A I' M r i' i.l . v i , , ... 1 . f JT.11 0 lm fiM -"- At the f . V MtfflBflMI tJ r 1 ,., i ! ' " 11 '" f-Mf t l ! M.ief t-" " HlU tut J ),Ni;tj :; ! il kf hii(U 't A the iVsiwOul The l-(-!..f nUf tk r ika reM rwMtif af Ike tt8Mil of , gmt ewtbe ef the R.Wrf pttj U im tibbg geirtat 0e drt aaay pf kept r4Wt ikt hi tlesys : lfuh'td that the tpwfi c'W4 waa a deeper erptttk. a4 ... laAfttlUetivf U ' tk.raftir.lkaa Uik4 b M IVr dt0rtel t rwwfc f Ua-iav kanfttba -mo titteded Iketawlvet la tad wide 1 and we ele M tfooU Ike -ember of bftoeatW famiUet bfJvtd I 0, glitl U Icofwrtewf beyoftd whet It woetd etStreUe have W r f.nhef t&lJ fkat the eiktt ef the WMrVflfttM lCkI iMfWtrarneel CM t M Wtlty b lee -!t (Law ' taJerbstrttjtbet tberadmhsbo flat jr ftt4 lys'tra U test tolie4 to Ike wkhes tad happltset ef bullgeni M etirac e, thai, heweter wrong saiy U the (Ur Hfc wbkb despotk twer rotates "d crsoiei the enerflet ed dtslmefeae'.bfulbe love of rttfosv ll freed". Implaaud l - by Pfl abeet. !3 lloul; prove 101 Mfoef for 9 poMca! aod tnilUWl restraint. od UI nMe the "KM eatbved miUi Kur! kbit urvMiirJ? im-fimi to tomt f lK trtfl of liUnf, floqHiMnf -itrt fa h Mti mU ft bcn r4 by prop!uu UttutotcrlKo AiUniki a&4 ik w-tdt Uic bn KaUtrc4 ibrouck U U&4 from kr fUot UJ . rUt a1 kUdxri dim o&U fiMiiA Ut M dlIitWtIUftd,64pift I )w KTttftlfl! b tkitel lhfl tit, in it) tbc ktfUoM n4 pott of propf Ht;, uuJcr " ttxHk twttrml k4vm. - - T occoonlt from roUn ir of ilt I. . . .. Ik J It I I Wf II IU IMll tin not eJoowt cftrocicr. Tit cry U not M, M ll ot fo t b lime of j;rool juuifii too bop that tK fwmcmioai of ttrlumrvt (tln f InflueiKt of the (h, Cthollc or Jrinr bctf 10 ibeir HKi cm oVy, iuroft. ivrMl iW M.nkf i. Tk UUIom rM4f. tl 0 N f hf 4M, hf tbot ulMluiA lL t.tfJ Lot tjf 1..Uuji id nrnil.U llM til f M0. t twkH W hVlJ0 04 teHM Ihi btbh of 4twcik Tk romMftt KoU4 BMt lh 1 gtMf ltb I'MMH o4 4ttmbkt 4 Ut iho ! ohtrtwiw. rotUr mWcI Ut of 4Uiflt ojxoif ti m OOOOt MCt Mr tBftt !!, t4 Wl Ur fcr Meek to Hrt b hoc rtu, or U4 Uk.i ib hyoM(i 0 Mr oJJr. Th um mU hkh pott to o4kUul ctM. boW co4 b toikti 4f Of in?foc o4 u- LiuxwimUniiMIII btM UltO r. .kUk ikr U fta Mkr towdo of titikoiM, btoftf t4f mUk oU In ccMtotsy cm b uUlkhW. Mtomrt of rtffftkot 10J Koowr wsW, k prt mo4 cktftkUftC4i of Or Mtti. U to ftle.l UmU oMrsuoot . . t . (bo only rtmbbg luriT. Too muli of tM Uio tUcitoai la Ut Ub4, It rtprttra!t4 havbf Uto f fontblo lo tKo Catboitc btrrtwi iim tltvt. Wo rt bfonrwd that (bo CttV oik tltrty eier.4 tbnMlrt to- tb miokmI to touro th rttur of toch ruprttrfiuuf (I vooia jtrt t&cts votti b (tttmt of tauatipoiloa, im tht tbtir torctt vit bctorMl th!f boMti ot. b tome btunccti lhy vtro 00 powerful li b ovontre tho biSMBto of tnmt cf tho tnott tncbnl tn4 oritiocniic fai- bet la Ireland. Thit looht weft, and Uvtti iwiMU Ikf H H txwKA. it U ffctt mmAir.Um It tMflU t 14 l Un tlMt) It f4 Mn-f' f f f meoiba ( k aCifJia4 tVef ajo U U 0 U'h M the ahorf from oakh I tot M4 4Mt fw tale HioM0ttt eiba Ca Crt UU U tko l(hu tilave4 a ku tM na urn af J 1 ' ' a J lie ei4 -U'y, I tiiiMi.i iketita, to b t 'U U kl J"Mi to lf , tko t J a tM li'M tf lift iriUt of tbt Mr ' MmJi o4rk M to 14 Mf:4 tWto lftSo ike ajk l-a.ekl tkl ii tu ficu 14 t'bw t rr Wm ! of helf, kUh pWKl am.ettl4eb. VMh iketo MOlal1a. .file I eetaUereJ a4e at lU Itofl 0 Ike t'tioa. It W kuke4 M4 fce tke eavr 0MOt U to U neieet oeJy, 4 foal A feifW-al He,e- aAJU CTk I m r'W'W IWal 04 CMaOjaaij fte!4 a4 M Hp It 104 Mf ry peuWt 0 meo, U