..-. f r . it - - . I - if cYm f. .1; ftFfiiii .ftiDrrifr . HAM8IIUKY, N. CTUi;HI)Ay,HJI'nv3inHIt 25, 182d.. VOL VJI-.-.S0.313. - a. n i w a f f I i Am I i.a a I r - l - J r - .1 . r a a i . WDMC4.)Mjllmr4. l'WPa M 14 "he JlHt wiUkl Mlffl wko WM 13 U Jl Jal 17 mm rmpmr m .mm upu I PC vj I ' l . - - . ... I - . , w , , IAa iiMitaMiiy U-rau tSTrr.TiQttTTU4 tofrJflBWf iU ittant f k rtat MilMfi.ii .k...ur.l 7 " . II - "f. rpafw - - - a. - r i a - - - r - r i iiru nvmrr t mm ru r at iu.i .. . i wu as nruri iila. i... . 6ft tavt Vwm Tkt Bfilo!0' ,Bf arrovat, lie u,m . ,k- k IMKlHllMllM.'' ! I ttltltfV. IftJ Lift Mntkf.M Lk I it.k . J. . a V J, kU I til f J Uff- Ittl MlJ. Wtft OUlT' f MK .!. H C0lk i 4. -; TV f. rwt f ilm JRtnv44f mI Wftrti-kritm. tfiwr-ztttti tr ACTuotrrr or tui : BUie .LQTTZJT 1 J f U. 11...tU I w imm mpyfri i p f i vmmmimm imnm Al-rm Ml . .Ertirnr, t Mm nan i t w 1 Sjouo JO PjQ 19 IJ 4) 1U0 W M u f4 J XUBaliipftUwiilf eM4nUlrr, UIm4 In lb form t Prvrkkftcl cariBoottn, it r ana nrii KUramrow wi iock ! iu rocQr ft,.; k(MU W44. iUlU,,!; pof dot. Thr f jor g -ill ietr r- Irtin f not rtt tdowvtW rn bff. nd ib mSiJ, I( hn Ura wlnr M y f III ckm It 1 U. m other dmm ! UJt for I feel J ?tr prKtJc' it nar U cwertttU ihry loth U iowxi t. f.0 K W Me oirf4 U tH lufbcri la mat! utrrma r " SS 1" "P b wtcr m Utt IM rtWk mtrt mwir of pofi, of fan m4 froiklikt boat ii tank f Wlxn iH Mij0r " mu.t.Mg. Ijooo U i4 fvo ct Bofv, (bu4 tVniMlfi Umoicuw. Ifiio mltcrtUf rtprt 'pwikftfd ber, be nid, 4 Now TMK itior.fl mU m.s-jitk. Xuoo irrt d ol OHf HM. TMftsvr of taiioofOe. Skeltxa'o vtiiury cbrKvnot rnti Mr D nuit mi ro f, 'dr ! (Ul pMr lono iU Znptn oulUtMntU itxtMrj, itr, U iiac to jp ikrtwtb tfco cwfHry f rMi .kiMK f . ii ?1'W ib okM U ik link. 1 Ji-pUf of Iho Projl.- tlaodird, dr,H l.ko nUit.rv uf, mJ oikiWi-' 'LA. U.ii! . .f. ?'.w-T!" l. Cr,k P.por MUI, oftwli 1. cmikI : I opwt iu rropncit anatro.i omwi nuiurr uuti mxj 1 .sit t; " . . . v Ail ju i j . & - ff tt t ii . ii . mi m m w vniiu ftiuiciunx Kirr ihoufdii i i. k .Mti l J5 of ihlr Srrtlto.M olrof tbro.. IW i iluUint; pUf t bo Mi t rljhi to di 'oold ilmoit l,H ne. She Jo. Incl.fi Uc. U bf o 6r diKot.r,J, cko tjgrjo bo JrdrUt Into fonmnntkm, Ko iwj (k tJU ouirofUlfi bato rif Kl ,Ua,I7 f0,ft "rapping wiko m ihttpiof oi tba ipJJtr, trd t IO.Wj by tkt Jtk of Haopon Kri)((4o, l,lbo blm u; u vagrant. L'ul U lowo D' I? tcd-oidf, for hit th mip or jarrip of Ik inikf , do H10 ioOSkcrlaibo TurtbliMrvkoMr bit cirai In tilt tAnnr iik Aa room nlt lo iheir own, od with lrtid kii b rotiodiho kd of ibo " IfiOO rifs lim Tm - -119,410 f wVxrj pd a dctcbnif nt of Too- of JKUon4bo llrroof New OrUv-. ft dtCicuIix the Rot bit promitc? to ,mf u,, "'p nf"r n o - IVXOCUUs 4 f t0r, W ll,l or .Aiiatki, ro landed oo thtlr ba F fa a pert imf rlenfeJ pttrfafi tPd fwW it botnf, - itwbol I U ki Uutn'mg. Tata f otsUl cofitiooatl til ' tUmkt $$ a rnt$ flank, wkkh tkejr immeJiitelr iml!od real bonefKlor to kit country, I in oer j lo mf youflg frlfol, I W TrWirnnd ntn)af null th TViHato U U a da-ta be Tb feel of lb-no point of lew incieutabie, anddliftaco- to meet at Leilh at ail o'ckxkr i" ,M 'kTa ri J"Ptlf cpMt4UlitmWlf. 