f ' I" , I ' ' f j !. A , t f i . ' i . t f f I ., t : . - i .mi MviUiri IW' Mtl-tlV(i ') I J. n ta l-r v-.l Itt r "4 M.a ! 4 H-U1 iw I..- MmW4i '-4l I CVi M w .4 t I . f t f ' !- U tM f1 a. .. tf fy f aW. ra ' to Wt a, W4 . tltt f i a.. r- tr r.4 mk) it t -' I !' Ufc W I J I' ?- -4 I 1 V( fWlvi, ft k .J f 4 tt- f TVs rMWMi( tr..l (titriMt -;) rTf, kk l- m lU M , -vA Ml ! ' Ml im ri-w il It IK li V Urtf, If mm 4f S ., Uri Wwl. 4 MMI , frM ! A m H II lUKllltl. f W Mt f iwt tV ,fi,l4 J - . . , - - af tin ifafa H.ltaWf , V it . w .i. , p . L c'4..a, m4 A4t t ... fx 4 t im ki. t4k tlm, M VhM U; U rrnciKriiai! 1 i tit I. ff gtd l tar i?i! fl , -..'. ft-."', m4 4 Tm (CwU) , to d l tU4 a , tV to. ft Hfim;' l-XT nf 4t:3 I .awr MlU asa r'(U. W-J ato ( wtof lto kt gj k m ft1liB S iW tM6L .,., ni,t,n- Wttlitt. M ,i lrV - iht Hf kk irt re prtubUd to fcn 1 1 ( -T I ', ! M Mil In irt ii ji vn im iiijm k.M, c4 iW 4 1, vorir rl 4r tJ iml, lftf ImctrUf lJliHl 13 1 fU m,J iU tiki tf Vit ' iv.i.i . .t-t..J t- l OilW 7Mf Ani.il UtlMkf m4 IM Pt"M IMHWlir fW rt.Jft rtBi; IM lr W U lit lUl;, p'rvU, t vaJimi IM CtMrl. tjtj 9 tUf t. tnWdx to M tfT MklW kr la trrt koa to IM rWkarj It IW ftill UfW. H1M Ut ! bs f im fkvi, f iW rW tm fWf HUfitiMff im qA&ftiy, tt IM wrtatirt t U .!aHbf, Irtw ! r-r him t4t Urn, TU , . . ,rri 1 - - t i fMfrILtoitWrt!II.UlTfrfli xto f rtwkMM ! fiWU to krN iWI rUcatLin CooMi. lUr f IMif ot UlW M Km oJ PthtiW. Im corrr(iMlc timSl U LruUJ U Mir Mil. Wm. ir.Tk, Fwj. Jt circled (o tlt tK of Mr. Flunkln, mro.',er t,f Coecfuffm WIi4lpjJ. t tbc accuui Kioa el lk -rcfM( Coryrrt. air. 1 11. Ua eppoic d cf ire r wf UkM to IM) totter fu rnrvM to rt'n tj;to titter itota H m pmU to M Vr U f(r14toM i" m4 JI fttot HMtMiff I M t't-i id af IM rM KniJ t4 M. f J il(rM IM I'M, p Mir to M wVmm. t 1 m I Ml im lr 4f f IM Mnf Uin tot tlMMk IMI WM litMU VlQ M ) Ml M tut dtf't 4rWCi IW II 4 it 4'e il tMWl IM WJ aJ l)xl IM K?VrV tnM iitiiM U IM M Ul IM tod At, t M irtiwt tUI M cMHto4 to ! Mft M4tMtoUtT WMtofvMbf f7 Vf. im mw ukrti mj rM WW I mV M ! pHUMI MMt fMC. I me ft. , i3a, fUl M mM 4 Usiliiclf tWcitJ to ikcftOftK, triL lUrtMirkk, of M iriri; wit in ujc ditui m itmswwi tt4 icrnufiam in J fir r i& biU el r: . . il. . . t ... lit ber.me. Ikrourfc IT - C7" Tvmi, to IM trty ! liArfMiry, im wmIi ibttrnr IflWiL,,, fttolet. ,nl).f tu Ir C5 SaturtapJiuaa, initr flnera lit bertmet ikrourk lfVoiv nUe fo attend to lk dotlo of bit cafflmtixft and rttirjntd. lit ft turned io kit family in Mecklenburg j and t oq m bit Malta would Mrmi!. K Ktmtd a tArtr eoramirvicdt 1 fttflevt by Cnrtrnnr Mjrlin.'lo break in a Mil of Mminltiiaiton, av.l a pmntr.i frnnl to jlofki pUct Itwardt Wjhnfhjcion JUr.Dcajinu. ho rtcemd tha ictoud !ni. -lihika i.nktJ IfjUr i ik rron CaMaJq pWhL u im abb kinheit numUrof toiet, (1016) ni,j4 f Ctmden, or, at il It gtrwraHy WkhMr. aMfc4iook Mipar iVd, vrvwec iiiciwi h aw ominiir'.wo l ,i... f.i' lrri. ko ri.l ,1 in MMirbiiMtMil, W h.,U.WJ I. w-- w-w - w - " ' - - - I W Gtb. Rotkerford. Kirlf In Ike action tit relattoato IW iptml thick tok place M- reel