m err M yitfa- lioo U1 atah k 4eet4r a4 deeper. I tar wih tODKk-Mrt troth, ikat there .B.a--.a- a l o4 a o earia ow tacrt (ko iaf) thaa I ooU to MLeti m fftMi tkl heatf reproach la at Jrerraf elie Tho leaaba of that hb4 of MrTl fc 00 h la fcie4, U h Utile, tkkh 9t4 ewe root too tecon4 thoothllf.W thai tf,i MMral tmaa cipoik f4 itftr4 cWJ ho e(Te t4i tod trt4e!If a4 kk4M tKil ceo. I Ihioh fa aoieht be. UsA oa It la. e ho tho volf hy the ae aa4 e caa Oeiifcr hoU hlea, aof aafelf let hl o. Joadf It la oeo Kale ot wtf ortaer?o ik b Ike other. Of oo thbf ! in eortall that, it tho peg of tUvet frota dm Siatt to another, ooubU not aula o tlao of a abtte hnmaa Ubr ka muU bo m nol k. 00 their All tveotff Ihooaond aaca 1 t4 it at ob hnitm awn mut ootfaee awli amahoUoee4 thai ikU iheoou.be aho ahkl tkana iafliiaallr Itttkr tod croDOftlo oat tkubtkn tS'rcied to -!o 0 isore Ira- crova, and the corrupt lout of Parliament 1 It la m bordrned oiih a Uogucge bkh refer to deeper and cker bureau and teelloft It H ere lor bread it it the thrkk of the houvkii and turrbg mtnufxlorer C the diatracied root her for Her Mmine. child of the neo made rpha to aattab the 6utterioc and flit Uae; principle or life t tr It the cry of the father made deiperateby the comietnpla. lbs ef the haggard looke, nd the toood ' f th tgonlxlnf thriekt of thoto ho look to bin for food. To reaton with aach pertoot. b tuch 4 critit It to mock their caUmliif 1 1 the cry it for bread brtatl only ilt be a tatitfactory reply. If neither charily from bditidualt, nor th policf of the gwemment will topplf bread, twining remaina for tho ditlreaecd Bd detolate, bat toeitnrtitt and what : hvin in tribunal of iuatkc will condemn him who It driten by the thriekt of hit perlthbg famiTy to obtain relief by eneant hlch the la wi of aoctcty hire denounced ! What punishment which human lawt may it Oift can eicetd that of beholding tur an who conttituto tbo tiet wbtcb bind nun to eiiuence, vainly imploring for mortelef foodf When tbingt approach to thla perfection f misery, tocial obiiga tiont lote their influence on mankind, and instinct supersede! the rub of reason It It acknowledged that tbo wretchedness of tho people it beyond the reach of tn dividual subscription to relieve it, and that tho government it about to devise tome mode of eeneral and permanent re lief. Tho relief, to be efficient, mutt be prompt. Tbo English turaroer tp roachei itt dose t h is by no meant rare or tnowlo fall in tho month of October ; at all events, the frosty tod raw coldness of that month rendert it oeceseery that thoto who may nave gone barefoot through the tummer montha, and been warmed by the jun-beami, should provide raiment and. fuel.' The want! of the poor, the refooe, may be regarded at on 4 heHncreaserwbile-t he-meana-to-tupply them -are daily becoming lest. The heir close, and the hateful Uw will be abroga ted, whkh imposes a penalty oa men for daring to worship God according to their oon creed- The rtirt of dark b'ole 1 kef lodWUaallr larpkr tad pro port loo their emancipiioo, he ditkUnar the bur- dea oa a grcatr bomber of caodjuturt, Aa abstinence U frota this act of power, ould remote! ike (cilom airiid h the ondertakinl of Con press to rtgobie tk eondltba d the ttlferrnt-dearrip tbat of met omrntbr a &tat. This certainly It Ike: eUluaite right of eve ry State, which SMtbbr b the Contaita- ttoe hat takjt front them and glvca to the rtrsl rvterament. CyolJ Coo grree for nirnpte.'uy that the non free ten cf Coflrxctkut