(III (t KlIillU) l'tll T f ,, f. .., I I ftrnA fur tAin;t l.(t t i i i , , . ' i - (.. ,,.. 4 -i -.1 f IrrtiM-nt I'. It .1 1 IU. U it I . t ' -. it. t rf, t, m I l I l f , t- j wr, h 1. 1". I )V J1-, .,. I !; ftntig lUboiM ffth iot. K 4 U kwt, M J, t " P- JJfc4 tt H I fcafc Mil M IL K.f , tt 4.4J H. M. tu4 ttU Uu ILtv A.f. M.t,f( ftl (t. rw-jfa, t., M k 4 ImU Mf, lit u tf , m.mw. .i w ISTJST-" -- iL ....... tJk Itrttt MHI 1lW lllf. !. lit A-Tt 1 4.4. IM 4 In vkltUif, ipiilft tl ihlr n pn94 f lh rMftt AmUJn ra tion r ib uaSi4 tit. I tkt cil14Mf bci fmitl l ail pvUic MPf kf lW pfbJjrt of lk cm)i4 bimI ll lUtioff rtt4i I rfoWf ntig b It I !. IN Wrt- octblt dcM.a if poMrfiiv, In the cotr tf U( fttrf lf loo, n4 no frio; to III (tout k di mort ifctft nnt Un wf rff iflof , to fr tit (wet r Vftl!) &f ll ll.c il l i4 nct, ivt rttitnct nh,t ettlf Ibitcool fni I ivfTrtcvol ilM dit luff rtwH t4 ik cfJi4. It i ro4 tttra I , r - -- - - . . . ..... nrtcr Uco . . ' t J..4 '.J ! H. tonf IW Vfc Ww. Ai Mb l;-nl lA. immi Jhmm m dtitfta Mil tW W iMxWr ..l. Pfbiaa IM mON rit tajKMrt OMlriln. i .. , .... T r ilW tf HMM 4 tWrl 2i)tVK , t t , , g r " ' iibiwikmhmiium, ll Itfl . .A. ft.. ..It. . ...la. . l 4 if i tl kti tf mJ Aj fi. ff-f.i ...... , . i r- i 44 . t-4 LA ...L. . .4. ii... I I.. i 't 4..Vj. 4 I I W I1 II l n . W . ... ju.fk.i. J i. ..... .4 ..... . . . . . 1 -l-- MMkOtii 4u u tIM kf 4t. Ami c-Mf , 4rtu 'ittf. Mnt;tfrUf rrfnwf il icurc t f ou .l 'j: cw4ntr. im IiibU of CarJ'iOB, hoe rt'irf .n bit nfFJ."1 Thejr fr viu.!-vni tt mtTt l" hm I im H"iwTrigty it i pybii? tr ' from ifcr h.. r. - tttr. Vli Ifjiiikf, I tut, by Cwmwiuc t. T r'wr.r-i'U"1 fWiw Km bcmkmi, rfipwl. l t H- t-lj cf t aiitiMy (W- lkliy i9 Ik rf em4 IgH 4 Inrili. m ki V rlr-etrth trif. tjnr lb Anwnrifi ruj in vrn in., u ; "".lei Tkm-. c. i t ii . . fw-jr T lb r"-J. r ww w n. of iU ra? ifiw ffn.t i,i-rwii im men . t, b-rlw-r. !! i but nraorcd b ik Time ftmng UJirt bitf, for thrre or in H mrtJH twl elUnd.nr UK rlrrc 4 n.i.lifv r. i.. . .i si . ! . i 1 ' Hj m UutrS ib B.bW. of renrtw iml ,uur 'rw P'-' p"! eifll Klrrtj. CUfirri-f (hit it mat tciJ lo'" wnf orw iivj fibfirirt; !wif litk, ncr. i they btfc fx brcoftM to f iprr'in tbcif kinla I- -7.4. . .r T V ' T" W th.l the b. nf them ta herr uSmitteJ. . krvcttO 10 U.t) $ biifMr rtlpccleij t blnf of Mrvrti, it b rate wrttmn tim mho hvc tunuitrd iL to of a iuiruj icuow rriic., poniun ci thil gri eommunitfi lo whm flf.rt,.ll iba f.c ultif of m oii, art and ouh to b de- tolcJ. In th chirmin cf tbo mf flint; it it pnu.rlr gr(elul to mo to rtcop tiiie the brother of thit ittrimn rxl patriot, m lonjj in ormmrtrt of the Sco- of tb Uujiid Suiti, and he d ecK, t batc(r pcriotl u could h htpotd, tnott have beta Urn en ted jWic. oltni:f, " , ... r I prujr y oq air to make known to the Mxena of Charletion, n wbote meetinir; you preiided, tht I tim received their rtto!uiioo, ilh the crmeHJ cntiment due to the dUpeniution -f jiMicc, under clrcumaiincea which auperadd to ha in herent excellence the tnlerirtR attribute tt fjeneKwitf. A-ufeihem,1h.t 6 far reetitoflr of in'rrficmr and purliy of . purpose Cun U