndtrtnnitB Mttj of CUtgv mJ tkctM tSrrt M. Mt Mk (M fTM fctt HircktM(l from otlt4, ikt Ufgttl oltr mkroteoM thi ot:kin ctcr ctn- itrtKtetf. Tht ri trul at thit turxrb iniiriinenii CikIomJ ton vofwtcrful pMHomctt. IlunKiit of mttcl vtrt ttWfIUrtl. . -liiniHtnii I L.J II ,Jt..a.J I . ft i Wt irt 6kr,l dUft. BU1,K.U- l"'" ,,TV ""iwwrtfwii mornat, nH M Mlf Wt kM tMMWtl li MM, . .... J- " WMKManw tM tM BMNift lof Mtlif t fJWtRkt. JttTKI. R-. 0,1 ,h'eIC of Tfcett niiMl' g a ooit drttr t pluol, to4 pro- Wmm," miH tt fcy V y our mi i M trt migificl m tt to ippw tint Jl out of thtktck of tkottagt at tAlot't Wc ftwm horn AnnAg mo ( taat Incktt long? their tctuil titt ktlng ltd of Ikt tilltin, whom kt cmM ,m,k k ,h ky ik ewikiio tomth( ten iktn tko fourteen kuo- wrcelftkt ikttMof moooUfki 'k' l-f" drcdik otrt of .a itK. Tm UftI..rM! drcdik part of to inch. Tht ualmul kinrdom tforded tnotktr di.iU.i7 4 UHfiMd Ikt kBlft lottrttd lo Cttl to ta Merit mnvkt icmtnmW n. i.rrer. -Jbrli ftClt, tfcelr cnritiliiilloft irwj ppotlit dlrteiloOf kS tkt pUtoI mip- jnnwt iIm-Imm tMnmj, (tuid e trt m wt tM tpltiwJoijr of I Mir cokxt&fc. itcctd ped ) tkt ftlk tKtptd. A tlmlltr JfT f lof1,H ,H7 ""f iking tkt otott Ilrel; imj iotUoa ttn titempt I' '! kttt beta midt i PrtctdIoJ Fi Wiy Jh'gkl. , rf ' free" Jhrtitl Snake Siry.Tl rtport of to eoor moot Mrpent attlnr Men teen near Monlretl, to Canada, turns out to bt t boat. It tppcart that a farmer had con lirt vHkMiretiMj il ofWrrritri Jrc-L.!.. uiMm. m o rir puoncnr to air (AMaffe a Aiftww. our corretpoikkftt tat proba btjr tot tttrt of thit rule. , TM pocUcal ten ut 0." itull ro in our ten. Among tkt latt words which John Ad- amt pitmoanctd. vert Tbotaat JeSerton Hit-tire a ! Thit e it It mil ion wai made a few tninutei after tvelie o'clock ; it wai madt tfitr a great tflTort. Whether it wa dictated by any thirty wkfck piitc'd in lae courtt of coavertatkn( or wat alrf- tMUr m Wwf tjr ftmt primm It U Utm m Urn-, IM rtM.W atMlM U b'mt Alttrt U .i ..... . Mt .r, M at tM atatt . U W1IW, M W lb, MW, CMtW at IM ft.!!!?. , " i i smm?i sum. tTj i3tWnft tvtt. I UMytr-aM jk rt, rtpent kt at iM lime of kit nUinf. kttiota wat r ompltirlf u(nded, and tktt m anltUi but nKiHimi of lift mjIJ !!. Ccntrtl Fact n at fa!eo- cla ltb tigHt to teniMatn4 wen, end tkt wrrtit of Cawae and La Ouatra trt dtilr MirtJWd to add ' kit trmr. I J M MklMMl i I mft t ktnx tM M.e f.t. w tt iM pmrnt tf IM tiM M tK tjm 7. ti J Ukt aot tW. .L. IM M',f t, IkftU MUUarj Ordtti. ft t' '-v.. V " t .in! la C, (W urn L.f,U m isv wrm mm nAH -jw iM fl t nkr jwr rMMkMvt, t W r Mtnii ti Id, l m rttl tt IJ. ' TM wlWt tlH bt t tl mi tbt rtR MUnMw ki Mxltr I bt dn?tr L and r. w.t rl tSj otdcr at tbt Co. CoM-tt. ttJij. rursxr.rr. .v ..f n. itjf.. v?n i i i 1. 