r r 4' ' t 1 ' ' wwiywws.:.;.. I hi ii 1 1 i I ii i j . w i n ill i Hf., it rutin irrA HALlBIiUJlY, N. CTUKSDAY, HJUTICBIIIKU 9t i8,0. 4. TV Vfww fiit riftMt are, $3 J.i.-. -., ( ( tp H IU -Hwa tf t ri.j an vTtt AlrM-MtS t,1 U a rt4 at Jiy t-- ff WJ- Ma fu t ftrtl tW1- "d t VfJ f ft (uf - .-(- . I VM-fl !.-4 ir r'Trn wa v S t. id -t N I' ;4 ki iLtuMviif tr inn "" Blftie or .VuriU-CttroUinu A "' a .--e, a at IV MJ .$ atfrwaer a... f 1&OC0 I0.0UO 1 : VM 1JXQ w um 40 14 4OU0 410 ' 30 tWJ 19 10.0W 74 I 9.000 friii, tJf Tklm H9.4 119.4J0 eMnpbi'4 Ia H iWiitSif. 4H k m - Tiifc LAir JiKuVyrsULKtr o. .the TW4Uf,. ro0tkii7.. w rkd.y, ... WO fcuh !.. 5, .AnaaUi W.. -. - KifiUiiUjr, 300 Kh 1 AX) Ewifc djr, 1,000 Tlft Avf, 1,000 Tkini'h iUj-, 1,000 rmiitccolli Uy, 1)00 rftmih 1500 Biiiremh dif. . . . . J,A Smrtfm chr, 10,000 brtitMntli (Uf, aojooo TIm real uf Ut Pritc flMttur m the kcf I - frWt pTbW the Atvacr T the lUrk of Cap rt w H.lWKirwftv, p. uur j un tRer Ine cwnnlctKm of the drtwinr, tuDirct to ieoan of 6AeM per Mat AH pru . Ml drtUlkl Ub twl mim from IU ' eomplctio of lb Jrin, will be mmdetti H lurffrted t u of U Lottery. . J. WEBB, CmmitmnT, Tbe tttcntlon of the North (UroUna pubfic. it rwecUully mnted to tke fotrromr kmim Tm UMtltU purpoM coMtrpLted ill, it it LofMiIrcur to it lUm mXoi iUcmc vtio trt friendly 1 the int ret of Etemttirr'aitiT trienee, tnd the mom aloite of tbe f tnt'erota bo nu - ermarared to Kt II CCmm 'oiter In the rran. irrrticnt of tte Lottrn.a tuflkw-nt pledrc fthe Uimen HJi wKKh It iff fc-r ccfWtcd. A. 1). WUnPHCY. (J Titkiti in thit Lotiort fjr nle tt the fifHce nf the Wettrni CimKn'mi, nd by Mr. Charki Pt-her. and oibers Salhtim 21 trACaflM. '..Ai.rrM rMnjf GOLKT of PlfM and Qjurtcr 9-tMon, July term, 182fl. DaiJ Mork . A 1 horn?, ton ; Original attachmr nt. It vied on Tin Yard, lie It appcai-inr to the tatitfaction of the Court, that the defendant in thi Ate it not an iuhabitast of thit Mate Ordrmt, there re, that publication be made ti weeka in th- MVttera C ortawan, notifyini; said dcfc-nJant that unlet he appear at our next court of pleat and quarter enionf, held for aaid county at the court -lioute in Concord, on the third Monday in October wxt,1heii and there replevy, plead or demur, otherwiae judgment will be taken by default, and execution awarded accordingly. DAN'L. COLEMAN, Cl'k. Price d. g?. V 6t2H State Xrth CarUtui, Cubamu ctuny . COURT of Pleaa and Quarter BeMioni, July term, 1825. . Paid Barrinpr t. Au Thompaon : Orijjvl attachmeut, levied on Tan Yard, &c It appearing to the tatiafaction of the Court, that the defendant in thit cite ia not an nthahitant of thitatate i GnUred, therefore, that pubficatlon he made.aix weeka in the H'titern Carilinian, notifying laid defendant that unleat he appear at our next court of pleaa and quarter atationa, held for aaid county at the courtJiouae in Concorji, on the third Monday in October next, then'and there replevy, plead or demur, otherwise Judgment will 'be taken by default, wd exccutionwarded accordingly. DAN'I COLEMAN, ClTc. .JoajQUudalUchment, fevied on.,TnJ(rd, he. It appearing .to lhe,Jtiitfctiotj tuf the Court, Uat the defendant in thii caae not an inhabitant of this itate i Ord therefore, that publication be made x weeks in the WVtieni Cofclininn. nhtifVinv alid defendahtthlt OftleM Re "appear at our next court of pleai and quar ter aeniona, held for aaid county at the court house In Concord, on the third Monday in Octo ber next, then and there ntrf , plead or . de "tnnriTHberwjied uuit, and execution awarded accoraingiy. ' DAN'L. COLEMAN, Cl'k. Price adv. j52. . 