ptLitd," tlcotiEJcrice "which the r have tucd ahII never be' -buaed or betrayed; and ths! umVr eery ticimliade w'tich tn bef l m? idmuin- Th4 lWardtm who furtiiahed Ul llk ikm Inl.tli.,.. ..I.il.. . . , ftT Iw tbat a.rke, h- ' V ''- W-w oaMkndL forma ui W ik. .l.k k. u . ...... k., . - , I . " 1 " 4f aVpt t 1 w a-uiJrf va ro-nowTttd errofteiMi.lt aatjrd it ibbtild hate httn m IM wait fmt w tTJktxof ft . MiU4 X Ji frt 4ir.it f 2i;iV 4wb tW Bank ww rWM. Uif other lie ma ot it.icllirrKa f it torrtnl; rm twin. Im. fk, , ! abiug The report of th drathof Cen. Wade IItnplon, iacotara4tcd in ib TuA- bttia Uiiftlr, on the auihoriiv of letter fret km to geblUknaa ia CbiidelplMa, A.trirt. iiLt. I dated aome week lubMOUCOl to the dale i oe tjuwr of Uii 4-r, oa kit) (t U a til ft borUa Uc.ib. tbeqoua!iaa. iu ptil. a m iiJ frMMxi, with ihrte ikrmi f lnt Aifl-, wiftW by ibe Mftw Harris wfejr itmnty t wtitrb w Iba product of orma of the owa rrarutf the pit irrit tcatoii. The iJk m &roouMad. by tf bak. dipt anrtvUftra a M4ll WORK, rmw joiim m iur, r--. l.f4, ilia, t;. 4wut.-H Voile IM (urfwiewtioftfd amnlrt t inJ lowk vUr oft fridjj Ut4 aadbc tUufbirr ! tvMicud id At the annual urt!fi- of (he Oieen 4 firOVDf.O wiltkwrf iy 4'. my p. J pttam IU"f tuftft. wk loftd ' bt ili Cowirtr Cow! rJ aWa, I am S , U aiwv,! 30 want tiat kt4. B'Kk bur 4j i if i 4i by ft4ttNi a I."JUim i Wiif. tt trwia aJ .n bt tjia l y pm ftbo ttriwr bxa lit wr.kl bbtm. a lK lr of aIiJnirr. I bfby r"MfW 4 I MfiniM fr) UiWim, of twitiluy a4 uttmii. tr ! aftk i J iMtad to mIi an f ij.. rif tfae i B-i .tj lr eor-nor ti 1i ""fit awf b-y Iim In porW4i'ft I J'4;f tbkb bt ft kat.9kMnt iJavw to ib pfk lb4 Hn iff, but I C4I pfrtr . (ttJit 4Jii44 ll.ii b b ft .H nc , r 14 lU .!..-. b ajprtii!kiy, AlKX fl'HD A-aamW iTik. lay,. sf J utAjz t M ut jf V 1 ,il t r 5 . rTll'Kr.rf Ibr. Ittrrr, (u uU- a ih 1 r)ff,e ti tbt H"rf f lmt, Vnt'nin, g$ at-. TW !-- ( fei r in-t eft tac flrat pf if vir p'f1) a ; fo CtA, anj fc U nut M fr 1 a ir4i.ti I i 4.U en lurrr f fiMiininf I'nrra, m thai .( rn b i'rrr Dunfttf lb iwtiiir on the fir-t ib Miy bstftbrrtwert prmted,ornr prc,ai tbt 5ociety"a tfrpewitory in cw Tort, ItibWain KHi4, Biblra ia S -wJkUb, ...... Biblat in "frtftrh. New TeUmenta in Fjij;li4h. flew Tartarartita in fcfch. 4.000 a.ooa 44J50 2,000 Totil, ftl.OfJO TMitch."adilf d to llit number hrSntrd diirfn' tb nine precubiia: (bal r 451.905) make a ' bemjjantinited.thf Humbert It ii hoped, of 5j2,90J Bible, and Te-l.mcnu or parts ' '0 Pl in itf tuhng. The iMnMiirlo bamloime pof i on ihe Unt b ir CUndt t ffmalji lh,. and IngeiMiity, art ntati xn call ow the l&M. and etMiinc tbr ftt um, d btautUUI apeti mc of (Vuboa, auntUiMuF. - We hare been tjurcfn to Hate, Uat Iba Jrnod of .VuHh.TruIina owet ia thu ilcr on tlw Ul tt'filip!iy of .V.. ember nev, at Z o'clock bt the mfiinjf, a(t t.wtinue Tl acwont wmi tne nen ween. Bui r trrat imoor. were in' Bible and Teamenu C7.H4 1 bkh ..!,!..,! a. .I.. -i... vr trl O u.r : . . i inff dm.thc uco-lrcilon cf Ihcir spouu- j .,ke tbt whole amount iaaued from thedepoai tieoui tribute to tboe qu 'lines, hali tic jtwy in Stm York