thatl be frcemro, of that they shall not emigrate lo an other Stale I I regret tlt 1 am now to die in the belief that the oelett trilre of them selves by the reneraliomof 7ft, lo ac quire self government and happiness lo aI e a a ineir country, it 10 bo imown away ov fUa tio aftee lU aWUroib of U L4MI tM0 ttoi,w a a erskw with aoeao taaehbert of (grae. The pvt4iu. t. AdtBst toted Ebt -U waa heeivtf fanVtlU fht ifS'tSf Ctt, aad M (Mr. ,i) wti hiattelf choaet e of Ike f oeaaaiiiee hit brdahla. Vt. t rtehlb 4 Mr. Kai ledge etre the toe ohr coeaikUbeera. The thoke ef tech tUratiift bdkaied ptalaly eojh that the Amerkaat were mA lutKiui m tlfo oa aay pert f 't ataeaiUi ckJaI of atWeoendeaco. Hit loedskla laaaaedlauly keat M a hoot.ge ane of hit prbelpol off-tart. Wet the Urea Com tbUtboert wtre teaerves eeth to kebf hiaa hark eiih them. Ud llowt katbg teeaa to the t4aC ef landing, coo Id not help tipretttaf lo iMm how pketed he wit at thlt eiireme coal deexe.tod lore ft is that he had never received ear mark of honor that had to reach graUKed him. The three com miUoert walked through aa army of ranee will, wo trust, give place too more ike onoUe and unworthy passioot of tniia tnc eoiignicnea poucy, we natural their sons, sod iui my My consolation at aaa a a eocct 01 wnicn wouiu 00 the drawing; more close the now looe boodt wbkb coooect Ireland tod England." " 'at. Jour, mr. DUBMEst: peace. Tka folloalnp artUla was taken from the Madrat Courier e lira, of March 39, 'h'mehr and of treason aK.int the it 10 01 inat 1 live not to weep over II. If ibey womM but dipKfisi(lr etlCh the bleisinr they would thro away agsintj an abstract principle more likely to Uc tflcctcd by aebet than by tclMlon, Iher would "Daate before ibev would perpetrate thlt act of luirule oo 18361 " The Treaty ef Peace, ratified by the King, and accompanied by the Eat inual ment, 31 Lacs, of the pecuniary part, of lha nrtra of it. wa ArMirrr A in our Com miuionert by. a deputation of Uinistert sentXrom, the Goldeo Court to our bead ouartert at Yeandahoo,43 milea from Ava, on the 24th of i cbruary t when royal aa lutei were fired by our forcet, and tokens of friendship eictanged between the two Powert on the occasion. hopes of the world.. To yourselLat the uitbful advocate of union, 1 tender the effcriog of my high esteem anl rrpcct 1 lilt JUlUiSVX. FuporVcribtJj question it, what remedy can be provided, if even the moil generous contributions of private feeling are of no avail? It it difficult to answer the question. Perhaps the crown lands may be thrown ioto market to raise a fund t perhaps the unclaimed dividends and other moneys In " the band of the Accountant General may . . De applied on tho pledge of the- govern ,'"Wift;5o;r4'lfethsjs loan may Mhegotw- . ted by the suniateiai and the fund, how 0 vef febt aiWf may'Weppltea iti efficient loans or donations to the manufacturers, to enable them to recall to their employ the thousands apd tent "of thousahds of artisans who are now destitute of employr mont, and consequently destitute of food. AVill even this" be a permanent relief ? Will the demapd for -British manure -lures be ever again equal to what it has Been? We would aJioost aniwcrihe MURDttt . ais .1MZRICA.V COXSVL The following letter from a rent le man to hit father m New Yotk, dated Bogota, 19th or July, givet the particular of the murder of Mr. Fudger, the American consul for the port of Santa Martha. aaaa-ewa caartae aaata. MOVTICZiLO JAM. 26, 1134. Sir : I have red with