6tf8 ftOUanF oT.I'Ieii ind, Quart SewM July 1 tn. l5fi flmara Urv t. At Thomp- , furr, .s-vumcikollvj. riu niMtiM wtitk ' la the tirff fft t it r irn, wwi Mm4 i uar ar ih pn f iki L'cloo. .Th Ff 4 AamIcmi combined kt. Ul N important tut miKk tcu!(td yri tw Ft4t T 1 M AOtritiftti Trt4on t4 eui to Uct ibt iuftt ua4a VuUtti u lYajMi i a4 IM upper parti of 9. CtftJLna tod CtortU ' w im mmmmU f tk tftmr. It U t4 tilt dark Mriwd thai or uU cofamaaeta. One tveniar Ia tht noeik of Jm, V vary thin ae4 19 imlJe, tot le II Uenpt of thv Anterkant l pla Ibilr liberty. man wtt Mm mine 04 tk ra4 leading ft in PetUVqry to CfcirkHtf tbot fivt mile i aooik of ike former pUe. U hi perv k ii Urre and well (of mid 1 be roeartd to U alotil iwtetr vo oe thrtt ff in o!4 1 hli in cootlf 4 of bl coat, Ike brtaat and tall illr.iJ whk rejlow ctilmiri 00 whlck pitted but toe 1 i re ikkkly Ml Ma mail loHi tro bJm t4 yallo eiajtrt, iaJ bl txxxt fair lopped 1 bit kat fti ooe of iki: a tod kil irt ceoimooly dtftominaicd 74, and vbkK virt wom by tbe tVe r 1 of (bit period t the ipaulettea that bung oa kit 1 Wilde ra, the piuoia ikat win a Ml Wrt-..mi ml nli.i-....J (bit ilane led by 1Ti tide, all deaoftd kirn to be an officer of aapcrtor rink. II followed Ike roid ttttrll be came to lb rttidcota of Central Matthew Locke, wralihy cltiwo of Rowan and a dniin ruiabed oerttxen wf the revolution - Thit rentleman licd about ail milca from UUiburit where; Doct. Scott bow rttidea t wii after lark, and tbe family bad col ccted round ibe fireUdc, when the bark inr of the doct ermmnccd tbe eppproack cf t rr nrrr to TtK hOTw h wn tmt 1 hyt tjme on'il he rnterf d the houae. and wii lr m'dijiely rtcopnitcd 11 Mtjor tine Gen. W. R Davtc At mlebt be ipextcd, Ike 6ru cnqiiry wit concern nv ibe newt cf the war end hie prcteni bvunctti in order to make ibia known, 1 m uudcr the nccctaity of retrorading little in ror tile. Uavte finiihed bit edocalion at Naauu-Ilall, in the year 1776 1 returned to tbe South, and au tbe Skrra atattona being filled, he cent' mewled tbe atwdy of lav at e.tl.Uirr NortxtnT e&nientetf In thit iltuitlon while hit country lo need of bit icr- rkeli be by eoroe meini raited a company of rolunteen and haatcced to bouia-varo- Ima. n hit bravery and prudence, be obtained the notice of Lincoln, and vaa iDDointed Major by that . officer. JI filled tbia appointment at the battle of Stow, when in the brave but utelen at tempt of hie cavalry to brtik the Uoea of . - , X t.lL tbe enemy, ne receivea a wouna wnicn Confined bint Cur . Ere tnoniba. - Soon -ai be wae able, rtotwhhttaoding tbe dit couragingprotpect of retelling the South cnt part of the Union, be mad appHca Hon to and received peratstion from the government of Norlb Carohna, to raite a regimen t contiiting of two troopa of cavalry and one of mounted riBrmen. Knowing tbe dittinguithed patriotism of the citixem of .Mecklenburg, labarrut ind Rowan, he determined to mike thete councict the theatre of hit recruiting ex pedition. Vhile io Salisbury, altho very young, be had, by the luavity of hit roan nera and bit determined patriotiiro, at tracted ;he attention and obtained the friendship of many familiea in the sur rounding country ; among them watGen. Locke. Davie bad contracted an intimate friendship with his oo George. Younf Locke wat a mm of fine peraohat Ippear ance and rematkable for hit activity