ainct IW commencement of recorded in tuv me mort . nmrin the moat . (be Society, 440,047. Tbeae are exc!uive of a cheering oeturience of mr lii-. j Urge amount of Uiblea and Teatamenta iaaued Aft be flfMhcd toSMCe.'t f rr wcuraelf i frm ,,h K"'"ck -3'bl Societj-. printed from ,'r , . . i- i . . f the talp of tbt American Bible Society i and V rel o,"v ivrv' Ain 1 01 whkh Ue r"1 b' nn,y tvlI.C ALAjIi. socidk-a, from other quarters. Ihirinr the of ilia Uttei, printed from tbt atereottrpt Hate ! 1 "rmon will be prracktl b tW Bar. John oi ihe itocicty, oromrrwiM obtained for etreti. , " wir. - Ulion (luriiiir the ten t ear fjf the iociity'ieiii. , TW .Vi4nary fiorirty t Korth Carolina lence. '" " '." ' " ' mM l' annual meeSu: duiifta? IW fwm Ifie ipoattdVy of the Socie- ,iow phr aymtk Ttitfra tr, durinr tbt year cloang on lb Unit of Mar, " i-wrumwir-aaaa Of ittaitrts. F.I TETTErTLLE PhlCES, Srpt. I A Jtmt to Drwlurd The Grand Ju ry of Guillor J coin.r, in ihiUat,preaen ted Juror !j. being intoxioied in the jury-box, anH the Court fined him ffly Mollar$i the fine U to be remitted to one rlolUr, if the Juror will piote to next Court that he ha$ kept sober since the last term. . The Rank of Augusta has given notice that all chance bill of that inaiitution, which are auspiciously patched, or pieces thereof, will be crossed on. presentation, u there are persons who take pieces from several bills to form ao additional one. J. HDnha flam.The Cincinnati Ga zette states that this miserable wretch died on Sunday, 30th ult. in the jail in Kea tucky.of the wound inflicted on bimseK tome week since. ; We undersland that tlie elepant Map f South Gsrolinit lately published, cost the State about $90,000, and the 'Map of "rVrginiaalsd. lately published, cost, .that . State about g 65,000.. It is hoped, though .this Sute.has.'tlW coihllig to aid one of its citizens in his design of publishing a like besBtifui and correct Map, . that the Mi"'1iiten11fftrdnize''s0 desira ble a wprjf ; . cee 05c rrc r7 A-respectable old lady of Philadelphia "was run over by the stage at Uoroentown b which accident both legs were broken. uer age renders per recovery ooubttui- tenth year of the Society'i exiitence, 16,347 Bible and Teatamenta, and parti of the latter. were eratuiuuily diatnbuted by the American Bibb Society throurh the ineana of iti auxiiia- ...1 ..! :...i::j...i. t : .i.. ikii iiu ui liiuup iiHiiviuiuua, kiiuui in me ciuse of religious and civil liberty. During the urn! period, 54 Societies were eatabbilied auxiliary to the Parent-Institution, making the whole number of auxiliary Bible Hocietiei in the United State, on the first of May last. Jive A rfrro and mx, 1 lieae Societies are located in every part of our widely extended land, and un der, providence, are the mean of ipreading the meliorating virtue of the Gopel through every clans of our population. Cotton, 8 a Rli floor, inc. 5 a 6. inner. fine acarce, R74 1 beat, fl a 1 iSt whiAev, i5 to 55 ( peach brandy, 6) a 70 1 apple do. 55 60 ; corn. 90 a 9J( bacon 1 1 14i aJt, Turks hland, 75 a 85 per bu tb. i molanei. 40 42 1 1 aunr, muscorado, 10 a 11 1 coffee prime green. 