41 ia 4cbar(ti on ik elm man of the rt- lul totho milw. Gen. Jboa hii i With rreit truth vou may iy rrur nTtwuI "r..... K h.J kImLn" uaaMMrr itantl; back lo their UrrKkvbe ra Ike anrbodr flu, for the DreUdeer. and kit . . v. . i: i. .:....i -x-i .... Tilt LAI DHAw.t TTCK.T OK Tlir I. 1 i r t ' .... 1. . . . . Tr drr. v.0 be tbWd a ftu9 f V; " IiwjI liar, J TWH tfar, JTMnkdajr Kztldar. KfUJ, . k " o ei im carter. " Jon a fame in bimi wauuiu.ir, mi omun- ipJ Sjmud Norood, workmen in k "Kia(aiy, - rb-toeoauiM a 0-ai, and aJlibekaada artvkipp iha ra." irmnaij, jjjw i "-"' "ct . 1 vcit mou- nign ana cniraioui cnaractr, oi on-1 lent norm aroar, and in an imtant the bu liirX. tlX.n TAW t.Ku)H. f?"""' ina 01 ma unerwera entrencheTin Ike iwndina: and uncomproreiunf laKrltf . i0j ,t that were io ' ' m-s nMitil. 1 MA " ' J lour protcftioo. and thnll any thing I in hit web, where rni it now hinalnr, anal W 1Z . 7Z .V; k . .1 1 1 . W h ' . "k' 01 u,f hirrxn toruu. il would! my death !; IM tpWer fccdin on kirn. Wkal it re- w r V .J. U. rk4 bf "Codatlon, tboice, and w,n not bCi to kf M Mr. JJA il " L'Ih . . J m.rk.ble. ia, t hanki. tiddrri. no, kirrtr rXJ0 ii inaouuan inj; now anaMefOI to AJiroi Mmtfl aten tbo toverfwent with . t J i. ihaa rommon fir 1 krv f an ho'fc Ui cattle and of tko pr incip! mov,,et, rf. iko amo iu.t and eUf Mrfttdrirwa, and k rjcn-U. g ih he -at pre. JJ JJ "'j L,7P .nJ J 2 r'wT,Utin ''T'VV lh 0' P1-. Mc- rented jo,n,ngthrm d . en, hi.aer. 'Xu alie-td by Wllilatu UU, Turkitk kittof. Ha ettrd ika .lik. kaaa iku Lr irkl hi. -.lrniil rant with it to Leah. I he moruior , ... . i . . i ., v w v n H 1111 ui i,a awt mm m j aai 1 1 ii iinraai iiii.aw a V tf w al M 11 " Ik " 'W it went to I iKa kf lrwt airtfl r ntVta mrra I On tat. 1 ClW lnr.la.nt. tat rinflA aaTV. favfaa l m avu a kTiAa aw . .a aw al. ik. iiaia a . v a 1 f i - ' i Crteeatb day. IfiOO Xa rfrAfl. .w a15 " , , . ' ,VpU ,Bf bc,B heard of, nor waa anv part of it ever in ( h.rlet.on had her reticule an.tchett rkday.. 100 eJ ,h .c74Krtloo a air and bonour.blo lupportto tbe can- f heard" ihe atory from from her arm bj a neKru f.Uu., b Altera day, J.0OJ f mbe, and the Janitianea prei- dkJatt of kit choice, wi tot cooduet , -"B M . ;..k m.f. Kl. .u-ana with h before atalatanco f,rmh dar. ' ,0:000 ted by the flame, ot ike 00. tide, and bimteir witk falrnet and booour J ho 'ddt lx )" Z Zi The Vocu lSri5- .wu, u ,u 2S J0 tM "rtnU'l 09 ,M her' ,0"rd InM oppont. -01 made me tupent.t.oui, but w,h & ttluJi. karo k ard Wrm a.i .o" dJ:nm."nVifli CA ' IfTt'' 8 I of d.rinC an act hero ahLrb hae. MTMnT.T.iin i,Si!S b)' Pov.deDce. vuaared hfd 4f ,feir in Mmo of our C?. naTaWjK R C. thHy rfart Ttl !l!L h A W i-C ""Heal letter TVrJhe.CPef. drawiar, aybjrtt fiaM linuw'i aivraav af Tat v. I, . . to a dweoant of fifteen nef cent. All pruea iiHoni or Ihelreorpi Itltloned Iberf 10 rJJ;: r.;i " . I k AA.nZ La Th4.r !. m tKi ITnltrd Srair. The Umdon Courier oT Iba Ull or Alar not oWadd within twha moniht fj. the join them to procure revence. Another K i W , t l "f Mi Convent Garden, about ootnnMionor tbadraaW.win ha cWIcrrd .ra -h in i .k. 1 hom" Jtmtnoo. more nominal nobility than any couo- u h, Ml. iktrrita r lo ruinra "I"". . ,, .... fl. . I --' " at forfeited to the aar of the Lxtwr, J. WEBB, CafaWaa'aarr. gr.ar.a,, iras. wallv Rained jpmojitofie bhant or ware- houset, where they entrenched Ihem- telret, and bad not yet been wholly re I . . . r i I "-ik", -ft, - - iMUr fYinMr. Mrrttn ft ,tf. f4iaj. V "7 " w""u 'tK",u,,lE per pound-STffl fit' WUr (pillXat aVoiA .'. a creation, fcvrry ejovernor n fj-lqUin and 'tnmberHrt fire thillinetan tent : every itidee, aenator. and rente, louace." What crodieal luxury. What Tm atteirtMnc tht N'orth Camnna public, Iduecd when the advicei came away.-. I The pHic paper,roy dear friend, an-jtenlative ia Honor aide ; and every profligate eitrivaijance ! aTTTipfnniiiyiavIIMwu.erorai.)r achfaa, The Urand Vltier had ettablitked bit "an" " ''' 0I. w"cn yojr lei- junice of the peace U; dittinguiihed m www I"- in-vw '"U W liatk BW f Wl M M (a M A I A a. a B B . a. .J. IICI UI VLIUUC I l'lll UaU I V VU ajflWl UIIIIIIUU1 I I - l I .1 L - I . . a t, ,laoiad, aaa i kihe aklrf iW. ,ne "ivamc uue oi prr.- The aouadron of Lord Cochrane Va fhndty lo the intrteat of litemMrw ami icier, , xno iitproarome, wnere ine "J ".Vv"-j' 7r viUTr 1 f "VOhUes ahouW be carelulljr ,bout to be re-inforced by two ateatstwatl k diicouraeed, and the dangeroui at. and a 7. I ,nii f,,i -l.. -oli k. lumptiona by every real friend of lib. The Comtitutionel It e p-tged that k. trfAlm,i ..,r. ertr ODDosed. They are the firat ? purchase peace wrh m- . . . r . I a I L 1 . . . 1. 1 . ...... a.k I'lFIBt IIT 1 IICT 1IH V ITIOE I laV UI U JJJ f rf a i . a Bji..UAaak.Aaa,.iiaaiA a i rat na ai n ivnirn rai rrniiiiiii aim m iia.aai in i v i .' ------- - enramneu mine internal rmirt ni ihi,v,,"h t r .i.i.:. Serawlia. iu twi iiaul IIiil.arharifT.I Mmo triala have taucbt me that, for iHi to boliahine; ihe whole corpt of Janituriea iwaieaturable, Ume and t Jence are the forever, and conferring many of the priv- onlJ "ledtcinet. I will not therefore, by tleirea which they enjoyed on the con- utelett condolanceavopen abeih the alui- milE anbacriber offer, fur aafe hi. Lan.1 at querora, with the name of Mkeri Ma- c" m 7r nor' ",uw nf..nR X 9need.boro.irh. The tract containa about homedie Djcdii Mantourri? or the new ,nce,e' my lean, wmo JOirt, will 1 aay eAimiiWacm, near fire hiimlrrd of whicli Victoriout Arm v of Mahomet. The ah- " worf mor where wort, tr '" i buf ra under cultiratiim t frnnta one mik and qhar. 0ion 0f tre Jani$uriet wit to he car ,h,t '( " m9 com'ort t0 u both, lhal c7lTw!rerTl!!mn r5cd In, Immediately throughout term ia not very diitant, at which we r.i?MT,,e '.'."'V" lmo .ha .mnira. h.u nnl. in ire to depottte, in the aame cerement, aaaa) iai nauuw eaaarvew VI I lie j r i ear man V UU lias r Jk , . , conacnted to act it Cormnittonef in tha man. PrJionera were every moment brought t"nne,'on blcn rataent of lha Uttarr, ia a aufiWwt pW.I-e bt whoao held were irnmediitely out he,r 1 know we"1 . ofttMifairnwawUh which it will bf coa;J.iceU. 0(f. The Sultan and hit Minitera were what you ba A. D. JuTRPfTf Y 77rlffi in tbta Lottery for l at the ofTkfe of the Wrttrrn Cimlinian, and by Mr. Charlra fihf r, iml other, ?aUburjt. 31 Land fttid MUs for 8ac. HIE anbacriber offer fur al hia Land at roues in wnicn a repuouc auvancra iuii , " .... ........... arittocracy, thenc lo monarchy , and f ,m 7 eJr' od n8lec M debt norr iiweiiinir.Hauae, wiui ill ine common inu I - - ",fc. . . .ar.-i- l h.. . r-,,'T.V! . n.M;n -:,k inbduod at Conatani nnnla. nA th.n. " torrpwi and OUT-auBerlng botllet; ran of Btonca. and Saw-Mill with one aw. on were lifi ortai itatbned in varioua ci nd 10 cendi in essence, to an extatio the Tadkin iNaviffttion Canal, -which fun hie the measure waa not likelr to be mec,'nK " the friendt we have loved uiwiLii uw picnuan, wiu uunu iuii aup ply of water at all limea. The water-power for 8TK rWtt Jul, O-Upto the 9.st of PPorl U J" IK. '.ll. . . -I. -f L! ...11. .... ik... k.J ..I k..n ... ... ... .. .. '-, The situation ia kijrh and healthy, and his a at Constantinople. The standard of ihe number of newlinff Spring Prophet, which waa planted in the fore criberonthepremiaet. VI. JOHNSOJ.'. the Wosque of Achmet, formerly the Bnet&Btrt,; kfiaM tiimiy, . , 6t32 Church of St. Sophia. It ia estimated Jngvtt 30th, 1826. I that near 5000 Janissaries had fallen un- f aeTThTiwordof The BosungincK Those REMARKABLE DREAM. Being in company the other ify when the conversation turned upon Dreamt, I related one, which, is it happened to my own father, I can T1..k , .1 rt.,MU A .... rTJir""?. . ' : answer for the truth of it. About the aukcu ui itik vuktikitavkckk Riueq oeyona tna xaurre amouni 101 r , n r rwwn.t.- t.:tf,n. k r.i. . i .,. o,k year 1731, my father, Mr. U. of w lira ataia vt tuwaii vuuiiyi aw w wa i. i a itv w ui a vvy was via viiv wui i raf L. 1 I 1 IJkhof Auguat,1826,a neffro man. who Lf Jm,e ,hat ,h8 Rus$ian Autboritiea at K in the county of Cumfterlancl, inch ince. a hknemfa , Xf cr. 22 yeara olil, 5 feet t 0de44, received tho first news of the came to Edinburg to attend the das !?h'w?he' acene. it Constantinoole. The aea, haviriefhe advanta of an uncle meet m me auiio oi worrw i w owigui y - . - . . r' i . a- .u r.-tL 4fttl4 Jnhnnn. tact tmv!nt rif lla h William detain tio not differ rrom other accounts in tne recimeni tnea a. inc uaauc, oa,at Charlotte Court-IIoiiae, Tirginla. .I1ie I which .have been published, except that and remained under the protection of owaer ia required to come torwara, prove they announce that the palaces of aome his uncle and aunt, Major and Mrs. f lh. great dignitaries of the Porte had Griffiths, during the winter. ' When S!St&J JrPr?.eQ!;lh snrine arrived,:Mr J). jwxUhree, m ..." ..A r.r ' Fniu-" vonn a trcntlemefl I Votlcc. falllE eopartnerahip in the, Mercantili bvuntn X .at Concord, Cabarrus county, under the nrm of Murphy If Bttwn, will be ditaolred about the 20th dav of October next, br mutual cohient. An piersoh. Mebted lo findinc tho means bft eveninff from so TTX9B sending leuerrta London. Mr. D-. said.' We have made a party ConconUy We or otherwise i and those ban -, . , ; to go a fishing tploch-keith to-mpr- inr-cuims, are requeited to present them. CAJIRTIA 0 JOKES TOO FM. . rovvn tne inonnngnsjincfiinur nave JOHN MUAPHY. 