,' ) 1 1 y MM I ,i )' i (.A y . j .li vy wjvVy I. I;, 1,1 M vut . , if rati n ntitrts J VOL VII NO. .117. I . : ........ TV isr adi Wff t". r y, j n i a--- a ia H.lr) Ik J a jfi,. ,.j ' ar a taf tatt. trf . I s- 1 v KLI'.cno.NH U I'.NUMM), tar fi t ll a Uirffi ' ?vv XOTTTf f M asiMsiwfe -Affbi&tmm t St " ttseief Mil "" fmimf Ja Murnl ' &4a 4, M U JV .MreaVg M J.haV a, 1 0. o,xl i " urn ' V ' low 30 1 JjftW Lite Tory. Nf hI . I 1 ooly duhlt lira k.krt. rooJceaiUmco. I be It N out Ilk Wo. J chhcrt Icitt of ihrf twxit bnt rm htU net ! tnmd wall eUber n orintotncr oi ikm. renilemeo. Th ttorilon it nul o ortU ttriw. Ill hivt irt ituit ncit Anrl!. .ben 111 Mctd fOO TkkrU to V drt br-U l4 MUMi U II aia drav'iM AO lk MM. Wf to W pkc4 to(toWtl U fri THE LA IT hHkVX TICKET lM TlfE lUeo! dir. , .... . Tewfc df. r 4 ' - IJWO TwtlAidy. 1.000 TliUteili ftyt t 1,0'JO liHtlh 4f, 1,000 riii djf, l joo tatMqtk da, - JiUO CrMnntiliLif., " 21000 1 tk bllitr, the Nirt and led, to ttrrt U rtdof tk FfUft dAfir In t!t LaIi , nU d bi cwmtrf mjriclf, tftttene(i 1to ' ""f J" ' rlftfll.-iihiim.'j 73,730 POTiT.ATi". Cohhii' flttm Out ne!Won h- FriJM TbU k r7 nfk jn forewirntd ui that Cobbtt woald Ctpt fw. HilWzK, N, C.lhiny d-y lhfwl.k tbU town on TuewJir Um, o dticotiM iftii-tT nt All fnm Mt demaaded nuia t'rrlr moh ftnm int anplctkw uf lh dnvinr, win b eonikkrvd M (Ufcttd U lU MM at Lotur. J. WIBD, CmmmimmmTi Th kUenGoa f th North Cwolio publk. The itlWe pntpoM conlemnUivd Ul, U it jtoptd, tec-re io n Tne hi ot tnwc who t fHcndtjr to the Interwt of lirti wl ci"c, nd the ftwne alone of the rrnilrnta ko bu . i COMrwni ara aa uawpwai m w . -1 tt A& Urd. tf.I.tu yu it ftttf . . . . . 4 . . . . ' ltd nitCfl(iilMrr twf1 $n7 Un tU4 him. ft,lr4 4 f ld. 1 4i ir - 1 u rti - 4. i . i . t J. . i w w ....... ........ aw. aaaf W ff naa JP v aaana vnv. - f Vt)'f kf U tkd luuti(tf ims4 pid f ldt fc tU(jj if If. CJtf. In tl Ik liiJ.l f kM m -Ctt)4to-M. 5twlf 1 ymf4 M (0fa4 U d,f .mcru , fit t'rt-J lit tun pd-- iff M9 t.tm. Win Kft 1 fcUlf OtNUBU, I It ,kM .k.. ,fi I kit direfcwi'f li , . ! . II1 !. pvm a a . .iu.hwi) H MtKk fx itxrttfc thtM lofdl tool i , ti. . Uid. Utr tvm tt h rck... it f.n roo nc i .... ...i in j.n.i..t t,- r..l. i I k..A Ma. kiM if.nral. . .' . ta M( IBM I U Itoti M-di4 Ml u,,, dJ.Hfiud. fh- htf lit U favtt to fit) Vim l4 ir.rb )ritiQ tad tUir iitt tit. Yi M MV I (UTf Ml. U m4 1 trrf p ty ttt if m toto iffcf J-JT. TU v(1 M-Uif v dtVl5H4 . It . 711, , (. ,Kf vtndd tlr4f. tM h4 Iff. rffltr trrii td km UsK Wjt ,tjJ (II litr UteflM tuba. TM I'! fd n ktd MtMJttili4 taai !adManrd tov frkftdt. ftM ktri lit Ml vita f Hi mi it-prat imi fm fwr miaJt. G UAfif la Ut imtrf do wt biiM ef Mgtnf joy ut t t t4kt la dfauoJ ftlitfx li UaJ Ii Hor ttgr IkUl Ik lto) fib- b Utf hit in )), mf irWBUi toartoltit tt rt!vi"( ilmi lkS f e t iW.ff rtUtf 1 ten iff rtiltif tour if ik Mtntlft ftfuto linta to jouf w to lit MtjUtrtut. tod . . , m . ..... iK LU M.lrr nl (a lat rfOtUHd luf, Gul m4 ib 1J. ttvl God mod lk- 1 id li U toy iU tltVI tiU4 IkCff ll if IWBf w IM kd to) tubtitt poft. Wf. CUll titft ikidrtv. . 