1J Wr 2d and 3d -tmbtvl IS r tea, hjton. fci w iiwi naxaeea, js , taijow, n 12 oeeswax, SO a 32; rice 3 50 ta 4 per 100 lb iron, 5 a 6, pr, 100 lb. i tobacco, leaf, 3 a4 manufxetnred, 5 a 20 pr. ca t OinT. Rrmarkt. Corn i more plenty and declin ing; some of the new crop baa come to market, CHARLESTON PRICES. SWr. I. Cotton, S. Inland, 23 a 30 aluned do. If a 12 Maine and Santee. 17 a 20 cts.i abort ataple, 8 a 10 cents i Wluikey, 33 a Ji cent i Bacon, 8 Uttagh AuliOTart ?vkrr, U Iht Cio- , vtr) cm. a be ftt .ml gre.frw mWr nirmon oi me irr people ol color ol Ibe failed Siaiea, l.etd h, (iuilford county on the 2 ! inCant, it was riot fi, bv the Society, to refer to the Hoard of Managers the subject of drilling a memorial or petition to our enral Assembly, to request the Gener al Government 10 employ a part cf the N'avy of the filled States', in aiding and misting the Americao Colonisation So ciety Jo rtmote the fiea people of Colour to ha Colony in Africa ; and thai ibey re port the same to the next met ting. The dmrritan Coftfrct Drfittfiri, i which lately met at lru:iu, had- ad- owmed its seisiona to a more healthful portion, in the Tcrriiory and mar the Ci-y of Mexico. General Holivar'a presence in 'he dis affected fjliarter of lolombu, nheie he a recently expected, will probably, ere thisrbate tstorxd tranquilit there, and a due submission to the Cuiiaiituiioo and laws of the State- Nut. Journal, 1th iml, IW fvnih of the American Society depend principally on remittance! from auxiliaries for books obtained, and on donations and legacies from pious and benevolent individuals. The twtimitt.. I. hm I.V. ipwiat bt4nr in mntinfl- ing a 4etimmil of afhtio to the Bible !p-ot bv a atuten of our own state ; L)r. l.htu Javei of Newbern, in April, 1826, presented to the American Bible Society, ten snares in the capi tal stock of the Bank of Newbern i which, at par value, are equal to giuoV. These resources which would appear to W so uncertain and precarious, have nevertheless furnithed the means of accomplishing all We have described, and even morei of shedding the liirltt of the gnapet on many obscure placet on a Bister-continent, where hope never before nad come. ... r Dunoff the tenth Tear of the Soctetv'a exis- tenne tta income waa about K57.00U : and its ex- pcnditnre., bich' cWeflj' consisted in brintlng Kibles and ew-1 estaments, waa nearly about tlie same. Thus we aee the great work gomg on in our own country ; but altho' much baa al. ready been done, much yet remain to do. The diMribution by the Ammoan Bible Society of more than half million of Uiblea and Teatamenta, has not supplied the demand. The call is still incessant, and it ia thought tbat double the num ber wlw annuallyJssued by theAmdcanJibJel Sucietv. mieht be distributed in our own coun try, -with great benofit tothe people." i 9 1 Hams, 1 1 a 12 ; Lard, 94 a 10 J ; Bagginr, Dun dee and Inverness, (42 inch,) 21 a 23 ; Coffee, Prime Green, 17 a lo Inf. to good, 13 to 16, Georgia Bank Bills. 1 to Ij percent discount. North-Carolina Do. 4 to 5 per cent, atcount. Cttttm. If e repeat the general quotations of last week ) which, however, must be considered as nearly nominari Very few sales" hive been made, and thoae quite limited in extent. No ceived, but we understand some wagon load are now on their way to town from the midland dUtricts. Flour .The Stock continues fully adequate to the wanta of the city, and there ia little or no demand for exportation. Prices are about (lie same aa last week, - Corn, The stock on had ia still increasing, and the demand for consumption rather limited. We quote it at 60 a 65 cents. 'CAMDEN JPRICESi Srpt. Cotton, 7i a 8! corn, Rl 12 a 111 ; b&con 11 to . 12i ; whisxet', 45 to 30 ; brandy, peach ,65 a Z 5 i bru,dy. apple 60 651 tallow 1 1 a 12; Hour, 6 50 to 7 50 ; tobacco, (manufactured) 12 to 15. .... - chEBAW, SEFTKMBEB . 8. ' Corn, and Corn Meal, command g I by the load, and 81 25 by the bushel-'-Flour sells at 88 per barrel, the supply in market of each is limitedr Bacon 12 cwtorwiftu'e retdU. 1 tyteiator. We have received, by the packet ahip Montano, Caiin Smith, Tafia papers to the 14th, and Havre to the 25th of July, inclusive. 1 1 was said that the Janizaries of Phil lippulis and Adriaanple were ia open rt bellion, and contemplated marching upon Constantinople. It is added, although with little degree of probability, that they had proposed to the Greeks to make com mon cause with tWm. The i'via Edit or remarks, that it is dtmtult to obtain correct intelligence, as, under the exist ing stale of altar , persons were re strained from writing. trnl with il Ifi purrlu Mlrrt lxki', but ibtic ait nib r awd rre(lk t pt-arifyl inlnrrmrnl, fr rilinn of Noi-lli rirolina t, purrbe ikkeis in this Nterv ftery emt ibti m riprndrd in ibis . irniirrrilv biraefii all the people in ibt fate, by tonmUtnug l4n ihr iitilil.rtlMtn nf a rnrrwl "IliWory of North Carotins," and will slo minbtrr to the relwf of rme tf the most evtecroed and mr -ful riiiiMis nf the sle. By irferenet lo ibe srltem!, U ill be ee n tbat the Brt drawing of ttie tttery uke pkK this wrrk; tbat 5i ticirii y,l b dran out on vL dai'a Jfaing, tbat 1 ds J .inif will complete !e a Wlci auJ tbu lle S.0(J pwire remain it the vbeel till the but dir. Ilie driwhig will W completed eafl) in lceii. brr : and the M'ery k ma.e ricbrr by every disainp, ibe pnee of iKktN nay rue after a frw driving i sa thai thine ftbo aiili Ii4ak a c'lancr fir's fr sote of iir Mi-.m dtflurt ' WtniTI iTu tl Id ptlrrtiiw bl fore ticlei' ri. .viiMirri, .t-. y, 18:6. mr "lirrr.L enmmrnre on WedntnUr, the ?5rh .1 1 . dii of Octuhf lull, auJ coiiOhiw threo dt. -- - . rrrrr ifcf- 1 ile 'f4 8?A t'vi mile ImiI; rn'raceto subscribers Wi non-snbwribt'ii f' '- A'f.m iow A I'urr nf 1M, mile beatv free fvr at th'r.g erept tl e winning hore on the prertding iliv; rnt-snct to ulFeribcri gl5, to non-auh4f riben 2.1. 7'AjWii.y - Tlie Pmprirlor's Pnre, foe the rnlmnce money of Ibe three dav, mile hraia. bt-at Ilr4e in five i m c fur any ilang raised and owned tn Howan emirrtr . rrT Horses to b entered for the rW arnl arcond !y'a raeei before aun-act tW evenings' ptcvirmaly. E. YAKBHOUt.lI, 'r.nVrr. Suhihuty, JT. C. e. 6, IB.'O. House l.ot for 8te. riHF. aubscriber widies to sell her ffuute X and Im in the town of Salisbury i it is pleasantly luated on one of he main streets, lliree atiiiares southeast of the Court-llouae. fbc builUnier is to stane high, twenty-ciglit feet square, is well finished, and well adnpted . . I WtTBTfH. II laccunirnodafe cither aJurgeor mm J&mmXL ZTT, , .,i . ... :.. I AM IHC ncv-l "Ul uiiimings mic in g'ni ic- pairs Uiere is on tne loi, an exceucnt garacn tantfiilly laid off', and well improved, also, a great variely of fruit tree of the very best qual ity. Any person deslrom of purchasing a pleas ant dwelling in Salisbury ia invited to apply to the subscriber or at this oCice, as a bargain may be bad in the nreui'e. A-lonr will be gicn tor a part of the purchase money. Lt.l.Aiir. ill iunr.. Win, Sept. 13'i. 1826. '-'8tf N. H. If the armcmentibned boiie' aiid "lot fflflot drspOHedof l-prUi aaic, pictKMis. w 1 uesday of ibe next Tern f ow-i npc rior Cirt, Tit being tW lOlh.day' f ct. eti'. ing, the premises will be sold at pubhp aiktion, TIIF. iubscrilicr offers fur. lale hit land at Sneedoborough. 1'be rrsrt owiiaia about eetr hundred acrrt, near five hurdrrd of which is under cultivation ; fronts one mile and a quar ter on the River IVe Dee; two hundred acre of !ow-gronrtd. The improvements are a two tory Dwelling-f louse, with all the common ami necessary out-homes i a Crist-Mill, with twA run of atonea, and Saw-Mill with. one aaw, on the Yadkin Navigation Canal, mhieli runs through the premises, and afloids a full aiip. nlv of water at all times. The water-power for machinery ia equal to any in the Southern Statca, liavibg the advantage of navigation from 's, and no elianee or oeing rtvallen. 1 he aituaiion is high and healthy, and' bas a number of.ntver-faimig Springs. Terms of payment, and further particulars will be made knovn on application' to the aub scriber on the premises. WM. JOHNSON. Snetihburu', Jmon county, 6t32 tn the hirb',t hiddrr. I". T. fttone I Awie f v v sale. THE subscriber living in Stokes county, has on band a fresh kiln of stone lime, of a au pcrior nualityubout 1000 bushels, wlifeh may be had at his uoial sclllnff pntc by application at his limekiln on Snow Creek. r 3J3"tfAftTrN-.Wr. Stftembtr, Uth J826,' . ?M StaM A'artfi-CaroUnaf Cabartut taunt y GOL'KT nf Pleas and Quarter Sessions, July term, 1826.' JosephToung. Asalliomp koiu X)riirial Uttachment. levied on Tan Yard. Jie, It appearing t'C"S.1?S'fVctiin if thu; court, '.b (he dt'fi.'mliiliu,!.ii.caT i not an mliabitunt of this stae t 'tfrdertd, tliPrdore, that publication be mude tit wet-kin the' Hftttrn Carolinian, notifying naid dt.fi irlant' tbut unlesa lie appeal at bur next court of plea's and (jiiartcr sessions, held for sitid county at the. court-home m : Concord, otr tbfe third Monday tit October next, then and there replevy, plead or demur, otherwise Judgment will be taken by default,; and execution awarded aecdrdingty. t.WLrOWOrA4 Price adr. 2. f-t.'8 -.' 'I i .V ' i t , ' ' . - h - t T ff r i. f . - i f I, , . . 4 . "i j. - - . 1 ' ' U :' it i r" ij ' V ) ' i ' 4 I ?fc. IH 1 ii . '

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