and bodily-atrenglh. He had not received ao liberal an education at Davie, yet by hit oatuxal strength of mind, and bis peculiar j aweetneaa of disposition, he had ao im proved tbe education he did receive, that be might be called an accomplished, in telligent vouhe man. These qualities Bungkd-siitLJL aimilaritfiiiLjMlin tweeo him and Uavle, in regard to tneir love of countrr, had linked these young men together in the atrongeit tiea of friendship. A few months beiore tne ar rival of Davie, Locke had married die tinguahed young lady of hia county, but had , not yet left hia father's residence. It was for the purpose of engaging ine servicem of his yon friend," imkt:4)tl-, a t said before, viutcd tbo residence of Lock's " fatheThemeenTf;'---oT the OUnjJ Mnenas was rouiuaiiyj-yiyi , Lockei io find that Davie had fecovipred from his wound vnA Davie, that he wai once tnore'in the country of hi friends. Pavie, while he eloquently relatid. the exploit of hia former .ampaign while he displayed, in glowing coloura, and re counted the many advantage that would fgrnrjn America, if the present struggle succeeded, had gradually communicated to the bosom of his friend, the feeling that actuated hii own 1 to that when Davie fired Urn iWarc'faaVUeMAf. NrU U kit we t,W, okUkj aWa4u U lie tu'rtr mt&Mf k tltklf iMweUM(ovpayM,tlertrtfd tome kwkdred dffrVM weviada, i(laewMa4. TMUrf tink kk aaJmaOoaH Till ard kku, iot( Tk m... ilMj tdata U aaat aL.w.fJ. irJI k. njJ,i u .t duh aKaU antke Ini leaf Ike affwrt'i ttiuil IU llipeftoW eU iif lowa.ry U Hiul3td. VU aala4 al Ike f W f4ly (KiMr'ta. -.n-,, M i-w . .-.si m a4 kb4l I Hw fttet.- TM WW 7 nprrr rriwiiw il detemUkd I kat Vavie tW4 re rwcrwi rfv i M l ZH llaaAl frWwdi a i ke ewid altci, wtt te repair la ChirUu b let days, where Pavie e prowteee im cwm7 wrwptwota. Tkeae cowtltud of lirte iwrd, g plr oi porte oiwoii im rvae i i tae pwr- ckaafrf tkeae Davie hsUd to jive apeot Ik fiat of ike fortene Uft in by kit unia- Alike irpolntid lime, the ton net CkarWie and brocaeded to iW tutk. To follow their maev caiirtn-etlt moull eicecd tke Dealt I hiv oriacrlUt 1 ,uf. Ice it to ay, that wklU tk BHtJ ovrrw W - in ike rtvoluiloft rw cam a 1 moat mrw CXkir Ofpriit, the rorpiof DiUiloeranInd .niaigred. To Ik be ava aod cio'iogi Davie. aJed b'v in t'juaUy brve but anore imaiuout ' Lorke, n diTjrully appeared loo treat lo be overcome, no cinger loo peraoot to " Lm attimnredi and in truth, tkm ArUnrm of North Caroline appeared. pod tlea wtt ILia artajl come - ham m . &m . a . . .MftrA fiom Oero m to Waxhawt Dttlanow kJned br I tl aiftafnra nnf flnr ril Jarnlf0.r not k of Mr. Kaodulpka Uttrr in Graham ol lintoln. w.i:opelled to UW bwek nearer C.WIotei Crnwe!1s atlll pwraordf and oo the ntbtof tbe Stptcmtxti lb cor pi of Dana arrive CbarkMte about midnight Leartungf hi. scoute that Comwilia WH SUU ed - .MJ ail rr,'. .arte next t. D.kla H.i.im ul In the wordaoll day, Uavle determined. In lb h l - Lr w rv. Wm . apecmrn - T ' .71. " T...1 ,.. k .w .L Ti 11 ,1.. rroeain. bouiet, the two principal a e-icroaa ng rK aiK-p it i r.,ri.lkj. Mck .. r l n.