1 1 Ofocril PereiuiWl ttttat Cumana ivk an armr of equal futi. prtpared to op- pnt ikt motcmentt of (tntril P. A pilAT on T!tT, iM 1ik dimfa'p'T X Wr. at M.MM Miww, frH? ruaMt, toner: . . . r. . t" of taxt II. llntwi. iW'.H Bfliiik ftiar 'e tt Irine il UUiffl lo j m affrnd M fir, aQ iM fA, prweci me uuiut mrrtnamt in catt 01 1 UUUVS bkrJ la m1 c'4 mum af .ft ft . . . I . m m ' - Oteo. Shmtmt'f lair ml. baMLimriMn.iwri, wa bmn., mm fotto (mh and Crrti nt H'tfMi sl iUMBTiT rami vnmnnri " ' . or. " " " ' " " ' ' i K . ft I . . 1 mwmlm k ft. A.. r.tlrifl of a Irllcr datrtl HiMi. Jul I iMmrd. ItJe ai l roFtimi Im .U i .! I -.The Mp ttrtrmtt Wilton, irHved Mf M M eimtfr) iH aOih Mr. In II .!.. fmtn i nlS,l,. K.!n. Opnarw M. 1 moMbt Crl.t ... . . - - -' - - Tkt Gov. of tb't state hat lamed a procltma lion, ojTcriiif a reward of g2O0, for lb pnr tared ut ikt Itnrt tntkt, to deter bit kernum of a Negro fellow tamed .Mm, trkt . 1 - .". .... . . lLft.J --1 I .ft - . - . .I'" " ntieblftors Irons tmung bit urm in leirtn I "T" "i kkowmw ,h result of tM train of iMl.a U ki. of airawbcrrkt. woitr. bkh he tni eoiifined on a charge of L- maA. u nol .trmj But. i i ... . auiwiiKiiiq. , to law, tlynit IMt trt itromemrThnmst It it stated in the Khodt Itlsnd Repob-1 JeBerson wss breathing hit IssU Tkert Gcan, tkat tkert is tw hundred tnd ten at the hte eoamtmeemmt of rnlnmhi. f!J. tt Umi thing; corcurrenee in sll the yongiLk4)Usnf-epfcfed at,4M ffT "I"" m. "T ""7 wai conferred on D. Witt Chni.. Coreroor of xoh-jly BiBit socir.rr. The Oltftiltr of Ihii Rrxirl ia tMMfnrrtu 4. . 0d ingenuity. evhhed indiriduiL aceowrt of the weetinr U the Iredell na.tn.Po. I ' " aaltm I cifl. Until the 8 Minn nf lL CMAnnt Pm.',. .. .... t . l.ft . I I v " un tna i stn oi -uif , t rasrsnai went on . v. h . . . . ., tm. ltJ b keld In thu oUce. oo tht .rat TW noinl of tiilW from New Orleans for Lltereool. to serro a citfl orocesa on a u erti my J" Thu Marthal neolected to I 8, Critpin, who bad had a M fcllinr out" with r . i... . . . . in:rllicfre of another action in tlthi of Ikt walls of that rilf. in which tht Until- iant lotl too killed and wounded and 300 nde ptionert. There kad been nacat ftvriw). Ki m iiftwin. Cent rooibrt Brown hit been ktthU eiiolled bf ikt Ergtith sad Americans for bis conduct Iq ike combat in sight of Moo letideo. ' Tkt Chlliit squadron comUtmr of tht Asia 81, and two gtra brigs kid left Ctttao and wertdtllr etpecledet Puennt Artt, uodcr tbe command oi AtlmirW Cuite. thihi Gax. ThrChtTslier Andtnga, formerlf mln- itier of Spain in thit country, hat been tent to I'oflagJ, at ambatttdort bjr king rcrdinaiKj. TM laiett London papen mention ihtt 1 alma a rccotcrr wat bey orni a doubt Tht death of the great actor would occa tion a sensation in France almost as lire If ai that of the king would eiciit. .. JVmi Front By llvf 'hip Fitio, tt Kc York, frofQ Ilarrc, papn of that plate to tlic 20th ami Paw of the JStti rrrid. The Pant nnrn ttate that inttructiont hate lrrn tent to Havti, which will tend to tettle the will be r", tnd bon.1 tail tpprwrH trfurt rrtjaimi. nU44t l UAtllrW.X. .Ut 1. 