1 . t . . . 1 1 . ri- fcf k Mil Mill Hifi-llUifl LttlfUU U,...tb. tveflol. 1 ... 1 li. ivi i..m.i ' . . - : - f"'.. J Mil kin. M Ik hAA I.... ' ... ... . hi.w -wjr w 7" II 4 6t Wurtrt, I bo4d htrf Utn On-WooJ.ibtrniKflfoJJiotif ttkerofLf .1. l.. . ' LiitrMol. I.kt cttrtcUd front kit In.. tw. .il.i.. ttr... lirfwrdWU. Arlarfr.o M?Mk IHUtl-ffWMr "W-W -a a mm p . . k ..' ' i . ..... m.j DEio c-ald boC dr. from Mra-! Nr 1 1 b,c flDrft. I iroU.ttd ikert w ntod. Urn ipeftdf iTrfJOO-tiABf ki.f.j w u , dft4ff J . - ... . . .i . ' !if it Mt7 ortiictapi dattroff nufcle rohhtrt. 1 ktd th bonor to be bom of bt mbk ptrrott. I fororococtd with Itcpnf off thot mhhinir. (fi)ihlriif inr CnWtk faokt. When 1 vi oalf Srt or wi yon old, wben I m onlr tble lo err iwkf civ( llilltbof.K, K. C . Ihiny dt fc h tb, tono TuetdtrUu, rf Hf Trnt All trim e wert upon 1 he look out for bit ipftr. ince. PrcpmUooi vtrc ratoe ojr we Bolton RadkU lo Rmp better ihow thin took ?lt on hit 10 Prcttoot and hetrd thai Ike procetion would be ipUndtd rd etcetdingly nutnefoai. The dayi boweter, wort lo oncer uioir 1 od U was not until Itta hour thtt It tnnounccd be would be hero the following morning. TbU wet a tad blink, w uiidertttnd, to committee which; had -been formed, and wai-aiitlng . a a 1" in cImc cJirtn ell dval Ibe I4ma pubuc Ijrmcnt 4 .;,tbe lotterr, U a euBifWnt pWlr ef the ftlrncf t whh bkn It "-ill be nmldrd, . -XTrm'RIMlEY. ' CT 71 thtt in f Mi fxttery ff lie tt lte ofllce f itie Wtotera Camfinian, nd br Mr. CWIet Tulirr, iJ others Saruburj. 21 C01 0T of Pleat tnd Quarter Seriont. Jaly term, 1825. Datul 8trk rt. Aia Ihomp mm : Original atUcbmcnt, L-ie l on Tan Tard, kc. It appearirif to the tatiJiietion of . the Court, that the defendant in thii'caw it not an Inhabitant of thit Hate r OrW, tJirrefore, that jMiblieation be made aix weekt in the It - Cortlimu, nolif)inf mkldcfrmLint that unlcw he appear at our next court of p!c and quarter awaiont, held for aaid eonntv at (he eourt-hmwe ' in Concord, on "the "tliirdMendtv In Octccr next, then and there replevy, plead or demur, otherwiie Judgment will be taken by default, and execution awarded accordingly. UAN'L. COLKMAV, rlk. ( Price adr. g2. . C'2 State f Mrth-CanHmt, Cakamtt ctmtt; ISoOKT of Pleat and Qunrter Pemiont, July J term, 1826. Paul Uarrincr . Aia "31i6mpionV Original attachment, levied 00 Tan Tard, &C It appetriiit to the atifction of the JCourt, that the defendant Jn thit ctie it not an t.k.k:t.n r iKI. t! ' OnlernL therefore, that CartUnian, notifying tairt cieiennani nii uk he appear at our next court of ptoi "d quarter amiont, hekl for w!d county at the court-bontc S Concord, on the third: Monday in (tetober lietU then and there rep!evy,.plead or demur, otherwite judgment will be taken by default, . tnd execution awarded accflrdmply, , UAN'L. COLEMAK, Cl'k. . Price idr.S2. .. -.' - 6,28 . --.,,,r-.