hed tkrtt vomica, tod If II. Uot ori tta km tad tM U.Uto. Tipi. DaUainV Mr. KAStiQlTM y Car. BALDWIN. M k4wa tift wtrtaiw i rmmraiikrs- the ft vera four candidate t io all- DivkJ Holmev, Va. hat reoirned ike Oluet of Governor of iiiiivJpDi,ineone-:Mwnr throuthi lodircd in be Mnd Btr? rnker. If! .a. '.ii . I i .1 a 1 a I - I qgencr of Ul httH:i. Hit pjCo will te rnnJtn, Lieut (oreri.or. . '.cjrT.fMM'xux txpr.rriavf .Ihn .Vontreil pier announce! "be ar- tiral In thitciiy cl a party of m?n who Lid acorrjanied Cptm rtHi.in Ur at the Frcittn l)n hrinpin leittri from Cer Lt to Ihe 26th Jnurr. (.'apt. F. and hit pirtr were then in high ipiiltt anxioulr wilting the cprnlng of lit nt i(;ation. in orJrr tr retuwe tbtir eipe dilion. The tbcrruutucieaiud only been at 47 below te ro. ,V jiPiltiatomU by hh eoTieyn:, tn it the relurntcf fur art contidered proi Uiront;hpU' he wholt of tha Indun country. Tlietrnlci.trnt it Kcd Ritr bi'iulTered, eerfJ)'Tbf.lie orerflnwiiie of tho Rier frV.K, Ihe whole country be Sag comnleitlr inunda- icoianu iuc ouuuingt cirncn away the ball entered bit right tlioulder, and Kcount ahm tbc complexion ot the aiTwf aho- !U mm that RiaJrili L1! uadud aal of tbe left iboulder, wbcre It wn cut out ; conteaaUoi vrrt h iMrcct.1 ad atouM, lLal ano,iber paiea mroutc" i ntot mien. a im LaXn ui T , tbe other throuj;h hit check. ; in tbit utu- , Mpmnt9 table krt for thenv- ke atlon be wit I Acq priaooer, and coauo- w win ri. n, .f, t v.- uiu oia lutui ia. . , '. Pcrhtp no mm cur pitted llrcjughao long a life with more unblemithed cbar ViUf e. HU4 M M t&Utt; tjrtrj6. m A iV4 Halt, to IMMr f, IM araM 0l M smW k4ra M IMI Aif. arriljr.f pr.TOf n, MM II AM, NICMBTr. ARlim K. MMONTdK. Jtilll II. M1.(,t.ltU, a4tltk LUNfer, tiaMMi' VnAlnnn fur ttnr. 'pilR Vinrn Uulito rUiaii J. M WJkt cH. K. r. rm im Talk.n rf, m' ak lt " fli. TJ. riai,iMi cmimi 3iJ ar, toii r 4 Jir lurkitlm r' Udimn Lf. ( IM acm a W eahitwMi ,lt ia it-4 tf, ke. tto't mimi a .Uuui Vtt'kd flU. iwiwKi WrJaUf, ll 2k CdIXt tffitor .. kW, im tUif lti Mlt, a cmimmm lto L'Mif la im prit: t( Nfi bm Uk' 'a l)mnl, t I Iff pivf. f rf anM lO.'n la f (Mb a phrttUM. aUaiHlMiflfa,Mi hrnnMbi Mw'Immmmm, IKR RUHl.NCrr. lw4 3 kiiiit ta'raaca la Jbcnbrrt ft.'q, ' Wto' A rr 4 RJM, tto Itoal fr M ar ibm rtrrtM ln tmr kir M Ik MHitUe ulrwrfi U m' !ct R f. Is MauWnbn 2k Th'44t lk rfli fun. I. ike f(rc awMtr U H ikrv ilar aitq to'. Mai Ikree m tit 1 fire Ij my iking t Rma CtxaatT. Qf llnrtn In k ntlrrr t.r IM ti A in.) c 4 ato(Bf tval IM rrui pmofy. r. TAnifrn;i;ii, rtf. VM4t.t. ftrril a tmd, bHa-aen 3 W W f t, 4 BmIci kivltl H Minify , ap hirh lkrr t 1014 AMI r' HVi Uh-t Aaf rrw.a a'.iinf to porrktw 1 mhiTI ftim vi ricrOrflt WuvL rilj l-i rtl 14 riaa too ks pjkMv-rU"4wto 4w IMOMaltn. Toe ari)(ular Lc twiwn of lim rbai. taq. U all.Wy. K. K. CilIIII.Il. liund for fctiU. flllll! iukKtMr, kif iWmtiiikfd JL Tfvkeu un ami C(mmUtc T Ihf J l 4 Wm rnuntf, N, , on th l- wL. .k- -i.l - ""F""- "I""' frinntl Io re. la tbc M'ftai'J ai auot ai run. I I l. .1. .... k. I. A I . .1 t .1 . .. T" - 7 nr. m the HHe of l.rorf i i aaabonHil hr Iha rrvl rn.1 lr.