15d2 WILLIAM BttOWN. That who earn worthless vagabond, John Pluck, bespoke our boat we shall be off at ii9ittUiuifkel.aiomroUsJoB six, No objection being made, they from monarchy to oppression and ex travagance. We have such a squeamish venera tion for epithets, that whenever we End a man 'SquirM, CapuinM or Co lon t I'd, we immediately attach a little more importance to him crouch acd fawn around him, and seek to have a share in his good graces, and in cases of the least difficulty we counsel him, as though his new title bad brighten ed his intellect, or by some magic charm had conveyed to him a world of knowledge. This seldom fails to fill him with a high opinion of hia own dignity, and makes him- important and authoritative. .T.ROXAUTIC XAVIQATIOX. According to a paragraph in the New York Times, a memoir on the upward forcer6Tflkrtds7by"Mrtlenetnf-Albanyi former minister of France lo this coun trr. contains among other projections one for navigating the air with speed, safety, and accuracy, upon a scale which entirely throws in the dark the puny balloons of the present day.- The weight of the aeronaut, without appurtenances, is to be 13,400 pounds, leaving Vaurplus levhw for freieht, oasseneers, horses and accommodations, of 60362 pounds, Thtfibmof inflated. while in colm weather eight large fins of oiled silk will be worked by two horses, traversing cm a borionuUwheeband giving to the whofe a forward mption With fayorabje winds it will a borne due France. Letters from Rome, received in Parity state lhal the Maatacre at Mitsolonghl made to deep an impression oh Leo X. that ii wis in contemplation lo address a tetter in favour of the Greeks to all tha Christian Potentate. The Mexican government hat seised! all the properly belonging to the lata firm of U. A. Goldsch'midi and Co. ini the territory of that republic. Extract f a Itttrr rtctivtd y tS in f Sirphf Girvri,frm MutaniQt, ttuttit the 234 intl. "Our communication to Havana hn been interrupted ; the Government hav ing stopped the private mail, and we bavi not had a steam boat from thence for a fortnight one of them his been taken by a British sloop of wurin consequence of having a lot of Arw Xegroti on board, as passengers we know not what has been done with her. . "Jlicagi last tiles i coflee 6 s 7 cents a not tood ; molassei 4rs. t muscovaeo very scaree, the Stephen Girard takes every hhd. we cob Id find in market. Wri'rd Printer-One. day last week; a young man, a printer, at Bordeaux, whr entered into contest with another per son 4 to who could drink the trreattlt number of glasses of brandy, died after having drank the twenty-seventh. i f We-never be'ardof a more .OWrrf , primet..inao this., itja njpco jnwi mo nraie-way Bot inwi our cis-AiianUc compositors. J A. ii .nq - From the times of Grotiul, to the pres ent div, says Professor Lee, of Cam btidge, (Eng.) we can scarcely find ono original commentator on the Bible ; ang many, even of his remark) have becu harrowed from the h .

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