-:y: ,,:,V ' ,, , . . -, f I .I l IMIII J I J I I ' . j r ii .ui;My fnhnrwt rauntv COURT of Pleat and Quarter Session, July term, 1826. Jotej-h Young t. AwTnomp . on i Opglntil attachment, levied on Tan Yard, ' Ic-lt appearinjc to the tatibfactionof ihe eourtthat .the defendant In theair not aft ""Inhabitant of thit rtirte 1 Ordered, therefore, that piiblicationbe madeiix wecktinthe Haleru Omlinian. notifying laid defeudant that unlets essi.iii, held for laid county atjlie court-house in concoro, on ine uura n"; vv"v" anrl ararailinn auratvfod ICCordinclv. DAN'L. COl.KMAN, Cj't i Price adY.g?. . ' A4ia) f1,- aa Wf. J,, I (1. Lrfl . I ...... 'Ik i a-f tkftU, W- J4naat1l " tM awiwj. If )rf rf. I ,. ti-Vlai tt.umr Hi. Aal '.'k k. I.k I.. a4 Ml af 0at 7 eft) W M a , 1 1 11, , , a laat I ui t a. iSTlMtSTVfO ZXTM.KTi TuUn ef tWWaVef lJ6w itert i tie Ctrrt tt 1779. ettreeitd N t MM4Wt br Ma. T. rkkerW. twb&Atd i 1 HI);!?91 '(-iMait!fcai Tie ti tt teeftk trvvetd ie tie rfM our oppoaeottl k- 1 i .1 ' -,vr. t agate, and you'll tUct for your rtren. D(J , dld tiree!BlDy fJtf9 Wf Uure tb ftftly tnia wbo baa the w.tfi and fc tf.en.vnT raort that now. Somo fl?w ifir bat otben came in their pltte, I ... - t.l. ..mhTui aadlrlirea Df mnouic alr there. But I did tomrthing, and hare I not done ioroetMiE lo krep on me rob btrt theptper money totbfraf If 1 had been returned the people would have accn I could do more. The proud p4bple of proud Prtatoo knew thtt Ihe etupifled (bola ktve not been aulTicleotl 'pulled down yel 1 I hope I hive given lb Com bination of Lord Derby and. , Wood a proper ahake. If I do aot aet aside that election before the month of March next, I will contentedly aubmit to bo caUed a fool for the remainder of my Cre. You will then aee mo agiio.tfl bo aJive and weU..Thfl.JUCCeitfal cwdidatea foond me cominc out of Piano ita 0,003 IwuterAahley liridge, with John Heyi at people In my an they found thia, after . . r . - i cl " -r 1.. ..:r a '.k. .1.: i:j u..-rJvnnt 10 neak our of 1 hi ita head, and Shaw at ita tail. A luh- .i-.tmlnn waa entered Into to nite the turn of three poundt, for the-purpoto of en gagicg a band of mutie to lead up the Gridiron,' and after conaiderable difli cutty, few down of butrumenti were hired from tome outlimdith place in Tor ton 1 but we preaume, from the towncs or the charge, that muic wat left entirely nut Af the atioulalion. Wo cannot but acknowledge we are aorrjr for the poor puffers of wind, for after deducting ex penses incurred through waiting for Cob- belt a approach 'a otya, out 01 tne tnree the residue and remainder to be di vided amongst them, will be just one ahil- ling and kevenpennr eacn. sv e oeiieve aome of the Committee was heartily sick of their potts, and one said he would take care never to act in tnat capacuy again in ih nm? eomrjanr. About thjeo o'clock on Wednesday morning,it was proposed by the Committee that a delegate" should tie lent to Blackburn, to discover how matters stood there, a man onereu hTnerrices foMhaHobrbul wanted-aome money for his expenset. - vn viu Johnny Ileys you have a CobbeH'a medal there that ta quite a aumcieut oawpor into every buttery orr the road. Cob bett, with his usual luck managed to ar rive hero auout twenty minuici p twelve o'clock, when he knew ail the wnrk-neonte in town would be at dinner,, and Hkewiae took special tare uf remain until evening, wnen tney wouia egam ve ,"i;Kr,'v. natrtiini in ih' mean time. hrs"emisaWea to every direction, to make Known 10 niS'parutans 1110 na.uis arrangement. He came In an open car riage accompanied by hta aona, and we believe a Mr. Clarke. He proceeded to the Cotftwerciat Innrnd having atepped upon the portico, addressed a mob, which . a . . V 1 . Jaaaaaa. next, then anrt mere replevy, pieauur uciHu., w0 minn maj - - - otherwise JudgmenwUUe taken by dcfault,:kmount ,30 Gentlemen-yo8 do j l thee had been oblired to sneak outtf the town privately. I aaw at as early part of the conteat that the Mayor a Irapa were intended to keep me out- If ever I pub lish a hiatory of the election, I will make you laugh heartily. I k caused the three candidttes to apeed op wards of 30,000, and though not a itegio farthing has gone out of my pocket, I made key 1 not much ttir- prised that Stanley and Barrio ahould mnnr I hah monCV freely ther are not very akilful-but that Old Ottiwell Wood should be induced to aqueete bis purse ik. tj)oo rot over the devil'e beck should be spent under bis belly, ie really a f. A quite diverting, not one penny oi my nn.a. will be raid i Sk Thomas ia left behind, and he wiil dischargft every thing. An elegant author says, ' the. moat un nioaaant nart of a feast it, when the wai ter comes in with the bill of fare, Poor touls ! I believe they will not have pm their bills - by- the time thty will have to return again. - .Manlef ana uarria may, ..h.M. ntiir tn ahnw their faces once more for aa to the latter, I believe he is r. , uut uiu never again. wit.?.... - - -t I - . . I leave you to gueaa what tort of s track ling they will receive if their bills are un paid 1 only think of the hootihgli hissings, ancl aonuings tnej "T!r V'rZl a. k. .7.,. Smnlftf rode nalo and fchist- lr b, trir 1nn window, tho bthor' drt mf -a a a. -M.MJMeaas LmH wKltl friends ratsea a irei:u. .vu., m.rt him tremble in ever lotnt. - Aftei! him came Wood, for the nrotld Staqp1 would not allow uoou 10 snue bioujtiuc of him the high blood of the,Stanleya could not run in the tame gutter. LM Deoole shouted in all mrecttona, ano 1 oe. !ievo5tanley and Wood were glad to get away in aafetf . Gentlemen, I am aensi ble I have trespassed upon )our pence j "a J la. 1 " .nekkl ntve ttonc bcyonq wmm . t.. J Bl ttllftl.t Ceecme, by wbM tncikWjtlke Jwrwib do not aMiiM. Ila. Iia.r tlavaar. to Itia Malar f ihe Aexi'rfat rtvWfio, tn M, thai IN kXm fe detknMg the cont rW a4 lW- m I m ak.- a aeedeftt. Oat fcM M ieevt" 7 rj il.nrv le,ef Vifa.,, The doctor add, thai It. .... .rrMi4 ia a.. Vina- tl.U BKi(inav (r the partir W iaatrarllaae at Iwt iiwatfote V wiiweeia. ko hv ihe tvntrtl veate of lh m pit of til the tale.' Tie name of the drte- gtie who rconud ict mwnn it o tvey 1 iu .t .i,l. nT ika u2nti. aJ Other Ci'rthJS- , reialev prubable'Uial h at a eit'itta ef ltatMChiMlt tht lie ateeej; of the twaxite ia noAuUiFU. at Ytrrma u ntet. nut Hevrrtr tLu Bur U, K wt an eeMnt citiiee of Jirmcta bo m the aubwiem dfcoauoe. rtfcr to the rul itC ";nc n l.i 1 r. 'a tula I ha lead, no rrvwu nun anu . . lion, however nlutarr, aid howr neeennr te piewrve ee reeotf r Uit ittnl w a rcvpie would ever be iaciphhed. .t. an.1. ! lua. Ponrrrav in a commit' teeof the ihole. agreed to a moletwn, thai Ihe U. States were, and of nrbt mht to be. I ree and Independent State! i hi rponH tke contidewWin thereof to the firtt day of July. la the meanwhile, tnat no uroe raia ib arreed to appoint a coeimiUee to prepare ,D7 ' .f JL. .CT aV rf that rewlution. at"". - . . And oe the next dy they eb a comimtlee of fie. The aierobcrt ctora were mr. Mr. John Adamt. Dr. kC"'-. ahefmnt . 1 v. b,.w.h n IJrinrrton. On the SSti U " ... t... k.rhi in a dr!irht of a JUnC. uueeinu"-a.'-i --. j'.li .rl dlariC 00 the Bltt. SfWOG aoq ,,n.ra wi lulr. the drsupht wat exanvnefl. qikvwq ana tmendrd 1 ana on inc ,w.....v... idrred. mat urreed to i and on the t-me day 55 PWmed in TbiUdclphia. wh.re ?:!:ZX?SA to me. tb.t H SJ in it at v " ' , the curacy of common report, that even a minute detail ol lac". pr...K ? .-1 an ftr at thit Ute period lion Ol inurw iwi . f -attainable, ourht l be ateevtamed and pveo ,n au.niau.v, a u-'.tk tk.a.Uaf. nn lh the mott authentic 11. " " - - - - ..r Auaiirt. in Ihe Urt year, ! addree.l , letter to Preiident AUm. in which remark, id that. no act of the Conreo. of the Th.r 5n United Colonic. u so d,tingiH.hed at hat by hich their Independence of Great Rr tun waaoeciarcu, n "- r , , ' . ,', S ' thattramaction would priy be Kiugh ? . initreit nr curiotity. but TZ Z Si, iketo the" abilitie. .ml ener ofThelertin tl groat measure ncrH .h Infnrmalmn on (he llb And alter rcnii"B , . . ... Ml Jet a hail come to my know ledge. I added-" I ve thght it desirable that the facta ia thit nave uik . y tune en :t..mentT'th7;.-.to be communicated to whom you thinK proper. - io wiiU a,.-.,,!. Mr. Adam mott 1 in uic tu it vs "i , ob iirinely favoured n.e with an answer, g.ving m m, Stereatioa; deUih. And after alluding Ancient TfomittoTrTmria,,Je 7. ww-- "B"r I In i cn noiivj . V" . ,Kiiie vouncrest ner- aeaf"-e oeuil Mrtaf a.a m fm ra lr I nmh.; ate U a:-". te edate etHetowei eUi I r' ( V.t 1 Hh ' S4 at I i4 4ra- h ar , JVWt Ua4 roritu ivraTrM. t'1T,,''wri ejV. ielacttr UUnJCrjtMh aTf " Ied ia to be il;a4 if erti tl Ve ef tVe AriaMwr em te W tnal MMty rtwti e I tftottfto du t rtr to ' !!, e4 10 towi Me ftt arTttesaJteaettkreewia!! M at rl. La mJ 1'iimn aee t Imwrt M aAawafd. I tJukfto it OeeM 04 itotM WW to etMU at ao. I tewt4 to ton n, a4 ae oew IHWia lUt I B4t tuff tUd (kt tt laeaba. W rfrt4 H to to time. me C lt. It ai rts4. a I d raf out rrsMit IWrwM ertiklsrd aey tkiff . e were a9 fat kw 1 Cret tw uepaii4 1 tl lh iMirwwe! tn vfMHto4 to I adtot . t kaaJ arriliJtr. aa k In dnrv V. Cawn Ml aJT tkm a eaerue H aC H. as 1 tvpa) fWy oewU 1 bel ky Mntfi4 asaa tl ike beet Jh.ai Mt a3 that est tatrfi-, .li. it tt.L. U la 1 tat'o f I Vat f Ainaitnl ArltrMi- Wf ( ftii Mf ff ), ISWItll'' i(f( gives the loUowiar eoocisa etti mate of the einrnsei of the all rim- btiof rKenora. ottihAfUed liyU New Orlcaoa, wKUh, it U believed. fafii abort of Ue actual ptndit-jrf. to gewa- tt tori fjm vid t . I - - - K.I Ll (a, to each haea. tech Biw per mmi BoenUg of thf teete, tl $2S per hmL earh - a Aervtnfl t.'