-u ,k h-ira lo be lied at eome di-iwe in the rear, nitc.d ki. met behind a .all of slot b . .... td Karcely arranged ibern, -be. Ttrlt- neiy lit deJtoc. Thai ..Id- tended to be made, balled at ibt lower end of town and roVd ((vret Into mMiMinittii. ifirtti.atih i 1 k. nf the street t In thit order thet advanced araintt the email but determined cornel that wer behind tbt wall. The cavalry charred with eoroe violence on. the Americans, bul wart repulsed with coo aidcrable kn. Tbey aiin formed tnd advanced to the charge, but were again driven beck with equal lost Then Corn- wallis riding up, reminded them of their hit reiuul to do wbicn tad oecnme mat former fame and told ihcm. ho hoped iter of public conversation on board Ibt thev would not let k be tarnished now bi so small t force. The cavalry now charged with renewed vigor, but were atrain driven back by the steady and ate cenful fire of American rifle. 1 But the main body of the enemy now coming op, forced Davie'a corpe lo retreat andmouol their hortea. The eavalrv of the enemv pursued but from the inferiority of their horact, were unable to keep up, and did not advance fast, for fear it was 1 plan laid lo draw them loto irr'anibuararkr. Soon as the Americans were at a suflkient diatance, they halted, and loading their riflea, would wait until the enemy came Up tney wouia men nrc, wntw au ,1 . 1 C . L 1 I run again, until they, were iar eoougn ahead to halt. They continued this ir regular kind of battle for about four milea. the enemv still purtuingj wheji Locke, who had fougt.t that day-with more thin his usual bravery, actuated nerhapa by hia beloved wife, and knowing the destruction that would attend the ad vance of tbe enemy, he trusted to the fleetnets of his none, and remained sorre distance behind hia companions, to give them what be called 44 a ture aAof but to him fatal trust, for his horse acciden !UvjiumbLn in the rear of his corps, threw him and Th Mienit was so made his escape, l he enemy was ao cloae tn his rear as to render an escape irapotsible ; tnd to eipect quarter from an enemy, by whom he' had been dis tinguished lor his opposition to tht crown and hli bravery in defending tbe Ameri- .tVctas-pi " irtSf obabir;: Or; prto disdained ta turrender Wmteif a priaon ert but foe what will the aua;U Ueietr fhlhed TO Kelt his ttfe ts dear at possible) and three of tne from dragoon paid the forfeif ibut tt length, overcome by num ber, he was killed, and the British as if determined, to make hjs dead body p7 for-the many soldiers they had -that day lost, literally cut him to piece j and con ceiving his death a auflicient booty, did -v-. t .vi 11 tt ihaH nurauit any farther. 7dgethe feelings oT fits companions in arms, and of his sincere friend Davie, when they peturned and found him wcl- l-US. WVIIllllWW 1 a I soldier wai ut ihu da mt auk ura. Ikir tiUfiify fcU4 en ibf Wood hit It Uree kuli U Ml kal( and I and alok.f ,r,. f tkelr ktvf, anj tejw.t aJwa k44 tkat k sU h h Met Uulraft!iiau4Cui4waUiwaeiaJi,Ua4w font irr fef M hm m wf kla contwbjM lW LCI a - - -- -t . . , m wr, iita, ceuMwUf efeiat tkt rfldotl of Jff. ITaAJvlpk UA iwtee tk. o f ten of fctr knuA. wat uutAA ahk liku i aaaa L. .tiiiMH I Ut lUatUJ UJr.- Pita rallied wltk lie corpe tewartft! would prevewt kirn ln,m comminif g any Mibvry. and paid ike last IiUmi of re i apet 10 ail met aod r&wtyr M I Cae t ef frcedoo. tan perttM4 yoajag ma who, bad U lrd,wold kaveUeuan Imbaetant InatmrMM U wbttlnliig kit couMry a aw.. . llrtaooeal an4efowM would kav a en tor M the itwird of Mi lalenti, bravery aad poiravtitm, ao well merited. I Ne montimni of rnirhle polnti ot the IpUce of kli burial-. em InKripiloo rtlitei I P' hai lung of kit dredtand Mi w,y hit humble tepuU bra U patted by I om of kit companion! h arm, and -a aropt to crop a tear ovrr tke grare I n irtcoa, mai we ciacover IM ijm i . . ...ar aa ...... a a i vnr rttii a youi.iuj oero 01 toe rvvewe I li'X- S. ,.." war .