much satisfac tion the sermon of Mr. Pierpont, which you bate been so kind as to send me, and am much pleated with the spirit of bro'herly. forbearance in mattert of reli gion which it breathe and the sound dis tinction it inculcttes between the things which belong to ut to judge, and those which do not. If all christian sects would rally to the Sermon in the mount, make that tha rVntnl nolnt of union In rH " With feelinzt of the deepest regret Lion. n.i ik. .i.mn f n..in. rhrt.itan. I have to inform you of the death of our it,, (,jnce it tni u, .H the precepts of nu.u.i iricmi, . . ruagrr, a. me our duties to ono tnotber) why should American ooniul, wbo was most inhu We funh ..k. -tth th i.t of mp mr. NMr ct tar nrntia lofcet, eia not ttcile the least alteration b the coua leaaocet of thru Ihrte Ulottrsout charae lert they vslVed through the trray at if thee had beta the generals of It Alter those insinuating chUiuct of whkhitii lordship wst mastrr, he epeacd tho coovcrtatloo by ohnrvbg, that he could o4 Uw them aa comaltsbnert from roagteis, that as he wit suthorii-d to confer with snv indit Wusl of any W.flu ence ia the cobniet, on Ike mean of re rmg peart, he wat bappy to the pre sent occauun. The drkgaice replied, that as they were sent only lo hear wbal his tarrHhip had to say, he re'uht coosider Ihttn a ha pirated 1 but that, as to there ther could not look upon themselves in aoy other chartcier eicept in that wkkh they had received from congress, M Yen m an vitw mt b aav Urht toa hUamr said Mr. Adams. trrtfil im lkt e British tuhjttt." Thit to confuundrd hit lord thipj that the buMnevk could not even be entered open, and (bo three commission era returned. From Peru, wa learn authentically, that of the members elected to a Con gress, one great object of whkh waa the I'ua.tft i a 4-1 " f!y 1 k 0 l-e a. e f"e paj', It ka a ! e Ue aVr it t"lf U'mo tki If.'HtU a4 l; lAuntrt, M kUr.ag bft 4l Wvtktfaf, tiit of tki We art M ad- tti br tkis m1 tfUioM ('Mike of Mltf 44PM4i htl we aVauad to If thlt affe U rUkaiia U com mil U 4 by I febr ofWtr, mWU9 U tay M U '4 ett lk hesds of ik9 tf-!inrrestl Whal peUktM st satrded . Ptrvaas, oe lU Moa4 k eccsaary, Ceffl, f .lhWe t tkir Coat. pKiterf ewe to nt, AfUes, thM year f franuro tM avwmk tJ W ta f4 twars vf I'l W rttt ttj (fJbg to hUt ikl la Row rata la aay,, toehatfLtt tba eJi" 'tjnfir I'ni liaxtiy to what ariiikgt 4 tbaaes Ika af a it mpt be, ifom vtralhmeai Vekn. fbf prbclpb of iimptkaa ht kr bfwadly ataerted atrdkif d, talet eea m grave a trlNtaat at a court flat. 1 he Uegeage Uted vm that erred wst, that lrwe ww w aW it 4 4 tf aa e read f frrrwr wf lie aVaVa J Ot.Wae.' Te the iHsffwa of Ike rce. try, Ike tnaeytt waatt hisepIrtis, aw MX only dared to ate thlt Uaiee Ui 1, ir M fiU4t4 rrW. Im Mf.n,k be pueUhed, aa hit offrace deserves, tad let tome puaWhtneol be found edjtti la) ihtofTracctef the great, who re ahote Ike reach of the la. The secretary ef the easy hat tald, rtpeaicdly, that aav vfikcr civeraed direcily or ledirecfl. b a duel, kll be dismissed frora k aavy 1 and yet he tsktt to hit how tke tcry men who bae been the promoters. adtisert;"ltC4fWrk. th4 lerondt, b the A raemoer m lk CaUoet ckaUnt:d and Uh a ben tier last wbirr. Did ike President even censure I What would our pilgrim fore fathers have taa), if it could have Urn fort teen that a descendant holdlag ike blchest station b moral America, a christian land, should place b histliKitv confidence a duelist, and that loo kilo ha was wi'iog huRthb cffc4r for tbecfence - Ctei'e Caaxw. r.i.Lu.i cosatrji. tea of the gcnersl govrrnmrnt, annoua ring that the Congress of Panama in session. We regret lo add, thai nt miniiter, Mr. Anderson, on bit wiv tn k er, died at larthaicne 00 the 34:a u July. Unless this Congress th'Hild rpn hue something like twelve munibt hi session, the L'oited States will not be rep resented there, it we have nu account cf our other minister msking any airanft mrnl foy aattbg out on bit imfxrs ' Panamar Purrtbmrg 774i-fl. The fait tailing packet ship Cimbr't artlvedst Pbiladelpt.U, brought London papers to the 3 lib July. They conum the oflkial Report made lo the Emptier of Ha!, an ike secret societies and ! formation of a well orgsfiltrd svsiero Xi4gd conapiraciet aid to have praducad government, about 40 out of 77 or 18 1 the eipbsion which ainaliaed hi ac manly murdered in hit own bed on the Lon. Wk.i tk'.nt, nf fhrit ? nt ir night of the I3th inst. He wss stabbed Una thn..M .n...r h It . mmher of inrougn me neaii wun his own sword ; , he Godhead,' mother 'he is a bein ma inrosi cut irotn ear to ear ; and his eternal pre existence a third 'he was a "" tucu v, tutu i.viucuis. k)(icr ffl.n H n. . n.K TmiMk (k. ia . iiivij aifaikas v wa ivuiih a wataj fa VtMenfk atff asiaftlritts k I. a t- .ar'a ' r....--. .y,.v...., ,ne nertIjof trutht retormatory ol the our police it to defecuve, that I . m afraid religion of mankind in general, but that the perpetratort will escape. His more imroedute.r of thf bis own a , ,ol,ow,flK "V; and countrymen, i-npressing them with more was attended by a large concourse of citi-1 suhiim - ntltat idaaeatli if 4 Ka Slinraamaa "B"QMCni beingrietxhinghemhewtrirof-e ""b"' ii.sisiT uiuuill HIS loss, ailU re- futnra .t.t. nf r..,A. J m,n .km.nl. vr-ail ihV, lkat I... .1 I . . ' ' t 7 V j j UWWUW m awcue and inculcating the love of mankind, in unT Z I. w i J J ,te,d of th ami tocial pirit with which uovernmelnt has given orders to all I ik. J j .11 ..k..... k. .1 .. .... ... I v ; m"v. ... .,,u ...imary autocrines, 10 spare righ,, or what iaterest has either of these ..u uuiii 10 uiscovca me m.urgeres, raanmnrf.' . tvr...m;n.n. r. O T aa ai - 1 awiavwiiiivusa iv fttOii saa w" w aa aai v ia V IVI .no or. .venga, secretary ol foreign ai- hi. dogm.,and tmturping the judgement ., .. parucuiany acuvo on me occa- ,eat of Q. . ,nndemn all the others to VQIU .W.r-m -'. Ik!. k !..!..... I ... .;.k .k. "An "ouress signea oy aeverat nun- wiir hQtkrt. m-nrnm in uriaai rt . bat been banded to the government, ex- You nr, ma to consent tn ih nnh pressing their grief at te horrid a trane-j Hcation ?of iny ntiment4,;ahd suppbse they might have effected even on a Sec tarian bigotry. But have they not the action.' Aof. Journal. .. 1 i n j ' - As every fact relative to the ' survivors Gospel? If they hear not that, and the of "-the time that tried men a souls," -ia charities it teacheth, of peculiar interest at the present mo ment, it maf V well to mention, that John Jav is the only surviving members of the CoDgress pi 1774. " Atnderhook Ilcratd. neither will they be persuaded though one rose, from the dead- Such is the malignity of religious antipathies that aHhougliihe laws will nol longer permit them, with Calvin to burn those ffho are not exactly of their Creed, members, were collected together at La ma, lo the month of April. Without as sembling for the purpose of or;anixiog the ( ongrcstrthty eddreucd the Ubcrs tor Boltvtr, whh the rnost earnest