(iiiv Ir.un Nilitliutv la U J. I 1 . . .. ' .. ' nroi Citr. Th' m ai rtiiiiMe tlnj (,-t 7nni, aiwr, prolMunl frnwi, H i keahhy aa anv uiurr MdMinn ia the cnanu of ftowan. IM Irvt conti.ut Kiti t4 Ua-I; I bout V) of r x.ft uCeuwJ clrarrtl Uiwl. imlir frvt fmrt; iHrxit (il ioti of the fl'M r'i" nrao. Tlut bml 11 aril kJaritnl ih enhur uf i-urn, WbeaU axul Coltt t nl Jim ducca ai wall aa an mtha nciKhharbnofL Iki blADlatio) U fureliftl ailb. al frxxJ itcra From J2TWa. return tuti b waaixl i aa to IhU' part of the ftwalrv. will, a nam which auka K probable, tlut Xuho Jww one JoIitoh, Ut tprinr, cf Miiili M u'!f ana, l fhflo4l Cmjrt llou, Virginit. lh oanrr M rrTiirt'l Io coma furwiH, j.rore pmpcrl;, iy clvwfr. ind like hiia ir, a A Ml- JOM.1, httf. .i.v..v. c,jg. '7. iaA :4 icier, or wit ruoro geocnUy eiteemcd kaibeMleediWtnurofib uui aroona:t)Ucrutnwncei,iajrj.,jijorll I . .MMjXtgUur: na. lie wit a man of uocommo eoua- nimily of mind, and died at a chriuim and a philovpber. - Catawba Journal. failing ipnpg coarenif nt to the tout. Ami loj apple and peach oclitnl. 1 nere u on tie prcaibek a good atill ltouae, with two nim ix trawb; al"i a fwid tmatmry daelling bouV, .UitjLmir. at i vaoM Tat tiixiiuro airoinia. It is at length in our power to furnish ar rearlera with pamcuUrt rclatire to the proRrest which hat been mule on ibe river between this town and Fayetteville We conceive it proper, bowcrer, to in troduce our ttatement by mentioning, that tbe opcratiom of the Superintendent, llinton Jarnei, Esq., and the force under nim, bate been limited to thote portions of the rtver which were pointed out bu hi, pilot, as contaioinf tbe most formidable, as well al the greatest number of obstruc liont ; and alio, that tbe operations in the district to which they were limited, were confined tq the cleanup out of Hie boat channel only, and to the tutting away of auch gowth aa hunjj over the rjver. The course of the boat channel was mar ked by Mr. John Cunningham, a Skipper, known to be well aetjuaintecJ with, the" ri eTTBcrtfaTtdMaTnicf, coloured man, who acted, at pilot on board the Steam. Boa! North Carolina, from the time that the commenced running, until she was, during the prclcm season,- laid up for repairs. The yuperintentfant .Commenced tils opcradoni about 40 miles above Wilmin. icnW-iltttKr'tiawxf June These are .s-.ltia tnennorandums . . ... . . r-t. . Keach. Tbia part t the Kirer wai very qui. ?Wtbtt" 4hltertlXarte ' and sunk. -'Worked carefully 4 mifca. Pmm tbe lower end' of Brown's Tteacb, to a little below tha Diamond Duck. Worked anghtTy .8 ihilesv" " ' "T " From the Diamond Duck to Rwsell'i Shoala, very foul. JVever vtrked bffne. Worked carefully 6 milei. Prom Kumell'i Shoals to the Little Sugar Loaf. Wrk.ed slightly 3mile. . Trom tbe Little Sugar Criarto jbeTlijr Sugar Ltjif. Worked carefully ono niilo." " Cht juartttu. Cotton, PI a SI r flour, fioe. 5 a 6. an per- fne scarce. &7t abcat, glal 2J, wkiaif-y, 45 to 55 1 twach brmncly, 60 a 70 1 ipdU do. 35 60 1 corn. Rl a 1 1 5 1 kaoon, 