.. ene to rseh Vttk. aT gtl pet "awrth. Imatttttwf o Omm r-t tor eerh Uv, Art Isto . !.. CIDfl iwf eaoath aa. liquret, lo toiae cw-toRMrt te plajf ftet ly, Rfhi and rutt, tay &3 J0 ptt y nv eaca k yA)i J.47f eAurJe PnnirreM in June 1775, and brought wit mm T nteratre,.ciece. and . -hppy itolent-at compoaUian., XWV: talent -at 'Tu r , fl'neCtiliar fc k.-aA .bout remaikable for the peculiar re ,n;cwgre-a, ne V "3lllt eVcn"sim. iwA deciive. upon c'"Xr;irtH Mf Witlw aeewtom6WS vntt. and OKI III n K'.Y. . mn voieiofoth I-IVle than any other, artd that p mcee head of the commit ee. ; 1 1 tiej to g number, and P 1 the tobSct and then tbje decttrauBfl---" " Thit tnormmit sum. he adds, must be paid before the proprietors f thcaa baoka fan realise any giin. The pub lic it, thee, taxed not Wis than ElOO, 000 per annum, bx the benefit of about thirty individuals.' AIJjrERATIOM. rrf.wrW:k rtener, fd foe rett frie hip, fimlinf femate flstterv frwrJWw. flrd fcr frem fir fferweated ItourWiing tawety fiH fitnl in far frowning fi.rewt. and hxmt 'he, niltnwHr lto-wlwf &reIV I" IkrwwaM, f JT fWMtat. rUitteriag frieaJ ftrtwtll forever. Hope katb hung ier iarpt oe high . F.rery effort or edtvcr, , Start tome terioui solbing ih. Khen with wtrmeet wUhrt woofrtr- ' linger'd Wog kwti UngiiKl look. Eileoee still suLlimeiy thewing, Firmest toith for foimtkraook. " Pkaelng proapectt prove preteetrng 4 V'-'inrrjmey w iniutr - r - - Dcsrrtt drir defigbti direcfing , far from former frowning ftte. Pkaaure'i pleasing path persuing, That through tearlcts tiiwe I trtsd J Vagrant virtue vsinly viewing, he ttill pteudo shining shed. raise fallacioui rrlend ffwell Shalliortow'a aighi Kill silent tlecp t To truant time thy trouble! tell, VThy with wearied wanderings weep. r n :. .n;..t mnr nn account of it tnrth, tUae lot the e wellence of itt poetry : .a vne oarnl aitrof. cash u CHEPir. Who eerie on credit does hut pve a iy One half at leatt he sells from ly to diy 1 And more thin this, he loK.cutom too, For once in debt, tbey trade no more with you, Besides be rum the risk of being flogg d Whene'er by him thcirmemoriei are jogg d 1 And worn than all, heels orrr head in debt. By tniMing othenhe himself wdl get. ;- But then he ..v whatever be ha. madeT And vomers who cji.it l..m in diegu r.use he would not ten n gv - I DvCatvlw- t'v " a. Kvhen much in debt to olhert they have got Will come igain " W POT inVpW And having on. on whom for cash to call, ft 1 tat f-liirt and amitv with au. TK,,, heVilLalwayahave the meant to bt.y Wliate er ht warns, iiwww - e- Withwrt miracliK de.btobcauot pJf , An Utaatriou- ancestry ki-h-WA: aa the reflector 01 a .nir 1.-b lis .Uck , for if ?i2gs cannot kinaie t, - - - Cananthebloo-lot aii m-tnuobleMknwe''64 .4 t 1 I it It i ' I 1 V ... 4 . t I i 1 i ! 5.1 t ... tAJ. t - tt t I 'MV-i j f... . f:.V.: ' li.. ... x