- i tw raa ara at vaa rttt aatrra. ' watt ce. loc fnf anivtl, relation lo my treatment of kirn durio y "tt patuge irom iota pon w tr lT r-r IwerpwtiBg a aux. .or. r-v beball, unill 1 C-W IPak Iof mytjr. t J I., .t . nn, n f I nit, I ik- nn- hi -j i"r . f- . . , . -7--"-- h , Uen eminrd lirelv becaute I thotitbl ibe character of Mr- Hmdolph to U known f P MDro-giwui m-..j, r' not necctury. At h nat uccu auKice.u . . o me tbat tnere are many very a.r P'0". "ho- kool?k.' one ',de, of A.L' S. f " IE k 1 in m uivauiani-kii - ""- .-t r'.ida tlai.y told, I am there for. ftd, very much aga.ntt "7 " tnd Inclination, to place mytclf before the bublic, bv ibowrogr In telf deftner, tht conduct of Mr. Handtlph on board my ahip. No aouner had we. gained the deck-of I the ship at Mewcaitle, ihan Mr. Kan dolpb'a irritable ditouaiiion began to ahow itself, in consequence of hia overhearing one pittenger ask ano her whether Mr. Randolph had p-il hit turtra boat fare, 1 .team-beat, for thia he awore he would not do, by reason, as ne ancugcn, 01 havWJ" been taken" -to ton cuy agamit Ikit will, and that therefor they were boand 10 return him free of expense j and to prevent difficulty or detention one of the passengers actually paui jut. nan- dolDh'a DiMge w Newcastle. 11 is proper for me lo state here, that the ttoriei about the dog and the duel, circu lated in this city after our departure, were not exactly rorrettl although itia true that in the afT-ir of the dop, between my- self and a steerage pittenger, Mr. Kan- Idolph very pan icuuny t. p-u.-. quested 01 mo j-i - animal, and I consented ; and at it re garda the duel, Mr. Randolph did diiplay hii pi-tots on deck, but for what object I cannot taj unless for the purpose of intimidation. On getting to sea, Mr. Randolph's querulous dissition roani fetted itself in such a variety or ways as to defy description. It mainly consisted in contradiction, severity of remark, pro fanity, vulgarity, and even obscenity ; in deed, as regards the Utter, such was his Unii-age that the two gentlemen pas- engers who had their lamiuca wnn mem table for the ladies in their own cabin, and I was obliged to assure them that 1. he did not mend his maonera he ahould have .at a.? another apartment and taoie lor nis own private use. Out of such conduct, which was either alienation of rolnd confluence of drink, grew the affair oh deck which he has ao generously requested should be taken and judged by ihelf without any irrelevant nutterTbi irrelevafat matt te'r:w"phigiu abtis- of every thing and every .body. was his custom to go upon deck, late tt night, and there interfere with the discip line of the nhipv by diverting the atten tion of officers, helmsman, and watch ; a practice .which neither ..master nor pas sengers, as far as my experience goes, will approve 1 nor, while I am governed h. me nre-ent views f duty to my Wn-lmypS!,cP8e,' ndmyaelfrwiHi I pergiit. Un tnit occasion, jiomciy requested him not to do ao, aitd was;trea aii 1 i.r. itM k. 1.,.. .i,w raw Uett ihA k.ftm.fi. . ... iU.u .t... ..m-rtnt -ft "i, 7 . ' It htrS. U h.li a.k artreaeakit aa UreaierKf 4,vlJt,kwU ke aiirmt IMlMj Uil I Ultete begot wlodawbal w.i lm tittumlatu tut k Lihaved nttt h kai ir afiarwirda. I am htfpy la ttEect tkn I am very will Una U lla oe Stale, aod wU trvat my 'euttttr ikere ' . . liud tltewhera wlik berfrct coeldthta. I kite lco loclve ttira cirri Uc oat nrrrt aeroai ike A i Untie, ltd raa Irulr Ittr iku Mr. Jokn Kindolr-. of Itoank. a . . . ' ii tkr iru oatMbcer I tier kada n jjrrtl with on buai'd my akip. I will rat rtly. add, ihtl all ike tatr t;f n ttm Ikit occa- ftioo. ticept Mr. IUdJpk, tapeetted tbeir deairt, oo our arrital at !Jtcrpl, ofMo alp a ptper dtc.arlng Ibiir laua u- I . ... .e . iiti.ii.n wiik my c-OOuci Ibrnoul. 