126. board of thd skip Jtnt, whiek w on tkt U Septeibef it keinr the fi F-rnmrni, - " I . t show his authorltr, and was put asbort by h5 Pou determined upon kanging ker, for the Tnite. Ari armed force was then ob-1 ,M nnow eonirtdjctiont and tongne-aeoor. tainedt between the ship's crew a An car p"P he had reeeired - at her handi t" iccor- ensued, and on the arrival of the- Mayor, ungiy tt in tht evening, bt placed a rope .a t. .! .ta. a . a .. tne mate anq crew were taken itio custo- rouna ner nect, ana wu attempting to throw dr. Three of the crew and the mate were one end of K over tM limb of a tree, to Mdraw bemndjver the latter, giving bail, sailed her up," when he vu suddenly surrounded by In the vessel, but the poor sailors procur- 0(a,; who beat him off, and rexued their fel in? hone, WOUld be Compelled to remain Inwauftewr. The affair wat to xnuUrm a Lifti. jtii unui noemier next. cuj jnvettintion. Iiatrona of Carolina. " ro and do like r we CAXAL in SOTftTt-AMZRtCA. doubt not but tbe brulalitv of We learn, savt the Baltimore Ameri-Lt nm fTa-Vn In its RfrMnrjt tia.1 iiTTfttNfi in can, tost tne uovemroem oi int nepu-uc becomt m-hani in mww, win afford you fre- ni uustemaia nai graniea a cnantr to an queot op)ortunitiel h, diplay of the same . . - ' i . ... . ronnfr. It ia a aiihirrt ol no IHII- (-rati fication, that, owinir to the Presence of 8m of the merchants in Cheraw give notice Our Minister at Guatemala, the charter that they will LM Cberaw Bank BiHt at par, was obtained by the Agent aent out from for goodi. New-York for the purpose. Jbougn strong ly competed for by the Agent of a lnl-1 wt perceive an advertisenient in the Btleigft im MraapiPTf-wMOtierra;;ia or the SJtir w.oratopot-ia1 to-ianiiaii or it. the 'Southern MJjUrr School at Willlamibtr- I w louerh, N. C. with all the hometpun cloth necet- " ' . - a t . a I Tlullf3 fn1 W cloth to he of t dark British Channel, and 37 persohs,1ncudingi eolor." Ac. From thia. and other kitbrma tevtoW' women -1 been out in oosteation ttt wt can passettgew, wer, browned, - - Tratt , ally go into operation at no very distant period. TM A leumW. Carrtatn BW wifc (the. vessel i ,. . . . . . .. .. . . -.. j .v- t-, at Philadelphia. She bring papert of the tame lance of this inatitution to tht Southern section of .f... : '.. . . 1.1 . .. .r:!.. ftft WM. I .1. ' ft?.. k.M f Ml. VMllll ftM ft.H.1.11. unic wnn mote ..onwgiu it n " """'i'-1 me vwin. . oit WehoDoCantainBaywiftwUlhow tiebv-.M . .. t... i " . f " a correw venion oi wo anair aciwcyn ...... , . . . Kl,, for manfianri in ftrniTiie senator ot. uoaneceraunnE men vuft-i . v. . . wtrdvovapntoirether. thit tectton of country, who are desirous of j tM month. I. (V FBLUf AH. TVm'i. She lUirlrta. rJTETTEriLLE PRICES, JK, . Cotton, 9 a 9J i flour, fine, 5 a 5, anper fine scarce, Rfi wheat, Xt a 1 I5i whUkev. 