10 121 aalt. Turks liko!.rJaWpbnlwimolacs,40i; jattpr. CoUnty met at ir.iiawwa.lo, 10 a- llr-vofl, prime-irreew, - ii,vn.'r-.. M, 2J and 3d fjiulily, 15 a 18 t Ira, hyaon, J,81' f Ukl roo a r .. a t ii. f r i'k f""1 nr H kitcbew, and barn, and Acw Cotton.. A few bales of cottrw of , K.. .,k . (he tJw crops of rood fair quality, from A barrmin i'l bt rin in aSoe noan Jonei County, the first this sesaon, arrived ! aiona. Any peraoa mntunt to pii-rhue, itl yesterday and wm told at ! ccnti. t'MTED ITATE3 SL"!ATCR. number of. lb ciiiot'aJ; LouUi Ike court bouse, on the month, and norunstccJ, P. P. f , cut . , rvn a I . .. . fi 4V a i wi niwtu, to lauov, in n; beeswas, oO a aJ nc 3 50 to 4 per 100 lha. 1 1 imn,5) 6. pr, 100 lb. i tobacco, leaf, 4 a 5( manufactured, 5 a 30 pr. cwt Oitrrrrr. Hemarht. Corn (mora plenty ami declin mg MMbe ol tue mw crop bat come U narkul. Barbour at candidate fur the oflice of Senator of the Uoited utitt from this state, after the 4ib of MarcL neit, when Mr. Randolph's present reraj will ctpire. retertburj (t.) Fttub. The Indianapolis (focfiai.) paper of the applr to the aubvcciberoii the prcmic. IIN'UY C. KI.B.V. Kj tUI " t'Jf1 - N. n. The purebwer ran fuve the tberly of aa .a. ft ' i ra a mvwinf smii ifnin m u. n. i. .rUntalitin for 6ttt. rTHR aiiWnkf. nrr for nU hii pWudcm, I In Rowan county, lour mi In nortk.cat of Salubury, aithin liJf a mile of lonjr't Mill, and the ima diatance from the Yadkin river. It contain about I km "I he fir-t rate IamJ i it very lustily iniprovnl, and Iim on it a Rood l)weHiiig4ouac, kitchrn. bam.rtill-bouv. loom. booM. wnoke hou. and all olhir l-ccwrt out -hf I'M i there w a'' on it, an v"llcat rwl.i.1 nt alt kin.t iiflhf) ten lf n i.lil, if frlRPPtrn. flDinrn . n m I I k. IaIi.ii.mIi. fliirfi.a 1 fMHAB M tk.r"1 . I ... J nwnw.oiwi ,ia. a. ...umu..!. ,.uvi...,, k-j.. w, uw fnirt. 1h fnnt al.mr from thu orchard, ha, in Cotton, 8. ItUiKl, itajrH-d do. 10 a 13 1 3'" UH. aaya - team irons weraaii, teuon, aokl for upwaicl or glUi there Maine and Suntee, IT a 120 cta. abort ataple, 8 information, that Thonssll. Blake, ( vice !i alio on the pbee, a Rood proportion of mead- a iutentt v luiKey, W a as cents i iIaonn.r Hi Hams 10a II ; Urd, 91 a 101 1 Hjunnnr. Dun dre and Inverness, (42 inch,) SI a 23 1 Coffee, Prima I :n IT IH Inf In nnnrl II I. 1 Georgia Bank Billi. 1 to 11 percent, dicount. counties, the majority of femiUi ot er 1 est he VTtmf, Noath Carolint Do. 4 to 5 per cent, discount. ss 1417. The Ohio State Journal says,' .Vrw. 5, 182S, aa 4 r . a a - ir. smith is a supporter oi mo Aaroio istraiion AT large and cnrtirriicr.t TWrU inf-lliHiar, with hrr f t rljmii. present "ffTiCJ ly cipi. y hn KuHon, situated ia s plravinl ai nf th? om M NaiiWiury. ili.a piopet ill rc iJih ,i wry low, and the piymrnU mtulo arxmi.moi!. linij. lor term, ipp')', i my aWncr, to Juniil 8 nerd, or t'hvlei rlii'. jAMr.x iii ir.. Sahlhiry, J,'. iVfi. .Vntcc. TUT, ropirtnr rl.ij m 'ie M-ixM'iU ai t Conclih!, r'jbamif cuirtv, wUi;tlie firm of .lf'A U , i'l lr .'i i.lif, aluwl tha 7lh day f Orlnber -rit, by