tuppH- cation, to continue for another year Dic tator. The Liberator resisted the applies-J tion for a timr, but at last acceded to their retiuest, and the members of the propos ed Congress dispersed without having as sumed the exercise of the functions for which they were elected There existed a strong psrty against conferring the abso lute authority -on tbo Libcralot ; but from the occurrence above narrated, it it infer red that the party in favor of the measure waa alii tironger. Aat. Int. We understand lettert have been re ceired from Lima, which announce that President Bolivar has entered into a mar riaga convenient with Miss Hart, of 6a brook, Connecticut, sister of the lady of Commodore Hull, of the frigate United Staiet. Mist Hart accompanied her tit ter ori tho present cruise of thatjiigate. Mcr. Am. Rufianhm.Tvo persons named Sand, ford and Sutton, have advertised in an AI- bany paper, a boxing exhibition in that city. 1 he advertisement lauds the utili ty of boxing " as a defence against the at tack of the ruffian." We have teen a lit tle of the boxing tribe in other countries, and a more abominable set of ruffians does not exist. This advertisement, more over, ha a d; gusting picture of two hulf naked bruisers " in attitude, as they call it. We despise cant, but there sparring displays- ought not lo be allowed The are aure-e.yiecet of breaches of the peace and broken- heads. "Mx&xhv'tcfener if rif dffneetWn t wicrHouvJf - a f offiah' asssutts jou in the ttrceVsi knock him down with a poker or a handspike. 5 ' A'oah't Enquirers,- cession to tho throne. The consptracr la stated lo have extended throughout the empire, and to have bad in vuw t'ia estsblrthmculof a lUprtto&tatire Gov ernme'nf."" -r.- The news from the manufacturing dls: (rids of England, possess a mournful in terest. The king has given 1000 for the .re lief of the distressed in London. - h Scotland and IreUnd, the misery of ihn poor is very great, and the most serious fears sre entertained for the issue of tors accumulated -misfortunt t. Amidst other rlistresses. it is stated that there ere I2C0 printers out of em. ployment in Ixmdon alone S We sin cerely feel for our poor brethren of tho fP- Miss Patsy Morris, of Louisa county. Va. lately deceased, has liberated all her slaves about sixteen, with a request that they should be sent to Liberia. She has also left five hundred dollars lo fit (hem out, and defray the expenses ol ueir passage. The Hon. Philip P. Barbour is spoken of in Virginia to succeed Mr. Randolph irtJieJISnatetrVterrii-will expire on the 3d of March next. The change h very much te be desired mow tri wcsTiRir Tia. In the present dearth of news we must be permitted to amuse ourselves, if ft varying peculiarities of style, sentiment, 8c figure, which are brought into requisi tion by our anniversary,orators. One ol those speeches, delivered1 in Ohio on tho late occssion, furnishes the following un- . paralled pictures . " And if we may be allowed to draw a fanciful supposition. at that instant on a presentation of a copy (of the Peflanuon of IndenendenerA la Joie.hv.the . Goddess 1tLffietr thunder. Mercury J Mercury J M eHi chustorbyfm let with the cboket nectar for this dsy a nation it born The Queen of the tvcnld and the child of the skies." The New-York Commercial Adveriiser gives a rumor from Lima,. that the Con gres of Peru it about to invest General Bolivar with supreme power lo the Re public for two years..

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