45 to 55 1 peach brandy, 60 a 70 j atple do. 55 60 1 corn, g! a 1 S5 1 Moon, 10 13i i aat, Turks Ialand,T5a85perbuth. moLuKS, 40 42; aiig-ir, muacovado, 10 a 11 1 coffee, prime frr.it, 15 30; 3d and 3d quality, 15 a 18 i tea, by ton. SI 30 alSO, flaxteed,r5i Ullow, lit 12, etwax, 30 a 32, rico 350 to 4 per 101 lba.i iron, 5 a 6, pr, 100 lb. tobacco, leaf. 4 a 5; -V-nuractured, 5 a 30 pr. cwt. Ovttrvtr. : CHARLESTON PJtKEs;jlig2r Cotton, S. Island, 21 a 30 1 stained At. 10 a 13 Maine and Santee, j ?Q ch. thtirt, staple, 8 j a 104 cents ! Whitkey, 33 a 34 cenhn Bacon, 7 8 1 Hams 8 o 9 1 LarA, s J a w j t Bapfing, Dun dee and Inverness, (43 inch,) 21 'At Coffee. Prime Green, 16 a 17 Inf. tt) gtwr 13 to 16, Georgia Bank Bills. 1 to II percent, ditcount. North-Carolina Do. 4 to 5 per cent ditcount Ctftnl here haa Men a United- bualnen in tht Cotton market, dunn. the reek a few satei hite beetffetrted,' woetlr confined -to TJplandatoufquo wiucd are repcicu. rw N'o varlathn in jmct or demand, tutce our jati report. - - , . . Cftrn-JContlniiin. 16 arrive"' In' tfuantlties ex ceeding any. r4cHiblA.t!tiov ienced a decline of about 15 eenttin tM btithel, quite as much at it would command on Saturday, cbibaw, atro. 33. Corn, and Corn Meal command glhy the Load, and gl.25 by the Buehel-,FIir sells at RcVperTlaritll,e tupptytnwMtTjfwlrtr limited. Bacon 10 cts. at whtktale i Beef 6 a f cents at reaU. ' . I'aii: Jut 18. l it Autrin 6bererhat re- eeirtd nmr nrwt from the More. laied wrm, June 16 : BeoVhiM Pacha, after having left at Itiwolonghi a rarrimn of C"00 infantry ami 500 bortr, repaired to i-ptnio on me .xi in aiay with a body of ' (XX) men, w hence after Mving taken tome villtre, he tdvanrnl upon Athrnt. Ibrahim tat out from I'atrtt on the 7th of May for Tripoliua, with an army of 10,000 Kgy pliant snd 4000 Albanitnt. Colocotroni, whote force had amounted to 3000 men, waa reduced to5J0, the othert havine Men ditbanded on the tp. proach of tM Ottoman, lie retired up Caria. tent, leaving the way free even to Tnpolitza. Ibrahim Hopped Mfora Argot, whence NikiU proeeded for Napoli de Bomania. Solimao Bey bail left Mjdon and endeavoured to rejoin Ibra him. It appeared that it wu hit intention to aeue upon .apoir oe hoitoito. Tlie .tim iL t Gitii of Rome it far from 'eoiiliriiiMn has received tram Corfu, Mt under date of the 25th Smunuu Mat 19.-Tht Turkish fleet from MiamJonghi, 40 tail, were teet off Milo on the 8th intt, cTf Other aecounta mention their ar- rival at tM UaJdatieUea. wMre tMy were Uking inatorea, were .rea, and Ming joined by frcab jquadron, Wasit.iiinia.!B llefttA. STOIT..N trtrn tM tubte riMr, m, tM a'..t of iM 3lt of July, Intt, by JuN.Y ,T.V. tOK!) t M-fro boy hj iht ft-ma of Jtrh, (l a Hot w snd s BcwM&t. TA.Hrttin, It about ughteea yttrt of ajr, five fc. t trt, incbrt birh, r ind tlvouhlfred, tnd with t aTifc; ttoop tfr kit bark; bfark Iwir, w hirb ea hit fore. Mad nearly mrrti hit ryebrowti bit eye In cbnedto a arjuint tkraWy atoirt -ma.i fair complreted. He took with kirn one ( imv't coat of dark brew n i one blue hroaddotft round about, with large tmform Mttontj fir riir.of psBtaSoons vus two pair coarte whim nomftpun, Me pair blue caaftinett. one