inuiiwl ronrnt. All rtertorw in.Trh'td to aid firm." ar reqKted to lei tie ind cloa their arcounV aa aiMin aa poaublc, a ub William llroan, i CoiKord, hy note or nthrrwivi and tb'e lu inr claims, tie requeued io prractit tlicm. joiiw Mrr.pur, 12t12 WII.IJAM ltUOVVN. rnrrd. Caarrui ivntw, July 24, tWrat-We have reduced our nuatations of I'piiiiuli to 8 a 10 cents i willun Ibis ranire one or two aalt- bve been effected in the course ot tne week: Din tnc rerem auvices irom F.nland have greatly impaired the confidence which previously existed in tbe article. THE S'EJT CttURCH Hf JLtLISBURT. Tbe corner-atone of the First Presbyterian Church in this place, was laid on Wednesday, the 30th ult. The solemnities of the oocanoa were introduced by singing an appropriate Psalm i an address was delivered by Doct. Freeman i after which, another appropriate Psalm was eunar i He then addressed the throne of Grace, and the exercises were concluded by linrinr, and the Apostolic benediction. Tbe occasion was solemn and .impressive i and the SKembty reaiicotabla anrl auemtve. The eJl fice,40 feet by iQ,ia so ha of brick, and to be executed In ntat andbsndsornestj le of archb tccture. t fcqjuicsiCT. "Stpt.-S, 1826. V" Tlie uri dcrilWecV i(h' no ordlnafr deree 6T senwbthty, tskes this otethod of expreasiaaT to tbe LADIES of Saliibury, the grateful sense he bai of their kindness, ia constituting him a life mem ber of the American Bible Society. He fervent ry-prayr that they may find tbeirrich reward in the blessings of that Gospel, which, wherever it is propagated, hi- the effect, of exhibiting to view Female excellence, and of securing Female rights. rONArTISEEEMAN. Salitbitrg, Avg. 20, 1826. Owen,) Jonathan Jenninrs, and Oliver1 - ibeneame-joi mr pianutiontome Kn H. Smith, (vice Test,) haie bean elected !of ''IaI . n , t J a: t market, at sll aeaons of the year. Persons dis. to Congresa 'from Iff"- In - nmt 0 plfcUiti yt invnct to csll and w .a!A Ik. aM.a,Il. f Savaiflk ksi 1 -.-S i. .' a w. a aa ass a-a ADAM MILLER. 3(lf9 Iiant for Sale. IOFFF.n for sale a valuable tract if LAXI), rontaining shout right huntlrrd arret, lying on Cedar Creek, in the Forka ol tbe 1 1'ilin, (Hnwan county) which formerly belonged to John A. and (ieonr ChsfTin. It iJjoms the Imida of Mewn. Diiniukra and Brock, and others, and has on it an excellent Mill Seat. Il will be divided to suit purchasers i aud is sua cefitable of an advantageous division. If not sold at private sale before the 3th of October, it will be exposed to public, sale on that day, at Mockwille. rlNURJNtx UALunrxu Sept. 5tlh 1826, 3t30 laesi ras wiw-vaaa rrixiiaA, vva. 23. SPLENDID MARK1AGC CONTRACT. It was matter of considerable surp ise that President Bolivar remained so bnp at Lima, after the object of hit patdotic visit was accomplished ; but it now,if we may-credit eeeport inofveof tbe Wrftinn paper, happily explained. The alustri out Liberator was detained by thi silken cords of love, and actually eftinbyed in exchanging vows of endearing flection, r ! ... .J.L. ano joriHing a roarnage coroiam wun nnn of