1 1'id ikI deem It orcetury 10 p'oevw tuck tr!m xii, M fribe fat'.l r-4 .cnUiaipftl iiAie-t--e eatUu y rrMiTtrrxy or rar. rKir.r. I . iH. In.! MMa-T f hio-l r Jn.a, f Krl r'itrt m a w-rr i;fw. Trrrmaa twl tMH, a ). ai f lk rr,. . . . mmU era --U.a.ir cf rrtIl.. nUnrwa liAaWtaail of Itafav, te I li k. . 1 . . I. .L aiin.i b'i.m w"s " P" rti, w wiirwe mw teWa-ikw ,of hUmi - They are a fnoat Indutrriovt, ingt"!' out, 1 tigvioyt People, but are amorC if the moat aw. . . of any people- Vt nod them every where worhippint( I Heir ancestor's ima get, and painted rcpresentatlont of their godt, rnirning e; lit PPf to tke toult of iheir departed re'ativcM la serve as money f',r them in the other world ! At Kuitenrnrg, w actually found French ennrating of a Uttt of flnrtaparte. in ;gilt fram-r placed, ai an object of worship, over an altir-taiile, in t Cbina man'a bouse, having wax and incenso tapers burning Uforc it ! To try what value was put on this picture, we endea vored to purchase it J but the man said it could not be parted with, because they worshipped it ; but he eouM not an J would not tell ut why they worshipped the iiictur. On returninir rather eud- dcnly into tbe room, we found Ibe old mn liftincr uu hi hands in worship to " tbe picture of the 1st Et-Kmperor. It a Chines temple, w olnervid r apartftent appropilate to the worship of a long rang of Javanese idols, of nacut and atone, found by the Chinese, in vari ous parti of Java. The aculptureof many of these idoti wit excellent, hut thef wore verv ugly, ihey were placed or an elevated altar, having an immentei table placed before Ihem, with many in cense taptia. - the Cblnete, when quce lioned as 10 the reason of their worship ing these idols, said, " they were some of the coda of the country, and they thought ... . .1 It was well 10 wormnip mem. " Humanly speaking, there is not mucti ground lo hope that the Chinese will adopt the Christian religion ; but God is all sufficient. The case of the Malay ii, if possible, still more bopeleit." They ... .... ... 1 . k..a will reauiiy oitcuts tciikiuu lupi.., the? appear to be ahut up in their preju dices, and possess sovereign contempt for all other." La Croirje. We are happy o learn that Mr. Fisher, of Eto-ton, wbo la or his return from Europe, will bring wurt him several views of La Grange, tbo ?,-,,nTr s-iMfTir Ti?rrri.-Tvcuei itum or himself, and executed in Utbograpiiya from the original, by one of the first Parisian Artists. . Jiott, Cent. WAfclllMOTOit, a--. -3. We lately announced to Our readers, iih aad forebodings, the illnes of Jame ShriterpRsq- tht: Chief ot tt Brigade);, of -llngineera, tngtta W kurveyuig ma water of-"tht " Stat..otJndiaraiC .Th man of Saiurdyi: hia Death inttfficial leUer to the War 1)epartwthf; w If rWlt prace' on tht eve' ning of the Bin icsuntr no was - ju y tespectable cititct, an excelled topo grapher, ; ana of course a vamaoio pj lie officerr r:r " - ' 1 .. ' ' t The Hon. Joseph ("t a member of Con-r ess from the united District ot Union,- York, partonburgf and C better j South Caroline, hat declined being a can didate at the next election.