otir striped do. one pair light jVana, black htf, tolcr able irwml shoe-, but no Mockmgv Hie olark boy M twk with km ia about ill vrtrt of tjrt qiijitf drk eomplecled, abnut 5 leet 7 inchf t bi;h. Mr hit t arar on hit rie.ht htm, ocrtftionrd M a burn. Ihe By Mrae it 7 yctr M, aboul 5 fret 3 ineMt high, bark h-gt near. " Hup to the knee, and a Jltar in h'u forehead.. The mire ia about 4 fret 5 inchet high, with two white maj-tl round Mr Mrk. oeet-mrt 4r tM nibbina; of a halter. Vt'ith tht hortet hit took a tingle reined bridle with large boars, a taddle considerably Wuro quilted i -1 ilic atlna. Anv oerton who wUl take uo tM aaid nemt and hertrt, and deliver them lo me, or Icxlea them in atfrty to that I can get them, shall re eehe tbe above retard. CUKISTOrilER HAND. .hrviTS, 1826. ,26tf DVssoluViott. TWt. MtrtanliUVprtymhip Mretofore e? ittlnr in Wilkeiboro,' N. C. under the firm of S. F. ratf&nn U Ct. It thit day diitolreif by imitutl content. All pertont indebted to tha a'ul concern, are ptriicularly requctled to ettln their arcountt with 8. F. Patterson, at tpeedily at powible, at it it ftecestary the butinett of tint 6nn ahouhl M dote d. And all pertont holding claims araintt the concern, w ill plcate pretcne them to him for payment. S. r. I'A I I M(3U., WU. P. WAU(.iI, JOILV HM.RT. Jutf. 18A. 182f.. . . 6t31 -.stale ot i3o. 3. A. JVUuns. of Jime, tM attuiinca tbat Colocotroni wu oa I. A LL persons indebted tp the ettate of Jaracf STouiTonTCnmre Mores, and that M had already entered into an t boon account, are recjurmci i coc rorwam arrangement with Ibrahim, who was in a very critical attuation. Paez hatUeft Caracas for th. Plains of Apurt; with what object ia knowo however as yet mat ten remain trauquu W have no complaint! to make, except thtf tmirelwnt of onftt'eMaiw-iAht-comi. mercial community, and the Kartiiy of -none,.,. . : ; Three davs since an order arrived tn th Collector of tlie Customs at this p0 r) reouiring ail duties tor tour montns and make payment i and iH those . who havn claims on the estate, are hereby notified to come forward and pretent them, otherwise this notice will M pled in bar of tbeu claims, ac cording to law. . WILLIAM .MfUtKV-x-J, AUZt. luguit 10," 1826 tT;!"!!""'3''" " to be paid in cash, Mfore the. goods can M delivered from the put lie stores. State af Xirth-Carvtina, Cbhamit cfuntyt ftTiQMMITTEI) to Concord Jtil.on the 19th S?.'Aftg-,a.JV?r man, -who all bimtelf PfrH.f nW 25"a Old, dark rottifjlirfon, bat -one upper loota wwt, ft-irfiont $ fcetJtO In-"' cbet hiehi saya ha it a blacksmith by trade, and belonps to a Mr. Bicliard Coleman, , of to prove propertv, pay charges, and take him awafr GUOr KbUl l-r Mien - Jni.3lj.m6. 3t28 SlieriflsVPccds, IJOIt land told by order of wjits,df vctklSoni epon, hi tl at thb office . j: it f . '.V I i i ( , I :. ft tt i til- ill ;!;: n t i . .. ji- j t- t Pi ' i ... ii. ... , . u At i W it. ;4 k' i. "i i. fir .' ft U P h r r i;1 ..j.. it- ; t.;jftWftIp ) V