our republican bettttlt from Con necticut. Letters from Larsa state that the deliverer of Souih ,Aw rti hat enters. ed infotv marriaire -con trad -wilb Mii Aucusta Hart, of Siybropk,Cipiuiaisiei. of the lady of Cornmodorliull, and sister ofthe lady of the HwHiHatrT len, our Minister to Chill.' - Mist' Hart is one of seven sisters, all beautiful arid accomplished. If this .be tfue, It li the greatest match (as they ity In Connecti cut) erer known in this or that country. W e hope bis Excellency will come to the United btatea and consummate the con-moA cheerfully reciprocate, when opportunity tract by marriape at Saybrook.in the Laws. nelson ilouhnoY. good old Republican way. C?TTtATF.D from' the subacriber, about tbe kj 20th Aprl last, a imall yellnworrer Jlfar, 5 years old last spring, about 14 j hands high, no isihi marta reoo lectea. nor anv rninr awiv lrtrewarram ber right 4bigh,' occaioneA by tbe chaffing ol tbe traces while working in the gin. Haul am mat warhwight of iin ttpburitry - waneMy v.-i i.f... .i An,nn roiintv. but neither tha rentleroan's name, or place of reilde nee, is recollected by Mr. 1'arsons. All penow, 1ray mastcrs, rangers, and others, who may, i"o ' . . u " ... Mn.,iiril to write me. directed to Morven pct-onlee, Anson cmuity, N. C. Should any person be kind enougn woo , . :ti ,.v. .. . la.'intr fvor. which I should TIIF.4frr(fiArr tfirtnrr'Jfi beretoforr n itinr in W'dke-boto, N. C. undrr the firm of S. F. J'attrrtnt it IV. ii tliii day diaatilved by mutual conatnt. All penoni indebted to the isid concern, are particularly reque-ted to Setilo their account! with S. F. Patteiim, a pecdiV as poaNble, as H Is nereaary the buiineis of the brm shoobl be closed. And all penoni hoMinf; claims sgainst the .concern, will plrua present them to him for payment. 6lSl S. P. PATTKUSON. WM. P. WAITt.il, Ju?t. IPiA. 1826. JOHV FIM.F.V. Stttmbtri,U-- X0T1CE, THAT on Tueiday, tbe 19th d;y of Septem ber, tt MoUTit MtKime, IrnVIl county, (late re-idence of Jamca II. Houston, dee'd.) there will be offered for mle, all the S'VCk'ef GOOt)S belonging o aniI dee'd consisting of Jtrr tint, Hurihntre. ( uilrry, nnd tjroeerm t ' one Cotton Gin and I'reii; one Wagon and GeerTlfoirerand CiTnevftrmnttwrs, nr. besides various other articlei riot herein nien tlOned. Sale will continue from day to day . f if thoiitfhl proper by the executor) till all ttsa Goods, be deposed f Twelve vnorrths ered't will be given, aud bond and approved security required. WILLIAM L. DAVIDSON. 3t28- . SLvecnw. Jtuv. 19th. 1825. : .... . , . :;r;:r..UUtw.f;,; T lAi? OJieer. rojainof d?hjr . Qsnpif in Caiarrul Beriment A". C. MUna : YOU ato btreby commanded I o ultc-ml ut . " Conwrd, ontbe th oir Octolier twkt, with the eompstitrt Under VoUV COmrnanl, to tois viewed by the Colonel Corhmandant. You will appear at the hoorof 8 A.M. to form line, ami march at 10, to be reviewed at .12. The oflicisri will pleSse to alteiu! on tbe 5lb, with sidoitrms, in order to be drilled, and -te ceive special instructioni. By order ot the ' Mmai. BENJ. PLUKKETT. . -JtBfttUM. S8-r: